The Angel's Son: The new Purp...

By Batpool64

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Chapter 1: New Hero
Chapter 2: Damnit....
Chapter 3: Resurrection
Chapter 4: Batpool's return
Chapter 5: Plans.
Chapter 6: mission success
Chapter 8: Saving Zach
Final Chapter: The End.
Thank you.

Chapter 7: Mr. Hosea?

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By Batpool64

2 days has passed.
Evan, sitting on the couch; thinking about Zach. Is he alive? He didn't know.

"Evan, that guy. He's awake in the basement," Sophie said, they had the man who attacked Sophie during that night.
"Good.." Evan said, he went down to the basement with Sophie where they see the man. He was tied up, he had a mocap suit, some tech on the sleeves that Sophie cut off and examined. The man looked to be around his 40's. He sat in the chair tied tightly, they had barbed wire on his legs, cutting his legs. Hacker, was the man's villain name. He worked with Mr. Saber.
"How did you know about the mission?" Evan asked, giving a deadly stare into Hackers dark brown eyes.
"Ronny told me. I was working with him, he said he would pay well as long as I destroyed the silent alarm and killed your shit head of a sister. But I fled and your mom, who's a total mi- . . ." Before Hacker could call Taki a milf, Evan shoved the barb wire deeper into his leg, he could feel it hit his bone. "AHHH!!!" He screamed, "STOP- I'LL TALK!!!" He yelled.
"Good..." Evan said, pulling the barb wire out.
"Like I said... your mom knocked me out, Ronny was gonna pay me, Stretch came out of nowhere! I thought Ronny was gonna scam me, so I told Saber about the little idea. Your uncle, I have no idea about where he is-.." Hacker explained, blood leaking from his legs.
"I don't wanna kill you.. but if you tell anybody about my family, my identity, where I live; there will not be a single place on Earth you can hide to elude me, got it?" Evan threatened, he had a throwing axe on him in a small holster.
"How fast ar-..." Hacker gets cut off, as Evan throws the axe towards the wall in under a second. "Holy shit..."
"Remember... Batpool won't kill you. Evan Baez will, REMEMBER THE NAME!!!" He yelled.
Hacker, who now felt fear by a damn 13 year old, fell back on the chair.
"Get him out of here. Break his shit or keep it, I'm going to try to find Zach," Evan said, he thinks for a moment, where would he be..? He walks out and goes outside.

Evan, gets a call from Camilla; picking up, he hears a worried voice from her.
"Cam? What's wrong?!" He asked worryingly.
"Evan! I have a duo singing competition soon.. Nathan is a horrible singer! I need you to... well- help me.." She explained, hyperventilating.
"Hey it's alright! I can help you, when do you need me?" He asked.
"Next week on Tuesday, 4:00pm," Camilla said, now calming down.
"Alright, I'll be there," Evan said, "See ya later Cam," they end the call.

Evan puts on his mask and starts swinging around the city. The cold breezing air in Evan's red hair. People looking up and noticing the new young hero above, people take pictures and some start cheering. After a while, Evan lands in a park; walking around, he sees a man robbing an old black man; without hesitation, Evan charges at the robber and kicks him down to the ground. The robber looks at Evan in the eyes, seeing the white eyelids on the mask, he could see the demon inside through the eyelids, the robber quickly ran off not before throwing the wallet to Evan.

Evan picks up the wallet, handing it back to the old man.
"Here you go sir," Evan said.
"Awww.. why thank you young man" The old man said. "I'm Mr. Hosea, and you are, my friend?"
"Batpool! The new young superhero!" He replied, trying to seem happy and friendly without showing his upset mood.
"Heh, how old are ya? You sound pretty young," Mr. Hosea asked.
Evan sighs, "I'm 13- yeah, I know I'm very young but this is something I've always wanted to do!" He said.
"Aye, I ain't judging, boy," Mr. Hosea replied, he began to cough badly.
"Are you alright sir?!" Evan asked, trying to help Mr. Hosea.
"I'm alright, boy, just getting old.. that damn Reaper finally comes to collect my soul after taking my wife; soon I'll see Rebecca again.." Mr. Hosea said, wiping a tear that was falling down his cheek.
"I'm very sorry to hear that sir.." Evan said.
"It's alright now boy, she's resting better now.. the doctor said I only have a week left to live, I just wanna live these 7 days in peace." Mr. Hosea explained.
"I'll protect you for those 7 days sir. Any family around?" Evan asked.
"No.. my kids are off in the UK, living a better life than this place, I'm millionaire who's been donating to them just so my great grandchildren can go off to college. Soon, old daddy's about to just fall down 6ft under, but as long as I can see Rebecca I'm happy..." Hosea said with a smile.

2. Have you ever been in love?
Evan, sits next to Mr. Hosea, sworn to protect him. Mr. Hosea pulls out a picture of Rebecca.

"Is that Rebecca?" Evan asked.
"Yep.. that's her..." Hosea said with a sigh.
"I'm sorry she isn't here with us right now. I bet she was an incredible lady," Evan said.
"Oh she was! She was my first and only lover, her beautiful hair, her beautiful skin, her beautiful personality. Best woman a man could for, but she had a heart attack at 83 years old.." He said.

The two look at the beautiful environment; parents with their kids, teenagers being stupid as always.

Mr. Hosea then looks at Evan.
"Have you ever been in love, Batpool?" He asked.
"Umm.. yeah, I am in love actually," Evan replied, "with my childhood friend"
"How adorable! What's their name?" He asked, "don't worry, the names safe with me"
"Her names, Camilla. She's the most beautiful girl I know.. she makes my heart shine.. heh.. I just wanna ask her out but I don't know if she'll like me back," Evan replied.
"And what makes ya say that?" Mr Hosea asked.
"Well for starters; I'm an autistic boy and sometimes struggle recognizing feelings; I'm awkward as hell; I'm scared what people will say if they see a black girl dating a white boy," Evan explained.
Mr. Hosea looked at Evan with a smile, then replied with a soft chuckle, "don't let racism run your life boy," He said, "you can date whoever you want, just as long as they are the one for you; like the ones who are gay love the gentleman."
"She also insecure about how she looks-..." Evan said.
"Growing parts, I assume?" He questioned.
"Yeah" Evan replied.
"Well you just tell her that, no matter what her body looks like, no matter how big or small her breast, hips or anything are, you love her and just show her the love she deserves, boy," Mr. Hosea said.

3. With you I'm immortal
Suddenly Evan gets a notification on his phone. Checking his phone he sees a link that Camilla sent, "We'll sing this at the competition so start practicing!"
Curious, Evan plays the song.

The rhythm and sound of a piano playing, two lovers singing. It was like a connection in hearts; the song was titled "With you I'm immortal." The lyrics were so beautiful.

Mr. Hosea's eyes widen as he hears the song.
"Oh my..." He said as tears started forming in his eyes, it felt like he cried diamonds as he remembers the song him and his wife wrote. This was the song.

"Mr. Hosea! Is everything alright sir?!" Evan asked.
"That song.. me and my wife wrote that... we made it for our 50th anniversary.." he replied, he wiped his tears and remembered the feeling of having his wife close to his chest.
"It's beautiful sir... Cam said she wants me to practice this song" Evan said.
"Practice it... please.. and when you think you got it, come to me and I'll be the judge to that.." Hosea stated. He gave Evan his house number and Evan agreed to come to Hosea when he needed.

4. He's a threat sir

Knight and Mason meet with The Bi-Guardian's; infinite twins who were created by Zeus. They monitor the universe and its power it holds. They hold The Power Tower behind their gates. They stand on podiums. They stand at 14 feet tall.

"We're here to talk about Batpool. He's a superhero, a dangerous one. We come here to ask you to help us weaken the child." Knight stated.

"Child? How is someone young is dangerous?" Bi-Guardian, Jules, states to Knight.

"He's a purple eye. If you look on the power tower, Purple eyes are existence threat. Some of these Gods around cannot handle the power this child possesses." Knight tried to explained

The Gods of Thunder himself, Thor, raised his hand and stood up.
"How can some fuckin' kid be dangerous? If anything I feel that you guys have a problem with a younger superhero," he stated.

"You don't take anything seriously, Thor," Mason said.

"Oh and here's little bitch boy, complaining because he knows I'm right" Thor replied.

"And you're a piece of shit who relies on that hammer," Mason said.

"Fuck you!" Thor Replied.

"SILENCE, BOTH OF YOU!!" Bi-Guardian, Cosmo, yelled. "This meeting is for the mature and have ideas on how to handle this 'threat.'" He states.

"He's a threat sir." Knight said.

"We need evidence to prove he's a threat." Cosmo said.

"Then I will get you your damn proof!" Knight said with a bit of a determined voice.

Knight who yells in anger now, "We'll show you how much of a threat he is! YOUR STUPIDITY REALLY SHOWS HOW LITTLE YOU REALLY KNOW, YOU-.." Knight is cut off by Zeus.

"Keep your damn mouth shut, boy." Zeus said.

"You don't control me." Knight said.

"I created your father! Watch who you raise your tone to boy!" Zeus said.

"And you really don't know how powers work. You sit there with women all around your dick; barely working while your children do shit!" Knight said.

"Knight-" Mason tried to intervene.

"SILENCE CHILD!!!" Zeus, yelled to Mason.

"DON'T TELL HIM WHAT TO DO!!!" Knight yelled.

"This is about to get good" Thor said.


"LOWER YOUR VOICE" Zeus yelled.

"FUCK YOU" Knight yelled in Zeus face.

Zeus strikes Knight in the heart with a light bolt. Knight falls over and Mason grabs him.

"Pathetic..." Zeus said.

Mason tightens his fist, his eyes turning fully green. He throws a punch to Zeus, knocking him back far.
"GET AWAY FROM HIM!!!" Mason yelled to Zeus.

Thor throws Mjolnir at Mason. Charing at him quickly. Mason quickly reacted and dodges Mjolnir, Thor calls Mjolnir back, but suddenly Mason grabs Mjolnir stopping her in place.
Thors eyes widen in shock and other Gods/Goddesses are shocked as well.

"You aren't worthy...?" Thor said.

Mason lets go. Mjolnir returns to Thor.
Mason grabs Knight, he then quickly flys out of Bi-Guardian territory.

Cosmo and Jules just stare down.

Athena watches this all. Deciding to take things in her own hands. But only waits.

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