After math

By ellie091294

340 1 4

No one ever speaks about the after math. Nobody talks about the pain the hurt, the tears, everything that com... More

Who she is
Why should I care?
Beggars can be choosers
Weak Woman
Fake it
Pillow talk
Broken promises
Pure Bliss
At last
Heart of hearts
Stay Alive
Live, laugh, lose
I think I wanna marry you
Heaven and Earth
In another life


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By ellie091294

It had been a year since Annalise died. Since then Andrew had bought the company he was working at and changed it completely. Annalise had once spoken about wanting to make a company and let people come in and out whenever they needed, almost like a homeless shelter. Except it had everything someone could need and more.

Clothes, food, water, real comfy beds. 

Andrew fulfilled that and one day when he had opened the shelter, a homeless pregnant woman came by. He gave her prenatal vitamins and took her to the hospital on the day of her delivery. The woman gave birth to twins. She gave both of them to him, in a form of respect and a way to repay him. Andrew tried giving them back but she didn't take them. He wasn't sure why but he kept them anyway.

He named one Annalise Rosalie Choi and the other one Evan Malachi Choi. Malachi was Annalise' brothers name and Rosalie was his sisters name. He had raised them with Korey's help. He prayed every single day and went to church on Sunday. Annalise had changed him for the better whether she was alive or dead.

He never even thought about remarrying someone. He couldn't do that to Annalise. That was until he met someone so much like Annalise it was scary. Then he thought about what she said before she died. "In another life." That was the last thing she had ever said to him. So he prayed about it and then came to the conclusion that this wasn't Annalise. Never was ever going to be like Annalise.

He had been doing good on own. He missed her so much but all he wanted when she was alive for her not to be in pain. And now she wasn't. She was in Heaven looking down at him. That was all he needed to get through the day. He framed a picture of her on their wedding day and put it on the wall of the shelter in memory of her.

The bottom of the picture had writing engraved something along the lines of "In loving memory of the woman who made his all happen. Annalise Choi 2001-2024. Mother of Korey Choi and wife of Andrew Choi."  He had entire room dedicated to her.

Some say it's a little creepy and others say it's a sweet sentiment. 

The twins has just started walking on their first birthday so Andrews been running around a lot more than he thought he would when he adopted them. One day when Evan was running around the shelter he went into Annalise' room. The room was filled with pictures of her like the ones when she was first going through chemotherapy and on their wedding day and when her and Andrew first got engaged.

He just looked around. He didn't hurt anything he just looked around the room. Andrew walked in and saw him staring at the photo of Annalise on their wedding day. Baby Annalise soon came running into the room, being chased by Korey. He sat all the kids down in a little circle and started telling stories about Annalise.

Andrew was a firm believer that if you keep someone's memory alive, they never really die. They may not be here now but they'll always be remembered.

The after math equation was a problem that never had a solution. But if you worked it out enough, you eventually found one.


This was a really short chapter but this was also just for closure.

I will be writing another book but I will not be posting it until I have five chapters because I need to have somewhat of a foundation.

I knew several people who unfortunately died of cancer a couple years back so if that's you and someone you know and loved died of cancer I hope this story helped you with that a little bit.

I don't think that made sense tbh but I hope you guys enjoyed!

Love you guys ❤️❤️❤️

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