TMNT Season 4: Sweet Little S...

By AnimeKokoroLover100

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The turtles, Myra, and the others set out into space with the help of a being named Fugitoid to go back in ti... More

Chapter 2: The Moons Of Thalos 3
Chapter 3: The Weird World Of Wyrm
Chapter 4: The Outlaw Armaggon
Chapter 5: Riddle Of The Ancient Aeons
Chapter 6: Journey To The Center Of Myra's Mind
Chapter 7: The Arena Of Carnage
Chapter 8: The War For Dimension X
Chapter 9: The Cosmic Ocean
Chapter 10: Trans-Dimensional Turtles
Chapter 11: Revenge Of The Triceratons
Chapter 12: The Evil Of Dregg
Chapter 13: The Ever-Burning Fire
Chapter 14: Earth's Last Stand
Chapter 15: City At War
Chapter 16: Broken Foot
Chapter 17: The Insecta Trifecta
Chapter 18: Mutant Gangland
Chapter 19: Bat In The Belfry
Chapter 20: Super Shredder
Chapter 21: Darkest Plight
Chapter 22: The Power Inside Them
Chapter 23: Tokka VS The World
Chapter 24: Tale Of Tiger Claw
Chapter 25: Requiem
Chapter 26: Owari

Chapter 1: Beyond the Known Universe

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By AnimeKokoroLover100

Captain's Log, star date, no idea. The evil Triceratons, a race of aliens from across the galaxy, invaded Earth. They wanted to wipe out their ancient enemy, the Kraang, so they unleashed a black hole weapon that destroyed both the Kraang and their secret hiding place, Earth. We lost our friends, our allies, even Karai and Master Splinter, our father, are gone. And so was my sweet baby, Boris. We were only saved at the last second by a mysterious robot called the Fugitoid. Now, we have no idea what adventure lies ahead of us. And I'm not sure I like it.

I finished writing down in a spare journal that Fugitoid had lended to me. He said I could keep it and use this as a replacement to write in. But it was hard for me to stop crying and staining the paper with my tears while we all stood around in the main room, all of us still mourning our losses.

"Alright, Fugitoid, or whatever your name is, what just happened?!" Leo turned to look at the white robot.

"This has got to be some kind of sick joke, right?! RIGHT?!" Raph yelled, standing up from beside me and started to frantically shake the robot's shoulders when he was suddenly slapped.

"Calm down, Raphael. First things first. I have a job to do. Now, please, I've got a ship to fly while you all stand about gawking."

"That's not good enough. Where are you taking us?" April demanded to know.

"All questions will be answered in time. Hold on to something! Oh, too late for that. Apologies." He started up the ship that began to vibrate and fly through space at rapid speeds of time.

Everything went completely fast that we nearly dropped to the ground until the ship suddenly stopped.

"What... what just happened? We're actually alive?" Raph exclaimed.

"I think we... we went back in time, about six months, based on where the Earth is in its revolution around the sun." Donnie stated, pointing out the window where we could clearly see that Earth was back in place, completely fine and restored.

I widen my eyes in shock, my spirits living up slightly at the thought that everyone was alive and well. Karai, father, Boris, our allies. Everything was restored! But... how?! Can Fugitoid really control time like Renet?!

"Six months? Then that means everyone's back? Including Master Splinter?" Leo asked, beginning to smile hopefully.

"Yes, Leonardo, but only for six months, and then, the Earth is doomed once more. Apologies." Fugitoid replied.

"I get it. We stop the Triceratons before they ever get a chance to use the black hole on Earth." April concluded.

"Indeed. The Triceratons are spending this time searching the universe for the three fragments of the black hole weapon. Many years ago, the Utroms broke the machine into three pieces, hiding each fragment in the safest parts of the galaxy they could find. We must find them before the Triceratons find the fragments and reassemble them." Fugitoid explained to us.

"And if we mess up, we just time travel back, right?" Mikey asked.

"No, no, no, no. A black hole prevents repeated localized time travel because even time is subject to its attraction. If we fail, Earth is lost forever. But on the bright side, whoever gets a second chance?"

"Then that means we have to make this count! We have to! For father, Karai, Boris! Everyone!" I stated determinedly.

"So why do you care, alien robot dude? Why are you helping us?" Casey asked.

"My name is Professor Zayton Honeycutt. I'm a friend to the Utroms. It was Bishop who sent me. And, plus, I've always wanted to see Earth. Have I mentioned I'm both scientist and a cyborg. Observe." His robotic head detached apart to show that a human brain was actually placed inside him. So he wasn't a robot, but a cyborg!

"Dude, I wish I was a robot with a human brain!" Casey exclaimed.

"Ooh, what if we had robot brains? Bitty-bitty-bitty-bitty bop." Mikey and Casey then began to act like robots.

"I just wish you guys had normal brains." Raph rolled his eyes at them, causing me to slightly laugh.

I can't believe that things were already starting to look up for us.

He turned and gave me a small smile, reaching out to grab hold of my hand and intertwined our fingers.

"Everyone hold on to something." Fugitoid warned us before getting into place. The ship then takes off, light years away and entered the galaxy.

We all marveled at the many stars and beautiful planets that we could see once the ship came to a stop, just steadily cruising through space.

My eyes widen in awe, approaching the massive window as I stared out into the vast open sea of space itself. Mom told me many stories about space and how beautiful it was. She's never been, of course, but she showed me pictures. And she always said that those we love watch down on us from the stars. And I believe that right now my many ancestors from my past were watching me now. So I knew I had to remain strong for them.

"Wondrous, is it not? Titanic gas giants, neutron stars on the verge of collapse, swirling cloud nebulas where baby stars are being born." Fugitoid told us, but I wasn't paying much attention.

Raph stood beside me, not noticing he was looking right at me instead of looking out at the many stars and small planets until I noticed his reflection in the window, seeing his green eyes staring into my blue eyes that reflected the many stars and swirling gases in my eyes.

He lifted his free hand up, gently cupping my face and leaning his head against mine, placing a small kiss on my temple. "The stars really make your eyes glow."

I lightly blushed as my hair fell in front of my face but he brushed my hair back behind my ear. I lightly smiled up at him, feeling my heart pounding against my chest. We've never been this close together before. And he was being more sweet and genuine opposed to the other times where he was flirty and teasing. But I didn't mind it.

He was about to lean in and place a kiss on my lips when the ship suddenly jerked hard, causing me to fall and topple against him as the alarms started blaring and the ship was pulled to an immediate stop.

"What was that?! Professor?!" Donnie called out.

"Wonderful. Could you assist me on damage assessment, my friends? I've plenty of space suits to wear." He offered us.

"Space suits?!" Mikey gasped excitedly.

We were led to a different room that was filled with space gear and weapons. We all started to freak out at the sight of it all.

"Dudes, I think we just hit a level nine Booyakasha!"

"No way!" I laughed when Raph and the others immediately started to browse over everything that Fugitoid had.

"Astro-Suits equipped with oxygen convertors, gravity boosters, and even alien language translators." Fugitoid listed as everyone suited up in their space gear.

April and I gave each other a small look, high fiving before we went off to find our own gear. When we were finally dressed, we came out and strutted out in our gear.

April was dressed in a bright yellow jumpsuit with a laser gun attached to her thigh. She posed with the gun being held in her hand as both Casey and Donnie fawned over her.

"Looking good, Red."

"Ok, you guys are creeping me out. Myra, come out."

"I'm ready!" I walked out wearing an all black jumpsuit with white accents and a belt to hold my newly technological invented laser gun, kinda like April's with my tessens tucked away in my belt. I even just finished tying my hair up in a bun so my helmet could fit on properly.

I looked over and I saw that Raph had a blank look of awe which caused me to blush until I noticed Leo was giving me the same look. "Guys?..."

They both immediately snapped out of their trance and looked at each other before looking away, trying to possibly hide their flustered faces.

"You, uh... ahem, you look good, princess." Raph stuttered.

"Yeah. Black... suits you well." Leo added.

I blushed more and lightly giggled, brushing my bangs out from my eye which only covered the side of my face again. Never in my life did I feel so... confident. And... sexy, even. I've never dressed like this before.

"Everyone ready? Ah! Do not stray too far from the ship. Seriously. This is my stern face. See it?" Fugitoid warned us but they didn't seem to heed it.

Instead they all went rushing past him, shouting and pushing each other out of the way to jump out into space first. I was the last one out as I hesitated to leave the ship. I watched as everyone just seemed to swim in the air, floating and flying around.

I let out a deep death before I went diving out head first, the gravity lifting my body up as I swirled around and gasped at the amazing sights and views of the stars. "Mère.. look at me. I'm in space, looking up at the stars. Are you there?... Can you see me?... I miss you, mère." I called out, reaching my hand out as if I could reach out and grab the stars in front of me.

"Whoa. So amazing! It's like a huge, black ocean that goes on and on forever. It's like a dream!" April exclaimed as she floated right next to me.

"This is nuts! Look at me, I'm flying! I'm Captain Ryan, hero of the galaxy! Oh, yeah!" Leo cheered as he went flying right past me, making me laugh as I knew he would be having his Space Heroes moment out in space.

"I don't ever want to go back into that ship. I just want to float off into the stars." April sighed dreamily.

I floated up beside her, grabbing her hand as we both began to spin around, practically dancing in the vast open ocean of space as we laughed. "I can't believe this. Mom always said to look up at the stars if I ever miss her. And now... I'm surround by them. She's here. Watching us."

As the months passed, April and I have gotten close like sisters. But her and I will always know that Karai will always and will forever be my real sister. But, who says that April can't be a sister as well? She was our first ever human female friend. And I'm not just gonna let that bond go.

"Is anyone going to join me in damage assessment? You should learn these things, people." Fugitoid called out, but we were all too busy just enjoying our time out in space.

I laughed and went diving down, spinning and twirling around like an elegant dancer as I made my ways towards Raph. "Hey you. Enjoying space?"

"Uh... not as much as I thought I would. But I'll get used to it." He smiled weakly.

I lightly giggled and grabbed his hand, just letting us fall into the hands of gravity and float us around. He gently spun me around and pulled he back against his chest, allowing us to look up at the stars as we just floated off into each other's arms. "I think... this is the most romantic date we've ever had.~"

"D-date? Well, if this is a date, then it's our first ever. Just out here, enjoying the peace, despite everything that happened... but we will save Earth again. That's a promise." He nodded determinedly at me.

"And I believe that." I smiled and was about to lean in to try and kiss him when our space helmet collided together. I laughed sheepishly. "Forgot about that. That's the first time something stopped me from doing that."

"We'll get used to it." He shrugged with a small smirk on his lips, just allowing our helmets to touch and lean against each other.

We stared into each other's eyes, the reflection of the stars bouncing off our glass helmet into our irises. His glowing emerald orbs practically had me hypnotized and I could tell he was the same, just staring into my sliver blue eyes. Until the moment was ruined.

"Asteroids! Big... huge... asteroids!" Donnie called out panicking.

"Language, Donnie!" Mikey scolded.

I gasped when I saw from the corner of my eyes that a giant asteroid came right towards me until Raph grabbed my hand and I was dragged back into the safety of the ship as the others followed.

"Everyone, to their stations!" Fugitoid ordered.

"What stations?!" Casey asked, referring to four other pods that were surrounding Fugitoid's main control panel.

"I don't know. JUST PICK ONE!"

Leo and Donnie paired up in the front left, Mikey was with Raph in the front right, April and I were in the back behind Leo and Donnie and Casey was the only one to his own station in behind Raph and Mikey.

April started to navigate which way the professor should turn before two giant asteroids floated near us, almost colliding together and crushing us until we managed to make it out in time.

I panted heavily as I tried to calm my racing heart, thinking I was about to have a heart attack.

"Haha. A couple of near misses with a few dozen planetoids won't deter us! Am I right or am I right?" Fugitoid laughed.

"Are you kidding me? We almost bought it back there!" Leo exclaimed.

"Exactly. Almost. 'Almost' is a beautiful phenomenon, isn't it?" He asked.

"We still need to refuel, Professor. What are we gonna do?" Donnie spoke up.

"Drop by an alien space port, of course. I mean there's one right there. No biggie. Planet Varanon." Fugitoid pulled up a holographic picture of the planet that we were planning to drop by at, showing us what it looked like and populated with.

"Your computer's data says the planet is home to space pirates, rogues, thieves, and smugglers." Donnie listed.

"I like it already." Raph smirked, making me laugh. Of course he would like something as violent and poorly described as that planet.

"Lovely place. Never been, but I've heard it's gorgeous in the spring." Fugitoid commented as her steered the ship down and landed in Varanon. Such a beautiful planet name but home to horrible people. But, I'm not judging. Even though I'm certainly not happy with interactions with anymore space aliens.

Once we got there we all boarded off the ship as Fugitoid saw us out. "This space port is not a part of the Federation, so do be careful." He warned.

"No problem, Fuge. We're out like vanilla ice. Peace!" Casey reassured, which, coming from him, wasn't so reassuring.

But before we could all just walk off Leo stopped us. "Alright, let's split up and check out the place. We'll meet back at the ship in twenty minutes. Cool?" He asked and everyone nodded before they went off in pairs.

Raph went with Casey, Donnie went with April and Mikey went off on his own. "Guess I'm with you." I smiled at Leo who smiled in return. Though I swear I thought I saw a hint of red on his face.

He held his hand out with I took, letting him lead me around the place as we just browsed around at everything we saw and the different kinds of alien life forms.

"This place is... strange. But... I'm not getting a bad feeling, so... I think we're gucci." I commented.

"We have to at least be careful to not run into anyone who can cause problems. So no getting into fights." He told me as if I was a kid being scolded.

"I know, Leo. I'm not seven. Jeez." I playfully rolled my eyes. But I gasped when I saw something over at a stall, running off with Leo tagging behind me. "Look at all this jewelry! That one looks like my necklace!"

"Too bad the Professor didn't give us any space money, but he needs it more than we do." He stated.

"Are you implying you would buy me something from an unknown planet that we've never been on?" I raised a brow at him.

"No! Well, that depends if what we buy endangers us or not. But I'm not-"

I cut him off with a laugh. "Relax, fearless. I'm just messing with ya." I playfully nudged his side then went back to browsing. I looked through many weirdly but beautiful shaped earrings, necklaces, rings, bracelets, and just other types of piercings and jewelry, not noticing that Leo was no longer beside me. "Leo, do you think this vibrant blue matches me or this jade emerald?" I asked, holding up two different necklaces up to my neck. I waited for his opinion, but he never replied. I looked around for him but saw that he was over by a bench, sitting down next to an alien lady who was chatting with him.

"So, uh... ahem. Uh, let me guess. Capricorn, right?" He tried to act all cool.

"Let me guess. First time you've been off your home planet, right?" The lady smirked down at him.

"Is it that obvious?" Leo chuckled. Was that idiot blushing?!

"Unbelievable...." I rolled my eyes.

"Men. Can't trust em." The alien lady vendor spoke up, catching my attention. "If you ask me, you deserve better."

"Huh?! Oh, no, no, no! H-he's not my boyfriend. I'm already with someone! That idiot is just my brother." I laughed, trying to ignore the blush that made its way to my face.

The vendor just smirked at me and I placed the necklaces back down in their cases before the ground started to shake when pounding footsteps came stomping close to where Leo and that lady were.

"Who's this Bleeb? What's the deal here, Valaxina?! I thought you were my Trebuton!" A giant alien monster growled. Wait... is that woman his fiancé or something?! Oh, way to go, Leo. You screwed up big time now.

"This stupid Bleeb is bothering me, Chupo. Could you stomp him for me?" She replied. Oh, that bit-

"Whoa, no. This is just a big misunderstanding. I was just asking for directions. Yeah and would you guys know where- AHHH!" Leo shouted as he went running with the alien chasing after him, leaving me behind.

"Unbelievable..." I groaned and shook my head before leaving the stall. Leo, I love you, dude. But you're on your own this time. Idiot........ fine! I'll go after him.

I started running after him, noticing that the others had caught up from trying to run away from their own messy situations that they got into. What? Was everyone now after us all except for me?! Seriously! Well, this is a foreign planet, so I can't exactly blame them for messing up.

"Um, guys, we got to move. Right now!" Donnie urged us.

We all went running away screaming, trying to make it back to the ship but suddenly stopped when I accidentally went running into someone, toppling over to the ground. I groaned as I sat up then backed up in disgust when I saw who or what I had run into. And whoever it was suddenly caused the aliens who were chasing after us to run off in fear.

Leo walked over, offering his hand out towards the alien creature. "Sorry, sir, she didn't mean-"

"Do not touch me, sub-creature! Do you fleshlings know who I am? I am Lord Vrinagath Dregg, ruler of Planet Sectoid, lord of all insect life in the universe, and bringer of your deaths!" He declared.

I continued to back away, feeling Raph grab hold of my arms to help me up as he glared at the alien. "Uh, could you hang on a second? I just got a phone call here from someone named I don't give a flying-"

"That's great. Thanks, Raph! Nice diplomacy there." Donnie quickly intervened, stopping Raph before he could say something bad. But I had to admit, it was hot.

"We've taken way tougher dudes than you, bug head." Casey stated smugly until he was immediately grabbed by the alien, hanging him upside down.

"Then you clearly have never heard of Lord Dregg." I gasped as he unhinged his jaws, ready to devour Casey whole before Raph and I went charging right at him.

"Let go of him, freak!" I slid down and swung my tessen at his legs, causing him to drop Casey along with a vial that shattered on the ground.

"My Maraklovan Star Spice! That was worth five million Zemulaks! You... you primitive buffoons! Vreen! Battle mode!" Dregg ordered his wasp insect looking minions.

"Okay. I sense we're gonna get our butts kicked in kind of a big way." April stated nervously.


"Get him!" Leo ordered.

We went charging at the Vreen creatures but they proved to be tougher than we though, but Leo managed to stab one down with his swords while I shot the other dead with my gun.

"My Vreen gone! You stupid, arrogant creatures! I'm not a being who forgives such insolence." Dregg growled in anger.

"And I'm not a being who tolerates bull!" I retorted.

"I will make your end swift!"

Everyone went charging right at him but were easily knocked down. I tried to sneak up behind him, shooting him down but to no avail. "Impossible! I hate aliens! WAH!" I yelled when I was suddenly tied up by his disgusting and weird spider like hands.

"What are you, some kind of Terran?" He questioned.

"I'm a half human half mutant hybrid! And back on my planet, we squash bugs like you!" I growled out.

"You kill insects?!" He roared in anger but I was suddenly cut free thanks to Leo.

"Let's go!" He quickly grabbed my hand and we bolted, making a run for it back to the ship as Dregg followed. "Fugitoid, start the ship! Start the ship!"

"Aw, great! I can't believe you ticked off half of the known intelligent races in the entire universe!" He exclaimed, rushing back inside to start up the ship. We were lucky he fixed it in time.

The ship flew off and back up into space, descending away from the planet but surveillance cameras showed that Dregg was in his own styled ship, following after us.

"What will it take to get rid of this guy?! Nothing is ever easy for us!" I shouted.

"Step on it, Fugitoid. Come on!" Leo urged.

"We need a few nextons for the tachyonic jump." He replied.

Dregg's ship flew closer, creating alien shaped like insect eggs that hatched into more Vreen soldiers to try and attack at us.

"Don't you got lasers or plasma rockets or something destructive?" Casey asked.

"Well, we do have minor defenses against space pirates." Fugitoid stated.

"Then what are you waiting for? Fire up those minor defenses!" Raph ordered.

"I'm on it, dudes! I learn quick." With a press of a few buttons, Mikey launched the defense systems, shooting down every Vreen in sight.

One managed to get inside but Casey swiftly and surprisingly took the creature down using an explosive photon puck. "He shoots, he scores!"

"Brilliant! Everyone, ready for tachyon warp!" Fugitoid called out and we disappeared out of Dregg's sight right before he could catch up to us.

We all sighed in relief then cheered for our triumphant victory against a space alien. It was weird, but it was a win!

I laughed and went tackling Raph into a tight hug which he returned, spinning me around and holding me in a dip position.

"Um, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but..."  Fugitoid pointed out at the window where there were Triceraton spacecrafts surround the Ulixes.

"Aww, space apples." Raph groaned.

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