Melodies\ a salvis fanfic [𝘿...

By d3ad_b0n3s

662 36 55

"Melodies" follows the journey of Travis, a closeted gay teenager struggling with his own internalized homoph... More

The melodies of the piano
The melodies of the electric guitar
Vivid dreams
when melodies collide
lost in thoughts
Burn Marks
Pancakes and Razor blades
Can men have feelings?
The Party
Encounter of the wolves
It was just a dream
A mark was made
A Hospital Visit
Welcome Home

Arcade games

53 2 5
By d3ad_b0n3s

Tw: fat shaming

TW: ciggarettes 

hey I made a Spotify playlist for this

sorry if there are spelling mistakes

Sal looked at the mirror. His shredded face. Every inch covered in a sickly looking scar. Different colored pinks mixed across the face. He looked over at the prosthetic eye that seemed to be looking at him. He grabbed the fake eye and wiped a cloth on it. He then placed it back in the empty eye socket. He looked at the gaping wound on his cheek. He left the bathroom and went to his room. 5:00 am the clock read. Sal sighed as he went to his closet. He saw the dark green hoodie with a rib cage plastered onto it. He slipped on a pair of black ripped jeans. Sal put on a black beanie and placed his prosthetic over his ravaged face. He walked to his room and grabbed his backpack. He walked to the door and put on his blue converse.

He walked outside the apartment and into the parking lot. He had to take the bus instead of Larry's truck since it broke down. He waited for the bus. The bus arrived and Sal walked into it. The bus was loud, kids screamed in every direction you looked. Sal walked to the way back of the bus where he sat across Travis. He sat down to look at Travis who was listening to music. Sal smiled a bit until he saw the scar that ran from Travis eyebrow down to his cheek. "Dude what happened?" Sal asked in a questioning tone. Travis just looked at him with the scarred eye closed. "Can you open your eye at least?" Sal asked. "Why would you care" Travis snarled. Sal stopped what he was going to say and why did he care it's not like Travis cared about him. Finally he made up his mind and spoke "oh I was just wondering if your eye looked cool" Sal said in a confident tone. A wave of blush ran across Travis' face. Sal sat there staring at Travis. He looked at every one of his features. Sal gazed at his lips and the tiny crescent scar around it.

His eyes also came across the brown roots in his hair. Sal never knew that Travis was a brunette. Sal gazed until he broke out of it when he heard something. "What are you staring at? Travis said in a sum what angry tone but failed. His face was covered in blush. The tip of Sal's ears were bright red on his pale skin. They both looked away from each other. 

The bus came to a loud stop and the bus driver yelled for them to get off. Sal rolled his only eye and got off right after Travis. The day was somewhat normal. 4th period Sal's favorite class. The music class smelt like vanilla as he entered. He sat at his desk. Sal was early for this class. "Hey Sally" Mr. Val said. "Hi Mr. Val '' Sal said. Travis came into the classroom and sat down in his chair. A few more kids entered the class and sat down. "There are not that much kids today" Mr. Val said in a low tone. "Any way let's get starte-" Mr Val stopped when he got a phone call. "Oh shoot sorry guys my husband is calling me hold on" Mr. Val said walking out the door. The class started chatting to each other. Sal let out a sigh and leaned back on his chair tapping his fingers onto the desk. Travis stood up and went out of the class. Sal watched him walk out of the class.

Sal felt curious at where Travis was going. He is probably in the bathroom Sal thought. But his curiosity got the best of him and he got up and walked out of the classroom. He saw Mr. Val worried about something but shrugged it off. He walked over to the bathroom and opened the door. Then he saw Travis blow out smoke. "Are you smoking?" Sal asked with a questioned tone of voice. Travis blew out another puff of smoke "ya what's your problem" Travis mumbled. "Nothing I just didn't think you smoked that's all" Sal said. They both stood there in silence until Sal walked up to Travis. Sal unclipped the bottom part of his prosthetic and took the cigarette from Travis. "Hey, what do you think you're doing?" Travis said with slight irritation. Sal placed the cigarette on his lips and blew a puff of smoke in Travis' face. Travis' face grew red. Sal gave it back to him. "Wanna go to the back of the school?" Sal asked. "Sure I guess," Travis said, not really caring.

They both walk to the back of the school. Nobody was there except them. Sal placed his back against the hard brick wall. Travis did the same. They both sat there in silence until Sal broke it. "Can I have a cigarette?" Sal asked not expecting to get one. "Here" Travis said, slipping one out of the box and handing it to Sal. "thanks" he said then took out a lighter and lit the cigarette. Sal breathed in the chemical filled smoke. He hated that he couldn't stop smoking. It was addicting. Sal also couldn't believe that he was smoking with his enemy. "Travis what happened to your eye?" Sal asked. He watched Travis tense up from the simple question. "I just got cut" Travis replied quickly. Sal tilted his head in suspension. Sal put out his cigarette on his tongue. Travis gave him a weird look "doesn't that hurt?" Travis asked. "No not really," Sal muttered. They both sat in the still air. "Let me see your eye" Sal inquired as he grabbed Travis' face. Travis steadily opened the injured one. it revealed a greyish blue color. "woah dude what happened" Sal asked. "I just got cut geez why do you care some much and let go of me before I punch you" Travis said in an angered tone and pushed Sal off.

Sal felt a bit hurt but he was sitting next to his enemy. "Imma go back to class" Sal muttered then clipped the bottom of his prosthetic and walked off. "Mm" Travis hummed. Sal entered the class but Mr.Val was gone. Sal looked around the class to see students. The students didn't seem to care that there teacher was missing. Sal took a seat in his desk and waited. Soon Travis came in the class and sat down. "hey do you know where Mr.Val is?" Sal whispered to Travis. "Nope" Travis replied. Sal sighed and tapped the desk with his fingers. Sal checked the clock to see how many more minutes of class he had. 10 minutes sal couldn't be sure the clocks at the school where always off by some minutes. Sal tapped his foot down on the ground. Finally Mr.Val entered the class "sorry you guys I have to go home there is an emergency" the music teacher said. the teacher looked like he had been crying from his red eyes and nose. The teacher left the class. "that's so unprofessional" a girl said in the back of the class. Sal rolled his only eye. Sure it was unprofessional but he had an emergency Sal thought. the bell rung and kids went out the door. Sal wished he could skip class but since Larry's truck was gone he couldn't go home. 

Sal was walking down the hallway until he felt his phone buzz. he pulled it out.


hey this is totally random but

wanna skip class.


sure ig



Sal looked for the tall fake blond. Travis was one of the tallest kids in the school so he is pretty easy to spot. Sal spotted him immediately and ran over to him. "Hey" sal said "Hi" Travis said. "So where are we going to skip class at?" Sal questioned. "I don't really care where we go so you can choose" Travis mumbled. "Hmm how about the mall since it's an easy walk" same replied with a happy tone. Travis just nodded his head and walked with Sal. they both exited the school. "That was easy" sal said with a bubbly excited tone. "Mmhmm" Travis replied, Sal noticed that Travis was not that talkative. Maybe it was because all he had in his mind was slurs. Sal cringed at the thought that was most likely true. At last they made it to the mall. Alot of people went to this place to skip class. The mall was not entirely crowded but still had a few people inside. Sal saw a couple of teenagers from his school here but he didn't say anything. "so where do you want to go?" Sal asked. "Uhmm I never went shopping at the mall" Travis said rubbing the back of his neck with no expression. Sal felt his jaw drop "WHAT" Sal exclaimed. Travis just looked at him and blinked.

"your joking right" Sal said. "No actually I'm not" Travis said with a normal tone. Sal still could not believe it but shook his head. "Okay first of all we need to get some food" Sal said. as he grabbed Travis's hand and ran to the food court. Travis felt butter flies build up in his stomach as Sal touched his hand. Sal and Travis sat down. A women came up to get there order. "Hello what would you like to order?" she said in a cheery voice. "Can I have a cinnamon roll?" Travis said "yes and what about you young lady" the women asked. "Same as him" Sal said ignoring the fact that the women just misgendered him. "Well by the looks of you that makes sense" the women said. The women wrote the orders down and left. "Did she just fat shame you?" Travis said in a seriouse tone. "Yep I'm pretty used to it". "Fatshamming is horrible" Travis said with a worried face. "Ya but I guess name calling is okay" Sal said in a sarcastic voice. Travis stayed silent until the women came up and gave them there food. Travis took a bite of the cinnamon roll. Sal saw Travis' eyes light up. "Well is it good" Sal asked. Travis swollowed his food then said "this is the best food I have ever had" he said with a glow in his eye.

Sal giggled at how childish he was acting. They both finished eating. "I can pay for my own food if you want me to" Travis said. "no it's okay I got it" Sal said in a cheery voice. Sal paid for the food. they both walked out of the food court and walked through the mall. The arcade caught Sal's eye. Sal got an idea and smiled under his prosthetic. "Hey Trav have you ever played video games" Sal asked pulling at his shirt. Travis blushed at the nickname. "No" Travis replied "I thought so" Sal said then pulled Travis over to the games. Sal grabbed a few coins from his pocket and slipped them into and arcade. The screen flickered on. Travis walked up to the machine. Sal showed him a few of the moves and how to move. Travis didn't really listen but looked at Sal's features or what was visible. Travis loved how perfect Sal's hair was and how blue it is. He also loved sal's voice and how he could listen to it for hours. He adored the teens ocean blue eyes and how he could stare into them for hours and get completely lost in it just like an ocean.

"Travis?" Sal said "earth to Trav" he said. Travis snapped out of his thoughts. A dark wave of blushed spreaded on his dark tanned skin. "Did you even here what I said" Sal asked. Travis saw the rosey pin blush on the tip of Sal's pierced ears. That made him have more butterflies. "I'm being honest no" Travis said with a small chuckle after. "Then what were doing" Sal asked. "Uhmm I really don't know" he replied. "Oh okay then" Sal said then started the game. they played for 30 minutes and after what seemed like forever of Sal winning Travis finally won. "Yes I finally won lets go" Travis said with excitement. Sal laughed a bit "good job Trav" Sal said. "Hey what time is it?" Travis asked. Sal looked at the time. Travis saw his eyes widen. "We are going to be late for the bus" Sal said. They both run out of the mall. They both finally arrive at the school. The bus was leaving. "I'm so sorry Trav" Sal said in a sad tone. "What do you mean that has been the most fun I ever had in years" Travis said in a soft calm voice. Sal blushed "o-okay" he said stuttering and hiding his ears in his beanie. "bye Sal I will text you when I get home" he said with a smile on his face before running off.

Sal stood there and watched him run away. Sal started walking to the apartments.

Words: 2175

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