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    "After fifteen minutes of finishing our lunch, which we shared with Cedric, my owl made a loud hoot, looking at me expectantly. So now, he's perched next to me as I read through my beast book, hoping to learn enough about his kind so I can give him a name.
    "Whoo-dini?" I say, looking at him. I've been trying to think of names for him, but so far, he doesn't like any of them, not even Owlvis Preswing. "Okay, how about Sir Fluffs-a-lot?"
    "Maybe he just wants a simple name," Cedric offers, taking a break from talking about Quidditch with Sam.
    "What do you mean?" I ask, looking up from my book.
    "I named mine Woody," Sam shrugs.
    "Hm," I nod, turning back to my owl. "Mike?" Nothing. "Todd?" Nada. "Gavin? Eric? Bruce?" Absolutely nothing. "Ugh, you're such a Jeff!" I throw up my hands but stop quickly when he lets out a hoot. "Jeff?" Hoot. "You like the name Jeff?" I ask him seriously; he gives me a nod before looking out the window, acting like nothing special happened.
    "I'm sorry, but what's a Jeff?" Sam laughs at Cedric's confusion.
    Sam laughs at Cedric's confusion. "On the Res, there used to be a kid named Jeff. He was totally gross like eats worms and doesn't wash his hands at all gross, always annoyed us and tried to come between us once. Whenever Ori got tired of him, she turned his name into an insult, called everything that annoyed her a freaking Jeff, we constantly used it around him until he got the hint and backed off." Sam laughs. "Guess we can't use it anymore though."
    "That's funny," Cedric laughs. "I hope my dorm mates aren't gross." He finishes wincing slightly.
    "I know, right? At least mine already has experience with being away from home," Sam agrees.
    "Be glad you get dorm mates," I mutter, closing my book.
    "What does that mean?" Sam snaps his head around to face me.
    "Um, Professor McGonagall said that because of my condition, I'll have to sleep in my own dorm. But if I find friends who don't mind, then I can ask them to move in. If we're not in the same house, then I know I'll be alone," I explain.
    "They can't do that." "What condition?" They both say at the same time.
    "You don't have to answer, Ori," Sam says after a long moment of curious silence.
    "No, um, it's okay. He's a friend, right?" I nod to Cedric.
    "Yeah, of course, I'm your friend," Cedric answers a bit offended.
    "Well, you see," I swallow the lump that formed in my throat. "I'm a girl, born with a—a." Looking to Sam, he gives me a nod, encouraging me to continue. "I was born with a penis."
    Cedric nodded his head and looked back to Sam. "Is that a bad thing?" He asked, confusion growing on his face.
    "No, that's wicked!" A familiar voice calls out from the compartment door.
    We all jump and turn to the door where the identical twins from the platform stand, smiling in at us.
    "What's that supposed to mean?" I ask angrily, standing to my feet and clenching my fists.
    "Nothing, other than that it's cool," the right one says, holding up his hands.
    "Yeah, that's all I meant," the left one shrugs, stepping into the compartment and taking a seat beside Cedric. "You're different, no need to hide it."
    "It was really rude of you to eavesdrop," Cedric says, shaking his head as I sit back down.
    "We didn't mean to," the one closing the doors says. "Percy was blabbering on about all the new courses he will get to study now that he's in third year."
    "And Charlie said that you guys were next to us before he left for his Prefect meeting."
    "What's a Prefect?" I ask, already getting tired of bouncing my head back and forth between the two. "What are your names?"
    "I'm Fred," the one sitting next to Cedric smiles. "That's George." He points to his brother who sat next to him. "A Prefect is nothing more than a narc. They snitch on you to the teachers to get you in trouble."
    "I dunno, Charlie's not too bad," George shrugs. "He's promised to show us the kitchens."
    "Yeah, but I bet Percy will tell mom he did so he might not." Fred argues. "Anyway, we know Ced here, but who are you guys?"
    "Sam Uley," Sam states, eyeing them warily. I know he doesn't trust them just yet, but they seem nice to me.
    "Orion Black," I nod in response.
    "Black?" "No way!" They shout.
    "Huh?" I ask.
    "You're Sirius Black's kid?" Fred asks eagerly.
    "Um, as far as I know. But—"
    "How did we know?" George smirks.
    "Your parents, and ours are friends. Him and Aunt Joanna's brother, Uncle James come over all the time with their kids." Fred continues.
    "That's because Harry and Ron are best friends." George explains. "Don't worry. They talk about you loads. Mum always gets sad when they do."
    "Mary and Gin—"
    It's like my mind stops working, and everything is frozen in place. I've seen them on the wall at Grimmauld Place, so I know they have moved on. But hearing about how they are all this big happy family living their best life without me there brings back the insecurities of not being wanted back with a roaring force.
    "You okay, Ori?" I hear Sam ask as he shakes my shoulder.
    Shaking the thoughts away, I give him the best smile I can muster. "Yeah, Sammy, I'm all good."
    "You want to play slapjack?" He asks, pulling out the shiny deck of cards we spent our allowance on when we snuck off the Res to the general store about a year ago. Not waiting for an answer, he begins to shuffle them against his knee. I know he's trying to cheer me up, but after hearing all that, I think playing a mindless card game will definitely help.
    We play game after game until I feel better, and soon we were coming up with different pranks to play on people if we end up in the same house. Fred and George got excited and helped come up with even more ideas while Cedric supported us by fixing the flaws in our plans.
    We were in serious talks about how to get Uncle Theo covered in glitter when our door opened once more, and a kind elderly voice called out. "Anything from the trolley dears?"
    Immediately, both Sam and I reach for our book bags and pull out the pocket money Anna put in the front pockets. I noticed that Cedric stood up with us, but Fred and George remained in their seats, looking down at the ground. When it was my turn, I asked for three of everything I could buy, not knowing what type of sweets they were, and hoped they would help me out, then handed my money over to the old lady. As I turned around , she offered to give me my change, but I shook my head and told her to use it to buy sweets for Charlie and Percy.
    "Merlin's beard, Orion, are you really gonna eat all that?" Cedric asks as I struggle to place everything in the middle of the compartment.
    "I couldn't decide on what to get cause I don't know what they are, and if I like one, I don't know if I will want more." I smile, blushing a bit. "I was also hoping you guys would help me out."
    "Family style?" Sam asks with a grin.
    "Family style." I nod.
    Before they can ask, Sam throws all his treats in the middle on top of mine and mixes them up. After realizing what he was doing, Cedric followed, throwing his own in there too.
    About an hour and a half later, Uncle Theo, dressed in his fancy blue and cranberry robes, opens our door with Charlie, who is dressed in his uniform with a little red and gold badge pinned on his chest, at his side.
    "Really?" He asks sternly, crossing his arms at the mess we made in the compartment.
    All of us are sitting on the floor with the now depleted pile of treats in the middle and empty wrappings strewn all over the place, taking up more room than what's left in the packaging.
    "Heeeeey," I squeak out with a small wave. "What brings you by, Uncle Theo."
    "I came to check on my favorite niece and nephew, only to be betrayed that she would buy all this without telling me." He pouts, losing the teacher act.
    Sam and I laugh at his silliness while Charlie shakes his head. "He came with me to check on all the first years. You guys should be getting ready; we are about an hour out."
    "Oh yeah." Uncle Theo nods his head in fake sternness. "You better be getting dressed now, you hear me?" He says pointing at us, like Anna usually does when she's upset.
    Laughing harder, I pick up a licorice wand and throw it at him. "Yes, Professor."
    Charlie sighs and pulls on Uncle Theo's robes. "I'll get you back for that." We hear him yell as the door shuts behind them.
    We quickly clean up the mess then Fred and George run back to their compartment to change, promising they will be back in a jiffy. Seeing as there's not much room to pull all three trunks down at once, we take turns pulling each one down.
    Cedric has just gone into the bathroom to change when I pop mine open. Tossing the journals and fireworks to the side gently, I pick up the uniform that Anna had set on top.
    "Who's R.A.B?" Sam asks, holding one of the books.
    "My Uncle Regulus," I answer, looking for my tie. "I found them under the floorboards at the cottage. I thought that I would read them as a way of getting to know him. Aha!" I smile, pulling out a long black tie.
    "That's pretty cool, Ori. If they upset you though—"
    "I know you'll be there for me." I grin, putting them back in my trunk. "Now, do me a favor and sit on top." I point to my trunk.
    Sam sighs and climbs up on top. "Why do you have so much stuff in here?"
    "I don't think it's much. Just a few extra books and the journals." I mutter, latching the lock shut.
    "They have a library."
    "It's always good to keep extra books around," Cedric says, exiting the bathroom.
    "See, I'm not the only one. Maybe I should get Anna to shrink them down next year, though."
    "You can't be serious." Giving him another smile, I move into the bathroom.
    It didn't take me long to change, the longest part was the tie. God knows how much I hate these things, yet now here I will be wearing one every day of school for the next seven years.
    Walking back out into the compartment, I wave to Fred and George as Sam passes me on his way to change.
    "Looking good, Ori," Uncle Theo says from the door, scaring me. A blinding flash fills the room, making me flinch.
    "What was that?" I ask, rubbing my eyes as I put my t-shirt and jeans in my book bag.
    "Anna, Charlie, and Alison want pictures." He grins, holding up a camera with a grin. "Where's Sam?"
    "He's changing." I point to the door.
    "Well, come here so I can fix your tie so I can get a good one of you both." He steps closer.
    "Are you a new Professor?" Fred asks.
    "Yup," Uncle Theo says, keeping his eyes on my neck.
    "What made you qualified for the job?" Cedric asks, "No offense, but I don't think Hogwarts has had an American teacher like ever."
    "No offense taken, kid." Uncle laughs as he tucks my now-fixed tie back into my shirt. "Dumbledore came to America just to see me because he heard how awesome I am and offered me the job." He answers Cedric's question.
    "But tha—"
    "Oh, here he is looking all dapper." Uncle Theo shouts, cutting off Cedric. "Now, both of you stand together." He holds up the camera and counts down from three before another flash of light blinds us all. "Do you guys want to get in one too?" He asks Fred, George, and Cedric.
    They all jump up join us, trying to crowd all of us into the small range of the camera. Fred and George end up standing on the seat, throwing their arms over our shoulders causing us all to laugh.
    After a while, a voice echoed throughout the train, making us all look up to the speaker. "We will be reaching Hogwarts in five minutes' time. Please leave your luggage on the train; it will be taken to the school separately."
    "Alright, that's good enough. Anyways," Uncle Theo laughs after the almost tenth picture. "I have to get back up to the front. I will see you two in there, good luck." He waves, leaving us.
    "Your uncle is so cool," Fred says in awe.
    "Said he would help us with coming up with pranks," George agrees as I pick up a grumpy Jeff and put him back in his cage.
    "Yeah, he's the second best uncle I have. First is my Uncle Charlie. He's the Chief of Police."
    "What's that?" Fred asks curiously.
    "Kind of like Uncle Theo but for No-Majes," I tell them.
    "Oh," I slap my head, remembering Uncle Theo didn't tell them. "Uncle Theo is an Auror for MACUSA."
    "That's so cool, he must have seen so much stuff," Fred exclaims.
    "And to think he's gonna teach us!" George agrees excitedly.
    Suddenly, everyone in the compartment sways on their feet as the train comes to a slow stop. I feel my stomach twist, and my nerves heighten.
    "Don't worry, I'll be right there with you," Sam says, taking my hand and giving it a squeeze.

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