Hold me without Hurting me(en...

By Liun_145

561 19 3

A man who married a woman who he thought was sweet,gentle at first turns out to be abusive and bad tempered. More

The firts day I met you
Please don't be mad
When he's back I want to tell him everything
Why can't she just tell me?
A Simple No

I'm sorry

87 0 0
By Liun_145

Elio's eyes widened as she stood up, looking at her soaked clothes and ruined paperwork. "Giorno, you...," she began, her voice filled with frustration. "Are you blind or something? What the fuck, you careless fool! Look at what you've done! My work, it's all ruined... ALL BECAUSE OF YOU! I need these for a meeting in two days!" She took a step closer to him, her eyes narrowed in anger. "You promised me you wouldn't be careless again, but what is this?" She let out a frustrated sigh and stormed out of the cafe, anger evident in her eyes.

Giorno's eyes widened at her harsh words and sudden outburst. He had always seen her as calm and gentle, and her anger took him by surprise. It was embarrassing to be scolded in front of everyone in the cafe. Tears welled up in his eyes as he ran to the storage room, seeking solace. "I didn't mean to do that," he cried, his voice filled with sorrow. "She didn't even give me a chance to explain. She just kept going and going. It was so embarrassing and awkward."

Giorno continued to cry as Matteo, his coworker, approached him and sat beside him. "I saw everything," Matteo said, his expression filled with concern. "You can talk to me about it. I'm here to listen."

Giorno looked up at Matteo, wiping his tears away. "Matteo... it was so embarrassing, and her words hurt me. I never expected her to react like that. I've only known her for two weeks, but from the moment I saw her, my heart raced. I... I like her. I've never felt this way about anyone before, only her. I don't know, Matteo... I don't know if she'll ever forgive me," he confessed, his gaze fixed on the floor.

Matteo nodded in understanding, patting Giorno's back reassuringly. "I understand how you feel," he said empathetically. "You're right, sometimes words can hurt more than actions. But Giorno, you made a big mistake, a terrible one, and her work is important to her. You have to understand that. However, people make mistakes, and it's not the end of the world. Tomorrow, go and apologize to her again. Maybe a small gift could help ease the tension."

Giorno wiped his tears and looked up at Matteo, a glimmer of hope in his eyes. "You're right, Matteo. I made a mistake, and her work must be incredibly important to her. Your advice... I hope it works. Thank you, you're the best," he said, giving Matteo a grateful smile before getting up to continue his shift.

As Giorno's shift ended for the day, he gathered his belongings and left the cafe, making his way back home. Standing in front of Elio's house, he looked up at her room. The light was still on, and she seemed to be working on fixing the ruined papers. Guilt washed over him again, but he decided not to disturb her that night. He left her house and returned to his own, feeling remorseful as he lay in bed, slowly drifting to sleep.

The next morning, Giorno's eyes fluttered open as he sat up in bed, yawning and looking out the window towards Elio's room. He could see her car outside, indicating that she had already left for work. "Elio..." he whispered her name softly, hoping that she would find it in her heart to forgive him. Taking a deep breath, he prepared himself for the day ahead.

Giorno left his house and rode his bicycle to a gift shop in Rome. As he arrived, he parked his bicycle and entered the store. Approaching a worker, he nervously asked, "Um... excuse me, could you recommend a suitable gift for an apology?"

The worker looked up at him with a smile. "Of course! Could you tell me if it's for a girl or a boy?" she asked politely.

Giorno nodded. "It's for a woman," he replied hesitantly. The worker nodded and inquired further. "What's her favorite color? And what is her personality like?"

Giorno pondered for a moment before answering, "Well, I think her favorite color is black because she always wears it. She's sweet and gentle, but she also has a fiery side," he murmured, recalling her anger from the previous day.

The worker looked up at him with a smile. "Of course! Could you tell me if it's for a girl or a boy?" she asked politely.

The worker chuckled at his description. "Well, that certainly adds some complexity. I would suggest something thoughtful and meaningful, perhaps a personalized item or a heartfelt letter. It's important to show her that you understand her and genuinely care about making amends."

Giorno nodded, his curiosity piqued. "So, what gift would be suitable for her?" he inquired. The worker reached into the display and retrieved a black stone necklace adorned with delicate engravings. "I suggest this one. Or..." she continued, producing a dainty sterling silver necklace with a small heart charm, perfectly matching her style. "This is another option. Take your time to think wisely before making a choice."

Giorno pondered over the two necklaces, his gaze fixed upon them. After careful consideration, he let out a sigh. "I believe I'll go with the black stone one."

The worker nodded, neatly placing the chosen necklace into a small box. "Here you go. That will be 51 euros." Giorno paid for the necklace as he left the store to Elio's house. As Giorno arrived,he saw her just got back from work.

Giorno smiled warmly at Elio as he approached her. "Elio," he called out to her, his voice filled with affection.

Elio closed her car door and turned to face him, her eyes meeting his. There was a mix of guilt and surprise in her expression. "Giorno..." she said softly, her voice laced with remorse.

Giorno's smile remained, his eyes gentle as he spoke. "Elio, I want to-" But before he could finish his sentence, Elio interrupted him, taking his hands in hers, her larger and more masculine hands providing comfort and support.

"Giorno, I apologize for losing my temper yesterday," Elio said sincerely, her voice filled with remorse. "I'm truly sorry. My job means a lot to me, and I was afraid of losing it. But I know you didn't trip on purpose. I regret yelling and cursing at you. I understand that I embarrassed you in front of everyone at the cafe. I... I feel terrible about it. Please forgive me."

Giorno's eyes widened in surprise, not expecting Elio to apologize to him first. A tinge of red colored his cheeks as he chuckled nervously. "I-it's fine. I was the one at fault. I should have been more careful with my steps. I want to apologize to you too. You didn't do anything wrong. It was all my fault. It was the worst mistake I've ever made, whether as a customer or a friend, or... whatever we are," he stammered, his gaze fixed on their intertwined hands. Her touch felt warm, and he found himself enjoying it.

Elio smiled at him, releasing his hands gently. "It's alright. It's all in the past now. Let's leave it behind and start anew. How does that sound?" she suggested, her smile filled with warmth.

Giorno nodded in agreement. "Of course. Let's forget about it. Oh, and also..." He reached into his pocket and pulled out the small box. "Here, for you. I couldn't undo what happened, so I bought this as a gesture of my hope for your forgiveness," he said, offering her the box.

Elio's smile widened as she took the box and opened it, gasping in surprise. "This is... beautiful. The color is my favorite. How did you know? I don't recall ever telling you," she said, genuinely amazed.

Giorno shrugged, a small smile playing on his lips. "I'm not sure. I noticed that you always wore black, so I took a guess," he explained before adding, "Um... can I put the necklace on you?" he asked shyly, his eyes sparkling with anticipation.

Elio smirked, nodding in agreement. "Of course. Why not?" She handed him the necklace and turned around, waiting for him to fasten it around her neck.

Giorno's smile grew wider, but he soon realized he couldn't reach her neck, let alone her shoulder, due to her towering height. "Um... can you bend down a little?" he requested, feeling a bit embarrassed.

Elio chuckled at Giorno's struggle and obligingly bent down a little, allowing him to put the necklace on her. She straightened up, admiring the beautiful necklace he had chosen. "It's truly beautiful, Giorno. Thank you," she expressed, her gaze returning to him.

Giorno's smile widened as he watched her appreciate the necklace. "So, are we good again?" he asked, seeking reassurance.

Elio smirked playfully. "We definitely are," she replied, a hint of mischief in her voice. Giorno chuckled in response. "Good then," he said, pausing momentarily before continuing, "I should head back home. It's getting late. See you, good night, Elio!" With that, he bid her farewell and made his way back to his house.

Leaning against her car, Elio shook her head, a smirk playing on her lips as she watched Giorno leave. "What a sweet young man," she thought to herself. "I think I might have developed feelings for him. But I am a 28-year-old woman. It would be inappropriate to be involved with an underage boy," she pondered, sighing softly before eventually entering her house.

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