The New Marauder

By TWK688

16.7K 1.5K 122

The frigid winds of Forks, Washington, blew so hard that Sirius' squib brother, busy beating fat chunks of wo... More

Twenty one
Twenty Two
Twenty Three
Twenty Four
Twenty Five
Twenty Six
Twenty Seven
Twenty Nine
Thirty One
Thirty two
Thirty three
Thrity four

Twenty Eight

278 31 2
By TWK688

    The days flew by faster I could fly on a broom, between classes, piles of homework, Quidditch practice and hours in the library researching with Cedric, Saturday came before I knew it. To be honest though going through the research has helped us learn a lot more about the history of magic more then Professor Binns has, but to be completely fair he mainly focuses on Goblins more then anything else. Maybe he had a bad interaction with one long ago or its the major topic of first years which sucks cause how gruesome he makes the lessons. I just can't wait to get off the freaking subject, it's a constant reminder how the British community uses House-Elves.
Either way, the most important thing about this Saturday is that it's Halloween, it'll be the first holiday that I'm away from my family. And while that feeling of homesickness sits heavy on my heart I can't wait to actually use the map on something fun rather than using it to avoid Johnathon and Sam.
They haven't tried much other then the occasional jinx here or there however every time they do either a Prefect or Professor has been there to see it a they get in trouble. Although Uncle Theo did have to step in one time when we were a Qudditch practice and had to share the pitch with the Hufflepuff team. Even though the captains agreed to split the pitch somehow Johnathan's Bludger kept finding a way on our side and it was always directed at me. Afterwards he took Sam aside for a long walk and when they came back Sam surprised all of us by apologizing, it was what Uncle Charlie calls a half ass apology. But either way since then he's tries to talk to me more while still being friends with Johnathan. Don't get my wrong I don't want to make him choose but I can't find it in my heart to forgive him just yet especially when Johnathon keeps trying to hurt Fred George and I.
But all of that doesn't matter right now, what does matter is that we have spent almost an hour looking for the entrance to the passage. I know we should use the map but seeing as the entrance is close to the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom and down the hall from the Charms classroom. Point is the Ravenclaws that wanted to study or earn extra credit made using the map out in the open like we normally would without looking suspicious was near impossible.
"Ori, I think we need to take the risk." George whispers lowly eyeing yet another group of Ravenclaws passing us comparing notes.
Sighing I run my hand through my short hair. "You might be right." I agree tightly. "Just keep a look out." Glancing around one more time I reach into my satchel pulling out the blank parchment and my wand. "I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good." I mumble tapping the weathered seam.
In an instant the map comes to life, even though I have spent hours pouring over it I still watch in awe as the red ink spreads throughout the parchment until it takes its shape of the castle. I take another second to admire the work before flipping through with practice ease to find our footprints. "It looks like it's over here." I whisper walking towards a bald grizzly humpback witch hunched over a cane. "Gunhilda of Gorsemoor?"
"She was a healer, she discovered the cure for Dragon Pox." Cedric nods.
"Oh well that's interesting." I nod awkwardly staring into her only eye.
"Do we have to push her over like the bookshelf?" Fred ask moving behind the stone while I look back down to the map. "If so I think it might take a couple of years."
"No." I answer watching my footprints on the map move to the back side even though I myself have yet to take a step. As soon as I start to follow small letters start to erupt in a speech bubble. Gripping my wand tightly I lift it up at tap the center of its hump. "Dissendium." At once, the stone hump pops open just wide enough for a person to slip inside.
"Whoa." The twins gasp at the same time my eyes meet an amused grey ones.
"Ready boys?" I grin climbing up and put my feet in first while keeping hold of my wand just in case. "Last one in closes the hump." I tell them before pushhing myself forward. Managing to keep the scream that tried to come out at bay as I slid down a cool stone slide is harder then one would expect but by the time my feet hit the damp ground at the bottom I felt extremely proud of myself.
That was until my hands started feeling around the tight dark space, nothing but cold damp walls were felt under my fingertips as I stepped forward away from the slide just in time for another set of feet to splash in the small puddle behind me making me jump.
"It's so dark." Cedric's whispered voice eases the fear of being buried alive from my head. "How-"
"Lumos."  I whisper, instantly I breath easier as the tip of my wand lights up like one of my flashlights I used to use back hame when we used to camp. I gasp at the dark earthy passage thats looks like a giant rabbit dug. "This is-"
"Wicked." George whispers in excitement.
"Where do you think it goes?" Cedric asks lowly trying hide the nervousness in his tone.
Sucking in a breath of wet musky air I move my feet forward trying to avoid the dirt and mud. "Only one way to find out."
The tunnel went on for what felt like miles, honestly I'm surprised it wasn't caved in. Every time it twisted and turned suddenly I felt a cringe in my gut thinking of how dirty my shirt is gonna be. Whenever it brushes against the gross walls I can help but think of Kreacher who is now the only elf doing our laundry now, well he's also the only one cleaning our dorm too. After the fit he had about our laundry earlier this year he promised he wasn't going to let any of the other elves into our space. It made me feel weird at first but if it makes him happy then I can learn to be okay with it. One of the plus sides is that on weekends like this morning or nights we have Astronomy lessons and get to sleep in the next morning we usually wake up to breakfast on the big table.
"If it leads to Hogsmeade remind me to buy extra Christmas presents for Kreacher." I tell the twins who nod in return.
"Maybe we could do all our shopping-"
"Mum would ask us how we got the presents though." George cuts off his twin"
"Tell them Charlie bought them for you." I grin as we com upon an old dusty stone stairwell that looks like it hasn't been used in centuries. "Looks like the creep meter went up a bit." I mumble eyeing the endless looking staircase.
"You don't say." Cedric agrees as we start going upwards.
After the first twenty stairs I thought we had to be close, but by the time I had counted twenty more I was praying that we would be close. Nevertheless we kept climbing even though I had lost count three twenties ago. And by the time my head slammed into the hard top causing tiny bright spots to fill my eyes I was just thankful to be done with them.
"Do you hear that?" Fred asks looking up at the stone ceiling trying to catch his breath.
"Yeah sounds like loads of people." Cedric huffs out. "Alright there Ori?"
"Nox." I mutter while nodding my head I close my eyes and press against the stone. "It's a trapdoor." I whisper feeling it lift with ease pushing it off to the side. "Oh snap." I whisper hauling myself up into what looks like a storage room filled with boxes upon boxes of different shapes and colored candies.
"Merlins beard." Cedric says following me up. "Where do you think we are?"
"Got to be Honeydukes right?" George asks helping Fred up.
"Has to be." Cedric murmurs pointing to an open box holding bars of chocolate.
Excitement ignites in my chest as I figured out a game plan for the day. "Alright game plan, we sneak out of here look at the shops maybe do some shopping then give this spot a proper visit before heading back through the tunnel." I say to the others placing the stone back in its place and nicking a small mark on its corner so we could find the way out.
"And no splitting up, we have to be back before dinner." Cedric added giving the twins a stern look.
It didn't take long to find the wooden set of stairs leading up to the store however we managed to find another small set that let to two wooden doors towards the back of the basement. After a bit of back and forth we decided to take the stairs at the back just in case someone was watching the door at the top of the larger staircase.
My eyes fight against the bright blue sky, moving out of the darkness into the sudden bright light took a bit of adjustment. However by the time we walk around to the front of the store they finally did, I felt my jaw drop. The narrow cobblestone streets that are overflowing with older kids wind around awesome crooked buildings with colorful signs out front. Out of all the shop windows are stuffed with toys, sweets and posters. My eyes zero in on the huge moving photo of a man wearing black and white robes holding a familiar red leather ball sitting casually on top of a sleek light colored wooden broom. Below him in bright white letters 'Nimbus 1700 official broom of the Montrose Magpies.' flash out in between those who walk in front of the window.
"Whoa." I whisper walking closer. "I wonder how much-"
"A lot." Cedric answers wistfully. "Best get your Uncle to order it for you though, no way they're going to let a kid order one."
"C'mon Charlie says Zonkos has loads of stuff-"
"We can use on Spratt and Uley." Fred finishes for George grinning like a mad man.
Taking a last glance at the moving poster I turn to follow them into a shop only to run into a firm body making my heart drop. "Wotcher!" A tall gangly girl with bright pink hair says rubbing the spot my forehead hit on her stomach. Giving her small awkward smile I go to walk around her trying to find Cedric of the twins I freeze when I feel her hand grab on to my shoulder. "Hold it there."
"I'm sorry for running into you but I gotta-"
"Ain't you too young to be here?" She says lifting my chin forcing to meet her eyes.
"P-people always t-tell me that I look young for my age." I respond trying to calm my racing heart.
"Nah." She shakes her head. "I remember you. You're the first year that knocked that kids nose off in try-outs then got flattened on the pitch."
With a firm grip on the collar of my shirt she pulls me to an alley just beside Zonkos. "Look, I don't how you were able to sneak-"
"I didn't sneak anywhere." I rush out as my brain shakes off the fogginess of shock. "I was exploring the castle, and I found a passageway and it looked cool so I followed it."
"Where did you come out at?" She asks firmly, when I keep my mouth shut she lets out a sigh and takes a step back. "I just want to help you. Your to-"
Looking around the small alley I think of a half brained plan. "What's that?" I shout quickly pointing behind her. Just as she turns around to look I take off down the cobblestone street grinning as her shouting fade behind me.
Seeing the bright splattered sign of Zonkos I continue to weave in and out of the older kids as I run into the shop searching for any sign of the twins or Cedric. Trying to catch my breath I scan over the funny looking boxes that are sending off weird noises and smells until my eyes land on the bright orange of either Fred or Georges hair.
Without looking at whose shirt I am tugging on I laugh. "Hey there you are you'll never believe-oh shit."
"Ah there she is, I was wondering when you would show up Ori." I hear Gemmas disappointed voice behind me causing my face to flame with shame.
"What were you four thinking?" Charlie asks in disbelief.
"Do you have any idea how dangerous this adventure could have been? What would you have done if one of you had gotten hurt? Did you stop long enough to think about that?" Gemma asks appalled.
"We didn't mean to we just got lost."
"We were gonna go back after a good look around." Fred and George answer their brother.
Finally gaining the courage I take a look around I notice that the twins and Cedric are huddled in the very back corner of the shop away from everyone else making me feel slightly better that were not getting too embarrassed.
"Merlins Beard, have a look around? Are you seriously listening to yourselves?" Gemma breathes out. "No, you will not have a look around in fact you four will show us exactly where you ended up and you will go straight to your dormitory to wait for us."
"Oi Charlie-oh you found her then." The girl from earlier stops behind Charlie when her eyes land on me.
"Yeah thanks Tonks. Hut since your here this one belong to your house?" He points to Cedric who's staring down at his feet.
"You betcha." She smiles without a worry on her face. "So what are you planning on doing? Turning them in? Cause I don't know how I'd feel about that."
"No. They made a mistake it's not like they were looking for trouble." Gemma answers making me blush even harder as my eyes drop away from the three older ones. "The twins said they got lost."
"That one told me the same thing." I hear Tonks answer with a laugh. "Well if you want I could help watch them while letting them do some shopping."
"Tonks." Gemma admonishes. "They are not supposed to be here."
"I dunno Gemma. They're already here and it's way too busy for anyone to really pay attention to them." All four of us look up at Charlie in shock at what he's suggesting.
"I know you are not-"
"It's Halloween let them have a little fun then they can pay for it later." He pushes ignoring the hopeful smiles on our faces.
"And how will they pay for it exactly?"
After a minute of silent thinking Charlie snaps his fingers and shoots us an evil grin. "A month's worth of private detention helping Hagrid around the grounds after classes."
Another moment of thinking on Gemma's part before the four of us watch as she nods her head in reluctant agreement. "Not a months though, I will give them the benefit of the doubt when they say they didn't mean to end up in Hogsmeade. Two weeks is fine enough for a punishment so long as they promise not to do it again."
"We Promise." The four of us almost shout in unison daring to smile enough to feel excited again.


    "So you really are my cousin?" I ask Tonks as we walk out of the stationary shop, laden down with even more bags filled with special quills and colorful ink. I even found journals that when you write in one, the words appear in the others. It will make talking to Cedric every day so much easier. I even got some to send home to Uncle Charlie and Anna. Then there was the stuff I had gotten for Kreacher. I didn't really know what all to get him because Cedric and Tonks warned me about giving him clothes again. I mean they said I can't even give him socks or shoes without making him feel as if I were setting him free. Nevertheless, I talked to the shop owner, and he helped me pick out a few items that he might like to go with the books and nice quill set I got for him.
    "That's right," she nods, taking Cedric's bag in her hands while Gemma takes mine. It was a system they worked out so that no one would give us a second glance when they saw kids holding bags upon bags, stuffed to the brim with pranks from Zonkos, equipment from Quality Quidditch Supplies, and even clothing from the store where I bought Gemma, Tonks, and Charlie a nice scarf, beanie, and gloves set each because I felt so bad about lying to them about how we came to be in Hogsmeade in the first place.
    "Don't think too much on it, Ori. If you're a pureblood, chances are that you're related to one another in some shape or form," Cedric says, patting me on the back.
    "That just sounds weird," I whisper, scrunching up my nose. "I mean, think of family reunions. What if you found out that you accidentally married your cousin while eating apple pie?"
    "To be honest, it's probably happened before," Gemma laughs, ruffling my hair, making me groan. "Like Ced said, don't worry about it."
    "Alright, we have enough time for Honeydukes, then we have to get you four back," Charlie says, out of breath after chasing the twins while being weighed down by their bags. Gemma said it was his own form of punishment for going along with Tonks' idea and forgetting about their date.
    "Ready to get your candy on, kid?" Gemma asks me, holding out her hand.
    "You betcha," I answer, taking it without hesitation and pull her, racing ahead of everyone else.
    By the time we enter the shop, my stomach lets out a growl so loud it brings another wave of heat across my cheeks. "Maybe we should make this one quick so we can hurry back for the feast," Gemma says, giving me a knowing smile.
    "I have to get enough to send back to my Uncle. I promised that I would send a package back if I ever came across a booklet. And this is way better than a booklet," I sigh, walking over to a clear bin filled with little colorful beans that are jumping all around trying to get out. "Like these, he would love them."
    "We will get enough, Ori, don't worry," she assures me with a pat to my shoulder.
    "Thank you," I murmur, filling up two bags of the beans before moving over to another bin holding chocolate wands. "You know, for not making us go-"
    "Not here, Ori," she cuts me off suddenly, nudging me towards the Sugar Quills I know Anna would love. "We can talk later, okay? For now, let's get you all the candy your heart desires."
    "Alright. Hey, what's your favorite?" I ask, trying to be nonchalant.
    "No, you're not buying me anything else."
    "But what about Christmas?"
    "I will be fine, you already got us-"
    "That doesn't count," I argue, stomping my foot on the floor, holding her stare. "People need those things because it gets cold."
    "You are too nice for your own good, you know that?" She sighs, pinching the bridge of her nose.
    "That's what Aunt Sarah tells me," I grin back, knowing she's about to give in.
    "Fine, I will allow you to buy us a small item each, then it's off to wherever you four came from."
    "You got it," I smile brightly, picking out more candies, tarts, even brownie-looking things before joining the boys and Tonks up at the till to pay for everything.
    After finishing up, we lead them to the back of the shop and down into the cellar and show them the entrance of the tunnel under the slab of stone. "You have got to be joking," Gemma whispers quietly, staring down at the dark tunnel.
    "Not joking," Charlie says, shaking his head. "That is madness."
    "Well, madness or not, I don't think the owners would take it too kindly if they found all of us down here hanging about," Tonks says, pointing out the obvious.
    "Right, well, you lot hop in. You are to go straight to your dormitories, clean up, and we will meet you there," Gemma states firmly.
    "You will act surprised and grateful of all the stuff we bought for you if there is anyone around," Tonks adds in a surprisingly stern tone.
    "You will also not speak of this to anyone, and you will absolutely forget this tunnel exists. Understand?" Charlie finishes for them. All four of us nod our heads in silence, realizing our fun day has come to an end. "Good, now in you get, and we will see you in a bit," Charlie says, ushering us down into the hole.

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