another union academy: From W...

By Dustinsage

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Another union bullied crossover More

chapter 1: how it all started
chapter 2: I'm done with everything
chapter 3: fighting demons
chapter 4: the demon of stillborns
chapter 5: I have a normal life too
chapter 6:a date gone wrong
chapter 7: battle against darkness
chapter 8: first time 🍋
chapter 9: kaito shocks the heroes
chapter 10: tempest vs tornado pt 1
chapter 12: tempest vs tornado part 3
chapter 13
chapter 14: lady's confession
chapter 15: hanging out with my lady
chapter 16: tempest vs endeavor
chapter 11: tempest vs tornado part 2
chapter 23: hikari's home invitation 🍋
chapter 17: tempest vs tornado rematch
chapter 18: trending tempest
chapter 19: Lady's time 🍋
chapter 21: Robbing a dust exchange
chapter 22:tempest trending again
OC bio
chapter 24:
chapter 25
chapter 20: meeting hikari's mom
chapter 26
chapter 27
Chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 31
chapter 33
chapter 34: shocking the world again
chapter 35: healing all might
chapter 36: izuku's secret
chapter 37

chapter 32

619 23 9
By Dustinsage

Calming the storm part 8

As I reveled in the aftermath of my devastating attack, a sense of exhilaration washed over me. The power of the Demonic Vortex Slash had exceeded even my own expectations, and I couldn't help but feel a surge of pride at its effectiveness in battle.

Turning to my defeated enemies, I couldn't resist taunting them with a playful grin.

Me:Did you all see that?

I exclaimed, my voice filled with excitement.

Me:I was like VROOM, BAM, SMASH, and you were all like, 'WE'RE GONNA DIE!'

I laughed heartily, the adrenaline still coursing through my veins from the intensity of the fight.

But amidst my laughter, a flicker of doubt nagged at the back of my mind. Despite my outward bravado, I couldn't shake the feeling that something was amiss. The ease with which I had dispatched the heroes and S-rank fighters left me unsettled, as if there were still unanswered questions lingering in the air.

Suppressing my doubts, I turned my attention back to the present moment, determined to savor my victory for as long as it lasted.

Me:Well, that was certainly a blast, hope y'all understood that reference

I remarked with a smirk, glancing around at the wreckage surrounding us.

Me:But I suppose it's time to move on to the next phase of my little... escapade.

As the dust settled and the full extent of the devastation became apparent, Ozpin and Nezu exchanged a glance, their expressions a mixture of disbelief and concern. The once bustling courtyard now lay in ruins, a stark reminder of the chaos that had unfolded.

Ozpin:Shit, shit, shit

Ozpin muttered under his breath, his normally calm demeanor faltering in the face of such destruction. Nezu, ever the composed strategist, remained silent as he surveyed the scene, his sharp eyes taking in every detail.

Meanwhile, I stood amidst the wreckage, a cocky smirk playing on my lips as I basked in the aftermath of my display of power.

Me:Yup, I'm awesome, I'm amazing

I declared proudly, my voice ringing out with confidence.

As the gravity of the situation began to sink in, I couldn't help but wonder what consequences awaited me for my reckless actions. But for now, in the midst of the chaos and destruction, all I could do was revel in the thrill of the moment, embracing the adrenaline-fueled rush of power that coursed through my veins.

As Mirko launched a flurry of kicks in my direction, I deftly dodged each one, my eyes keenly focused on the powerful muscles of her legs. Despite the intensity of the situation, I couldn't help but admire the sheer strength and agility she possessed.

Me:How do you get your legs to look so strong?

I found myself asking, momentarily distracted by the impressive display of athleticism before me. Mirko's movements were fluid and precise, her muscles rippling with every powerful kick she delivered.

With a smirk, Mirko responded between strikes, her voice filled with confidence.

Mirko:Years of training and dedication

She replied, her eyes never leaving mine as she continued to press the attack.

As the battle raged on, I found myself entranced by Mirko's prowess, each movement a testament to her skill and determination. Despite my admiration, I remained focused on the task at hand, evading her attacks with practiced ease while searching for an opportunity to strike back.

With a sudden burst of speed, I closed the distance between us, my hand reaching out to grab Mirko's leg mid-kick. With a swift motion, I twisted her off balance, sending her crashing to the ground with a resounding thud.

But even as Mirko lay sprawled on the ground, I couldn't shake the feeling of awe that her strength and determination had inspired within me. In that moment, as we faced off against each other in the heat of battle, I couldn't help but feel a newfound respect for the hero before me.

As Mirko lay sprawled on the ground, I couldn't resist the urge to reach out and run my hands over the powerful muscles of her legs. They were like steel beneath my touch, a testament to the countless hours of training and dedication she had put into honing her abilities.

Me:I don't mean to ask

I began, my voice filled with genuine curiosity,

Me:but did your quirk give you rabbit-like powers, or did it turn part of your DNA into that of a rabbit? And also, do you eat carrots a lot? Do you poop out pellets too?

(I don't need sleep I need answers)

The questions spilled out of me in a rush, fueled by a childlike wonder and fascination with the hero before me.

Mirko's cheeks flushed crimson as she stared up at me, a mixture of surprise and amusement dancing in her eyes.

Mirko:Uh, well, my quirk does enhance my physical abilities, including my speed and agility

she replied, her voice slightly hesitant as she tried to process my barrage of inquiries.

Mirko:And no, I don't eat carrots all the time, but I do enjoy them occasionally. And as for the other question...

She trailed off, clearly unsure how to respond to my rather unconventional line of questioning.

Despite her embarrassment, Mirko couldn't help but chuckle at my innocent curiosity well that isn't innocent

Me:You certainly ask some interesting questions, Kai

she said with a smile, reaching up to tousle my hair affectionately.

Me:But let's focus on the task at hand, shall we? We've got a battle to finish.

With a nod, I tore my gaze away from Mirko's legs, my mind refocusing on the battle unfolding around us. As we prepared to resume our fight, I couldn't help but feel a sense of admiration for the hero before me, her strength and determination serving as an inspiration to us all.


It smashed right at her abdomen sending her flying

As Mirko lay sprawled on the ground, I turned my attention to the other heroes surrounding me. The battle had taken its toll on them, leaving them battered and bruised, but they refused to back down. With a smirk, I readied myself for the next round of battle.

However, before they could launch another assault, they suddenly found themselves enveloped in a blinding light. When the light faded, they realized they were no longer in the warehouse but back at Union Academy, where they had initially confronted me.

Nezu and Ozpin stood before them, their expressions grim as they assessed the situation. It seemed my display of power had caught their attention, prompting them to take action.

Nezu:Now's our chance

Nezu muttered to Ozpin, his eyes gleaming with determination.

Nezu:We must contain him before he causes any more damage.

Ozpin nodded in agreement, his gaze unwavering as he surveyed the scene before them.

Ozpin:We cannot allow him to continue unchecked. It's time to put an end to this.

With a shared understanding, they turned to face me, ready to confront me once more and bring an end to the chaos I had unleashed upon the academy.

All Might's expression was grave as he surveyed the scene before him, his usual cheerful demeanor replaced by a sense of urgency.

All might:Kai, this madness has to stop. You're causing too much destruction, and innocent lives are at risk.

I shrugged nonchalantly, my grin unwavering.

Me:What can I say? Just expressing myself, living my best life. #blessed

All might:You call this living your best life?

All Might's voice was tinged with disappointment.

All might:You're hurting people, Kai. You're better than this.

No I'm not

I raised an eyebrow, amused by his earnestness.

Me:Am I, though? You heroes always preach about doing the right thing, but sometimes the right thing isn't so clear-cut. Sometimes you have to make tough decisions, take drastic measures.

All might:That doesn't justify your actions

All Might retorted firmly.

All might:There's always another way, another path to take.

I chuckled softly, shaking my head.

Me:Oh, All Might, always the optimist. But you and I both know that sometimes the only way to make a statement is to shake things up a bit.

All might:Is that what this is to you? A statement?

All Might's gaze bore into mine, searching for any hint of remorse.

All might:What are you trying to prove?

I paused, considering his question for a moment before responding.

Me:Maybe I'm just tired of being pushed around, tired of being underestimated. Maybe I'm just trying to show the world what I'm truly capable of.

All might:But at what cost?

All Might's voice was heavy with concern.

All might:You're not just putting yourself in danger, Kai. You're putting everyone else at risk too.

I shrugged dismissively, my grin widening.

Me:They knew the risks when they decided to stand in my way. Besides, it's not like anyone's been seriously hurt... yet.

All Might's expression darkened at my words, a flicker of anger crossing his features.

All might:That's not good enough, Kai. You have a responsibility to use your power wisely, to protect those who can't protect themselves.

I chuckled, unfazed by his admonishment.

Me:Responsibility? Please. Don't you get tired of playing the hero all the time, All Might? Sometimes it's fun to be anything but a hero for a change.

All might:Being a hero isn't about fun

(Another reference)

All Might replied sternly.

It's about doing what's right, even when it's difficult, even when it's not fun."

I rolled my eyes, growing impatient with his lectures.

Me:Yeah, yeah, save the speeches for someone who cares. I've heard it all before, All Might. But the truth is, I'm done playing by your rules. From now on, I'm doing things my way.

A All Might's sudden appearance took me by surprise, his imposing figure towering over me as he stared at me with a mixture of disappointment and concern.

All might:Kai, this isn't you

he said, his voice heavy with emotion.

All might:This isn't what I wished for your life.

I bristled at his words, the anger and frustration bubbling up inside me. "Screw you," I spat, my voice dripping with venom.

Me:This is my life, not yours.

But even as I lashed out at him, a part of me couldn't help but feel a twinge of guilt. All Might had always been there for me, offering guidance and support even when I didn't deserve it. And now, here he was, standing before me once again, trying to reach out to me despite my stubbornness and defiance.

Me:Why are you even here?

I  demanded, my voice tinged with bitterness.

Me:What do you want from me?

All Might sighed, his shoulders slumping slightly as he regarded me with a weary expression.

All might:I want to help you, Kai

he said, his voice softening.

All might: I want to help you find your way back to the person you truly are, not this... this shadow of yourself.

His words struck a chord within me, stirring up feelings of uncertainty and self-doubt that I had been trying so hard to ignore. Could it be true? Had I truly lost sight of who I was, consumed by anger and power?

But even as I grappled with these thoughts, a stubborn part of me resisted.

Me: I  don't need your help

I insisted, my voice growing louder with each word.

Me:I can handle things on my own.

All Might regarded me with a sad smile, his eyes filled with a mixture of sadness and understanding.

All might:I know you're strong, Kai

he said gently.

All might:But strength isn't just about power. It's about knowing when to ask for help, and when to lean on others for support.

I bristled at his words, my pride wounded by the implication that I couldn't handle things on my own. But deep down, I knew he was right. I couldn't continue down this path of destruction, alienating those who cared about me and risking everything I held dear.

As I walked, each step felt like a heavy burden, the weight of my past bearing down on me like a crushing weight. I felt powerless and insignificant, a mere shadow of the person I once aspired to be.

Tears welled up in my eyes as I struggled to contain the torrent of emotions swirling within me.

Me:I wanted to be like you

I choked out, my voice thick with emotion.

Me:To be a hero.

But instead of acceptance and admiration, all I received was scorn and disdain from those closest to me. My own family, supposed to be my rock and support, had turned their backs on me, casting me aside like I was nothing.

Me:And what did I get in return?

I continued, my voice growing louder with each word.

Me:Hatred and abuse from my own brother, who wanted nothing more than to see my life ruined.

The memories of my time at school, a place meant to nurture and train heroes, filled me with bitterness and resentment. I had been hated and bullied, pushed to the brink of despair by those who should have been my peers and allies.

Me:I hate this place

I spat, the words dripping with venom.

Me:I hate all of you.

With each passing moment, my power surged within me, fueled by the intense hatred and anger burning in my heart. I could feel my aura pulsating with energy, a dark and ominous force that threatened to consume everything in its path.

But even as I unleashed the full extent of my power, a part of me couldn't help but feel a twinge of regret. Was this really who I wanted to be? A vessel of hatred and rage, consumed by bitterness and resentment?

With clenched fists and eyes burning with resentment, I directed my gaze squarely at All Might, the symbol of peace and justice that I had once admired so fervently.

Me:And now I've become powerful

I seethed, each word dripping with venom.

Me:I've forged my own path, becoming a hero in my own right. But even then, you all find new ways to crawl back into my life and ruin everything.

The bitterness in my voice was palpable, my anger simmering just beneath the surface as I struggled to contain the raging storm within me.

Me:If it means becoming a monster

I continued, my voice trembling with emotion,

Me:if it means sacrificing my humanity just to make you all leave me alone, then so be it.

I raised my fist defiantly, a silent declaration of war against the forces that sought to control and manipulate me. In that moment, I vowed to fight back with every ounce of strength and determination I possessed, to defy the expectations and limitations that had been imposed upon me.

The air crackled with tension as my aura surged, an ominous energy swirling around me like a tempest unleashed. All Might's words fell on deaf ears as my anger continued to boil, fueling the storm raging within me.

Me:We're done talking

I  growled, my voice laced with a primal fury that sent shivers down the spines of those around me. My fists clenched at my sides, trembling with the raw power coursing through my veins.

All around us, the landscape trembled as my aura intensified, cracks forming in the earth beneath my feet. Buildings crumbled under the weight of my rage, the very fabric of reality warping and distorting in response to my overwhelming presence.

"All Might," I spat the name like a curse, my gaze burning with a fierce determination.

Me:You had your chance to make things right, to stand up for me when no one else would. But you chose to turn a blind eye, to let me suffer in silence.

My words echoed through the chaos, carrying the weight of years of pain and resentment. The air crackled with electricity as I took a step forward, my aura pulsating with a menacing energy that seemed to consume everything in its path.

"Now," I declared, my voice echoing like thunder,

Me:it's time for me to take matters into my own hands. No more holding back, no more pretending to be something I'm not. From now on, I will carve my own destiny, one way or another.

With that final proclamation, I began to slowly release some extent of my power, a cataclysmic wave of energy that swept through the battlefield like a tidal wave of destruction. And as the world around us descended into chaos, I knew that there would be no turning back.

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