Only you

נכתב על ידי formula_one_addict

160 16 27

"Growing up having racing at the centre of your family, isn't always as exciting as people think. My father l... עוד



8 1 2
נכתב על ידי formula_one_addict


Bella and I checked into the hotel, where the rest of the Ferrari team were going to be staying as well.

Unfortunately, Bella's room was on a different floor to mine. She was on the floor with all the managers and admin staff.

Why she had to be on that level, I don't have a clue.

Like, what was the person who booked the rooms thinking?

That all the managers were going to have a midnight secret meeting, so they all had to be close to one another.

Like the fuck?

I just so happened to be on the same level as all the engineers and my two favourite people...the Carlos and Charles.

Universe I don't know why you're testing me but please have my best interests in mind.

To my knowledge, both Carlos and Charles hadn't come back to hotel.

Bella had informed me that our 'get to know each other prior to the interview, so it's not obvious that we don't know each other' meeting had to be delayed, since they were still out.

Bella decided that she would use her time wisely by having a nap.

I thought it was the best opportunity to go out and explore Barcelona on my own.

I changed out of my airport grey track suit, into a short green summers dress and took my hair out of my bun, leaving behind loose curls, flowing down my back.

Summer dress

I googled a street market and found 'Mercat Gòtic', an antique market.

I really liked finding antique markets in different countries. I was intrigued by the stories that may rest behind all the different items and I wanted to be able to add to those stories.

I loved finding old love letters and poems people had written for someone. I'd collect them and keep them in my journal.

Walking up and down the aisles, it was like I was in heaven.

I had found a few items that I considered really special. I found some old bracelets and rings that were still in amazing condition. When I saw them they reminded me of my group of best friends, Alegra, Nala and Conrad. Which I had made at my modelling agency, back when I first started.

It reminded me that I should probably give them a call back at the hotel, to let them know I landed safely and that I am doing ok.

We always worried about each other, we were close like that.

I had tried to push for them to be invited to come with me on this trip, but Ferrari was only offering one spot and they said I needed to do this on my own. They kept me on course to being my own person, even when I thought it was too hard and I should give up.

They always had my back and I always had theirs.

Nala has an incredible personality, she's out going, loving and doesn't mind putting people back in their places. She enjoys outdoor activities, especially when there's a competition involved.

Conrad is a little more reserved and has grown a passion for being a photographer whilst modelling as well. He loves nature and reading. He's the kind of person you can sit in silence with and just be happy with each other's presence.

And last but not least, Alegra is a ray of sunshine. She lights up a room when she walks in and can put a smile on anyone's face. She loves to dance and god can she host a party.

They were my chosen family and I wouldn't trade them for the world.

Scanning all the stalls, I stopped suddenly in my tracks when my eyes were drawn to a section of old books, letters and post cards.

I was particularly interested in one of the post cards with a painting on the front. It was of a man with light brown hair and what looked like green eyes bumping into a woman with dark brown hair and a green summer dress on.

I turned the card around and I slightly gasped when I read what was on the back.

Sometimes two broken hearts find each other,
and then they heal each other.
They protect each other,
and they love each other for the rest of their lives.

"?Cuanto por esta postal¿"
How much for the postcard?

I asked the salesman's as I handed him the postcard.

"Lo siento jovencita, nunca había visto esto antes. tampoco tiene precio. pero no creo que hayas encontrado esto por casualidad, creo que alguien podría estar intentando decirte algo."
I'm sorry young lady, I've never seen this one before. It doesn't have a price on it either. But I don't think you have found this on accident, I think someone might be trying to tell you something.

My eyes widened, as I make sure I translated what he just said to me correctly.

"Pero señor esto debe ser de alguien, no puedo tomarlo sin pagar."
But sir this must belong to someone, I can't just take it without paying.

"Lo sé, te pertenece, querida. Ahora ve y retrasa a mis compradores potenciales. Continúa ahora, explora la ciudad."
I know, it belongs to you my dear. Now go your holding up my potential buyers. Go on now, explore the city.

He said slighting laughing at me.

I tried to protest but he was waving his hands in my face and I didn't want to course a scene with this random man. Some people were already staring at me like I was talking to myself.

I turned around with the post card in my hand and walked toward the road crossing.

I couldn't help myself, something about my interaction with that man didn't feel right. As I crossed the road, I turned my head around for one last attempt to change the man's mind.

But I couldn't seen him.

I looked right back at the stall, I had just come from and he was no where to be seen.

My eyes started frantically looking everywhere along the market, up and down the row, but it was like he had vanished into thin air.

Like his entire stall of book, letters and post cards.

I was sure I didn't just make that entire encounter up in my head. I made sure for gods sake that I literally had the post card in my hand, which had to count as legitimate evidence, that it really did happen.

Giving me a fright, my phone buzzed and I had got a text from Bella saying I needed to head back to the hotel for the meeting in starting 30 minutes.

I was so dazed from that weird experience, that when I turned around I didn't notice that someone was walking directly behind me and we ended up bumping into each other.

When I took a step back and looked up, my eyes landed on their light brown hair and then I meet those green eyes.

המשך קריאה

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