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"My jaw dropped when the golden dishes in front of us filled to the brim with a crazy amount of food. It wasn't just one type either – turkeys bigger than the ones we have at Thanksgiving, hams three times the size of my head, potatoes both baked and mashed, roast beef, and briskets; anything you can think of is here on this table. Everything looked so good my mouth watered about as much as it normally does when Anna makes her stuffed french toast waffles.
"What's that?" I ask Fred, pointing to a bowl filled with toasted bread shaped like its own little bowl with something creamy inside of it.
"Yorkshire Pudding," Fred answers, munching on a chicken leg. "Really good with brisket and gravy."
Taking his word for it, I pick two of the rolls up and place them on my plate, topping them off with a couple of slices of brisket and gravy. Smiling at my concoction, I pick up my fork and dive in.
"Be careful not to mix too many dishes together like I know those two will tell you to do," Charlie says as I finish my plate. "Mum told me you're from America; we use different ingredients over here. Even those who come from Ireland mess up their stomachs in the first week. My advice: take it slow and work your way around."
"You got it," I agree quickly, not wanting to get sick on my first day.
"Your Uncle tells me you're a great flyer," Charlie says and I quickly get confused. "He sat in on the Prefect meeting then we got to talking afterwards. Couldn't stop talking about you."
"Practice every chance I get. Sam and I want to play professionally after school, though I broke my arm and cracked three ribs in a crash last year; haven't flown much since," I shrug blushing a bit.
"Brush off the dust during your flying lessons, then maybe come by tryouts in two weeks," he smiles.
"But my letter said first-"
"It says you can't have broomsticks, doesn't say you can't play Quidditch. Plus I'm pretty sure we can find a way around that small issue if you're good enough," he winks. "What position do you play?"
"Mainly Chaser, tried my hand at Keeping and Beater but it didn't end well for both me and Sam," I say, eating a carrot.
"Chaser, huh? Just like your mom and Uncle James," he says, patting me on the shoulder, not noticing the wince I tried to hide.
I know they came here, but really what was so special about my family members that made everyone constantly bring them up? It was starting to anger me how freely people kept comparing me to those I haven't met.
"You okay, roomie?" Fred nudges in the ribs.
"Yeah," I answer dully until my mind catches up with what he was saying. "Why are you calling me roomie? I thought you heard what I told Cedric and Sam?"
"Yeah, we heard ya," George answers, leaning around Fred. "You said that you could share your room with friends who don't care about you know what."
"And we don't care," Fred shrugs.
"What about your parents?" I ask, not wanting them to get in trouble.
"Dad won't care."
"And Mum would want us to keep you company."
"Okay then, only if you want to." I nod back to them then turn to Charlie when I realize I don't know where I'll be sleeping. "Um, when the feast is over, I think I need to talk to Professor McGonagall."
"You okay?" He asks and I quickly nod. "Alright," he says, looking to the blonde girl wearing the same badge as him. "Hey Gemma, you'll have to lead the first years; gotta talk to McGonagall." He points his head towards me not as stealthily as he thinks he did.
"Everything okay?" She asks worriedly, looking to me.
"Yeah, just gonna talk," Charlie says, smiling.
"Fine. Just tell me if I need to know."
Charlie gives her a small salute as the food in front of us turned into blocks of different flavors of ice cream. My favorite was the one with chunks of chocolate and drizzled with what looked like caramel. All around us, bowls that had mashed potatoes filled with jellies that came in different shapes and colors, pies replaced the vegetables. My mind blew a gasket when the turkey in front of me sank down into the table, and a gigantic five-layered chocolate cake with fancy decorations emerged right in front of my eyes.
"It takes some getting used to, but you'll get there," Charlie laughs, cutting the cake and plopping the huge piece on my freshly cleaned plate, then doing the same with his. "The house elves love going all out for the feasts, not that everyday food isn't great cause it is, but the feasts are something else. Just you wait; Halloween will really blow your mind."
Remembering something from the train, I poke Charlie in the side to get his attention. "Your brother said that you promised to show him the kitchens." I lean in to whisper in his ear.
"I did."
"Would you mind showing me too?"
"Why do you want to go to the kitchens?" He asks in confusion.
Nervously, I look around to make sure no one was listening. "There is an elf down there I would like to check up on, the sooner the better." I whisper in his ear.
Even though Charlie still looked confused, he nodded his head and in thought. I was glad he didn't brush me off immediately as if I was a crazy kid; perhaps George was telling the truth when he said his older brother isn't too bad.
"Not tonight. You'll need your rest for tomorrow, but later in the week, I'll sneak you out and take you, okay?"
"Thank you!" I smile, nudging his shoulder with mine.
With a smile still on my face, I devour the piece of cake, happy that Charlie told me to keep it light cause this is delicious. I don't know what it is about Charlie, but to me, he feels familiar, like a long-lost older brother. Truth be told, I'm ecstatic that he's not like Percy, who is talking some kid's ear off about something to do with life goals; poor kid.
After talking with Charlie more about Quidditch while we ate more cake and ice cream, the dishes returned to their gleaming golden glory as the Headmaster stood up with his hands raised. Immediately the hall fell silent as we all turned to face the really old man that stood in Anna's tent's living room.
"Ahem - just a few more words now that we are all fed and watered. I have a few start-of-term notices to give you. First years should note that the forest on the ground is forbidden to all students." He pauses looking out at all of us with his twinkling eyes until he looks at me gently before moving on. "I have also been asked by Mr. Filch, the caretaker, to remind you all that no magic should be used between classes in the corridors. Quidditch tryouts will be held in the second week of the term. Anyone interested in playing for their house team should contact their Head of House." Again his eyes skirt over the entire hall before pausing on mine. "And finally, I wish to introduce our new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher. Let us all give a warm welcome to Professor Theodore Potter."
As soon as Uncle Theo stood up, my hands started clapping together frantically, while others clapped politely. When he took a bow and Sam and I locked eyes then let out the loudest whistles we could. "Thank you, Mr. Uley and Ms. Black." The headmaster smiles, quieting us both. "Now, before we go to bed, let us sing the school song!" He says happily flourishing his wand.
I watch in awe as a long golden ribbon flew out of the end, then rose high above the tables and twisted itself into words. "Everyone pick your own tune," Dumbledore smiles while every single teacher behind him looks like they would rather eat a lit firework. "And off we go!"
I jumped when the sound of hundreds of older students started singing out of tune and off tempo. I tried to keep up, but when we got to the scabby knees, I flinched and lost track. So instead, I just listened to the weirdest song I have ever heard sung by a bunch led by the oldest man I had ever met.
"Ah, music," Dumbledore said wiping his eyes. "A magic, beyond all we do here. And now, bedtime. Off you trot!"
Everyone stood up and headed to the huge oak doors we entered through. All throughout the hall, I could hear variations of people calling to the first years just like Gemma was saying to the Gryffindors. Meanwhile, Charlie holds onto my arm, keeping me in my seat.
After another second, he taps me on the same arm silently telling me to get up. "Sorry, just didn't want to draw any attention to us." He smiles, pulling me towards the top of the hall where the staff table sat.
Uncle Theo saw us coming and walked over with a half-worried expression. "Already getting in trouble, Ori?" He jokes, noticing my discomfort with being around so many older people I don't know.
I roll my eyes and throw him a smirk. "Nah, I'm waiting for your class to start my grand entrance into Hogwarts."
The man with the greasy hair scoffs, drawing my attention to him. The glare he shoots me with was harsh enough to cause me to step back a bit. His cold, black eyes held so much hatred towards me; it seemed like he was imagining twenty different ways to kill me. Maybe I'm overthinking it, but I have this gut feeling that this guy will try to make my life a living hell.
Our little stare-off was interrupted when I felt a hand on my shoulder. Looking upwards, my eyes meet Uncle Theo's, effectively washing away the cold chill that other Professor left. "Charlie is calling you." He says turning me to face my new friend who was beckoning me over next to Professor McGonagall. "Have fun kid, and don't stay up all night, okay?"
Giving him a hug, I nod my head. "Got it, night Uncle Theo." I say moving away.
I didn't mean to say it extra loud, but I knew I kinda messed up when that greasy-haired guy's eyes widened, shooting back and forth between me and my uncle in shock.
"Ms. Black." Professor McGonagall greets me as I take my place next to Charlie. She nods her head and leads us out the door without saying anything.
"Who was that guy?" I whisper to Charlie after we walk out of the Great Hall.
"Which one?" Whispers back as we start to climb a set of stairs that lead to a large open tower filled with portraits that greet us and more staircases.
"The one who wa-did that just move?" I point to a set of stairs two rows up.
"Yeah, they tend to do that. Real irritating when you need to get somewhere fast." Charlie shrugs. "Hey, that reminds me, you do have a broom, don't you?"
"Yeah, but it's not like an actual broom anymore; Anna put a lot of charms on it so it won't go too high or too fast after the crash." I answer, rolling my eyes.
"Hmm." Charlie furrows his brow in thought. "We might just have to get-"
"Might I remind you Mr. Weasley that first years are not allowed to have their own brooms, Mr. Weasley." Professor McGonagall interrupts him, making us both groan. "However, if the Quidditch Captain has the need to obtain a second broom, then he shall know that I would not mind if he, himself, has two brooms until he no longer needs it in a year, just make sure others don't find out."
I look to Charlie to see if he knows what she's talking about; when his eyes light up in realization, he gives me a beaming smile. "Of course. Thank you for your understanding."
The rest of our walk is done in silence, not because we don't want to talk; it's just really hard to talk when you're out of breath from climbing those god-awful stairs. Like seriously, why the need for so many? I know the castle is really old, but why not add some amenities like perhaps a couple of elevators? I truly don't know how these old teachers do it, cough Professor McGonagall cough, and adding insult to injury they climb the wretched things like it's the easiest thing in the world.
"Not too much longer, Ms. Black." Professor McGonagall hums evenly, not an ounce of strain in her voice.
"Oh, it's okay; nothing beats a nice long workout." I wheeze out trying to sound cool.
"Yes, you will need it if you intend to play professionally one day."
My eyes widen as my head snaps to Charlie. "You told her?" I gasp out as we reach a long deserted corridor.
"No, he did not." She hums back. "A little warning, Ms. Black. Everything that goes on within the walls of this castle, the Headmaster and I are bound to hear of it one way or another."
"So you guys gossip?" I ask, breathing hard, silently thanking whatever gods are out there we are done with the stairs.
"I will not dignify that question with an answer, Ms. Black." She says turning around to face us. "I hope between all that huffing and puffing, you were paying attention to the path we were walking."
Holding the stitch in my side, I wave my hand in the air. "Yeah, of course." I nod looking around the corridor.
"Beyond this painting lies the Gryffindor common room. To get in, you will need to say a password, a password that will change from time to time; as of right now, it is Gigglefish. Go ahead in, I need to have a word with Mr. Weasley."
"Yes, ma'am." I say with a playful salute.
Turning around, I look at the huge picture with a fat lady in a pink dress with short curly brown hair. "Password."
Glancing nervously at Professor McGonagall and Charlie, I lean in closer. "Gigglefish."
I back away quickly; I almost trip over my robes to avoid the portrait that was headed for my face. "Be careful not to stand too close when saying the password, Ms. Black." Professor McGonagall warns a bit too lately with a grin.
"Gotcha." I nod inspecting the round hole in the stone wall.
Clambering through it, I'm met with a warm and cozy red room with a gigantic fireplace and lots of soft armchairs and beanbags scattered around, along with brown leather couches and tables next to small bookshelves. The wall to the right features a big board, half chalk, and half cork, filled with notices about random stuff. Why it would be filled when school hasn't started yet is beyond me. On the opposite side of the room, an archway opens up the entire wall. Within is a set of winding stone steps that probably leads up to the balcony with two wooden doors on each side, overlooking the room.
"Orion!" I see Fred poke his head up out of a huge plushy beanbag that seemed to swallow him whole.
"Fred? I thought you would be in bed."
"Can't go to bed when I don't know where it is yet," George says, sitting up from a different beanbag across the room.
"Mr. and Mr. Weasley, I'm sure Ms. Farley has told you where the boys' dormitories are," Professor McGonagall scolds the two.
"Yes, Professor, but we were waiting for Orion," Fred responds, struggling to get to his feet.
"Well, here she is. Now you may go to bed; I'm sure you have some unpacking to do." She tries to shoo them away, but they don't budge.
"Can't unpack when we don't know where we're sleeping, Professor," George shrugs, taking his place next to his twin.
"We would like to sleep in Orion's room, Professor." Fred puffs out his chest, making me smile.
George looks at Fred and puffs out his chest too. "We're her friends, and we don't want her to be alone."
Together we all watch Professor McGonagall's eyes bounce from one defiant twin to the other, then back again. "Ms. Black, I am happy to see that you have made friends, but until I have written—"
"Charlie can tell you our mum and dad won't care. Will they, Charlie?" Fred asks his brother, and we all turn to him.
"I'm sure they won't, but maybe we should give them the optio—"
"Well, we will just sneak down to her dorm anyways—"
"So let's get a move on; we have unpacking to do—"
"Don't want to be last for our first day—"
"Now, would we, Professor?" George finishes, smiling sweetly at her.
I have to hold back my laugh at the frustration on McGonagall's face as the twins' words bounce back and forth to complete each other's sentences. I thought she would blow a gasket; you could almost see the steam coming out of her ears. However, she surprisingly turns and walks toward a large portrait of a red-headed man posing on a rock with a silver gleaming sword hanging off his hip, at the back of the room next to the staircase. Pulling out her wand, she taps each corner of the wooden frame before her, and the man nods to each other. "Ms. Black, this is Godric Gryffindor, founder of Gryffindor House. Behind him lies your and your friends' dorm. What I need from you three is a password; I'll give you a moment to think of one."
My eyes jump to theirs, and we huddle together, whispering different ideas until we settle on "Jelly Slugs."
"Ah, a fine password indeed," the red-headed man spoke up as he opened.
"I do suggest changing it from time to time," Professor McGonagall nods. "Mr. Weasley, would you mind helping your brothers with their trunks?" I watch Charlie nod and grab both Fred and George's arms before they head up the stairs. "After you, Ms. Black." She waves at the stone archway.
Taking a breath, I stick my hands in the pocket of my robes and move forward. I hear the portrait shut behind us just as two bracketed torches light the small hallway with a thick-looking oak door. "Forward if you will; we haven't got all night," I hear McGonagall say from behind me. Reaching forward, I push it open and walk through.
"Whoa," I whisper in shock. Walking in, my mind is blown again, not only by the size of the beds but also the room. The circular room looks bigger than the Common Room.
A ginormous painted window of a lion pacing back and forth on his grey rock, eyeing us, is above a fireplace with a bookshelf full of books on each side and plushy couch and two recliners in front of it. There are two other windows that are normal and have a small cushioned bench with books underneath. On each side of those windows are warm but fancy looking desks with wardrobes right beside them, together they are big enough to fit everything in my trunk and more. The queen-sized beds shrouded by fancy scarlet curtains with gold trimmings weaving different patterns, look so fragile I'm afraid they would rip the moment I touch them. And in the center of the room is a wood table with the Gryffindor house sigil etched in the center with four embroidered tall-backed chairs.
"Each House has guest quarters, created by the founders themselves. They would stay here during the school year to teach the first students of Hogwarts and then go home in between for breaks. This will be your three's home here at Hogwarts for the next seven years," Professor McGonagall says, passing me as she walks into the room. "Unlike the other dorms, you will have a bathroom to yourselves which is through the door on your right." She points to another wooden door with gold trimmings and yet another scarlet lion etched in the center. "While you three reside in this dorm, you are to treat it with the respect it deserves. Do you understand me, Ms. Black?"
The sternness in her voice causes a twinge of light fear to shiver down my spine. "Yes ma'am." I gulp nervously.
"Good. I hope you realize the amount of trust the Headmaster and I are placing in you. Now, I must take my leave, but I trust you will pass the importance of this room to your dorm mates?"
"Yes ma'am, I do." I nod frantically.
"Good night Miss Black; I shall see you in the morning." As she passes me, she gives my shoulder a light pat before I hear the door close behind me.

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