Hold me without Hurting me(en...

By Liun_145

396 19 2

A man who married a woman who he thought was sweet,gentle at first turns out to be abusive and bad tempered. More

The firts day I met you
Please don't be mad
I'm sorry
Why can't she just tell me?
A Simple No

When he's back I want to tell him everything

57 3 0
By Liun_145

As time passed, two years later, Giorno Leandro had just turned 19 and received the news that he had been accepted to Zhejiang University in China. The notification popped up on his phone, and he jumped off his bed with excitement. "Finally, I got accepted to university!" he exclaimed, running downstairs to share the news with his parents. Both his mother and father smiled proudly at their son, happy to see him achieve his goal of entering university.

Giorno couldn't contain his excitement and immediately texted Elio to share the news. "Elio, I finally got accepted to Zhejiang University in China! Can you believe it?! I can't. I just can't believe this, and I can't wait to go there!" he texted her, eagerly awaiting her response.

However, Elio, now a 30-year-old woman, was engrossed in a meeting and hadn't noticed his message. Oblivious to Giorno's text, the meeting continued.

Giorno lay back on his bed, still waiting for Elio's reply. As the minutes ticked by without a response, he sighed in disappointment. Setting his phone aside, he closed his eyes, hoping that Elio would eventually reply to his message.

Finally, after two hours, Elio's meeting concluded, and she returned to her desk. Turning on her phone, she saw Giorno's text and quickly replied with a smile on her face. "Congratulations, Giorno. When's the flight?"

Giorno's eyes fluttered open as he heard a notification from his phone. Excitement filled him as he turned on his phone and saw Elio's reply. With a big smile on his face, he quickly typed out a response. "Well, it says next week. I'm so nervous but also incredibly excited to finally enter a university in China. It has been my dream since I was 15."

Elio smiled as she read his reply but couldn't help feeling a pang of sadness. She realized that she wouldn't be able to see him anymore, and she would miss him dearly. She continued texting with him, her fingers dancing across the screen. "Next week? Why so soon?" she typed with a playful smirk. "Well, since I won't see you again afterwards, how about I take you on a date this Friday evening? What do you say?"

Giorno's cheeks flushed red as he read her message. "A date?" he murmured under his breath, his heart racing. He hesitated for a moment before composing a reply. "A date?" he repeated, still in disbelief.

"Yes, a friend kind of date. What do you say? Are you up for it?" Elio clarified in her text.

Giorno let out a relieved sigh, realizing that it was indeed a friend-date. "Oh, so it's actually a friend-date," he murmured under his breath before composing his reply. "Alright then, Saturday evening it is."

Elio couldn't help but smile at his response. "Great, see you then," she replied, feeling a mix of excitement and anticipation. She then went offline, eagerly looking forward to their upcoming evening together.

Giorno sighed as he set his phone aside, his mind filled with thoughts of Elio. "It's been two years, and my feelings for her just keep growing," he mused to himself. "If only she knew how much I truly like her."

Jumping ahead to Saturday evening, Elio waited outside Giorno's house, feeling a mix of nervousness and anticipation. As Giorno emerged from his house and caught sight of her, his eyes couldn't help but be drawn to her. Elio was dressed in a stylish grey sweater and black slacks, looking incredibly handsome and beautiful at the same time.

Elio noticed Giorno staring at her with his mouth slightly open, and she couldn't resist teasing him. Approaching him and bending down to his level, she smirked playfully. "Admiring me, I see," she teased.

Giorno immediately gathered his thoughts and looked up at Elio. His shyness was evident in his voice as he responded, "W-well... I... nevermind, let's just go."

Elio nodded, understanding his hesitation, and straightened up. "Let's go then," she said, turning around and walking towards the car, taking her place in the driver's seat.

Giorno sighed as he settled down in the passenger seat next to her, fastening his seatbelt. "You know, you don't always have to make my cheeks turn red every time we're together," he remarked, a hint of playfulness in his voice.

Elio smirked mischievously as she fastened her seatbelt. "Oh, do I? My apologies, dear. I didn't mean to. But it seems like you can't handle my sweet words. Perhaps you're not tough enough for that," she teased, enjoying the light banter between them.

Giorno rolled his eyes, feeling a mix of annoyance and amusement. "Oh, shut it. Just... just drive," he said, purposely avoiding eye contact with Elio as he looked out the window. Elio smiled at his reaction, shaking her head playfully, before starting the car and driving towards their destination.

After 30 minutes, they finally arrived at the restaurant, which was quite far from their house. Giorno had fallen asleep during the journey, and Elio parked the car with a small smile on her face. She gently tapped his nose, trying to wake him up. "We have arrived," she said softly. "Come on, wake up."

As Giorno felt the tap on his nose, his eyes fluttered open, and he looked at Elio with a sleepy smile. "Alright... I'm waking up," he mumbled, unbuckling himself and preparing to get out of the car.

Elio nodded and stepped out of the car, heading towards Giorno's door. She opened it for him, a teasing smile on her face. "Here you go, Prince Charming," she said, playfully emphasizing the nickname.

Giorno shook his head, a playful glint in his eyes as he smiled at her. "Are you for real? Do you really have to call me that?" he teased, stepping out of the car. Elio smirked and closed the door behind him. "Seriously? Not even a 'thank you'?" she teased, making her way inside the restaurant.

Giorno followed Elio into the restaurant, a playful twinkle in his eyes. "Alright, thank you very much, Elio," he replied, teasing her back.

Elio chuckled at his response, enjoying their banter. They settled down at a table, sitting across from each other. The waiter approached and handed them two menu books. Elio glanced through it, making her selection. "I would like to have an Olio e Peperoncino and a glass of wine, please," she ordered, before turning her attention to Giorno. "How about you?"

Giorno looked at the menu briefly, then at the waiter. "Well, I guess I'll have the same as her," he nodded, indicating Elio's order. "That's all." The waiter acknowledged his order and walked away.

Elio raised an eyebrow, a playful smile on her face. "Seriously? That's all you want? No dessert? It's fine, tonight's on me," she insisted, gesturing to the menu.

Giorno sighed, feeling a bit overwhelmed. "I don't know what else to order, and besides, the prices here are way too expensive," he explained, his voice tinged with concern over the cost.

Elio rolled her eyes, leaning back in her chair. "I'm not a poor woman, Giorno. I'm a CEO in a successful company. How much do you think they pay me?" she teased, reassuring him that the cost was not an issue.

Giorno rolled his eyes playfully in response to Elio's remark. "A lot, but still, I stick to my guns," he replied, determined not to change his mind. Elio let out a sigh, realizing that she wouldn't be able to convince him otherwise. "You know what? You win," she conceded, shaking her head with a smile.

As their orders arrived, Elio reached for the fork and spoon, ready to dig in. However, Giorno swiftly slapped her hand, preventing her from eating. "Don't eat yet. I want to take a picture," he said firmly. Elio let out a sigh of impatience. "Fine. But make it quick," she replied, reluctantly agreeing.

Giorno nodded, quickly snapping a picture of their food and secretly taking a photo of Elio's pouting expression. "You may eat now," he said, unable to hide a mischievous smile.

Elio smiled back at him as she finally started eating, and Giorno joined her. Time passed as they enjoyed their meal together, and when they finished, Elio stood up to pay the bill. She made her way to the car, with Giorno walking alongside her.

Elio looked at Giorno as they settled down in the car, her curiosity piqued. "Anywhere else you wanna go?" she asked, wondering if he had any other plans in mind.

Giorno shook his head, his weariness evident. "No, not really," he replied, his voice filled with a hint of exhaustion. Elio raised an eyebrow, a playful smile tugging at her lips. "Are you sure?" she pressed, wanting to make sure he was truly satisfied with their evening.

Giorno nodded, his eyes drooping. "Very. I'm very sleepy," he admitted, his body craving rest. Elio shrugged, understanding his need for rest. "Well, if you say so, then let's just go home," she said, starting the car and driving them back.

As they arrived at their destination, Giorno prepared to leave the car. He turned to Elio and sincerely thanked her, his voice filled with gratitude. "Thank you for the dinner. It was fun. I will never forget this moment that we had spent together. See you, good night," he said, appreciating the time they had shared.

Elio nodded, her smile warm and genuine. She watched him leave the car and sighed softly to herself. "I hope he won't date any girl in China. Because when he graduates... I... I want to propose to him," she whispered to herself, her voice tinged with hope and affection.

(After a few days later)

Elio felt a mix of sadness and anticipation as the day arrived for Giorno to leave for China. She stood at the airport with his parents, bidding him farewell. After his parents hugged him, Elio took a step towards Giorno, bending down to his level.

"Once you go there... don't..." Elio hesitated, her gaze falling to the floor. "Try not to fall in love with anyone there. Because someone will be heartbroken if you do," she confessed, her voice filled with a hint of vulnerability.

Giorno chuckled, finding her words intriguing. "I'll try," he replied, his curiosity piqued. "But who's this person anyway?" he asked, eager to know more. Elio shrugged, straightening up again.

"It's a secret," she said, a hint of mystery in her voice. "But I can tell you that this person really likes you," she added, her words carrying a mix of affection and longing. Elio paused for a moment before realizing that it was time for Giorno to board his flight.

"Never mind, your flight is waiting," she said, hugging him tightly. As she whispered in his ear, expressing her care for him, Giorno felt his cheeks flush with warmth. He nodded in response, his voice slightly shaky. "I-I will. And tell this person that I want to meet them once I come back," he said, determination shining in his eyes.

With those words, Giorno walked away, leaving Elio and his parents behind. Elio watched him go, a mix of emotions swirling within her. She hoped that he would remember her words and that their paths would cross again in the future.

Elio smiled at Giorno's parents, a playful glint in her eyes. "Your son is precious. I would like to make him mine when he returns to Italy," she said, her tone teasing.

Giorno's mother, Gionna, chuckled at the remark. "So, you were the person who would be heartbroken if he fell for someone else?" she asked, shaking her head in amusement. She glanced up at her husband, Giorno's father, Alehandro. "Of course she was," Alehandro replied, looking at his wife and then at Elio. "And of course, I allow you to have my son when he returns."

Elio slipped her hands into her pockets, a smirk playing on her lips. "Wow... I never thought I would have your permission so easily," she chuckled, enjoying the banter. She glanced at the plane as it took off, a tinge of longing in her voice. "We will miss him dearly," she said, her words filled with genuine emotion. Giorno's parents nodded in agreement. "We will," they said.

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