Let's Discover the World Toge...

By wooglebear

30 3 0

Fifteen members of the Total Drama Island cast are joined by two new competitors for a tour around the world... More

Walk Like an Egyptian, Part 1!
Walk like an Egyptian, Part 2
Super Crazy Happy Fun Time in Japan!
Anything Yukon Do, I Can Do Better!
Broadway, Baby!
Aftermath 1
Slap Slap Revolution
Josephine Silver and the Jungle of Death!
All Is Fair in Louvre and War
Teenage Pirates...In Newfoundland!
Aftermath 2
I See... London!
A Greek Tyler-agredy!
The EX-Files!
Picnic at Hanging Dork
Sweden Sour
Aftermath Mayhem
Bride of the Arch Villainess
Chinese Fake Out!
Africian Lying Sfaari
Rhapa Phooey!
Awwwwwww, Drumheller
Hawaiian Style
Trains, Planes and Hot Air Mobiles
Aloha, Finale!

Jamaica Me Sweat

1 0 0
By wooglebear

"Previously on Total Drama!" Chris started, "Newfoundland showed us a shuck of a good time! Ps, the beach shindig was aw-some! Anywho, DJ still powered through while being the last team victory man standing and even won the challenge! Tied with team Chris is really really really really amazing of course! And the amazons were spared yet again because it was a reward challenge of the lobster kind! Also, Noah found more than he should have." He said as flashbacks played

The camera flashed to Chris who was leaning on Chef who was driving the plane

"Eleven players are still fighting for a million clams, who's gonna leave the fold? And who's gonna win the gold? Find out now, on TOTAL. DRAMA. WORLD TOUR!!"

"So, hold on...let me get this straight, Mr. Noah." Jo said, as she held onto Noah's shirt. "You read my diary?"

"Yes I did." The bookworm responded.

"Ugh!" Jo, still holding Noah's shirt, scowled. "Great, now you know stuff about me. You see, my diary isn't just daily thoughts and feelings. Far from it.  Make sure nobody hears anything about my darkest secrets ever again. You hear me?"

Noah looked terrified.

Jo spat into her hand, and held Noah's hand. "Spit promise..." She glared at the bookworm.

[Confessional: Jo]

Jo: I would rather read The Ghost of Slappy, The Dummy Meets The Mummy, Diary of a Dummy, and My Friend Slappy than have all my secrets leaked. The difference is that, while I hated that book, the final part of the Dummy Meets The Mummy's ending was more of a letdown compared to how the rest of the ending was going, and I don't even remember how the Ghost of Slappy even ended since I hated a lot of it. Diary of a Dummy had a disturbing ending and My Friend Slappy's ending was the embodiment of "WHAT_THE_LIVING_FUCK". To put it lightly, I would rather drive off a cliff than have Noah reveal everything about me!

But the spit promise ended right before the spit even dried on their hands.

[The plane runs out of fuel.]
Chris: [to Chef] Um, are we out of gas?
Chef: Yeah... 'cause you spent all our gas money!
Chris: [into intercom] Attention, passengers! [screams]
All: [Screaming]
Owen: We're all gonna di-hi-hi-hi-hie!
DJ: Tell momma I love her!
Owen: [tumbles next to Izzy, who is already wearing a parachute.] Izzy, we need to talk!
Izzy: Ooh, you'll have to catch me first! [opens the plane door] Last one out's a rotten egg! [winks at Owen, then jumps out, laughing as Owen screams as he gets sucked out]
Owen: [Screams and Lands hard on a beach in Jamaica] Oww-aah? I'm okay? [laughs] I'm okay! [Izzy jumps and lands on his groin] Ah! Great gobs of chutney, that smarts!
Izzy: Perfect landing! Not even a scratch. [plane lands squarely on her and Owen] Ahh!

Cut to everyone outside of the plane, "Two airports on an island the size of a postage stamp, and he misses both. But somehow, it's my fault." Chris said.
"You blew our money for the season on Chris' work!" Chef said angrily.
"Um, Chris!? Owen and Izzy need help!" Courtney yelled as she, along with most of the others, were trying to pull them out from under the plane.
Owen: [confessional, looking the worse for wear after the plane landed squarely on him and Izzy] Uh, no biggie. Just a concussion. Can you parents my phone and worry them not to tell... Santa? [falls over]
Cut to everyone watching as an ambulance drove Owen and Izzy off, "Izzy and Owen are gonna be fine. Thanks to travel insurance, help is on the way! In 6-38 hours." Chris said.
"What about the rest of us?" Gwen asked.
"Well, we're out of gas, plane's busted, and we're broke. But, the show must go on! We can't waste any of this footage. Think of the hits we'll get!"
"Where even are we?" Tyler asked.
"Jamaica, mon. We were supposed to land in Ochos Rios, but since somebody forgot how to glide, we'll have to do the challenges here instead. And fast, before whoever owns this dump shows up and asks for a location fee."
"Didn't you guys budget for the whole season?" Noah asked.
"Some things cost more than expected. Airplane ready hot tubs don't grow on trees, y'know."
Suddenly, Jo ran off into the jungle. "They'll never catch me alive!" She screamed.
The other contestants stared, slack-jawed.

"Uhhhh... Chef? Can you come here a sec?" Chris awkwardly sauntered off, looking for his cohost. "We need to catch a chick."

[Confessional:  Gwen]

"WHAT THE **** just happened?!" She screamed. "Female Slappy the Dummy, did you just run off like Izzy from season 1?"

Cut to Owen waking up in his hospital bed, with Izzy in the bed next to him, with her having bandage wraps around her head, "Huh? Oh, Izzy, no! It's all my fault! I wanted to break up with her and the the plane broke her up! It's like I made it happen with my mind!" he said as he ran over to her.

Suddenly, Izzy shot up, and in the most remarkably calm way possible said, "Owen. I've devised a mathematical formula for infinite time travel."

"...oh this is so worse than I thought!"

Cut to everyone in their swimsuits on top of a cliff face with waterfalls. Chris was wearing a dashiki. Noah laughed, "Pretty blouse." he said sarcastically.

"It's a dashiki, mon!" Chris said.

"Yeah, a woman's dashiki!" Courtney said while chuckling.

Chris paced back and forth. "Seriously, of all the days this could have happened, today is the day I'm already getting hounded by the producers," the host frowned.

Chef pushed in a dolly containing Jo. She was wearing a mouth mask over her mouth.

"Where has Female Slappy been?" Noah asked. "She's filthy!"

"I agree," Tyler said. "She's tied up, and she looks like she's been wallowing in the mud!"

Sure enough, Jo had her hands tied behind her and she was caked in mud.

Noah sent a look of apology to the arch-villainess as Chris took her mouth mask off.

"Jo tried to run through the jungle. It didn't go too well." Chris said as he untied her.

Jo then spat a bunch of mud out of her mouth, causing the girls to gag in disgust. The guys didn't seem to mind it though, what with Scott offering to clean Jo off.

But before they could clean off Jo...

Chris cleared his throat. "Fellow contestants, I have an announcement to make. Jo's a serial killer. She's allowed to stay, though. A serial killer on the show always works well for gaining an audience!"
"Jo," Noah said. "I have a question. Why are you a serial killer?"

"This is what I was worried about when you read my diary," Jo said. "Yes, what McLean said is true. I am a serial killer."

The last two words hung chillingly in the air.

"W-What happened?" Heather growled. When Jo didn't respond immediately, she slammed her fist down in her hand. "What did you do, damn it?!"

Jo sobbed quietly to herself for a few moments before the barest of whispers escaped from her mouth.

"...It... I-It was under the influence of him."

"Alright... spill it," Courtney demanded. "Who the fuck is this him?"

"Do you want to tell us about it? It sounds like it's weighing down on you a lot," asked Gwen.

"Also, if you don't, then I willlllll," Chris smiled devilishly. Jo inhaled messily with a sniffle.

"...Fine. I have two sisters. Mary and Spice. Identical triplets are...fairly uncommon, but clearly we hit the jackpot. Now, I didn't have a major problem with either of them. They were my sisters and as far as I was concerned, there was a mutual, however strained, love I shared between them."

"That's surprisingly wholesome," Noah said.

"We had a mother, Catherine. Catherine was basically everything a mother should be." Jo said. "And she baked the best brownies I've ever tasted, topped only by Spice's. I found I tended to be Catherine's favorite girl of the three."

"So you were a momma's girl?" DJ asked. Jo sighed at the word.

"...Y-Yes. I found Catherine liked Mary, and she even had a sweet spot for Spice. There was no least favorite daughter among us three. Our father died in childbirth, and we didn't get a chance to know him."

"...But what does this have to do with you being a serial killer?" asked Tyler.

"Then one day, when we were twelve, our mother left us at home." Jo spoke solemnly. "We were left with a babysitter. I don't remember her name, but she made amazing cupcakes. They had cherry icing... mmm!" A small smile graced her lips at the memory.

"Then our babysitter had terrible news." Jo swallowed, her voice cracking. "It was about Catherine..."

"...I think I can see where this is going," Scott cringed.

"Catherine had been killed by some car while out driving. There were no survivors in that car. Until our aunt came, Mary briefly became our mother figure." Jo said. "Mary was heartbroken, and grief almost took her."

"How?" Cody mouthed.

"Though Spice was growing, Mary kept her rooted in the past. She dressed her as she wished. Made her act as she wished. It was like there was a toxin in the family, stunting all of them." Jo continued. "And I was sick of it! I'll let this flashback explain what happened next."

[Cue a flashback. The 13-year-old Jo in the Flashback was dressed differently. She wore a pair of blue jeans and regular sneakers. She also wore a plaid jacket over her black paint-stained shirt.]

Jo: (v.o) I was poking around in an aniqtue shop when...

[The young Jo found a dummy. He had painted brown hair and brown eyes. He wore a double breasted gray suit over a white dress shirt. He was wearing a red bowtie around his neck, and big black leather shoes dangled from his skinny gray pants legs.]

Jo: (v.o) I found an ventriolist's dunmmy.

Young Jo: Karru marru odonna loma molonu karrano.

Dummy: Who are you calling dummy... DUMMY?!

[Return to the present day.]

Jo: The dummy became my best friend. He even influenced the way I dressed. I basically cosplayed as a female version of the dummy.

Jo: Some further discussion with my partner in crime-slash-dummy later, and I adopted this outfit I'm wearing now as my new main outfit! (curtsies) I even convinced my sister to dress like me. Her outfit was the same as this one, but with some changes. My aunt couldn't even tell the difference between the Jo of a bygone era and the Jo we all know and love because she's old and can't see too well. I still love her, as do Mary and Spice!

Jo: And I became a serial killer to send my mother friends.

Tyler: How sweet.

Jo: My mother's dead, so her friends have to be ghosts.

Everyone: *gasps*

Jo: And that's my story.

Chris: Chef, clean Female Slappy.
(Chef gets a fire hose and sprays water over Jo, cleaning off all the mud. Jo is wet.)
Chris: Every word Jo said is true!
Cody: Um... can we trust Jo?
Tyler: Yeah, she's probably killed like eight people and not batted an eye! She can't be that bad...
"Correction: as of right now, I have sent 99 friends to my mother," Jo smirked.
Noah: I knew we couldn't trust female Slappy. Now we know she literally dresses like him too!
Chris: Disgusting-slash-disturbing revelations aside... It's challenge time!
(Jo changed into a swimsuit. It was black with red roses on. Jo stays in this swimsuit until the end of the change.)
Chris. I like to call our first challenge the Treasure Hunt of Doom! We were supposed to do this at Dun's River Falls, but this far more dangerous waterfall will have to do.
oh it's another water parade show

want to say a few prayers no need i came


after nearly drowning in newfoundland

wearing a life jacket full-time just

makes sense

right teammate your challenge begins

with a

dive off beautiful wherever we are falls

into the lagoon far below which is full

of what

sharks nope

electric eels and sharks

players must tag team dives into the

infested waters for as long as you can

hold your breath

to search the lagoon floor for pirate

treasure aka the gold chains chef always

wears on karaoke night

first team to bring me chef's treasure

wins a

major advantage in the next challenge so

good luck especially the team i am super

duper mega whopper hot

with izzy and owen out of commish you'll

have to work extra hard to make up for

their absence

no problem tyler it's your lucky day

you get to do all the dives yeah

wait luckily i don't need tyler for his


i'm still not exactly sure what i need

him for but it's

definitely not brains let's

do this i've got it in the bag wish me


ready steady ready go oh

i don't see well underwater i guess it's

a trade-off for my super strong

fingers this one can bench press 80



i got the chains oh no


just got it yeah okay

slip off the jacket you can do this dj

i can't okay there's gotta be a way

Jo: [Before Heather can jump in] You have beautiful form!
Heather: What?! [Wobbles and falls, screaming, and she bellyflops in the water]
Jo: Nothing personal!

"Best two out of three?" Tyler said before diving back in, this time coming out with a tire, "Oh, man!"
Heather tagged Cody. Scott said, "You've got this, Cody! I believe in you!"
"That doesn't really make me feel more confident!" Cody said as he crawled out with a shark grabbing his foot.
"Wait up, Cody!" Scott said as he jumped in in an attempt to help.

oh i just need more weight

good thing i'm not cursed anymore

oh come on

i think i'm getting burnt out



i'm it

he's got the chains


thanks for the delivery hey nothing


i suppose i earned that we didn't


pirate booty check steam amazon wins

round one
[Scott jumps and lands in the water with a big splash that soaks Courtney, Gwen and Heather. An eel latches on Courtney's head.]
Heather: Watch It, Fanzilla!
Courtney: [screams as the eel electrocutes her]
Gwen: [grabs the eel] Got it!
Both: [gets electrocuted by the eel] Ow!

oh i just need more weight

good thing i'm not cursed anymore

oh come on

i think i'm getting burnt out



i'm it

he's got the chains


thanks for the delivery hey nothing


i suppose i earned that we didn't


pirate booty check steam amazon wins

round one

Chris: Will Izzy, Owen and Gwen recover? Will Chef fix the plane so we can leave here while I'm still young?
Noah: I don't know. Did we land in the 70s? [Chris pushes Noah off the cliff, and he screams as he plummets to the water]
Chris: Find out after the break, on TOTAL. DRAMA. WORLD TOUR! Hey! Where's my musical accompaniment? [gets hit by a boombox, courtesy of Chef, and Chef smiles at the camera as the screen fades to black]
Cut to Gwen being rolled into the same medical tent as Owen and Izzy, still a little twitchy, "Hey!" she said.
"Gwen, are you okay?" Owen asked.
"Nothing a little coma won't fix." Gwen joked before twitching again, "Well, at least I'm out of the sun. What about you?"
"Oh, I'm gonna be fine. The sand broke my fall. And I broke the plane's fall. And when the plane hit Izzy's head, doc says it fixed a blockage in her brain. She's so smart now, it's spooky!" Owen said as the camera showed Izzy writing several equations on the wall.
"Synthesis equals teleportation. Of course! This will render aeronautics obsolete!" Izzy said.
"Um, was that English?" Gwen joked before twitching again.
"I have no idea!" Owen said.
Just then, a hole was drilled through the ceiling and a military guy dropped in on a rope while two others came in through the door.
Gwen: The army?!
Army Soldier: Say goodbye Izzy. We're air lifting you home for special treatment.
Owen: Izzy is leaving the competition? For good? Oh, Izzy! Why did I ever wanna break up with you?
Izzy: Logic, we are incompatible, ergo, the relationship must end. Adieu!
[Izzy leaves the game with the army]
team amazon

as winners of the first challenge you've

also won this

advantage for challenge number two

helmets great now what oh

just a little something i like to call

the bobsled

of death tata

no way this one's gonna hurt yeah

the intern who tested it will be out of

commish for

10 months is it

we can't afford bobsleds so you're gonna

ride longboards in teams of two

bobsled style down chef's track and into

the pool

each team gets three runs fastest total

time wins

ready ladies first

what are you okay owen yeah

i just miss izzy thanks to her you got

sucked out of a plane and nearly d*ed

and that was just today i know you never

knew what to expect

oh no oh yes this emotionally demanded

moment sounds like a song

we're in the infirmary or don't do a

song and take the chopper home with izzy
[Cue the song "Oh My Izzy"]
Owen: I miss the way Izzy said hello
By hoofing me in the kiwis...
I miss the daytime, when Izzy moved so slow
Gwen: Oh oh.
Owen: Cause other times she'd get freaky...
Oh, Izzy... Oh, Izzy... I, I miss you so...
Oh, my Izzy... My little Izzy... Why'd I ever let you go?
Gwen: Actually, she kinda dumped you.
Owen: I miss her smile and the way she liked to bite
on my arm, when there was trouble—
Which was all the time. (laughs)
Oh, I miss the way, she'd always say goodnight.
Gwen: Oh oh.
Owen: And boot me in the kiwis double...Ouch.
Oh, Izzy... Oh, Izzy... I, I miss you so...
Oh, my Izzy... My little Izzy...
Why'd I ever let you go?
Why'd I ever let you go...
ah dj if only we were teammates with

irene by your side

you'll be impossible to be that's the

plan why are you being so nice to him

he's all alone

i feel a certain kinship isn't this

better than being mad

so we have to wait for a cash influx

before we can jet

great make the interns fill the pool and

it's a

paid vacation bro

(Owen appears, unaware of Jo's past or the fact that she's a serial killer... oh, will he have a horrible wake-up call when the challenge ends.)
Owen: Hey! Wait up! Doc says, I'm okay to compete! [trips and falls]
Chris: [over the megaphone] Owen's back!
Jo: Vacation over!

back ah vacation's over

round one team amazon ready

ready bob sledding is so


so a m*llitary guy took izzy away yeah

maybe it's because she's so smart now

she said she figured out

time travel

47.36 seconds is the time to b*at

team i am so hunky dory dreamy hot

i don't know about this trust your




58.49 team amazon still leads by a


margin team victory team victory


45.01 seconds we have a new leader
Chris: [over the megaphone] Team Victory Takes round 1.
Courtney: [gets annoyed] Uh. We're all here! You don't need to keep using that!
Chris: [over the megaphone] Maybe, I just like it! Round 2!
Heather: Your lawyers know the show's contracts inside and out. Chris can't really kill us. Right?
Courtney: Not in my contract! But, who knows what they put in yours.
[Jo shows off an invention she made.]
Jo: Time to sabotage Team Amazon. I mean, just look at all these dirty tricks I've got. (shows them)Slippery oil to make the Amazons fall...ooh! And sticky glue to make their skateboards stick to the track...and this thing I invented that will - (stammers) Okay, I-I don't actually remember what this thing does, but I bet it's really bad! (giggles)

Jo: Time to- (she presses a remote control; the invention blows up in Jo's face, covering her in smoke. She has a dirt-covered face. Her hair is a bit messy.) *coughs* Well... that did not go as planned.
Owen: Jo, you're only human. And remember: you can never give up! You just keep on --


Owen: Cheating? Nonono, that's not what I was gonna --

Jo: You're right, fatso! I can't give up! If I wanna win, I need to cheat!

Owen: But cheating is bad. Just don't do it.

[Confessional: Jo]
Jo: Don't cheat? Naaaah! That'll never work!

let's hear it for the helmets people the

girls come in at 56.28

better than the boys first run but not

by much

team i am so wicked wicked hot


ouching come on suck it in okay

55.16 for Team Chris

it'll take a miracle to get out of last

place now

tune victory ready ready

toast yet again how's it feel i have no


i haven't been toasted yet

44.37 dj beats his

own high score and widens his lead even


round three
Jo: (her face now clean and her hair groomed) So I can't cheat.

Owen: Phew.

Jo: But... You asked me earlier why I was nice to DJ? Well, I hated to see him suffer. But you've seen how happy he is now. That's because I painted that symbol on Irene. To fool him into thinking his curse was over.
Tyler: Wait. You mean DJ's still cursed?!
DJ: [gasps] Irene! No!
Jo: DJ, you weren't supposed to hear that. Sorry, my friend. [sighs] I was only trying to help.
Chris: [through megaphone] Team Amazon, ready?!
Scott: We're our only hope. You and me. It's destiny! Ready!
[Cody and Scott ride the track again and they hit the pool.]
Chris: 53.41 seconds for a 3 run combined total of... 2 minutes and 37 seconds. Good, but will it be good enough?
Tyler: Should I trust my instincts again?
Jo: No! Pull your headband down and trust mine instead.
Tyler: [pulls his headband down] Whatever you say, Jo. [screams]
[as Jo and Tyler ride the track, Jo punches part of the track to sabotage DJ's last run]
Chris: Tyler and Jo are in 1st place with a total of 2 minutes and 35 seconds. [through megaphone] Team Victory?
DJ: You better stay here, Irene! Just to be on the safe side. Whoo! Go, Team Victory! [he starts the final round and rides down his board as he bumps into two birds]Look out! Ah! [gets bumped by a walrus] That doesn't even make sense! [screams when he rides through Jo's broken plank]
Chris: [watching DJ get launched in the air after his last run was sabotaged, courtesy of Jo] Incomplete! Team Chris wins while Team Endless Non-Victory goes to the elimination room, 1 more time! Ya know, if he ever comes back!
[Team Chris is Really Really Really Really Hot cheers while Team Amazon gets frustrated when they lose again.]

Heather: [satisfied; walks over to DJ who is wearing a cast after his final run was sabotaged by Jo] Guess you picked the wrong person to buddy up to? Huh? Try to warn ya. [walks away]
[DJ sighs]
Jo: [Confessional] DJ has Chris to thank him for his departure! Not allowed on my team and no merge on the horizon! Bye-Bye! Nothing personal! [laughs]

[Cut to the elimination room]

DJ: Umm. Since Izzy's gone, we don't need another elimination tonight, right?
Chris: Wrong! Drop of Shame's thataway, you can let yourself out. [DJ gets a parachute, he looks at Chris and he waves goodbye. And DJ jumps, but lands on the ground, due to the plane still on land.] It isn't the same without the scream.
DJ: [sighs] Mama!
Chris: Not bad!
DJ: [Screams as fire ants attack him] Fire ants! [Runs away, screaming]

[Meanwhile, in first class... Jo is reading a newspaper. She's in her usual attire. Owen walks up to her.]

Jo: (cries) Owen, DJ didn't die. Which is sad. I didn't get the chance to kill him! Y-yet... I WANTED TO SEND FRIENDS TO MY DEAD MOTHER!!!! (breaks down crying)

Owen: W-what the hell?!

Jo: ...

[Back with the host]

Chris: Much better! Will dj get those ants out of his pants? How will the game change with Jo being a serial killer in the open? and will we ever get off this island? find out next time right here on total drama world tour!

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