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Galing kay FockTheWhat

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This book tells the story of 'wtFOCK: Anaïs' from Bobbie's perspective. Bobbie is a bold teenager who unexpec... Higit pa

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7

Chapter 6

428 4 0
Galing kay FockTheWhat

Saturday November 18, 00:02

The sound of the police car behind us makes my heart race like a mad drum. I feel the adrenaline rushing through my veins as I tighten my grip on the handlebars of the mini scooter. Anaïs clings to my waist, her nails almost digging into my jacket. I can feel her anxiously turning her head to see how far the police car is from us. One thing's for sure, we need to get out of here as soon as possible. I keep my eyes on the road, looking for a way out.

Suddenly I see that the gate to the Plantentuin is still open. "Come on, this way," I call as I swing the handlebars around the corner towards the dark entrance. Anaïs and I jump off the scooter and I drop it onto the bumpy cobbles of the entrance. We quickly take cover behind the fence, which is high enough to keep us out of sight.

The police car following us, with its sirens blaring, slows down just in front of us. Its headlights light up the road and the light from the police beacon partially illuminates the Plantentuin. Our breathing is rapid and our hearts are pounding as we stare down the road, waiting for the police car to leave.

A long minute later, the police car finally drives off. A wave of relief washes over me. We made it. "Damn, that was close," I whisper in relief. "Close, what the hell? It's a hit and run," Anaïs says angrily. "I just ran a red light," I try to calm her down. "If those cops-" Anaïs continues. "If they see us here, yes, then we're screwed," I finish her sentence. "But-" Anaïs tries again, but I don't let her finish, "Running a red light, drunk, with two people on that scooter, do you know how many offences that is? I saved your ass, come on," I say, trying to convince her to get out of here as quickly as possible. If we get caught then this could go badly wrong for me. I take her hand and pull her along, "Allé, come on," I say. "And what about the scooter? The police can trace it back to my dad, can't they?" Anaïs says in a panic. "But they have other things to do. Allé, come on, now," I try to calm her down.

We make our way through the quiet, dark streets, Anaïs' hand in mine. I lead her through side streets and alleyways, away from the main roads where the police might still be looking for us. I see the worry in her eyes. I understand her concern. It was reckless of me to run the red light. "Sorry," I acknowledge my mistake, "I should have stopped." Anaïs halts and looks me in the eye. I see that she appreciates my apology. "It's fine, nothing happened, thank God. But don't do it again, okay?" Anaïs says before putting her arms around me and giving me a warm hug. When we pull away, we look lovingly into each other's eyes. "Come on, I'll walk you home," I say as I start to walk again.

When we arrive at Anaïs' place, we see that the lights are still on. Samuel must just have returned from the football match he went to with his friends. "Will I see you tomorrow?" I ask. "I'd like that, could you come here after lunch? To 'study' with me?" asks Anaïs with a twinkle in her eye. I giggle. "Yes, to 'study'..., sounds good!" I reply with a wink, knowing that's definitely not what she means. I give her a quick goodbye kiss. "Text me when you get home," Anaïs whispers. "I will," I say before heading home.

Saturday November 18, 12:04

It's a beautiful autumn day. The footpaths are filled with leaves from the trees that line the streets. I love the sound as I walk through them. I'm on my way to Anaïs' as I check my messages. Otis has posted a message on the Club '07 group chat, *Hi guys! So, tomorrow is the lazy Sunday party for my birthday at the cafe! Starts at 17h. Be there and be fabulous,* he writes. I let him know I'll be there and put my phone away as I approach Anaïs' house.

Before I even get to the doorbell, the door swings open. Anaïs's father, Samuel, appears, dressed in jogging clothes with his running shoes on. I notice his surprised expression. "Hi, Samuel," I greet him with a convincing smile, "I'm here to study with Anaïs. Is she home?" Samuel looks at me in surprise, as if he's still processing my presence. "Oh, uh... yes, of course. Come in, Bobbie," he says, stepping aside to let me in. I smile gratefully and enter the house. The atmosphere is slightly awkward. I haven't seen him since I disappeared from dinner a few weeks ago, and he seems to remember that too. "Anaïs is upstairs in her room, I'm going for a run, but make yourself at home," Samuel says as he closes the door behind him.

I climb the stairs and make my way to Anaïs' room. Standing at the door, I hear the sound of her ukulele and her beautiful singing voice. She is singing 'Joe' by Meskerem Mees. It brings a spontaneous smile to my face. She's so talented. I knock gently on the door before opening it. "Hey, superstar," I step into the room. I walk over to Anaïs and greet her with a kiss on the cheek. I sit down on the bed next to her. She pauses for a moment, "Keep playing," I say. She continues and I enjoy watching her sing the song so beautifully.

Saturday November 18, 13:12

Sitting on Anaïs' bed, I'm strumming her ukulele, trying to tune out a few chords. But the strings produce a disharmonic sound, I am not making much progress. Anaïs nervously paces the room, her eyes glued to her phone. She has received a message about the scooter rental from last night. "My dad's back from his jog," she says as we hear a door slam downstairs. "Fuck," she adds, clearly stressed. She sighs deeply and joins me on the bed, her face contorted with a mixture of fear and concern. I feel something is not right so I ask, "Everything all right?" as I put the ukulele down and face Anaïs. Anaïs looks up and meets my gaze. "It's just the scooter rental bill... If he sees it, he'll know we took a mini scooter out last night," she explains. I sigh, "Ah, fuck, hmm, can't you just delete it in the app?" I ask, looking for a solution. "Apparently it has to be done by email," Anaïs replies. "He hasn't said anything yet?" I inquire. Anaïs shakes her head, 'No.' "I'm just going to confess," she says, determined to find no other solution. I can feel my blood pressure rising. My mother can't know about this. Not now, when things have just settled down at home. "No way. Your dad will tell my mum and then she won't trust me again," I try to dissuade her. "Speaking from experience?" Anaïs remarks. Damn. "She doesn't trust anyone, so..." I try to explain without really explaining yet. Anaïs looks away, seemingly lost in thought. "I'll be right back," she says and leaves the room.

A little later, Anaïs comes back into the room with a mischievous smile on her face, holding her father's smartphone. "Ah, you, Sherlock," I smile. Anaïs giggles mischievously, sits down comfortably next to me and unlocks the phone with the correct code. "Wow, my mum would never tell me her password," I say, surprised that she knows the code. Anaïs immediately navigates to her dad's inbox and deletes the scooter rental email, "Bingo!" she says with a smile. We both giggle with relief. But when she closes the email app, a WhatsApp message from my mum accidentally pops up on the screen, saying, *What a nice run, you've earned your reward,* with a nude photo attached. I can't believe my eyes. Anaïs' mouth drops open in shock. Meanwhile, I feel disgusted. "I'll never get that image out of my head," I say, disappointed. Anaïs grins, but then she hears her father coming out of the shower. "Fuck," she whispers as she runs to the kitchen to put his phone back before he comes back downstairs. I feel the need for a joint rising in me. Another confrontation of my mother with another man than my father... It's still a bitter pill. I reach for my weedbag and prepare a joint.

When Anaïs returns to her room, she sees me preparing my joint. "Are you crazy? Not here, please," she says, afraid I might smoke here. "But no, of course not. It's for on the road, you know," I defend myself, "I still have a few things to process," I say with a deep sigh. Anaïs laughs, "Understandable," she says as she settles down next to me again. "Your mum is a bit of a MILF though," Anaïs teases. She bursts out laughing. My mouth falls open in disbelief and I quickly put my things away. "Say that again. I dare you," I say as I push her flat on the bed and crawl on top of her to tickle her stomach. Anaïs tries to push my hands away, but I persist, enjoying the sweet taste of revenge. We laugh, lost in our moment, until we suddenly hear the bathroom door opening. I quickly get off Anaïs and sit down at the end of the bed again with the ukulele in my hands, in case Samuel enters the room. Once we get over the shock, we look at each other and burst out laughing. We look at each other lovingly until I suddenly realise that we have to hurry to find a present for Otis's birthday. I put the ukulele back on Anaïs' bed and prepare to get up. "Okay, Anaïs, we really have to go," I start as I look at her, "We still have to go shopping for Otis' present, remember?" Anaïs nods in agreement. "You're right, and I have to meet Freya at three for our design afternoon, so the clock is ticking," she says determinedly. I look at my watch, "That should be just fine," I assure her. We hurry out of the room and head for the shopping street.

Saturday November 18, 13:47

With a cold winter breeze blowing in our faces, Anaïs and I walk hand in hand through the busy shopping street the Meir, looking for the perfect gift for Otis. Suddenly, around the corner, we see a cute little shop with an assortment of printed T-shirts in the window. Excited, we exchange glances and decide to go inside.

The interior of the shop is vibrant and colourful, with shelves filled with different designs. We eagerly browse through the T-shirts, looking for something that fits Otis perfectly. And there it is. A T-shirt that says 'Vegan gays are hotter'. We look at each other and immediately know that this is the perfect gift for Otis. "We'll take this one!" Anaïs exclaims as she grabs the T-shirt off the shelf.

As I continue to explore, I come across more slogans like 'Plant-powered and fabulous', 'Vegan love, rainbow pride' and 'We are vagitarians'. I burst out laughing at the last one. How do they even come up with this?! I take the T-shirt off the rack and show Anaïs the design. She can't contain her laughter either at the sight of this humorous print. "That would totally be one for us," Anaïs laughs, her eyes twinkling with amusement. "Absolutely," I reply with a nod.

We take the 'Vegan gays are hotter' T-shirt to the cashier, still giggling at our hilarious findings. I'm sure Otis will be delighted with our gift and the humour behind it.

Sunday November 19, 17:21

I feel the gentle pressure of Anaïs' hand in mine as we make our way to the café for Otis' birthday. As we pass a bench a few metres from the café, I get an idea and ask Anaïs to sit down for a moment. "Come. Sit down," I say, gesturing towards the bench. Anaïs smiles at me with a questioning look, her eyes shining in the dim light of the street lamps. As she sits down on the back of the bench, I say, "I have an idea. Do this," I ask, making an o-shape with my index finger and thumb. When Anaïs copies me, I put my hand next to hers and intertwine my other fingers with hers. This way we create a kind of gateway. "Just inhale, okay?" I say before putting the joint head first into my mouth and then placing my mouth on my hand, allowing Anaïs to inhale through the passage we've created with our hands. The smoke forms a cloud around us and the familiar smell of weed hangs in the air. Anaïs, perhaps inhaling a little too quickly again, starts to cough. I burst out laughing. "Are you all right?" I ask. "Yes," Anaïs replies with a twinkle in her eyes, still recovering a little. "Hmm," I reply with a playful nod. "Come on, let's go inside," I say, offering my hand to help Anaïs up.

Anaïs and I enter the café hand in hand, full of enthusiasm. We go straight to the table where Otis, Hanne, Ada and Noah are already sitting. "Happy birthday!" Anaïs and I shout in excitement, our arms spread wide. "Finally!" Otis says to greet us. Anaïs hands Otis our present, "Here, for you," she says with a smile. "Wow, a gift from the hot couple," Otis says with a curious tone in his voice. He takes the T-shirt out of the wrapping paper and unfolds it to read what's printed on it. Vegan gays are hotter. Anaïs and I giggle, still convinced by the quote. "Oh. My. God." Otis says in surprise. The others also seem to find the quote perfect and laugh along with us. "Thank you! Come here, merci hé," he says as he stands up to give us a big hug. "Yes, there was also one that said 'we are vagitarians', but that's more our thing," I say in a mischievous tone, while Anaïs nods in agreement. Although we are the only ones who seem to find it funny, we continue to chuckle. But I have to admit, that last joint probably has something to do with it.

Suddenly a blonde girl approaches our table with three fresh pints. She sits down next to Noah, so I assume it must be Gloria, his new girlfriend. "Ah, nice! Thanks, thirsty!" I say delightedly when I see the pints. I take one and take a big gulp. Cold beer. Exactly what I need! "Wait, aren't you the one from the coffee bar?" Anaïs suddenly says to Gloria in a surprised tone. "Yes, do you remember me?" Gloria asks in surprise. "Yes, you're too pretty to not remember," Anaïs says convincingly. I look at her in surprise. Did she just say that out loud? Anaïs? My Anaïs? This girl never fails to surprise me. "Right?" Anaïs looks at me inquiringly, trying to make the situation less uncomfortable. "Well, thank you," Gloria says, accepting the compliment. Anaïs and I continue to giggle. "Wait, do I have competition here or what?" Noah asks with a grin. "So do I!" I remark in amusement. Anaïs bursts out laughing. "We're vagitarians," I explain to Gloria. I put my beer back on the table and continue to laugh with Anaïs.

Just as Otis' new crush, Viktor, enters the bar, Anaïs' favourite song 'Feel It Coming' starts to play. I see the excitement growing in her eyes. "Oh my God, this is my song! We have to dance!" she exclaims, reaching out for my hand. She pulls me onto the dance floor. My heart races with excitement as we dance together. The music surrounds us as we move, our bodies synchronised to the rhythms of the beat. The world fades away around us as we dance together, the euphoria uniting us in a moment of pure joy and freedom. "I'll get the others," Anaïs says enthusiastically before heading towards the table. Lost in the music, I continue to dance alone for a moment until I see Hanne leaving the café in a state of anger. While Otis and Viktor go to the bar, I go to the table where I see Anaïs standing defeated. I feel the euphoria of the joint immediately dissipate and be replaced by pure anxiety. My heart races. "What happened?" I ask. "She's angry. I think she knows I smoked weed," Anaïs says disappointedly. I look at her with understanding. "Maybe you should let her cool down a bit. We can talk to her tomorrow," I suggest, "And we have Otis' birthday to celebrate. He deserves it," I say with a smile. Anaïs looks at me gratefully and nods, "You're right. Let's do that." Smiling, I take her hand and we sit down at the table to enjoy a cosy evening with our friends.

Sunday November 19, 22:01

We leave the crowded café, the cacophony of the night fading as the cool evening air embraces us on our way to the bus stop. Anaïs' hand feels warm and reassuring in mine, but despite her comforting presence, something is nagging at me. Since the euphoria of the joint has faded, Anaïs' comment about Gloria has been echoing in my head.

As we wait at the bus stop, I finally gather up the courage to subtly inquire about it. "What do you think of Gloria?" I ask after a moment's hesitation. Anaïs looks at me in surprise and shrugs, "Uhm... she seems like a cool girl," she replies casually. "A cool girl," I repeat quietly, slowly nodding. Anaïs looks at me suspiciously. "What's up?" she asks with a grin, furrowing her eyebrows, "Is Bobbie De Bruyn a little jealous?" I shrug and look down. "I don't know, it's just that comment from earlier, I wanted to check," I admit.

Anaïs puts a hand under my chin and lifts my face so I can meet her gaze. "Bobbie, listen to me," she says in a serious tone. "You're the only one for me, you know that, right?" she says convincingly. A wave of relief washes over me at her words. The doubts and insecurities melt away like snow in the sun. "Yes, I know," I say with a smile, gripping her hand tightly, "I'm sorry, I guess I just needed some reassurance." Anaïs smiles lovingly at me and plants a soft kiss on my forehead. "No problem, darling," she says reassuringly.

Monday November 20, 20:04

I'm sitting in my room mixing new beats for my first EP, which I hope to release soon. The melody fills the room and for a moment I feel completely immersed in the music. But then I'm abruptly disturbed by voices in the hallway.

I walk over to my door and open it a little so I can overhear the voices. With a curious expression on my face, I secretly listen to my mother's conversation on the phone. "Yes, Friday is perfect," I hear her say, "I'm really looking forward to spending some quality time together. Just the two of us." On the other end of the line I hear a familiar male voice. It's Samuel. "You can stay over if you like," he suggests. My heart starts to beat faster as I realise that this could be my opportunity. If my mother is with Samuel, I will have the house to myself. And that means I can invite Anaïs over. My mum agrees, on the condition that I agree, which of course I will.

As my mother continues her conversation, plans begin to form in my head. This is my chance to invite Anaïs for a cosy evening together, undisturbed, without distractions. With a smile on my face, I gently close the door of my room. Just then I receive a message from Anaïs: *Want to come over to my place tomorrow after school? <3* she writes. *Yes, great!* I reply immediately. Then I can share the good news with her as well.

Tuesday November 21, 17:36

As agreed, I walk to Anais' house after school, together with her. The sun is low on the horizon and the streets are filled with the warm glow of the sunset. When we arrive at her house, we go straight to her room. As we climb the stairs, Anaïs calls out to Samuel that we're going upstairs to study. It's a cheap excuse, but at least it works.

It feels very familiar to be in Anaïs' room. It gives me a sense of home that I haven't felt for a long time. She gives me a sense of home. "So, what are we really going to do?" I ask Anaïs curiously. Anaïs considers for a moment, and then comes up with an idea. She goes to her cabinet and starts rummaging through her make-up drawer. Then she takes out an assortment of cosmetics. "What do you think about me doing your make-up?" she asks, excitement in her eyes. I hesitate for a moment, normally I only wear mascara, but seeing Anaïs' enthusiasm I find it hard to refuse. "Yes, sure, go ahead," I reply with a smile.

I lay down on the bed with Anaïs sitting on my lap. I put my hands on her thighs as she begins to apply my make-up. Her touch is soft and reassuring and I allow myself to relax completely. She applies the make-up with great precision. Her hands move with a dexterity that fascinates me.

After applying a thick layer of lipstick to my lips, she says with a smile, "This really doesn't look like you." I giggle, "No?" I ask. She nods and takes a tissue to gently dab the lipstick away. "Did you know that Hanne's cousin had psychoses from smoking too much weed?" she begins. "And?" I ask, not quite sure why she's bringing this up now. "That's why she reacts so strong, you know?" Anaïs explains. "Yes, people with psychosis usually have a predisposition to it. Maybe he smoked too much of that spiked stuff. With too much THC," I share my opinion. Anaïs gets off my lap and sits down next to me on the bed. She puts her hands on my stomach as she asks, "Can you please tone it down for her? I understand her." I laugh, "That she's a hypocrite?" Anaïs lets go of me with a deep sigh. "Yes, what? Drinking beer herself, but talking about joints. Do you know how many people with a drinking problem are in psychiatry?" I point out. Anaïs seems to understand my point of view, but doesn't give up, "I just don't like the smoking," she says. I smile, "Yes, okay. Let's just stop talking about it then," I say. "Okay," she says with a blink.

"By the way, I found out something about your mum and my dad," I tell her mysteriously. "Oh no, more messed up photos?" Anaïs guesses playfully as she puts her hands on my shoulders and rests her head on my chest. "Ew, no, but thanks for the reminder," I say, rolling my eyes. Anaïs laughs but quickly silences herself to listen to what I have found out. "So, my mum is staying here on Friday night. If you tell your mum that you're spending an extra night at your dad's, then we'll have my place all to ourselves. An innocent lie out of love. Or desire," I chuckle. A smile appears on Anaïs' face. "Maybe," she says, "But there's still the seniors' party." I pretend to be shocked, "Oh, and you didn't ask if I wanted to go," I reply. "Yes, but I thought-" Anaïs tries to defend herself. "That we're the kind of couple who does everything together," I finish her sentence with a grin. Anaïs shrugs and smiles in agreement. "All right, I'll go," I confirm, "But after that I'll drag you into my bed," I say as I wrap my arms around her and pull her back onto me. We laugh and end up in a short, sweet make out moment.

"Come on, can I see the result now? Before you kiss all the make-up away," I tease with a grin. Anaïs blushes and hands me a small mirror. I'm surprised at the result. This is a completely different me. "And what do you think?" Anaïs asks, laughing. "It's... uhm... different," I say with a chuckle. We burst out laughing. "Well, you're pretty anyway," Anaïs flirts, blinking her eyes. "Aw..." I say as I hug her tightly.

Tuesday November 21, 19:27

Anaïs and I are lying on her bed, snuggled up together, watching a film. The room is cosy and the light from the laptop illuminates our faces. I can feel Anaïs' warmth beside me and it's comforting.

While we're absorbed in the film, I hear the familiar ping of my phone. I glance at the screen and see a message from Hanne in our group chat, asking if we want to get together for lunch tomorrow. Before I can reply, Anaïs grabs her phone and quickly confirms her attendance. Since Anaïs is joining in, I also confirm that I will be there. *Then I'll be there too,* I reply. Anaïs, who is watching me text, chuckles, "So we're not the couple who does everything together, huh?" she says with a twinkle in her eyes. I chuckle, realising what she's getting at. "Okay, okay, maybe you're right," I admit, rolling my eyes playfully. Anaïs grins triumphantly, gently teasing me. "I knew it!" she says, leaning in to give me a flirty nudge. We both laugh. Enjoying the moment of happiness we settle back into the film and enjoy each other's company.

Wednesday November 22, 12:19

It's a bright autumn day and we've come down to the park with our female friends for lunch. The grass is fresh green and the sun is caressing our faces as we sit on a bench with our sandwiches, enjoying each other's company.

However, Hanne doesn't seem to have any appetite. She's busy taking pictures of us while we eat. "Seriously? While we're eating?" says Anaïs in surprise. "Pretty sexy, with mayonnaise on your lips, huh?" Ada teases. "And salad between your teeth," Mila adds, with her mouth full of food. We laugh. "It's for selling to the feeding community," Hanne explains convincingly. I nod as I open my mouth to take a bite. I decide to be foolish and deliberately eat with my mouth wide open, my eyes wide and the size of my mouth exaggerated. Hanne quickly points her camera at me to capture my silly action and takes several photos. "Ew, gross," Anaïs judges. I burst out laughing. Hanne quickly scrolls through the photos on her camera and it doesn't take long before she excitedly shows me one. A photo of me with my mouth wide open and half a sandwich in it appears on the screen. It's both absurd and hilarious. We laugh at the result. "Are you going to send me that one too?" asks Anaïs, suddenly a little more enthusiastic about the gross photo. "I'll send it tonight," Hanne promises. "I am so looking forward to my new camera with WiFi. Instant sharing. Check," she adds. "Expensive, I bet?" asks Anaïs. "Amai, I'm going to have to work some serious hours at the coffee bar," says Hanne.

While the others list other ways to make money quickly, I feel like a small dessert and grab my weed from my weed bag. But before I have a chance to prepare my joint, I hear Hanne's judgmental voice. "Is it junkie time again?" she asks, her tone sharp. I look up to see her looking at me disapprovingly. "Well, now that you mention it," I say provocatively. The atmosphere changes. Everyone falls silent and turns their eyes to Hanne and me.

Hanne comes closer, stretches out her hand and quickly grabs the weed out of my hand. "It doesn't seem to be good for your reflexes, all that smoking," she says sharply, looking at me sternly, her lips pressed into a thin line. "Oh come on, don't be silly. Give it to me," I say with a grin. But she doesn't listen, she walks over to the rubbish bin. "Give it to me," I insist again. She holds my weed over the opening of the bin. "Don't you dare," I jump at her. Just then she drops my weed into the bin. My eyes widen in surprise and frustration as I watch my weed disappear into the bin. I feel my blood boiling, but I try to remain calm. "Damn kid, grow up," I say irritably as I walk away. My mood has been dampened by this unexpected confrontation.

Wednesday November 22, 14:59

Surrounded by my wall of posters, my fingers dance over the keys of my keyboard. I've been making music since I got home from the park, using the melodies to ease the lingering irritation from my earlier confrontation with Hanne. As I lose myself in the rhythm, my phone lights up with a notification - a voice message from Anaïs. I stop playing to listen.

I listen to the message, my irritation slowly fading as I hear my girlfriend's familiar voice. *Hey, sweetheart! What time am I coming over tomorrow? I can't wait to see your room! I think it will be so pretty. I'm really excited. Uhm..., and uhm..., I wanted to apologise for Hanne. I really don't know why she acted like that. I can kind of understand where she's coming from, but it really wasn't okay - so I hope you're okay? And I am so sorry about that,* she says.

I don't reply to the message. Instead, I let my emotions settle. I decide to tell Anaïs tomorrow that she doesn't need to apologise on Hanne's behalf. Despite my frustration, I'm relieved to know that Anaïs is concerned about me. Tomorrow I'll reassure her that I'm fine. But for now, I'll keep my mind off things by playing some more music.

Thursday November 23, 16:28

I walk through the front door with Anaïs behind me, our hands intertwined. It feels a little strange, and yet incredibly familiar, bringing her home for the first time. It's Thursday, so my mum is at Padel class after work. So Anaïs and I have all the space we need to relax together without any interruptions.

I immediately take Anaïs to my room. To set the mood, I choose a cool LP. I choose the 'Center Parcs LP' and take the record out of its sleeve. Meanwhile, Anaïs is admiring the room, which is half a music studio and thoughtfully decorated. She smiles broadly as she admires the musical instruments and sound equipment. "Wow, really impressive what you have here," she says, her voice soft with admiration. I chuckle. "My dad used to have a whole music studio, but these are just the remains of his man cave," I tell her as I put on the track 'Nintendo Pantera'. Anaïs comes over to me and gently rubs my arm. "You don't always have to look so sad when I mention him," I assure her that everything is fine and that she doesn't need to worry. I've learnt to live with the fact that my dad is no longer here and I'd rather just remember the good memories of my dad, although I have to admit that some days are better than others. "I'm sorry," she says, looking shyly down at the ground. "But you don't always have to apologise," I chuckle. "Okay, sorry," she replies quietly. "Oh... no," I shake my head, pointing out that she just did it again, and we burst out laughing.

"Hanne still needs to apologise though," I say, referring to yesterday's events. Although I've cooled down by now, I still want to make it clear that I don't agree with what Hanne did. "Yes, but you knew it was a sensitive issue," Anaïs tries to defend Hanne. "Does that mean she has to throw my stuff away?" I ask, indicating I don't agree. I go and sit on my bed with my back against the wall, while Anaïs expresses her concern, "But what am I supposed to do? Hanne is my best friend... And you are my lover... I really don't want a fight," she says with puppy eyes as she sits down next to me. I understand her position. She's caught between two fires... But I really don't think I'm doing anything wrong, so I say, "Then it really depends on Hanne. I'm not going to change." Anaïs looks at me a little disappointed.

I stroke her palm gently to win her back, and it works, because she soon leans in for a loving kiss. I put my hand on her neck and kiss her. I move to sit on her lap during the kiss. We look at each other for a moment while she runs her fingers through my hair. Then we continue kissing. However, this quickly escalates into an intense making out session, during which we become increasingly breathless. As our needs become more obvious, I take off my T-shirt and unzip Anaïs' jumper. It feels like we're getting ready for something intimate, until we suddenly hear a tap from the neighbours. Anaïs jumps up. Our moment is interrupted. "It's just the neighbours," I assure her. With a deep sigh, she leans back against the wall, "I thought it was your mother," she says. I shake my head 'no', but I notice that Anaïs has lost her desire. "Are you okay?" I ask. "To be honest, I don't feel very comfortable," she admits. I nod in understanding, get off her lap and lay down next to her. "I really want you," Anaïs assures me as she leans in. I chuckle, "We can do it tomorrow. Here. If you tell your mum that you're staying with your dad..." I tell her, "Right?" I giggle. Anaïs takes out her phone and sends her mum a message. She uses the senior's party as an argument to stay with her dad. Clever. We giggle with excitement. Tomorrow, time for us, just the two of us. Without anyone being able to interfere. We share another loving kiss, and then Anaïs puts her head on my chest and I put my arms around her. We listen to the music on the record player in my room. It feels so good to have Anaïs here, to share our love in this room that means so much to me. I plant a soft kiss on her forehead and smile, looking forward to tomorrow.

Thursday November 23, 19:01

Anaïs and I are sitting in the living room of my house, surrounded by scattered study notes and textbooks on the coffee table. But this is just a facade for my mother, who will be home soon. We will both have to put on a mask of innocence and pretend that nothing is going on between us. For now, we sit hand in hand on the sofa in the living room. I play Anaïs some demos of some new music I want to release soon. Suddenly our attention is drawn to the sound of a key turning in the lock of the front door. As the door swings open, Anaïs and I separate, adopting a nonchalant attitude, as if we had spent the whole afternoon working on physics equations rather than sharing moments of affection. Before my mother enters the room, Anaïs gives me a nervous look. We are both aware of the delicate performance we have to maintain, hiding our budding romantic relationship for now. I quickly whisper to Anaïs, "No stress, Stresskip, we can do this," before my mother enters.

As soon as my mother enters, she sees Anaïs. "Hi girls," she says with a warm smile. "What are you doing?" "Anaïs is helping me with my physics homework," I reply with an innocent smile. Anaïs nods in agreement, her expression calm. My mother's gaze lingers on Anaïs for a moment longer than usual, curiosity flickering in her eyes. She seems surprised. "It's nice to see you helping Bobbie," my mother smiles. "Physics isn't Bobbie's best subject," she laughs. I give her a dubious look. "Thank you, Mum..." I say slightly irritated by the remark. My mother gestures towards the kitchen. "Will you be joining us for dinner, Anaïs?" she asks. Anaïs and I exchange glances, understanding the challenge ahead, maintaining the illusion of a simple friendship while hiding our growing feelings for each other. I give Anaïs an encouraging look. "If I may, I'd love to," Anaïs replies. "Of course," my mother confirms, heading for the kitchen to prepare dinner.

During dinner, the three of us sit around the table, chatting effortlessly. We play our roles well, laughing at the right moments and making light-hearted jokes, while hiding our true emotions. But the challenge becomes increasingly difficult. Anaïs and I exchange glances full of unspoken desire, our eyes communicating a language only we understand. Every accidental touch, every stolen glance adds to the palpable tension in the air.

As the evening draws to a close, my mother says good night with a warm smile. Anaïs and I are left alone in the quiet aftermath of dinner, looking at each other with understanding. Our performance drained both our energy. We're incredibly tired. "I think I'll go home now," Anaïs says. I pout and look at her with puppy eyes. If it were up to me, Anaïs would stay with me all night. Unfortunately, that's not possible today. "Shall I walk you home?" I suggest. "I'll text you when I get home," Anaïs reassures me with a smile. We share another passionate kiss before Anaïs leaves my house.

Friday November 24, 19:56

While Hanne prepares to close the shop behind the counter, I sit at a table in the coffee bar with Anaïs, Ada and Mila. The smell of freshly ground coffee and the sound of soft music fill the room. Ada and Mila are discussing which outfits they will wear to the Peaky Blinders party of the seniors tonight. Anaïs and I listen attentively. When I wonder aloud what Peaky Blinders means and Anaïs tries to explain, Ada seems a little distracted. Her gaze wanders to a guy who is about to leave the café, Pablo. She makes eye contact with him and I see her smile. Pablo seems interested and smiles back. Mila, Anaïs and I all think the same thing. "What was that?" Anaïs asks curiously when Pablo has left the bar. Hanne takes a break and joins us at the table. "I don't know, he just kept looking at me," Ada mumbles, shrugging her shoulders nonchalantly. I smile at Ada as she tries to convince us that she's not interested in dating right now.

Meanwhile, Otis posts a photo of his outfit for tonight in the Club '07 group chat. "Wow, Otis is really going for it," Hanne interrupts our conversation as she shows us the photo. We admire the photo, he really went for it! Now the party is brought up again, Ada and Hanne agree to change into their party outfits tonight at the coffee bar, because Hanne has a Latte Workshop first and Ada still has to babysit first, and they don't want to wear their dresses yet. "Great, party time!" Hanne says enthusiastically. I can't resist teasing her a little. Not after Wednesday. Not after she still hasn't apologised. "You won't be drinking then? It's a hard drug, you know... It's really dangerous," I ask provocatively. "Yes, tell yourself that smoking a joint every day is the same as drinking a beer every now and then," Hanne replies frustrated. I can feel the mood dropping, but I can't help myself. "I don't smoke every day. And so what?" I say in a tone that tells her she shouldn't bother. "And so, it's dangerous," Hanne explains. "And even then, it's none of your business," I defend myself again. "Can we just leave it for a moment?" Anaïs interrupts us in frustration. "Yes, I really need to count my cash," Hanne mentions as she gets up and walks to her counter. "Apology accepted," I call after her, annoyed. "Haha, you wish," she says in a sly tone. I shake my head in disbelief.

When I get up to go to the toilet, Anaïs follows me, "Bobbie?" she softly calls out. I turn to face her. "Are you all right?" she asks. "I'm just not really in the party mood," I say. "Because of Hanne?" Anaïs replies. "No," I laugh, "Just because I know we have my place to ourselves," I say, grinning at her. "Okay..." Anaïs giggles. I give her a tender peck. "Every minute counts," I say. "Every second counts," Anaïs replies. I pull Anaïs towards the toilets, "Come on," I say. "But I don't have to," Anaïs resists. "Calm down. Don't you want to have some kinky foreplay?" I ask as I open the door to the toilets and pull Anaïs with me. We hear Hanne calling out that she wants to close the coffee bar, but we ignore her for the moment.

Friday November 24, 23:05

Anaïs and I arrive at my house, our hearts pounding with excitement. It will be our first time together and the anticipation fills the air as we enter. I lead Anaïs to my room, our hands trembling with nervousness and desire. The tension between us is palpable as we enter. I close the door behind us and we stand facing each other, our eyes locked in a silent exchange of longing. Without a word, I lean in and capture Anaïs' lips in a soft, lingering kiss.

I slowly lead Anaïs towards the bed, our bodies pressed close together as we move. The anticipation builds with each step until we finally reach the edge of the mattress. Without breaking our embrace, I lower Anaïs onto the soft sheets, my heart racing with excitement. Before we continue, I pause and look into Anaïs' eyes with a mixture of love and uncertainty. "Are you sure you want to do this?" I ask quietly, my voice trembling with emotion. It's important to me that Anaïs feels comfortable and ready, that there are no doubts or hesitations between us. Anaïs' response is immediate, her eyes full of determination and desire. "Yes," she whispers. With her affirmation, the last trace of uncertainty melts away, replaced by a deep sense of connection and trust.

And then, without another word, we give in to the passion that has been building up between us, our bodies intertwining in a dance of love and desire. At that moment, there is only Anaïs and I, lost in each other's embrace, exploring the depths of our intimacy.

After our journey of exploration in the world of intimacy, we lay breathlessly next to each other, looking at each other. I stroke Anaïs's hair as I whisper, "It seems to be approved". Anaïs smiles. "I'm so myself with you," she says. I feel a wave of emotion wash over me. As I stare into Anaïs' eyes, I am overwhelmed by the depth of my love for her. "I really don't understand why Hanne says I let you change me," she adds as she brushes a strand of hair away from my face. "But what does Hanne know?" I say, looking at her affectionately, and not caring about Hanne's comment.

Friday November 24, 23:27

With my mind in the clouds, I realise that I've never felt anything like what I felt tonight. Maybe Anaïs was right and she can help me relax without weed. Weed. Fuck. Like a bolt from the blue, it suddenly dawns on me that I forgot my weed bag in the coffee bar. A wave of panic washes over me. Hanne is still there... Hoping I'm wrong, I search through my stuff to make sure my bag isn't hidden somewhere. "What's wrong? Are you searching for something?" Anaïs asks, confused when she sees how I am suddenly rummaging around. "My bag. My bag with my weed in it," I reply. "Fuck, he. I left it in the coffee bar," I say worriedly. "In the toilet?" Anaïs asks. "Yes," I reply. "Ahhh, if Hanne finds out, that's another 50 euros," I say in panic with a deep sigh. "Check it out," I command Anaïs. "I can't just go and ask her, can I?" Anaïs replies. "Just call her for something else and see if she noticed anything," I suggest.

Anaïs picks up her mobile phone and calls Hanne. Hanne tells that she's closing the coffee bar and after a little white lie from Anaïs she tells that she didn't find anything special and that she has already done her last check in the bar. "She didn't notice anything," Anaïs says after hanging up. "Fuck," I mutter. I have to go back to the coffee bar. I have to get my weed bag before someone finds it. I pull my trousers on immediately. "What are you going to do?" Anaïs asks. At first I don't answer, but Anaïs doesn't let me. "Bobbie?" she insists. "I'm going to get my bag," I tell her. "Can't it wait till tomorrow?" Anaïs asks. "Tomorrow, Hanne or someone else might already have found it. I have to go now," I explain. Anaïs sighs deeply. "Okay, but I'm coming with you," she says determinedly.

Friday November 24, 23:59

With pounding hearts and trembling hands, Anaïs and I stand before the closed door of the coffee bar. While I force the door open with a card, Anaïs stands beside me, keeping watch, her eyes alert to the surroundings. The door's lock offers a lot of resistance, making it difficult to break open, but I manage to do so and swing the door open. Once inside, I sprint to the toilets where I expect to find my bag. "Come in," I whisper to Anaïs, her eyes full of fear. She nods and waits inside the bar while I head to the toilets.

In the dimly lit space of the coffee bar, I head straight for my target. My heart pounds in my throat as I spot my weed bag lying on the sink in the corner of the restroom. I grab the bag with a sigh of relief. But just as I'm about to turn around to return to Anaïs, I suddenly hear Hanne's voice from the bar. "Hello?" she calls out. My heart stops in my throat, and I freeze, fear coursing through my body as I wonder if she heard us and if she caught Anaïs. "Shit," I whisper to myself, my breath almost ceasing from panic.

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