Shattered Pieces

By Penny987

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Sapphire always felt like she was missing a big part of her life not knowing anything about her birth father... More

Chapter 1: Different
Chapter 2 School
Chapter 3 Training
Chapter 4 Birthday
Chapter 5 First Shift
Chapter 6 Hospital
Chapter 7 Confession
Chapter 8 Gym
Chapter 10 Intense
Chapter 11 Link
Chapter 12 Meeting
Chapter 13 Destroying
Chapter 14 Code
Chapter 15 Road Trip
Chapter 16 Mate
Chapter 17 Intruder
Chapter 18 Brother
Chapter 19 Overkill
Chapter 20 Meeting
Chapter 21 Older
Chapter 22 Wolves
Chapter 23 Dinner
Chapter 24 He did what
Chapter 25 Mine
Chapter 26 Uncertainty
Chapter 27 Speechless
Chapter 28 Ceremony

Chapter 9 Embarrassed

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By Penny987

                                                                   Sapphires POV

I start to wake up and stretch my limbs, which are stiff and sore. I can feel and smell my very comfortable bed beneath me, and then I remember the night before. I can't believe the state I got in. I put my pillow over my head in shame, and groan out in desperation and embarrassment. How did I get home?

I didn't realize Dad was in my bedroom until he cleared his throat.

I slowly move the pillow down my face, so only my eyes are showing, I look at Dad standing by my window, he looks sad. There are black bags under his eyes, but chuckles at my antics.

"How are you feeling?" He asks while walking across the room to sit on the side of my bed.

I go bright red. "A lot better now that I pummeled the living shit out of those punching bags, they looked pretty munted when I was pulled off them."

"That's good, I was worried when I saw the state you were in when Stewart took you to the hospital last night."

"Oh." I go bright red, how did I get home?

"After the doctor assessed you and gave you the all-clear, and I brought you home. I know that you would want to wake up in your bed."

"Thanks, Dad, you know me so well." I blush "How long was I asleep for?"

"16 hrs."

"Oh, shit." I look down at my body and realize I have been washed and changed, I cringe wondering who did that.

"Don't worry Evelyn and Ava changed you," Dad reassures me.

"How did you know that was what I was thinking?"

"You are my daughter." He says while lifting his eyebrows at me.

I lean over and hug Dad. "Love you, Dad."

"Love you to Sapphire."

"Stewart has been asking me every hour if you are awake. I'm very impressed with Stewart, Elijah, and Tim with how they helped you last night."

"Me too Dad, they saw me at my lowest."

"I take it they are waiting to come over?"

"Yep," Dad says popping the P

"Wait, who cleaned up the mess I made in the gym?" I realise I didn't clean up all the blood.

"Tim and Elijah did."

"Oh." I put my pillow over my head again in shame.

"I'll go have a shower." I get up and kiss Dad's cheek.

The shower is so nice on my stiff muscles. I manage to wash away some of the blood that my sisters missed, now that the bandages are off my hands. I drag myself out after 30 minutes, put on black leggings and a red tank top, and head down to the kitchen to make something to eat. My hands and feet are still a bit sore.

As I get closer to the kitchen I can hear my siblings talking and the delicious smell of food cooking. When I enter the kitchen, I am met with a pleasant surprise, Ava and Evelyn are making: pancakes, hash browns, sausages, bacon, and eggs. My mouth starts to water and my stomach gives the loudest growl I have ever heard.

"Sapphire!" Dean yells running up to me and jumping on me, I catch him and hold him tight.

"How are you, buddy?"

"Better now that you are awake, don't scare me like that again!"

"Ok, sorry buddy." I sheepishly reply. He squeezes me tighter, I kiss his forehead and set him down on his feet.

"Hi." the girls beam warm smiles at me in reply. "Sit down, we are going to look after you today, and no arguments sis," Ava says waving the tongs at me. I chuckle at her and sit down at the kitchen island. Evelyn brings me a hot drink. "Ta."

"How many people are you cooking for?" I wonder seeing the massive amount of food they are cooking.

"Donna, Suzy, Tiffany, Stewart, Tim, and Elijah are coming over for a feed," Evelyn says like it is nothing.

"Ok." I smile at them, I start to feel embarrassed, how am I going to face everyone? There is a knock at the door, Dad goes and opens it to greet the guys and girls.

I turn around in my chair and get up to greet them, as they follow Dad into the kitchen.

My besties run up to me and give me a big group hug. I hug them back, and we all have tears running down our faces.

"Why didn't you tell us?" they demanded at the same time.

"Sorry." I feel ashamed of myself.

"I told myself I was not going to cry," Suzy says while wiping tears from her face.

"Gem you look better," Elijah says.

"It's all thanks to you guys." I blush while telling them that.

I look at Stewart and start to get emotional, remembering how he helped me last night, we hug each other. "Thank you, my knight in shining armor." I kiss his cheek.

"My damsel in distress," he replies and kisses my forehead.

I then walk up to Tim give him a big hug, and kiss his cheek. "Thank you my noblemen." and do the same to Elijah, they all laugh at our inside joke. "Thank you for cleaning up my mess," I say to them, going bright red with embarrassment.

"Anything for you our damsel," Elijah says. I can feel a smile creeping up on my face. We get puzzled looks from everyone else.

"What is that about?" Suzy asks. Tim explains and we all crack up.

"Sit down," Evelyn tells me when I go to help set the table.

"Sorry," I say putting my hands up in surrender. I sit there watching everyone grab plates, cutlery, and food and take it outside to the table on the patio.

As I sit there I realize that I have amazing friends and family. What the hell was I thinking last night? I didn't even think that I could have lost a lot of blood and might have died, oh shit what would that have done to them? They have already lost one family member.

"Food is ready!" Ava announces, breaking me out of my morbid thoughts. I follow them outside and sit down at the table next to Dean and Tiffany.

It's a beautiful sunny day outside, not a cloud in the sky, and the birds are flying around singing their beautiful songs.
I can't help but admire what a cracker of a day it is, with everyone sitting around the table, I don't want this day to end. I stand up, and they all look at me wondering what I am doing.

I clear my throat to try and calm my nerves. "...Sorry everyone," I whisper with my head down in shame.

"If Stewart didn't command me to stop, I probably wouldn't have," I say looking at him feeling guilty, I know he doesn't like to use his alpha command on his friends.

"I wasn't thinking about the consequence." They all try to interrupt, so I put my hand up to stop them, and they go quiet.

"You all mean a lot to me and I love you all, I lost sight of that in my rage, I'm sorry I put you through that." I looked at each of them, I was expecting to see anger and disappointment in their eyes, but I saw understanding and compassion.

"I was covered in blood, sweat, tears, and stunk but..."

"I didn't care, you needed me and I would do it again. You scared the living daylight out of us, please don't do that again!" Stewart said interrupting me, my face went bright red.

"I definitely won't do that again." I smile at him.

I look at Tim and Elijah "Thank you for cleaning up my mess at the gym." I tell them again.

"That's what noblemen are for," Elijah says chuckling.
I smile at our joke.

"Ava and Evelyn thank you for being the best sisters ever and cleaning me up." I feel silent tears falling down my face, I wipe them away while going bright red again.

"Dean you are the best brother ever." he smiles up at me.

"I can't forget about my besties, who always have my back and are amazing friends, I should have told you what I was going through."

"Dad I'm sorry for worrying you. I don't know what it is like to lose a mate or the pain you are going through. I hope you can forgive me for being so selfish."

Dad gets up and hugs me tight.

"There is nothing to forgive, she betrayed you. It was a terrible thing to do." Sadness and betrayal laced in his voice. I wipe the tears off his cheeks.

"I talked to Dad this morning and he has already started to look into finding your family." Stewart looks so proud, I can't help the massive smile that spreads on my face.

"How do you feel now?" Donna asks.

"I feel like a weight has been lifted from my shoulders since I beat the living shit out of the punching bags and also sharing my pain helps. Let's eat before this yummy food gets cold." I say sitting down, changing the subject.

"The food is delicious," Tim says while shoving more bacon in his mouth.

"Gross" Tiffany says while looking at him

We all start laughing, then we spend the rest of the evening all hanging out, playing games, and watching movies. In Times like these you need good friends and family around you.

As I'm lying in bed thinking about the day's events, I can't help but wonder about my other family, but this time I start to get excited that maybe soon we will be reunited.

We all start laughing, then we spend the rest of the evening all hanging out, playing games, and watching movies. In Times like these, you need good friends and family around you.

As I'm lying in bed thinking about the day's events, I can't help but wonder about my other family, but this time I start to get excited that maybe soon we will be reunited.

Today's meeting with Logan, Dad, and Stewart went well. He informed us of his progress, which is slow-going.

I remember telling Logan how proud I was of Stewart, Tim, and Elijah with the way they helped me.

They will make good leaders when the time comes. Logan was beaming with pride for his boy.

I saw Stewart blushing and looking very pleased with himself.

What surprised me the most was when Stewart mentioned the atmosphere of the gym when they walked in.

They found it very hard to breathe and felt like they needed to submit to me and have only felt that pressure when Logan was in a rage before.

"The only thing that can stop an alpha in that state is a mate's touch or a command from another alpha."


"I'm surprised that your wolf didn't try to take over," Logan stated.

"She wanted to, but I was scared I'd never turn back if I let her," I admitted.

"You are an alpha daughter, which might make it easier to track down your family," Logan tells me, I was speechless when I looked at him.

"I always felt like you had hidden power behind you waiting to be unleashed, I realized that what I felt from you at the BBQ must be alpha lineage."

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