The found italian mafia princ...

By MsKittycatred

5.2K 79 7

Camilla Bianchi was a happy 6 year old with her 7 older brothers, father and mother, she had everything every... More

Chapter 1 -Getting found by family
Chapter 3- getting comfortable
Chapter 4 -almost dying
Chapter 5 -the unknown men
Chapter 6 -telling them what happened
Chapter 7 -Family time
Chapter 8 -Destination
Chapter 9 -Bahamas
Chapter 10 -Our bonding time
Chapter 11 -The boys
Chapter 12 - Father-daughter day
Chapter 13 -Phone calls
Chapter 14 - Enemies 1
Chapter 15 - Dangerous
Chapter 16 - Anger
Chapter 17 - Enemies 2
Chapter 18 - Hurting
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 2 -finding out

481 12 1
By MsKittycatred

Salvatore Pov

Right now I'm speeding to the hospital, cuz Marcello said they might have found my principessa.

(principessa - princess)

And I really do hope that it's her, I've been searching for her for the past 6 years now almost 7 in 5 months.

When I arrive at the hospital I immediately run into the hospital with hope on my face.

When I got in I saw all my sons sitting there with hope, anger, and sadness on their faces. I then run to them and ask if she came out the room yet, but they said no.

So I sit down next to my son Massimo. My 2 youngest sons are at school and I didn't tell them what happened. I just really hope this is my daughter.

"I'm gonna go tell them to take a DNA test too."Orlando says standing up and walking away.

About 2 hours later Milo comes back and we all stand up and basically run towards him, and bombard him with questions.

"Is she OK?"

"Can we go see her?"

"What did the DNA test say?"

"Is she my daughter?"

Right now we were all worried, "ok so first of all, she's stable now, and if you didn't find her sooner... she'll be dead right now  and second, you can go see her, but she's sleeping right now, and we are still waiting for the DNA test too arrive."with that we all run to her room and go in.

When we got in, she was sleeping, she looked so peaceful, yet tense. "She really does look like Camilla."I say walking towards her bed, slowly, like this isn't real.

Even though I still haven't seen her eyes,        she still looks like my little girl, just a little grown up. If this really is my daughter, then I know I'll have to scare all the boys away from her, cuz she's beautiful, my beautiful baby.

"They really do look alike, not gonna lie."my son Santino says walking out the room. He was the worst when she was taken.

Giovanni left also saying he has some work to do. A little while after he left I heard a noise and when I looked up, I saw Camilla open her eyes, and look around.

"Ah, fuck."she quietly mutter, probably thinking no-one heard, but I did. She curses. My baby fucking curses. "Uh, who are you people?"she says sitting up carefully. We all have hurt on our faces, I'm sure of it.

"Hi, sweetie I'm just gonna ask you a question ok?"I say looking down at her with a soft smile. She nods.

"Vince, is he your real father?"I say looking into her eyes, those eyes that is just like my Camilla's eyes. Now there really is a big fifty fifty chance.

Then she shakes her head no, "ok do you know who your real family is?"I say not knowing what her answer may be.

"Well, I know I was taken, it was pretty fucking obvious, some of the things that I remember from my real family, is that I have 7 older brothers, mother and ofcourse a father, and that's all I really know."she says, and in that moment, I fucking know I found my principessa.

(principessa- princess)

"Well, hi  there baby sister."Massimo blurts out walking towards the bed. Then when I look back at Camilla she looks confused and looks at her other 2 brothers in the room.

"I said 7 brothers, there's just 3 of you, all though some of you kinda look familiar, but I won't jinx it."she says drinking water and in that moment Giovanni and Santino walk into the room.

The moment Camilla look up she mutters something under her breath, sadly I couldn't hear what she said.

"You, you look familiar."she said looking at Giovanni. And we all frown. "Yeah, babygirl, I practically saved you."Giovanni said sitting down next to me.

"No, all though thanks, would've been dead, but that's  not the point, I see you in some of my memories, and the one next too you...Tino, well Santino, I see you in all my memories. Gio and Tino."she says and we all look probably surprised and happy.

"Y-you remember us?"Santino says standing at the end of the bed. And Camilla nods.

"Although there should be 2 more, so no, we're not family then."she says looking disappointed.

"They're I'm school."Orlando replies almost immediately. And Camilla looks up and just then Milo walked in and all our attention was now on him.

"We got the results back, and Salvatore,you can decide when you wanna take your daughter out the hospital."the moment he said that we were all happy, exited, when we look at Camilla, we can see in her eyes, she's happy that she's found by her real family again.

And in that moment we all found out that our little Camilla, has been found, and will be safe with us.


Hi, yes I know this chapter is short, but the next one will be over 2000 words I can tell you that right now.

Please do tell me how you think this story is so far, and you can also give me ideas for the story.

Next chapter will be next.

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