Clone Wars - Mini Stories

By betheyes

588 9 4

A bunch of mini-stories / one shots over a variety of settings/scenery's set in the Clone Wars. From modern t... More

A Cold Betrayal (Obi-wan x Cody)
This Is Why The 501st Aren't Trusted!
A Sick Commander
A Lost Commander and A Captain
Big Brother
A Miracle
An arguement that almost cost him everything
Only Human
I'm Not Perfect But I Keep Trying
Heart Made of Glass, Mind Made of Stone (Tech x Echo / Cody x Fox)

Marry Me (Obi-wan x Cody)

48 2 0
By betheyes

“Anakin, I can’t marry her” 

“Obi, we don’t have a choice. Our father will murder us if we go back on our word” 

Obi-wan could only sigh looking in the mirror, he was having so many doubts regarding his royal arrangement of a marriage. The individual he was marrying wasn’t the one he wanted to marry but to keep the royal blood, he was being set up to marry the Duchess of Kalevala who was to rule the kingdom of Mandalore once her father stepped down. She was a beautiful intelligent woman but Obi-wan just wasn’t in love with the idea, instead he had feelings for another one he wished he had confessed to earlier. Instead, his father had set him up since being a child, he and the Duchess were to be wed and if either were found sleeping with another would put shame on their kingdoms. 

“I know you love someone else but we will work through this big brother” Anakin whispered as Dooku entered the room of his eldest son. Obi-wan stood tall almost like he was a royal guard as his father spoke about expectations and how proud he was of his son. 


“Are you almost ready! It’s not often we get an invite to the royal wedding not to mention that it wouldn’t have happened without the position your brother had with the King” 

A hand shook his shoulder turning his body gently around revealing his sick eyes, “Codes, you good?”. Turning Cody could only see one of his brothers shaking him awake, he nodded unsteadily climbing to his feet. 

“Father, Cody is sick”

“Rex..” Cody hissed as he was gently pressed back on the bed by gentle hands. 


“I’m fine dad, I…” Cody looked off to the side only for a hand to gently guide his head towards the worried blue eyes of his father. None other than Jango Fett was staring back at him, the older man gently pressed a hand against his twenty-one year old's forehead, the heat coming off it was quite worrying. 

“Son, tell me how you are feeling and don’t lie,” Jango warned, making a herbal remedy for his feverish son who had a job to do today. Cody sighed, “My head is spinning so is my stomach, I feel like throwing up and my whole body hurts but I also know I have several of the royal necessities today. Dad, I will be okay. I’m on Boba watch” Cody tried to reassure his dad who pulled him close. 

King Jango had trained his son to be not only a ruler but the leader of the Fett Army, Cody had worked his way up the ranks from a shiny to Marshall Commander, he never liked the royal title but he managed to earn everyone’s respect. Cody didn’t like using his status as nothing felt right to him as he made sure to stop for everyone. 

“Son, I know your visit to the Coruscant kingdom was eventful according to your brother. Fox was worried when you ended a training session early and vanished for a good thirty minutes. Tell me, did King Dooku do something to you?” Jango questioned watching his son flinch, Cody shrugged until he nodded by his father’s stare. 

Jango watched in confusion as Cody stood up and walked over to his mirror, Jango followed him only to gasp as Cody removed his t-shirt revealing to his father a burn mark which had been purposely done. It was letters that had been burned into his skin, Cody tried not to flinch when Jango traced the four letter word, he glared at the window as he helped Cody rebandage the word that meant nothing to the two of them. 

“Kote, that does not define you. I will have a word with him, no man brands any of my sons. You are not a ‘slut’ and never will be, I know you and Obi-wan trained together for years and I’m not blind, I have seen the way the two of you hide the love you have for one another but know that we have no place in saying this especially since we are almost at war with the kingdom. I know you have sacrificed a lot for you being young but know that I am by your side for the rest of it, I love you son and will do anything to make sure you are happy. So let’s get through today and then we will have a longer talk later. I will ask Rex to watch Boba today and maybe he can visit your cousins. I know the ‘bad batch’ as Boba calls them are visiting today. 99 has to go to the wedding so how would you like to stay here and I with 99 will go in the place of you” Jango suggested, a knock on the door had Jango opening the door to see Fox, his eldest entering the room with his mask on which was removed as fury was written over his features. 

“Father, Cody sorry to interrupt but the royal carriage is here” Fox said with a smile, Cody nodded turning to his father, “I will see you later, keep them out of trouble” Jango whispered pressing his lips to his sons forehead and passing him the herbal drink which Cody make sure to drink in front of the two mother hens in front of him before the two left with satisfied looks. Within minutes, Cody was ready and out the door in his royal armour since it had his symbol on. He was one of the few of Jango’s children who could wear his armour to meetings, he found it more comfortable than the royal robes he would have to wear if he was going to occasions. He saw the armour as a symbol of safety for others rather than himself.

Half his day was gone after the many visits, speeches and meetings. He had even visited his siblings Rex had Boba, their youngest brother who was barely three while the troublesome twins were the age of sixteen. Jesse, Rex’s twin was out somewhere in the kingdom which Cody only knew as the older brother he was with his boyfriend. Jesse was old enough to make decisions; he just needed guidance especially since he was nineteen and he wanted to marry his boyfriend but Kix was the son of the royal doctor so there were certain rules to be sorted first. Jesse had to wait until Kix’s parent’s returned from their exhibition before he could ask the question. 


Turning from where he was instructing some of the shinies in their training, he saw Rex trying to watch over quadruplets and Boba. A smile landed on his face as the twelve year olds came running over to him. One of them, the oldest who was definitely the leader, wore a bandana keeping his long brown hair up; his name was Hunter. The slightly bigger one towering over his brothers was the crazy explosive one, he liked to make things go boom was Wrecker. The third wore a pair of goggles over his glasses as he rambled on and on about something while reading a book and jogging. The last was the smallest of the group, he had silver hair and a glare on his features, he was tucked under Hunter's arm, he was the youngest and known to many as Crosshair. They were 99’s children, the older man never used his first name and always referred to his numbers, the last name of the children was Se after their mother, Nala Se. May she not rest in peace for what she tried to do to 99 and his children. 

“Are you here for some training?” Cody called out, four eager heads nodded as Cody smiled, the commander of them all took notice of his twin siblings, the sixteen year olds gestured to where they were. 

“Okay then, head over to the targets. Fives and Echo will see to teach you some throwing skills” 

Three yells of excitement had Cody smiling, the commander took a minute to realise the youngest hadn’t cheered, kneeling down Cody found himself staring into the eyes of silver. 


“His eyes, throat and ears are hurting. Father thinks he has caught the bug going around, is he okay to sit and watch. We didn’t want to leave him alone” Hunter explained, tucking his brother closer to his side. The youngest only blinked wincing in slight pain. 

“Of course not a problem. Just make sure you are out of range. We wouldn’t want any injuries” 

“We don’t?” 

“No Fives we don’t. Now please be careful” Cody stressed when his younger brother just nodded before leading the quadruplets over to the training area. 

“Tough day?” Rex’s amused voice had Cody turning to his immediate younger brother who had a silent three year old who was playing with some toy that Rex had given him. Cody took notice of the ratio of colours of the cube his brother was playing with, it was like a puzzle one that looked oddly familiar to Fox’s cube. He could only glare at Rex who held his hands up. 

“You have no idea how loud he can scream through a tantrum…” Cody only raised an eyebrow almost to gesture at their brothers, “Okay, you have a point but I ran out of ideas and panicked. Thorn gave me it so you can blame him if Fox kicks off and anyway Fox likes Thorn, don’t tell him I said that. Now…eh…” 

“Spit it out Rex” 

“Are you able to watch Boba for a bit while I go and see Ahsoka’s race?” Rex squirmed under his brother's glare. Cody could only nod, Rex smirked, clapping his shoulder before jogging off into the distance, Cody looked down at his watch noticing the time. He picked up Boba who babbled at him, his baby brother was always more chatty with him than any of the others who were not Fives. The best individual who Boba liked to copy was Fox with their silence mirroring each other. 

A good hour passed before Cody felt the previous herbal remedy wear off, he shook his head clearing his vision as he put Boba down for his nap and was in the process of instructing Fives and Echo on their cousins and brother when the alarms went off and Cody snapped into action. His brothers remained where they were protecting their family members while Cody put the royal palace into lockdown, grabbed his weapons and helmet. He was in the process of running through the corridors to the throne room when an explosion shook the facility. Well aware of his communicator going off, he ignored it while entering the throne room he found himself in front of another enemy of the Fett Kingdom. Several individuals stood opposite him in black armour which looked advanced but Cody knew one thing, they wore blaster proof armour not knife proof.

“Who are you?” Cody demanded to know, placing himself in front of what was left of the Royal Guard since half stayed here while the rest were with his father and several other royal guests. 

“Aha, my name is Darth Vader. I am from the south-west Kingdom of the Empire. I am here to take the kingdom from you and move onto the Kingdom of Coruscant where I will be able to rule all of them” Darth chuckled as he opened his arms, “This is only a taste of my army, now enough talk let us fight for the rights” Darth ordered, his army attacking without hesitation. 

Cody wasted no time in defending his kingdom, even though he looked like a regular guard. Those outside didn’t know who was under the armour. Without hesitation Cody took down many of the individuals with his knife, he refrained from using his blaster especially since they were ineffective. He took notice of the rest of the Ghost Company which is what he called them with the exception of Thorn who worked normally for the Coruscant guard was on leave to spend time with Fox when he heard the blaster fire, the guard was here to help and became part of the Ghost Company of the Fett Kingdom. 

During the fight, Cody managed to snag his katana’s which he kept behind his throne, he swiftly moved in between the chairs of the royals and placed them in the sheathe across his back, he was in a way making his way down the stairs when something hitting from the side and he stumbled to his knees. Climbing back to his feet, he whipped around only to come helmet to mask with Darth who laughed. 

“Stand down! I want a fight with the commander, one that will not be disturbed!” Darth ordered, his army immediately backed off while Cody waved his guard off, they wore stubborn expressions in their body language but backed off at the royal symbol of Cody’s hands. 

“You seem to know your way around the place maybe when I am done with you. I will keep you alive so I can earn some training tips from you. Ever going to tell me your name?” Darth laughed, his tone was teasing and irritating but Cody didn’t let it affect him as the two attacked one another. Cody used defence, everything he had been taught helped him survive so he would use it and not overcompensate for something else in which Darth was setting a prime example of that. 

Both sides watched as the two fought one another, one for power the other for safety. Darth was getting bored so he decided to up his game, he ordered for one of his troops to jump and aim to kill the commander unaware that Cody had literally been trained by the best of the best. So when the extra attacker jumped in, Cody was ready and managed to slit the individuals throat before they even realised they had come into the battle making Darth back away, the man was in shock watching one of his own fall to his death by the slice of a katana in the wind. 

“Who are you?” Darth asked only for several guns to be held up at him followed by blades. Darth and part of the Empire group had no choice but to hold their hands up as Prince Rex and Prince Jesse entered with the rest of the Coruscant Guard who were in the area. Royal Commander Fox stepped into the room with the darkest look on his features ordering the Coruscant Guard around. Cody remained silent, sending signals of sign language to the Ghost Company who swept the area and returned to their posts. 

“Well at least my distraction worked. I hope you said goodbye to your families and friends before they left for the wedding, which will clearly go out with a bang!” Darth laughed only for a katana to be placed against his throat. 

“Who did you send…” 

“What makes you think I am going to tell you?” The old man laughed heavily breathing until his breath was almost taken from him by a slice to his neck, the man scrambled to put pressure on it when he was slammed into the floor and a knee against his sternum didn’t help. 

“Ah…okay…it was….we sent Cody…” The man tried to lie only for the helmet to be removed from the commander revealing to be Cody, the prince was in front of him. Darth grinned until a hand gripped his throat, he gasped out loud, “The person we sent was…” 


“Why do I have to be the one to get married?” Obi-wan muttered, his eyes landed on the communicator he had with his best-friend, one who would not be named and certainly wasn’t at the ceremony especially since his father was sitting in the crowd instead. A sad smile landed on his face as he stood at the front of hundreds of individuals ready to watch one of the rarest weddings of the century. 

“Stand up straighter son, the bells should be ringing soon” Dooku ordered from beside Anakin who remained looking bored but stood up as the music started and Obi-wan could only pray to the gods that he didn’t have to go through with this.

Within minutes Obi-wan was standing beside Satine Kryze who smiled nervously at him, the two in the same boat. Neither wanted to marry one another but it was a setup wedding which would help with their kingdom's needs and improve their status. Soon they would expect children but the two had to say ‘yes’ first and that was a gut breaker. The two listened very carefully to the one who was marrying them. 

“Do you Obi-wan Kenobi, take Satine Kryze to be your lawfully wedded wife, to live in matrimony, to love her, comfort her, honour and keep her safe, in sickness and in health, in sorrow and in joy, to have and to hold, from this day forward, as long as you both shall live?” 

Obi-wan actually forgot how to breathe, this was his big decision as he looked into the eyes of Satine Kryze, the same woman who didn’t want to do this but would follow in his footsteps. He wore such confliction on his face that he said ‘yes’ when Satine nodded and tapped a message in morse code on his hand to say she had a plan. 


"And do you Satine Kryze, take Obi-wan to be your lawfully wedded husband, to live in matrimony, to love him, comfort him, honour and keep him safe, in sickness and in health, in sorrow and in joy, to have and to hold, from this day forward, as long as you both shall live?”

Satine could only smile, patting Obi-wan’s hand before she angled her body to face almost the whole hall as she said her words that meant a lot to them all. 

“No, I will not marry Obi-wan as my heart belongs elsewhere as does his own. I will do as my father suggested and go with my gut. This does not mean I am walking away from my kingdom but I do not intend to rule it as my younger sister is the rightful heir and I plan to marry someone I love. Our strengths in kingdoms can come via treaties and not marriage. This law must change before our younger generation grows up and leaves us due to the unnecessary amount of laws that are stuck in the past. We must use the force and create a new treaty. I, Satine Kryze refuses to marry Obi-wan due to the laws and following my heart” Satine said proudly holding tightly to Obi-wan’s hand as the silence filled the room, Satine could only smile walking down the stairs and towards her father who kissed her forehead in pride. 

Obi-wan only turned to his raging father while Anakin was grinning, he had moved to Obi-wan’s safe side while Dooku thought of what to do, he had to save this day somehow. 

“Ah it’s a shame. I was really looking forward to the wedding presents. I’m glad that this can be a chaos present too” 

A voice echoed around the room turning attention to the doorway where two individuals stood, both wore face paint over their masks which had horns on their masks, little ones sharp as a blade. The two carried weapons and what looked like a bomb. In the arms of one individual was a struggling Ahsoka Tano, the younger sister to Obi-wan and Anakin, Dooku’s daughter. The older man froze seeing his struggling daughter, her tears slipping down her face even if she tried to look brave, she was terrified. 

“Who are you?!” Dooku demanded, moving slightly towards his sons who watched with opposite expressions, one impassive the other angry.

“Oh silly of me. I am Darth Maul, this is my younger brother Savage Opress. We are part of the Empire Kingdom. Our Emperor never got an invite to the wedding so we were going to drop off a wedding gift. Since our father already dropped a present off at the Fett Kingdom, our next stop was here” 

“WHAT!” Jango yelled, he was furious. His sons could be in danger. 

“Oh don’t worry. Most of your army survived, I couldn’t tell you about your older sons though. I know Darth was looking for a new apprentice since he killed his last one. Maybe he will take on Boba” Maul chuckled at Savage’s words as they had an effect on Jango who had to be held back by 99 and Dooku. 

“Say, any chance your sons are up for the dating world Jango? I know a couple of individuals who would love the chance at the ‘slut of your son’ wouldn’t you agree Dooku?” Maul turned to the older man who glared down at the one holding his daughter. Savage smirked as several royals and individuals were directed out of the room by Savage holding Ahsoka, he was ordering them until there were only a few left. Those included Dooku, Obi-wan, Anakin, Maul, Savage, Ahsoka, 99, Satine and a few others.

“My son is not a slut!” Jango roared at the two who chuckled, Dooku looked ashamed. 

“Of course not, whoever would think that” Savage said with a smile, he tightened his grip on Ahsoka who whimpered. 

“I’m sure though. The one who is claimed not to be a slut might have a good body. Think he’s single? Think any of them are? What’s to say they are not all just sleeping with one another, Jango do you set them up? Since none of them are ever seen in public, are they privately doing shows for…” Maul turned to Savage who made a rude comment making Jango even angrier. 

“Why don’t you ask them yourselves?” 

Maul whipped around only to see a seething Commander Fox, the man looked pissed while another armoured individual stood beside him and on his other side were the elder twins. Rex and Jesse, the two armed. 

“Ah finally the men of the hour plus an armed guard. We were just talking about you” Maul teased, aiming his gun at the royals while the princes held their weapons straight at Savage who found himself back to back with his brother. 

“Let’s play a game. I, Darth Maul, will go against one of the four of Jango’s choosing. If we lose you get Ahsoka, if I win I keep the individual I go up against as my personal slave” Maul suggested, Jango froze seeing all attention on him, “If you don’t choose. This bomb goes off killing everyone in a thousand miles radius, your choice” Savage added, gesturing to the bomb in the present at their feet. 

Jango frowned looking at the four. Rex and Jesse stepped back while Fox looked conflicted. Cody on the other hand made a strange symbol with his hand and the father got it. 

“You will go against my commander” 

“Hmm, fine. But you better say your goodbyes now because they are mine once I’m done” Maul laughed, directing his brother over to the side of the room while the others stood opposite. Cody remained silent keeping his katana’s across his back while he thought of a plan in his head, his helmet firmly on. 

“Let’s dance armoured boy” Maul teased as he swung one of his blades at the armoured individual, Cody rolled out of the way using his gauntlets to prevent himself from being injured. He bravely fought on both the defence and attacking side. The others all watched in anticipation as Ahsoka connected eyes with her brothers who instructed her to breathe, she blinked at them while watching the fight. She took notice of the familiar fighting stance of the individual one that Rex had been teaching her in his free time. 

“Wow, you are a good fighter. Tell me, what’s your name?” Maul asked, Cody ignored the question disarming Maul within seconds, the older man glared frustratingly at the helmeted man. Cody wasn’t bothered throwing the weapon aside and matching the man in hand to hand combat, he didn’t care he was here to fight for Ahsoka so when he was stabbed in the side, he never uttered a word or pained shout. Instead he flipped Maul and the man landed heavily on his back. Ignoring his vision blurring Cody removed one of his many knives he had on his person and threw it at Maul who deflected it, unaware that it had landed next to the bomb slicing a wire effectively disarming it which had 99 jumping in fear when it beeped. 

“Just who the hell are you?!” Maul yelled, he gestured for Savage to do something. Ahsoka gasped when her kidnapper held a dart of somesort, he blew into it before she could warn anybody but thankfully the dart was caught by Cody, the commander twisted around stabbing it in Maul’s neck. The older man screamed in pain violently punching the helmet of the individual knocking them onto their back. Cody gasped in pain as his vision vanished for a second but that was all Maul needed as he kicked the helmet off revealing the face to them all. 

Dooku’s eyes widened seeing it to be Jango’s second oldest, the marshall commander of the Ghost Company was none other than Prince Cody. The one who Obi-wan had fallen in love with, the twenty-one year old, was against a forty-seven year old criminal and easily winning. 

“Commander Cody, it’s been too long. What’s it been, seven years since I last saw you?” Maul grinned as he spoke, Cody only wiped the blood from his lips and climbed to his feet. 


“He speaks” 

Cody only grinned as Maul gasped as the famous katana’s came into the picture, Cody smirked, swinging them slightly as Maul caught his brother's spear and within seconds the two clashed. Cody never spoke another word as he focused on the fight of a lifetime, with his helmet off he had to focus more. It was like a dance to him, he easily ducked under the spear and within a few minutes had disarmed Maul holding both katana’s to the older man’s neck. Cody only stared down at the man who sighed in defeat. Jango smirked, watching his son carefully. 

“Let my brother go otherwise I will kill her and all of you” Savage threatened, Ahsoka only rolled her eyes which had her gasping when the gun was aimed for her. 

“Shoot her” Maul ordered only for Cody to smirk, the commander turned to Fox who nodded, the two distracted Maul and Savage just for second but that was all Cody needed as he threw his knife with some speed across the room and it landed straight in the eye socket of Savage Opress. The man screamed in pain and so did Maul when he tried to climb to his feet. Another knife went through his side as the Coruscant Guard barged into the room and took the two prisoners. 

Once free Ahsoka sprinted for her brothers who held her in their tight embrace, Jango punched Dooku demanding a look over their treaty regarding the trust pack being broken. Dooku apologised but Jango was having none of it as he jogged over to his sons who were holding onto one another. Cody was leaning heavily on the twins while Fox removed his armour revealing the bloody stab wound. Jango immediately had his son sitting down and Fox was in the process of stitching up his brother's side when Thorn appeared, the man had better medical experience. 

All through this Obi-wan stood watching with Anakin who pressed him to go forward and speak to Cody especially when the marshall commander was back on his own two feet and getting ready to leave with the Fett’s and 99. 

“Can I have a word Kenobi?” 

Obi-wan turned to see Fox, Rex, Jesse and Jango gesturing to the balcony while beside a table was Thorn, Cody and 99, the two standing keeping an eye on the half-awake Cody. The father of the man he loved spoke first before he allowed his sons to take over. 

A Week Later…

His vision was so hazy to the point that his head hurt as much as his side did. He knew he had caught the bug from his younger cousin, yep Crosshair had been sleeping in Cody’s room with Hunter since the two were sick and Cody was quarantined to watch them with him suffering with the same illness. Their family watched on worried but the three were nearly over the rapid disease that had been striking kingdoms. 

“Cody, I’m cold…”

The older man looked up, hearing Hunter as he opened his arms and welcomed both Hunter and the silent Crosshair into his arms as he pulled them closer hoping to the universe that he wouldn’t have to deal with anything else for the rest of the week. Thankfully his brothers and father had it covered. 99 even allowed Wrecker and Tech to help while their brothers slept. 

Two weeks later…

A sigh escaped Jango who was ready to step down from being King, he just had to appoint the next one and since his sons were enjoying freedom. He knew one of them was born for this so he headed in the direction of one of his sons who was out training with the guards again. 

“Cody, a word please” 

“Uh oh, someone’s in trouble” 

Cody looked up to see his father gesturing for him to come over, ignoring Rex and Jesse’s snickers. The commander walked over to his father while still pointing out the guards training, he passed it to Jesse just to annoy Rex, the younger twin grinned leading the guards into another exercise. While Fox watched on amused by the side of the younger set of twins who were challenging each other to archery. 

“Yes father?” 

“Come with me” 

The journey was short but silent, Cody followed by his fathers side to the gardens of the Fett’s, there were rows of flowers symbolising the happiness of the kingdom plus the rows of poppies showing the memorial, the places of worship and just nature growing in the Kingdom of Fett. The two shortly reached a bench in which the two took a seat overlooking none other than the Queen’s garden. 

“I miss her so much,” Jango whispered, watching the way the willow tree above them swayed with the petals of a thousand colours. A hand on his arm turned his attention to his son, “I know you said it wasn’t my fault but I still feel responsible for her death, I was meant to be watching Boba that night” Cody whispered, looking off to the side. Jango could only smile, his son held too much responsibility these days that he forgot he was still too young to understand. 

“I know, son, but none of us could have done anything. Your mother chose to jump in the way of the blast that would have not only killed Boba but the rest of the children. You were not to blame because it was something that couldn’t have been stopped. Cody, you were out celebrating your eighteenth, your mother and I certainly don’t blame you and neither do you brothers. So please let it go, son” Jango whispered, pulling his son into a hug, Cody could only smile as he turned to his father. 

“I’m gathering this isn’t the topic of conversation, you wanted to have with me?” Cody questioned, looking at his watch which had Jango smiling. 

“Nope it’s not but do tell me do you have somewhere to be?” Jango teased, Cody rolled his eyes. 

“The children charity race, Boba wants to take place but none of the others will take him so I said I would” 

“When does it start?” 

“In forty minutes, why?” 

“Come, let’s grab your brother. I will tell you on the way” 

Cody only nodded climbing to his feet and following after his father. They were quick to grab Boba before they headed down to the village with the quadruplets, Jango could only smile watching his nephews and Boba run around and have fun. His older son walked beside him but was keeping a sharp eye on his family members in front, especially Boba. 

“Cody” Jango’s voice had him stopping in his footsteps, Cody turned to see his father had stopped outside the tent that Boba and the quadruplets had run in to help Boba put his royal jacket on. 

“Yes dad?” 

“How would you feel about ruling the kingdom?” 

Cody could only blink as his father chuckled, “Just think about it and don’t worry I won’t tell your brothers but I do hope you do as I can’t think of anyone better than you to be the next ruler, you are your mothers son” Jango whispered, kissing his sons forehead before following after 99 to a nearby bench. Jango ignored others who bowed to him, for once he wasn’t here as king, he was here as a father. So when he sat with those in the crowd many were astonished. 

“Are you ready for this?” Cody turned to his baby brother, Boba looked up with a toothy grin and got ready to run. 

“Let’s do this!” Boba cried out as he took off for the first waypoint. The goal was for Boba to reach it and Cody would follow, Boba would wait at the second waypoint while all the older ones, adults would run the course before tagging their younger ones back in to do the final stretch. Cody had done this over the years with his younger brothers so he was use to the track that he ran daily when he went running with Fives, his younger brother could never sit still. While running he took it as time to think as well as be careful for his healing side while was almost healed. It wasn’t long until he found himself tagging Boba in and he was jogging behind his toddler brother, Boba running the best he could where surprisingly Fox stood at the finish line encouraging their little brother on, Cody smirked as Boba crossed the line second, he didn’t mind as he cheered with Fox and the quadruplets. 

“I think this calls for some celebration” Jango interrupted the cheering of children, Boba immediately was swept up into his fathers arms while Cody could only lean against a nearby pillar watching his family speak to one another. A hand on his shoulder turned him to face another, someone he had longed to see for quite some time. 

“Cody, can we speak?” 

With a nod, Cody caught Jango’s eye. His father waved him off allowing Cody to follow after the one and only Obi-wan Kenobi who led him down to the beach beside the gardens of the Fett Kingdom. 

“Dare I ask what you have got yourself into this time that you need my help?” Cody teased his best-friend, Obi-wan smirked, stopping at a bench which overlooked the ocean. 

“I have a question for you but you don’t have to answer if you feel too uncomfortable to do so” Obi-wan spoke in a soft tone and kissed Cody’s cheek, the younger man only raised an eyebrow. 

“Go on” Cody turned his full attention to the man he had come to love over the years, Obi-wan only smiled. 

“What’s your thoughts on marriage?” 

That question brought silence as Cody had deeply thought about it the past few months especially when Obi-wan had sadly announced he was getting married which to be fair had ended terribly. Whether that was a good thing or bad thing, Cody only smiled thinking about the shocked Dooku from a couple of weeks ago. Obi-wan remained patient watching the commander's eyes which seemed to search the horizon for something as he sighed. 

“Marriage should be something only done when the two parties fall in an unconditional love with the idea that contentment and joy will follow. But it also comes with a price, of great sadness. It’s like setting someone up for life for a dream of love which will later fall into a nightmare of catastrophe when death comes about. However, marriage has never really bothered me, it’s whether the trial and error of living together can put those parties together before a ring seals it. In the end, I’m sure marriage is good in some aspects, I just hope that both parties would be ready for love and heartbreak. Why?” Cody finished only to turn to see Obi-wan fiddling with his necklace, Cody tilted his head in confusion. 

“Wow, I never expected that…” 

“You really don’t know me then” Cody teased, turning his head to watch the sunset in the distance only for a hand to gently guide him to look back at Obi-wan, at first Cody was confused until gentle lips pressed into his own and he was lifted off his feet. Cody gasped, kissing back deeply. 

“I guess I don’t” Obi-wan whispered, pressing for another kiss Cody grinned wrapping his legs around Obi-wan’s hips, the older man chuckled, pulling his lover into his arms. Cody’s legs dropped to the ground as Obi-wan pulled back.

“The problem is with the marriage of royals is that marriage must come before living together due to the laws one of royal blood must follow” 

“What are you getting at Obi?” 

Cody had never felt more confused until Obi-wan dropped onto one knee and said the words all too familiar but in the direction of the correct person, the one he loved deeply, his best-friend. 

“Cody Fett, I have loved you from the day we first met. We went through hell together, our training intensified whether by learning of the royal laws or through our battles. But you have always been by my side as I have you. I want nothing but to have you by my side for life and if this is the way it must be done. I ask the question: I have been given permission to do so from your overprotective family. So, Cody Fett, will you do the honour in marrying me and joining me in the next steps to our lives…” 

“I will just halt you there” Cody held a hand up making Obi-wan raise an eyebrow at the teasing tone of his lover. “I am taking the position of the next ruler to the Fett kingdom just in case it’s something you don’t want, I would suggest getting up” Cody smirked as he spoke, Obi-wan only shook his head and continued. 

“Cody Fett although you may be trouble and a teaser. Know that I will stick by your side if you accept my proposal for the last time, Cody will you marry me?” 

“It’s about time, Obi” 

The older man chuckled as he placed the finger of the one he loved and pulled Cody in for a deep kiss, the silver ring held a gem which was coloured orange topaz, Cody grinned at it admiring it before he pulled Obi-wan into another kiss just as cheers broke out behind them. 

Cody turned to see his father and Boba, the two smiling at him. Turning slightly he heard a chuckle from his slightly taller and older fiancée, Obi-wan looked down with a grin. This was a set up! Cody could only groan, accepting Boba into his arms as he walked towards the ocean with a grinning Boba, ignoring his fathers shouts, Cody jogged for the sand and water. Leaving both Obi-wan and Jango groaning. 

“Kids, who would have them?” Jango muttered, walking into the palace to grab some towels. Knowing Boba would be covered while Obi-wan took his jacket off knowing Cody would be pinching it later. A happy smile landed on Obi-wan’s face as he watched his future husband play with Boba, it was like watching a future picture in motion. 

“Getting baby fever?” 

Obi-wan physically jumped hearing Anakin’s face near his ear, he was careful to whack him while avoiding a smirking Ahsoka who hugged her big brother's side. Obi-wan ignored the comment as the three watched Cody and Boba just enjoy being around each other. 

“Nothing is better than happiness” 

All three turned to see a smirking Fox, the brother who hardly uttered two words walked past them with a blanket in his arms as he led his own feet to his siblings down to the beach. He placed a blanket down and helped Cody settle Boba as they looked up at the stars above. 

“You're not going to join them?” Jango spoke up in amusement, the three siblings nodded before walking down to join their soon to be in-laws. Fox didn’t mind sharing the blanket as Boba lay on his chest leaving room for Anakin and Ahsoka to squeeze on. Obi-wan just lay by Cody’s side, the two holding each other while watching the stars twinkle above. All of them wondering what lay ahead in the near future. 

Two years later…

“I’m sweating, why am I sweating so much? It’s only news, I have to share this before Cody bites my head off again…” Obi-wan mumbled to himself, he was in his royal robes pacing outside Jango Fett’s office. 

“I don’t know but it might be best if you share whatever news you have with him now before Dooku appears. Father’s not in the best of moods” Rex’s voice snapped Obi-wan out of his thoughts, the older man thanked Rex with a smile, his brother-in-law shaking his head while heading off down the corridor to wake his hungover siblings. Yes last night was the night of Jesse and Kix’s wedding, most of the brothers were either hungover from challenging each other or just waking up. Fives was still passed out in the lounge with Echo who was nursing a headache and cursing his twin. 

Knocking on the door quietly Obi-wan was greeted with Jango smiling at him and gesturing for him to enter. The former king had been speaking to Obi-wan last night when he took notice of Cody avoiding the alcohol and disappearing a few times during the night. Jango was very concerned for his son since Cody did have a terrible immune system, he caught almost everything. Which is why when he did visits to sick hospitals, Cody had to wear a filtered mask to make sure he never caught anything. It was a rule created by Jango and no one argued with it, not even Cody, his son wasn’t insane. 

“What can I do for you?” Jango questioned, leading Obi-wan over to the desk where Boba sat in the seat looking over a few things on the computer. One that he and Tech had built to help speed things along which it certainly did. The seven year old barely waved from where he was sitting, Jango sat beside him and gestured for his son-in-law to take a seat. 

“I have news to share with you” 

“Is it anything serious?” 

“Its to do with Cody” 

That caught both Jango and Boba’s attention, both of them turned full attention on Obi-wan who only gulped seeing the protectiveness that he had seen in his own husband's eyes filling his father-in-law and brother-in-law’s eyes. 

“What is it?” Jango demanded only for Obi-wan to pass a small envelope over, Jango took it without hesitation only to open it and gasp. Obi-wan remained impassively watching the exchange between father and son before the two turned to look directly at Obi-wan with frightening glares. 

“Where is he?” Jango’s protectiveness was shown in his tone as Obi-wan could only mumble words before a very worried father took off in a run for his son. Leaving behind a smirking Boba who uttered two words, “You're dead”. Obi-wan could only nod following Boba who continued smiling all the way to the bedrooms. 

Jango Fett had one mission and that was to find his second oldest, the one who took after his mother too much even to the point he had a gift. One thing he had drilled into his sons was the act of privacy so when he came to face his son's bedroom door, he made sure to knock before entering. Gently he opened the door only to come up on quite a sight, his son was kneeling beside the toilet vomiting, he looked sicker than ever. Jango could only sigh as he rubbed Cody’s back. 

“Kote, drink” Jango pressed a cup of herbal remedy into the hands of his son, Cody took it with a miserable expression and sipped the herbal drink while taking a tablet given to him from his father. Once able to stand, Cody allowed his father to lead him to his bed where the two took a seat and Cody soon found eyes staring him down. 

“Obi, told you?” Cody whispered, Jango could only nod watching his son wrap an arm around his abdomen. “We tried to be safe dad but…I won’t lie I kind of wanted one” Cody looked at his father who could only smile pulling his son into his side. 

“I know you do, you have always wanted to be a parent Kote, you don’t need to lie to me but that doesn’t give you the excuse not to come and tell me” 

“I was going to, Obi just felt it would be best if it came from him…I’m sorry dad…” 

“Kote, I’m just teasing. I’m not mad. Now, how far along are you?” 


“So, I can work out if this was done before marriage?” 

“Four months and it was our wedding night if I have worked it out right considering I made him wait to get married to see if we could live with each other first” Cody said with a grin allowing Jango to pull him close, tucking his head under his fathers. 

“Do you know the gender?” 

“We are having a girl” 

Jango’s eyes widened, his royal blood was made up of all boys. Not a single girl had been born for years, the unborn child in his son's stomach would be the first girl to be born in decades. 


“Yep, that’s what I said. Obi didn’t believe me until he looked back at our history. Dad, are you sure you aren’t mad?” Cody looked up at Jango who only pulled him close. 

“No son, I’m proud of everything you have accomplished. You are a king, living your life and now you are welcoming a child into the world. Not just any child, your child. One made by you and the individual you love even if Obi-wan annoys me. You my son will always be a Fett even if you decide to change your name, know that I will always love you and you always have a place in my arms if you need it. I love you Kote” Jango whispered down to his son who yawned as his eyes slipped close, Jango continued to whisper words unaware that his son was asleep in his arms. 

Leaning back Jango made himself comfortable rambling about some story only for his own eyes to close as he pulled Cody closer. Faint footsteps had him blinking to see Boba, his son climbed onto the bed straight into Cody’s arms, the older son unconsciously opened his arms and Boba snuggled close. Another set of footsteps had Jango’s attention as Obi-wan lay the blanket over them all, kissed Cody’s hairline before he left the family to get some sleep, the older man headed down the stairs only to come face to face with Cody’s siblings, all of them wearing mixed expressions. Beside them were the fourteen year old quadruplets, Rex was holding the sonogram and demanding an explanation. Obi-wan could only remain impassive before he took off in a sprint with most of his brother-in-law’s and cousin-in-law’s chasing him demanding he had to pay for the deed he had not done. It confused him but he continued running even to the point he saw a laughing Anakin, Ahsoka and an amused Fox standing beside Thorn. The four watched their family members corner Obi-wan in their family game of cat and mouse. 


Jango could only smile to himself, tightening his arms around his sons, one older, the other the baby of the family. All of their bodies protecting the soon to be new member of the family. A female would be born of Royal Fett Blood for the first time in 1200 years and it would be through one of the males in the family who had been born with a gift. The gift of children bearing, a motherhood like no other had been born. 

The End…

Anyone who has read my bad batch one shots will realise this is the same book! But, then again - no rule against it being in this one! Stick around for more being posted very soon :)

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