Transformers: Rise of the Bat...

By Fierybrain

437 23 24

This is the story, about what if, a Transformer robot, who takes the form of a World War 2 battleship, is fea... More

Bio: Main Character
Episode 2
Episode 3
Bio: The Arch-Nemesis
Episode 4
Episode 5

Episode 1

86 6 5
By Fierybrain

[Insert Music Here.]

[Play it, Stop at 1:33.]

So, the scene shows the outer space, showing clumps of asteroids, floating around. The camera then slowly zooms in to approach the Maximal Planet for a closer look.

Optimus Primal(Narrating): "There's a legend that precedes the dawn of our civilization. A vile god, so large and so powerful that it consumes entire planets as fuel. Few believed such a thing could be true... ...until the day we saw Unicron with our own eyes."

Soon, Unicron, the giant, planet-eating god, in a form of a giant planet, approaches the maximal planet.


And then, three pods and one small spacecraft, were sent into the planet.

In the Maximal Planet...

The scene cuts to the forest. Panning over the cliffs as the pods and the spacecraft rains down to the ground. The camera then cuts to the pods raining down. As the pods reach into the ground of the planet, they transform into robotic scorpions. The spacecraft made a rough landing onto the ground. But unscathed. Then, the hatch opens up, and Scourge emerges from the spacecraft.

Optimus Primal(Narrating): "But he didn't just come for our planet. He wanted our greatest technology. The Transwarp Key. And he sent his most powerful henchmen to collect it, Scourge."

Soon, the scene cuts to Apelinq, who is seen fleeing from the robotic scorpions, with the Transwarp Key on his mouth. However, just as he made it out of the forest, one of the robotic scorpions fired a shot at him, which hits him, causing the Transwarp Key to fall from his mouth and causing him to fall over and land on his back. Just as he was about to turn over his body and get back up to retrieve the key, shots emerged beneath the forest, and a Terrorcon scorpion, tries to approach him in order to kill him.

[Insert Music Here.]

[Play it, stop at 1:38.]

But then, Optimus Primal jumps in just in time to save Apelinq and he grabs the Scorpion's Stinger and lifts it high up into the air before slamming it to the ground, then, he grabs it's head and rips it out along with it's spine, killing it. Then, Airazor swoops in and kills two more Terrorcon scorpions using her fire breath before letting out a loud squawk and land on top of their dead carcasses.

Airazor: *SQUAWK*

Then, Cheetor and Rhinox enters the scene. The camera then faces the group. [A/N: Behind the scenes, the Battleship transformer is the cameraman.]

Cheetor: "More enemies are landing! We won't be safe for long!"

Airazor: "Do we have the key?"

Then, Apelinq, now on his feet, retrieves the key before turning around to face Optimus Primal and approaches him.

Apelinq: "You must take it. Keep it hidden so that it never falls into the hands of Unicron."

Optimus Primal: "But Apelinq, we can fight!"

Apelinq: "No! Protecting our Transwarp Key is all that matters! Go! Use it to escape!"

Apelinq then hands the Transwarp Key to Optimus Primal. Airazor then looks at Apelinq.

Airazor: "What will you do?"

Apelinq: "I'll hold him off, to buy you some time."

Optimus Primal: "Then I'm staying with you."

Apelinq: "This is my fight. Listen, if Unicron were to get the key, it could open a portal through time and space, with no end to the worlds he could destroy. It is now your time to lead the Maximals, Optimus Primal."

Then, Optimus Primal, looks at Apelinq for one last time before retreating to the ship that is hidden along with Cheetor, Rhinox and Airazor. Apelinq then turns around to face the Dark Forest. Waiting for Scourge to make his grand entrance.

2 seconds later...

[Insert Music Here.]

[Start at 1:33.]

Soon, the camera is pointing at the Dark Forest, but now, a robot with red eyes and a red light on his chest, makes his appearance. So, Apelinq deploys two of his armblades, that are at both of his arms, ready to face him.

Scourge: "So you are this planet's great warrior? Mmm, you have such a beautiful world, filled with abundance of life."

Then, emerging completely out of this dark forest, is Scourge, the leader of the Terrorcons, and Unicron's most powerful henchman.

Scourge: "Savory."

Then Scourge turns to his right to slowly circle around Apelinq.

Scourge: "My master grows hungry. Give me the Transwarp Key, and he will spare your home."

Then, he stopped.

Apelinq: "We'd rather die than let him reach other planets!"

Then, Scourge faces Apelinq.

Scourge: "So be it."

Then, as Scourge was about to blast him with his arm cannon, Apelinq counters it by using his armblades to throw off his aim and knock him back, but, right as he jumps to deliver a blow on him, Scourge deploys his armblade to stab him right into his chest, almost close to his spark. Then, Scourge, with his arm cannon, blasts him right near his right arm, almost cutting off his right arm. Then, Scourge get his armblade out of Apelinq and retracts it. He then takes Apelinq's Maximal insignia as a trophy.

Scourge: "Benefits of serving the almighty Unicron."

Then, Apelinq collapses onto his left side of his body, bleeding out. While Scourge, on the other hand, puts the Maximal insignia on his left shoulder and welds it on.

Scourge: "They never learn."

Apelinq: "You're too late, Scourge. Your master will be trapped in this galaxy, forever."

[Insert Music Here.]

[Start at 1:53.]

As Scourge looks at Apelinq, who is still alive, but slowly dying of Energon loss, he hears the sound of the ship taking off. Scourge turns around and looks at the Maximal ship, ascending up into the sky.

Scourge: "No!"

Apelinq, now drawing out his final breath, succumbs to his battle wounds and dies, powering down.

Onboard the Maximal Ship...

The scene later cuts to the Maximals on the ship, with the camera zooming out to see Optimus Primal, now the leader of the Maximals, looking out in the window.

Airazor(Narrating): "His sacrifice will be our oath. To preserve the key. No matter the cost."

Soon, the Transwarp Key activates and the ship Transwarps to Prehistoric Earth. Which would become their new home.

Meanwhile with Unicron...

The scene later cuts to Unicron and Scourge. With Scourge, kneeling down before the Planet-Eating God.

Unicron: "You let them slip away with the Transwarp Key? Scour the Universe and find where the Maximals have gone. When you acquire the key, use it, to bring me to you."

Scourge: "Yes, my lord."

Scourge then stood up, at ease.

Unicron: "Once I have the key, I alone will reign supreme!"

Meanwhile in Space...

So, the scene cuts to Unicron, devouring the Maximal Planet, then, shards of the planet flies up to form the title card.

But then, the title card glitches out, instead of, 'Transformers: Rise of the Beasts', it was, 'Transformers: Rise of the Battleship', with the words lighting up to neon red.

Scene Cut...

Soon, the title card cuts to the scene of the Pacific War, April 7th, 1945, World War II. The US Forces have invaded Okinawa, Japan's stronghold.

???(Narrating): "During the Second World War, the US invaded the islands of Okinawa and Iwo Jima. Imperial Japan, now in desperation, sent out the IJN Yamato and her escorts, on a one way mission, beach themselves, and fight to the finish until destroyed."


The scene shows the Super Battleship Yamato, firing beehive shells and anti-air guns at the US torpedo bomber squadron and dive bomber squadron, consisting of F6F Hellcats, and an Avenger fighter-bomber, known as, 'Barbara'. The IJN Yamato lists to port, as the turrets turned their guns all the way, facing it's guns at the ocean. There is no way to counterflood.

???(Narrating): "Yamato slowly lists to port, to the point where it is not possible to counterflood. Admiral Itō, alongside with Captain Kōsaku Aruga, who commanded Yamato for the battle, refused to abandon the ship, until, one of the crew comes in."

At the bridge...

Captain Aruga: "Abandon ship. The war, has already been lost."

Crew Member#4: "Yes sir!"

And soon, the crew member issues the orders to all of the crew to abandon ship.

Meanwhile at the lower levels of the ship...

Meanwhile, the trio are using the pipe to stop the flooding, but there is no hope as one of them yells at them to abandon ship and soon, the trio raced through the hallways and out of the ship.

On the deck...

The camera sees the deck, covered in blood as some of the crew members abandoned ship while others committed Seppuku on the decks.

Inside the bridge...

Captain Aruga tied himself to the binnacle, while one of the crew members made a run for the Emperor's portrait, attempting to protect it, from falling into the hands of the Allies.


???(Narrating): "And finally, the IJN Yamato, capsizes and blows up."

The camera cuts to the outside, where Yamato, heavily damaged from the bombs and torpedoes, capsized completely, as soon as it fully capsized.


In 1953, 8 years after the Battleship Yamato sinks...

???(Narrating): "This is where I came in. It is nighttime, as everyone in mainland Japan, Okinawa and Iwo Jima, are asleep."

So, the scene shows the Island of Okinawa. Then, a Meteor is seen raining down into the ocean before crashing into the Ocean.


In the depths of the Ocean...

So, the camera then submerges into the depths, and the zooms to see the Meteor, the Meteor appears to be a Space Battleship. Then, it transforms into robot mode, the robot's entire body appears to take the form of a Japanese Samurai, complete with a Warlord Helmet and two swords, one Wakizashi sword, and one Katana sword. The turrets and guns on his shoulders, on the right side of his right leg and on the left side of his left leg, appears to bear a striking resemblence to the original IJN Yamato's gun turrets and guns. But were designed to take out a alien ship. So, the robot scouts out the depths, and he sees the wreck of the IJN Yamato.

???(Narrating): "As I scour through the depths for a perfect earth mode for disguise, I see, the wreckage of the sunken Battleship."

Then, he scans it, and as he scans it, in his vision, he sees the holographic version of the shipwreck, reforming itself into the super battleship, Yamato, no scratches, no nothing. Doing so, ends up causing his body to start reforming, with the Space Battleship guns and turrets being replaced with the IJN Yamato turrets and guns, along with the superstructure at his back, with the Space Battleship superstructure, replaced with the IJN Yamato's superstructure. Then, after completing the transformation, the robot then makes his way to the Panama Canal to sneak through it.

Tempest(Narrating): "So, after I finished scanning the wreck, I decided to swim through the depths of the ocean, and make it to the Panama Canal, to get through it. My name, is Tempest, the Samurai of the Seas, and the Swordsman of Hope and Freedom. And I, was there."

Scene cuts to black...

Scene Cut...

[Year: 1994.]

[Location: New York City, United States of America.]

At the Apartment...

So, the camera shows Noah Diaz, testing out an electronic device.

Noah: "Alright, baby, come on... ...alright, show me the money, show me the money...

Then, the electronic device worked.

Noah: "Here we go! Here we go."

Then, Noah takes out the walkie talkie.

Kris(Via Walkie-Talkie): "Yo, Sonic the Hedgehog, is breakfast ready yet?"

Noah(Via Walkie Talkie): "Oh, my bad. Christopher Diaz from 974 Wilson Avenue, Apartment 2C, Brooklyn L-

Kris(Via Walkie-Talkie): "No real names! They're listening!"

Noah(Via Walkie Talkie): "Ain't no secret agency's worried about us, 'Tails'. Now get out here while it's hot."

Breanna: "At least they got that going for 'em. Here, I ironed this for you."

Noah: "I already ironed it."

Breanna: "Like you cooked those eggs?"

Noah: "What do you mean? They're just seasoned."

So, Kris is seen playing Super Mario, trying to get past Bowser.

Kris: "Oh, come on!"

Noah: "Come here. bro."

Kris: "I can't get past Bowser."

Breanna: "Well, good morning to you, too. Drink this and take your medicine, all of it."

Kris: "Okay."

Breanna: "Are you sure you can take him?"

Noah: "Yeah, uh, hospital's on the way. I got time."

Breanna: "If that lady, that... administrator is there, and she mentions a bill. Just... tell her we're handling it."

Noah: "I will. And after today, I'll be able to help out more."

Breanna: "Good luck on the interview. Don't forget to laugh at all the jokes! White people love that shit."

Kris: "Ma. Language."

Then Breanna kisses Kris's cheek.

Breanna: "Okay. Remember I have class tonight, so I'll be home late. Lo quiero."

Noah: "I love you."

Soon, Noah then looks at Kris.

Noah: "All right, man, we gotta get into the city. Hey, hold up, hold up. Your hand's hurting again?"

Kris: "No, it's nothing."

Noah: "Then let me see. Kris."

Noah: "It's swollen. Sickle cells must be blocking the blood flow again. How long has this been going on?"

Kris: "Couple days."

Noah: "Yo, look, I told you. You gotta tell me these things. You fighting this alone or are we fighting it together?"

Kris: "Together."

Noah: "Home team?"

Kris: "Home team."

Noah, now dressed in a business suit. He takes Kris and stepped out of the apartment. They first check on Noah's shady friend, Reek.


[A/N: I'm skipping the hospital scene and the Ellis Island scene, okay, now back to the story.]

It is nighttime at New York City, USA, it seems that Noah could not apply for a job as his interview got cancelled. So, the camera shows Noah, hiding in the corner, within' the shadows, while Reek is at his car. Then, the Security Guard uses the remote and presses the button, the security doors starts to close down slowly as two people left, with their backs turned. Opportunity! Noah makes a run for it and enters the loading bay.

Reek(Phone): "You feelin' that huh?"

Noah(Talking via Communication Earpiece): "Yeah, whatever."

Then, Noah enters the room into the clothing factory.

Reek: "Aight, there shouldn't be anyone in this part of the building, you should be able to just walk right on in."

And as Noah was about to walk right on in, he suddenly hides in a corner as soon as he sees one of the staff members who was working in the clothing factory.

Noah(Comms Earpiece): "Strike one, mastermind! This place is packed."

Reek(Phone): "Hey, well, to error is divine. Just act like you own this place. Try not to look suspicious."

Meanwhile at Museum at Ellis Island...

So, Elena inspects the statue of Airazor.

Elena: "Alright, let's see what you really are."

Meanwhile at the Carpark...


It seems that Noah has made it to the carpark.

Reek(Phone): "Now, my man said that it's tucked in the back. Been there a couple of weeks. It's a grayish car with, like, a..."

Noah(Earpiece): "Blue stripe."

Reek(Phone): "Alright, now, just like your bro, Reek showed you. Down the window. A little wibble. Feel that snag, and yeah. Now we're makin' money."

So, Noah Diaz did as what Reek told him to. Down the window. Little wibbling, and snag. Yes! Then, he enters the Porsche, unbeknownst to him, that Porsche 911 with a silver paint job and a blue stripe, was Mirage, in disguise. Just, litterally, wait for something to happen.

Reek(Phone): "Alright, how's everything goin'?"

Noah(Earpiece): "I'm in."

Meanwhile at the Ocean near the bridge that is heading to Ellis Island...

So, the scene cuts to the ocean, deep beneath the ocean, the lights are in the depths, moving slowly to install a hidden sound-proof forcefield barrier. After installing the sound barrier, it soon takes position 20 kilometers away from the bridge, it resurfaces. Revealing the super battleship, IJN Yamato! No water entering the ship. By the time it fully resurfaces, the water on the deck evaporates. So, the wooden deck was replaced with a steel deck that is painted to look like a wooden deck. [Note: When Tempest is in his alt form, he goes by the alias, 'IJN Yamato'.]

Yamato(Whispering): "Okay, I'm in position. Ready to watch the scene unfold."

At Ellis Island Museum...

Okay, so, the scene cuts to Elena with the Statue of Airazor.

Elena: "This won't hurt a bit."

Then suddenly, the statue starts to crack.

Elena: "No, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop! No, no, no, no! I'm gonna lose my job. I'm gonna go behind bars!"

The statue then reveals half of the Transwarp Key, and it's starting to hum and glow.

Elena: "It's definitely not Nubian."


The scene cuts to the IJN Yamato, still idling and in position and still with his interior lights on along with the interior citadel lights, turns around to see a beam, shooting up into the sky.

Yamato: "What the?"

Then, the scene cuts to black.

To be continued...

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