The New Marauder

By TWK688

16.5K 1.5K 122

The frigid winds of Forks, Washington, blew so hard that Sirius' squib brother, busy beating fat chunks of wo... More

Twenty one
Twenty Two
Twenty Three
Twenty Four
Twenty Five
Twenty Seven
Twenty Eight
Twenty Nine
Thirty One
Thirty two
Thirty three
Thrity four

Twenty Six

278 36 4
By TWK688

    The note haunts me, so much so that I wish I never saw it in the first place. It's been four weeks, and I still haven't found the courage to try his suggestion. I think it's because if it actually works, then it will make everything real. That the one I had been talking to through the map is my father. It's the only conclusion I had come up with. The father that threw me away for whatever reason, the father who hadn't bothered with me until the night. If I use this, then the ghost of my father comes to life. While I would rather figure it out on my own, I fear that my curiosity will soon be getting the better of me.
    Even now, while the older kids had just come back from Hogsmeade and with Charlie posting the Quidditch team's practice schedule, I couldn't be happy like the rest of my Housemates. I had made the team, but after speaking to Professor McGonagall, I was placed on the reserve list. Charlie, Fred, and George were a bit disappointed that I had done that, but after talking with them about my feelings and what happened the night I was in the Hospital Wing, they understood, they weren't too happy, but they understood. Charlie still requires all reserves to be at practice, which is every Sunday, Tuesday, and Thursday night, which has helped a bit with the mixed emotions that have taken over my mind but only until my feet touch back down on the pitch.
    Letting out a groan, I realize that instead of finishing my Transfiguration homework, I had spent my entire last free period of the day staring at the blank parchment that's spread out over the table in the middle of our room. I mean it's not due for three more days, but the thought of it not being completed irks me. Maybe I can go to the library during lunch tomorrow to finish it up.
    "Bullocks Ori, you still at it?" Fred asks, walking into our room with George following behind, both drenched in sweat from their own practice on the pitch.
    I can't help but laugh at his words; yes, I know they've taken it lightly with the British slang around me mainly cause they know I wouldn't know what they're talking about, but whenever they get extremely tired or mad they let those funny sayings slip out. "Yeah, just weighing the pros and cons of using the advice." I mumble, walking to my wardrobe to pull out the picture of my mother and uncle.
    "You mean the note from your father?" George questions, taking off his dirtied jacket as he sits across from me. "Look, I know you're a bit miffed with him, but he's one of the makers."
    "The Marauders." Fred corrects, sitting next to him. "And that means. If it does work, then Uncle James has to be too. Mum says they've been attached at the hip since Hogwarts."
    "Yeah, I know that." I mumble, remembering reading all about it in Uncle Regulus's diary and the pain it caused seeing his brother trade him in for another.
    "Then what's stopping you? It seems to us that he wanted you to have it."
    "That's the problem though." I answer, tearing my eyes away from my mother in her Ravenclaw Quidditch robes. After digging around in the library, I found out that the Cup was won that year when Gryffindor beat Ravenclaw by thirty points. Proof of the photo shows that my mother didn't care she was just as happy as my Uncle and it showed. "He left me, just like he left his brother. He leaves that's what he does. If I take his advice and use it, it feels like I'm accepting him. That someday I will end up-"
    "Sod off Ori, that's a bit of a stretch and you know it." Fred cuts me off a bit angrily.
    "You are nothing like him; you're more like your mum. Bloody look exactly like her too." George agrees, pointing at the photo of my mother and Uncle.
    "No." Fred almost shouts. "What if it was Uncle James that left you the note?"
    "He didn't though." I argue.
    "But it was his map too, wasn't it? Take your dad out of the picture; just think about how proud Uncle James would be if he knew you had this."
    "I've never met him, so I wouldn't know." I point out dryly.
    "Just try it." George pleads desperately, nudging the note closer to me.
    Letting out a sigh, I realize that they won't stop bugging me until I at least give it an attempt. "Fine."
    Picking up my wand, I let the warmth flow through my hand before tapping it against the seam of old yellowed parchment. My heart speeds up as the words of greeting me spread out, filling the blankness with thin red ink. "I swear that I am up to no good." I mumble tapping the center.
"Messer Moony wishes to know if you solemnly swear that you're up to no good."
    Flicking my eyes up to Fred I hold his until he gives me a nod. "I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good." I whisper after taking a deep breath.
    Instantly the red ink moves towards the center is its been liquified again before spreading out in all other directions however at the middle of the folded pieces it forms a square like castle.
    "Messers Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, and Prongs—"
    "Are proud to present the—"
    "Marauders map." We whisper one after the other in complete awe.
    Eidetic memory aside, Fred would be the first to admit that I knew a lot more about our studies than the twins, but looking over the inscriptions that made up the halls and classrooms, I knew this took smarts, like really serious brainpower smarts. Makes me think if they had gotten help from my mother, yes I know it was wrong to dig into her a bit but I couldn't help it I need to know the type of person she is.
    "Is that really—"
    "Charlie and Gemma?" George giggles pointing to two sets of footprints inside an empty Charms classroom on the third floor.
    Shaking the thoughts away, I look to where he's pointing and laugh. "I don't think they're studying."
    "Oh, he's gonna hear about this." Fred grins wickedly. "Look, Professor McGonagall is headed that way."
    All of us hone in on her set of footsteps as it moves down the corridor heading straight for the door. Right as she gets to it, we see footprints belonging to Theodore Potter rush to her before they both walk away quickly.
    "What was that about?" I ask, opening the parchment further only to see them walk into his office.
    "I dunno, but look, this goes all the way out to the Forbidden Forest." George says, ruffling up another section. "The Black lake, Hagrid's Hut, the Owlery, even the Quidditch pitch."
    "Where do you think this goes?" Fred points to a thin strip of words leading away from a statue at the end of the same corridor of Uncle Theo's classroom.
    "Don't know, maybe we should find out tonight." I grin, sitting back in my chair.
    "This is crazy—"
    "Wicked." George finishes for his brother. "Imagine what all we can do with this."
    "All the pranks—"
    "Charlie got me some exploding paintballs." I smile, thinking about how we can get back at the Slytherins for using a rhyming jinx on Angelina. She's not in our House, but she is our friend. "I can't wait to show Cedric."
    "He will flip." Fred agrees.
    "Look, he's heading for the Library." George points to a group of Hufflepuffs.
    Without thinking, I grab my new leather satchel Uncle Charlie sent for me that has my initials pressed in red and gold on the bottom corner and throw it over my shoulder. "Let's go."

    I held the map in my hands as we made our way through the corridors. It took Fred and George no time to shower and change back into their uniforms. Usually, we can walk around in our own clothes on weekends, but the rules Charlie and Gemma made for first and second years said we had to stay in our uniforms if we were doing anything school-related before dinner. He said it's to help the Professors know who's actually studying, but really, I think it's so they can tell what House we're in because we're new or newish. It also makes it easier for them and other Prefects to know which House to take points away from.
    "Wait." I tell them, stopping in my tracks and turning to the large portrait of an old Wizard with a weird pointy mustache and long beard, kind of like Professor Dumbledore we just passed. "Come here." I gesture to the twins.
    "What-Whoa." George mumbles when I point to the small words that appeared. "You think it'll work?"
    "I dunno. Where do you think it'll lead?" Fred asks, glancing from the map to the portrait and back again.
    "Only one way to find out." The old man says with a twinkle in his eye.
    Taking a breath, I meet his kind green eyes. "Um, studious success?"
    "Are you asking or stating?" He replies with a soft smile.
    "Stating." I nod tightly, swallowing my nerves.
    "Hmm." He eyes my satchel before looking to the twins. "Very well." He nods before his portrait swings open, revealing a dark tunnel with small wooden platform that melts into a smooth-looking slide.
    "Wicked." I hear the twins whisper behind me as I step up to the small platform.
    "Well, here goes nothing." I chuckle, sitting down and pushing myself forward.
    I would like to say that I didn't scream, but that would be a lie, and if Fred and George would tell the story to anyone else, I would be sure to remind them that their screams were very much louder than mine. In the end, the slide was fun. I mean, it felt like a longer, darker version of the spiral slide in the playground back home in Forks but still fun. When I came to a stop, I scrambled to my feet, trying and felt around in the dark trying to find out how to get out, judging by the tight space, I knew the boys will be barreling down any moment—
    "Shit." I shout as Fred's shoes collide painfully with the back of my knees, making me fall on top of him.
    "Ouch Ori." He complains as we struggle to stand up.
    "You hit me first— For the love of god." I yell when George slams into the both of us, knocking me against a wall that gives way, forcing me out of the tunnel and into a corridor face first with them landing on my back. Squinting my eyes, I let them adjust while looking around to see where we ended up while they try to stand.
    "Found a passage I see." A soft amused voice says from above us.
    "Professor Dumbledore." I hear Fred gasp. "We didn't mean—"
    "There is no harm in quenching a curious mind." He smiles a genuine smile. "However, if you were to use this particular one again, I suggest going one at a time. It would save Madam Pomfrey from a lot of paperwork."
    Sitting up, I place my elbows on my knees and flash him a smile of my own. "You got it Professor." I breathe out, trying to catch my breath.
    "Also, Ms. Black—"
    "Sorry for cursing, Professor." I apologize, standing shakily to my feet. "But in my defense—"
    "I was just going to tell you that you dropped this." He says, holding out the Map with a mischievous twinkle in his eye as I sheepishly take it from him. "Might want to keep a better hold of it." He suggests before walking towards the Grand Staircase, leaving the three of us stunned.
    After a minute or two, I shake my head, "You think he knows?" I whisper, tucking the map into my satchel.
    "He has to." Fred nods.
    "Mum says he knows everything." George agrees. "Oh look, the Library." he smiles, pointing to the end of the corridor.
    Letting out a laugh, I slap my hand against my forehead. "Studious success, it makes so much sense."
    "How does that make sense?" Fred asks with a confused glance as we start walking.
    Shaking my head, I let out a scoff. "Studious is Latin for, well, it's a rough translation for studying rigorously. Basically, the password means success in your studies, and where do people study the most? The library." I point to the large doors in front of us.
    "Sometimes Ori, I wonder what goes through that head of yours." George whispers as we pass into one of my favorite places.
    "Haven't you guys noticed that most of the spells we learn about the words themselves are Latin?" I whisper back, taking in the smell of thousands of books as they shake their heads. "History of Magic spells it out for us." I smile throwing them a pun I knew they would think is silly.
    "Ha. Ha." Fred deadpans looking around probably for Cedric.
    "What I mean is that it's easier to understand and work the spell if you know the meaning of the spell. Most of them are easy, especially if you research the history behind the spell or incantation."
    "We would rather just copy off of you." George grins, even though I can see the interest in his eyes.
    "Look, there he is." Fred points over to a group of yellow and black robes.
    Following his finger, I let out a groan when I see Sam and Jonathan sitting at the same table. Unlike them, though, Cedric has his nose buried in his books instead of laughing and playing with a deck of cards. The very same deck of shiny cards we snuck off the Reservation to buy.
    "Unbelievable." I mutter as Sam starts to deal another hand of either SlapJack or War.
    "Want us to punch him?" Fred suggests
    "Or kick him?" George throws in.
    "Nah." I shake my head, thinking of a better use for the exploding paintballs. "I'll try to talk to Ced, you two find a way to sneak one of these into their bags." I grin, reaching into the side pocket of my bag, handing them one each. "Tap them with the—"
    "We know." They say together before walking over and taking the empty seats between Cedric and the others.
    "Hey Ced." I whisper, sitting in front of him.
    "Hey Ori, what's up?" He smiles straightening his back.
    "Can I talk to you real quick?" I ask, throwing a glance at the twins before gesturing to the maze of bookshelves behind him.
    I watch as he furrows his brows, looking to the boys who are trying to get in on the game, or just trying to annoy the two jerks. "Uh yeah."
    Nodding, I stand up and lead us through the maze until we reach a corner in the back that has a circular table with four older-looking chairs. After looking through the dusty shelves to make sure we are alone, I let out a sigh and pull out the map. I smile at his gasp while I unfold the parchment to lay it flat.
    "Remember how I said I thought it was a map?" I ask, smiling.
    "Yeah." He breathes out, sinking into one of the seats.
    "Well, it turns out I was right. But what's even crazier is that I think my dad and Uncle made this." I whisper, pulling out the note and quickly explaining everything from the moment I woke up weeks ago until now.
    "Ah— what— Are—" He stumbles, tracing a finger over random names walking through the corridors. "Ori, this— I mean—"
    "Yeah, I know." I nod. "We only just found out how to work it."
    "This is awesome though." He says, meeting my eyes. "Do you think he was trying to reach out, maybe extend an olive branch by giving you the answer?"
    "I dunno." I mumble. "It's been so long, and this was the first time I have heard from him. Not directly, it seems that the middle of the night is the only time he actually cares about me."
    "I doubt that."
    "Look at the proof, though. Uncle Charlie said he dropped me off in the middle of the night. The only letter he sent him arrived in the middle of the night, and now th—"
    "Maybe it's just a coincidence."
    "The funny thing is I don't think it is." I sigh, running my hands through my already messed up hair. "It's fine though, I have Anna, Uncle Charlie, Uncle Theo, and everyone else back home. I don't need him and his excuses."
    "Good." Cedric nods with an understanding smile. "So what's the plan with this?"
    "I dunno." I shrug. "Fred and George want to use it to explore the castle. I want to also, but at the same time, I feel like I need to know how they made it."
    "Yeah, it's impressive." He nods, admiring the parchment. "Maybe we could do it together."
    "That would be amazing." I agree. "Maybe if we can learn how they did it, we could duplicate it or possibly enhance it."
    "Imagine if we could communicate through our copies." He suggests brightly.
    "Talk about a game-changer." I chuckle. "I have to finish my homework, but after, I'll find some books on charm work. Later I could sneak you into our dorm so we can work on it."
    "Your super-secret dorm?"
    I let out a loud laugh at the face he's making while nodding my head. "Yeah Ced, my super-secret dorm."
    "Brilliant." He nods excitedly until a frown dawns on his face, darkening his features. "Look, I'm sorry for not being around much, between having trouble studying and the others ranting on about you joining the team—"
    "Hey, it's okay. I understand. Life gets hard, just uh. Don't be a Sam." I smile weakly at him.
    "Never." He shakes his head. "No matter what they say, I'm in this for the long haul friends until the end." He holds up his pinky.
    Smiling, I take his pinky in my mine. "Friends until the end." I agree, letting the warm feeling in my heart spread throughout my whole body.

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