Venus Gets Lost

By The_Lillypad

10K 164 244

"Time is running out.. with all that gone.. you shall be lost... forever.." a solarballs inspired story origi... More

Chapter 1 (pt. 1): The Dream
Chapter 1 (pt. 2): The Dream πŸ€•
Chapter 2 (pt. 1): The discussion
Chapter 2 (pt. 2): The discussion
Chapter 3: The Hallucinations πŸ˜΅β€πŸ’«πŸ’₯
Chapter 4 (pt. 1): Testing Jupiter
Chapter 4 (pt. 2): Testing Jupiter
Chapter 5: The Search πŸ€¬πŸ€•πŸ’₯
Chapter 6 (pt.1): The Talk πŸ€¬πŸ€•πŸ’₯
Chapter 6 (pt. 2): The Talk
Chapter 7 (pt. 1): The Investigation πŸ’”πŸ˜΅β€πŸ’«πŸ€¬
Chapter 7 (pt. 2): The Investigation 🀬πŸ’₯
Chapter 8 (pt. 1): Breaking Point 🀬πŸ’₯
Chapter 8 (pt. 2): Breaking Point πŸ’₯πŸ’€
Chapter 9: The Truth (GOOD ENDING) 🀬
Chapter 9: The End (BAD ENDING) πŸ€¬πŸ˜΅β€πŸ’«πŸ’€

Chapter 9: Venus Gets Found (NEUTRAL) πŸ€¬πŸ˜΅β€πŸ’«

271 3 13
By The_Lillypad

Venus can't speak. He can't breathe. He can't do anything but sob, frozen in shock. It felt like there was a lump in his throat, despite not even having one.

"I.." Venus mumbles. "I'LL KILL YOU!" Venus screams, running towards Neptune.

"ENOUGH!" Jupiter shouts, holding Venus back from attacking Neptune.

Venus was shocked that Jupiter was even here, as he had been missing for a bit.

"Jupiter..? WHERE THE FUCK WERE YOU?!" Venus shouts as tears roll down his face.

"WE NEEDED YOU! NOW URANUS IS DEAD!" He cries out, pissed off.

"Venus, calm down." Jupiter says in a  monotone voice.


Jupiter stays silent.

Venus goes silent. He realizes what's going on.



They stare at each other.

"It was for the greater good-"

"I KNEW IT! YOU FUCKING BASTARD! TRATOR!" Venus shouts, as Eris tries to get Venus to calm down.


"Venus.. I've realized something. It's that not even the most willed of people can defeat this aura. It's destined to destroy us all.. whether that gas destroys us.. we destroy each other.. or we destroy ourselves." Jupiter explains.

"Don't think like that, Jupiter.. there's a way.." Eris states coldly.

"Eris.. you're already getting destroyed by others.. just like Uranus. I've accepted my fate and would rather just get the gas take me." Jupiter pauses. "And you Venus.. it seems you're destroying only yourself."

Venus's eyes widen. He thought about it for a moment. It was true. He had been worrying about others.. he was destroying himself in the process.

Jupiter then speaks up again. "That's what Mercury would've wanted, isn't it?"

Venus stays silent for a moment, looking at Eris, then Neptune, then back at Jupiter.

He's GOTTA find Mercury. And FAST. He makes a run for it.

Cursing in his head, he runs as hast as he can towards his orbit and past, planets, and dwarf planets chasing after him. This seemed familiar. It was a sense of deja vu.. but why?

He looked around, trying to find Mercury. He spotted him in the distance.

He ran to him.

"MERCURRYYYY" Venus screams.

Mercury turns around wide eyes from hearing the familiar voice, dodging Venus at the last second. They would've crashed together if not.

"Venus?!" Mercury shouts confused.

"You.. WHY! WHY DID YOU DO THIS!" Venus cried.

Mercury sighed, annoyed.

"You just don't get it, do you?" Mercury starts. "You hurt me. EVERY SINGLE DAY! I HATE IT! I JUST WANT YOU TO BE NICE TO ME!" Mercury shouts.


Mercury goes silent.

"What.. are you talking about?" Mercury stops shouting, confused and a little worried.

Venus goes silent. Mercury doesn't know about this?

"What.. did you think this gas was..?"

"Hallucination gas! It makes you see weird things!" Mercury shouts, concerned.

"How many planets did you give this to?" Venus asks.

"Just you." Mercury states coldly. "It was from the sun. I told him to give it to you."

"Just.." Venus stops mid sentence, his voice fading out. "This can't.. what..?"

"I didn't know the hallucinations would be this severe! I'm sorry!" Mercury apologizes.

Venus stays silent once more. Was this really.. all a hallucination?

"No.." Venus starts. "You're not real." Venus says coldly, looking away.

"Take it away." Mercury says to the sun.

Venus looks back, but his vision is blurry, and a ringing sound starts for a second, before finally stopping.

But who stood before him wasn't Mercury at all.

It was Earth.

"What.." Venus says, speechless.

"Found you." Earth says, smiling slightly. "Now it's your turn to start counting."

Venus looks around as everything seems back to normal.

He looks back at Earth, still shocked, but then sighs and starts to count.

"1.. 2.. 3.. 4.."



(Bad ending and good ending coming soon 😈😈, also I can't believe I'm almost done with this book it's insane. Also, sorry if that was slightly abrupt. Good and bad ending will definitely be longer chapters, lol. With that, have a great day / night!)

Word count: 683

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