Fate: Dragon Knight


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A group of heroes from another world are chosen to travel to Earth's past to change the fate of legendary her... More

Chapter 1 Riders Arrived
Chapter 2: Shapeless Isle
Chapter 3: The Gods
Chapter 4: Weapons of the Riders
Chapter 5 Artemis' Test
Chapter 6: A Rider's Work
Chapter 8: Bonds of Love
Chapter 9 Blades of the Moon
Chapter 10 True Love
Chapter 11: Sun God

Chapter 7: The Hydra

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In the morning Kensuke was taking a small stroll around the castle to check for any problems.

"Hmmm, it seems theres nothing much to do now." He said.

Kensuke looks out to a forest in the distance, he has a feeling about that place.

"Better go check it out." He said.

He goes out and looks around the forest for anything with his arms crossed. Kensuke then hears a monstrous roar as a seven headed hydra comes out of nowhere.

He stares at it with a frown and sighs. "If you think you can scare me, then you'll be defeated." He takes out his golden deck.

Then a different color belt appears on his waist.

"Kamen Rider." He said calmly as he slots in the deck transforming into Kamen Rider Wrath.

He raises an arm as he looks at the creature. "You shall fall before Wrath."

The gods watched from Olympus, Hera didn't like one of the children of her Hydra be used but they wanted to see what this one could do.

The Hydra roars as its heads tries to strike at Wrath. He teleports around avoiding it before striking one of it's heads. The Hydra roars in pain before Wrath uppercuts another head.

It charges at him but he teleports away.

"Your a danger..." He takes out a katana but it wasn't a teigu. "You'll fall before the weapon of my family. Scatter, Senbonzakura."

It turns into small petal like blades as it goes forward slashing at the hydra. The Hydra roars in pain as it was slashed up and blood comes out of its wounds.

Ares sees the sword. "What kind of sword is that?"

"I don't know but it is something I want to study." Hephaestus said.

"It is beautiful." Hera said.

"Where did he get it though?" Athena questions.

The hydra tries to attack Wraith but he teleports to avoid it's heads as the blades slashed against it.

"Pathetic." Wrath said.

The hydra regenerated as it glared at him.

"Looks like i'll have to use a stronger attack."

He then pulls out a card.


His Advent Beast Goldphoenix appears with a screech. It goes to his back and raises him up as he stares down. "Now suffer, Eternal Chaos!" He goes forward as he makes the creature explode.

He descends from the sky raising an arm. "I never lost."

The gods were stunned at this.

"His armor is almost divine." Hermes said.

"Yes. And that beast." Zeus said.

"This one is clearly the leader." Ares said.

"Yes but something tells me we haven't seen his full power." Poseidon said.

"That sword. Theres something more to it." Apollo said.

"Yes like it's... Alive." Artemis said.

"If only I could study it." Hephaestus said.

"Easier said then done." Hermes said.

They wondered what it can do and what else this warrior is capable off since many didn't reveal they're true powers.

At the island

Bruce was lying down on the ground.

"The sun feels nice and warm." Bruce said in a relaxed tone.

He saw Stheno as she goes up to him.

"What do you want?" He said.

"Just seeing what you are doing." She said.

"Well i'm relaxing. Since I like being like this." He said.

"I see. So what's your beast?" She asks.

"It's two." He said.

"Two?" Stheno questions in surprise.

"Yeah." He said.

"So what kind of beasts are they?" Stheno asks.

"Sharks." Bruce said.

"Sharks? Aren't they aquatic animals?" She questions.

"They are special."

She looks at him wondering what he means by special.

"But why come after me? I thought you hated guys." He said.

She shrugs.

"Unlike them you and your friends don't drool over us." Stheno said.

He shrugs. "Okay." Bruce looks out in the sea. "It seems your sister is interested in JJ."

"Yes surprising isn't it?" Stheno said.

"Yeah, but she better not rush it. He lost his girlfriend a long time." He said.

"I believe my sister won't." Stheno said.

He shrugs and looks out to the ocean. "It's always calm."

"Yes it is." Stheno said.

"Also I could go for a swim." He got up.

"Now?" She questions in surprise.

"Why not?" He said.

He then takes his shirt off. She blushes seeing his muscular body, Bruce sees her blush and silently chuckles.

"Like what you see?" He asked.

"None of your business." She said.

Bruce goes to the water and jumps in as she watches him. He swims around a bit enjoying the feel of the water.

He sees her getting close. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing." She looks away.

Bruce smirks and pulls her inside and she falls to the water.

"Hey!" She said angrily.

He laughs at her reaction. "You should have seen the look on your face."

She then splashes him.

"Oh yeah." He does the same to her.

The two were having fun splashing each other.

The others saw that from a distance.

"They're having fun." Joshua said.

"Yeah." Medusa was stunned.

"Stheno is acting differently." Euryale said.

"It seems she and Bruce get along just fine." JJ said.

"Yes. You don't think she's fallen for him?" Medusa questions.

"Who knows." Joshua said.

"So, what should we do now?" JJ questions.

"Would you... Like to hang out with me?" Medusa asked JJ.

JJ thinks about it before shrugging.

"Alright we can do that." He said.

She smiles and the two went forward together as she holds his arm.

He looks at her in slight surprise.

The others watched and Joshua said: "Well good luck with that."

"So I guess its just you and me." Euryale said.

"Well it seems so." He shrugs.

"So what do you want to do?" She questions.

"What do you have in mind?" He said.

She shrugs.

"Known any good stories?" She asks.

" A few." He said.

"Well how about we swap stories then?" Euryale suggests.


"Do you want to start or should I?" She asks.

"Ladies first."

She nods as she tries to think of a good one.

"Maybe the story of my and sisters creation?" Euryale said.

"I'm interested." He said.

"We were born from the wishes of mankind for ideal idols, the embodiment of the yearning hearts of men." Euryale starts

"How interesting." He said.

"However Medusa wasn't born perfectly so she ages while Stheno and I don't." Euryale said.

"Well not everyone is perfect." Joshua said.

"Unfortunate some goddesses grew jealous of our beauty." Euryale said.

Joshua looks at Medusa. "I can tell she suffered something worse."

"Athena cursed her. Taking away her faith from each and every person." Euryale said.

"Not that, did someone attack her?" He said.

"Poseidon happened." Euryale said.

He frowns hearing that. "Oh."

"He violated her." Euryale said.

He frowns hearing that. "Well... His girlfriend suffered that before dying."

This surprises Euryale.

"So he can help her heal those wounds." He said.

"Hopefully." She said.

"For me. I was all alone, I wanted to be a great hero." Joshua said.

"A great hero?" Euryale questions.

"Yes, someone that many can look up to and feel safe. A person they can look up to." He told her.

"Sounds nice." She said.

Joshua smiles and he looks up to the sky.

"I want to be a hero that can make a difference. A Hero that people can rely on." He said.

She smiles as they hang out. The trio had fun with the girls there and they hope they can give them a happier life than what they had before.

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