Veiled Hearts ~ HP Fanfiction...

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"Veiled Hearts" offers a glimpse into the clandestine world of Hogwarts, where Celestia Malfoy, the poised ye... Více

Chapter 0: Character Introduction
Chapter 1: A Chance Encounter
Chapter 2: Shadows of Sophistication
Chapter 3: Unexpected Saviour
Chapter 4: Goblet Of Fire
Chapter 5: Slytherin Shenanigans: A Night in the Common Room
Chapter 6: Ignore The Problem
Chapter 7: The Forbidden Encounters
Chapter 8: Encounters in Shadows
Chapter 9: Cunning Slytherins
Chapter 10: Accidental encounter
Chapter 11: Revelations in the Great Hall
Chapter 12: Cloaked Affection
Chapter 13: The Second Task
Chapter 14: Articles
Chapter 15: A Surprise Encounter in Hogsmeade
Chapter 16: Unexpected Duels
Chapter 17: Aftermath
Chapter 18: Secrets and shadows
Chapter 19: The Third Task
Chapter 20: The Beginning
Order Of The Pheonix
Chapter 21: A Visit to Private Drive
Chapter 22: Parisian Escapades
Chapter 23: Back To Hogwarts
Chapter 24: Boundaries and Darkened Skies
Chapter 25: Welcome Feast
Chapter 26: Confessions
Chapter 27: Silent Resolutions
Chapter 28: Sneaky Slytherins
Chapter 29: Saturday morning calls
Chapter 31: Godfather meetings
Chapter 32: Social Dynamics
Chapter 33: Deception and Desire
Chapter 34: Broken Friendships
Chapter 35: Hog's Head Meeting
Chapter 36: Neville's Bravado
Chapter 37: Solitude in the Dungeons
Chapters 38: Dumbledore 's Army
Chapter 39: Embrace of Friendship
Chapter 40: Troubleshoot
Chapter 41: Mourning Seraphina
Chapter 42: Emotional Entanglements and Mistletoe Mishaps
Chapter 43: Love in the Night Sky
Chapter 44: Flight From Fate
Chapter 45: Back Again
Chapter 46: Christmas at Grimmauld Place
Chapter 47: Trival Matters
Chapter 48: Hogsmead Date

Chapter 30: Gryffindors Are Losers

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As Celestia Malfoy entered the Great Hall for breakfast, she spotted Astoria Greengrass, Daphne's younger sister, sitting alone at the Slytherin table. She joined Astoria, flashing a charming smile.

"Morning, Astoria," Celestia greeted, pouring herself a glass of orange juice.

Astoria looked up, her expression brightening. "Morning, Celestia! How are you?"

"Couldn't be better," Celestia replied, taking a bite of her egg. "How about you?"

"Good, good," Astoria replied, her eyes flicking around the room nervously.

Celestia followed her gaze and spotted Harry Potter sitting at the Gryffindor table, his eyes fixed on her with a glare that could freeze a Flobberworm.

She sighed inwardly, remembering the events of the previous day. Harry had been acting strangely after their encounter with Cho Chang. His sudden coldness had sparked a pang of jealousy in Celestia, leading her to say something to Filch that she now regretted.

But as she watched Harry's glare, a sense of defiance welled up within her. She wouldn't apologize for speaking her mind, especially when Harry had been the one to act strangely first.

Her eyes drifted to the Ravenclaw table, and she was relieved to see that Cho Chang wasn't present. Perhaps Harry's mood would improve now that he didn't have to face her.

Astoria noticed the exchange between Celestia and Harry and raised an eyebrow. "What's going on, why is Potter throwing daggers at you?"

Celestia bristled at the question, her tone turning icy. "Mind your own business, Tori."

Astoria shrugged, unfazed by Celestia's cold response. "Suit yourself," she said, turning her attention back to her breakfast.

Celestia focused on her meal, trying to push aside the lingering tension in the air. She knew she couldn't avoid Harry forever, but for now, she was content to enjoy her breakfast in peace, regardless of the glares she received from across the room.

As Celestia entered the library, the hushed atmosphere enveloped her like a comforting blanket. She scanned the room until she spotted Daphne Greengrass and Millicent Bulstrode nestled in a corner, surrounded by piles of books and parchment. With a small smile, Celestia made her way over to her friend's table, her footsteps muffled by the thick carpeting.

"Daphne, Millicent" Celestia greeted, sliding into the seat opposite her. "Ready to tackle this mountain of homework?"

Daphne looked up from her Transfiguration textbook, relief evident in her eyes. "Thank Merlin you're here, Celestia. I don't know how I would survive without your help."

Celestia chuckled, pulling out her own stack of textbooks and parchment. "Don't worry, Daph. We'll get through this together."

Millicent was too engaged in her homework to respond.

As they settled into their work, Celestia couldn't help but notice Henry, her Hufflepuff friend, sitting at the neighboring table. His quill moved across the parchment with precision, and Celestia couldn't resist peeking at the essay he was writing. To her surprise, she recognized the topic-it was the potion essay she had been dreading all week.

"Is that... my potion essay?" Celestia asked, leaning closer to get a better look.

Henry looked up, his cheeks flushing slightly. "Uh, yeah. I promised you I would help you with it."

Celestia's heart swelled with gratitude. "Thank you, Henry. I owe you one."

Henry waved off her thanks with a shy smile. "No problem. I actually enjoy brewing potions, so it's no trouble."

With Henry taking care of her potion essay, Celestia turned her attention to her Arithmancy homework. The numbers and symbols danced across the page, and she found herself losing track of time as she immersed herself in the complex calculations.

As she finished the last equation, a sense of accomplishment washed over her. Glancing around the library, she realized that she had managed to avoid thinking about Harry Potter for the entire study session-a small victory, but a victory nonetheless.

Millicent and Daphne had already left.

Just as Celestia was about to pack up her things, Henry nudged her with a frown. "Don't look now, but I think someone's trying to get your attention."

Celestia followed Henry's gaze and saw Harry Potter hovering near the bookshelves, his eyes fixed on her. She felt a pang of guilt in her chest, knowing that their last encounter hadn't ended well.

Ignoring the butterflies in her stomach, Celestia took a deep breath and turned back to Henry. "I'll see you later, Henry. Thanks for the study session."

Henry nodded understandingly, giving her a supportive pat on the shoulder, as he prepared to leave. "Anytime, Celestia. Take care."

Celestia nodded.

As Celestia approached Harry, she could feel her heart pounding in her chest. Her steps were deliberate, her gaze locked on his, a mix of curiosity and apprehension swirling within her. When she finally stood before him, she hissed through clenched teeth, "What?"

Harry, visibly relieved that Celestia didn't lash out at him, wearily took hold of her arm, guiding her to a secluded corner of the library where they could speak privately. The soft glow of the enchanted candles cast dancing shadows across their faces as they huddled together, the air thick with tension and unspoken words.

Speaking in a hushed tone, Harry broached the sensitive topic. "I talked with Hermione, and we concluded that you're jealous of Cho Chang."

The accusation hit Celestia like a bolt of lightning, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment and indignation. "Jealous? Me?" she scoffed, her voice laced with disbelief. "Don't be ridiculous, Potter."

Harry, sensing her rising frustration, raised his hands in a placating gesture. "I didn't mean to upset you," he explained earnestly. "I've never thought of Cho since the Yule Ball, and you have nothing to worry about."

For a moment, silence enveloped them like a heavy cloak, the weight of their unspoken emotions hanging in the air. Celestia's mind raced with conflicting thoughts and emotions, her heart torn between hurt and confusion.

Then, breaking the tense stillness, Harry tentatively asked, "Can I kiss you?"

Caught off guard by the unexpected question, Celestia's mind whirled with uncertainty. But before she could respond, her attention was drawn to Harry's flushed face and disheveled hair. "Why do you look so sweaty?" she blurted out, unable to suppress her curiosity.

Harry chuckled nervously, running a hand through his tousled hair. "Just had Quidditch practice," he confessed. "And your twin was there, with your friends, harassing me, chanting that Gryffindors are losers."

Celestia couldn't help but laugh at the image of her brother teasing Harry mercilessly on the Quidditch field. The tension between them began to dissipate, replaced by a shared moment of levity and understanding.

With a playful grin, Celestia leaned in closer to Harry, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "Well, he's not wrong," she teased, her voice tinged with amusement.

Their playful banter hung in the air like a delicate spell, weaving a web of anticipation between them. As their gazes locked, an electric current seemed to surge through the space between them, drawing them irresistibly closer.

Their lips met in a gentle collision, a symphony of warmth and softness that sent ripples of pleasure coursing through their bodies. Celestia's heart fluttered in her chest as she savored the sensation, the taste of Harry's lips mingling with her own.

The kiss deepened, a slow dance of passion and desire that enveloped them in a cocoon of intimacy. Time seemed to stand still as they lost themselves in each other, the world fading away until there were only the two of them, bound together by the tender caress of their lips.

When they finally parted, Celestia's cheeks were flushed with a rosy hue, her eyes shining with a newfound clarity. "I forgive you, Harry," she whispered, her voice barely above a breath. "Let's put this behind us and move forward together."

Harry's eyes softened with gratitude as he reached out to brush a stray lock of hair from Celestia's face. "Thank you," he murmured, his voice filled with sincerity. "I'm sorry for making you doubt us."

As they stood there, bathed in the warm glow of the library's enchanted candles, Celestia gently steered the conversation towards lighter topics. She asked Harry about his week.

But as their conversation turned to more serious matters, Celestia's expression grew somber. "Harry," she said, her tone grave, "Don't cross Umbridge. Honestly, I'll advise you to do anything she says, suck up to her if you have to, She holds authority over Hogwarts and works for Fudge. She'll do anything to get you expelled" Celestia was now whispering, "look it's up to you to believe me or not, but be cautious around umbridge woman, you by claiming publicly that the Dark Lord is back means that you are challenging Fudge's authority,"

"But I am not -"

"Harry, it's a common knowledge that Dumbledore comes in power before Fudge as people trust Dumbledore more. He is not thinking about the Dark Lord, he is thinking about his position as the Minister of Magic. Look at it from his perspective, if people were to believe that the Dark Lord is back, Dumbledore will get Fudge's power over the Ministry, and he doesn't want that. Even if Dumbledore refused to take the position, Fudge will be Minister in name only, That's why he is painting Dumbledore as an old fool and you are helping Dumbledore. It's politics Harry, Umbridge will kill you for Fudge and there will be no evidence to it"

"But it's the truth —"

"See Harry, the truth doesn't matter in politics, they are afraid of Dumbledore and honestly I think you shouldn't participate in this" Celestia said, signing in frustration, "Dumbledore is a grown man, he knows how to handle himself, he has a lot of experience with politics but you Harry, you are a fifteen your old boy whose parents are dead and Godfather is a rewoned mass murdered, your guardians are muggles, think about it"

Harry looked lost in thoughts. Celestia felt concerned.

Their conversation was interrupted by the soft sound of footsteps approaching, and before they could react, they found themselves locked in another embrace. This time, the kiss was tender and fleeting, a silent promise of the bond that bound them together.

As they kissed, Celestia heard the soft sound of footsteps walking away from them as Harry started unbuttoning the first three buttons of her shirt, after he pulled her shirt out that is tucked underneath her skirt and smoothly slides his hands inside, grasping her breast, he caresses it gently, causing Celestia to let out a soft moan, breathing heavily.

Harry looked into her eyes as he smartly leans down and sucked her breast from above her bra, his green eyes locked onto hers and Celestia could have sworn her heart stopped for a moment.

Celestia looked away, leaning against the bookshelf that hides them from the prying eyes as Harry pulled her bra down with a gentle move and started sucking on her flesh. "Your nipples are hard" he commented, pinching them with both hands, before biting her left nipple, hard.

Hearing such words from him she could feel the blush creeping on her cheeks, and the sudden pain laced with pleasure shot through her, Celestia moaned; to stop her from creating further noise, Harry stuffed his fist into her open mouth.

His fist were huge, it couldn't fit whole in her mouth, Celestia's gaze fell upon Harry's hand, where a fresh scar spelled out the words, "I must not tell lies." Her heart clenched with empathy as she traced the scar with her fingertips.

She tried to speak but Harry had her mouth shut close, as his other hand slipped inside her skirt, he smartly slid his fingers inside her panties and started rubbing her clits.

Celestia's mind went blank, her eyes rolling back in her head with pleasure, the thoughts about the scar long gone, she leaned on Harry who seemed to be enjoying the reaction he had on her, and without warning, he slides is two fingers inside of her.

Her wind went numb, she could feel his fingers inside her, thrusting in and out, "you are so damn wet" he moaned, increasing the speed with each thrust, sucking onto her neck and breast as Celestia slightly parted her legs to give him more space.

And with a jolting sensation of pleasure, her entire body went numb as she came on his fingers. Celestia had never felt this way in her entire life, she could now feel wetness in between her thighs. Her mind was racing now, her face crimsoned red, she wanted more, her mind couldn't grasp the idea that someone could make her feel that way.

Then Harry did something she had never expected him to do, it was so dirty that she wanted to scream.

He pulled his hand out of her skirt, his eyes locked onto hers, his hairs were messy and he was sweating, he lolled out his tongue as he licked her juices off his fingers clean.

"Har— what" she gasped, he looked so hot that Celestia couldn't believe it, she stared at him in disbelief "I —"

As he finished licking his fingers clean, he leaned in and kissed her whole on the mouth, sticking his tongue inside, he sucked inside her mouth, biting her tongue lightly as he grabbed her buttocks with both of his hands, squeezing her hard.

Celestia's hand ventured boldly, tracing the contours of his arousal with tantalizing precision. He responded eagerly, his body responding to her touch with a fervor that matched the intensity of their clandestine encounter.

Lost in their own world of desire and passion, they forgot the solemnity of the library setting, oblivious to the potential scandal their actions might incite if discovered by the strict librarian, Madam Pince.

With each caress and whispered word, they reveled in the forbidden thrill of their intimate connection, heedless of the consequences that loomed just beyond the reach of their ecstasy.

It was Saturday evening, and the library was almost empty, the back corner deserted to their advantage. In the secluded alcove, illuminated by the soft glow of lamplight, they immersed themselves in their work without distraction, longing for more, Harry looked over her shoulder, there was a desk at the corner by the window.

Harry grasps her rump, pushing her backward in urgency, until she felt the wood of the desk on her thigh, he lifted her off the ground and placed her onto a desk, positioning her in a seated position. Celestia parted her legs wide, making space for him to stand.

As Harry stud in between her legs, Celestia started unbuttoning the zipper of his pants, as he unbuttoned the forth button of her shirt, getting a clear view of her breast.

Harry grabbed her hair as Celestia started stimulating him, her hands getting sticky as she did, her eyes were locked in Harry's as she increased the speed of her hand. His mouth was hanging open.

Then, slowly he parted her legs wider, positioned himself in between, he stroked her already aching pussy with rough fingers, entering three fingers together inside her, thrusting in and out, Celestia could hear the sound of his fingers thrusting inside of her wet pussy clearly.

"You are... So wet" he moaned, thrusting harder.

"Fuck me!" She exclaimed in whisper, "Now!"

Without a word, Harry grabbed her arm, turned her around roughly and in one smooth movement he bent her forward on the desk, slid down her underwear through her legs, then slapped her butt. Celestia was embarrassed but couldn't say anything, she liked it.

He bent down to pick her underwear, crumbles it in his hand and stuffed it in her mouth. She could feel the tears in her eyes, her pussy was aching with anticipation.

Harry, separated her legs by his feet making her legs open wider, grabbed the locks of hair from the back of her head as he bends her even lower until her cheek touched the desk, and then slowly pushed his penis inside her extremely wet pussy in a swift action.

Celestia couldn't make a sound, she tried to make as less noise as possible, as he started penetrating her pussy, gaining speed with each thrust, sending thrills of pleasure, as she reached out to touch herself, rubbing her clits as he thrusted into her harder.

She could hear the sound of his every thrust inside her ringing around in the quiet library but couldn't make herself to stop him, she didn't want him to stop.

Harry lets go of her hair and bends down on top of her, grabbing both her breasts with his hands, squeezing it roughly, Celestia turns her head around slightly as Harry reaches out to remove her underwear from her mouth as he kisses her, thrusting deeper.

Celestia's mind was now racing with possibilities of getting caught, she couldn't imagine the look on the librarian's face as she caught them in their activity, she'll be expelled from Hogwarts.

Harry seems to be reading her mind because he stands up straight, turns her around and grabs her face in both of his hands, "I love you" he said, kissing her passionately before she could reply, her doubts flying out of the windows,.

She grabbed his penis, lifts her leg up slightly and puts in the middle, she didn't have to put much efforts as Harry had already lifted her leg even further, and started thrusting roughly inside her, Celestia bit into his neck to stop herself from screaming.

And after what felt like an eternity, Celestia felt the pressure rising inside her, and then she came. the warm juices spilling down onto the carpeted floor, and at the same time she felt Harry relax against her, and almost immediately she could feel warmth in between her legs, thorough inside her stomach, for an terrifying moment, Celestia though she had peed.

It took her a moment to realise, he had came inside her.

Celestia couldn't imagine from where she is going to get the potion for birth control.

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