The Demon King of Time

By Masamune

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"What would you do if you were told if you're going to be a king?" "I would try to avoid it... but in the end... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Christmas special
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17 (Season 1 End)

Chapter 15

791 17 45
By Masamune

A lone Masamune was seen jumping through rooftops. He looks behind him and saw multiple Honkai Beast chasing him.




Masamune grips the Perfect Zecter firmly before the sword enlarges and he slashes all of them killing it.

Masamune dismisses the Perfect Zecter before looking at the remains of the Honkai beast. He stared at it for a while before suddenly looking at his reflection.

"They're attracted to Kiana excess energy. The girl doesn't realize it but due to turning into a Herrscher she has been releasing excess Honkai energy."

"Even so I'm not abandoning her."

"Why don't we just rule this world? We can save her the suffering and the world will be in a peace!"

"Peace through what? Fear?"

Masamune looks away from his mirror self before walking away and jumps down from the roof disappearing into the night.


Masamune was seen holding some groceries bag as he went inside an apartment. He went to one of the top floors and entered a room. He put the groceries down and searched for someone.

"Kiana! Are you awake?" Masamune yelled before hearing a soft sound in the bedroom.

Masamune entered the bedroom and saw Kiana laying down on the bed with a blanket. Masamune sits beside her and gently shake her.

"Are still think about that?" Masamune didn't get a reply causing to sigh.

"It wasn't your fault for her doings... you didn't know what was going on."

"How can you say that when I almost killed Mei... Bronya... a-and I killed Himeko." Kiana finally responds but Masamune knew Himeko was alive but due to reversing time Kiana only remembered Himeko death.

"I'm a monster... I don't deserve to be alive!"


"Why are you still here?! You should left me to die!"

"Kiana! I know how you feel! Force to be something you cannot avoid but you can choose who you want to be after that! Be a savior or a destroyer that's your choice."

Kiana went silent but she only backed away earning another sigh from Masamune. Masamune stands up before wearing a blue jacket with white highlights.

"If you're ready we can make our move before Schicksal finds us." Masamune said before opening the door.


Kiana got up and wore her White Comet battlesuit with a jacket covering it. Kiana went to Masamune side before the two of them left the apartment.

"Wear your hood."

"Hm. What about you?"

"I can be invisible through everyone eyes except you for now."

Kiana nods as the two of them continued walking through the city. Kiana suddenly felt her head ache but decided to hid it from Masamune.

"Behind you!"

Kiana stops as she heard a voice before looking around and saw Honkai beast behind her but luckily Masamune slash it using the Zanbat sword.

"Why are there so many here?" Kiana questions but Masamune only looked away.

Suddenly they heard an explosion before looking in front and saw multiple Honkai beast causing destruction. Kiana instinctively tried to help them but Masamune hold her back by her arm.


"You can't! Further contact with the Honkai will only make her stronger."

"He's right. Don't touch the Honkai! Leave them there's nothing you can do."

"You too..."

Kiana narrows her eyes to her left and an astral figure of Fu Hua with red clothing was besides her not visible to Masamune.

"But we can't just leave them be!"

"...Fine we'll help them from the shadows."

"But aren't all of your riders are at Hyperion?!"

"Not all of them!"

Masamune brought out a green Ridewatch. Masamune stared at the Ridewatch before pressing the button.


There was no one appearing in front of them. Kiana thought perhaps Masamune might've accidentally summoned a weapon instead but suddenly Kiana heard some footsteps before suddenly hearing a yell.


A rider punched a Honkai causing it to explode. Masamune stared at the rider before nodding his head in respect. The rider then sets his eyes on another Honkai and gets into a stance.

"Who's that?"

"The one who started our legacy... the first Kamen Rider. Kamen Rider Ichigo."


Ichigo jumps in the air before punching a Honkai beast in the head. Ichigo landed and uppercut a Honkai before jumping and in delivering a kick.


A red aura surrounded Ichigo right foot before it hit all of the Honkai beast killing them with an explosion. Ichigo stands in his place as the fire burns around him.

"It's been a while. Masamune."

" has."

"Masamune? Not my lord?"

Kiana noticed something was different. Unlike the Heiser riders who called Masamune by my lord... Ichigo called him by his name.

"So you have finally summon me and to this world that has been in chaos. Then we shall save this world."

"When did I say we would save this world?"


"Still going on this path. You're a Kamen Rider it is our duty to protect the innocent."

"Innocent? Look around you! A man who cannot move on caused all of this destruction!"

"You're the same as well. You still cannot move on."


Kiana suddenly felt something bad was going to happen. Throughout her time knowing the Heisei riders none of them ever argued or denied Masamune requests. Masamune eyes suddenly turned orange.

"You cannot move on and decided to take your anger out on the people who did nothing to you."

Before Ichigo could continue his words Masamune threw a punch at him to which the rider evaded with ease.

Masamune threw a kick but Ichigo blocked it with his arm and punched Masamune in the chest and punches him in the stomach knocking the air out of him.

"Your temper cannot be controlled! And you are rash! Calm yourself! If you act like this you are not fit to be a Kamen Rider."

Ichigo let go his hold on Masamune and letting him fall on the ground as Kiana catches him. Ichigo turn his back to Masamune before giving him one last look.

"You are fit to be a king... but you are not fit to be a a Kamen Rider."

Ichigo disappears leaving Masamune alone with Kiana. This was the first time she saw Masamune getting hit and lose his cool.

"Masamune-senpai... are you all right?"

"I'm fine. Agh!"

Masamune held his hand in pain before his eyes reverted back to normal. Masamune kneels on the ground before staring ahead.

"Let's go..."


Kiana was reluctant but she agreed anyway. There's something wrong with Masamune lately. She caught him staring at his reflection more often. She thought he was just fixing his look but sometimes he talk to it.

"Masamune-senpai are you okay?"

Meanwhile behind a building Kairos was staring at Masamune but more importantly his mirror reflection the one with orange eyes.

"Perhaps I can take advantage of that reflection..."


Build is one of Masamune smartest rider. He met the boy when he was still first starting his journey.

At first glance he thought the boy was just trying to fulfill his late friend dream. But the more he knew Masamune the more it seems being a king was his path.

It scared him sometimes... he has seen his cruelty and his wrath. He remembered he put a man in an infinite death loop because he insulted him.

Yet he continued following him hoping that the kind boy was still in there. He was right that kindness was still in there but it increased when he came to this world.

That's why he was grateful for those girls. Mei the one who showed him that kindness can still exist. Kiana who showed him even in the toughest time hope will always be there. Bronya who showed him that redemption can be obtained no matter how evil you are.

Build stared at the grey haired girl and smiled behind his mask. They were going to the sea of quanta. The place where she would become a Herrscher. Even though Seele was no longer stuck there... Cocolia still didn't know she escaped. He stared at Bronya before letting out a soft sigh.



"Wanna learn how my rider system work?"


Even though she was stoic Build could see her face lit up in excitement. Build grabs hold of the genius bottle and pulls it out of his driver reverting back into Kiryuu Sento.

"Let's begin the experiment shall we?" Sento said while Bronya was stunned by Build undoing his transformation.


Sento smiles before walking away with Bronya. He would tell her everything about the rider system so she can use it with her awaited power.

The Herrscher of Reason power.

With Masamune

"Kiana don't!"

Masamune watched as Kiana fought the Honkai beast. He can feel HoV consciousness getting control.

Transforming now would be a huge risk since Otto would immediately know where they are. Masamune growls before summoning the Saikyo Girade.

"Out of my way!"

Masamune slash every single Honkai beast in his path until he was near Kiana. He saw she was about to be attacked with no way of defending herself.


With Kiana

She was staring at the ground. She saw in her reflection all of her destruction caused by her. Then she heard footsteps behind her. She glanced back and looks down.

"...What do you want?"

"Is this how you act when my king tried so hard to save you?"

The Herrscher of The Void stared at Kiana. Her amber eyes stared deep into her. HoV scoffs before continuing talking.

"Get a hold of yourself. Are you going to keep wallowing in your self pity till you die?"

"...He should have let me die. Then maybe Himeko will s-still be-"

"Pathetic! Is this what you want to be?! You're disgracing her sacrifice with your self pity!"

Kiana eyes widened before she clenched her fist and stared back at HoV. She smirks before standing up.

"You're right! I can't be the best Valkyrie if I keep acting this way!"

"Hmph! About time!"

"Why are you helping me?"

"Don't misunderstand. I will still destroy humanity but... maybe it's because of him..."


"I'll lend you a portion of my power. Don't get too cocky with it."

Kiana nods before she smiles and closes her eyes.

With Masamune

Masamune widened his eyes when suddenly HoV lance surrounded Kiana as her battlesuit changed into the Void Drifter.

"Masamune-senpai. Watch me."

Masamune nods before Kiana thrusts her lances at multiple Honkai beast. She gracefully slash them and use the power of the void.

Masamune couldn't help but smile at her. She has grown so much. From a childish energetic girl to a mature woman who now can wield her Herrscher power.

"So she accepted the past..."


"She's grown more than you."

"I couldn't be even more proud."

"Unlike you who's still stuck in the past."

"Perhaps... but one day I'll be able to move on... and start a new beginning. A beginning without you in it."

"...I'll be waiting... before I take control over you."

Masamune continued watching Kiana until she was done. A new feeling overcame him when he stared at her new look it was the same feeling when he was with Mei. Kiana walked towards him and smiled.

"You've grown... Tuna."

"Thanks to you... Masamune-senpai."

Masamune smiles softly before he gently cups Kiana cheeks. Kiana cheeks were tinted pink before she closes her eyes and leans slightly to him. Masamune closes his eyes and leans in his lips into her and kisses her. The kiss was gentle unlike with Mei. Both of them separated and smiles at each other.


"Kiana... I love you."

"Masamune... I love you too."

The two of them smiled and closed their eyes and met with another kiss.



Gotcha! You weren't expecting a confession especially from Masamune.

Is it me or there seem to be almost no good tokusatsu story? If there is please recommend because I'm bored as hell.

Anyway that's about it and as always...


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