The Mating (The original Law...

By charliej

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Elise had no idea when she came home that day that she'd end up mated to a complete stranger. A new Alpha and... More

Copyright - Acknowledgements
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
A Message from Nicky Charles

Chapter 25

10.7K 450 4
By charliej

By the time she arrived home, Elise's stomach was in knots over the prospect of talking to Kane. Even though she hadn't done anything wrong, it still wasn't a conversation she was looking forward to. After all, who knew what Rose might have said? It had been an innocent meeting but apparently Rose was willing to believe the worst of her and jump to conclusions, which was rather upsetting given the fact that she had tried her best to be pleasant to the other girl.

Mentally, she played out what she'd say to Kane and how he'd react. How did she start? 'Did you hear a rumour about me?' No, that probably wasn't a good opening line. Neither was, 'You know that rumour Rose told you about me and another man...?' No, a straight out explanation would be best. She would simply tell him she'd had lunch with Bryan but what with one thing and another, it had completely slipped her mind. Not because she was trying to hide anything, but simply because it wasn't that important. Yes, that sounded good and it was the truth. She nodded, satisfied with her plan.

Now all she had to worry about was Kane's reaction. Surely it wouldn't be that bad, her rational side told her. Kane wasn't one to jump to conclusions; he'd listen calmly and understand. Unless, the other side of her brain told her, Rose had got to him first. After all, he really hadn't liked Bryan the one time they'd met. He'd told Bryan to stay away and implicit in that command, she was to stay away from Bryan as well. In a roundabout way, she'd directly disobeyed his orders. Darn but this wasn't going to go over well at all.

Elise suddenly realized that she'd been standing on the porch for some time, staring blindly at the door. Swallowing hard, she wiped her sweaty palms on her pant leg and stepped inside.

The house was unusually quiet and she strained to hear a sound that might indicate where everyone was. When nothing reached her ears, she gave a sigh of relief. She'd have to face the firing squad eventually, but any reprieve was welcome.

Peeking into Kane's office, she saw that it was empty. A late afternoon sun streamed weakly into the room, leaving the corners in shadow. The smell of leather mixed with the unique scent of Kane permeated the space and drew Elise inside. Tucking her hands in her pockets, she looked around curious as to where Kane might be.

The desk held the usual piles of paper and the answering machine was blinking, indicating several messages were waiting for Kane's attention. Briefly she wondered if he'd replaced the tape or not—the quality really had been poor this morning. Impulsively, she wrote a reminder on a sticky note and attached it to the machine. While at the desk, she noticed that the computer hadn't even been started yet for the day. Had he even made it into the office? Seeing nothing that would provide an answer to her question, she exited the room, shutting the door behind her.

Next stop was the kitchen. Despite the fact that it was mid-afternoon, there was no sign of Helen or dinner preparations being made. The coffee maker held the dregs of the morning's coffee and the dishes weren't done. Something was definitely up; Helen never left her kitchen in disarray. Heading to the message centre on the fridge, Elise scanned the notes and found the answers to everyone's whereabouts.

Carrie had gone into early labour and John and Helen were at the infirmary with her. Ah! That explained the state of the kitchen. Well, since first births usually took a considerable time, it wasn't likely she'd be hearing from them anytime soon. Elise thought for a moment and then frowned. The baby was only a few weeks early but still there was always a chance of complications. She crossed her fingers and sent positive thoughts towards the infirmary, hoping both mother and baby would be fine.

The next message was from Kane. He'd been called away to the lake region. A patrol had found something that needed his attention and he wasn't sure when he'd be back. Relief washed over Elise as she realized she wouldn't have to tell Kane about Bryan for a while. This was immediately followed by a large dose of worry. What if someone else told him first? The longer he was gone, the greater the risk and the more likely it was that others in the pack would hear the story. It had only been twenty-four hours since she'd met with Bryan, but rumours spread notoriously fast. Putting a stop to it was paramount.

She wished Helen were there. The woman had a level head and would know what to do. Chewing on her lip, Elise searched her mind for someone neutral she could call who might understand her current predicament. Perhaps Sarah...? Grabbing the phone, Elise quickly dialled the familiar number, twirling the cord around her fingers as she waited for a reply. After a dozen rings, she hung up in frustration. Just when she needed someone to talk to, no one was around. Sighing, she wandered through the large, rambling home wishing that the usual steady stream of visitors would start up. Instead, it seemed as if everyone knew that all the 'important' people were away and there was no need to stop by for a visit.

Throwing herself into a chair by the front window, Elise scrubbed her face with her hands. Her emotions seemed to be all over the board and she didn't feel like herself at all. Could it be because of her upcoming heat? Possibly, but the knowledge was of little comfort when she felt like her world was falling apart. This thing about Bryan wasn't that big a deal, but for some reason it seemed like it was. She felt teary and worried, angry and indecisive. Her stomach kept knotting up and even though she knew it was ridiculous, she was sure her relationship with Kane was in jeopardy. Inelegantly, she sniffled and wiped a lone tear from her eye as she succumbed to self-pity. A nasty rumour was at this very moment probably spreading through the pack, costing her the new friendships she'd just formed and no one was around for her to talk to about it.

A car door slammed outside and she sat forward, peering through the curtains to see who it was. Darn! It was Marla. That was another cause for complaint. The woman was up to something, though Elise still wasn't sure exactly what. Maybe instead of thinking about what to tell Kane, she should concentrate her energy on figuring out Marla. At least it would take her mind off one problem.

As Marla came up the walk, Elise debated as to whether or not she should confront her about where she was last night, and why she'd been with Ryne. Or should she say nothing so that the woman didn't warn Ryne? And after all, it was only supposition on her part that Marla had been in the car, even though Elise strongly believed it to be true.

Deciding to say nothing, she wiped her face, grabbed a magazine, and arranged herself into a casual position in her chair. When the door opened, she looked up feigning surprise as Marla walked in. "Oh, hi Marla."

"Elise." Marla's greeting was short, her gaze watchful as if expecting a question.

"How was your day?"


"That's good." Elise felt that they were both tiptoeing around the other. Marla picked up the mail on the table and flipped through it, which Elise felt was a bit presumptuous given that the woman didn't officially live there.

Setting the envelopes down, Marla suddenly spoke. "I saw you in town today."

Elise shrugged, "I went in for my shift at the Grey Goose."

Marla nodded. "I was at the Gallery and you drove by. You were in a different car—a red sports coupe."

"That's right. I had to get something fixed on mine and the mechanic let me borrow a car so I could get to work."

Again, Marla nodded. "I never would have pictured you as the sports car type."

"Oh, I thought it would be fun to try."

"So, what did you think?"

"It was a nice car. There was nothing special about it though. I guess I prefer my own."

Marla seemed to be studying her, as if weighing each of her answers, looking for hidden meanings. Obviously, she found none, for she suddenly smiled. "Well, it's been nice talking to you Elise; I've got lots to do. Tell the others I won't be here for dinner." Turning quickly, Marla left, her heels clicking a staccato on the wood floors as she made for the stairs.

Elise could hear the door to Marla's room open and close. Moments later, it opened again, and Marla quickly descended the stairs and left, slamming the front door behind her.

As she watched Marla drive away, Elise wondered if the woman had bought her act or not. Marla was definitely up to something. Her questions had been too casual. She was obviously wondering if Elise had noticed anything while in the red car, but what was she hiding and why? The answer was there, just waiting for someone to figure it out.

Grabbing a piece of paper, Elise began to write down anything she could think of that she'd heard or seen about Ryne or Marla.

Ryne was Kane's half-brother. Purportedly they'd had an amicable relationship until Zack, the previous Alpha, had died in a car crash.

About this time, Ryne's behaviour had begun to change. He'd always been impulsive, but sociable and suddenly he'd become more of a loner and obviously had something on his mind.

Unexpectedly, Ryne had issued a challenge for the leadership of the pack, willing to kill his brother.

When Ryne lost the challenge he left asking Marla to go with him, but she refused.

Since then, there'd been traps found on the land, an oil spill in the lake, and Thomas had been shot. Each time, Ryne's scent had been found.

He was a skilled photographer and returned briefly, asking Marla to sell all of his pictures so he would have some money to make a new start.

Most recently, Ryne had broken into Marla's apartment, threatening and hitting her.

Lastly, Ryne had possibly been scented in the red sports car.

Tapping her pen thoughtfully against her lips, Elise studied the list. All she could make out of these facts was that Ryne had had a sudden personality change, and had wanted control of the pack. When he didn't get it, he'd decided to exact revenge on them. Had he ever really left the area? Or was he somewhere nearby the whole time? No one had found him yet, so wherever he was, it was a good hiding spot.

Now how did Marla fit into all of this? She'd sounded terrified on the phone when Ryne had broken in and she'd definitely been hit, so why would she hook up with Ryne again? Once more, Elise made a list of what she knew.

Marla had had a relationship with Kane; Elise cringed slightly as she wrote this. The relationship began out of Kane's sense of responsibility towards her, due to the death of Marla's father, but later progressed.

After a while, Marla shifted her interest to Ryne and they had talked about officially becoming mates, but when Ryne lost the challenge and left, Marla refused to accompany him, saying she was too attached to her home.

Marla claimed to be heartbroken over the loss of Ryne. Elise put a question mark after this, because although the other woman had said she was upset, she hadn't seemed overly sincere.

Once Ryne was gone, Marla set her sights back on Kane. Elise's pen hovered over the page, wondering if she should include this or not. Marla had seemed to be fawning all over Kane and trying to catch his attention, but was Elise just misinterpreting close friendship for something else? After a moment's consideration, she left the point as it was. After all, Helen and Carrie had seemed to feel the same way.

Marla had complained about how she was treated by everyone and Kane had scolded Elise, insisting they try to be friends.

Shortly after that, Ryne had broken into Marla's apartment and Marla had moved to the Alpha house for safety.

Since being attacked, Marla had been acting nicer and was even encouraging Elise and Kane to be together.

Previous to the attack Marla had been selling Ryne's pictures to raise money for him, including one of Kane that she knew she wasn't supposed to display. Marla was now trying to retrieve that picture by researching the collector who bought it. Elise added a question mark again; she wasn't really sure why researching the man was needed. Wouldn't you simply contact the fellow saying a mistake had been made and return his money in exchange for the picture?

While in Kane's office, Marla accidentally took a report off Kane's desk, which she later returned. But was it an accident? And what purpose would the report serve for her?

Marla had been out most of the previous night and had come back this morning looking a mess and with mud on her clothes. She said she'd been out for a run, but this was unusual since she didn't embrace her wolf as most of the pack did.

Marla might have been in the red car last night, since it had dirt in it and smelled like Marla's perfume. Ryne might have been with her.

Elise frowned at the list. Was there anything else? Oh yes, Marty's girlfriend was named Marlene. Marla could be posing as the on again-off again Marlene, but why? What would she get out of that? Marty hardly seemed her type. And 'Marlene' wanted to learn about cars, but why would Marla need that knowledge for anything?

Scrutinizing the two lists, Elise felt something was missing, so she began to make notes entitled 'Random Ideas and Occurrences.'

First of all, Northern Oil wanted to drill test wells on pack land. They were offering a substantial sum for the rights.

Most of the pack didn't want to sell the land, though a few expressed some interest.

There was an oil spill near the lake, which had temporarily ruined their drinking water and was costing a large sum to clean up. Was someone, maybe the oil company, trying to force them to leave? Or cause the pack to become financially in debt and in need of money?

A study had been commissioned to prove that Northern Oil shouldn't be allowed on the land, but the report wasn't as strong as Kane had hoped and now the oil company wanted to do their own study. Hmm... Marla had 'accidentally' taken the report, but had she actually changed it? It was possible, but what did she have to gain from that? Even if she'd done it for Ryne, what was his motive? Was it only revenge? Could he be working for the oil company and having Marla do his dirty work? But why would Marla help a man who threatened her? It just didn't make any sense!

The phone rang then and Elise picked it up, pleased to hear Helen's excited voice. Carrie and John had a son and while there were a few minor complications, mother and child were doing well. Helen wouldn't be home until late and Elise assured her that was fine. She asked her to pass along best wishes to the new parents and told Helen yet again, that she'd manage to make her own meals. Smiling, Elise hung up and wandered toward the kitchen all the while thinking about what it would be like to have a pup in the house.

Staring into the fridge, she eyed the various selections. What should she make? It would just be herself and Kane for dinner; maybe an intimate meal would be a good way to start her confession about Bryan. Pleased with the idea that was forming in her mind, she picked up the phone. She'd call Kane on his cell and see what time he expected to return, and plan the meal accordingly.

Kane answered almost immediately. "Kane here."

"Hi, Kane! It's Elise. How are things going?"

"Busy. We've been out here all day. What about you?"

Elise hesitated. She didn't want to tell Kane over the phone, nor worry him. "Not bad. I really want to talk to you though."

"I miss you, too."

Well, he'd misinterpreted that, but now wasn't the time to explain. "Oh, John and Carrie had a baby boy."

"Really? That's great!" She could hear the excitement in his voice. He partially covered the phone and called out the news to the others before turning his attention back to her. "Give them all my best and tell them that I'll stop by to see them as soon as I can."

"When do you think you'll be home?"

He sighed heavily. "I can't say for sure. Probably not until late. Don't wait up for me."

Darn! There went her plans. "What's going on?"

"I don't really have time to explain right now. I'll fill you in when I get back. Listen, I've got to go. Take care."

"Sure. You too." Elise slowly hung up the phone. So much for a romantic meal followed by a heartfelt discussion. Suddenly eating wasn't overly appealing and she settled for heating up a can of soup instead.

The night dragged on, the Alpha house seeming to be overly large and very lonely. She was inexplicably restless and unable to settle down. Half-heartedly she looked at the lists she'd made earlier, but couldn't concentrate. Grabbing the remote, she tried to lose herself in a romantic comedy, but found herself becoming too worked up over the love scenes. When the male lead kissed his partner, Elise felt her own desire skyrocket and found herself shifting uncomfortably on the couch, her panties becoming damp, her heart racing...

Leaping up, she began to pace the room, desperately looking out the window for any sign that Kane was coming. Running her hands through her hair, she then wiped the sweat from her upper lip and tugged irritably at her clothes. They felt tight, uncomfortable, and the tag at the back was suddenly irritating her endlessly.

Heading upstairs, she stripped off her clothing, threw on a light cotton nightgown, and turned to look out the bedroom window. Kane was out there somewhere and she needed him now. A growl rumbled up from her chest as her frustration mounted. She spun away from the window and paced the room, halting when she caught sight of herself in the mirror. Her pupils were dilated making her eyes seem almost black, and her face was flushed. Licking her lips, she noted how her breasts rose and fell rapidly with her agitated breathing, her nipples pebbling under the light material of her nightgown.

That's when it finally dawned on her. Her heat cycle had started and Kane was nowhere in sight. A sudden pain in her palms had her realizing that her fists were clenched, her nails digging into her flesh. She felt like she was going to crawl out of her skin if she didn't get some relief soon. This was not how it was supposed to be. When she'd decided to go drug free this time, she'd assumed Kane would be around. A growl formed in her throat. How dare he leave her at a time like this!

What to do? What to do? She paced the room, chewing on her thumbnail. Helen had said it was waves not constant, so maybe she could ride it out without going insane. How had females ever survived this before the advent of drugs? She gave a dry laugh. They mated on their first heat, that's how.

Heat—what a great name. It was so apropos. She felt like she was burning up. Maybe the age-old remedy of a cold shower might help. Peeling off her nightgown, she headed for the bathroom.

Half an hour later, she emerged shivering, but feeling more in control. She hoped Kane would be home for the next wave, because that feeling of overwhelming need was definitely not something to experience by oneself. Crawling into bed, she pulled the covers up and closed her eyes willing Kane to return as soon as possible.

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