SHE'S/I'M DIFFERENT (Kuroko n...

Oleh Trufflerabbit13

1.3M 32.1K 10.3K

Kuroko Koyuki was very much similar and different to her cousin Kuroko Tetsuya. They both had a burning passi... Lebih Banyak

Chapter 1: Meeting the Cousin Rewritten
Chapter 2: She's back Rewritten
Chapter 3: She's Rather Popular Rewritten
Chapter 4: Scrambled Eggs Rewritten
Reunion Chapter 5 Rewritten
CHAPTER 7: P-PERVERT?! Rewritten
CHAPTER 8: British Accent Rewritten
CHAPTER 9 "We play." Rewritten
CHAPTER 10 "YOU TRAITORS!!!!" Rewritten
CHAPTER 11 Basketball at the beach! Rewritten
CHAPTER 12 Results and Dinner rewritten
CHAPTER 13 BET rewrittened
CHAPTER 15 Girl's Day rewritten
CHAPTER 16 Empress's Eye rewritten
CHAPTER 17 edited
CHAPTER 18 edited
CHAPTER 19 edited
CHAPTER 20 edited
CHAPTER 21 edited
CHAPTER 22 edited
CHAPTER .......
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50

Chapter 51

17.8K 463 239
Oleh Trufflerabbit13

She's/I'm Different

Regular letters: Japanese

Bold letters: English


A painful smack hit me on my head making a shocked yelp escape my lips.

"Oww! What was that for!" I whined as I glared at the male sitting beside me.

Colton gave me a closed eye smile before my head was between his knuckles.

My eyes widen and a screamed of pain escaped my mouth as he continued to grind his knuckles into my head.

"Iyyyaaaa!!  Mercy! Mercy!! Meeerrrcyyyy!!!" I screamed, throwing my arms widely around.

Colton just chuckled as he continued to add pressure, "How many time have I asked you to stop shaking the whole fucking bench....?" He slowly growled.

"A-A million times!" I screamed out, trying to pry his hands away from my head, "I'm sorry!!!"

The pressure quickly lift my head leaving me relieved.

I looked up at the tall male who sat beside me with teary eyes, whining loudly, "That hurt....."

Colton rolled his brown eyes as he looked back at the intense game between Yosen and Seirin.

I pouted to myself as I rubbed my head, "It's not my fault I want to be in the game.... With all the excitement I can't control my body....."

I stopped my complaining as Colton shot me a glare making a small, "Meep!" Escape my lips before I avoided eye contact.

A silence fell over us but the crowd was loud with cheering.

My magenta eyes narrows as Mu-Kun used his large body to block another shot.

They swiftly moved to the score board before my teeth grounded together....


With us losing....

"Their defense is surprisingly outrageous. Maybe Japanese basketball isn't so bad...." Colton spoke sounding rather impressed.

But.... I can't help but agree. Before I came back to Japan, I never thought the sport would be so intense. Of course I knew that the GoM were good but.... From the second year of middle school the improvement was crazy.

"Though, it doesn't seem to good for your team, Snow. They're gonna lose if they continued on like this," Colton stated.

"Eh? Really?!" I yelled shocked at Colton's statement.

A irk mark appeared on Colton's head before he smacked me on my forehead, "Don't 'really?' me you cabeza hueca!"

I poured with tears at the corner of my eye, "Ow..."

Though I stopped my whining as the crowd got loud once again. I snapped my magenta eyes in the court searching for the orange ball.

It was in the air between the hands of both Mu-kun and Tai-chan.

Unconsciously I stood up in excitement, "Go Tai-chan!!!! Go! Go! Go!!"

"SHUT UP YOU MIDGET!!!" The red head screamed.

Though at the same time he twisted his hand so the ball was shoved to the left.


A large grin appeared on my face as Tet-chan snatched the ball into his hand.

"Go Tet-chan!!!!" I shrieked, jumping onto the bench, leaping into the air!

Before we all know it the ball flew into the air.

"He's going to be able to block it," Colton muttered his thought.

A small smirk tugged on my lips as I looked at the dark haired male, "You're wrong," I state as I stare as the ball soared through the air, "Even Dai-kun couldn't block it... Mu-kun won't be able to as well...!"

My team let out a roar of a cheer as the fall entered the hoop.

"KUUUROOOOOKOOOOO!" My teammate's yelled as they jumped out of the bench in happiness.

"It's finally in!! Seirin's first basket!!"

I crossed my arm over my chest in pride. That's my Tet-chan!

Feeling a hand grip my ankle I looked down. But I squealed as my foot was pulled from underneath me.

Though before my back could make a sickening crunch as it landed on the floor, I dropped in pair of strong arms.

"Snow please sit down, we wouldn't want you to crack your head open right?" Colton gave me a chilling smile making me furiously nod my head.

As placed my hands on my lap and sat with my back straight, not moving a single millimeter.

A large hand landed on my head, patting it, "Good girl," Colton gave me a small smile.

At that moment, I realized that I was holding my breath and released it through my mouth. Though at the same time I could feel heat crawling up my neck as I avoided eye contact with the taller male.

Why am I blushing...?

"Snow, I remember you telling me your cousin couldn't... No, disliked shooting," Colton questioned as he cracked his back before looking back at the game.

My eyes zoned onto his leg that was twitching slightly.

I couldn't help the tiny smile to appear on my lips... Of course he would want to play after seeing this.

"Tet-chan can shoot... But the probability of it entering the hoop is very small. The least he tried to shoot the more it'll enter the ring. But it seems like he's been practicing while I was gone," I explained, seeing the change of his form.

My eyes moved to the bleachers where I spotted two familiar teens earlier when the game started.

Dai-kun.... Where you the one who helped Tet-chan...?


"Riiiikooooo-cooooach...?! Is it not my turn yeeeeet??" I whined as I dropped myself in her back as she seriously watched the game.

A small Yelp escaped my mouth as Riko-Coach flicked me on my forehead.

The brunette scowled and pointed to the court, "Watch the game Yuki-chan! Did you not just see Kagami-Kun being able to stop Okamura-san?"

I pouted and rubbed my forehead. Everyone's so abusive today....

"But warm yourself up, we're replacing you with Kuroko-kun so he can rest."

I snapped my head up and looked at the older female who looked down at her clipboard that had notes scribbled on it.

I quickly turn serious and take off my shoes, replacing them with my regular basketball shoes instead of the ones with the weights.

"Take all of them off Snow," a voice called as they took hold of my forearm. Colton who was earlier wearing a thicker coat because of the cold weather shed it and replaced it with a black baggy sweater.

I nod and take off the weights wrapped around my ankle and waist, carefully placing them back in my sports bag.

I received a small bid of approval from the coach before walking out of the stadium to go have a light jog.

Colton followed me, running beside me as we circled a small section of the stadium.

I could feel my nose and cheek turn pink from the cold as my puffs of breath turned into white clouds as they exited my mouth.

"It's much colder here compared to Los Angeles," Colton muttered as he jogged, taking large strides with his long legs; one step for him was like three steps for me.

I watched my breath exit out of my mouth as a white cloud before replying, "It doesn't snow there unlike like here. They don't even really have the four seasons."

A silence fell over us once again as we went on our third lap. My legs were slightly becoming loose as my body started to produce heat.

"You better watch out with the purple haired giant," the male broke the silence.

A small laugh escaped my lips, "Giant? You're one to talk, you're around the same height as him," I joked as I tried to nudge his side with my elbow. Though my elbow hit his mid thigh because of our height different.

At this, the dark brown haired male
chuckled. Though once again quickly became serious.

"But I'm serious snow. Since he's so big, if you're only hit a little, you'll probably fly across the court," the male warned worriedly.

I rolled my eyes at his warning, "I've been playing with you and the boys forever. If I worried about something like that I would have quit playing this sports years ago."

The male beside me shrugged his shoulder before slowing his pace down, "We've always been careful around you, I can't expect those guys an be careful as us when their so concentrated in the game."

I rolled my magenta eyes again but stop as Colton pulled out his phone from his pocket, "We should probably head back, the break is about to end."

I nodded in agreement and we jogged back into the stadium, my own muscles loose and relaxed, ready to jump into the game anytime.

"Just be safe okay?"

I paused and looked at the taller male before nodding, "Nothings going to happen!"

I opened my mouth to state something else but was cut off, "Yuki-chan! Are you ready?!"

I turn my attention to coach who stood with the rest of my teammate.

"Yeah!" I respond back with a yell before looking back at Colton who stared at me with his dark eyes.

"Go break a leg, Snow. I'm sure you can do it."

I gave him a thumbs up and ran to my team.


"The card up Kuroko's sleeve, misdirection overflow, doesn't work against Yosen."

"W-What?!" Koganei yelled as he stared at his brunette coach who sat in the changing room.

Riko's mouth tugged down as she looked at her team, "To be exact, we can't expect a high impact like against Touou. Over flow attracts a player's sight and attention towards Kuroko and it has two effects. It gives the rest of the team the power of the vanishing drive and decreases the enemies attack."

"Which means the problem is the 2nd effect right?" Koyuki spoke up surprising the males.

"Woah!!!! When did you get here!" Kiyoshi gasped as he gripped his chest with his hand.

Koyuki smiled and looked up at the taller male, "I've been here the whole time!"

Everyone sweat dropped but it became serious again as Riko coughed, catching attention.

"Like Yuki-chan said, the problem is the second effect. This works against an outside shooter or a slasher. But for an inside shooter or power player it doesn't," the brunette stated, looking at each of the faces of her team, "Better said, against Yosen who base their game off of that, it doesn't have much effect."

Koyuki hummed to herself as she adjusted her pony tail, tightening it. Though she stopped for a moment.

'Will I have to become serious later...?  It's Mu-kun we're going against, I honestly don't know myself...' The magentanette thought as she let her magenta strands go.

While Koyuki was mentally thinking, Riko had gotten everyone's attention on three players.

"For Seirin to win, Kagami-kun must stop and beat Himuro-kun. And Teppei must be able to stop Murasakibara-kun. And lastly our trump card," Riko paused as everyone looked at the smallest player in the team; a certain magenta haired female who seemed to zone out.

The players all sweat dropped while Kagami growled and smacked the petite female on the head, "Oi, you idiot, are you not paying attention when we are talking seriously?!" The red head yelled in English, glaring down at Koyuki.

Koyuki whined and rubbed the bump on her head that was caused by her friend, "Itai....! You don't have to be so mean!"

Though the teen paused and cocked her head to the side, "So what were you guys talking about?"

This time Hyuga growled and grabbed the girl into a choke hold, grinding his fist into her head as she screamed.


Koyuki was screaming from the top of her lungs, wiggling to escape the upperclassman's hold.


Koganei who was growing pale nudged Kuroko slightly, "Don't you need to go help her Kuroko....?" The catlike teen questioned worriedly as he eyed the scene.

The pale male with sky blue hair shook his head as he avoided contact with anyone, "I do not have a cousin right now. I believe the safety of myself comes first," Kuroko muttered as he started to sweat nervously.

The first one to step into the scene was Kiyoshi as he smiled, placing his large hand on Hyuga's shoulder.

"Maa, Maa. Why don't forgive her now, Hyuga? We can't have our trump card hurt right?" The tall male questioned while smiling softly.

Hyuga let out a huff of a breath before he let the petite female go, making her slump to the floor with whines of complain.

Riko sighed and rubbed her forehead,  "Anyways, our trump card is Yuki-chan and she'll replace... Well someone."

Koyuki perked up as se heard name and sat up.

Before she knew it, she was picked up and placed onto her feet as her teammate's crowded around her.

"ALL RIGHT! ARE YOU GUYS READY?!" Hyuga yelled at the top of his lung.










"Yuki-chan, get ready."

Koyuki's mouth tugged down slightly as she realized she was being subbed win to replace Kagami.

Though she didn't argue beside she knew that the current Kagami wouldn't be able to stop Himuro's mirage shot.

"Black Player switch! Kagami!"

"Eh?!" The red head pointed to himself in shock, not believing that he was getting switched out already, "A little bit longer! I can still-"

Before he could finish his sentence he was smacked on the head by Hyuga, "Get off the court already!"

The tall red head openly pouted and slumped off to the court where Koyuki was waiting.

Before he got off the court he placed his hand on the smaller female's head, "Go break a leg."

Koyuki smirked as she adjusted her wristband, "You don't even have to tell me."

As the petite female walked onto the court, her senpais were waiting for her.

"We're doing what we practiced before you left off to America. You remember it right?" Hyuga muttered as he wrapped a arm around her shoulder.

Koyuki gave him a small curt nod to the male as she eyed her teammate's that were present on the court.

She ran her fingers through her magenta strands once before she cracked her neck, her eyes becoming a bit narrowed.

"Let's do this."

The five of them clasped hands before going to the proper area they were suppose to stand by.

Koyuki stood in front of Himuro, smiling, "Hello Tatsuya," she greeted in English.

Himuro eyed the female he met years ago for a second before returning the greeting.

Though their greeting quickly ended as Kiyoshi grabbed the ball into his hand, moving past the purple haired giant.

Though when the ball was blocked by Murasakibara and flew across the court, Himuro gasped as he realized the magentanette who was in front of him moments ago disappeared.

He swiftly turned around, searching for her bright strands of hair. But by the time he found her, she was a quarter court away, the ball in her small hand.

"The ball?!"

'When did she....!' The Yosen players thought as they watched the ball leave her fingers, before being grabbed by Kiyoshi.

The tall center of Seirin leaped into the air as he shot the ball.

"A three pointer?!"

Koyuki grinned as the ball entered the hoop.


"That was for real?! Isn't he the center though?!"

Murasakibara narrowed his eyes as he glared at the center, "Ha, that was pure luck."

Okamura looked at the SEIRIN center as well, his eyes narrowed, 'There weren't any three pointers on Kiyoshi's data. I doubt there'll be anymore.'

Fukui's usually narrowed eyes were slightly wider than usual, 'They scored but it was from the outside. Nothing has changed, it's not even a strategy....' The dirty blond male thought, 'I would have expected them to use Kuroko-chan to make a point... What was she put on the court for...?'

"All right!" Hyuga yelled, "We're going to break the Eagle Wall!"

At that moment the Yosen team froze as they looked who had the ball, "What?!"

Fukui being the only one coughed and choked on his own saliva.

"Alright, let's have fun!" Kiyoshi yelled as he dribbled the ball, his hand that held one finger in the air.

"Are they joking?" Okamura muttered, "What are they planning on doing?!"

Fukui who now blocked Kiyoshi gritted his teeth as he tried to read the taller male's movement.

Though as he thought that Kiyoshi jumped into the air for a three pointer,  Seirin's iron heart released the ball downwards, throwing it at Izuki.

The said male jumped for the three pointer but as he did Murasakibara and Fukui jumped, surrounding him.

Koyuki smirked as she blocked Himuro from moving to help, 'It's not as advance as Sei-kun's emperor's eye but Izuki-senpai's eagle eye is something that's quite amazing.....!'

Izuki threw the ball over his hand, making it fly above the tall purple haired center's head.


Kiyoshi let out a roar as he soared through the air, gripping the ball with one hand, "We will win!"


The slamming of the ball entering the hoop echoed once again, making the crowd cheer.

Koyuki grinned as she jumped back onto her feet after letting go of the hoop.

The whistle was then blown, "Time out for the white team!"

Koyuki and her teammate's went to their bench grinning widely as they high fives each other.

"Nice dunk," Kiyoshi laughed as he patted the petite female's head, "They didn't notice you were gone until you were by the hoop. Murasakibara didn't even get the chance to block."

Koyuki smiled up at the older male, droplets of sweat running down her cheek, "It's all thanks to Senpai tachi backing me up. They were to caught up blocking you guys to realize I went for the ball. Anyways Teppei-senpai you're such a devil," the magentanette giggled as she cover her mouth with her hand.

"Hm?" The male muttered with a look of confusion as he scratched his cheek.

"Having such a kind face yet having such a evil talent!" Koyuki giggled as she hugged the male, getting comfortable on his lap.

'That's what he's really good at....' Hyuga thought as he made a weird face.

As Koyuki hugged the male, a serious look appeared in her magenta eyes.

'He's sweating so much... Well it's obvious since he's playing two roles right now, it'll be strange if he wasn't...' The magentanette carefully wrapped a towel around Kiyoshi's neck before she got off his lap and took a look of his taping on his knee.

"Koganei-Senpai, can you get me the bottle of rubbing alcohol, a clean towel and tape from my bag?" The magentanette questioned.


Carefully yet expertly, Koyuki took off the bandage and rubbed the knee with the towel that was soaked with alcohol.

"By using rubbing alcohol, I'm able to wipe away all the sweat and oil from the game. And it'll dry so I can apply the KT tape for the support."

Riko and the males looked at Koyuki in surprise, not really believing they heard Koyuki say that.

They broke into whispers, muttering to each other, "I think that's the smartest thing I heard her say....."

A vein throbbed on Koyuki's forehead as she gave a deadly smile to her teammates. Though she stopped as Riko started to demand for attention.

"Up until now, it's been going fairly well. The offense has been the same, they did us a favor by taking a time out," the brunette started, "You're in Kagami-Kun! You're ready right?"


Koyuki smirked as she stood up.

'Now this is what I'm talking about!!!'


Ahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!! I am alive!!!!!

So um..., well, I guess I need to say sorry first.... It's been forever since I've updated and well let's just say I struggled to write this chapter as well. Anyhow, I'm going to go work on my hunter X Hunter fanfic right now, hopefully I'll write something so I can post it next week.

And those who are my little perverts, I have a Koyuki X Akashi oneshot lemon so go check it out on my profile. It's graphic so uh, not intended for young readers!!!

Please leave comments and opinions, hopefully there's going to be more drama soon!!!


I really like Colton.....


5:25 pm

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