Royals & Wretches

By Rotten_Cortex

166 9 0

"Isn't it blasphemous that the future King is kneeling in front of me right now?" I ignored his questions and... More

Mr Loverman
To Whom It May Concern
Final Warning
Chicks Dig Giant Robots
Killing in the Name

Where You Belong

31 2 0
By Rotten_Cortex

A/N: I'm so glad I got this out on time! When I tell you I STRUGGLED with this chapter. No idea why but I started over twice, the second time I scrapped an entire 2500 words! Anyway! You might need some water.


"I don't think we should be in here." I whispered skeptically as I tip-toed behind Mika into the throne room.

The Prince had no such reservations, he strode confidently into the empty room while I tried to make myself smaller, trailing behind.

The room was impossibly big, I felt even my whispers echoing back. Mika snorted loudly and the sound ripped through the quiet room like a chainsaw.

"My father's in Buiris, who could possibly have the authority to kick me out?" He dared.

"The council members?" I tried.

He rolled his eyes, "I'd like to see that slimy prick try, all the other old farts are just waiting for my dad to retire. If Aemon really thinks he'll still be a council member after I'm King he really is delusional." He grabbed my hand, making my heart jump around noisily as he interlocked his weapon-calloused fingers with mine.

Mika pulled me all the way down the carpeted walkway. There was no seating, just a huge empty hall with a deep purple carpet that stretched all the way from the large imposing doors to the throne at the end. It was amazing how a few people could change the atmosphere of the place. During the day the hall was filled with dignitaries and nobles alike. Attendants fluttered in and out, providing refreshments and equipment as necessary. The crystal chandelier shone like an indoor sun.

Now it was barely lit, only a few pairs of scattered gold wall sconces dimly illuminated the hall and the throne. The throne itself was magnificent of course. Marble steps extended from the walkway to the base of the throne at least two meters above, the lush purple carpet continuing all the way up the steps and to the throne. Have no doubt, it was still a chair. It had no legs but instead consisted of multiple polished slabs of marble assembled together to form an elegant and rather large throne able to seat two comfortably. The seat and backrest were fitted with purple velvet lined with gold thread. The armrests were carved mounds of marble also covered by cushion, velvet and gold. The crest of the royal family was also embroidered into the headrest in gold.

Mika pulled me straight towards the throne, ignoring my stiff legs, only letting go once we had ascended the steps to the throne. He released my hand and sauntered straight over to the throne. He smiled cooly as he turned to face me and leaned back to sprawl lazily on the throne. His long legs callously draped over one of the armrests with his head leaned back against the backrest.

He said nothing but seemed to be waiting for me, watching me. Gold and purple flickering in his crystalline eyes.

It took me only a moment to figure out what he wanted.

My apprehension vanished. I took a confident step forward so that I was in front of the throne. Mika watched as my right hand went to my left shoulder. My right foot drew back and I went down onto my left knee, my head bent low in respect.

"My King." I greeted. When I looked up at Mika again he was still watching me. The ghost of a smile pulling at the corner of his mouth.


"So," Alanis mused from the passenger seat of my mech. An electronic tablet resting in his lap. "What excuse did you tell Mika for this little excursion?" We were traveling through space at warp speeds. The inside of the mech was completely stable despite dodging asteroid belts, gravitational pulls and orbits of the numerous planets, satellites and stars as we hurtled through galaxies.

"What do you mean 'excuse'? We're just going home for a bit. We'll be back by tonight."

He scoffed. "Okay then, on a scale of one to ten, how much did his face twitch when you told him that I was tagging along?" A playful smile pulled at the corners of his mouth. My own mouth tightened and I pretended to be too busy watching the monitor to meet his teasing dark eyes.

"What happened between the two of you while I was gone? It's never been this bad before." I asked genuinely. Alanis let out a humorless laugh, shook his head and turned his eyes back to his tablet.

"Oh please, it's always been like this. He just didn't have to pretend to tolerate me anymore after you left. Really, I'd love to borrow a pair of those rose coloured glasses you and the King both seem to be so fond of." He closed his eyes, leaned back in his seat and sighed.

After a few minutes he spoke up again. His voice took on a defensive tone. "It seems bad... from an outside perspective, I know it does. It's not that much better from an inside perspective but we can be civil, believe it or not." He opened his eyes and resolutely said, "We understand our duties to Egreya. We... agreed to fulfill them... more or less amicably." His voice had taken on a rougher edge and blood pinkened his cheeks.

I was quiet for a moment as I considered his words. I was thankful that my complexion wasn't as fair as my brother's as it hid the blush when I asked, "So you've both agreed to mate?" I couldn't meet his gaze.

He was quiet for way too long then. When I finally got the courage to look over at him he was looking seriously at the monitor without seeing what was on it.

"He loves you Kyros." He finally said. It wasn't an accusation. It wasn't said with spite. It was a simple observation. "If you don't know it yet, he'll do anything for you. Even marking an omega that he despises, if it would please you." My jaw tightened involuntarily.

"It's not-" I started but he continued.

"It's true. If he really had his way it would be you sitting on that throne in a few years, not him... If he really had his way, he'd be the one getting marked."

"Alanis!" I shot a warning look over at him. He rolled his eyes and picked his tablet back up.

"Just make sure that you don't do anything stupid on my account."


Vaelara was a mass of lush vegetation and winding serpentine rivers. The trees were as tall as skyscrapers and sturdy enough to hold the entire capital city of Aetis.

The city rose with the trees by about a millimeter a year. Originally it had been built on the ground but the trees provided a problem. They were impossible to remove. No new trees sprouted but even if they were cut down, the ground was impossible to dig through, even with graphene fluid and lonsdaleite drill heads, therefore the tree roots couldn't be removed. Cut trees would grow to catch up with the surrounding trees within months and then would resume its slow growth once more.

Over the generations the people had adapted, they built amongst the trees. It had developed into a bustling metropolis with its own vertical alleys, neighborhoods and even public transportation that zipped up, down, left, right and around the tree trunks in constant motion.

Colourful flowers and dark green vines hung like garlands between buildings and snaked around tree trunks. Some were large with petals the size of delivery trucks, others were tiny and filled the spaces between the larger flowers, the colours vivid and harmonious.

The Command center for the south army was built into and around the biggest tree on the planet. Its branches towered over all of the other trees around it, providing a near constant shade over the castle and the surrounding areas. While the other trees were about fifty meters from the ground, the one we called 'Arbourius' stood at more than one-hundred meters from the ground.

I steered the mech into the hanger at the base of Arbourius. It was mostly empty. A few of the captains mechs were in for some work but most of Vaelara's army was currently in Abrilan helping to secure the stronghold.

"Ah, it's as humid as ever." Alanis complained as we exited the cockpit, an elevator already waiting to take us to the ground level.

My brother had changed out of his royal robes a while before we landed. He wore the traditional Vaelaran robes for omegas. It was lighter and thinner than the clothes usually worn on Setrion, more suited for the stifling temperate climate of their home planet. I couldn't help but note how at ease he seemed to be with his shoulders, arms and stomach uncovered. Ruby dotted chains circled his forehead, biceps and waist. A thin transparent shawl draped around his neck. The most notable difference was the fact that you could see his ankles peeking from beneath his cinched balloon pants and covering his feet were a pair of black leather flats beautifully embroidered with silver thread. Alanis hated the court shoes of Setrion and refused to wear them on account that no-one would be able to see them anyway underneath his long court robes. Half of his long dark hair was swept up into an elegant bun with a gold leaf hair pin keeping it in place, two long locks of hair framing his jade face.

"I forgot what it was like to get out of a mech and be drenched." I tugged at my already sweaty fatigues as we made our way to the elevator at the end of the hanger that would take us into the castle.

Parts of Arbourius had been hollowed out and filled with polished stone and metal. City planners tried to keep a more natural feel to the city by covering most of the buildings in treated wood but they couldn't help adding the standard embellishments of statues and monuments dedicated to past generals and the King.

"General! Permission to report." A dark haired woman approached us as soon as the elevator doors opened to the castle.

"Oh cousin Iris, how lovely to see you again." Alanis said tersely.

Iris turned only to nod and greet, "Royal Consort, lovely to see you." before turning back to me. Alanis shook his head and continued into the castle without me. I gestured for Iris to lead the way to the meeting chamber.

Without wasting time she talked as she walked. "Dradoran scouts have been spotted about forty megaparsecs from Tiral. We've sent pursuers but they're evasive, staying just far enough to get out when they know we've noticed them."

"Don't follow them all the way, they're trying to bait us. I'll bet they have a fleet waiting for an overenthusiastic pursuer."

"If they have a fleet we're screwed. Most of our troops are currently stationed in Abrilan assisting with the stronghold construction. They'd never make it here in time if we were attacked." Iris squinted as she furiously tapped away at the electronic tablet in her hands. She walked right up to a door, without delay it slid open efficiently so that she did not even have to pause.

Inside the meeting chamber were four others.

The Lieutenant General, Rory Kline, had both of his leather boots casually up on the large mahogany table that dominated most of the space in the room. One of my three Major Generals, Crisanto Reyes, sat back in his chair staring blankly at the ceiling and the two remaining Colonels, Isamu and Marco, were idly stacking stationary.

"You're all rather idle considering the circumstances. Would it be more exciting to be relocated to Abrilan?" Only the two Colonels rose quickly to their feet in order to salute me, knocking back their seats roughly in the process. Rory barely glanced up at my entrance, Crisanto was still staring at the ceiling. It looked like he was muttering something under his breath.

"Yes, yes, War Hero, no need for posturing. I'm sure Iris has informed you of the situation." Kline spoke lazily. Reyes was still staring at the ceiling obliviously. I signaled the other two to retake their seats but kept my eyes on Reyes.

"What's with him?"

"Major Reyes has just found out that he's going to be a father." Kline announced with a teasing smile. He politely applauded while Reyes' eyes narrowed with stress, he looked to be turning green.

I felt my forehead furrow in surprise for a second before I nodded. "Congratulations." I said in earnest. From the way he completely ignored me, I guessed the shock of the news hadn't worn off yet.

"Anyway General, now that you're here, what should be the next course of action? Will you single handedly take on the phantom fleet with Nox?" Kline's words were condescending, but he said them with a smile. He'd been bitter since he'd been passed over for General and had been quite vocal at the beginning about my lack of experience and blaming my appointment on nepotism. He'd reined in his hostility after our victory at Abrilan but still held some resentment at being ordered around by someone fifteen years his junior.

"Well my trip here wasn't scheduled because of skittish scouts at the edge of the territory. Kline will deal with it." I snapped at Iris, she kept tapping away. "They won't be able to sneak a whole fleet past Tiral, we'd know. The south might be stretched thin at the moment but it's not in any way defenseless is it? There is no way that my mother, and the commander's wife is in any sort of danger is there?" There was a warning undertone to my voice, almost everyone sat up straighter. Even Reyes seemed to momentarily snap out of his prenatal stupor.

"Of course not General." Kline's clipped voice came curtly.

"Good, now, I'm still on vacation. Everything goes through Kline. Reyes, pull yourself together, it's a child not a solar bomb. Iris do not bother me again if I arrive for an unannounced visit." I said not unkindly as I turned and left the room.


I found them in the conservatory. A small band had been brought in to play some music for the two omegas dancing in the open space.

Alanis twirled around a blonde woman who was clapping her hands, swaying her hips and kicking enthusiastically. A radiant smile on her face as she watched her son dance. Every time she kicked, bells rang and echoed through the room, both she and Alanis wore rings of golden bells on their ankles that complimented the music beautifully. It was a nostalgic sound.

She wore clothing similar to Alanis, with sapphires instead of rubies in the chains around her head, arms and waist.

Her blue eyes found me at the door and impossibly, her smile got even more dazzling. She caught Alanis' arm in hers as he spun by her, oblivious to my appearance, and twirled both of them dizzyingly as she made her way over to me.

I smiled at her contagious joviality.

"Kyros!" She pirouetted out of Alanis' arms and came straight towards me. I caught her easily and joined her rotations around the yard.

"Mother." I greeted with a smile as I embraced her easily, breathing in the familiar aroma of apples and cinnamon.

Pyrrah Argyros emanated with an ardent warmth one couldn't help basking in. The last time I had seen her had been at the palace feast when Alanis was announced as Mika's suitor. She'd attended with my father but had left early the next morning to come back to Vaelara.

Originally she had been from a northern planet orbiting an artificial star. The planet was frozen all year round and in her own words was, 'A miserable, soggy purgatory'. When she married my father, she moved to the tropical and muggy Vaelara and was instantly taken with the sweltering climate. So much so that she refused to move to Setrion after my father was made General Commander, much to his dismay.

"Is everything alright? Alanis said that Iris came to get you when you arrived." Her sapphire eyes implored as we swayed.

"Nothing Kline shouldn't be able to handle. I told Iris I'm on vacation."

She smiled with mirth. "Understandable, you've been at the border for two years without a break. Announcing a vacation as soon as you've been made General though... I see how that might ruffle some particular feathers."

"Well it was only fifty percent nepotism. I more than proved myself in Abrilan. Not many people can claim a galaxy." I preened.

"How modest." Her eyes were laughing at my ridiculous boasting.

We circled back around the room, Alanis joining us as we spun around him. He grabbed one of my hands as well as one of my mothers so that we were now dancing in a circle. Each of them took turns spinning in and out as I did my best to keep up with them.

The afternoon was a comfortable bliss. We danced, had lunch, I recounted several stories from my time at the border and we danced some more.

The sun was just about to start setting when Alanis and I ended up in the aviary. Colourful vegetation covered the building, bright flowers spilled through the dense leaves of the packed greenery. There was a buzzing all around as soon as we stepped foot inside, it was low but building. Then the first whistle sounded out, it started tunefully, with more chirps and whistles joining in harmonically.

There were rustles and more buzzing amongst the crowded vegetation and then a streak of metallic green, blue and purple darted through the foliage. The tiny bird flew right up to Alanis' face, hovering and chirping enthusiastically.

"Hi there little one." Alanis smiled and held up his finger for the little bird to perch. As soon as it did, a flock of hundreds of tiny, feathered, multi-coloured humming birds burst forth from the flora and swarmed us.

The spectrum of shifting colours was enthralling; some were tawny with bright red throats, some white and black with vivid purple heads, there were greens and blues and flaming oranges adorning their feathers. Some were less ostentatious but greeted us just as enthusiastically.

Vaelaran hummingbirds were native to our home planet. Alanis and I used them all the time to send notes to each other, they were fast and small and could quickly find the recipient without fail. About a year before I left for the border my father had the mechatronic hummingbirds designed for sending messages through space. They were based off of Vaelaran hummingbirds and were currently the fastest way to send communication across the thousands of parsecs between galaxies. Their small size also made them much faster than even S-class mechs and were imperative in keeping the Commander up to date with the happenings at the border.

A good few dozen landed on both of us, none of them startled as we moved about. Others perched on the various trees and bushes, watching us and tweeting merrily.

Alanis' eyes shone with delight as he brought a finger to his eyes to greet the little bird perched there.

"It's been so long since I've seen most of you, Killy and Pat are doing alright." He spoke to them easily. 'Killy' and 'Pat' referring to the two he kept on Setrion since he moved there.

"You don't come home with dad?" I queried while petting the birds on my arm.

"Well besides mom and these guys, there's no-one that really misses me when I'm not here. In the last seven years I've been on Setrion more than I've been on Vaelara. Besides I'd be stuck in the castle while our parents affirmed their affections. No thank you." He scrunched up his face at the last part and I resisted the urge to shudder.

"Have your retinue accompany you. I'm sure Larsen and Embry would love it here. Though having to plan around their heat cycles might be tough."

Alanis went quiet. When I glanced over he was still covered in brilliant feathers but his eyes were blank and it didn't seem as if he actually saw the bird that was nuzzling his finger.

"... My retinue are not my friends Kyros. When Mika and I are married I will have no claim to the name 'Argyros'. Even my family will be-" His voice wavered. Ignoring the fluttering of the birds, I went up to him and took him gingerly in my arms. He resisted at first, stubbornly keeping his arms at his side until reluctantly wrapping them around me when I showed no signs of releasing him.

"Hey, hey, none of that." I chided into the crown of his dark hair. "No matter what your surname is, you'll always be my little brother." I promised. "Also I'm not going anywhere. I'll escort you as often as you want."

Alanis and I were only two years apart. We grew up like velcro until I visited Setrion with my father for the first time when I was eight-years-old. As we matured, it was only natural that we developed our own hobbies and skills to pursue. Of course being an alpha and an omega, our father had different plans for our futures as well. Despite our divergent paths I still felt a responsibility towards him as my brother. Usually omega's were considered part of the family they married into. My own mother had not contacted her family since her own wedding twenty-three years ago. I could understand the feelings of isolation he was going through.

Then there was Mika and his cantankerous personality.

Before I could give myself a headache by thinking about that mess, Alanis pulled away and looked up at me resolutely.

"What I want from you most of all, is that you stop tormenting yourself about Mika."

I groaned and rolled my eyes but he slapped me lightly on the cheek and held his palm there gently.

"Hey-" I started but he spoke over me.

"You want to fuck him Kyros." He stated very matter of factly. I felt my eyes blinking in disbelief. My brain took a good few moments to decipher what he'd said.

"Alanis that's not-!" I jerked back suddenly, earning a good few irritated tweets from the floor.

My brother was shrugging, his usual flippant mood returned.

"Even I can sense his lust for you and I can't even detect pheromones clearly." He swept back to turn his attention once more to the many-hued flock around us.

"It's not as simple as lust."

He peeked at me, about to retort once more but it was my turn to cut him off.

"I do... love him. I always have but..."

"I swear to the Gods Kyros, if I am the excuse-" He started muttering.

There were so many excuses. Any one of them extremely valid. Any one of them Alanis would scoff at.

"I don't feel like I'm worthy."

He scoffed anyway. I rolled my eyes. "It doesn't really matter if you're worthy or not. He says you are, so you are. And if you are, you can do whatever you'd like." He simplified as he dug his hands into his pockets.

It was hard to decline when my brother was giving me express permission to pursue his fiance. I watched without realizing as he brought out a small camera and quickly snapped a candid picture of me.

I blinked, "What the-?"

"Mom wanted a picture of you with the birds, she doesn't have a recent one. She says you've grown." He grinned as he examined it.

"You didn't have to sneak around, you could have just said so."

"Mmm, spontaneous is the best. You're like a door when you know it's coming. You think Mika would like it?" He held up the screen for me to see.

It was hard not to laugh. With furrowed brows, staring at nothing and clearly deep in thought, I stood solidly as a perch for an array of colourful and tawny hummingbirds.


"Not this again." I complained as Mika drew me into the vacant throne room two weeks later.

It was dimly lit with the soft yellow glow of the golden wall sconces. We didn't bother keeping our voices down as we made our way toward the throne.

"I've already won this argument. Besides... there's something I want to try." His voice had a strange edge to it. He kept facing forward, his long ponytail swishing like a beam of moonlight between his shoulder blades.

"Your father's not in Buiris." I pointed out.

"He won't care. The council can riot at my insolence." His arrogance had me shaking my head.

We finally made it to the base of the throne.

Mika stood on the first step and turned to face me. His fingers interlocking with mine as our gazes leveled. His eyes caught the dim light and cast it back in glimmering golds, purples and reds against cloud-white irises.

"I want to try something." He stated again. His previous confidence simmered down and he seemed timid.

Before I could ask what it was he turned and marched up the steps dragging me towards the throne. Dread wriggled down my spine and my worst suspicions were confirmed when he put both hands on my shoulders and pushed me bodily onto the throne.

"What the hell do you think you're doing!?" I hissed when the shock of where I was seated wore off. I struggled to get up but he pressed his whole body into my lap so that if I stood I would either have to carry him or let him fall to the ground.

I sighed in defeat with my palm over my eyes as I gave up and allowed Mika to do as he pleased.

"Mmm... what if I add the-" My hand shot out as he reached for the silver circlet around his crown. The lilac sapphire jostled as his smooth forehead creased.

"Remind me why exactly I entertain these haphazard whims of yours? It's not like I'd have any real repercussions for dumping you on the floor."

"Firstly, that would be discourteous. Secondly, you're probably the only person in this palace who wouldn't want to sit on this throne,"

"Besides you." I added. He ignored me.

"Thirdly, you said you'd stop thinking." His shining eyes were accusatory.

"It's not a switch I can just flip, Mika." I groaned as I let my body sink back into the soft velvet and tried to look anywhere but in his eyes. He'd settled on my lap, his long legs propped up on the armrest as he leaned his head on my shoulder.

"Do you regret this?" He tried to keep his tone neutral, failing only a little.

"No." My answer was immediate and it was true. I couldn't imagine distancing myself from him again. Denying what I felt would kill the both of us. That did not mean I was free of other regrets.

When I said nothing more, Mika spoke up again, "Two years is a long time. How did you deal with the rut?" His tone tried for casual this time.

"How did you?" I countered.

"Alanis still hasn't gotten his first heat." He answered mildly. " I spent my fair share of time in the cage." His 'cage' was a full suite adjacent to his bedroom, not unlike a panic room. Fully stocked and impenetrable. It could only be opened by two people; the King and the Prince's Guard Captain.

"I..." I hesitated. Mika was no longer looking at me but I knew he was listening intently. He tried to maintain his neutral expression but I saw the subtle cracks; the beginnings of a small furrow between his platinum brows, the corners of his mouth pulled down ever so slightly, the way he blinked a little faster as time stretched between us.

He was waiting for something. I had a feeling he already knew the answer.

"... I was in the cage for the most part, or I'd hide out in Nox in deep space for a few days... There was an incident at the barracks cages." Mika's whole body went rigid. I couldn't tell if he was even breathing. His steel-like eyes were locked resolutely onto the open and empty space before us. He didn't interrupt and allowed me to finish without interference.

"There was an omega, disguised as a beta. He'd been taking suppressants in order to enter the army. He shouldn't even have been near the alpha dorms! Gods even knows how he got all the way down to the cages without anyone stopping him... I tried to stop him... I begged him to leave... I... I... didn't even know he was an omega until he opened... Mika, I didn't want-" I spoke too quickly that I had to stop, a painful lump choking me with every word as anger and shame rolled over me in waves. Everything sounded like an excuse. Mika still wouldn't look at me, his head still resting on my shoulder. It was as if I were confessing to a marble statue. I had to close my eyes then, as if that would hide the humility.

A long pause of silence had my heart thumping erratically in my chest. I had no idea what to expect of his reaction. I didn't even know how I wanted him to react. Mika still hadn't moved or made a sound. Despite this statuesque aspect I knew his mind was running at a million miles a minute.

When his soft voice finally echoed out it was cracked, small and a brush away from being broken.

"...Did you-..." The unfinished question hung delicately in the air. I opened my eyes at the sound of his voice. Pale, sparkling eyes greeted me through moist silver eyelashes. Reds, purples and golds flickered subtly.

"No! I-I didn't mark him!" I spoke quickly, my fingers unconsciously pulled him closer. "I shoved a pillow over his neck and tore it to shreds... It didn't last long. Some soldiers came to check out the commotion and managed to separate us before we could knot. The omega was found guilty of gender fraud and assault. He was quietly exiled and the higher ups at the border kept the details from getting out."

The silence rang out once more.

"It was Aemon." He finally spoke after several minutes that felt like hours.

"What?" I squinted down at him.

He refused to meet my gaze, pure hate in his voice as he spat, "When he became councilor, I didn't give him the respect he felt he was entitled to. What did he expect? I was an eight-year -old brat! The Crown Prince! He tried to convince my father to remarry. When that didn't work he sent an omega in heat into my father's chambers as he slept. He wanted another heir to be born, one he could control more easily. My father was able to get into his cage until his Guard could be contacted to remove the omega. I believe your father himself donned a hazmat suit and escorted the omega away for interrogation. It was never proven that Aemon had set it up but my father can put two and two together. He keeps Aemon as a councilor to keep an eye on his activities, though I'm sure Aemon hasn't realized. He's not as smart as he thinks he is."

"Why would he send an omega to me though?" I questioned slowly.

Mika finally looked up at me through clear melancholic eyes.

"After you'd been at the border for a few months... Aemon caught me in a pathetic mood. I'd been lashing out at everyone. He took the opportunity to get under my skin even further. He revealed that he'd sent a gift to you at the border... That you were probably fucking and marking him as we spoke." I sucked in a deep breath through my teeth.

Mika's eyes weren't accusatory; they held sorrow and regret.

"I'm-" I started but he cut me off sharply. "Don't you dare say that you're 'sorry'. It was my fault, I wouldn't blame you if you dumped me on the- Mmf!" I cut off his pitiful self-loathing triade by leaning forward and capturing his rambling lips in mine.

He was hesitant and careful. Raw after confirming his fears. I tried to put all of my affection and adoration into pulling him closer even though there was no space for air between us.

I lost track of time in kissing him. It could have been hours, minutes or seconds but too soon, I was chasing his breath as he pulled away, one finger to my forehead to stop me from leaning forward again.

"Why didn't you mark him?" He wanted to know. I didn't answer at first.

"Tell me!" There was an urgency to his tone.

"Do you really need the ego boost Mika?" I furrowed my brows at his imploring opaline eyes. A cocky grin spread from cheek to cheek across his face.

"So all that talk before you left, yet you wouldn't mark a willing omega?" His eyes were troublesome. I watched in real-time as his conceit skyrocketed.

He watched me like a cat watching a mouse before it pounced. My heart bounced around erratically as I watched his eyes trail down from my face. He sat up a little straighter, no longer leaning his head against my shoulder, repositioned himself so that his legs were straddled on either side of mine and started slinking his fingertips downwards.

The intimate position was not at all lost on me. An irritating heat had started in my lower half, made worse as his hands drew lower until they were at the waistband of my trousers.

"Kyros, I want to try something." His breathy voice was muffled as he leaned forward once more, chest to chest until he could hook his chin over my shoulder. Between us, I felt his slender hands dive over the edge of my waistband and gripped the length being restrained there.

My hips jerked with a groan, my head rolling back. His fingers weren't cold at all, but they felt cool against my sensitive skin. He worked slowly with one hand, sliding his fingertips all the way from the tip to the base as the other tugged at my pants until he'd exposed what he wanted. Even as he stroked me, I noticed the way he slowly grinded his own loins against my legs.

He leaned back slowly, a pink hue to his cheeks and a blazing inferno in his crystal eyes.

Maintaining a slow, sensual pace with his hands, Mika slowly slid his body back until he was sliding down my legs. Coming to a rest between them, he gathered his legs under him and observed my exposed length between us.

"What are you doing Mikaela?" I cursed under my breath as his grip around me tightened, blades of electricity jolting up and down my spine. Our gazes deadlocked as he leaned forward.

"What? I can't, but an omega slut can?" His tone was insufferable.

"Gods, you're never going to let that go." My breath hitched as he squeezed.

"If you really want this to end then stop looking at me like that." He challenged as he languidly massaged up and down my shaft. "It's extremely contradicting, complaining while your eyes are screaming for me to put my mouth over your cock." The image sent even more blood rushing down, I had to hunch over as I became even more sensitive to his movements.

"Is that what you want Kyros? Which is it? Do I stop or continue? Am I misreading this raging erection?" He eyed me smugly over his relentless hands.

"Isn't it blasphemous that the future King is kneeling in front of me right now?" I ignored his questions and shot back. I didn't move away though, in fact I sat back as best I could while my spine spasmed with waves. I rested the back of my head against the throne as I took in his determined multi-coloured gaze and dared him to proceed.

"Isn't it blasphemous that you've always wanted to fuck your brother's fiancé?" He kept stroking me, I could feel myself growing against his palms. I had to close my eyes as a fresh wave of desire went straight to the tip of my cock as he used his thumb to tease the opening.

"Fine! You're spewing shit 'cause your mouth's bored. Put your tongue to some real use for once." I barked sharply.

Colours danced in excitement as his eyes suddenly went wide. He didn't seem to dislike it, in fact by the way his pupils dilated and his cheeks flushed, the contrary seemed to be true. He didn't say another word. He simply leaned forward, pink tongue extended, and started lapping at my shaft obediently.

My groan echoed throughout the quiet room as the heat of his mouth coated my length. He worked his hands slowly, gripping the length as he lined it up with his mouth. His tongue flicked at the opening as he drew the tip into his open mouth. I drank in the sight of his bashful appearance, his eyes lowered and watery as he took in more and more of me.

It was clumsy and a little hesitant. I couldn't help the satisfaction that rolled through me every time he showed his inexperience.

His head bobbed stiffly up and down, keeping his teeth carefully out of the way and stopping before the entrance to his throat tightened. I couldn't stop all of the groans from bubbling up and spilling through the hall. A tightening behind my navel had my hips writhing and I felt the urge to go deeper.

I watched his winding silver ponytail jostle for a few more heartbeats before I reached out and wrapped it around my fist. I grasped the back of his head and pushed it further into my lap. My hips thrusting up in response.

He only gagged a little. Three diamonds of tears pooled at the edges of his pale lashes and dripped down his blood-red cheeks. Lecherous sounds of sucking and gagging and groaning and muffled choking rolled out from the royal throne.

A fire roared in my abdomen and my muscles coiled with tension. It wouldn't be long until my release now. Mika's hands still worked my cock below where his mouth couldn't reach. Massaging my testes despite the assault on his throat and drooling all over me.

I hissed at the throbbing of my loins. I shut my eyes as I pulled Mika's head back roughly. I heard him let out a startled cry before a white starburst flashed behind my clenched eyelids and I dissolved into the climax.

I breathed sharply as I slowly reopened my eyes.

Mika's chest heaved as he stared up at me with wide, wonder filled eyes. Golds and reds and purples glittering. Covering the Prince's flushed face was a web of pearly fluid.

This was the beginning of the end. We were spiraling uncontrollably, rather, we didn't want to control it, or stop falling deeper and deeper into this mess we'd created. Even if there were riots. Even if we had to destroy galaxies.

My essence dripped down his full glistening lips. His crystal eyes and crimson cheeks. On his knees in front of me. He offered it all so willingly.

How could I say 'No'?"

A/N: (._.)

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