TVDU- The Blood of Enemies-KM

Av Milliedepotatomuffin

793 50 429

Kehlani Jaqueson doesn't care much for her eternity stuck as a immortal. In fact, she despises it. But Kehlan... Mer

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24

Part 10

29 2 8
Av Milliedepotatomuffin

1917, New Orleans

"Really, Nik. All over the carpet. And who's going to have to clean that up?" I ask, rolling my eyes as the girl Klaus had been feeding from bled all over the new carpet I had just bought. Sort of.

"Just burn it. It was ugly anyway." Klaus replies, standing and wiping the blood from his lips and stepping over the body.

"Are you critiquing my taste?" I ask, faking upset.

"Yes, love. This is the ugliest carpet they had." Klaus responses putting on a jacket.

"Where do you think your going? Nuh uh. Clean your mess up and then you can go. Also, how would you know what any of the carpets looked like, you didn't even come to the shop. And by critiquing my taste, you are critiquing yourself. So think about that while you clean." I state as I walk over and take my coat and walk towards the front door.

"And where do you think your going?" Klaus asks.

"Out." Klaus looks at me, asking me for more. "To see Rebekah and Marcel. At least they are dignified."

"Dressed like that." Klaus teases.

"Fuck you." I respond as I open the door.

"Oh and the mouth of a sailor. Your going to get struck down." Klaus closes the door before I can leave and backs me up so that my back hits the wall behind me.

"Can't be struck down if I'm better than them." I respond. Klaus leans in a gives me a passionate kiss, placing one hand on my waist and the other behind my head as I wrap my hands around his neck.

"Eww. Get a room you two." Aaron comments as his walks past us to leave.

"Excuse me, where do you think your going?" I stop Aaron before he can leave.

"To meet up with Kol. We are going for a late night snack." Aaron responses as he opens the door to leave.

"Hey, wait for me, asshole. These stupid shoes aren't staying on." Dara yells as she runs past us. "Bye Kie, bye Nik." She turns to us quickly before following after our brother.

"Hmm. Now that we are all alone..." Klaus turns back to me and continues the kiss from earlier.

"Not alone. Take that somewhere else." Veronique screams from upstairs, clearly not looking to be hearing us and 'suffering' as she puts it.

"Sorry Roni." I reply before looking Klaus in the eye and bursting into a laugh at the same time as him.

"This is not funny you two. I'm being serious." Veronique yells.

"Okay, okay. Well I am on my way." I go to leave and Klaus follows behind me.

"You have a mess to clean up. By the time I'm back it better be clean. With my carpet still there and intact." I direct him. Klaus goes to say something but decides better of it. "Good. Now, bye. Love you."

"Love you too." Klaus replies, placing a light kiss on my lips and leaving to go and clean up.


"Kehlani. Kie. Wake up." I hear Klaus shouting, concern in his voice.

"Fuck off." I murmur as I wake up. The lights in the room are bright as I sit up. "I was having a nice nap before you decided to interrupt it asshole." I look over his shoulder to see Katherine lying on the floor, her neck snapped. "What the hell did you do to Katherine?"

"She was in the way. She's fine. Although I didn't think you'd care, love." Klaus caresses my face but I quickly realise where I am and pull away.

"Leave me alone." I respond, facing away from Klaus.

"Don't ignore me Kie. I know your going this because you still care about me." Klaus states as I stand up. I stumble slightly and Klaus steadies me before I fall over.

"I want to leave." I mutter. Klaus looks at me for a second, wondering what to do.

"Fine. You can leave here. With me." He responses to my request. And with that I'm out. I walk out of the bathroom, over Katherine's body and into the main room.

"Where's Stevie?" I ask, noticing he isn't there.

"Who is Stevie? To you." Klaus asks.

"He's a witch I met in the 40s, helped me threw some things." I stare at Klaus before realising what he meant. "He's a friend. And you'd have a better chance with him than me if he didn't hate you."

"I dropped him off with your siblings. He's fine. I also talked with them. They know where you are. But they already knew that. And they know your fine." Klaus mutters, answering my question.

"Okay. Lets go then." I say. I go to open the door but I'm stopped by an invisible force. "Klaus..."

"You can leave, so long as you are with me." Klaus states. I nod, happy to do anything so long as I could get out of here. Klaus opens the door and steps out of the way to allow me past. I hesitantly walk past him and step over the threshold without resistance. Klaus shortly follows me and closes the door. Klaus walks past me and down the first flight of stairs, out of sight. I follow behind him as he goes out onto the street.

Klaus turns around and waits for me to catch up. Once I have, he continues walking with me beside him. We come up to the Mystic Grill and walk inside.

"Gentleman. Why so glum." Klaus says as he walks over to Damon and Alaric who are sitting at the bar looking depressed. I roll my eyes but accept that this is Klaus's mission for today. Piss off the supernatural of Mystic Falls to probably get them off their game. Oh well, it doesn't affect me. A smug smile grows across Klaus's lips and sort of don't feel bad for these people.

"Ugh. Klaus, I presume." Damon groans as he hangs his head. "And Kehlani, I really didn't expect this from you but I guess you can never know who your enemies are. You have betra-"

"In the flesh." Klaus interrupts Damon's comment, before looking over at Alaric. "Thanks for the loaner, mate."

"Any reason you stopped by to say hi?" Damon questions.

"I've been told you and your brother fancy my doppelganger." Klaus answers. "Just thought I'd remind you not to do anything you'll regret."

"Ha." Damon laughs ironically. What have they done? "Thanks for the advice. I don't suppose I could talk you into a postponement, by any chance, huh?"

"You are kidding." Klaus laughs as he looks down. "He is kidding, right?" Klaus asks Alaric. I groan and face palm, hoping some god will show Damon mercy because whatever he's done, Klaus won't.

"No, not really." Alaric shakes his head.

"I mean, come on, what's one month in the whole grand scheme of things?" Damon asks.

"Yeah, I'm getting a drink." I say, moving from where I am stood as Klaus looks on the brink of exploding. I stand at the bar and hear the quiet threats that Klaus is throwing at Damon.

"What can I get you?" The bartender asks.

"Bourbon." I respond.

"Can I get some ID." The bartender looks me up and down.

"Yeah, you won't be needing that." I compel him.

"Your compulsion doesn't work on me. But I guess that's proof of age." The bartender turns and grabs a bottle. I turn and look at the heated discussion between Damon and Klaus.

"Here you go." The bartender passes me a drink. I lift it to my lips but before I drink any I get a waft of vervain and know instantly my drink has been spiked with the disgusting thing. I take a sip anyway, knowing that the vervain will have next to no effect on me due to my age.

"Kehlani, come. We're going." Klaus tells me as he begins to leave.

"Yes, follow your master like a good little puppy." Damon raises his eyebrows at me. I roll my eyes, fed up with him.

"You know what, I'll take the entire bottle." I tell the bartender. "Put it on his tab." I point at Damon as I grab the bottle and the glass of bourbon and vervain I am yet to finish. Walking to follow Klaus, I pass Damon and smash the glass over his head, resulting in him letting out a cry of pain as the vervain sizzles against his skin and the shards of glass cut his head and face. "Don't ever speak to me like that again, or this," I wave my hand around Damon's face. "Will be nothing compared to the pain I will cause you to experience." And with that I left the Grill, Klaus trailing behind.

"Very impressive." Klaus states as he catches up with me. "And very hot. I think all that time with me has rubbed off on you."

"Maybe I rubbed off on you. After all, when I first met you, you weren't who you are today." I respond as I walk along the street. I have no intentions of going back go Alaric's apartment, so I will have to see how close I can get to me and my siblings's apartment before Klaus realises where I'm going.

"And you weren't who you are today. Still so innocent to the world, you were." Klaus appears to be reminiscing about times long ago.

"One thing I no longer have." I continue walking when Klaus comes to a stop. I carry on, knowing what he's noticing but not wanting to stop now that I'm so close.

"Kehlani." Klaus says from behind me. When I don't respond, he pushes me against a wall, his hand around my neck. "No. You will visit your siblings when I say you can. But for now, you have reached your daily outside time limit."

"What the fuck. Do I look like a dog to you? No? Exactly. I just want to go and see my siblings, check to see if they're alright. Because for all I know they could be dead. I haven't heard from them in almost a week. They haven't heard from me in almost a week. The only way that I know they are safe is through you, who I do not trust." I slap Klaus's hand away from my neck but then my neck snaps and I fall the ground. Again. I'm gonna kill this dude when I wake up. And to think there had been the tiniest bit of progress.


1203, France

"Greeting, your majesty. I present to you, the lords Elijah, Niklaus and Kol and the lady Rebekah." A man states.

"Your majesty." They all say as they bow.

"My lords, lady, I present to you the King and Queen of France and their children, Prince Manuel, next in line to the thrown, Prince Aaron and the Princesses Kehlani, Veronique and Dara." The children bow and curtsy in turn, watching the new people.

"It is a pleasure to meet you." The King nods towards the people and they move to a corner.

"Goodness this is ghastly." Dara whispers to Veronique. "How much long should we have to stand here like statues in these uncomfortable dresses. I could hardly breath earlier, but now I positively out of breathe."

"Shh. Be grateful you are not Kehlani. Father has insisted she finds a husband this year so that there is promise of male heirs if Manuel is not fit to rule. You know how he has been lately. With the pressure of father's illness, he has been cracking, slowly but surely. But with Kehlani, now that father has put pressure on her to produce him a grandchild before he passes, every eligible bachelor has been lined up for the picking." Veronique mutters back, glad to not be in her sister's position.

"Can you two stop it. It is not helping hearing you gossiping about the future of my life when I hear enough of it at court." Kehlani scolds her sisters without so much as looking at them as the next group approach. "I do not think I can handle this much longer, I am so terribly bored."

"Mind numbingly." Dara agrees.

"Maybe if you ask nicely father will-" Veronique suggests to her sister.

"Father would rather die than let us miss the rest of this." Kehlani replies.

"My feet hurt." Aaron complains, throwing his head back as the group of lords leave and a new one approaches.

"I cannot even feel my left one." Dara adds to the conversation.

"We have been stood for hours." Veronique quietly groans as to not draw attention from their father.

"With hours left to go." Kehlani adds, causing smalls moans of pain to escape her siblings lips.


"Your ladyship." I curtsy to the new woman in the group. For every new woman I meet I hope to find a friend, but much to my dismay they all turn away or die from childbirth, illness or old age. My only hope is that one will finally live long enough to build a friendship with.

"Your Royal Highness. I am Lady Rebekah, a pleasure to meet you." She curtsies and I watch as she stands before returning the gesture.

"Please, call me Kehlani." I respond.

"Then you must call me Rebekah." She replies. "I heard you are looking for a husband." Straight to the point. I am already learning to love this woman.

"Yes, my father wishes for me to marry and have children. And you?" I ask.

"Well, I have hoped to marry although I fear it may never happen." Rebekah looks down, a look of upset on her face.

"Why wouldn't you? You are beautiful and kind. I have seen those with much less to offer than you marry." I try to comfort her and it appears to work as she looks back up at me, happiness in her eyes.

"Thank you very much, your Majesty." Rebekah smiles kindly at me.

"Again, please, call me Kehlani. There is no point in a name if it is not used." And with that I return her smile before stepping away to greet more and more people. Goodness, I was in for a long night at this rate.

Hope you enjoyed.

Added in some flashbacks which I hope you liked and I also have done something to Kehlani and Klaus's relationship although I don't know if it's getting any better just yet.

Thank you for reading!

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