A Wallflower's Bloom

By enaganda

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"Are you mad? I would never dream of courting Penelope Featherington." Brokenhearted from the words she heard... More

Chapter 1: London 1815
Chapter 2: Bridgerton House
Chapter 3: Cowper's Ball
Chapter 4: Twenty-four Letters
Chapter 5: Danbury Ball
Chapter 6: The Dances
Chapter 7: The Confrontation
Chapter 9: Unexpected Tutor
Chapter 10: A Suitor's Gift
Chapter 11: Lesson One
Chapter 12: Realization
Chapter 13: Bridgerton Ball
Chapter 14: Lesson Learned
Chapter 15: An Invitation and A Letter
Chapter 16: Tea Party
Chapter 17: Confession
Chapter 18: The Queen's Ball
Chapter 19: Public Confession
Chapter 20: The Aftermath
Chapter 21: Royal Retreat
Chapter 22: A Brawl
Chapter 23: Repercussions
Chapter 24: A Vulnerable Gentleman
Chapter 25: The Long-Awaited Response
Chapter 26: Secret Revealed
Chapter 27: Welcome Back
Chapter 28: Bonding with the Mother-in-law
Chapter 29: The First Kiss
Chapter 30: The Honeymoon
Author's Note

Chapter 8: Calling Hours

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By enaganda

Calling Hours

The morning next day had been truly eventful as there have been a flock of men rounding about Mayfair Street. Mainly, trying to show off their selves calling on the doors of the ladies that captivated them from the ball last night.

The Bridgerton House had expected the early morn to be busy. There were a few men who had come calling for Francesca, much to the delight of her mother Violet Bridgerton. Because of this, Franny's brothers were required to be on the drawing room to meet the suitors and chaperone their freshly debutante sister.

"Are you not planning to visit the Featheringtons brother?" Benedict asks his younger sibling as he sees Colin gazing at the mansion across the street from their window.

Colin Bridgerton could no more but let out a deep sigh as he realized how stupid he is and how awful he was as a friend to their dear good Penelope. His mother had already fully explained to him last night what transpired just after he left for Italy. Especially with Lady Whistledown's column bringing up how he embarrassed and put Miss Featherington down in front of his friends.

Violet had advised him to apologize and ask Penelope for her forgiveness. Violet Bridgerton have a very soft spot for Miss Featherington on her heart, as she had been treating the latter just like her very own daughter. She had seen Pen grow up together with all of her other children especially with her being best friends with Eloise. The former viscountess would not want to forever have their relationship with Penelope strained just because of the foolish remarks made by her son.

"I want to brother, believe me. I just not know what to do when I am to be in front of her." Colin looked away from the window pane as he takes a seat on the blue cushion of the sofa in her mother's drawing room.

Violet, who were sitting closely to her two sons reminded him. "I did say you are to apologize to Miss Featherington. Profusely." Lady Bridgerton emphasized while still maintaining her soft motherly voice. She would like to remain calm as a swan as there are still guests calling on Francesca at the other side of the room.

"I surely plan to do so mother. No matter what anyone thinks, I badly want to get her good graces back."

"So what reason are you still here? It's within calling hours, why not knock on their doors and start apologizing Colin?" Violet worriedly asks her son. If her third son wants to explain himself his actions to Miss Featherington, this should be the right time to do so.

Colin exhaled as he grabs a bite of the sandwiches offered on the table. "The Featheringtons seems to be busy this morning. I noticed a lot of men coming through their doors since earlier."

Benedict chuckled as he sees the defeated look on his younger brother. Colin is not one to be easily discouraged when things do not go his way. However, he noticed that when it comes to their neighbor friend Miss Featherington, his brother tends to fold in defeat so quickly.

"Is it not a good thing? As the emerald of the season, expectation to have suitors will be there. But they do not have a man in the family. It would be best if a man figure would help the Featherington ladies manage Pen's suitors. And who would be the best person is, than you who is close as a brother to Miss Featherington? Don't you agree mother?" Benedict says.

Violet Bridgerton contemplates on Benedict's words. Her son was truly right. It is difficult for a noble family without a man on its household to guide them through high society, a dilemma Violet does not have to worry about since there are plenty of grown and capable men under their family name, starting with her first born, the Viscount Bridgerton.

"Ben is quite right. I am pretty sure that Lady Featherington would welcome the assistance of a familiar man to help and guide her daughters with their suitors." Violet says in agreement as she picks up her cup of tea. She puts it on her mouth to taste the warm Earl Grey blend that their butler Humboldt had served.

"Then I will hear both of your encouragement dear family. I will come visit the Featheringtons to offer my deepest apologies, but first I must visit the florist in town. A man can not ask a lady's forgiveness without flowers at hand." Colin stood up and kissed his mother's cheeks as he leaves the drawing room.

Violet Bridgerton felt relieved as her third son left their premises. Upon hearing that the boy is planning to buy flowers for Miss Featherington, the former viscountess could not help but smile thinking that Colin was the same good boy she raised as a gentleman. As what a Bridgerton man should be.

Meanwhile at the Featheringtons

Just like the mansion across from them, the Featherington household were just as busy since the morning sun had risen. And Penelope Featherington, being the emerald of the season was all there is to blame. Her elder sister was able to have a man calling for her, a Robert Huxley whom she had danced last night at the Danbury Ball.

But what the dowager Baroness Portia Featherington could not help but be proud of, was for her youngest daughter Penelope. For today was the very first time she ever had callers on her name. For the last two seasons, though callers have come and go at their house, they were mostly for their cousin Miss Marina Thompson and few for her sisters. Today marks history as Penelope had fully launched herself on to the marriage mart with suitors to show for.

As soon as the clock ticked for the allowed hours for the morning calls, a handful of gentlemen had lined up at the Featheringtons' doors to come visit the esteemed emerald of the season. The family butler Briarly, had then led the men to the drawing room where Portia and their housekeeper, Mrs. Varley chaperones the two young misses.

Was it because of her daughter's big dowry at hand, the way she had changed her appearance with new set of clothes at her entire wardrobe, or because of the title bestowed upon by Queen Charlotte? Portia Featherington still could not believe how her youngest, Penelope, had changed how the gentlemen of the ton viewed the red-haired young lady overnight.

Regardless of the new turn of events, the mother of three could only feel thankful and proud that the changes surrounding her family's status right now are all positive and on towards the good path. Never had she thought that it is going to be Penelope who would put their family on the high society's good graces once again.

After spending their vacation at the country side, Portia noticed how confident Penelope had become, putting her timid self behind and started to stand on her own ground. As she watches her daughter entertain the suitors that come for her, Portia realized how worthy Penelope is of becoming a rare jewel of the season. As she talks with men lined up in front of her, Penelope smiles sweetly and gently, not giving much of her enthusiast but just enough to make the men feel like they have gained much of her attention. She sat there on the cushioned sofa poised giving off an aura of a very well-educated lady. The sun's rays shining through the windows, reaches her porcelain white skin making her visage more glowing and radiant. Penelope's tiny movements were so delicate and elegant, following all the rules of etiquette and propriety. She was so beautiful, her daughter, Penelope Featherington. That was all Portia could think of as she watches her youngest bid goodbye to all the suitors that came at that hour. Almost an hour had passed since the last batch of gentlemen came in to converse with Miss Featherington and it is just high time to have them leave as staying longer will be against the rules of decorum.

"Are you well, my dear?" Portia Featherington asks her daughter as she sees the sweet smile gone from her face. The dowager Baroness steps closer to the young lady as she feels her plump cheeks with her hands. "Good, she does not feel sick." She thought to herself.

"I am well, mama. I may just not be used to spending so much strength this early of day." Penelope says as a matter-of-factly. She slumped back on the couch as she felt the soft cushion by her hands. She felt no longer needed to maintain composure as she and her mama were the only two left on the room. Her eldest sister Prudence had long gone upstairs after Mister Huxley had come for the day.

"You did good, Penelope." Was all that Portia could say, kissing the top of her daughter's hair. Penelope was surprised to see this act of love coming from the baroness. Though their mother loves them dearly, she rarely shows it through physical form as she had brought them up sternly to her bidding.

And on that instance, Penelope knew that she had somehow made her mama proud. From the moment they were able to pay back all their family debts using her inheritance, leading to the ton's changed treatment to their family, and with the prestige that the Queen bestowed upon her as a jewel of the season; Portia could only thank the youngest miss as she had successfully saved their family from high society's animosity. All throughout her years as a Baroness, Portia only wanted for everyone to acknowledge their family fairly. They may just be lesser lords, but they were still titled and commands respect just like the Bridgertons. However, due to her husband's poor managing of their estates and addiction to gambling, their family had long fallen from glory.

But all of that has started to change this year as Penelope was able to improve the status of their household, making their family name to be included once again on the invitations list for the parties and balls of the prominent clans in London.

Just as they were to cherish a brief moment as a loving mother and daughter, the two Featherington ladies were interrupted by Briarly who had informed them of an arrival.

"My lady, a Lord Thomas Debling for Miss Featherington. He had brought flowers." The old butler said, looking at the two women while waiting for instructions.

Hearing the name their butler announced, Penelope could feel herself nervous in a good way. She had never imagined that Lord Debling would come visit her. She looked up to her mama to see if she would let the man in. It was almost time for lunch and kind of late for a morning call.

Portia took a deep breath, thinking quickly on her toes. Out of all the suitors who came to visit her daughter, the Earl of Beverley ranks the highest as he is a titled lord on his own right. It will be a difficult situation and would be a shame if she turns down the man's visit. She looked at her daughter's face and seeing that Penelope looks to agree, she had instructed the butler to escort Debling on the room.

"Lord Thomas Debling, my ladies." Briarly announced as he brings the man on the family's drawing room.

Portia and Penelope smiled and slightly bowed their heads as the Earl takes off his hat to greet them. He too, bowed as he apologizes for his late arrival.

"Lady Featherington. I am so grateful for letting me in despite my worse timing." The golden-haired man says politely to the matriarch of the Featherington Family.

"I assure you nothing to worry, Lord Debling. Our abode will welcome you always. Just what might be the reason for today's visit if I may ask?" Portia questions the man despite knowing what he truly came for. She just wanted his intentions to be heard clearly as to not make unnecessary assumptions. She had learned from the previous seasons not what to do when it comes to suitors.

"If I may, I brought flowers for Miss Featherington. I hope to spend a conversation to get to know her a little more." Thomas Debling's voice was so manly yet soft. His every word was so sweetly commanding that it echoes through the room.

"Very well, I'll be on this side to continue my embroidery. You two can go on." Portia moves towards the other end of the room where she picks up a fabric to continue the stitching she had left there. Penelope invited Thomas to sit on one of the sofas near the window so they can speak more freely away from the prying ears of her mama.

He then offered her the bouquet of fresh flowers he had brought. She took the white Calla Lily flowers from his hands and adored its trumpet-shaped petals briefly. Its whiteness was beautiful just like what that flower truly means. Penelope wondered if Lord Debling had known what Calla Lily means in the flower language. After admiring the blossoms, the young Featherington miss handed it to Briarly to put in a vase, just in time as he served her and her guest their tea and a platter of biscuits and sandwiches.

She invited the earl for snacks as they start their little conversation. Penelope could not help but admire Thomas as he speaks. Lord Debling looks more radiant as the sun light shines across them from the window. His noble looks are more dignified with his manly posture. His cravat was tied neatly on his neck and the gold buttons of his waistcoat compliments the color of his beard and hair.

Penelope could feel herself melting as he looks at her with his ocean blue eyes. His words felt genuine as his lips forms a smile whenever he speak words to her.

Out of all the conversations she had since this morning, Penelope Featherington was more interested with the one she is having with Lord Debling. Their topic was more diverse and were not that usual flirtations on a normal setting. He had shared things that interests him and told her truths that only few people know of him. It was then she found out that the Earl of Beverley had been a vegetarian for so long. He had a very soft spot for animals, thus making it his principle to avoid eating meat. Unlike most gentlemen of the ton, Thomas prefers to study and admire nature as he feels it more relaxing rather than spending time at clubs drinking and gambling. He does not partake much on physical games and competitions among men. Not that he is not good at it, but he does not want to show off his capabilities in front of many, unless he is truly compelled to.

Penelope loved to hear his stories. It was all new to her ears as there were only a few she knew could discuss about such topics. But what made her more curious was why had Thomas not been asking her too much about herself. With the men from earlier, she had gotten used to questions asking her likes and dislikes, her favorite food, favorite flavor of tea, favorite colors and all favorite among others. In Debling's case he had not much been inquisitive about the same things. Was he not interested about her? Penelope could not help but wonder. She took the courage to ask the man himself.

"You are truly unique, Lord Debling." Penelope gently smiles at the man politely.

"Whatever do you mean, my lady?" The young Featherington lady feels tingles as she hears him addressed her as such.

"I feel like I have known you for so long, after listening to your stories. But I think is not the same as you are to me." There was worry formed on the Earl's face as he looks at the eyes of the young lady in front of him.

"Have I offended you in some way Miss Featherington?" Debling's eyebrows furrowed with a distinct hint of sadness in his voice.

"No, nothing of that sort, my lord. I just find it curious as you dare not ask me about anything personal." Penelope gives him a sweet yet disappointed smile.

Lord Thomas Debling exhales a breath of relief. He thought that he had gained the ire of the woman before him. He leaned in closer to her but left a space between their faces to maintain proper propriety. He then proudly said, "I like you, Miss Featherington. You have caught my attention with your beauty and eloquence, which is uncommon for a lady at this generation to hold both."

Penelope was surprised to hear such a direct confession from Thomas Debling. But before she could react with words, the man continued his speech.

"As a proper suitor, I would like for you to know my whole being. The reason why I would like to spend time sharing you all there is to me. For you to weigh me among your other options, knowing how and what I truly am. Hopefully, to prove that I am worthy to gain your admiration against those who would like to claim your hand. I dare not ask you for things you like, for foods and colors you do want and do not want. For as a man, it is my duty to learn them myself through any means upon knowing you more. Through all chances and opportunities, you will generously give me so. A gentleman does not force a lady for answers, rather he waits until the truth is given to him. Whether it may be bitter or sweet." Lord Debling smiles at her sincerely as he explains himself. His words pierce through her crystal blue eyes and she could feel his genuine meaning behind as she looks at his handsome face. He truly is a beautiful man. The way his eyes narrow whenever a smile forms on his lips, and the way his low masculine voice echoes through the room. In Penelope's eyes Lord Debling has proved himself attractive and respectable, more so with how he views and words things from his perspective.

"That is rather an interesting point." Penelope warmly smiles at Thomas. She accepts his thoughts and understood that Debling is truly different from any other suitor. He would do and say things contrary to how the normal men would. But all of that, is something that would spark interest for the young Featherington.

"I had hoped that I was able to avert your distaste on me, my lady." Lord Debling nervously said, waiting for Penelope's response.

Penelope looked up to the man. How can this gentleman think of his spot on a negative way. He has not realized how much good of an impression he was able to make. It was her, who was in doubt if she was able to meet up his standards.

"Never had I thought of that way, Lord Debling. I had truly enjoyed our conversation as I learned new many things from you." Thomas Debling could not hide his relief as he sees a little blush on Penelope's cheeks. Knowing that he had spent an hour long on this visit, he politely bids the red-haired lady a farewell.

"As I do. I hope to see you by tomorrow, my lady." They both stand up and he took his beaver top hat to his chest, bowing to the young Featherington.

Portia, who had been silently watching them from across the room, takes herself to her feet as she sees her daughter's suitor prepare to leave.

"Today has been a well worth visit, Baroness. I would love to come see Miss Featherington again by tomorrow, if you would permit." Lord Debling was anticipating a positive response from Penelope's mama.

"Of course, it would be our honor, Lord Debling." Portia tries to hide her excitement as much as she could.

"Then, I will be off. No need to escort me out." Lord Debling walks himself out.

"Mama.." Penelope softly whispers at her mother as they heard the sounds of their front door closed.

Portia asked her daughter what she had wanted to say. She had wanted to ask her about all the things she and Lord Debling had conversed about, but Portia Featherington knew it would be best to give Penelope time to herself as she can see how her daughter is so flustered by the man.

"I think Lord Debling is a good man." Penelope shyly says. She could not fully explain to her mother what she feels and what she thinks of him. She just knew that the earl is worth spending time with.

"True, is he not? I overheard him saying he likes you."

Penelope's whole face reddened as she realized that her mother had heard Debling's confession. She was saved from the awkward situation when their butler Briarly, calls on them for lunch meal. They saw Prudence going down the stairs to leave for the dining hall and so both Penelope and Portia walked to the same way.

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