Idol lover

By JKsGirlll7

380 44 3

"Do me a favor before you leave here, I want to see the real face of the person who thinks of me for the firs... More

Characters description.
"First sight"
"Wait for me!"
"Maybe we will meet again...someday!"
"You are the one... the one I know!"
"Show me your real face!"
"I'm proud of you!"
"Yours Kim Yun-a!"
"I'm okay!"
"Did he keep his promise?"
"Did the girl live?"
"Jiminah is here"
"I'm sorry"

"First "Hi!""

21 5 0
By JKsGirlll7


"Come on sleepyhead wake up. Otherwise you will miss the plane."

This voice was my hyung's.
I was whining to avoid waking up, but I had to get up because for the first time in my life, I was going to give a concert abroad and in America, as a solo kpop singer, without the members of my group.
I'm excited can you think it?! I got out of bed and rubbed my eyes, it was very difficult to wake up. I didn't sleep yesterday because of excitement, so I went to bed late. He was standing in front of me and had his arms crossed around himself and was looking straight at me like he was so angry but I know him he's not.

"Okay, I'm up. What time is it?"

"1pm "


"I said 1 o'clock in the afternoon, now go to the bathroom, take a shower and get dressed. It's a good thing you didn't leave your suitcase preparation today, otherwise we would never have made it."

"Aishhh ok ok hyung."

"God job, it's good listening to your brother."-said proudly and smirking Taehyung.

Enter to the bathroom and took off the clothes, open the shower and started cleaning myself.
I quickly showered, put on my bathrobe and looked in the mirror. I combed my hair and dried it. Took the moisturizer cram and put it on my face.
Ehhh well you know I am a celebrity, a pop star, I need to look cool.

When I finished the bathroom, I left and went to the dressing room.
I wear black military-style slacks, a loose-fitting black shirt, a black leather jacket and large military-style black boots.

I left my room and my hyungs were waiting for me in the living room.

"Gooo JK, go our golden maknae!"

The sixth of them were cheering and applauding.

"Aishhh, don't make me emotional you know I'm shy!"

"I know you're gonna rock it!"-said RM putting his hand on my shoulder.

"Hey you golden maknae, tell the person who will do your make-up , not to make your face more handsome, after all, my face is more handsome than anyone else's."-said Jin, as always.

We laughed at Jin's words.

"By the way, we and manager bought you a business class ticket, your ticket is here and don't forget your passport."-said RM giving me the ticket.

"I don't want a business class ticket, I want to be on the same plain class with my choreographers , it's the best to change it to economy."

"We knew you would think about it too, so we bought them tickets from Business Class too, so don't worry."

"Great then, I'll be going without worries."

"By the way, wear a mask or something, even if you're sitting in the business class one will recognize you, you know, they are crazy about you so better wear something to cover your face."-said Suga

"Yeah Suga hyung is right, wear e mask, no one should see your face, they should see mine, my handsome face."-interrupted us Jin again and again.

"Oh shut up" -said J-Hope while laughing.

"I know, I have the mask in my pocket, don't worry, no girl will look at me, you're the handsome we now it."

It was time to go and then them became emotional suddenly.

"Yahh come on, calm down, don't get emotional, I'm going to America, I'm not going to the military after all."

Everyone was a little touched. I hugged them one by one and left the house, we got in the car and hit the road. I went to the airport, met with my manager and choreography friends there, went through check-in and walked towards the plane.

Sat on the seat and relaxed for a minute and while I was fiddling with my phone for the last time, I was about to take off the mask when suddenly a girl sat in the seat next to me. A girl with black and straight hair slicked to the side, she was wearing a white t-shirt with a red flower pattern on the left sleeve, and black high-waist military style jeans underneath.
It was her...I know her, it was Yun-a...Kim Yun-a.

She had her phone in her hand, but she sat down without looking at me, and her phone rang instantly.

"Girlll I'm comin, I'm on the plane right now and I even haven't tell my parents that I'm coming to you, the still know me in Korea."...


"Well even if the will find out it's not a big problem because they don't care as long as I'm with you."...

She pulled her phone from her ear and looked at it for a second.

"I saw the links that you've sent to me, what are they?" ...


"For what I would want to listen to these songs?"

For a moment her expression changed.

"Are you serious? I thought we would go on Justin Bieber's concert first. If it's not him then who?"-said in a disappointed voice.


"What?! JungKook from BTS, who's this dude?"

Did she just call me 'dude'?
She don't know me?
But waeeee?


"Yeah is there a problem that I don't know him? I don't know him it can be normal babe."


"Ok, my angry and jealous bestie don't worry I'll listen to them but in mp3 because I want to rest my eyes, ok?"


"I'll call you when I'll arrive there, love you!"

Aaand she end up the call.
After being up the call, look for the backpack and took out the headphones, she will listen to my songs for the first time, she was smiling...her smile is so sweet.

When I thought about all this, the thing that took me out of my thoughts was her phone falling on my leg.

When I reached out to pick up his phone, my hand touched his. Is it normal for me to feel breathless?

"Oh, I'm so sorry!"

"No,no it's ok, no problem."

""Oh Yun-a, what did you do, how could you touch a man like that...oh but it wasn't my fault either, my phone went on his lap."-said humming.

"It's not a problem, don't worry."-I said while smiling but that moment she from smiling turned to shock.

"Wait, you know my language?"

"Yes, I know, I'm trying to learn different languages."

"Wow that's good, when I saw that you are Korean I started speaking Korean, I sometimes speak like that in my own language thinking that no one understands me, I was surprised to hear that you knew my language. Again so sorry!"-she said giggling.

"Oh no, you didn't do anything bad."-I said smiling.

Ok so she don't remember me, that's ok.
Well I'm not gonna let our conversation to end like that.

"Then let's get to know each other because we have plenty of time and we can't spend it listening to songs like that."

"I'm Yuna, Who's Yuna!"

I extended my hand to her and we touched our hands.

"Nice to meet you, I am- I hesitated then, I wasn't going to say my name.- Jeon, just Jeon."

"Nice to meet you too Jeon!"

She took her phone in a shyly way.

"Are you going to America for a concert like me? Concerts are very popular these days, that's why I asked."

"Yes, they are, they are very popular these days, so I thought I'd go and enjoy them."-again lied, she's not gonna know that I'm going to give concert not just enjoying.

"My close friend has arranged all our tickets, but we'll see, first hope to get down first in safety way, because when you thinking it, we're going from one end of the world to the other."

"Why did you say 'hope to go down first in safety way'?"

"This flight is my second flight in my life, but it is my first flight in terms of hours and kilometers. I am a little scared because staying in the air for long hours is a little scary for me. Of course, I am very excited that I'm on the clouds and going to see my bff and enjoying concerts with her, but Im also scared and I can't show it."

I wanted to calm her down, she was laughing, but I could see in her eyes how scared and how excited too she was.

"Don't worry, I have made this journey for 77 times and there was no problem, I always landed safely, don't be afraid, I am here - I mean, we are here, there are stewardesses too so everything is safe."

"Oh, thank you very much, you made me feel more at ease, not just a little bit! By the way, I want to ask you something, but I don't know how."

"Ask, don't be shy."

"Well...why are you wearing a mask? After all, the corona time is gone, or are you sick?"- she said afraid.

"It's not like that, I'm not sick, but we'll be on the plane for so many hours and the air might get a little heavy, I have another one in my pocket for protection, would you like to wear it?"

"Oh aniyo, thank you! I can bear it, I'm used to the smells."

She yawned, obviously feeling sleepy.

"Well, I think you're sleepy, go to sleep if you want, we can talk again later, we have plenty of time anyway and I don't want to miss or disturb your sleep."

"Yes, you are right, I am sleepy. If you are not going to sleep, can you wake me up when the food service comes? I am someone who loves my sleep more than food. If you don't sleep, will you wake me up, Mr.Jeon?"

"Don't call me Mr.Jeon, just Jeon and of course I won't sleep - I lied - go to sleep, I'll wake you up when the shuttle comes."

"Thank you very much Jeon!"

She drifted off to sleep while listening to my songs on her headphones. I was sleepy but I wasn't going to sleep, I wanted to watch her sleep because I think watching her sleep is more beautiful and more relaxing than when sleeping myself.

Dinner service was coming after an hour and Yuna was still sleeping, l had to wake her up.
Took out her headphones over her ears and waking her up.

"Yun-a, Yun-a, wake up, the food is here."

She was slowly opening her eyes, first she looked around and at me, she tried to remember where she was, then she came back to her senses.

"Oh Jeon, thank you so much for waking me up! I'm so hungry!"

"You're welcome!"- I said laughing, the way he woke up from sleep was so sweet.

We got our food, at that moment Yun-a started eating immediately, but I didn't know how to eat, after all, she shouldn't see my face. Thinking about this, Yun-a's question brought me out of my thoughts.

"Aren't you going to eat? I'm telling you, they cooked the food very well, it was as much as they say business class, they deserve the money for the ticket." - she said while eating, she was talking to me carefully, without spraying anything on me.

"I'll eat later, don't worry, just continue eating."

She nodded her approval and continued eating.
After eating, she ordered a Cappuccino and drank it, but I still didn't eat or even drink water.

"Since the road is long, tell me, how old are you? Because you look small."

"Bingooo, you guessed it right, sorry! Yes, I am 18 years old, or rather, I turned 18 yesterday. How old are you?"

"I'm 26 years old"

She was shocked when I said this.

"Wow, you don't show it at all, I still haven't seen your face but your body shows that you are very young."

"How so?" - I was surprised.

"Your body doesn't look like you're 26 years old at all, it makes you look more like you're 20."

"Wow, so you're doing body analysis?"

"Oh, it's not like that, of course I don't do it, don't get me wrong," she said, laughing.

"Don't worry, I didn't misunderstand, I just wanted to make a joke."..."Well, let me ask you one more thing. You just said that you turned 18 years old, as far as I see and understand, you are not Korean, your first flight was to Korea, why Korea first?"

"You guessed right, I'm not Korean, but I love Korea and everything related to Korea. First, I was watching the K-Dramas, and then that "waterfall" took me to Korea. Now I'm going to America, my bff went there for a holiday, since she was there, I couldn't celebrated my birthday with her yesterday, she bought me an expensive plane ticket and popular concerts tickets as a birthday present, so that we could celebrate my birthday together."

"Well now that I learned...Happy Birthday! I hope all your wishes come true!"

"Thank you Jeon, thank you so much!"

"Since you said K-Dramas, which K-Drama is your favorite?"

"There are actually many, but the four that stand out for me are "My Demon"; "W-Two Worlds"; "True Beauty" and "Doom At Your Service", these are perfect K-Dramas for me."

She took a deep breath and continued her words.

"Actually, if you look at it from above, the subject of all these four K-Dramas is Love, or rather I think it is Impossible Love. They tell about the struggle of love and how magical it is. While some struggle with beauty, true love actually tells that they love the beauty of their heart, not external beauty, of course external beauty also contributes, but the most important thing is inner beauty, some talk about the impossible love of another world or parallel universe with this world of ours.

They tell about their struggles, if there is real love, there is neither world nor parallels. , neither supernatural powers, nothing can stop love, if it is written in our destiny and if we really want that person, if we really want that love, then love will succeed. Some talk about and say that even though it is against the rules of nature, if you really loved that person, if there is true love in reality, you will eventually become one with them. Ah, it makes one believe in love, they describe it as so beautiful, so powerful, so magical that when you look at the real world, you ask, "Where is that magical Love? Am I in the wrong world or I'm in the right world?", you ask, but no one answers...In TV series, it is shown that impossible love turns into possible love, but it is strange that it happens here."

"Do you still think the same about impossible love?"

"How do you know my thoughts about impossible love?"

This question shocked me, I was caught, I hope she doesn't remember me, because I want to appear in front of her in a more beautiful and better state. Of course, I wasn't going to tell her that I knew her.

"So you said it yourself, it's strange that impossible love is possible here, I don't think it's strange, maybe one day that impossible love will become possible love."

"I hope! There are such stories, but of course, I think it only happens once in a hundred years that such stories occur in the real world."- she said, laughing.

"Don't say that. I think everyone's love is different, they have different stories, maybe one day you will experience a more beautiful, more magical love than these K-Dramas, and you will turn the impossible love into possible. Who knows, you will fall in love much more beautifully. You never know, when your love will come true, how and in what way will meet you, with whom will you fall in love."

"You are right, I don't know, no one can know. I hope it will happen as you say! Maybe it will happen, I have more time because I am very young, but no one knows what will happen tomorrow, so love is necessary. It makes a person stronger, more vigorous and younger."

"That's right, love can enable a person to continue his life, it gives a reason, a hope."

"I've talked too much, I want to sleep more and you too should get some sleep or some food because you didn't eat or sleep too"-she said to me, thinking of me too.

"No,it's ok, I have some things to do, you sleep, I'm going to sleep after finishing my things."


After two minutes, she fell asleep again, so I took advantage of this opportunity and ordered my meal.
I took off my mask, ate my food quickly and drank water too, then put my mask on again so that no one would recognize me and I fell asleep looking at her...

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