It's A Fine Line

By sarcasticcynic101

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"I will poke your eyes out with my compass if you break my pencil again." BTS Jungkook AU. More

1: Routine
2: The 7
3: Tutor
4: So the weather...
5: Fire with Fire
6: Pencils can be dangerous
7: Another Cast
8: A shit free zone
9: That's not Korean
10: Special Escort
11: Heights
12: I Don't Have Inappropriate Fantasies, I Swear
13: Ikigai
14: Cast away
15: Park Here
16: Happy Birth- nevermind
17: No flowers
18: Seulpeo studio
19: It's Not Help It's Just Useful Information
20: Slow
21: Let's make it official
23: Beep
24: Hae Rin? More like Hae (we should probably) Run
25: Rally Them Up
26: Nope. Not awkward at all.
27: It's Not Below Me
28: Not a Lie. More Like an Adjustment of the Truth
29: Where did the dead body come from?
30: "Rockabye baby. Rockabye."
31: Sunflowers
32: Surprise?
33: Do You Want Me To Kill Him?
34: Broken Like A Bone
35: "And This Is Jungkook, My...Friend?"
36: Since When?!
37: "There's Something I Need To Talk To You About."
39: "Lilium Lancifolium..."

38: "I Never Thought About It Once!"

48 7 28
By sarcasticcynic101

"I have an oral presentation in the next period," Jungkook complained.

"That's not so bad. You'll be fine. You're great at those," I said putting my accounting books back in my locker.

"It's for Mr. Wang's class," he stated as I closed my locker and faced him.
Now I understood the reason for his nervousness.

I grimaced.

"It will be fine," I said patting his shoulder encouragingly. " Just don't make direct eye contact with him, in case he turns you to stone."

Jungkook snickered at my joke.

The bell rang signalling the beginning of the next period.

I rested my hands on Jungkook's shoulder and stood on my toes. "Good luck," I wished him, kissing him quickly afterwards. I gazed at Jungkook and then decided "You deserve another one," and kissed him again. His hands grazed at my waist and I suspected he wanted to pull me closer so I pulled back. "Now go quickly before you're late for class and he makes you go first. "

Jungkook nodded and rushed off.

"What in the Americanised bullshit is this?" Hae soo whined.

And I agreed with her completely. I would've appreciated if the compulsory Life Skills Class we have to take in the 12th grade taught us how to file taxes. Or how to buy a house. How to change a tyre. How to properly clean a toilet.
Dammit they could teach us airfryer hacks and that would be more useful.

But no.

Mr. Park stood infront of the class explaining some new baby project that they decided to do from this year going forward.

Just like in the TV shows I watched in my childhood, in essence we'd get a baby doll to look after. One that could poop, pee, cry, and throw up. And we had to cherish it for the week.

It was simultaneously for the week but also not for the weak.

I wanted to have children. In the future. Not in second term, fourth period this year.

"I made sure to assign this project during a slot where none of you have any planned exams or tests. And it is only for 2 weeks, so look a little less sullen," the teacher said.

"What's the point of this anyways?" One of my classmates dared to ask. "Why do we have to do this?"

"You want the long answer or the short one?' Mr. Park queried comically before making a flippant gesture. "I'll give you both," he decided. "This project is more than just watching a doll. You have to put together goals and budgets and plans in a presentation with your project partner. This is about understanding what parenting means not only emotionally but financially and physically too. So that in the future when you're making decisions about your life, about your bodies, about your future, it's an informed one. Parenting takes a toll on people which doesn't mean they're bad parents but everyone should learn before becoming one that it isn't an easy process. And this is just a doll, this is just a small percentage of how difficult things can be. And this isn't to dissuade any of you from becoming parents in the future, it's again about making informed decisions. You will learn things about yourself during this project, things that you may not have been conscious of before. Maybe your partner will point them out or you'll figure it out yourself. Regardless, any task that helps you grasp a better understanding of yourself, of people, of life, is never a task done in vain. And this is a pair project so you'll also gain skills of working in a team...hopefully," he explained and honestly it made sense. I wasn't necessarily excited about it but I understood it to an extent.

"I really hope that was the long answer," Hae soo whispered and I snickered but managed to hold in the laugh I was about to let out.

"As for the short answer," he started.

"Thank God," she muttered.

"The department set the scope, I'm just following instructions," he shrugged making the class laugh.

"Okay, as I said, it's a presentation. Don't worry you don't have to present it to the class. At the end of the 2 weeks you will hand it back to me along with the baby. I will mark it within the next three weeks or so. The printed page I handed out at the beginning of the class lists all the requirements and explanations for the project. As in the monthly budget you'll have to plan. For the income you'll use the average or starting income of whichever careers you and your partner are planning to follow. As well as backup plan careers. Remember average income not highest paying because promotions and opportunities are not guaranteed in life. Stay at home parent is an option as a career too if that's what any of you plan to do. Then there's also a savings plan for your child's future. And there's a list of questions and 2 essays to be written about your individual experiences during this project. One essay will be yours and the other will be your partner's. All the information should be on the assignment sheet but if you have any questions feel free to come and ask me," he informed.

"Anything else..." he mused. "You can name the baby if you want. Or give it a nickname. I don't really care. When the baby cries, it will not stop crying unless soothed or if the batteries die out. There are new batteries in all of the dolls so if the batteries die, I will know you didn't complete your assignment correctly. If you change the batteries or take them out any point, I will know. Don't ask me how but I will definitely know. There is also a voice recording device embedded in the doll that records sound intermittently which will be used for marking purposes. Only I can remove it and I will again know if you tried removing or replacing it. I think that is all for now. Any questions?"

Nobody raised their hands. I kind of believed everyone was just too busy coming to terms with the time this project was about to take up.

"Okay great. You can choose your pairs. One girl and one boy per pair. Only because I know how some of you boys are and you partner up with one of your buddies, the baby will be used as a football at some point and you will lose it sometime today," that comment made the class laugh too. "The class numbers are uneven so there will be one girl left over that will do the project on her own. And because of that I will be more lenient on the doll's recordings for her. And only one essay will obviously be due."

Everyone nodded in understanding.

"What are you waiting for? Pair up. Or would you like me to assign the pairs?"

Somebody said no very loudly.

"Okay. You have two minutes, find your partner so I can hand the Chucky's out."

I didn't get up from my seat because I saw Jungkook walking towards me already.

"I guess we're having a baby, Sen," Jungkook smiled.

"Actually, I was thinking of partnering up with Hwang Sik for this project," I joked but Jungkook stared at me completely unamused so I rolled my eyes. "I'm kidding. I'm obviously pairing up with you, Kook."

"I know you are. You're stuck with me."

"I wouldn't exactly call it stuck if I'm with you willingly," I pointed out, propping my head on my chin. "Do you want to name the doll?"

"We can give it a nickname. "

"Yeah, I was thinking that too. Hae soo and I were talking about it and we said we both would prefer nicknames because if name the baby's we'd get attached. "

"To a plastic doll?"

"I get attached to fictional characters that are just ink on pages. I still mourn Finnick's death in the hunger games. Don't underestimate how attached I can get, Jungkook."

"Fair enough. Especially if we're going to have to see the child as ours. "


I reminded myself that this was just a high school project. And that I wouldn't be ready to have children in for the next few years.

That's didn't stop my heart from picking up pace just imagining a future with Jungkook. One where we're married and have kids. Our kids...

Okay let me just tuck those thoughts away to daydream about in my own time.

"Yeah and-"

"Mark is dead to me," Hae soo said in agitation.

"I tried to partner up with him since he's my friend and the only guy I actually speak to aside from your boyfriend."

"He has a name you know," I chuckled.

"Nah it's fine, I'm fine with being known as your boyfriend. "

I smiled at Jungkook sweetly.

"Aww, how sweet. I think I just threw up. Also be right back I'm just going to stand infront of a train. "

"Sorry. Continue," I apologised.

"As I was saying, I figured he and I would pair up but Jinhee grabbed his hand and told him they're partners so he just looked at me apologetically. Men are trash. And Mark is dead to me. I won't even write a Eulogy for him. But please pass on the message that I plan on tap dancing on his grave."

Jungkook coughed his laugh into his hand.

"Uhm...okay. I will tell him that," I said because sure Mark was my friend but Hae Soo was my best friend.

"Thank you," she replied. "I don't know if anyone will want to -"

"Hae soo do you want to pair up?" YoungJin asked.

"No thank you. I have a partner already," Hae soo answered immediately. "Me, myself and I," she muttered under her breath.

He just shrugged and walked away.

"Why'd you say no?" I asked.

"He was my lab partner the other day. He was on his phone while I did all the work. He also made inappropriate comments and nearly spilled Hydrochloric Acid on me. I'd rather be alone and do my work than be partnered with a liability and have to pick up his slack."

"You're right."

"I always am. Anyway, I'm gonna eavesdrop and see if anyone needs a partner. Oh and don't forget, please tell Mark-"

"He's dead to you and you're tap dancing on his grave. Got it."


"And his future generations will quiver in fear upon hearing your name."

"You know me so well," she said, pressing a hand to her chest. "Okay, let's hope I can find a decent partner."

I crossed my fingers for her.

It was only a few minutes later when Mr. Park clapped his hands together, signalling the end of the allotted time to pair up.

Everyone seemed to be in pairs except for Hae Soo who was sitting in her seat next to me sullen faced.

"I'm sure everyone has their partners now, so I will be handing out the dolls."

"Yeah, everyone but me," she huffed. "Makes sense though, I knew I was going to die alone. This scenario is just me in 10 years except there's a baby instead of a goldfish. Now I'm a single mother just like my mom. "

I patted her back, "You could've had a partner, you were just making the right decision for yourself by not pairing up with a slacker. And this is a 2 week project. You have years to find an actual partner for the future."

"She's right, Hae soo. You'll probably meet someone in college...and if it makes you feel any better, Sen and I will happily cheer you on while you tap dance. I never liked Mark anyway," Jungkook, who had brought his chair and sat next to me, said.

"Should've trusted your intuition," she said.

I shook my head at them, "You both realise Jinhee kind of instructed him to be her partner right?" Hae Soo glared at me and I raised my hands in surrender. "Yes yes. But until he explains himself and apologises he's dead to us. Got it. "

"Miss Jung, you are the one doing this project on your own?" Mr. Park asked Hae Soo, handing her a doll.

"Yes sir."

"Very well."

After Mr. Park handed every pair their fake child and the other accessories that went with it (like fake diapers and a powdered product that had to be mixed with water to become 'milk'), he gave us time to start discussing the project.

"I'm going to be the best single mom that walked this planet, for you, Peanut," Hae soo cooed to her baby in blue clothes.

Stereotypically the boy dolls were in blue and the girl dolls were in pink. Jungkook and I received a girl doll.

"Our children can get married when they grow up," Hae soo said. "If he takes after me he won't have friends so I'm counting on your kid to be his friend. "

"Obviously," I said. "That's a given."

Now I just had picture this doll as my and Jungkook's child and then I'd see it as more than plastic that controlled my Life Skills grade.

She started crying the moment Jungkook lifted her off the table and I laughed at his shocked expression.

"Here, let me try?" I offered when I saw him panicking.

I remembered a baby doll I had in my childhood. Her back had to be patted to make her stop crying. So I tried that with this one too and hoped it would work.

It did work after a few minutes and the relief on Jungkook's face was hilarious.

"I guess we adopted her since she doesn't look like us?"

"What are you talking about, she has your eyes," Jungkook said in a serious tone.

"Didn't realise my eyes were unblinking."

"To be fair, she does blink, it just takes a while. And she sleeps too so she closes them...or so it says on the manual," he said, looking at the instructions. "And I was talking about her eyes being big and brown."

"Are you making fun of my astigmatism? You know the optometrist said my vision is like this because my eyes are big and grew too quickly when I was a child."

"No! Not at all. I love your eyes, " he confessed instantly.

And that compliment alone was enough to settle my concern as well as make my heart race.
It was the first time he said he loved something about me. He's said he likes things about me...that he likes me but his never before spoken about loving an attribute of mine...until now.
And I knew he didn't say he loved me but it still made a difference. Because he could've easily mentioned liking my eyes. But instead he chose to say he loved them.
It does in fact make a difference.

One would think Jungkook would've stopped talking after that but he didn't.

"In fact, I hope that when we have children in the future they all have eyes like yours," he blurted, his eyes widening once he realised what he said. "Not that I've been thinking about us having kids in the future. Never crossed my mind," he cleared his throat and his ears went red.

I went through a rollercoaster of emotions hearing his ramblings. Surprise for one. But also amusement. And something else. Something I didn't entirely understand.

It was sort of like a reminder of how much I like him. But it also was nothing like that.

There was a warmth I felt spreading from heart outwards. It was like an internal embrace. Like...something. I don't know. I'd felt glimpses of this emotion with Jungkook previously but it felt even stronger know.

I supposed I really liked him?

Or maybe I had a fever. But I didn't feel sick. I felt...whole.

Maybe it was a fever and I was being delusional. I really didn't know.

But for a moment the world went silent and everything made sense. Everything but naming this feeling.

"If our kids had your eyes they'd be adorable," I blurted and somewhat regretted my response immediately. "Not that I thought about us having children either! I never thought about it once."


"I'm bitter, so focus on the assignment before the two of you have two babies to take care," Hae soo warned.

Heat rose to my cheeks and I could see the red evidence blooming on Jungkook's cheeks too.

I looked to him and he smiled at me, even with the embarrassment he was feeling so obvious on my face. He smiled at me genuinely.

And then that world stopping feeling came again.


"Day five of being a parent how are things going for you?"

"Being a single mom is not easy," Hae Soo replied. "I don't know how my mom handled it because she had to deal with me for more than a week...and I ate and pooped and threw up a lot more. Or so I'm told. Anyway, Peanut started crying at 2am and I opened my eyes to see a doll next to me so I nearly punched him. Glad I gathered my wits before doing that. I'm tired but I have a lot of my presentation done so far. What about you?"

"I'm also tired. And I told myself that I wasn't doing the essay yet because I was trying to gain an informed opinion before writing it. Turns out I'm just procrastinating. So yeah, I started making some notes. Having a partner does make it easier though since Jungkook and I can discuss things about the project. And because there's two of us to take care of the baby. Having him stay over is extra helpful since we can take turns more easily especially when it comes to doing homework and stuff. "

"How did your parents agree to him staying over anyway?"

"He's staying in a guest bedroom obviously. Doors stay opened, again obviously. And actually it was my mom's idea. She said it would be easier to work on the project together instead of deciding who takes the baby. And I think she understands that Jungkook prefers not to stay at his house so he could stay over without feeling like a bother. be honest she really enjoys making sure he's fed. "

"Oh that reminds, when is she making her roast chicken again?"

"Tonight, I think."

"Peanut and I will be over. My mom is trying a new recipe tonight and I will not be there for that. I love her with all my heart but God she needs to stop trying to cook. "

"I'd say you were being harsh but I've tasted her mac and cheese so I understand. "

"That wasn't the worst one."

"No? "

"The other day she put sour gummies in her mac and cheese to cut through the 'richness'. I think it's her hobby to see how far she can go before we say something. This is probably because of the time in my childhood I made fake tea for her with toilet water."

"Oh gross Hae soo," I made a disgusted expression. "I'd rather have the mac and cheese again."

"Be careful what you wish for. "

"Have you forgiven Mark yet?"

"Forgiven but not forgotten. He apologised and gave me a bunch of candy bars so I had no choice but to forgive him. He did say he was intimidated and didn't know how to say no so I won't judge him...too much. But that's strike one. Two more strikes and-"

"Tap dancing. "

"Exactly," she said pointing a singular finger gun at me since she was cradling the doll in the other hand. "I can't believe we have to carry these things with us the whole day," she complained but then a look of panic settled on her face as she stared down at the baby. "Not that you're a problem to me because I love you so much," she reassured the doll. "This project is going to make me go crazy," she whispered to me when I stopped at my locker. "At first I was worried about the recordings so I was trying to be thoughtful when I spoke but now I've become habituated to talking to the doll like he's my real child and I don't want to offend him as if he's going to grow up with parental trauma."

"It's okay. I understand. I sang to mine when it was crying and I know it doesn't actually make a difference but comforted me in a way. Like I was doing the right thing. " I shook my head. "Jungkook has the baby now, since I had her for the first 3 lessons."

"You named her?"

"Nope. I've been calling her jellybean or other pet names. You?"

"I just call him Peanut. I can't afford to get attached to a doll. I have at least a few more years before someone locks me away in an asylum."

The bell rang.

"Fair enough. See you later then?"

"Yeah definitely. "


"You're up,"Jungkook said in a soft tone when he noticed me walking into the living room.

I still felt a little groggy and my eyes were still half closed but I was still settling from the panic I felt when I woke up.

"I woke up from my nap and saw that Jellybean wasn't there and I panicked because I thought I lost our baby," I said. "When did you get back?"

"Band practice finished about an hour ago. When I got here, I saw that you were sleeping and so I took the baby away in case she started crying...or pooped on your bed."

"I'm probably taking all of this way too seriously," I rubbed a hand down my face.

"Don't worry, most of our class is. I saw someone have their doll in that front sling thing parents keep their children in. Someone called Junho's baby's name stupid and he nearly punched them so really, don't worry. We're fine. And we're supposed to treat this like a real circumstance any way. "

"I guess so," I yawned.

"Come," he said gesturing to seat next to him on the couch. "We are watching the Great British baking show. "

I sat down.

"It's very calming. "

"It is. Anyway, Andrew didn't add enough eggs to his choux mixture," Jungkook explained.

"Amateur," I stated and Jungkook agreed.

We spent the afternoon critiquing the showstopper round as if we were expert pastry chefs.

It was a great Saturday. A great day. Even Jellybean crying at 11pm didn't change that.

Because the world stopped and nothing else mattered.

Hello my dear readers. Welcome to a new update that you were hopefully waiting for.
It's unedited which shouldn't be too much of surprise surely.

How is everyone?

Have you been taking care of yourselves?

You better be!!!😡😡😡

I'm alright. I have assignments that I'm procrastinating. And like I'm anxious about doing them as well as anxious about my procrastination. It's a whole thing.

The baby project isn't a major event in this book. It's just a means to show some time progression as well as cute interactions. But the baby project will be somewhat important in the second book, in a way. Not a major event but still meaningful.

If you didn't know this book is the first of the series. The second book will be about Hae Soo. The third will be about Yoongi. And the fourth book is about Taehyung and is actually published already (the sexyist).

I know that it might be a little weird that book 1 and 4 are published here but book 2 and 3 haven't been yet. I have a reason which is initially the idea for Taehyung's book in the series was different but I've since changed my mind and decided to make the sexyist the book for Taehyung in this series.
With that book I will try not to include too many spoilers but there will definitely be a few hintsz regarding the first three books so be wary of that.

Also when I say series, it's an interconnected standalone series.
Each book will be about a different bts member. But characters will make appearances in all books.


How was the chapter?

Did you like it?

What do you think will happen next?

What do you want to happen next?

If nobody has told you yet, you are beautiful, and you're trying your best which is more than enough and I am so proud of you.

I appreciate you.

I love you.

Thank you so much for all the reads, votes and comments.

Please vote and comment lots.

See you soon, you cute baboons.

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