A Love To Last

By iburnrice

3.3K 1.4K 867

❝True love is usually the most inconvenient kind.❞- Ellery Thatcher More

p r o l o g u e

281 179 81
By iburnrice

The streets are bustling with activity as people hurry to catch their trains or buses home. Taxis and cars honk their horns impatiently as they navigate through the crowded streets, while pedestrians weave their way through the throngs of people.

The air is filled with the sounds of the city - the hum of traffic, the chatter of people, and the occasional siren of an emergency vehicle. The streetlights cast a warm, yellow glow over the scene, creating a sense of comfort and security in the midst of the bustling chaos.

However, Cassian sat in his dimly lit office, filled with the soft hum of fluorescent lights. The clock on the wall read 7pm, indicating that most of the employees had already left for the day.

Dressed in a crumpled white shirt and loosened tie, Cassian sat hunched over his cluttered desk, surrounded by stacks of papers and empty coffee cups.

His blue eyes were fixed on the computer screen in front of him. He had been working tirelessly for hours, trying to finish the last of the paperwork that had been piling up on his desk. His brow was furrowed in concentration, and his fingers flew across the keyboard as he typed furiously.

The sound of his keyboard clacking echoed through the empty office, punctuated only by the occasional beep of his computer.

He was determined to finish the paperwork tonight, no matter how long it took. As he worked, Cassian's surroundings slowly faded into the background.

The only thing that mattered was the computer screen in front of him, and the endless stream of documents that needed to be reviewed and signed. He was in the zone, completely absorbed in his work.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Cassian let out a deep sigh of relief. He had finished the last of the paperwork, and his computer screen was now blank. He leaned back in his chair and let out a long, slow breath.

As Cassian's weary gaze shifted from his computer screen to his phone, he noticed a notification illuminating the screen. With a glimmer of hope, he unlocked his phone and was greeted by his girlfriend's smiling face, adorning his wallpaper. A sense of warmth washed over him, momentarily erasing the fatigue that had consumed him.

It was also a text message from her.

Are you okay my love? I haven't heard from you today. 🥺❤️
~ Ellery🔐❤️

Cassian smiled, and in that moment, a decision was made. He knew he couldn't spend another minute in the confines of his office. With a newfound energy, he hastily gathered his belongings, stuffing them into his briefcase, shut down his computer, grabbed his coat and headed towards the door.

Cassian closed the door and headed towards the elevator. As he descended to the ground floor, he couldn't help but feel excited.

As he stepped out of the office building, the cool night air greeted him, causing a shiver to run down his spine. The streetlights cast a soft glow on the streets, creating an ethereal ambiance.

"Goodnight sir." The security guard bowed. Cassian hummed in response, and walked towards his car.

He fumbled with his car keys, his hands trembling slightly from exhaustion, before finally unlocking his shiny, reliable BMW 7 series.

As he settled into the driver's seat, he took a deep breath, trying to shake off the weariness that threatened to engulf him. The engine roared to life, breaking the silence of the night, and Cassian began his journey to Ellery's home.

With each passing mile, anticipation grew within Cassian. He yearned for the comfort of his girlfriend's presence, the solace she provided from the chaos of his work life. The thought of her unwavering support and love fueled his determination to reach her side.

As he neared her neighborhood, the familiar sights and sounds brought a sense of familiarity and tranquility. The houses stood like sentinels, their windows glowing with warm, inviting light. The scent of blooming flowers permeated the air, creating a delicate fragrance that filled his senses.

Finally, Cassian pulled up in front of Ellery's house. The exhaustion that had weighed him down seemed to dissipate as he stepped out of the car. With renewed energy, he straightened his posture and adjusted his disheveled appearance, running his fingers through his tousled hair.

He stopped in front of the familiar blue door, adorned with a small bulb fixed just above it on the wall, illuminating the entrance with a warm, golden light, that spills onto the pathway leading up to the door.

Cassian knocks on the door softly, trying not to ruin the peaceful environment. Inside, Mona is lounging on the couch, a colorful array of nail polish bottles scattered around her as she carefully paints her nails.

She's about to add another stroke of the brush, when the sound of someone knocking came, startling her and causing her to ruin her nails. Mona cursed under her breath, frowning at the sight. The knock came again, and this time she closed the brave blush ( pastel pink) nail polish she had bought from oliveandjune collection.

"Coming!." She shouted, lifting herself from the couch. She slowly walked to the door and opened it, smiling at the visitor.


"Hey Mona. How are you?."

"I'm fine. You look tired." Mona stated, staring at the dark circles under his eyes.

"Eh, it's nothing. Is Ellery home?."

"Yes she is."

Mona turned around quickly and screamed, her voice echoing through the house, "Ellery, Cassian's here to see you!."

"Don't just stand there. Come in." Mona stepped aside, granting him entrance into the apartment. Cassian nodded and made his way inside. Mona closed the door and followed after him.

Just as Cassian had taken his seat on the couch, and Mona offered to make him some instant coffee, Ellery ran out of her bedroom.

She had just emerged from a relaxing bath, and her skin glowed with a subtle radiance, still slightly flushed from the warm water. Her damp, wavy chestnut hair was wrapped gently in a pristine white towel, tendrils escaping to frame her delicate face.

A cotton t-shirt in a muted pastel hue adorned her upper body, allowing her skin to breathe and feel refreshed. The shirt, slightly oversized, hung delicately off her shoulders,. She wore a pair of soft, worn-in sweatpants. The pants, a shade of heather gray, hugged her hips loosely.

Cassian took his sweet time drinking in her appearance. His jaw dropped slightly as he took in her beauty, feeling a rush of love and admiration for her. He couldn't believe how stunning she looked in such a casual outfit.

"I just sent you a message." Ellery blushed under his intense gaze.

"And I came as soon as I saw it."

Ellery walks into the living room, her heart pounding with anticipation. As she approaches the couch, Cassian, who had been sitting there, suddenly shoots up, his eyes widening with delight. Are there smile spreads across his face, and he opens his arms wide, ready to embrace her.

In an instant, he wraps his strong arms around her, pulling her close. The warmth of his embrace envelops her, making her feel safe and loved.

"I missed you." He sighs.

Ellery wrapped her hands around him as well, caressing his back. Cassian broke the hug and kissed her forehead. Ellery giggled at his behavior. After staring at her for a few minutes, he then kissed her cheek. Then her pointed nose. Then her eyes. And all over her face.

Ellery laughed at the tingles, "Babe. Calm down."

The two sat down on the couch and Cassian rested his head on her shoulder, closing his eyes. Ellery smiled, patting his hair.

Mona returned from the kitchen with a mug of hot coffee. The steam rising from the cup creating a warm and inviting atmosphere. She sets it on the table.

Cassian sits up, "Thank you, Mona."

"Always a pleasure." Mona smiles.

"I need to finish polishing my nails. I'll be in my room."

"Thank you." Ellery muttered and Mona threw her a wink, before closing her room door.

Cassian sipped from the coffee.

"Are you okay?. You look really tired. Busy day?" Ellery asked, caressing his free hand.

Cassian nodded and set the cup back down. He gave her a rundown of his day activities, and she sighed.

"Then you should go home and rest. Or do you plan on spending the night here?."

"Can I?." He teased and she slapped his hand playfully.

"Of course not."

The two have been together for almost five years, but they've never gone past kissing. While Ellery knew it was frustrating for Cassian, she still wanted to wait till marriage. Cassian always said he understands, and she hopes he really does.

"I missed you." He said again and she blushed, pushing a strand of hair behind her ears.

Cassian turned to face her properly, and slowly began to lean in, his eyes never leaving her face.

He cupped her face gently, his thumb brushing against her cheekbone. Her eyes fluttered closed, anticipation building. Their lips met—soft at first, then with a hunger that ignited their senses. The kiss was a dance of longing and desire, a silent promise of more to come.

His fingers tangled in her hair, pulling her closer. She tasted like strawberries. Her breath hitched as he deepened the kiss, exploring every curve and contour of her mouth. The world outside ceased to exist; there was only the heat of their bodies and the rhythm of their hearts.

She pressed against him, her body molding to his. The couch creaked under their weight, but neither of them cared. His lips trailed down her jawline, leaving a trail of fire. She arched her neck, granting him access, and he kissed the delicate skin there, savoring the pulse beneath.

Their hands roamed—over shoulders, down spines, seeking solace and connection. His fingertips traced the edge of her collarbone, and she shivered.

Ellery shot her eyes open at the slightest sound, pushing Cassian away.

"Mo- Mona might hear us." She stuttered. He sighed and pulled her onto his lap, their legs entwined.

"I don't really care." His breath fanned her neck and she bit her lower lip.

"Cassian." She warned and he snickered.

"Fine. I have something I want us to talk about." He released her and she sat back down next to him.

Ellery nodded, giving him her full attention.

"We've been together since college, and I love you very much Ellery. From the moment our paths crossed, Every moment spent in your presence feels like a dream, and I find myself falling deeper and deeper in love with you.  With you, I feel safe, cherished, and understood in a way I have never experienced before." He took her hands in his, kissing the top of her knuckles.

Ellery gasped as his confession, her cheeks as red as a beetroot.

"And now I can't imagine a future without you by my side. I want to make things really serious, Ellery. I would like you to meet my mother."

word count, 1860.

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