Woe and Time (Wednesday x Mal...

By blokmuis

21.9K 558 261

This journey starts of with the transfer of a peculiar girl, the transfer of an eccentric boy and a prophecy... More

Wednesday's Child Is Full of Woe
Woe Is the Loneliest Number
Friend or Woe
Woe What a Night
You Reap What You Woe
Quid Pro Woe
If You Don't Woe Me by Now
A Murder of Woes
Not a Chapter

Woe and Time Chapter 10

468 25 4
By blokmuis

Helloooo!! I'm still alive, I've just been a bit lazy and got side tracked with different games, oh and the autism decided to overload on life things, so that was fun, also also, still have a bit of a case called Writers Block, ironic right, the writer blok got writers block.

I might make another book for the various things people have said under the pages of the book (Yes, I do read them), so keep an eye out for that, I might just need a change of pace, possibly, perhaps, anyway, I've started this draft all the way back in August, so progress was slow on this and I'm still not very sure if I'm happy with the end result... Eh, you're your own worst critic I guess. (Probably butchered that saying but oh well)

Remember, be kind to people, take care of yourself and the people around you and never be afraid to ask for help, we can only do so much alone.

Well then, see you in a year. (Not really XD, I'll try and see if I can create something soon)

Yes, I know, the title is very basic, but I'm absolutely horrible with thinking of names XD

(Not Proofread, something I really should do)

"Okay, this should be smooth sailing from here on" I said, but of course the world had something else to say about that, for as soon as those words left my mouth, the alarm bells started to echo through the interior and soon after both Wednesday and me were thrown to the floor as the TARDIS started to spin out of control through the vortex.

"There's no need to panic, I've got this perfectly under control" as more sparks started to appear from the console, making me sigh in defeat. "I really should just be quiet, okay change of plans, emergency landing" as I boosted the defences to the outer shell in the hopes that I can negate any further damage.

"I really hope I'm not going to blow up the Eye of Harmony, I really can't be bothered with that now" as I decreased the throttle and prepared the handbrake for the emergency landing, as a thud sound soon followed.

"Wednesday? You alive?" I asked as I moved towards the monitor to check up on any damage.

"I'm fine, you need to dust the lower floor" she said as she removed some remaining dust from her clothes. "What happened?" she asked as she walked towards me.

"Well, we hit some rubble and got thrown about in the vortex, nothing major, thankfully," I said with a relieved sigh, but Wednesday being Wednesday wasn't one to be fooled too easily.

"What aren't you telling me?" she said glaring at me for information.

"You want the good news or the bad news first?" I asked her only to be answered with silence. "Okay, bad news it is then, we're out of fuel, it appears the emergency landing dumped the fuel reserves, so we're going to have to wait sometime depending on where we are it could take an hour, or it could take a whole day, luckily nothing else got damaged, so there's some good news." As I turned on the scanner to see what's waiting for us outside.

"Hmmm, how strange, something is jamming the scanner" as I tried to get a signal on the monitor, but sadly I had no such luck. "Guess we'll have to do this the old fashioned way" as I activated the protocol to refuel the TARDIS "Activating the TARDIS cloaking device just in case" I said as I pulled the lever to engage the cloaking device.

"Come on Addams, let's see what fun we got waiting outside those doors" I said as I opened the doors for her.

"Such a gentleman" Wednesday said moving past me.

"I try to be" I said, only to realize that she was probably being sarcastic. "That was sarcasm wasn't it?" I said once again being answered by her silence, as I followed behind her, closing the doors.

"Where are we?" Wednesday asked, observing the surrounding area.

"Lucky you Wednesday, first trip and you've got yourself a spaceship" I said as I started getting a strange feeling of unease, but I decided to ignore it.

"Hmm, it's quite empty isn't it, where is everyone?" I said confused at the silence. "Well, one way to find out what's going on, a ship like this got to have a security room or something like that." As we made our way hopefully towards the room.

"So, do you know where we're going?" Wednesday asked as we walked through a corridor.

"Nope." I said pressing the button on the door. "I don't know why, but I've got this strange feeling of unease" I said as we continued through the hallway.

"What makes you say that?" Wednesday asked making me shrug.

"I don't know, it's quite frustrating" as the lights turned off in the hallway, slightly startling the both of us.

"What happened?!" Wednesday asked startled at the sudden lack of lights.

"I hope nothing bad, we should pick up the pace." I said moving through the corridor, thankfully it wasn't completely dark, there was still some ambient light from remaining circuitry in the panels.

We continued on through the corridor and the lights started to return, soon after we started to hear voices in the distance. I motioned Wednesday to stay behind and be quiet as we moved closer to the voices.

"Clever isn't he." unknown person 1 said complementing whoever this "He" is.

"And rather attractive." unknown person 2 said

"You do realise he's a man, don't you, ma'am?" unknown person 1 said with a slightly upset at the others previous comment.

"Mammals. They all look alike." Unknown person 2 said probably answering the question.

So, we're dealing with humanoids? Least whoever is in the room got some form of intelligence.

"Oh, thank you." Unknown person 1 said clearly being offended by the comment, there was a few moments of silence before Unknown person 2 spoke again.

"Was I being insensitive again, dear? I don't know why you put up with me." They said, Wednesday and I heard the sound of a.... whip? I'm not sure what it exactly was.

"I'm so confused as to what is going on here" I said out loud unknowingly, making Wednesday facepalm at my accidental slip up. "What, why the facepalm? What did I do?" I said slightly louder than intended, clearly oblivious to my previous slip up.

"If you're trying to sneak up on us, than I'd like to inform you that you're doing a terrible job." Unknown Person 2 said, quickly making me freeze in my movement and stop hoping that they're bluffing. "If you don't come forward in the next 10 seconds, we will come to you." They said soon after.

"Okay, hold on, we're nice, friendlies, unarmed, we're just stowaways, well sort of" as I raised my hands showing that I wasn't armed. "We're going to be moving into view now, please don't shoot, we're very allergic to bullets" as we slowly moved into their view, only for me to realize that the unknown voices were familiar faces.

"Oh, hello, I didn't expect this, never imagined to see you two. Wednesday look I know them we're cool." I said as I lowered my hands and walked up to them, only to get a sword pointed at me, making me raise my hands again.

"You want to retract your previous comment, or should I point a sword at you too." Wednesday said smirking obviously making fun of me, clearly finding this amusing.

"Very funny Wednesday" I said looking over to her direction, but then I realized, that feeling of unease. "Oh no, no, we shouldn't be here, this place, I've read about this." I said making the one holding the sword look at me confused.
I realized, but it was already too late, we've gotten involved and seeing as the TARDIS is still refuelling we can't leave at all.

"Okay, so, I'm Y/N and this is Wednesday, we got here by accident." I explained as Vastra lowered her sword, she was about to speak, but was soon interrupted by a voice on the communications, making Vastra turn to the panel.

"Stop. Wait. Listen to me. I am disarming my weapon pack. Monks, I do this in good faith. I am now unarmed. All of you, discharge your weapon packs. The Doctor is trying to make fools of us. We are soldiers of God. We are not fools. We are not fools. We are not fools. We are not fools." The colonel said as soon all the other soldiers followed with the same.

"Colonel Manton is regaining control." Vastra said looking at the footage.

"Where's the Doctor gone?" Jenny asked, but got no reply.

"So?" Wednesday said looking at me. "Care to explain what it is" she said obviously talking about Vastra.

"Now Wednesday, let's not be rude, She's a Silurian, uhm, how am I going to explain this, the Silurians are Homo Reptilicus, for if it wasn't obvious reptile people, they inhabited the earth long before you lot were banging sticks against stones, also, try not to get on her bad side, or you'll end up like that poor guy on the ground, he's not dead, I think." I said explaining to Wednesday.

"You clearly have more advanced knowledge than most apes" Vastra said noticing my statement.

"I like reading books, also, take no offense to Wednesday's comment, she's new to this, well, if you don't count a resurrected pilgrim and a monster coming after you, then again, maybe not all that new." I said slowly trailing of my sentence. "Oh look, a distraction, people are being teleported onto the ship, quite an army you've got." I said switching subject as the ship started to shake and the communications array got destroyed.

"Who are you again?" Jenny asked, well, more like demanding.

"Like I said I'm Y/N and that's Wednesday and I can't say more than that, until the time is right." I said trying my hardest not to say too much as the door to the room opened and he appeared in the doorway, making me freeze in place.

"Right then, communications array is destroyed, Amy should be safe, Rory is getting the baby and Strax is bringing colonel Manton here" He said as he approached the control panel, only for him to stop and turn to Wednesday and me. "Now then, who are you two?" He asked us as he turned to sit in the chair.

"Oh, right, hello, I'm Y/N and this is Wednesday, we're sort of stowaways, we're friendly." I answered as he stared me down, whatever he wanted to say got cut off as Strax walked into the room with Colonel Manton.

"All airlocks sealed. Resistance neutralised." Strax said as he walked into the room with the colonel.

"Sorry, Colonel Manton. I lied. Three minutes forty two seconds" The Doctor said turning in his chair to face the colonel.

"Colonel Manton, you will give the order for your men to withdraw." Strax ordered, only for The Doctor to cut him off.

"No. Colonel Manton, I want you to tell your men to run away." The Doctor said, only to leave a confused.

"You what?" Manton said

"Those words. Run away. I want you to be famous for those exact words. I want people to call you Colonel Run Away. I want children laughing outside your door, because they've found the house of Colonel Run Away." The Doctor said as he moved towards the colonel.

"And, when people come to you, and ask if trying to get to me through the people I love." He said as Vastra hissed at the Doctor's outburst.
"is in any way a good idea, I want you to tell them your name. Oh, look, I'm angry. That's new. I'm really not sure what's going to happen now." The Doctor said as a lady dressed in black approached.

"The anger of a good man is not a problem. Good men have too many rules." She said towards The Doctor.

"Good men don't need rules. Today is not the day to find out why I have so many." The Doctor said as he moved closer towards the lady in black, who seemed to be afraid from his comment.

"Give the order." She said confusing The Doctor, but he soon understood what she meant and he moved out of the way. "Give the order, Colonel Run Away." As The Doctor moved away.

Soon after the clerics were retreating and Demon's Run was cleared, a few minutes prior Vastra left to wherever The Doctor went.

"Alright, well, that was something to witness" as Strax, Jenny, Wednesday and I left the control room.

"Whoever that was, I wanted to stab her" Wednesday said in her usual monotone way.

"A bit drastic isn't it" Jenny said slightly startled at Wednesday's comment.

"That's just Wednesday, trust me, she can do much worse if she wanted to" I said walking down the hall. It was mostly silent as Strax and Jenny went another way as it was just Wednesday and me.

"So, that's your father." Wednesday said

"Yup, it's been sometime since I've last seen him, I believe it's been about 400, probably 500 years since I've last seen him, problem is, I can't tell him anything, otherwise I'd potentially destroy my own creation." I explained to Wednesday, who seemed to be in thought.

"Sounds complicated." Wednesday said making me agree with a hum as we reached the room where the TARDIS was parked, there we saw The Doctor leaving for the control room, but our little bit of peace was soon interrupted by Strax who said.

"Drop your weapons. State your rank and intent. I found it listening at the door." As Strax walked up with a cleric.

"I heard her talking. This is a trap. Why would I lie to you?" The cleric said.

"Well, you might want to take a look at your uniform." Rory said telling a valid reason.

"He's got a point" I said agreeing with him.

"The only reason I joined the Clerics was so I could meet the Doctor again." Lorna explained.

"You wanted to meet him, so you joined an army to fight him?" Jenny said not believing Lorna.

"Well, how else do you meet a great warrior?" Lorna said, but Amy didn't agree with her statement.

"He's not a warrior." She said.

"Then why is he called the Doctor?" Lorna questioned, but was soon interrupted as the lights turned off "It's starting. Please, listen to me." Lorna said pleading for them to listen, as Strax scanned the base for life signs.

"Confirmed. No life forms registering on this base, except us and the Silurians." Strax said as he put away his scanner.

"That won't tell us much." I said pointing towards the scanner. "The monks aren't exactly alive, seeing as they're headless, so they won't show up as life forms." I said explaining why, luckily we were soon joined by Vastra and Dorium, Vastra is capable, but I'm not very sure about Dorium, knowledgeable perhaps.

"Well, no worries there, we got the TARDIS." I said as a cone of light appeared around it. "Ah, right, didn't see that coming" I said unexpected at the turn of events.

"What's that?" Amy said not knowing what the cone of light is.

"It's a forcefield, which is unfortunate, because that just means one thing" I said preparing myself.

"We're about to get into combat." Wednesday said making me do an audible Yup as we heard the doors locking around us.

"And those are the doors locking." Lorna said a bit agitated.

"No worries people, I can do something about this." I said as I patted my pockets looking for my screwdriver. "Uhm, I could've sworn." As I slightly started to panic, as I looked at Wednesday.

"So, no need to panic, but I left it in the charging port." I said as Wednesday glared right into my soul. "It's not my fault, I had to synchronize and recalibrate it." I said defending myself

"Apparently we're not leaving." Vastra said

"Is that the Monks?" Rory asked, as Dorium spoke.

"Oh, dear God. That's the attack prayer." He said panicked at the chanting of the monks.

"Quick, come with me." Rory said as he lead Amy away. Vastra shouted for Strax, as Strax tried to turn the lights back on again.

"This is where we'll make our stand. Clear lines of sight on all approaches." Vastra said as she and Jenny prepared for Combat.

"Alright, seems a fight we got, Wednesday catch." As I threw her a collapsible blade. "Late birthday present, and you better make use it" as I grabbed my own from my pocket and prepared for combat.

"Centurian, you're needed!" Vastra said to Rory as the chanting of the monks got closer.

"There should be some plasma pistols somewhere. They left everything." Lorna said as she went to look for the weapons in the remaining crates.

"Then find them, boy!" Strax said unable to see the differences between a girl and a boy, Vastra on the other hand threw a little jab towards Strax's comment.

"She's definitely a girl." She said, as Jenny told her to stop it.

"This shouldn't be a problem, we've survived an encounter with the hyde and we made a resurrected pilgrim eat dirt, I'd say as long as we don't get cocky we'd be okay, besides I still got some tricks up my sleeve if need be." I said to Wednesday as the both of us prepared for the coming fight.

"Agreed, so don't do anything stupid!" Wednesday said to me, a bit harsh, but she was right, this wasn't the time to do anything stupid, for there are lives at stake.

"We don't have to fight them. I'm friends to the Monks. They know me." Dorium said taking me out of my train of thoughts.

"Yeah, and they know you just sold them out to the Doctor." Rory said to Dorium as he continued on walking towards the monks.

"Oh, they'll understand it's only me. Only silly old me. You understand, don't you?" He said to the monks as he continued on.

"Mister Maldovar, get back here!" Vastra said hoping Dorium would listen and come back, but to no avail he didn't stop.

"Arm yourself, fool!" Strax ordered as Rory shouted out to Dorium. There was a moment of silence, before we heard the sound of a blade and the sound of a thud, as a few seconds passed both Vastra and Rory called out to Dorium, but we were met with two monks escorting a headless Dorium back.

"Dorium didn't keep his head in the game." I said as the others looked at me. "I didn't mean to say that, it just happened, sorry" as we returned our posture and Vastra shouted.

"The child. At all costs, protect the child!" Vastra ordered and we prepared for the fight, as did the monks who charged their blades.

And so it began, the fight at demon's run had begun. We had the advantage in number, but the monks knew the layout of the ship better than us. That was troublesome, thankfully The Headless Monks were easy to take out, they are still humanoid creatures, so a sword would be more than enough to take one out.

"Wednesday! Duck!" I ordered and she did just that as I threw a dagger at the monk that was coming from behind her, the monk was down and the both of us regrouped so that we were covering each other's back.

"How are you holding up?" I asked Wednesday trying to catch my breath.

"You should worry about yourself first." Wednesday said as she parried and lunged at a monk taking them out before returning to me.

"Thankfully you're top of the class when it comes to fencing." I said as I pushed back the monk, kicked its legs and finished them off. "You know, after this, we really should go somewhere relaxing." I said returning to Wednesday's side.

We did well and we got all of the monks that were around, sadly enough, it wasn't without casualties. In the fight, both Strax and Lorna were hit by the monks' energy blasts, but worst of all, we failed to protect a child which wasn't even real to begin with, so their deaths were in vain.

The Doctor soon appeared after the fight with the monks, but I tuned out most of their conversation, just because I'm not afraid to fight, doesn't mean I don't regret the lives that are lost, just like war, it's a never ending cycle, you take the life of a person, a parent or the life of a child, usually either the parent will hunt you down or the child will grow up with hatred and rage and do the same.

Wednesday and I were sitting down, taking a breather after that party we had.

"You okay?" I asked her as she gave me a nod.

"You?" she asked back as I nodded back.

"I'm good, now that it's over I'm good, see, I told you." I said as Wednesday looked confused at what I meant. "I did tell you that my life was chaotic, after we returned from the Gates mansion." I explained as Wednesday seemed to get what I meant. "It's addicting isn't it, the thrill, the adrenaline." I said to grinning to her.

"It is indeed quite addicting, I like it." Wednesday said giving a slight smile, but we were interrupted by a quick flash of light.

"Well then, soldier. How goes the day?" River said as The Doctor turned around to face her, approaching her with anger.

"Where the hell have you been? Every time you've asked, I have been there. Where the hell were you today?" He asked with anger lingering in his voice.

"I couldn't have prevented this." River said, but that answer didn't satisfy him.

"You could have tried!" He said as he walked away from her.

"And so, my love, could you." River said responding to his comment. "I know you're not all right. But hold tight, Amy, because you're going to be." River said turning to Amy and Rory.

"You think I wanted this? I didn't do this. This, this wasn't me!" He said denying everything that happened at demon's run was his doing.

"This was exactly you. All this. All of it. You make them so afraid. When you began, all those years ago, sailing off to see the universe, did you ever think you'd become this?
The man who can turn an army around at the mention of his name. Doctor, the word for healer and wise man throughout the universe. We get that word from you, you know.
But if you carry on the way you are, what might that word come to mean?
To the people of the Gamma Forests, the word Doctor means mighty warrior. How far you've come. And now they've taken a child, the child of your best friends, and they're going to turn her into a weapon just to bring you down. And all this, my love, in fear of you." River said explaining how this happened.

"Who are you?" The Doctor said as he approached River.

"Oh look, your cot. Haven't seen that in a very long while." River said in an enthusiastic tone as she backed up towards it, while The Doctor grabbed her wrist to stop her from getting away from him.

"No, no, you tell me. Tell me who you are" He said in a pleading tone.

"I am telling you. Can't you read?" River said as she lead his hand towards the cot as The Doctor began to read the Gallifreyan symbols on the cot.

"Hello." The Doctor said as River responded with another hello back. The both of them went back and forth, the previous tension that was around completely left the room, like it never existed in the first place.

"How do I look?" The Doctor asked as he straightened his bowtie.

"Amazing." River said.

"I'd better be." He responded with as River agreed with him.

"Vastra and Jenny, till the next time. Rory and Amy, I know where to find your daughter, and on my life, she will be safe. River, get them all home." The Doctor said as he grabbed his Sonic and disabled the forcefield to enter his TARDIS, as Amy and Rory called out to him, before closing the door and dematerialized.

"I don't really get to see this very often myself" I said nudging Wednesday slightly as The TARDIS dematerialized, who in returned ignored me.

"Where's he going and what did you tell him?" Amy said as she walked over to River.

"Amy, you have to stay calm." River said trying to calm her down as Amy went to pick up a gun.

"Tell me what you told the Doctor." Amy said threatening River.

"Amy, no. Stop it!" Rory said trying to defuse the situation.

"It's okay, Rory. She's fine. She's good. It's the Tardis translation matrix. It takes a while to kick in with the written word. You have to concentrate." River said reassuring Rory as Amy tried to read the Gallifreyan symbols on the cot, but still couldn't read it.

"I still can't read it." Amy said still pointing the gun at River as Rory grabbed it and slowly took it from her.

"It's because it's Gallifreyan and doesn't translate. But this will." River said as she gave Amy the prayer leaf.

"It's your daughter's name in the language of the Forest." She said as Amy slightly scoffed at the comment.

"I know my daughter's name." Amy said, as River went to explain that the Gamma Forest doesn't have a word for pond, for they only had rivers.

"The Doctor will find your daughter, and he will care for her whatever it takes. And I know that." River said reassuring both Amy and Rory. The prayer leaf began to translate as it started to show River and on the back Song. "It's me. I'm Melody. I'm your daughter." River said as both Amy and Rory were shocked at this revelation, in the middle of this revelation Wednesday and I slipped away to where my TARDIS was parked.

"Shocking revelation isn't it" I said as I opened the doors and prepared for take-off.

"You said you've read about this, what did you mean?" Wednesday asked as she closed the doors.

"I mean, I've literally read about this, well, not completely, because not everything was documented, but I knew of most important things." I explained while preparing for take-off "Before you ask, no, you can't read those logs, even I haven't read all that much, mostly to avoid getting involved in the scenarios if there is another repeat like today, besides you can't access them anyway, the TARDIS is very strict on what logs get read." I said shutting down Wednesday's thoughts.

"Shame." Wednesday said defeated

"Buuuut, that doesn't mean I can't add some more books to fit your reading preferences" I said enthusiastic. "You'll like the library, imagine the biggest library you've seen" I said to Wednesday.

"You imagining it?" I asked in which she nodded her head. "Good, now forget that, for the library in the TARDIS is near infinite when it comes to the reading possibilities, well, I can make it near infinite, I'll show you around sometime." I said as Wednesday became eager to the sight of the library.

"Well then, I don't know about you, but I would like to get something to eat, how about a restaurant that's run by the undead." I asked her as I waited for her response.

"A restaurant that's run by the undead?" Wednesday said in which I nodded my head. "Intriguing." Wednesday said with a smirk. "Does this restaurant have a name?" Wednesday asked.

"Its name is quite ironic, it's actually called Morgue." I said as Wednesday let out a sigh and looked in disbelief.

"Well then, restaurant Morgue it is." I said as I put in the coordinates and released the handbrake. The interior filled with the mechanical noise as the exterior faded away.

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