Almost One in the Same || A D...

By CS_writes_fanfics

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~{Just a heads-up: updates will be slow due to long chapters, and/or motivational shortages!}~ Guiding Light'... More

(REWRITE!) Chapter 1||Guiding Light
Chapter 2 || Curious Light
Chapter 3 || Curious Light
Chapter 4 || Screech
Chapter 5 || Guiding Light

Chapter 6 || Curious Light

125 7 152
By CS_writes_fanfics



Approaching Door 52, Curious heard a melody, upbeat but still calming. It was hard keeping up with Screech's fast pace, honestly... Guiding showed the same, even after they had told Screech to slow down.

    "Jeff! Jeffy-Jeff!" Screech exclaimed, basically punching open the door.

    "AAH! HOLY CANNOLI—" a voice screamed, scaring Curious very badly. "Oh, wait, no. It's just you guys. Sorry, haha..."

    Curi recognized this voice... They cautiously entered Door 52, and was surprised to see a small, shop-like area. It had the similarities to most of the rooms in the Hotel — the light brown planks for flooring; a red wallpaper with a wood trim; the elegant wooden pillars reaching the ceiling; and the drawers and bookshelves on the left and right sides of the room.

    What was different, however, was the small shop to the west. There was a hanging wooden sign above it, dangling from the ceiling. On it, written in black drippy paint, were the words: Jeff Shop. A pitch black alcove was present; three crates with wooden planks formed something of a table counter. There were four items on the countertop: A radio (seemingly the source of the upbeat jingle), a lighter, a capsule of Vitamins, a flashlight, and a key of some sort.

    To the east, another small table was made with crates and planks. This one had two chairs beside it, each taken by two entities.

    "Okay, okay, okay! Jeff, this is Curious; Curious, this is Jeff!" Screech said excitedly.

    "We know each other, Screech," Jeff replied with a chuckle. "Nice to see you again, Curious!"

    "Nice to see you too... Jeff." Curious remembered Jeff vividly — he had asked them about their humanoid form during Curi's introduction. (They've gotten more comfortable with their human-like self, Curious realized.)

    "Hola, hombre!" another voice said. Looking, they noticed a goblin-like creature with large, yellow eyes. He was only wearing a pair of torn, brown shorts. "Whos this new düd, Light?"

    "Oh! You two haven't met yet," Guiding exclaimed. "Curi, El Goblino; El Goblino, Curious."

    "Hey-ey! Good to see you then, Curious!" El Goblino said. "Oh, come on, Bob. Say hello, will ya'?"

    Curious assumed the skeleton in the other chair was Bob. No words came out of him.

    "He's a bit shy at first — but stick with him long enough and he'll be chattering away, hombre!"

    The golden specter waved slightly, unsure of what to think of the two entities.

    "I've heard about the tour, Light!" Jeff exclaimed. "I suppose that's why you're here?"

    Guiding nodded. "Correct. I assume Void told you?"

    "Yep!" Jeff then turned to Curious. "By the way, welcome to my shop!" he exclaimed. "It's made as a safe place for guests, so feel free to chill here for a while!"

    "Thanks..." Curious mumbled.

    "Oh! Also, Guiding, any new guests yet?" Jeff asked.

    "Not as of now," the cyan specter replied. "Void will alert all of us if anyone comes by.

    Curious picked up the odd-looking key from Jeff's stand. It didn't look like a normal key — like the ones that were usually used for Locked Rooms. It had a skeleton face on top of the actual key itself, and it gave the specter a feeling of mystery and familiarity.

    "Oh, Curious! You thinking about that Skeleton Key right there?" Jeff said, waving a tentacle to Curi.

    Curious nodded, and Jeff continued. "That key's really special, you know," he stated. "It can open up a really cool place."

    "Ooh, wait!" Screech interfered. "Do you have those propeller thingies?"

    The rest of the conversation was tuned out by Curious. They knew the so-called Skeleton Key was special. It was piquing their interest — their curiosity was taking over. They tried to repress their ever-growing amount of questions, but it only half-succeeded.

    Guiding took notice of this. "Curious?" they called. "Do you have something to say?"

    Curi glanced at Screech and Jeff, then back to Guiding. "A little bit..." they muttered. "The key... feels important to me. I... don't know why, but it... just does, you know?"

    "The Skeleton Keys are very important items," the cyan spirit explained. "It's only natural to feel a special connection to it."

    "But how special... is it really?" Curious followed up. Out of all their questions, that one stood out the most.

    Guiding seemed to consider this for a while. "It's just... special, is all," they said. "I'm not sure how to explain it, but it is important — for us and the guests."

    "Well, if there's a key," Curious began, "then... there must be a lock to go with it, right?"

    "Yes," Guiding answered. "There's one lock in the Infirmary where this key can be used."

    "Mm... All right." The yellow specter glanced at the Skeleton Key, which was still in their hand. "Should I... keep it? For now, at least...?"

    Guiding nodded. "Sure!" they replied. "Ask Jeff first, through. It is from his shop, after all."

    "Okay..." Curious looked back at Jeff and Screech... who were fighting for some reason.

    "Oh, boy..." Guiding muttered, facepalming. "Excuse me for a bit." They flew over to Screech. "What's happening here?" they asked.

    "Jeff doesn't have those propeller thingies!" Screech whined. "Even though he told me he would!"

    "I told you that you'd have to wait!" Jeff retorted.

    "You promised me that you'd have one!" Screech exclaimed.

    What was this called again? Conflict, right? It was a normal occurrence in the Rooms (usually between A-60 and A-90), and Curious was quick to resolve it. But this wasn't the Rooms. This was the Hotel — a place Curious was just getting used to.

    "Guys, guys! Calm down!" Guiding exclaimed. "Listen, Screech, Jeff is a hardworking entity."

    "Thank you, thank you." One of Jeff's tentacles moved down in a bowing manner. Screech rolled his eyes and scoffed.

    "And you're welcome," they replied, looking at Jeff. Turning back to Screech, Guiding continued. "If you want something from him, you may have to wait — he also has his shop to take care of."

    "But I don't wanna!" Screech screamed. "He promised me that he'd give me one, and I want it now!" His voice was at a higher pitch than usual, almost like a feminine squeal.

    "Okay, okay! Listen," Jeff said. "I'll give one to you later. I'll give it to Seek, and he'll give it you. But you owe me, all right?"

    "Ooh, yaaay!" Screech cheered.

    Jeff rolled his eyes playfully. Turning to Guiding, he says. "It's nearly impossible to please him." Getting a laugh out of the revenant, the shopkeeper directed his attention to Curious. "You got something there, separate spirit?"

    Wordlessly, the golden spirit held out the Skeleton Key. They had a firm grip on it, like they were afraid to let it go.

    "Ah, the Skeleton Key," Jeff exclaimed. "Normally, this would cost 300 coins, but I'll cut most of that out of the system. How much you got?"

    "U-Um..." Curious shrugged. They did have Coins in the Rooms, but they didn't think they'd need them here.

    "If you don't have anything, I'd be more than delighted to let you keep it — free of charge," Jeff offered. "You okay with that, Guiding?"

    "That's all right with me," the specter allowed. "How about you, Curious?"

    Curi looked down at the Skeleton Key in their hands, resonating power only sensed near the entrance and exits of the Rooms. Did they want to let it go? Jeff's offer was enticing... But wouldn't it be unfair for Curious to just take it?

    "Curious? Hello?" Guiding called. "Are you still there?"

    "What? Huh?" Curious was wrenched out of their thoughts. How long had they been silent?

    "You zoned out for a bit there, Curious," Jeff explained. "Would you like to keep the key?"

    Curious was silent for a moment more. After a while, they spoke up, "Yes, I... would. Thank you..."

    Jeff hummed, amused and pleased. "All right — that settles that. It's all yours, Curious!"

    "Sheesh, hombre!" El Goblino said, finally speaking up. "How'd you manage to convince Jeff to let you have that? Tell me your secrets, düd!"

    "Oh, shush!" Jeff scolded. "This is just me being nice!"

    "M-hm," El Goblino hummed, seemingly unconvinced. "Bob and I? We think you're lying," he added in a sing-songy tone.

    Screech giggled; Jeff sighed, slightly irritated. "You three are free to leave," Jeff said. "I have a little goblin and a skeleton to lecture."

    El Goblino laughed. "You can't get rid of me, hombre!"

    "We'll be on our way," Guiding said politely.

    "Bye, Jeff!" Screech exclaimed, already approaching Door 53. "Don't forget about those little propeller things!"

    "I won't, I won't!" Jeff reassured. He then turned to Curi. "Enjoy your tour, little spirit. I'm sure you're already fond of this place; just wait until the tour's done! There's lots to see around here."

    "I'll... keep that in mind..." Curious smiled. "Thank you for the key... by the way."

    Jeff's eyes showed a gratified expression. "And you're welcome!" he proclaimed. "Now, onward with your adventure, and until next time!"

    "Until next time... indeed," Curious said.

Skeleton Key now in their own personal inventory, Curious walked beside Guiding and Screech. Their group had already passed by Doors 53 to 58, and Door 59 brought a surprise.

    The lights had flickered, which would usually indicate the coming of Rush... but for some reason, nothing of his presence was heard. (Not yet, anyway.)

    "Ooh, Guiding! The lights did the flashing thingy!" Screech reported.

    "Well, that means Rush might be coming by soon," Guiding replied. "We'll greet him when he gets here." As soon as Guiding opened the door, a dark cyan flash blinded Curious. Once the flash subsided, they realized that their group had been transported into a hallway, surroundings tainted in that same hue.

    The corridor seemed to glow at times, a light teal illuminating the area. A distorted static-like noise droned in the air, and it somewhat hurt to listen to.

    All of a sudden, a familiar blue specter — the wasn't Guiding Light — appeared in front of the three of them.

    "Boo." Halt snickered.

    Screech screamed, a pure, unbroken high-pitched scream. Curious knew the entity could... well, screech loudly. But this? This was a new discovery.

    "Hey, hey, hey!" Guiding exclaimed, tone sounding the slightest bit panicked. "Calm down; there's no need to scream!"

    "Uh..." Halt sucked in a breath. "I think I, uh, screwed up. Sorry about that, Screech."

    "Why in the heck would you do that, Halt?!" Screech exclaimed, voice still equally as loud as his scream.

    "I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" Halt said. "Chill out, dang!"

    "Well you try to calm down," Screech began bitterly, "when you got your living LIFE SCARED OUT OF YOU!"

    Another fight... How many really occurred here? "Screech, it's all right..." Curious said. "It... was just a joke. Right, Halt...?"

    Halt nodded. "Yep. I just wanted to mess with you a bit, that's all." Curious noticed that the static droning had lowered its volume, making this situation easier to listen to.

    "Well— Well..." Screech was silent for a bit. "Well, your sense of humor SUCKS!" he screamed after a short while.

    "Screech!" Guiding shouted, sounding slightly shocked. "I'm sure you don't mean that! Apologize."

    "But he was being mean to me!" Screech whined.

    "He was not being mean to you," Guiding explained. "Halt was just playing around — although this specific joke was relatively uncalled for." The revenant shot a glare at Halt, their tone and words both including a dash of passive-aggressiveness.

    "Is that supposed to be directed at me?" Halt asked. "Okay, fine, here. Let me do a thing." The hallway the four were in seemed to disappear, and they were... falling? Falling into a dark-looking void. A glitchy presence was sensed nearby. A presence similar to an entity's but... different somehow. It felt like time was slowing down, reality distorting. The spell only broke when Curious felt the wooden floor of the Hotel beneath them.

    "That, my friends, is a special concept called deloading," Halt exclaimed. "What you just experienced is the Hotel basically deleting a part of itself."

    So that's what it's called... A "deload." It was a very strange experience; perhaps that's what A-60 meant by "clipping into oblivion..."

    "Whoa," Screech muttered in awe. "If this is your apology, then it's a really good one! Oh, also, uh, sorry for being mean and, um, yelling at you."

    "Your apology wasn't needed, Screech," Halt chuckled. "But thank you nonetheless."

    "We could've gone to the end of your hallway by ourselves, Halt," Guiding explained lightheartedly.

    "Yeah, but it's faster and more entertaining this way," Halt replied. "Besides, the three of you would've gotten dropped off by Void anyhow! Consider this as a... favor you didn't know you needed." Halt winked.

    Screech giggled. "Can you do that cool deload-y thingy again?"

    "No can do, Screech. Can't do that as of now," Halt said. "You guys have to tour to finish, right?"

    "Ohhhhh, right!" Screech exclaimed. "Better get going then!" He sped off quickly — Curious noticed that he did that a lot.

    "Wait, no— That's not what I— Agh..." Halt sighed. "Might be best to catch up with him, wouldn't it?"

    "Yeah, probably," Guiding agreed. They were about to leave, but Halt added something quickly.

    "Hang on," he said, turning to Curious. "Just so you know, there's something... a little strange up ahead."

    Curious perked up, gasping lightly. "Strange...? Like... how?"

    "Something like a different presence," the entity explained. "More like an otherworldly feeling. You've felt it too, haven't you, Guiding?"

    Guiding nodded. "It shouldn't be much of a big deal," they said. "I'll check on it in my own time."

    "All right, good—" Halt was interrupted.

    "GUYS! GET OVER HERE RIGHT NOW!" Screech screamed from a distance. "I FOUND A COOL THING!"

    "Oh boy, Screech found a thing," Halt commented. "That's never a good sign. Best to catch up to him before he hurts himself or something."

    Curious nodded. They knew how chaotic Screech could get, they could only imagine the amount of trouble he would drag himself into while unsupervised.

    Guiding had thought the same thing. "We... should probably check on him," they said. "It's not wise to leave him alone for long."

    "Agreed," Halt stated simply.

    A moment of silence.

    "What're you guys doing— go get him!" Halt suddenly exclaimed.

    "A-Ah– Right, right!" Curious stuttered, caught off guard.

    "We'll see you later, Halt!" Guiding proclaimed, quickly sprinting to get to Screech. Curious quickly followed behind.

The pair of Lights found Screech waiting at Door 62. Not to be rude, but Curious didn't expect him to be able to wait as long as he had. He was sitting by a closet, humming a melody. The few notes strung together into one short piece: F♯, B♭, C♯, D, G, A, E, G... He stopped upon noticing Guiding and Curious.

    "Oh, hi, guys!" Screech exclaimed, looking up at the two. "Good you came, because I kinda sorta maybe need your help."

    "What is it, Screech?" Guiding asked.

    "Come over here — I need to show you the thingy," Screech said, motioning for the two to come over.

    Guiding and Curious did as Screech had instructed. The small entity went behind the closet he was sitting by. Once arriving where Screech wanted the two to go, he pointed to a strange crack in the well.

    "This— This thing! I dunno what is— Wait, it's obviously a hole in the wall—" Screech shook himself. "Okay, so, I found this hole behind the closet, and there's, like, a maze-looking thing inside!" he exclaimed. "Don't really know where it leads, though..."

    "Ah, do not worry, Screech," Guiding said, voice calm. "I'll go check it out." They pat the small entity on the top of his head. "While I do that, would you like to find the switch in the Large Basement?"

    "Oooh!" Screech cheered. "Yes! Yes! A million times yes!" He sped off, passing by the two Lights and into Door 63.

    "You know, Curious, I actually saw this before we had met," Guiding explained, climbing into the hole.

    "Really?" Curious followed their counterpart, their auras lighting up the darkened maze. "So... you know what's inside?"

    The cyan spirit chuckled. "Not in this case," they replied. "I didn't explore this area when I had discovered it."


    The two spirits wandered through the maze. The dusty scent of insulation was tainting the air. Both specters made a couple of turns, finding dead ends, and backtracking when needed. Guiding was in the lead for most of it. Eventually, they had found the way to an exit, and what they saw left both in wonder as much as it did confusion.

    The room they found was... cluttered, to say the least. There was six wooden chairs — three stranding, three toppled over. The standing three, were in a triangular formation. Four closets also stood in the room.

    But there were two things that had really caught both spirits' attention.

    "That's... not a painting I've seen before," Guiding muttered.

    The painting in general was already mysterious — it seemed to be depicting a bright yellow star. It popped against the dark navy blue and purple sky, small white dots scattered in various places in the background. It's luminescent, Curious noticed, a small glow emitting from the picture.

    "Strange..." Curi muttered, softly running their hand on the canvas. "It... It doesn't seem to have a title."

    "An unnamed painting... Strange indeed."

    Curious that noticed a lattice-patterned gate, seemingly blocking off a separate part of the room. They walked up to it, their glimmering palm brushing against the metal. They couldn't see what was in the barricaded area, but there was a short hallway that turned to the left. A golden light faintly shone, and when Curious adjusted the brightness of their aura, the other room's glow adjusted with them.

    "Interesting..." Guiding muttered, making their counterpart jump. "Oh— Sorry for scaring you." They smiled warmly.

    "It's... It's all right," Curious replied softly.

    "Say, the aura behind this gate seems similar to yours," Guiding noted.

    Curious nodded. "It even matches the brightness mine is at... I wonder... what's behind here?" The golden flare glanced at their look-alike, eyes glittering with quizzical intent.

    "I wonder, too... But I know where every lever is and what door they open. I'm unsure about this one."

    "Aaaagh, why must the Large Basement be so— so confusing!" Screech distantly exclaimed. He sounded a bit frustrated... "I can't find the thingy— Oh, yay!" A lever was flicked.

    To both specters' surprise, the blocked area became accessible; the iron gate opening and its rusted hinges squeaking loudly.

    "Hm. Oddly peculiar," Guiding said. "The lever in the Large Basement usually only opens Doors 64; I didn't know there was a separate gate."

    Now controlled by their wonder and curiosity, the yellow revenant slowly walked toward their other divided aura. Their wings fluttered with what Curious seemed to register as... anticipation, maybe? Nervousness? Something along those lines.

    Upon turning the corner, Curi was surprised to see the plaque of their own universe:


    Curious gasped. A gateway to their home? Here, in the Hotel? They put their hand up to the door, barricaded with chains. Two normal locks were hanging from said shackles, and an ominous skeleton-like one was placed below. A rush of relaxation and relief overcame them.

    "Wow, Curious," Guiding said in awe, standing beside their copy. "I'm guessing this is the entrance to your dimension? How does it feel, to have a taste of your home?"

    "It feels... nice," Curious admitted.

     A moment of silence. Both specters stared at the dimensional entrance, auras glistening in wonder. Curi suddenly thought of something: I could... leave. Right now, if I wanted to... But do I really want to?

    "You know, I could help you go home, if you'd like," Guiding offered, their tone tainted with melancholy.

    This made Curious consider their decision even more. Going back to the Rooms now... it would be nice, but they'd have a lot of explaining to do — if the A-Sides had plans to even ask. But on the other hand, they hadn't seen the entirety of this place yet. They felt like they needed to experience more of what it had to provide. Would leaving now just... be a waste of time?

    "Any decision you make, just know I will be happy to guide you — whether you choose to stay here or not," Guiding added, voice light and comforting.

    Curious exhaled a breath they didn't know they were holding. They closed their eyes, relaxing themselves.

    After a while, Curi opened their eyes, turning to face Guiding. "I'll... I'll stay," they replied, smiling.

    Guiding and Curious met Screech in front of Door 65. He was humming another melody patiently. E, G, F, E, F, E... G, A, E, F, C.

    "Oh, finally!" Screech exclaimed. "Where were you guys? I was waiting for, like, forever!"

    "Sorry about that, Screech," Guiding chuckled. "Exploring the hole in the wall took a bit longer than expected." Screech's eyes began to widen, and Guiding put a finger up. "And no, you cannot go exploring."

    "Aw... Okay," Screech whined. "Can you at least tell me what was inside?"

    "There was nothing beyond the insulation maze inside, if that's what you're wondering," the cyan specter explained.

    Curious knew that Guiding was lying. Why were they? But then they realized that their parallel was trying to keep the entity safe. If they had told him what was really behind that maze, he would've gone exploring and stumbled upon the entrance to the Rooms. Of course, it was still closed, but Curi got the feeling that Screech was more cunning than he looked... He could easily get the supplies from somewhere else in the Hotel. A white lie, that's what it was.

    "Oh... All right," Screech mumbled sadly. He shook himself. "Never mind that!" he exclaimed. "Let's keep going!" The small creature placed a tentacle onto the door handle.

    "I think you'll recognize this place," Guiding whispered with a soft, delicate smile.

    When Screech opened Door 65, Curious automatically understood what Guiding meant.

    It was the place where Curious had first met their counterpart.

    Curious never caught the specific name of the area, but it seemed like an... infirmary of some sort. There were a few rows of white-sheeted hospital beds, small tables with others beside them. Elegant, blank hospital curtains separated the recovering area from other unseen sections. Was it just Curi, or was there a faint, distant mint-like aroma?

    "Ah! Need I remind you, Screech," Guiding suddenly exclaimed. "This is where Curi and I met."

    Screech's already bright eyes managed to get even brighter, now shining with a film of wonder. "Ohhhh. Oh, yeah!"

    Curi nodded. "Yeah... It was confusing at first, but... still interesting to see a new environment." Looking back on it now, the golden specter realized how much they had adjusted to the Hotel, compared to their first few moments. How long had it even been since they had entered? Hours? Days? Maybe even months? ...Maybe that was a bit of a stretch.

    But still, perhaps time moved differently here than it did in the Rooms. After all, the windows showed nothing but a dark, raining sky; plus, they swore each clock they saw was set to a different time than the one before it.

    "I still can't get over it," Screech said. "That's— That's just amazing."

    Curious chuckled lightly. "Thanks... I didn't think you'd be so... interested."

    "Why wouldn't I be?" Screech asked. "This whole thing with you and Guiding and me— it's just so— so— exciting! I'm really really glad I decided to come with you guys; I don't wanna miss any cool details!"

    "Mm..." Curious understood that feeling, the feeling of not wanting to skip some lines or skim the page. It was the reason why they were so curious.

    Guiding tapped Curious on the shoulder. "I'd hate to interrupt your conversation, but there is something that I'd like to show you."

    "O-Oh... really?" the spirit responded. "What is it...?"

    "I'll show you." Guiding gestured for Curious and Screech to follow. "Come — it's actually not that far."

    The three moved north from where they stood; they were practically at the end of the room, but Curious saw a door to the left with the same Skeleton Lock as the Rooms' entrance.

     "Is this it?" they asked Guiding.

    The cyan specter nodded in response. "M-hm! You do still have the Skeleton Key right?"

    Curious summoned the key into their left hand, a spiral of golden light calling the object back. They held the key up to their correspondent Light, feeling that familiar sense once again. It was like a... a rush of nostalgia.

    "Ah, good," Guiding said. "Would you like to unlock the door, Curious?" they offered.

    The golden revenant nodded, adjusting the position of the item in their hands. Getting closer to the lock, Curi crouched down, and inserted the key into its corresponding keyhole. They twisted the item to the left, unlocking the door. However, it didn't unlock in a way Curious expected.

    Both the door and key started to disintegrate into small, bright white squares. Curious and Screech watched in awe as the previously locked door disappeared, revealing a new room behind. They key did the same — Curious could actually feel its presence leaving their hands. The nostalgic aura had left their possession, but a fresher minty aroma registered into their mind.

    "Oh my goodness — the whole thing is like— like a cool thing happening after another cool thing!" Screech exclaimed rather loudly.

    Curi understood most of his excitement, though. Behind the door with the Skeleton Lock was a smaller room, walls a faded olive green. Two chairs stood to the right; two desks were located to the west and the north. There was one set of drawers next to the northern desk, papers and envelopes scattered over top. Beside the numerous piles of glittering coins, there was a small plant — probably the source of the mint-like fragrance.

    "Ta-da!" Guiding explained with a light chuckle. "This is an extra room guests can unlock if they have the Skeleton Key — the room where the Herb of Viridis is stored."

    "Whoa... Why does this place smell like that one candy that Ambush likes?" Screech asked. He lowered his voice to a low mutter. "What was it called again— oh yeah— mint!" He nodded profusely, smiling to himself. "Yeah, yeah, yeah — that's what it's called!"

     "That's the Herb, Screech," Guiding explained. "For the guests that come here and I — possibly even Curi as well — the sweet aroma gives off a healing sensation once close enough."

    Curious ran their fingers on the small, delicate leaves of the Green Herb. The plant was growing in a terracotta-colored pot, but the golden revenant could still feel its almost overwhelming aura.

    "Ooh, cool," Screech exclaimed. "Does the healing thing work for the entities too?"

    Guiding shook their head. "Sadly, no. It doesn't work for you guys." Screech groaned sadly upon hearing that.

    Closing their eyes, their fingers still encapsulating the Herb's leaves, Curious embraced its sweet and relaxing scent. They felt their aura grow stronger as they did. This... sensation, this feeling... It was a strange one, to be honest. Curi gasped lightly, feeling a small shock run through their body. "Hey, Guiding?"

    Guiding perked up. "Hm?"

    "That 'healing sensation' you were talking about," Curious began, "what does it... feel like?"

    "What does it feel like?" Guiding repeated. "We'll, you'll feel something like a.. tingling sensation. Or that you're growing stronger," they replied. "Why?"

    "Just... Uh—" Curious hesitated. "Just wondering, is all..."

    Wondering, just like they always did.


Word Count: 4600 (RAHHHHHHH SO PERFECT.,.,.,.,.)\

thank taro for this one guys, they told me to split the chapter when i asked them :D
chapter 7 will come quicker than this one, i promise!!!!!! no set release date but it's almost done as of now :3


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