The CROODS AU What If...

By Quahvoo23

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In this alternate universe, after the event series of Dawn of the CROODS, The CROODS is a new animated comedy... More

Chapter 1 Opening Scene/Another Day in the Cave
Chapter 2 Meet the New People
Chapter 3 THE END is Near [Part 1]
Chapter 4 THE END is Near [Part 2]
Chapter 5 Unexpected Adventure
Chapter 6 Follow The Sapiens' Lead [Part 1]

Chapter 7 Follow The Sapiens' Lead [Part 2]

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By Quahvoo23

Under the Stars

The people of the Cave Clans and the Sapiens walk through the jungle at the very sunset as Gorp explains about his origin.

"So that's how my grandson was born. My son got married to a lizard woman and before you know it, that's how it came to be." Said Gorp.

"Gorp, I can't believe you never told us about him for so long. Why didn't you tell us earlier?" Said Weez.

"Because I did that to protect my boy. I knew that despite knowing how you guys would try to kill him, I made that a secret to make sure he'll be safe under my protection. Right after, when we all stayed in the underground cave, I found a way to cover him up with his long cloak and hoodie so that you all will know that he's a normal shy boy."

"Guess that explains a lot." Said Gran.

Mow nods.

"No kidding." Said Smooth.

"So he's the boy with a lizard leg and tail? More importantly as the Broods are like part monkeys. No offence to the Broods." Said Grug.

"None taken. To be honest, we've been there when they called us a monster, too." Said Trixie.

"I'm glad we're on the same page. Thank you guys for your understanding. You know how it means a lot to junior." Said Gorp; sighing relief.

"No problem, Gorp. We understand why you have to do that. And just like the Broods, we'll have to accept him into our clan, no matter what kind he is or what he looks like." Said Ugga; grinning.

Lerk came to Sea Thing.

"Hey, Sea, may I ask?" Said Lerk.

"Sure. Go for it." Said Sea Thing.

"I know it gets a little bit awkward and all but um... do you like worms?"

"Actually, yeah. I like worms. In fact, I can even talk to worms and take care of them. Luckily, I don't eat them."

Lerk gasp out loud.

"NO WAY!! YOU TOO?! I KNEW I HAVE SOMEONE WHO UNDERSTANDS ME!! And second of all, do you even make a loud animal noises?"

"As a matter of fact, I do. Since I'm a half lizard, I can only do this. I just stick my tongue out and wave my hand which is the symbol I like to call as "goodbye."

"Wow, that was so cool!"

Soon, everyone stopped by gazing at a huge tree.

"Well, here we are, everyone. This might be the place to stay to rest." Said Elder Cascade.

"Like what? Are you saying that we're all gonna climb up there?" Said Grug; skeptically.

"Yes, my dear. That's exactly where we're going."

Later at night

Pan up a giant redwood tree. The Cave Clan and the Sapiens are all gathered in a cozy crook of the tree.

Belt and Kai, along with the Salesman guy mix drinks while Gran and Mow relax in a hammock. Thunk is playing with his new pet along with the boys, joining in.

"Good boy. Who's a good boy? Look at him. Can you do tricks? Roll over. Come on Douglas, roll over." Said Thunk; grinning.

Birch and the boys are awed as they watch Douglas do the rolling.

Once Douglas rolls over, he then suddenly falls right off the tree.

"Uh..." Said Sulk.

"Good Boy, Douglas!" Thunk continues.

"I'll go down and get him." Said Birch; eyes rolling and grins.

"Oh thanks, Birch."

"No problem."

Birch walks and climbs down from the tree.

The Salesman pours a drink to Gran. Sandy takes Gran her drink as she spins over to her on her starfish shoes.

Gran begins to tell everyone the jokes.

"I was in love once. His name was "Hwam." He and Mow were both hunters and besties, I was a gatherer. It was quite a scandal. We fed each other berries. We danced."

Gran's grin begins to fade with a sad and grumpy expression as she continues.

"Then my father smashed him with a rock and traded me to your Grandfather over here."

Everyone laughed at the joke.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

Belt and Kai also laughs along with them.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

"Wow! Now that's hilarious!" Said Amber.

"Mow doesn't mind that at all. At first, Mow's best pal was like a brother to Mow. In fact, what Gran said was actually true. Mow and Hwam used to go out for adventure when Mow and Hwam were that young. Mow and Hwan would like to go on a hike, lifting with weights to increase our bulk, and most importantly, Mow and Hwan like to wrestle one another; to see who's the strongest."

Eep, Sandy, Thunk, Lerk and everyone were amazed and shocked by what Mow was saying.

Grug and Ugga on the back, watches Mow and Gran telling stories.

"I've gotta say, Ugga. I've never seen our clan so happy before." Said Grug.

"Neither do I. But furthermore, things have gone better since Guy, Bear, Elder Cascade, Birch and Clementine showed up. And look at our kids, they're also happy, as well. Even Eep." Said Ugga.

"True. Yet, she has never been happy when I tell the stories. Back in the old days when Eep was little, she used to love when I told stories. But the sooner the time moves, she begins to change. At least that's how I remembered." Grug frowns.

Ugga understands what her husband meant as she looks up and looks around to see the place around them.

"That's just how the way is, Grug. It's how every kid does when they grow up. Somehow, even if you and Eep don't get along as much, you'll still make the right to protect the family you loved. Because that's what fathers do."

When Ugga says that, Grug grins warmly, knowing what his wife was talking about.

"You know what, I guess you're right. No matter how difficult life may seem, it's never too late to make it right."

Ugga puts her head against Grug's chest, warmly. As Grug holds his wife with his right arm, lovingly.

Pan Down to Tree Base

Birch climbs back up while holding Douglas.

"Okay, you big lug, let's never roll near the edge again."

Douglas licks Birch's face.

Birch chuckles.

"I'll take it as an agreement."

Back Up to the Cozy Crook Tree

Birch and Douglas finally made it. Birch gets up and holds Douglas to find Thunk.

Birch calls out his name.

"Hey Thunk! Thunk!"

Thunk turns to hear someone who calls his name. And it reveals Birch as he comes towards him.

"Here's your pet."

"Oh! You got Douglas back! Thanks, Birch!"

Birch hands Douglas to Thunk with grin.

"Not a problem, T-Bone."

"Wait, did you just call me, T-Bone?" Thunk turns to Birch with a skeptical look.

"Yeah, I'm just calling you with a nickname."

"What's a "Nickname?"

"Oh, well, a nickname is a substitute for the proper name of a person, place or thing. It is commonly used to express affection, amusement, a character trait or defamation of character. It is distinct from a pseudonym, stage name or title, although the concepts can overlap. Also known as sobriquet, it is typically informal."

Thunk was dumbfounded as he doesn't know what Birch's saying.


"Okay, let me start to clarify. "Nickname" is when you give a nickname to; call by a nickname. It's like a familiar or humorous name given to a person or thing instead of or as well as the real name. For example, when I say the word, T, that stands for Thunk, which is your name. And Bone is also another nickname for you when you're like a funny bone that can tickle you to make you laugh. The nickname is like a friendship or besties you would like to call someone."

Thunk gasp amazed as he begins to understand what Birch meant.

"Oh! So when the T as Thunk and Bone, like a funny bone comes together, it's now as "T-Bone."

"See, now you got it!"

"Oh! Wow! Okay, now I get it. So since you call me T-bone, I guess I should call you... hmm..."

Thunk gasp as he begins to have an idea.

"I got it!"

"What is it?"

"I should call you, B-B!"

"B-B? That's a cool nickname. What does B-B stands for?"

"Well, B-B either stands for; "Birch-Boy", "Brain-Birch", or "Big-Birch. Either way, "Brain-Birch" should definitely sound right for you, knowing how you are in fact a smart guy who can speak smart stuff by explaining things more often."

Birch was amazed by what Thunk meant. He puts his left arm around Thunk's left shoulder.

"Thunk, you just made perfect nicknames for me. I love it."

Ugga then sits next to Bear and Elder Cascade. She takes in the scene.

"Hey, guys. May I sit next to you?" Said Ugga.

"Oh sure, dear. You can if you want to." Said Elder Cascade; grinning.

"You're more welcome to sit next to us." Said Bear; nodding.


She takes in the scene as she watches Fan make funny entertainment by putting his left hand under his right arm; making it sound like someone farts.

The people of the clan laugh.

"I know it was hard for you guys to bring all of us along, but they had the best day of their lives... thank you for that." Said Ugga; as he turns to Bear and Elder Cascade.

Bear and Elder Cascade turns to Ugga with a warm grin.

Suddenly, a Rumble distracts Bear and Elder Cascade. They look to the horizon. Fires and Smoke on the horizon mark the leading edge of the collapse. Eep and Guy are together. Thunk holds Douglas as Mow comes to Grug and grabs him on his back.

"What's happening?" Said Grug; looks around.

Bear and Elder Cascade looked to each other and nodded. Birch and Clementine looked at each other and nodded as Guy looks to everyone else who was a bit confused and frightened.

Wal and Loo hug each other. Teena holds Cliff. And Old Man Root and Handsy hugs each other as they hold hands.

Bear and Elder Cascade gets up as they walk between everyone near the tree wall along with Guy, Birch and Clementine.

"We want to show you all something." Said Guy; grinning.

The Sapiens Lights up a Torch and leads the Cave Clan up, up, to the forest canopy. Grug still grabs Mow's back while he climbs. As Thunk holds Douglas while he climbs.

Soon, once they all reach up to the tree, The Sapiens both Blows Out their torch. The night sky is revealed in all its glory. The Cave Clans are all amazed.

Music Pounds as the spectacle Sweeps around the clans. Perched on the canopy of the forest the people of the clan sit at the very brink of the universe.

"O-M-G!" Said Pat; eyes widen and sparkles.

"Thunky-poo, are you seeing all this?" Said Blurg; eyes widened and sparkled.

"Yeah, it is like they said from the story; "More sun in the sky than you can count." Said Thunk.

"Every sun that crosses our sky, comes to rest up there." Said Bear.

"Tomorrow." Said Eep.

"That's where we'll all be safe." Said Guy.

Eep with tears in her eyes.

"I'm going with Guy and his family."

Grug in his thought is beside Mow with panic, sick at the thought of losing Eep.

"No. Not my little girl." Grug whispered.

Mow notice the look on Grug.

Elder Cascade notices Eep's tears as she comforts her.

"You will, my dear. You will. And look around. Your family and every clan will be safe as well." Said Elder Cascade; gesturing to Eep at every clan; gazing at her with warm smile.

"Come with us." Said Eep; speaking to every clan.

Grug turns to his daughter.

"Why not? It'll be much safer for us to get out of this destruction." Said Trixie.

Dub nodded.

"I would love to go see the tomorrow. After all, it couldn't get any better once we entered the mountains." Said Snoot.

"I couldn't agree more. Count me in!" Said Gran.

Ugga turns to Grug.

"Grug? Come with us."

Every Cave Clan and the Sapiens gazes at Grug as he took a moment before he sighs.

"Alright. I'll give it a shot. I mean, What do I got left to lose?" Grug shrugs; knowing how much it means to his family's safety.

"Really?! Dad, you mean it?" Said Eep; gasped in shock with grin.

"Of course. If it makes you all happy, then I'm happy."

Every cave clan then grins and cheers for Grug's decision.

"I'm glad you made the right choice, Grug." Said Ugga.

"So do we. And soon enough, we will get to tomorrow. I'm sure of it." Said Guy.

Thunk yawns.

"You know, now that I see more suns in the sky. I should get to sleep more often. Even Douglas is yawning." Said Thunk.

"Yep. Same here." Said Sea Thing; yawning.

Thunk yawns are also making everyone else tired as they all agreed.

"Then it settles. Since it's quite a bit late, we should all get some rest before we head out." Said Grug.

"Agreed, let's climb down there and rest." Said Elder Cascade.

At Midnight

The people of the clan set up and made a comfy bed to rest. As usual the Croods begin to make sleep pile as they sleep.

The Sapiens set off some torches around the area before they slept.

Guy noticed that Eep was sitting at the edge of the tree, feeling the amazing breeze.

Guy grins as he walks towards her. He took a deep breath before he speaks.

"Uh... hey. Mind if I sit?" Said Guy.

"Sure. I wouldn't mind." Said Eep; grinning; knowing that she knew that Guy would be with her.

"Thanks. So uh.. how was it up there?"

"Oh it was beautiful. Me, my family and the rest of the clan couldn't thank you guys enough for it."

"I'm glad you loved it." Said Guy; blushing

Once they took a moment to relax and see the whole view of the jungle, Eep gazes at Guy and she thinks it's time to tell him about what's truly important.

"Hey, Guy, can I ask questions?"

"Sure thing, Eep. What is it?"

"I'm just being curious. What happened to your family? I mean, you have your uncle, your grandmother, including your cousins who are with you?"

"Now that, could be a tricky question. Seriously though, it really was a tricky question. Let's... just say that when I was that young, I used to have my parents."


"You see, parents including grandpa were trapped in the tar and died. My other family was there when that happened. They told my uncle and grandma that they should take care of me for them. I was very frightened to lose my parents. If only we couldn't work together to save them from that tar, but then I realized, it's already too late. However, the last thing they told me is, "Don't hide. Live, and follow the sun. You'll make it to tomorrow."

"Wow, Guy, I'm sorry about your parents. I know how it feels though when I thought I lost dad during the earthquake."

"Oh, that, the one you told me about his one foot that got injured so badly?"


"Well, not to worry. Tomorrow morning, I'll ask grandma for the medicine to heal his foot so that soon enough, he'll get back up again. That way, he'll no longer be holding on to Mow's back."

"Really? That's nice. Thanks, Guy. It would mean a lot for dad to walk himself very soon. Though he still can't trust you and your family, knowing you're all strangers."

"Heh... Not a problem. So about that old home of yours which you all used to lived, it's called "Ahh Valley", is that correct?"

"Uh-huh, it sure is. Back then, it was wild, weird and complicated. And to tell you a secret, I used to have a crush on someone."

Guy was shocked.

"Really? Let me guess, could it be Kevin, who was your first crush?"

"Wow! You really got that one right. Yeah, it was Kevin, but not anymore. He's no longer my type. By one time, I tried to get him to know me, but he just kept ignoring me and focusing on himself. That, I can see why dad doesn't want me to go near him."

"Woah, I have no idea why he would do that. But unlike him, I would never do that to you. You're the only girl I need. The one I would listen to. And the one who would never act proud and ignorant over someone." Said Guy; grinning as he takes Eep's left hand.

Eep begin to blush, after hearing Guy's word. Eep has never met someone who would be unlike Kevin.

"You... really mean that?"

"I really do."

"Hey, Guy?"

"Yes, Eep?"

"Can I ask one more question? Just one, that's all."

"Okay, go for it."

"Do you used to have a crush?"

Guy was so speechless. He took a moment to remember that day.

"You know... Now that you think about it, I... actually do have a crush."

Eep gasped.


"Yeah.. But truthfully, I actually first had a friend before we are almost about to have a crush. At first, while my family and I are on a journey to go towards that mountain, I found a tablet and read that one girl's having a bad day."

Eep's eyes widen and knows exactly what Guy's talking about. She didn't say a word let's Guy continues.

"So, I made a tablet of my own and wrote to her with comfort by saying, "Sorry today stunk. Hope tomorrow smells better." After that, she sent me back saying, "Thanks. It's nice having someone listen to me for a change." And I sent her back also saying, "Sure. What's the point of life if you don't have someone to complain about it to?" By now, we used to bond with one another and talk about the problems. But by the time at night, we barely sent each other a tablet, by sending and talking to one another. So, yeah, that's how I almost got a crush on someone. After that, my cousins and Belt wouldn't believe me, thinking that the girl is fishcatting me."

Eep couldn't believe what Guy said. After explaining to her, she was mind blown and amazed knowing that the guy he talked to in the tablet back then, was Him in front of her all along.

"No... way! The person from the far distance who talked to me on the tablet, that was YOU?!"

"I think so. Wait a minute. Are you saying that you're "that Girl" from the tablet I talked to?!"

"Yes! Yes! That was me! I can't believe this is happening right now!"

Guy and Eep hold hands as they look to one another.

"Neither do I! I always knew that we could keep in touch, wondering how I'll get to see you. But now here we are, greeting one another along with your friends, it's... it's incredible!" Said Guy; grinning.

"I know, right?! Wait until I tell Lerk about this, she's gonna really freak out knowing that the guy I talked to was you all along."

"I wouldn't mind that either. At least now that we can see each other eye to eye, we'll one day get to spend some time together. No matter what your... dad, is trying to keep us apart."

"Yeah, but I wouldn't let him. Not this time, after what he did try to separate me and Kevin by the way." Said Eep; smirking

"No kidding. Guess we should sit in the moment before we get to bed, very soon." Guy chuckles

"I would love the sound of that."

Eep puts her head onto Guy's right arm before Guy holds his right arm on Eep; lovingly as the new couples gaze towards the beautiful dark and glowing fireflies surrounding the jungle.

In the Morning, At Sunrise

The Cave Clan and the Sapiens woke up and begin to eat breakfast.

Birch chops the fruit off a tree and climbs down as Elder Cascade is cooking something delicious. She has eggs as she cracks it open and puts the egg yoke onto the frying pan with oil to fry the eggs. She first dropped a pinch of salt along with black peppers to go with it. Especially, making omelettes, scrambles, hard boil, and poaches.

And while Elder Cascade is cooking up some different types of eggs, Clementine is also making a whole grain by creating bread. She also made delicious meats, like ham, sausage, and bacon.

Bear is making milk, from the Buffalippo's utters.

"Atta Girl." Said Bear.

Guy and Birch, along with Belt and Kai are setting up some boulder-table along with some boulder-chairs to sit. They also brought some mugs to stack on top of the boulder-table like a restaurant.

"Man, things are looking good today. Hopefully, the Cave people would appreciate this." Said Birch.

"Don't worry, Birch. They will." Said Guy.

Soon, the Cave Clan yawn and came down from the tree.

"Oh boy, what good night we had, let me tell you." Said Bort; yawning.

"I couldn't agree more." Said Old Man Root; yawning.

"Can you even imagine how beautiful we've seen the sky at night? It was so... so... magnificent." Said Lerk; eyes wonder.

"You're telling me, Lerk. I'm glad we did bring the new people into our group. Otherwise we would've died back there immediately." Said Sea Thing.

Once they come down, they all then sense and smell something delicious. Yet, something so dangerous.

"Hey, guys. Do you smell something different?" Said Thunk; sniffing.

The people of the Cave clan sniffs.

"Yeah, I could smell the smoke, and yet, it was so delicious." Said Baitsy.

"Amber wondered what could that smell come from?!" Said Amber.

"It's coming from over there." Said Grug.

The Cave clan walks off the foliage and sees the smoke floating up in the air. Once they found what was going on, they then gasped and were shocked, knowing it was the Sapiens; cooking breakfast and setting up some tables and chairs.

The Cave Clan stood there, frozen and blinks skeptically.

The Sapiens notice the Cave Clan has showed up.

"Oh! Why good morning, clan. Did you sleep well?" Said Bear.

"Yeah... we did. What.. are you guys doing anyway?" Said Grug; skeptically.

"My dear, what does it look like we're doing? We're making breakfast." Said Elder Cascade; grinning.

"Breakfast?! By that you mean, "Food?!" Said Thunk; grinning.

"You know it." Said Clementine.

The Cave Clan came towards the place like a restaurant and checked to see every place in order.

"Did you guys... make all of this?" Said Old Man Root; surprised and curious.

"That's right. We set up for the rest of you to enjoy eating." Said Guy.

"Guy, this looks... amazing!" Said Eep.

"Ah, it was nothing."

"Help yourselves out. Take a seat while we are handling you with some eggs." Said Elder Cascade.

With that said, the Cave Clans took a seat and wait for the food to come.

Soon, Elder Cascade and her family came towards the Cave Clans with each plate, filled with eggs, omelettes, scrambled, hard boil and poaches. The Cave Clans eyes widen in surprise and amazed.

"What are those?" Said Egg Fan; grins with mouth drooling.

Guy began to speak.

"These are the different types of eggs. Over here is what we call it, "Omelettes, Scrambled, Hard Boil and Poaches." Mostly cooked eggs; with or without killing the yokes."

The Cave Clan understood it and awed.

"You know, I would always love to get obsessed with eggs in my life, but this... is something I would like to try. Since I'm the only one who's the Egg guy, I'll try it out first." Said Egg Fan.

Fan grabs the omelette with his bare hands as everyone gazes at him.

He slowly took one bite. Then for a few seconds, his eyes popped widened and sparkled with tears floating down his cheek. He grins widely with joy and enjoys it, revealing that it tastes so good. The Sapiens and the Cave Clan witnessed it and are awed.


With that, everyone took a bite and began to enjoy it. They tried the scrambled and they liked it. They soon tried the hard boil, and they liked it. They tried the fried eggs with yokes and they liked them. They tried eating the fried eggs by killing the yokes and they still liked them. They tried the poaches, and they liked them. And they even tried the omelettes that Fan witnessed, and they liked it. No, they didn't like it. They LOVED it! The Sapiens, Belt and Kai who are also enjoying the breakfast, are so grateful and felt proud knowing that the Cave Clans liked their cooking.

"Works every time." Said Elder Cascade; grinning.

Later, During the Next Road Trip

The Cave Clan and the Sapiens continue to walk their way through the forest.

Everyone had enjoyed the breakfast and are so satisfied.

Eep walks with Guy.


"Whoops! Excuse me." Said Bort.

The whole clan chuckles and giggles.

"You're an excuse, dear." Said Elder Cascade; grinning.

"Boy, was that different type of eggs so good or what?!" Said Egg Fan; grinning.

"Yeah, bro! Tell me about it." Said Bow-Chicka Wow Wow; grinning.

"I'm glad you all enjoyed it. This might be your first time eating the cooked eggs for the first time, huh?" Said Guy.

"Yeah, you're telling me, Guy. Back in those days, we used to eat raw eggs by cracking the tiny hole and drinking it." Said Eep.

The Sapiens were shocked and skeptical.

"Wait wait wait wait wait wait... You guys drink raw eggs?"

"Why sure, I mean, what do you guys expect to think that we're the cavemen who can eat like that?" Said Blurg.

"Somehow, we do that all the time. But today, we've never tasted something new before in our lives." Said Dainty.

"All the days' pleasure." Said Bear.

Soon, Thunk spotted a new person sitting on the ground behind far beside them. The person has a long wild dark brown dreadlock and rasta-style hair made along with knotted grass. The person had no clothes nor had underwear which he revealed to be BUTT NAKED. His forearms are hairy as well.

"Hey, is it me or is that an ugly and naked man far away sitting on the ground I'm seeing?"

"Now now, Thunk, we don't call someone ugly. We can't judge someone based on their looks or where they're from. And you should know better that it's very rude to call names at someone who you've never met. In my opinion, try to think before you speak." Said Elder Cascade; jaded expression.

"Oh, uh... sorry, Elder Cascade." Thunk frowns.

"It's alright, my dear."

Ugga took a look and gazed at the person.

"Maybe we should go kindly ask the person to see if he or she's friendly." Said Ugga.

"I don't know, Ugga. Don't you think it's a good idea for us to go near that stranger? I don't feel like trusting that guy. Wherever it is, it could be a trap." Said Grug; with a hard expression.

"Well, the only thing that does matter is that we should welcome them, in case they're lonely."

"I agree with Ugga on this one. We may not know who that person is, but we should give it a try to meet him or her. After all, what's the worst that could happen?" Said Old Man Root.

"I was afraid you're going to say that." Said Grug.

"Guess we should give it a try." Said Bear; shrugging.

And so, the Cave Clan and Sapiens walk towards a strange person and skeptically gestures to see if it doesn't cause any trouble.

Elder Cascade clears off her throat.

"Ahem! Excuse me, stranger, forgive us for trespass but... we all notice that you're lonely in the wilderness and we were wondering if you could join us in our clan? We may not know each other just yet and it would be so kind if you could even know the way towards the far away mountain." Said Elder Cascade.

The new strange man spins around and smug confidently as he begins to speak. His facial features LOOK A LOT LIKE Grug, but with a long full beard and with bushy eyebrows. He has huge bags under his eyes and has a very tired and calm expression.

"Why yes. I would love to." Said A Strange Man.

The sight shocks the rest of the Cave Clan as Grug notice the voice from anywhere.

Grug soon gasped hard and know exactly who the strange man was.


"GRUG?!?!" The strange man eyes widened as he gazed at Grug, holding on Mow's back.

Grug growls and snarls with hatred towards the person as he gives command to his family and clan.


The Croods and the Cave Clan took the rocks and position themselves; ready to take down that strange man. The Strange man backs away and chuckles nervously.

The Sapiens were shocked, and witnessing what was going on.

"Uh... what's going on?! You all know that man?" Said Guy; skeptically.

"Apparently, yes. I was the first one to know him for so long. New people, this is Gurg, 'Gurg Doorc'. He and I go way back as enemies." Said Grug; snarling towards Gurg.

The Sapiens looks at Gurg; skeptically shocked.

"Wait what?!" Said Birch and Clementine.

"Woah, woah, woah, hold on now, this was a big misunderstanding. First off, I used a teeth trader, it's lonely work, no family, just walking here in the forest, trying to get into people's mouths."

"Which is exactly what you said the exact same thing to me when we first met." Said Grug; sulking.

"Right, right, right, right... But any who, and second of all, I'm a good and innocent person. I would never do something to put any in harms way." Said Gurg; nervously backs away.

"Yeah sure, a likely story as I assumed. We don't even trust you with one tiny bit of it." Said Ugga; scoffing.

"Yeah, how do we know if you're telling the truth? Because the last time we saw you back from our old homeland, was that you tried to replace dad as our father, and getting him and us framed which caused us to almost get sentenced to death by the moler bear!!" Said Eep; glaring at Gurg.

The Sapiens were more shocked than ever after hearing Eep's last word. They turn to Gurg with a glaring expression.

"WAS EEP TELLING THE TRUTH?!" Said Guy; glaring.

"Yes... but that... was a long time ago. That old evil Gurg I once was, was no more." Said Gurg; touching each of his fingers; frowning.

"And what you're trying to say is?" Said Grug; raising his one right eyebrow; sulking.

"What I'm trying to say is that I'm now the 'New Gurg Doorc."

The Cave Clans and the Sapiens stood there, dumbfounded and confused as they blink. The scene was quite awkward and silent with cricket sound in the background.

"Uh... Amber doesn't get it." Said Amber; skeptically.

"For example, I'm my own and different self now, despite how I look exactly like Grug. And here is what I do in my life."

Gurg grabs the flute from his large full beard and plays. The Cave Clans and the Sapiens were very confused and know what was he doing.

Soon, the snake appears out of his beard and smoothly moves around his body and stops as it softly ropes around his left arm. Everyone but Gurg yelps in fear and shock.

"Um... explain to us why that snake has been your body for so long?!" Said Guy; eyes widen.

"Everyone, allow me to introduce you all to my one and only teammate creature, this is 'Isis.' And if you're all gonna say if it's he or she, it's she."

"HOW?! AND WHY?!" Said Grug; eyes widened and terrified.

"Simple. I found her in the jungle after that whole rumble on the ground has erupted. So with that, I got to know her and she got to know me."

"She's... not gonna bite, is she??" Said Bort; nervously.

"Oh no! Don't worry, my little girl doesn't bite. She's a Rosy boa type of snake. The Rosy boa doesn't bite. And neither do some other types of snakes: such as, corn snakes, ball pythons, milk snakes, dione's rat snakes, western hognose snakes and pretty much most species of garter snakes." Said Gurg.

"Wait, you know so much about snakes?" Said Guy; curious.

"Absolutely!" Gurg smirks and nodded.

Gurg bends down his knees and lets Isis move towards everyone. The Cave Clans yelps and backs away. Isis then moves towards to Bort which causes him to freak out and tries to hold himself together.

Bort gulps.

"Uh... hey..." Said Bort; nervously waving at the snake.

The female Rosy boa snake moves across his right leg and roping around his waistline which makes her like a belt.

Belt saw what the snake was doing and he growled and snarls, knowing how the copy-cat snake is doing the exact same thing he does. The jealous sloth is not appreciated.

"Oh... uh... what's she doing?" Said Bort.

"I think she's making herself as your belt, Bort. Which is no offence to Belt." Said Guy.

Belt eye rolling and sulks.

"Huh... maybe that snake is not so bad after all." Said Gorp.

"I couldn't agree more." Said Marm.

"Oh! And may I remind you all that she could sometimes strangle and tighten you up?" Said Gurg.

"Wait-What?!" Bort eyes pop widen and turns to Gurg with skeptical.

The Rosy boa SQUEEZES Bort till his face turns blue.

"OW!!! It's EVEN SELF-TIGHTENING!!!" Bort yelps and speaks with his high-voice.

The Cave Clans and the Sapiens watch the scene and were shocked.

"BORT?! BORT!! DAD!!" Said Grug, Baitsy, Wal, Pat, Ugga, and everyone who tries to help Bort.

Bort couldn't breathe. He tries to say something but instead, he's now super tight by Isis' strangling.

"DAD's NOT BREATHING!!!" Said Pat; eyes widened in fear.


"Well, the only way to make her stop tightening you, is that you have to smack her. Trust me, it'll calm her down." Said Gurg.

With that, Bort immediately SMACK the Rosy boas and she relaxes a little. Because of that, Bort can finally breathe as Pat, Amber and everyone comforts him.

"You okay, Bort?" Said Baitsy.

"Yeah... yeah, I'm fine. Still gotta catch some breath. Phew!!" Said Bort; hyperventilating.

Isis returns to her owner and it ropes around his right arm.

"Gurg? Quick question, what is that on your head?" Said Ugga; noticing Gurg's hair.

"Mow does not know." Said Mow; stares at his hair and blinks.

"And I don't care." Said Grug; sulking.

"Neither do I. But I'm pretty sure it's called desperation." Said Gran; sulking.

"Oh this right here? That's actually my natural hair. For over a few months, my hair's been growing nowadays. Alongside my beard." Said Gurg.

"And not only that. What happened to your cloak?! And where's your...?" Ugga checks around Gurg before she, Gran and Grug and Mow then notice his huge naked butt.


"Gurg is clearly Butt naked!!" Said Mow; disgusted.

"Yeah, I decided to change it up a notch. I now realize that if I can't be someone I'm not, I decided to just... get rid of it and embrace my bare necessity." Said Gurg.

"Bare necessity?" Said Grug; shock and skeptical.

"I'm just having the basic things that I need to survive and nothing extra. In my way of standing, there's a true meaning of a great circle of life."

"Yeah, I've been there the same thing in life, buddy." Said Old Man Root; smirking.

"See, someone gets it."

"Okay? So, uh, Gurg, what other things do you do in life?" Said Bear.

"I'm glad you asked that question."


Gurg takes the Cave Clans and Sapiens to another forest and shows them his rug.

"Now this here, is what I like to call them, "Rug."

He then takes them to the huge boulder.

"And this one. I call it a "Bowling ball."

"A.. Bowling ball?" Said Guy; skeptically.

"You know it. And believe me, it's gonna get us places from anywhere. Now sit back tight and watch where the whole scene goes."

Gurg climbs on top of the rock, facing down towards the trees, like a bowling alley.

"Yeah. It's not how you bowl. It's how you roll."

He LEANS FORWARD. The "car" ROLLS downhill and SMASHES through the whole trees, TOPPLING it.

The Cave Clan and the Sapiens move from the tree smashing them. They were all speechless.

"I wish I could use a bowling ball." Said Thunk; frowning.

"AH-YEAH!! ME TOO!!" Said Fan; grins with a glare and fist bump his air.

On Womp

His face slathered with reddish mud.

"In our old days, painting was a thing of the past. I call this, a "snap-shot". Said Gurg.

Gurg takes a huge flat stone and SMASHES it against Womp, forcibly transferring the mud image to the rock.

Gurg shows it to everyone.

"Let's do it again. I think I blinked." Said Womp.

Womp passed out.

"WOMPY!!" Said Frump; eyes widen.

Frump holds Womp.

On the Cave Clans

Wearing wooden sunglasses. They all are effectively wearing blindfolds.

"I call them, "Shades." Said Gurg.

"Huh, would you take a look at that? It's clearly the best thing I would want to keep." Said Snoot; smirking.

"You're not gonna tell me twice, honey." Said Meep.

"The sun doesn't hurt my eyes anymore! Where do you get these great ideas?!" Said Thunk; grinning.

"Easy, since I don't have a brain, and neither do you all, they're from my stomach. Down deep below, and then up again into my mind." Said Gurg.

"Uh-huh." Said Squawk; jaded.

Thunk twirls around and then walks into the tree. All the other Cave Clans and the Sapiens RAISE their "shades" in time to see Gurg walk over a cliff.

Grug laughs.

"Now, that, I did not see this coming." Said Grug.

"Gurg. We have to keep moving." Said Guy.

On Gurg

"See, I got ideas, I got thoughts." Said Gurg.

On Gurg lifting a huge flat rock over his head.

"What are you doing?" Said Bear; skeptically watching Gurg.

"Well this here my friend, is where I like to call them "mobile home." Isn't that something?"

A huge BEAST BUNNY JUMPS into the opening of the rock. Gurg is smashed flat.

Grug snickered.

On Gurg

Standing on one side of a primitive Teether-totter.

"And I'm calling this one a "Lifterater." Said Gurg.

"Uh, what are you doing now?" Said Bort.

"What I'm doing is to throw the boulder into the opposite end where it'll send me up to the sky! Is the motive where I would challenge the lightning to strike me."

"AH-YEAH!! I can't wait to see this!" Said Egg Fan; raising his left hand, using a Rock sign.

"Mow does not like the sound of this." Said Mow; shook his head.

"Mom?" Said Eep; nervously gesturing to Ugga.

"I know. It's bad." Said Ugga.

Gurg tosses a massive boulder on the opposite end. Gurg is LAUNCHED into the sky. Gurg becomes the speck in the sky.

"Ha! Come on thunder! STRIKE ME!!" Gurg yells.

With that, he is HIT by LIGHTING.

The Cave Clans and the Sapiens squint their eyes and witness the awful scene. Grug and Egg Fan on the other hand, enjoys it.

"Does he really have to do all this?" Said Meep.

"Beats me." Said Snoot.

"I almost feel sorry for him." Said Gran.

"Well, I don't." Said Grug; smirking.

"GRUG!!" Said Ugga.

Gurg falls back down onto the teeter totter dislodging the boulder from the other side. The boulder rolls back onto Gurg.

"Oooooooo!" Said the Cave Clans and the Sapiens.

"Yeah, neither do I." Said Gran takes off her sunglasses and laughs.

Grug joins the laugh.

"OH MY DEAR!! EVERYONE, Get THE BOULDERS OFF OF HIM!" Said Elder Cascade; eyes widen.

The bonkers rushes towards the teeter totter to help Gurg by getting the boulders off of him.

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