A Wallflower's Bloom

By enaganda

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"Are you mad? I would never dream of courting Penelope Featherington." Brokenhearted from the words she heard... More

Chapter 1: London 1815
Chapter 2: Bridgerton House
Chapter 3: Cowper's Ball
Chapter 4: Twenty-four Letters
Chapter 6: The Dances
Chapter 7: The Confrontation
Chapter 8: Calling Hours
Chapter 9: Unexpected Tutor
Chapter 10: A Suitor's Gift
Chapter 11: Lesson One
Chapter 12: Realization
Chapter 13: Bridgerton Ball
Chapter 14: Lesson Learned
Chapter 15: An Invitation and A Letter
Chapter 16: Tea Party
Chapter 17: Confession
Chapter 18: The Queen's Ball
Chapter 19: Public Confession
Chapter 20: The Aftermath
Chapter 21: Royal Retreat
Chapter 22: A Brawl
Chapter 23: Repercussions
Chapter 24: A Vulnerable Gentleman
Chapter 25: The Long-Awaited Response
Chapter 26: Secret Revealed
Chapter 27: Welcome Back
Chapter 28: Bonding with the Mother-in-law
Chapter 29: The First Kiss
Chapter 30: The Honeymoon
Author's Note

Chapter 5: Danbury Ball

3.2K 88 10
By enaganda

Danbury Ball

Featherington House

All servants had been eagerly busy the whole day at the Featheringtons. For happening today is one of the most anticipated balls of the season, hosted by Lady Agatha Danbury. The senior matron does not normally host a ball this early of the year, however, since she had been helping a certain man meet a good match, she decided to up on her schedule.

"Are the girls ready?" Portia asks their housekeeper Mrs. Varley. The Baroness was not able to monitor her daughters' preparation in person as she was busy on her own. She trusts that her old maid was able to ensure that all of her girls are dressed well to attract suitors.

"Yes, my lady. The young misses are all dressed up."

"Very well, call them down."

The housekeeper brought along some maids upstairs as they knock and call on Prudence's and Penelope's rooms. The eldest Featherington daughter quickly joined her mother who was impatiently waiting at the drawing room.

Portia scans Prudence as the latter turns around for the former to see her over all look. The mother was not totally impressed but gave her daughter's look an approval. After all, it was the pink color she picked at Madame Delacroix' boutique the other day.

"Where is your sister? Has she not known what time it is?"

As if Lady Featherington's voice was magnetic, Penelope Featherington came at the door just after her mother asked for her.

"I am here, mama."

Both Prudence and Portia's jaws opened wide as they saw Penelope's appearance. Her dress does not have the yellow or the pink color that their family is weirdly known for. Instead, the youngest miss has worn the baby blue dress she had fitted with Delacroix the other day. The silver linings on its pattern have been gleaming across the room. The skirt is embracing the curves of her waist making the lady look more elegant and attractive. She wears a set of emerald necklace and earrings complimenting the color of her dress. Though her silky thin gloves covers both of her arms, her porcelain white skin can still be seen through its sheerness. Penelope had also gotten rid of their usual curls as she had her hair half up and half down, having her locks flow down to her shoulders. It was a simple style with only an embedded butterfly pin that ornaments her hair.

"Are we to leave now, mama?" Penelope asks her mother as there were a lack of words coming from both her mother and her sister. Suddenly, Portia came back to her senses as she sees the confused expression on her youngest.

The Baroness could not believe how elegant and beautiful her Penelope is looking right now. She had always thought that the colors pink and yellow are the ones to bring up all of her daughters' appeal. But seeing Penelope on a light baby blue fabric makes her question all of her choices. She then realized how highly possible it would be for her daughter to gain a suitor this season.

"Is she allowed to wear that, mama?" Prudence angrily asks her mother. It was obvious that her younger sister had truly outdone her appearance by a lot and the former feels envious with how pretty Penelope looks tonight.

Portia just gives her eldest a disappointing look and sighs deeply. She understands how jealous Prudence is right now. Over these last seasons, the Baroness had prioritized more of her efforts into ushering Prudence and Philippa for a marriage. Thank heavens, Philippa had already been wed to Albion Finch last season, but Portia is still left with two unwed daughters. Seeing how her youngest had drastically change for this season, Portia knew that Penelope will soon bloom at the ton with suitors at hand. An eventual fact that Prudence would have to bear.

"If by chance you inherit as much as what Aunt Virginia gave or you get married, then feel free to wear any dress you want." Portia answers her eldest daughter. Both Prudence and Penelope were left speechless. Penelope could not believe that their mother had shoved off Prudence in a way that looks like Portia is siding with her rather than her older sister.

The Baroness then turned to her youngest and for the first time, she had complimented her looks.

"My, Penelope. You truly are beautiful tonight. Hopefully, we get you a bunch of suitors this season." Her mother's statement made the red-haired Penelope blush. At first, she was afraid her mother would ask her to change her dress as it does not fit on their usual wardrobe. But hearing such good words from her meant a lot for Penelope.

"Thank you, mama." Is what the youngest Featherington could only say.

Portia then had their butler Briarly ask the coachman to ready their carriage.

Though the Danbury estate is just a few doors away, it took the Featheringtons ten minutes before they arrive at the senior matron's mansion. There have been several carriages that dropped off before them, making them almost late to the start of the party.

And so, as the three ladies arrive at the doorstep, the Master of Ceremonies announced their arrival for everyone to hear.

"The right honorable Lady Featherington together with her daughters Miss Prudence and Miss Penelope Featherington."

Just like last time, there were a lot of eyes that focused on their entrance. Whilst Portia and Prudence have already started to get used to it, Penelope on the other hand, felt very conscious with all the stares they are getting. Her mother had mentioned that the ton's impression on them had already changed a bit compared from last season. However, upon their arrival, she can still see the members of the ton murmuring and speaking to themselves as they walk ahead. Penelope could not help think that the ton are still thinking ill of her. Especially with the incident regarding Colin Bridgerton.

Before Penelope could think of other negative things on mind, Portia held hers and Prudence's hands and led to the table where their dance cards are placed. Despite not hearing a word from her daughter, the dowager Baroness knew that Penelope is starting to get nervous. Seeing how she even changed her entire wardrobe; Portia knew that her youngest is serious and determined to find marriage this season. And she will do everything in her power to make that happen. She will do anything it takes to support her children as what she told their fraudulent relative Jack; that she is a mother and her daughters are her team.

As the girls pick up their cards and put them on their wrists, the host of the party finally came to greet them.

"Lady Featherington, glad both of your daughters have joined you." The senior matron's cane stopped its tracks in front of them.

"Of course, we will not miss this for anything Lady Danbury." Portia greeted back. Prudence nervously smiles and bows to the acerbic old lady whom is feared by the whole ton.

On the other side, Penelope greets the Queen's closest aide warmly. "Good evening, Lady Danbury. It is our pleasure to be invited here."

The brown woman could not help but stare and wickedly smile at the sight of the youngest red-haired lady. She had always known how proper and educated Penelope is. She also noticed the changed on the young lady's appearance. A drastic leap compared from the looks of her companions. "Well, it is on ours as you have graced tonight's ball Miss Featherington. I could not help but worry how you were missing at the Cowpers."

Penelope was a bit shocked to hear Lady Danbury's response. She had never imagined that someone at the ton, let alone one of the most powerful women in London, will notice that she were not in attendance the other night.

"Ah, forgive me my lady. There were matters I had to attend to."

"As I've heard. Your mother mentioned a problem about the dress. But looking at you now, I see no problem at all! You truly are beautiful today, Miss Featherington." Lady Danbury's voice was so loud that the nobles surrounding them cared to look and spectate on them. Penelope starts to get feel nervous as she is not used to getting so much attention.

What makes the moment worse was when a commanding presence comes along their path. Penelope felt suffocated as she saw her Majesty the Queen comes on her way. All of them, along with Lady Danbury curtsied as Queen Charlotte stopped to take a moment of time in front of the Featheringtons.

"You may rise."

"Thank you, your Majesty." The Featherington ladies said in unison.

"Miss Featherington, is it?" Queen Charlotte asks Penelope as the former lifts her chin by a finger.

"Y-Yes your Majesty."

"Hmm.. How come I have not seen you at the palace?" Queen Charlotte's question made everyone around confused. There was no reason for Penelope to be at the palace, making the quest ungrounded.

It was then Lady Agatha Danbury who met with the Queen's inquiry.

"Your Majesty, if I may.."

"Speak, Agatha."

"Miss Featherington has made her debut two seasons ago; hence she was not part of the debutantes presented to your Majesty the other day." Agatha carefully explained to the Queen.

"I see. What a shame. If I have seen you that day, you will undoubtedly be my diamond."

Murmurs and widened eyes plastered at everyone's faces as they hear the Queen gave such a compliment to a young lady at an ordinary ball; more so for a Penelope Featherington at that. One of the so-called wallflowers of the ton.

Lady Featherington firmly grips her youngest' hand as she tries to keep to herself the excitement she is feeling from the Queen's words. While Penelope herself, takes a gulp as she could not believe what she just heard right now. But she knew importantly that she must respond to the Queen.

"Your words have been so gracious, your Majesty. This subject could only feel gratitude upon hearing them." Penelope tried as hard as she can not to stutter and embarrass herself in front of the Queen. She mustered up all her courage and carefully chose the words to say. She can never let her guard down as she knew how daunting the Queen can be. Especially now, that the royal is actively looking to unmask who Lady Whistledown is.

Unbeknownst to her, she just made a great impression to everyone including Lady Danbury and Queen Charlotte. Never have the two high ranking ladies met a young lady with such eloquence. Normally when the Queen gives a compliment to a young lady like Penelope, they would just be left speechless and would stutter trying to come out with words. However, with Miss Featherington's case, it was more of an elegant exchange with what proper and courteous words she chose to response back to her Majesty.

The Queen looked at Agatha and the two ladies shared a wicked smile to one another. Without even saying anything to each other, they knew they both found a very rare gem that will make this year's social season entertaining than the last. The Queen then signaled her aide Brimsley to bring her something.

"I speak the truth, Miss Featherington. How can a beautiful and elegant lady as you are, go unnoticed these last seasons. I feel I betrayed my subjects with not acknowledging how rare of a gem you are."

Just as Brimsley is back at her Majesty's side, Queen Charlotte continues. "Truly it is fitting not to name a diamond, as the lady in my front is remarkably an emerald to behold." As the Queen finished her statement, Brimsley stepped up to offer a beautiful and extravagant necklace adorned by a combination of diamonds and emeralds. It was sitting on an expensive looking cushion that is being held delicately by the man.

"Y-Your Majesty, t-this is too much.." Seeing the unbelievably expensive piece of jewelry made the young Featherington lost at words. Even her mother Portia and her sister Prudence were unable to say anything with what the Queen's right hand man is showing.

"This is just merely an appreciation Miss Featherington. As what Danbury said, you truly are beautiful today. I look forward to what you will bring to the ton." There was authority on the Queen's voice as she said those words. As a royal, it is uncommon for her Majesty to get her request or her demand declined. Not that she's given Penelope an order as her aid offers the jewelry, but not accepting her gift even with her persistence is an act that will taint ill on her impression.

Penelope quickly took a glance at the senior matron who hosts the ball tonight. As she saw the nod on Lady Danbury's face, she relents to the Queen and graciously accepted the emerald piece.

"Thank you, your Majesty. I will truly treasure this gift and pass over to my children for generations to come." Penelope appeases the Queen talking about future descendants despite not having any deals on marriage yet.

Portia unclasped the necklace she's currently wearing to give way for the Queen's gift. Though hers was also an emerald, it lacks the excessive number of diamonds that were part of the Queen's token. Lady Featherington took the extravagant piece from Brimsley and put it on her daughter's neck feeling so proud by the process.

With Lady Danbury's compliment earlier added with this spectacle from the Queen, Penelope Featherington knew that this will bring such chaos among members of the ton. For how could a wallflower like her gain such favors from two of the most powerful women in London. She can only imagine the rumors and gossips this will make about her. She even thinks of what to write as Lady Whistledown, sharing this occurrence on her anonymous gossip column.

After having seen the emerald necklace worn by the young lady, the Queen then excused herself to enjoy the rest of the ball. But of course, she had done it in a way that would make Penelope work with the crowd.

"Now, now my job is finished here. I know you are capable of entertaining me the whole night Miss Featherington. But I must share my time with other members of the ton. So I will leave you for now, at the hands of your mother.. And hopefully, the next time I see you, you are already with an escort." Queen Charlotte wickedly smiles as she foretells the young miss to be with a suitor soon. With that, her Majesty the Queen walks away to the upper balcony where Danbury prepared her special seat to oversee the whole of the hall. 

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