The Bond

By Kalin_0611

812K 27.4K 34.5K

Warning: MY AU, slow build romance, miss typos, cursing word, slow update Contains only a small daily life be... More

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Ch 121 [END]
Noah [1]
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Noah [5]

Special! : Theory

13.1K 159 1.5K
By Kalin_0611

A/N: I just want to practice my smut writing LOL, yes this is a NSFW story after Michael got his organs back in current timeline :D enjoy <3





That's the only thing his husband has done since he got his body back to normal. No, he didn't mind, nor did he complain, not at all. Instead he was happy, Michael seemed extraordinarily happy, even though several weeks had passed since heaven awarded him this gift. Thanks to his mother's sweet mouth who managed to convince them to give a murderer, cannibal, overall weirdest person a most impressive gift.

They were at a cafe near the house, a cafe they had been regulars in for a long time, so often they came here that Michael became familiar with the owner. He was always flexible in making friends, his friendly words were complemented by a relaxed attitude, many people were immediately attracted, tried to get closer, not knowing that behind his warmth Michael was quite cold-hearted if they crossed the line.

Cheerful people were usually the scariest people, he readily admitted. Michael's possessiveness was quite ... sexy. Hot.

It made him feel loved, made him feel that he is wanted by the person he loves, made him feel that he is worthy. So, so far there were no problems at all with this issue. Michael was quite unpredictable at first. The man who was willing to give up the whole world for him, the man who was willing to do anything, even take someone's life just because they tried to flirt him. The same man was sitting in front of him, happily eating bread smeared with ice cream, even his body was swinging back and forth, so he enjoyed the taste of this fairly simple food.

Adorable. Cute.

He moved his hand closer to his husband's face, tucking the bangs of hair that fell over his eyes behind his ear so as not to distract Michael from his view of his food (he was also quite aggressive if someone tried to take his food).

"Yummy?" Ennard rested his chin on his lap using the palm of his hand.

The corners of Michael's lips twitched upwards into a smile. "I've always wanted to try this menu." He bit off most of the ice cream spread bun. "Elizabeth likes to order it, and it's yummy. Very."

His mouth opened to let out a chuckle. Of course, everything tasted good to Michael, for almost five decades he had never eaten anything other than soup and liquid. He understood that, indeed, he would definitely feel the same way if he had to lose his internal organs. In fact, he was quite impressed that Michael went through it all calmly, even though there were times when Michael had a mental breakdown because he couldn't taste food anymore, but that was all over. Suddenly he grimaced, he was the reason why Michael could be like this.

"From your face it seems like you feel guilty for killing me."

This bastard.

Ennard's eyes rolled boredly, his ears were greeted by the sound of Michael's soft laughter. Sweet. "Your body is back to normal now, don't forget to take care of it." Ennard pushed his glass of juice to Michael. Michael was still adapting to his new body and it was quite concerning for Michael to forget to eat for two days. It happened once. The problem was that at that time he also forgot to remind him. "Don't skip meals again, lest you get an ulcer or GERD."

"Naggy," Michael snorted. "Don't worry, I have no history of illness since I've been alive," he paused to take a drink of juice, "except depression."

His smile crooked, Ennard rubbed the back of his neck gently and exhaled. He couldn't resist the urge not to pull Michael's cheeks hard, making Michael whine in pain, a protest escaped his mouth which was full of food. Even though there was one thing that was bothering him, should he say this? Or not? An opinion arises, a theory, perhaps. However, Michael was eating, he didn't want to disturb his husband's mood, or even ruin it. His fingers tapped the surface of the table in rhythm, his gaze turned out the window. He would say it later.

Eyebrows raised when Michael got up from his seat. "Where are you going?"

"Order another food."

Of course.


The rapid footsteps touched his sharp hearing, he turned to the closed door, while Michael was still busy sketching on the canvas. Irregular lines were drawn, then suddenly deviated when the door was pushed open. There was an annoyed growl stuck in Michael's throat, he could hear it too. Not a single sound came out of him, really, just an amused look at how Michael's sister lunged at his husband from behind with a hug while he was busy watching from the bed, a book on his hand.

"Elizabeth," Michael groaned, trying to escape the girl's deadly embrace. "I'm painting."

"And I'm not blind."

This time a chuckle escaped his mouth, Michael glared at him sharply, he shrugged his shoulders.

The eldest moved his head, looking at the perpetrator who was now making his back ache because of how long she had been hanging behind his body. "What do you want?" he asked, a 'knock' sound being heard after he dropped the pencil on the floor.

"Let's watch a movie!" Elizabeth was always cheerful, there was not a day when she was not cheerful for an hour. "Me, Papa, Daddy and Chris are getting ready, we want to watch an old film—horror!" Ennard shuddered, he narrowed his eyes at Michael who seemed to want revenge, Elizabeth spoke again. "Come on, Mikey, this is going to be fun!"

To his surprise, Michael shook his head. "Not now." He stood up, the brown-haired man pushed his sister out of the room, closed the door before Elizabeth could protest and turned the key twice.

Ennard set his book aside, eyebrows drawn upwards. "Why?" The question may have been incomplete, but he knew Michael would understand what he meant.

"Not in mood." Michael stepped over to the canvas and picked up the pencil that had fallen, put it in a more appropriate place and he approached the bed. Ennard shifted slightly, giving Michael more space, at the same time Michael threw himself next to him. He had expected Michael to immediately press his body against him, nuzzling his head against his lower jaw while he moved his arms to hold Michael closer.

He was enjoying how their bodies shared warmth, enjoying their cuddle and relaxing, his brain suddenly reminded him of one thing he had been thinking about.


"Michael," he whispered, calling his husband's name softly, drawing Michael's attention from the novel that had somehow moved in his hands. He didn't really know if Michael noticed it or not, or at least thought about it.

Or he was the one who easily overthinks everything.


"I have a question."

Michael let out a soft hum. "Yes?" His eyes were still focused on the book.

"Because your body is updated," Ennard paused in his words, Michael snorted at his choice of words, but he didn't pay much attention to it. Ennard turned his head. "Does that mean you're a virgin one more time because you're tight again, perhaps?"

Michael dropped the book in his hand.


"... What?"

He stared at his husband with quite a mixed face, his expression. Between gawking, not understanding, amazed by his husband's way of thinking, confused, dumbfounded, everything became one.

Ennard moved from his position, leaning more towards Michael, pushing him down onto the bed while he crawled on top of him. The book slipped to the side, Michael felt his breath catch in his throat as he felt Ennard sit on his stomach carefully, not really wanting to put all his weight on him knowing he was smaller than him. Ennard seemed serious, he was always a critical person, likes to think, likes to ask questions, although not all the time he can answer all of Ennard's curiosity about the potential for something that could happen, of course this question is one of the things he cannot explain.

"Technically, your body is filled with internal organs again." Ennard placed his hand on Michael's chest, feeling Michael's heartbeat in his palm, which gradually beat faster. "Is that possible if you become tight again?"

"You say that as if I'm very loose." Michael wrinkled the bridge of his nose, the corners of Ennard's lips twitched upwards.

The man on top of his stomach slumped, down between his legs, he slipped his hands around his calves and lifted them to wrap around his waist. "I never meant my words to mean that," he said, his body leaning forward again, Michael felt his breath stuck in his throat again as Ennard's face came face to face with his. "I killed you, used you, fucked you, I know your body thoroughly, in and out." Ennard's hands caressed, his fingers lightly stroking Michael's thighs, making Michael clench his fists on the bed and grit his teeth at the sensation. "And I'm quite curious. When was the last time we had sex, anyway? Three months ago?"

"Two," Michael corrected, his chest pounding so hard he was afraid his heart would pop out. Damn, he still hasn't fully adapted to this body, it was strange to feel like his body felt full, but lacking something at the same time. "You make me ... curious too. Damn you." He groaned, a note of annoyance in it, his shoulders jumping up when Ennard decided to lick his collarbone.

"Should we?"

"They can hear us." Michael tilted his head to the right, leaving enough room for his husband to shower him with wet kisses on his neck. "Are you purely curious or are you just horny?"

"I can say I've been curious since midday." Ennard lowered his body slightly to reach deeper into Michael's neck, their chests almost touching, he gripped Michael's wrists next to his head. "But now I think I'm horny too." He opened his mouth, taking the sensitive spot into a deep bite, teeth sinking in and Michael hissed. "But I won't do it if you don't want to."


Ennard raised an eyebrow. "Are you listening to me?" he protested lowly, Michael's brain seemed to be working slower, possibly burdened by his new organ somehow. "I won't do it if you don't want to."

A light blush spread across Michael's cheeks, he felt restless, gripping the sheets tighter ... well to be fair he never said he doesn't want it, did he? But give him a little time to think first. Michael watched his husband kiss his shoulder, down to his cleavage, his shirt was still on so he couldn't feel Ennard's thin lips directly touching his skin apart from when Ennard pounced on his neck gently, creating a new bite mark after nipping them.

Fuck, he was starting to get desperate now. He pushed Ennard away, Ennard tilted his head. His fingers unbuttoned his shirt one by one, exposing his upper body. The red-haired man was quite stunned for a moment, it seemed like it was an invitation, he had gotten permission from Michael, even if only to explore his upper body. A sharp sigh escaped his lips as Ennard sank down again and kissed his stomach. It still felt strange, having a complete body, feeling skin come back where it had disappeared.

"Look at this," Ennard muttered softly, his hand pressing against his stomach muscles, Michael bit his lip feeling the tickle. "You've been working out since last week and have developed your muscles quickly." Ennard's wet tongue trailed along the line of Michael's stomach, licking his navel. He held Michael's waist, so he would stop squirming, so he could enjoy the stomach more of it all, his fingers tracing the curves of Michael's body slowly.

A chuckle escaped his watery mouth, he wiped his lower lip with his arm to keep the drool from falling and turned his head to the side. "I was born athletic," Michael said, a hint of pride and cocky in his voice. He wasn't lying, since he was alive, he knew that. It was quite easy to build muscle, the exercise schedule was fist fighting, coupled with a fast metabolism. His father's genes, something he didn't want to admit, but was quite grateful for. He slipped his fingers between the strands of Ennard's hair, stroking them lightly. Another sigh was heard, Ennard started to touch his joints.

"Born athletic, but you're quite sensitive." Ennard raised his head, raising his gaze so that their gazes met. His hands caressed Michael's joint, Michael's body trembled, he raised his hands up and up until they stopped at Michael's ribcages, his thumbs brushing over his husband's hardened nipples, there was a muffled sound in Michael's throat as he pressed down on them before they bounced again. "Is that a yes?" he asked quietly, both hands now resting on Michael's thighs and squeezing them.

Michael, gasping at the slightest touch, nodded and pulled the pillow up to cover half of his head. "I won't be loud," he muttered to himself, then his magenta eye rolled to Ennard after raising the pillow so it wouldn't obscure his vision. "Though I doubt whether there really was a difference before and after I got my organs." He gripped Ennard's shoulders, pressing lightly on his shoulder blades.

"We'll find out." Ennard closed his eyes feeling Michael give a slow massage to his shoulder blades until he grabbed Michael's hand and moved it away. He pressed his lips against Michael's deeply, Michael's eyes fluttered to close, once his arms came up and wrapped around Ennard's neck. Ennard bit his lower lip, inserted his tongue as soon as his mouth opened, saliva immediately flowed out. There was a soft hum coming out of Ennard, he spoke in the midst of fondling. "So wet." Ennard bit Michael's tongue gently, before connecting his own to curl around it.

Michael frowned, his eyebrows were knitted together, his blood was flowing, his body felt stuffy. Ennard slipped his hands under both of his armpits and lifted him up easily, their lips still locked as he brought him into his lap. Ennard's thumbs rubbed over his ribs, shoulders shuddering as his husband's palm slid down and down and stopped at his pelvis, fixing their position a few times. Crotch meets crotch, joints were pressed, rubbed, stomach contents feel twisted in a thrilling sensation. Butterfly. Lots of butterflies.

He found his fingers again stroking Ennard's red hair, twisting the strands restlessly, massaging the scalp of his husband's head gently. Ennard grunted into their kiss, while he swallowed his own groan. Then Ennard ended the kissing session, without further ado pressing his lips to his neck, enjoying the sound vibrations that were stuck in Michael's throat so as not to let out the sounds.

His husband always knew the sensitive locations throughout the body, he really meant what he said earlier that he knew his body inside and out. Michael let out a sharp, heavy gasp as Ennard's hands roamed up his inner thighs, not too close to his vital organs, still playing it safe, but he was already hardened so that didn't help at all. "Ennard," he whispered, resignation in his tone. "Ennard, Ennard, Ennard touch me."

"Patience," Ennard whispered again, covering Michael's mouth for a few moments, swallowing his moans. "Needy boy, my needy boy."

There was a fog in his mind, a fog that blocked common sense, that had warned him that they weren't alone in this house, there were four other people in the other room and they were here making their room feel damp. He'd locked the door, hadn't he? Can they hear his lewd voices from here? Hearing how he made erotic sounds when Ennard bit his collarbone? He hoped the volume of the horror movie they set and watched was at the top.

Ennard pressed the joint again, close to his crotch, close to his erect shaft beneath his trousers. God, help him, all this touching was driving him crazy.

"What do you feel?" This bastard asked rhetorically, while the blood was rising to the face and the heartbeat was pounding with the whole body shaking. A soft whimper escaped his wet lips, Ennard pressed his hands against his thighs, both shoulders jumping. "Use your words," he demanded, kissing his cleavage deeply, inhaling his scent. "What do you feel? What do you want?" Ennard kissed his chest, his tongue brushing the wetness of his hard nipple once again, his body shivering again.

"Easy on me, will you?" Michael groaned softly. "I feel ... horny."

Of course.

Ennard stared at him as if he was the stupidest person in the world, his cheeks red.

"What else do you want me to answer!?" he replied, holding back his embarrassment, his brain unable to work properly to find the right words.

"Perhaps you should repeat your answer," Ennard said calmly, the corners of his lips twitching upwards, the gasp sounding like a stifled chuckle. Ennard was waiting, waiting for Michael to arrange his words, it didn't need to be too poetic, but not something that had an obvious answer. He pressed both of Michael's nipples together playfully while waiting for Michael to reply, the way Michael arched his pelvis slightly towards him made him raise his eyebrows, his hands came down to hold Michael's waist so that he didn't move.

Michael whined again, he needed this, Ennard held him still. "I told you earlier ...," Michael muttered softly and bit his lower lip. "Touch me, I want you to touch me. Please."

"Good," Ennard nibbled Michael's earlobe, "as you asked, darling. Thank you for answering."

The praise almost made him think his soul would be leaving his body, something in his stomach did somersaults in joy, a tingling feeling. He saw Ennard's wire open their cupboard, pull out a drawer there and take out a bottle of lube. It must be kept out of reach of children, his younger siblings often break into their rooms without permission. The fragrance wafted as Ennard opened the bottle, pouring it into his hand.

"Enn," he called.


Ennard raised his head, stared at Michael who was still silent, he didn't say a word after Michael called him, his husband's gaze was instead fixed on the bottle of lubricant. Ennard turned his head in the same direction, there was nothing strange, they always used this brand when they had sex and Michael quite liked the scent. "What?" he asked again, now Michael seemed uneasy, stealing glances at the wires sticking out from behind his body. Ennard was always a smart person, his brain immediately knew what Michael wanted, a chuckle came out. "Using my oil, Mike? Really?"

"I never said that." Michael avoided his gaze, his lower lip pursed forward, the corners of his eyes twitched.

He rolled his eyes boredly, the lube was already on hand and Michael wanted another. However, if that's what he wants, then so be it. "Take off your trousers," he ordered, Michael quickly took down the knee-length trousers he was wearing and threw them on the floor like a good boy he was. His eyes scanned Michael from head to toe, looking at his body, his muscles, his curves, his thighs, his hardened prick. Michael was chiseled to perfection. Maybe next time he will thank William for making something beautiful, he will never get tired of looking at Michael all the time.

The cord had leaked some black liquid, so it moved to the back of Michael's body, between the cracks of his buttocks. Michael flinched when he felt the cable enter the driveway with a cold, wet sensation, a groan came out softly as he used Ennard's shoulder as support so as not to lose his balance. Ennard at the same time rubbed his thighs, stroking up to his hips. His eyes half widened because Ennard decided to wrap his fingers around the base of his cock, a groan just slipped out.

"We still haven't started and you're already dripping, sensitive so much?" Ennard teased, the tip of his finger moving up to the nip of the shaft that had been lubricated by the thick liquid, then moving down to the testicles. At the same time the wire moved in and out slowly, trying to open a wider passage, for the comfort of all of them. Ennard hissed, the wire was still part of him. "Fuck, Michael, you're tight. Tighter than usual."

Michael buried his face in Ennard's shoulder, inhaling his husband's scent deeply while reorganizing his mixed feelings. They rarely had sex, so every time they did, he was always tight. However, hearing Ennard's statement earlier, perhaps Ennard's theory about him being a virgin for the second time wasn't wrong. "Can you just use your fingers?" he whispered, biting his bottom lip afterward, Ennard used the hand that was squeezing his ass to slide inside of him.

Two fingers at once. His eyelids fluttered, mouth opened slightly. Ennard's fingers were bigger, more pleasant to feel than just one thin wire. He arched his back again, trying to help Ennard in deepening his finger play until it touched the prostate. He held back the sensation that was about to come up through his throat, it felt like he was swallowing a burp as he expelled his moans. Ah, this was better than the wire before. The surface of Ennard's finger rubbed against his walls, causing him insides to scramble again.

They came out, then they thrust in, each movement making him flinch. Now he understood what Ennard meant that he was narrow, he had never felt like this. Maybe it was because he had been filled with internal organs, he didn't know. For all he knew, his libido was increasing rapidly, a part of him protested, it was too slow.

"Can you go faster?"

"Can you be more patient?"

A grumble escaped Michael's mouth, Ennard was still holding his body by gripping his waist. Actually, Ennard's speed in loosening was normal, his pace was normal when they did this. Indeed, he was the only one who couldn't be patient. He growled, squirming in Ennard's lap, both hands pushing Ennard to lie down, there was surprise on his husband's face as soon as he sat on his groin.

"For fuck's sake, Ennard, you're slow." The eldest Afton unzipped the man's trousers which he was holding, of course his shaft straightened immediately after being freed from the tight spot.

Ennard raised an eyebrow, watching Michael take the lube and pour some into his hand. A pleasant cold sensation pierced the body when he felt Michael grasp the tip of the head of his cock and rub it quickly at the base, a heavy sigh was heard, a little choked up too. He raised his hand to cupped the side of Michael's face, his fingers threading through the strands of his husband's brown hair, his thumb caressing his cheek. "Why are you the one who is excited to try this 'theory' now?" He tilted his head, the corners of his lips lifting.

His magenta eye closed, Michael pressed his face deeper into Ennard's caress, while his hand was still pumping his husband's shaft. "Because it sounds stupid to me," he answered, his eyes opening again and he looked down at Ennard's face. "I don't really think anything was different before and after I got my organs back. Tight? Maybe, but that's all." Michael shrugged his shoulders, he raised his body and positioned his entrance with the tip of Ennard's shaft, his body shivering at the wet damp sensation between the two buttocks. "Other than that, I think it's normal. So, one round is enough," he mumbled, sounding grumpy, they certainly couldn't risk themselves and get caught red-handed.

They were legally married, their fathers probably didn't care—no, they didn't care if the two of them had sex in this house, he was only worried about his two younger siblings.

"We'll find out." Ennard smiled faintly, oh his beloved Michael didn't know what might happen.

Even though he himself didn't know for sure, he knew there was something different, a sensation perhaps. Michael underestimated everything as usual, not really looking deeper into the potential. The head of his cock had entered, Michael winced, biting his lower lip to keep from moaning, if they were in their own house he would have been free to release them, he was always quite vocal. Ennard was still caressing the side of Michael's face, enjoying the look of distress that was mapped there, he definitely wanted to take it all in in one thrust, but he was aware of the tightness inside him.

As a good husband, Ennard grabbed both sides of Michael's pelvis and pulled him down quickly, his shaft quickly planted completely and a soft cry escaped Michael's mouth which was now completely open, eyes wide, hands supporting his body using Ennard's stomach as a place to rest, pressing even his stomach. He could see Michael's breathing becoming heavier, messier, legs shaking.


Even the first time they had sex, it never felt like this. Different, Ennard was right, this felt different. It was as if someone was tearing him apart, stretching his insides, touching his prostate in one push. This pain was surprisingly pleasant. Maybe because when they did, he didn't have organs filling his body, so he felt emptier, lighter, looser. He always wore a shirt when they had sex and barely took them off entirely, it was more comfortable for him, and for Ennard too so he didn't have to see bandages or a hole in his stomach. It was indeed strange if you think about it again.

Now Ennard was fully embedded inside him and he couldn't move his body, as if struck by a feeling he had never imagined before, he thought everything would feel the same. It's hard to explain, it's different. He felt fuller, more stuffed, heavier, his narrow walls squeezing Ennard's twitching cock inside. A whimper escaped his watery mouth, drool fell from the corner of his mouth, he covered half of his face with his arm but Ennard wrapped the cable around him to move his arm away so he could see his face clearly.

Michael knitted his eyebrows together, his forehead furrowed with a groan that escaped, not only did his cheeks turn red, his body also turned red. Michael didn't move, perhaps trying to adapt to the new feeling, he threw his head back and gripped the bedsheets tighter, toes curling as his thighs trembled.

Sweet, his sweet Michael, he slowly woke up and another soft cry came from Michael as he pushed him to lie down, hands still gently holding his waist. "Shh, my beauty," he whispered soothingly, palms rubbing his hips as he moved the wires to pull the pillow under Michael's head before he was completely lying down. His hand came down to caress the trembling thigh above his. "My darling, it's okay," he whispered, licking the tears that fell from his beloved's eyelids, he understood that Michael might be overwhelmed by receiving so many new sensations at once.

His lips moved down, kissing his cheek, nose, chin, then pressed their mouths together, swallowing Michael's sobs as he moved his hips slowly. One hand stroking his husband's brown hair, he felt Michael's nails dig deep into his back. A cute sound came from the man he was impaling, when he moved his waist back for a moment, bringing his shaft out, then pushing it in again. Their crotches met, he gritted his teeth and lowered his head, his lips now peppering Michael's neck with kisses.

"Fuck," he hissed, suppressing the groan in his throat as he maintained his pace. "You're tight as fuck." He had to be careful, not wanting to accidentally hurt his husband.

Michael let out another mewl and he was still trying to control his voice so it wasn't too loud, but it was hard. It was hard to do when this ecstasy was beyond his expectations, the way Ennard hit his prostate, bringing him mixed feelings in the pit of his stomach, he felt stretched even further when Ennard spread his thighs apart. Ennard rested his hands on his hips, then pulled him closer while pushing his own hips forward, creating a wet sound as skin met skin, cock buried deep inside Michael. This feeling made his head spin, his vision blurred, he felt like he had soaked the sheets around him with the saliva that fell as he tilted his head and breathed more heavily.

Ennard stopped pushing for a moment, giving Michael time to breathe even though his movements were quite slower than usual, Michael looked more exhausted and that wasn't like Michael at all. "Are you okay?" he asked, kissing his collarbone again and moving to his shoulder.

No, of course not, Michael wanted to answer like that, but he didn't want Ennard to intercept it wrong because it felt amazing. "Fuck," he muttered, feeling his entire blood rush warmly. "Fuck fuck this feels too good ...." It felt like he was having a mindfuck, Ennard moved his hips again so he gripped the bed sheet tighter, his toes curled deeper, his pelvis arched against his husband. "Ennard—Enn ah ... fuck." Michael threw his head back as his eyes rolled in the same direction, lips trembling, Ennard kissed his exposed jaw before moving down, grunting at the intersection of his shoulder and neck.

His darling, his sweetheart, his love, Ennard laced his fingers with Michael's and groaned softly, Michael's tight walls squeezing him to the bone. He moved faster, wanting to hear more of the lewd sounds his husband made, the head of his shaft hitting his prostate harder. Michael rolled his eyes back again, biting his wet lips wouldn't stop the saliva that came out at the tip, he cherished every moan that came out, like sweet music to his ears. This also drove him crazy, he rubbed his body deep.

Michael's voice was getting higher and higher, he seemed unable to stand the tingling sensation writhing in his stomach, as if his insides were being torn apart by pleasure, his mind was foggy, his head was lightheaded from the euphoria that arose when Ennard brought their crotches together, touching them deeper. Ennard silenced his mouth with a kiss, making him swallow back his whimpers, eyes watering, Ennard let out a sharp gasp.

"Loud, loud boy," Ennard whispered, he kissed him again as he slid his hands under Michael's calves and pushed them together. Michael sobbed softly, Ennard seemed to tear him to pieces, but he didn't complain, he loved it. Ennard jerked towards him again, a small cry escaping him involuntarily. "My lewd fucking boy," Ennard muttered again, he wasn't helping at all with his words, it made him feel even more twisted in his stomach. More butterflies. The cord began to stroke Michael's shaft that was left behind, giving more attention.

It seemed to add to Michael's load with double the pleasure, his eyes widened and rolled down to his cock being squeezed by his husband's wires, only incoherent rambles came out of his mouth—unable to think rationally, he threw his head back again and arched deeper.

"Such a good boy." Ennard pressed his lips to Michael's chest cleavage, their hands that were holding each other were now gripped tightly by Michael, his body jerked. "How does it feel? Filled by me after your body becomes solid again," he whispered, nipping Michael's ear and enjoying every sound of Michael's ragged breath, mixed with his sensual hitched voice. "Do you feel full? Want me to fulfill you? Fill you with my cum? Want to try it?"

The teasing questions only confused his foggy mind, Michael let out a soft whimper and turned his head to the left with his eyes closed. It all felt arousing, he wanted it. His cock twitched, Ennard twitched inside him too, the walls tightening more and more as he clenched his lower body. "Yes," he managed to get one word out without being interrupted by a groan, "yes—please, fill me." He threw his arms around Ennard's neck and moaned in his ear. "Fill me, make me feel full of you, please."

His desire soared hearing how Michael begged, oh his voice was so sweet, he rubbed his waist harder. "As you wish, my gorgeous," he answered, slamming into Michael's prostate again and again, this time not afraid of hurting his husband; The wet sounds accompanied by the grunts were strong evidence that Michael was enjoying this too much.

Michael had had his precum, and so had he. If he continued his movements for a few times, then they would come out together, he had predicted. He bit his lower lip, a soft hiss audibled to himself, he brought his face closer to Michael's neck, never getting tired of biting him. Teeth chattered together, feeling Michael's moan caught in his throat, he groaned. Michael's fingers ran through his hair, giving small massages to his scalp, his hands felt amazing.

One jolt brought Michael to gasp in surprise, Ennard covered his mouth with his hand. There was the sound of footsteps outside the room, but he didn't stop, his hips were still thrusting and Michael rolled his eyes back. His breath felt warm on his palm, the corners of his lips twitched upwards in a faint smile. Knowing that they might get caught was nerve-wracking, adrenaline pumping, Michael would have scolded him for continuing to move.

Michael held Ennard's hand which was covering his mouth tightly, he felt dizzy with pleasure, his chest was tight and he tried to get rid of his husband's hand. Luckily their bed didn't creak, luckily the walls of their room were thick enough even though they weren't the soundproof type. He gripped the sheets tightly, mouth open and tongue lolling out slightly. "Fuck—Ennard, Ennard I'm going to ..."

"I know."

Ennard jerked his hips, he gasped again. Two more thrusts would bring him to climax, he thought. However, it turned out to be wrong, instead Ennard's wires that frequently pumped his prick combined with a new jolt made his body convulse, his vision blackened before he saw dots in the air, something shot out from inside him. When he cum, Ennard was still moving, there was a twitching sensation inside him and Ennard closed his eyes tightly with a gasp, feeling himself spurt.

His eyes widened again feeling the warmth in his stomach, the liquid completely filled him. His mouth opened again, his pupils rolled back, his body tensed again to receive all the liquid. They both panted, Ennard leaning in to kiss him, running a hand through his brown hair.

"What a good boy," Ennard whispered, his body limp on the bed, muscles starting to relax.

Maybe Ennard's stupid theory was right.


Michael rested his head on the dining table and groaned, holding his stomach which felt like it was being squeezed by something—no, not pain, just like butterflies fluttering. He was starting to ignore the pasta, he was hungry but had no intention of eating. Until he gasped in surprise when someone pulled his body back upright, his father raised an eyebrow.

"What is it? It's unusual for you not to finish your food." His father took the plate of pasta and seeing his son not growl when he took his food was certainly strange. "Stomach ache?"

"No." Michael pursed his lips and glanced away. "Just not appetizing." Being fertilized by Ennard felt more pleasant.

The man sitting next to him raised his eyebrows again, eating his pasta casually. "You usually have an appetite, the only thing you've been doing since last month is chewing and swallowing any food. Are you sick?" William put the back of his hand to his forehead, he groaned in annoyance one more time and pushed his father's hand away.

"Will, come on." Papa suddenly came and chuckled softly, holding William's shoulder. Michael took a glass of water, the corner of his eye found his husband entering the kitchen and getting a can of soda. Vincent smiled meaningfully and laughed. "Sex is usually always tiring."

Michael burst out water that touched his throat and Noah dropped the soda can instantly. Their faces slowly turned completely red.

Meanwhile, William closed his mouth. "That's why you guys didn't watch movie with—"

"One word from you, William, I will hit you," Noah interrupted his father-in-law's words and hissed, picking up his fallen soda can while Michael coughed, he approached Michael and massaged the nape of his neck. Once again Vincent laughed softly. Michael started to calm down, he got another glass of water for his husband.

William snorted. "But you don't usually do it here, usually in your own home."

The blonde man's shoulders lifted, then slumped. "Just wanted to try something," he answered, his red eyes watching Michael go back to drinking the water sheepishly. "And it turned out true," he squeezed Michael's shoulder gently, "your son became a virgin again after he got his organs back, and I took his virginity twice."

Michael burst out the water again and choked.

"Twice? I thought before he was with you he had lost it, you know, pubescent teenager. Another fling, maybe." William shrugged his shoulders, Michael coughed harder.

"Father—Ennard what the fuck!" Michael jerked away his husband's hand which was patting his back to calm his cough, Noah just tugged at the corners of his lips and raised his eyebrows, his face felt burning, it seemed this time it was redder than Noah's own eyes. "TMI!"

Noah laughed, he put his arms around Michael's neck and hugged him tightly from behind, chin resting on his shoulder, Noah whispered teasingly. "My good boy."

For whatever reason, their parents were still with them and he was sure his father wouldn't stop teasing him.

Give him a break!

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