Treasures and Torments of Hea...

By SkylineAS

104 18 4

{WARNING: The following is a "My Hero Academia" fanfiction and contains mature content, mature language, sexu... More

{ Guide }
{ I }
{ II }
{ III }
{ IV }
{ V }
{ VI }
{ VII }
{ VIII }
{ X }
{ XI }
{ XII }
{ XIII }
{ XIV }

{ IX }

5 1 0
By SkylineAS

{ IX:I }

Hours passed as Midoriya felt a drift in the endless sea of nothingness where she longed to stay. She stirred only to be met by a dull aching pang as she slowly rolled on to her side. Her brain was foggy and her memory of what had happened before out of reach as she tried to drag herself out of sleep. She opened her eyes but nothing made sense, the girl blinking to flush away the hazy blur in her vision and gain her bearings.

Gentle hands cupped themselves around hers, stone grey and fiery turquoise eyes coming into focus as they gazed worriedly back at her. Midoriya managed a smile, softly kissing the familiar male’s nose.

“Heya Icy-hot...", she cooed drowsily, squeezing his hand. Todoroki sighed softly in relief, giving her a warm smile as he placed gentle kisses to her hand. Bakugo relaxed in his seat, Midoriya catching sight of the ash blonde from the corner of her eye and watching as the male was put at ease upon seeing her awake.

"You scared us... Are you okay...?", Todoroki asked softly. Midoriya gave an apologetic look as she leaned into his touch. She didn’t think she was out of for long, but lord knows as she was only starting to gain back full consciousness, her memory slowly returning.

"I think so...", the green haired girl answered softly as she forced herself to sit up, accepting the regal teen’s help in supporting her. Everything was sore, her head throbbing as it all came rushing back at once now like the blood flowing through her veins. She groaned and rubbed her temple. "Where is Iida...?", she asked as she recalled being in his arms in particular last among other things.

"I think he's with the baby... beating himself up over what he'd done...", Shoto answered, his steady gaze on her. Midoriya stared before suddenly moving to be on her feet. She fell off the bed instead from moving too fast too soon, Bakugo catching her by the arm before she hit the ground as he pulled back upright.

"I need to talk to him... I wanna see my baby..:”, the girl grunted, panting as she held onto the ash blonde.

"Okay... But let us help you there...", Todoroki answered in concern, coming forward to gently support her from the other side. Midoriya sighed and nodded, allowing them as they made their way down the bustling hall, bypassing doctors and other patients till they finally made it to the door on the very end.

Iida was inside, his dark silhouette standing over a small crib set against the wall by the window as his royal blue gaze watched over the sleeping infant. Coming closer, Midoriya could see the haze of guilt hanging in his eyes as he stood as stiff and still as a stone guardian on a castle's pillar, his hands clutching the crib’s rail so tight that his knuckles were starting to turn white.

"Iida”, Midoriya called his name softly, straightening off from her lover’s support slightly as she took a step forward. The tall male raised his head in response, gaze tracking to where the voice had come from as it fell onto her. He threw on a soft smile to hide the internal war that was being waged behind those azure eyes as he called her name softly in return, his deep voice soft as a rolling stream.


“You did nothing wrong...", she reminded him. I know you too well to be fooled by my own trick". She was trying to be assertive and stern even though she felt she was going to stumble and fall. Iida frowned closing his eyes as he gave a heavy sigh.

"I wasn’t thinking clearly... I acted first and out of anger... And this time I’ve actually killed someone... The Hero Killer was right... I’m no different from him...”, the male answered gaze drifting to the crib again.

"Iida... he was being reckless on purpose; he could have killed me and lord knows what he was going to do to with our son... don’t compare yourself to that sociopath...”, Midoriya argued, pushing away from Bakugo and Todoroki as she stumbled forward, using the wall now as she made her way over to Iida. "Do you understand?", she asked, breathing heavily. Iida blinked, watching her with concern as he hesitated before giving her a slight nod. Midoriya sighed softly, nodding before shifting her gaze to her newborn son. "My baby boy... oh, I’m so sorry that awful man took you from me... tried to hurt you...", she cooed, reaching down to run a motherly hand over the infant’s head, soft navy hair slipping through her fingers as the faint green highlights caught in the sun’s light.

The baby stirred slightly but did not wake from his gentle sleep. Iida gave a soft, genuine smile as he gazed fondly at his son. A strong, healthy boy.

Midoriya faltered, knees buckling as her legs tried to give out on her. She shouldn’t be standing, she knew that. Iida frowned, gazing at his beloved friend once more in concern.

"You should lay down...", he advised, studying her wearily. Midoriya shook her head stubbornly.

"I'm fine...", she mumbled. Iida raised a brow, shaking his head as he gently picked the girl up, rather effortlessly as he cradled her upper body in one arm, her knees bent over the other. Midoriya couldn’t help a squeak of surprise as she gazed up at him meekly.

"Better...?", the male asked.

"Ah, yeah but you don’t need to carry my heavy ass...", she answered. Iida gave her a confused look, "You're not heavy... Matter of fact I’m a tad concerned you’re underweight...", the male answered as he looked her over in genuine concern. Bakugo scoffed to stifle a laugh. Midoriya blushed a little and shook her head, leaning up against him now as she gazed up at her friend admirably.

“You had looked like such a badass back there...”, she yawned fondly. Iida blinked, flustered by her little comment as he looked away with rosy cheeks, sapphire eyes on his son once more. Midoriya followed his gaze, humming softly to herself.

“Sokudo...”, she mused softly. “I wanna name him Sokudo...”. Iida tilted his head thoughtfully, the name solely meaning speed when used in their language. He said it a few times over in his head before deciding, giving the girl a soft smile.

“Sokudo it is then...”, he answered. Midoriya smiled, nuzzling him as she let herself relax, exhaustion getting to her. She felt like she could pass out again at any moment, it worse now that she was so comfortably laid in her best friend’s strong arms. "Are you sure you don't want to go back to bed...?", Iida asked, worried about her.

"No... I don't want to...", the girl answered stubbornly, forcing herself to keep her eyes open. Iida sighed, shaking his again. He really wished she wasn’t so stubborn.

“We should head back... if you’re well enough...”, Todoroki suddenly spoke, shifting his feet uneasily as he remembered the look on Dabi’s face before they left. Despite everything between the two of them, he was worried about his brother and his daughter.

Midoriya frowned but nodded. They were lucky that no one has reported them in yet. If they stayed any longer their chances of trouble would only rise. It was so easy to forget that they were villains now as it felt. So easy to want to just drift back into life before they were kidnapped.

Bakugo gave a curt nod, taking the lead as they made their way back to base, Iida carrying Midoriya the entire time as Todoroki tasked himself with Sokudo.

Shigaraki was waiting for them, furious as he paced back and forth in front of the massive swinging doors, clawing viciously at his neck before coming to a halt as the group neared. Midoriya frowned, her gaze falling on the dark-haired male standing beside their leader, Dabi’s head low as he stood leaned up against the wall with hands in his pockets. She felt bad now, gazing at the slouched over male before her attention was quickly stolen away.

“You lot... I outta kill you myself...”, Shigaraki snarled, fingers twitching dangerously. “Do you teenage fucks even think...?! Oh, noooo, you just do whatever the fuck you want...!”. Midoriya gritted her teeth struggling out of Iida’s arms to stand on her own two feet against the angry villain. She wasn’t in the mood to be yelled at, especially after witnessing a murder and giving birth.

“Garaki reaped what he sowed, and we had reason to leave asshole. We came right back!”, Midoriya snapped back. Shigaraki hissed and lunged without warning; no tolerance left for their arrogance. Midoriya froze, stiff and too shocked to react. Iida reached for his sword and Bakugo stepped forward readily with crackling palms. Before she knew it, a shadow jumped out to be in front of Midoriya, standing between her and Shigaraki as he spoke in a steady, low voice.

“I let them take off... we can discuss it privately later and you can dish me the punishments...”, Dabi rumbled, stoic gaze like stone. Shigaraki stared at the fire bearing male, crazed red eyes aglow as he scoffed. He couldn’t believe Dabi right now.

With a growl Shigaraki turned and walked back inside, doors slamming behind him with enough force to shake the earth. Midoriya relaxed and sighed softly in relief, smiling as she reached for Dabi’s hand.

“Thank you so much, we really own you one...”, she cooed gratefully. She really couldn’t thank him enough for everything he’s done for them.

Dabi’s hand swung away; his blazing fiery gaze unreadable as it fell on her. Midoriya froze, a shiver running down her spine as the male walked away, following Shigaraki inside without another word. She bit her lip, trying hard not to let his reaction get to her as she slowly followed suit, hugging herself. She knew this about him already. Why was she even upset?

The displaced group made their way back to their quarters once inside. Midoriya was hurt and exhausted, the girl letting herself drop to the floor with a heavy thud as she closed her eyes. Todoroki frowned, making his way over to her, Sokudo in arms as he found a spot to lay next to her. Bakugo wasn’t far behind, taking up the spot on the other side after fetching Kyoko.

Iida gazed over them for a moment, a protective hue in his blue eyes as he gently pulled a blanket out of one of the rooms and gently laid it over them all. Once content he found a spot alongside them to lay himself, sighing softly as he watched over them for a couple hours before finally falling asleep. They slept together that night, at peace and accompanied by each other’s warmth.

{ IX:II }

The following morning had an odd air to it, one they couldn’t quite catch just yet being caught up in the warmth of company and the grogginess of sleep. Iida had ended up with both children in arms at some point during the night, the male sleeping peacefully with them hugged to his chest in a protective manner.

Todoroki was sprawled out across the floor a little ways, chest rising and falling with his steady breaths, such as the condition Midoriya found them in when she had finally woken. She couldn’t help a small smile as she slowly sat up, quickly finding herself wrapped up in a familiar pair of arms from behind.

Bakugo nuzzled her, relaxing as he pulled her into his lap. He wanted to soak in a couple moments alone with her while everyone else was asleep. Nothing he wanted ever seemed to ever last though as he caught movement at the door from the corner of his eye.

“What now?”, he asked irritably, Midoriya blinking and following his gaze. Her eyes widened as she was taken aback to see Dabi standing there. She thought he was mad at her. That he wanted nothing to do with her anymore. She couldn’t help being completely overjoyed to see him. Dabi shook his head, expression grim. He looked like he hadn’t slept at all for two nights straight. Midoriya’s face fell.

“Suit up...”, the villain rasped, shoving his hands in his pockets. “You got a new assignment...”, he stated simply. Midoriya frowned, rubbing her arm in unease before rising to her feet and doing as she was asked. Bakugo scowled before getting up and waking the others.

Dressed in black and red with their choice of weapons, the four teens were led downstairs. Shigaraki awaited them, his fingers drumming the arm of his chair impatiently as he glowered at the troublesome group. It was about time he set his plan into motion. Tonight, he’ll see where these brats’ loyalties really lie. Rising from his seat like a phoenix the dead, the great chairman of evil stood, his shadow sending a resonating chill down their spines as it laid cast over them.

“I’m tired of waiting and watching, and I’m sick of running circles around you four around like a shepherd dog its flock to keep you in line... You vowed loyalty to us and now I want proof...”, Shigaraki rumbled darkly, crimson gaze aglow as he spoke. “Tonight is a new moon, a night where not even light can stop the shadows from thriving... And tonight, I plan to shake faith, strip truth naked before the public eye, and show the world just exactly what we stand for...”, with a gnarled finger he pointed. “You are my dogs and my bidding is what you will have no choice but to accept and obey, for tonight I am letting you loose and like a plague of death... you will send that damned hero school of yours crumbling... You will rip the lives from your hero brethren’s breasts... You will discard of their values, and you will burn every symbol of hope and peace to the ground... And for proof...”, Shigaraki looked Midoriya dead in the eyes. “I want the head of All Might himself...”

Dabi kept a tight lip as he glanced back at the four behind him. Todoroki stared, his heterochromic gaze wide-eyed. Bakugo hissed, trembling as he tried to keep himself grounded to where he stood. Iida stood motionlessly; hands curled into fists as he glowered dangerously. Midoriya couldn’t believe it, couldn’t bear the thought as her eyes dropped to the floor and her heart pounded in her chest. This was against everything they ever believed in, everything they had ever stood for. This was beyond inhumane and Midoriya deep down knew she was to blame. She was quickly falling from grace and beyond any hope of being saved as she was crashing hard, worst yet, she was dragging the three people she loved and cared about most down with her.

Just as Shigaraki claimed, the earth’s shadow chased away the moon’s light, the night as dark as the evil that it housed. Sinister creatures cackled and jeered at the heavens sealed away by the cloaking fabric of tenebrosity as black silhouettes ran amok through the endless terrain. Speeding about among the shadows, four bodies of darkness ran with purpose. Their hearts were heavy with grief before the reign of terror had even begun, tears in their eyes as they soon found themselves standing before the towering school gates of U.A.

There was an eerie silence between them as they stared, neither daring to move. They couldn’t bring themselves to, struggling against the morals and values that had long since been instilled into their hearts. The moment of hesitance was only broken when Iida finally brought himself to step forward. He pulled out his old student I.D. and watched as the gates opened, the school yawning before them. It took everything Midoriya had to put one foot in front of the other, the other three following her close behind for a moment before going their separate ways. There was no going back.

The vast school in of itself was quiet as the dead and shadows hung like the devil's fingers. Midoriya bit back the soft whine building in her throat as she crept down those winding halls, her eyes flicking to and fro as she searched amid the chilling dark for the teacher’s quarters. She passed by what had been her homeroom class on the way, the girl stopping for a moment to gaze about the empty classroom.

Everything was just as they left it, her neatly kept desk sitting against the far wall by the window. The deepening pit in her chest grew, tears welling in her eyes as she forced herself to turn away and carry on before she got stuck. Before she did something stupid. She was hardly keeping it together.

She soon found herself outside All Might’s room, her hands quaking as she reached for her favorite knife. Her heart was in knots and her stomach wreathing and constricting around itself like a snake as it felt. She fumbled, the small blade clattering to the ground as she dropped to her knees. She couldn’t do it. How could she?

The blonde man before her laid sleeping ever so peacefully, unaware that his life would be coming to an end. The great and powerful pro hero that was the symbol of peace. A legend to behold. Midoriya’s dream in flesh, her idol, her friend and teacher. The one person she looked up to most and spent her life watching in hopes of following in his footsteps.

And she had to kill him. Such a horrid reality left her feeling as if there were vultures slowly picking away at her, ripping and tearing at the soul of her being as she stared. An eternity wouldn’t even have been long enough for her to stall in hesitation, but she knew she had no other choice but to stand up and complete her mission. She was a villain. She chose this path. She strayed away from good and righteousness. This was the price she had to pay for those sins. She took her grief, her sorrow and pain and she bottled them up, burying them down deep as she let herself fall numb to remorse and emotion.

Rising to her feet she strode into the sacred space purposefully, picking her knife back up and she pulled out its pair. Her movements were fluid and fast, her shadow casted over the man’s face as she towered over him.

She stood staring for a moment, watching the steady rise and fall of his chest before she poised to strike. With gleaming blades in hand, she sank them into the male’s neck, wrenching them around in a quick motion as the sickening crunch of a snapping bones rang through the hollowed space. His death was quick, his eyes and mouth opening but no sound could leave him as blood gargled forth from his jaws instead, the light of life fading from his startling sky-blue gaze.

A single tear fell from Midoriya’s cheek as she watched him die, the girl retching again in the opposite direction to take his head right off his shoulders with another loud snap. Blood sprayed the wall and covered her face. She felt nothing in the that moment, but she knew it would kill her on the inside later as she took her trophy by his golden blonde hair.

She made her way out, a blood-spattered trail following in her wake from the disembodied head as she chased the sound of distant screams and roaring fires back towards the school gates.


The cold air of the night felt freezing to the bone as the quick footed male ran soundlessly for the school dormatry under the cover of the surronding shadows. Iida tried to call back that murderous rush he had gotten when he found Garaki with his son, or when he came face to face with the Hero Killer shortly after his older brother was attacked. That chilling thrill that had flooded him like adrenaline, making him want nothing more than to watch the entrails of his enemies fall from their stomachs in a steaming heap. To take in the sick satisfaction of them falling to their knees and hitting the ground before his feet as the gift of life they had so abused drained from them like the crimson pool they lay mangled in.

Iida shook his head hard in frustration, leaning against the wall for a moment as he tried to steady his shakey breaths. The task was overwhelming. He had loved his classmates and this grand school. He longed to be walking these halls, watching his pears laugh and joke. To be leading them on their paths of greatness and to be there alongside them when they became the finest heroes the world had ever seen, helping and saving people from the reaching claws of evil.

But here he stood, the embodiment of everything he hated most. He could hardly stand it. He was half tempted to take the sword in his hand and set its razor edge to his own heart just so he didn’t have to use it to take his friend’s lives instead. He couldn’t do that though. He was still needed. He now had a son, Midoriya, and the other two to look after. If nothing else, he had to bear through the pain and remorse for them.

The sudden clattering of dishes against each other nearly made the male jump out of his skin as he whipped his head around, eyes wide as he looked about the dark space. He caught sight of movement further down the hall before the kitchen light suddenly flicked on.

Iida winced and ducked back into the shadows, rapidly blinking to urge his eyes to adjust before taking a second glance. Someone was awake, the familiar female’s silhouette trodding quietly about as she fumbled around in the tea cabinets.

Iida stared, heart racing as he watched from the corner he’d sheltered himself behind to be out of view. Yoayorozu carried on about making tea, staying as quiet as she could. She must have had trouble sleeping, Iida could think of no other reason as to why she’d be awake at this time of night.

He had never really developed as strong of a connection to her like he did, Midoriya or Uraraka, despite her being the vice president following after him in their class ranks. He knew she was a hard worker and did her best to excell at everthing she challeged herself to. She was incredibly smart and had a lot of potential. A true cold blooded villain wouldn’t have cared about that though. They would have had no hesitation in killing her. Iida had to set his personal ties aside. He needed to focus.

“Hello...?”. Iida froze. “Is someone there...?”, Yaoyorozu called out softly, peaking out of the kitchen doorway. Shit, Iida thought, heart racing. Did he make noise? “Hello...?”

Yaoyorozu was in the hall now, slowly making her way down towards him and the dark room he resided. Iida pressed himself flat to the wall, struggling to control his breathing. He was out of time. Her hand was reaching for the light switch. He didn’t even think, body moving before he even knew it as the long sword swung out from its sheath at his side, it’s razor edged blade passing through the female’s neck like butter.

Yaoyorozu froze, eyes growing wide with shock as she stared at the tall male clothed in black standing before her. She opened her mouth but no words came out as blood started to trickle from the clean cut across her throat. Her head lolled back, opening the wound to the air as it fell to the ground with a soft thud. Her severed spine and the corded structures that made up her esoghogas and vocal cords were visable in the gored fleshy stump that was left of her neck. Her body tettered from side to side before it finally fell in suit of her head.

Iida stared in shock, hands shaking as he watched the pool of blood reach his feet. He didn’t even give himself the chance to fully comprehend what he had just done as he stepped back, shutting himself off completely as a rolling cloud of dark intent took over his concious. The monster that consumed him was all that was left now and nothing could stop it as the male turned, stalking down the winding halls.

Ducking into each and every dorm with dark purpose he slayed his pears one by one. He was unfazed by their screams and cries, their pleas and attemps at reason. He felt nothing as he moved with speed and grace, painting the floor with his marred and mangled victims’ bodies. Only when all was said and done did he finally come back to, starring in dismay at the genocide before him before raising his head in alarm to the wailing sirens and the hungry crackle of fire overhead. Scarcely dodging in time to miss being buried under the collapsing ceiling, he made his escape out into the hellish scene outside. Tears streamed down his face as he ran, the male coughing as smoke filled his lungs.


Weaving in and out of the dark patterns littering the concrete walkways, Todoroki lurked about the school grounds, his eyes aglow with determination. He’s had more than enough practice in sealing away how he thought and felt about whatever he was expected to do. He had already lived the life of following someone else’s vision long before U.A. He hated that he had to resort back to such old habits, but he didn’t really have a choice anymore now did he?

He was thankful, though. Thankful for what this amazing school had given him. For Midoriya and the others. The friends he had made and the spirited feeling of freedom to be his own person and chase his own dreams rather than be someone else’s tool. This place was special, and he would forever hold dear its memory and the gifts it’d given him. It hurt to destroy what had made him whole, but he knew it had to be done. This was his path now. And so long as he had Midoriya, that shining light in her eyes that reminded him of who he is. Her gentle gaze that loved and cherished him unconditionally, then he’d be happy, no matter what they did or how bad things got.

Raising a fire caught hand, he set a blazing inferno to a nearby tree, watching without emotion as the fire spread, eating away at everything the hungry flames touched. Soon the sky was black with smoke and the earth soaked red with blood. The screams of distant sirens drowned out the distraught wails of students and residing teachers alike as the roaring fires consumed them.

Todoroki took it upon himself to be sure no one escaped as he sent impaling spears of ice through anyone that came close. He paid no attention to faces as they would only distract him. He only paused once as his eyes met a familiar red pair.

Aizawa stared. Todoroki mirrored. Neither one moved, shock planting them in place with their eyes locked. It was the fire that broke their trance as the overhead tree came crashing down between them and the fires eating away at its shrieking bark concealed each other from view.

Todoroki recoiled in pain as he stumbled back. hissing as he rubbed at his eyes with an ashy forearm before turning to flee. No more distractions. It was time to leave


“Burn...”, Bakugo hissed under his breath as he watched the rising fires below. He knew there was no turning back as soon as the screaming started. His feelings were mixed and his thoughts mottled as he trekked through the main building. He lost himself among the chaos, his body moving on it’s own accord as he blew out holes through fleeing staff’s chests with his deadly hands and sent entire building’s crumbling to the ground with a series of devastating explosions. The destruction was as mortifying and grotesque as it was satisfying. He enjoyed letting lose but hated being forced to kill. He didn’t think blood could bother him so much, but then again, he was taking innocent lives.

Bakugo blinked as he caught flashes of electric green, watching wearily as Midoriya sped for the crumbling school’s gates before looking down at his own aching, blood drenched hands. He’s had about enough as well. The job was done and there was nothing left for him here anymore.

Jumping down, the ash blonde ran to catch up with her, meeting up with Todoroki on the way as they chased their beloved’s green glow, Iida flying past them. They left the school to its fall, the ruins going up in smoke as the dark events that had unfolded on those very grounds fell buried deep under the rubble to yet be discovered.

All the while, there was perseverance yet to behold amid tragedy. Mina Ashido, another U.A. student of class 1A had been sound asleep in her bed. She wasn’t yet aware of the horrors happening just outside her dorm. Not until she was shaken awake by a sudden, firm hand, her amber eyes opening to find the hazy outline of a familiar red-haired male at her bedside. She slowly roused, the smell of smoke hitting her nose with a sting as she sat up.

“Kiri...?”, she yawned, “What’s going on...?”. Kirishima didn’t even give her time to wake up fully, the male grabbing her arm and dragging her to her feet, a hand to his neck. Ashido yelped in surprise, gazing at her friend in confusion as she found herself being towed out the door behind him.

His face was pale with sheer terror and shock, cracks wreathing around his rocky skin. Blood ran in rivers from a slash wound across his neck, as if he had been just a tad slow to hardening to whatever attack he had undergone as he held the injury shut with his free hand.

Ashido’s eyes widened as the direness of the situation started to sink in, the girl looking about in fear as fire and blood surrounded them, bodies littering the floor. What happened?!

“Kiri, what about the others?!”, Ashido cried.

“They’re dead...”, Kirishima barely managed to utter as they ran, voice cracking with emotion as his grip on her tightened. They were all dead. He could remember so vividly. The tall male standing over him, a long blood coated sword to his throat. He’d barely escaped with his life, stumbling out into the hall to find the gut twisting chaos outside.

He could hardly believe it. Those haunting deep blue eyes he had trusted and admired. Ashido bit her lip, trying hard not to cry in dismay. Kirishima shook his head hard, picking up pace and praying they would make it out as they fled for their lives.


Midoriya didn’t dare to look back, tears flooding her vision as she ran as fast as she could back to base. Iida caught up to her easily, slowing to match her pace as the dark outline of the seemingly abandoned, lone standing building came into view. Bakugo and Todoroki weren’t far behind as they walked through the now familiar doors.

The league awaited them, Shigaraki watching expectantly. Midoriya said nothing, tossing the head forward and watching as it rolled to a stop at their leader’s feet. A small, crude smile crept across Shigaraki’s face as he nodded in approval. The group of four did not care for the praise. They were officially welcomed into the twisted family that was the League of Villains, but they wanted nothing to do with such, making their way back to their rooms as soon as they could to shower in fruitless attempt to wash away what they had done.

Todoroki went to bed, almost immediately, his expression cold and lifeless as he disappeared into the room next to Iida’s.

Bakugo waited for Midoriya to finish her shower, the ash blonde taking the crying girl in arms as he cuddled with her on the soft maroon sofa in hopes to bring her comfort. Midoriya cried long and hard before she finally tired herself out, nuzzling the ash blonde as she slowly passed out from exhaustion. Bakugo nuzzled her back, letting his eyes close once he was sure she was asleep.

Iida tended to the two infants, eventually passing out with them in arms around four in the morning. Little Kyoko’s adorable attempts at comfort were aiding in calming him back down as he snuggled her and her little brother. He put his focus on them, watching the two babies slowly fall asleep against him before he took a final look around. He didn’t let himself relax enough to drift off into sleep until he was sure that everyone else would be okay. He couldn’t handle anymore loss.

{ IX:III }

Midoriya wasn’t sure what time it was when she had finally woken up the next day. The night before felt like some horrible nightmare and her mind was trying to shut away the trauma. When she looked around, everyone else was still asleep, Bakugo’s arms wrapped securely around her. All was quiet and her body ached. Her eyes took a couple weary passes about the room, as if expecting something to change before she brought herself to try and stand.

Her movement roused the ash blonde that was holding her, his grip tightening as his crimson eyes opened slightly. Midoriya blinked, giving a sheepish smile as she slipped out of his hold. She wondered where Todoroki was as she had expected him to come back out. To come cuddle with her at least.

Bakugo tilted his head before sighing as he rose to his feet as well, following her to Todoroki’s room with yawn. Midoriya couldn’t help a soft smile. She liked seeing him actually seem like he wanted to her around and wished he’d express such more often as she reached for the knob and opened the door.

It was quiet inside the room, Bakugo flicking the light on as the pair’s gaze fell on the regal male sat up in the bed. Todoroki was staring at the wall, his eyes dark and clouded over like the smoke filled skies last night. Midoriya frowned, stepping in hesitantly.

"Shoto...?", she called in a soft voice, taking a few steps toward him. Todoroki blinked. His head swiveled towards the sound of her voice but his eyes paned about unseeingly.

"Midoriya...?", he asked softly, wanting to be sure.

"Yes, Shoto... it's me...", Midoriya answered, frowning more. Bakugo tilted his head, studying the other male. Todoroki relaxed, sighing softly in relief.

"Do you think you could turn the lights on...?”, he asked softly, “I tried earlier but couldn’t find the switch...”.

"The lights are on dumbass...", Bakugo answered, raising a brow. Todoroki frowned in confusion, facing the relative direction of Bakugo’ voice.

"No, they're not...", he answered back, thoroughly puzzled. Midoriya's heart sank, the girl making her way to the bed and gently cupping Todoroki’s face. His eyes were red and irritated, pupils overtaken by an ashy haze as they stared at her blindly.

“The fire... He can't see...", she realized, her voice breaking with sorrow as Bakugo’s expression fell. Todoroki winced at her sudden touch, expression flitting from befuddlement to defiance as he pulled away, shaking his head hard.

“No... you're messing with me...", he growled as he slid off the bed to stand. "I handle fire all the damned time, I am not blind...!"

“Then how many fingers am I holding up...", Midoriya asked, holding up four fingers.

"It's too dark..!", Todoroki snapped.

“The lights are on, Shoto...”, Midoriya reasoned, dropping her hand. Todoroki growled, tears streaming down his face as he shook his head. He clawed at his face as he dropped to the ground, shaking. He couldn’t believe it. He didn’t want to. He refused to even think for a second that he couldn’t see and may never be able to again. He loved color and light and the beautiful shapes they made. He couldn’t bear the thought of never being able to enjoy a sunrise, his daughter’s smile or Midoriya’s complexion.

"No...", he cried.

“Shoto, stop!!", Midoriya yelped, rushing to him and dropping to her knees as she pulled his hands from his face. Todoroki froze and tensed up, trembling as the girl pulled him to her in gentle hug.

"No... It's not fair...", he coughed.

“We’ll fix it.. Okay..?”, Midoriya reassured, both him and herself as she rubbed his back. "I promise, we'll fix it...".

Todoroki let himself collapse into her, muffling his cries against her chest. It wasn’t just blindness. There was a lot of emotion he had erupting forth. His past, U.A., the uncertainty in their future, it all couldn’t be withheld as it came pouring out in ashy blood-filled tears from his cloudy eyes.

Bakugo frowned, biting his tongue as he turned away. He waited for Todoroki to calm back down before he made his way over, extending a hand to the both of them.

“H-how do... we fix... i-it...”, Shoto asked between shaky breaths. He had cried till he couldn’t anymore, exhausted now as he rubbed at his eyes. Midoriya pulled his arm away from his face again in worry, not wanting him to make his situation worse and his pain more immense.

"I'm gonna ask Iida...”, she answered, taking Bakugo’s hand as he helped her to her feet. Todoroki fell forward at the sudden loss of her support, catching himself before settling back into a seated position on the floor helplessly.

Midoriya frowned, petting the regal male’s head apologetically before quickly darting out to find Iida. Bakugo wasn’t far behind her, the ash blonde having leaned down and taken Todoroki’s arm to lead him out after her.

Midoriya found Iida where they’d left him, the tall male still passed out on the floor with their infants in arms. Though she felt bad for having to wake him, she felt it important that he look at Todoroki right away as she gently tapped his cheek.

"Iida", she whispered softly as to not to wake the babies. Iida's face twitched before a royal blue eye opened slightly to gaze groggily up at her.

"Hmm...?", he mused, sleepily.

"Iida...Shoto...he..", Midoriya hesitated, her voice soft. "He can't..see..". Iida gave a gave her a confused look, both eyes open now as he slowly sat up while being mindful of the infants.

"What do you mean...", he asked.

"He can't see... he's blind... Iida..", Midoriya answered, freeing his hands as she took the infants in arms. Iida frowned, gaze shifting to the two males making their way over to them as he thoroughly studied Todoroki.

"How long was he exposed to the smoke for...?", Iida asked. Todoroki shrugged in response, staring blindly at the wall past them. Iida sighed as he stood up, making his way over and gently cupping Todoroki’s face to take a look at his eyes. Adjusting his glasses, the darker haired male carefully studied each eye in turn.

"It looks fairly damaging...”, he concluded with a sigh after a moment. “But I think it can be treated... His full vision can’t be restored and he'll likely need glasses or contacts, however...", he added, turning his attention to Midoriya once more.

Midoriya frowned, gaze dropping to the floor as she fell silent. Iida took pity in her, shaking his head as he pulled out his phone to do a bit of research before leaving to gather supplies. They no longer had a doctor to go to for injuries so he would have to take it upon himself to treat his friend.

He came back a little while later, setting up a clean space before sitting down and having Todoroki lay so his head was propped up on his lap. Cleaning out the ash and other damaging particles was a painful and tedious process. Todoroki winced and hissed in pain as he did his best to try and be still. Midoriya couldn’t bear to watch as she turned her back. She put the babies to bed before beginning to pace.

Bakugo watched for a bit before snapping a hand out to stop her, grabbing her by the wrist and pulling her to himself as he hugged her from behind. Midoriya flinched but didn’t resist as she let herself relax into him.

After several long tenacious moments, Iida was done, massaging a cooling agent onto the irritated skin before gently securing a soft cloth over the smaller male’s eyes with gauze to protect them from infection and catch any contaminates he may have missed.

"After a day or so you should be able to see at least blobs of color... Then we can go from there and get you contacts or something", Iida informed Todoroki as well as the rest of the group, leaning back on his hands to allow the dainty teen to sit up. Midoriya nodded sighing softly as she let herself relax against Bakugo.

"Thank you Iida..", the girl answered gratefully. Iida nodded, standing briefly to find a comfortable spot to sit on the couch instead. Todoroki stayed where he was, lost as he sat facing the floor. Midoriya gazed over them before flipping around and kissing Bakugo’s cheek to try and lighten the mood. “I did luck out, though”, she smiled. “I get to be with two of the hottest guys I’ve ever met”. Bakugo snorted softly in amusement, Todoroki raising his head.

"When they aren't trying to kill each other”, Iida added half sarcastically. Midoriya giggled and nodded as she stuck her tongue out at the ash blonde standing in front of her. Bakugo stuck his tongue out at her back before walking over to Todoroki to help him up and back over to the group.

Midoriya huffed and shook her head. She wanted attention now and she wasn’t getting it just yet from her lovers, so she walked over to her best friend instead. He was always a a good go to as she hugged the dark-haired male tightly.

“Hello my friend”, she cooed. Iida snorted softly in amusement, gently hugging her back before simply just pulling her into his lap so she could reach comfortably.

“Hello to you too”, he smiled softly. Midoriya purred catching the jealous look Bakugo was giving them out of the corner of her eye. With a sly smirk she nuzzled Iida, wrapping her arms around the male’s neck as she gently kissed his cheek.

"Jealous Kacchan?", she teased. Bakugo scoffed, stomping over and jumping into Iida’s lap with her, trying to position himself between the two as he pulled her into a deep, passionate kiss.

Midoriya giggled as she kissed the male deeply back. Bakugo embraced her completely; Iida watching them for a moment before laying his head back and closing his eyes.

Todoroki tilted his head in the general direction of their noise and slowly felt his way over to the sofa, crawling up onto the plush cushions to be sitting with them too as he felt lonely, despite only being a couple feet away.

Midoriya pulled out of her enriching kiss to gaze at the elegant male, smiling softly as she gently hissed his head.

“Why, hello Shoto baby", she cooed. Todoroki smiled softly at her voice.

"Hey, you...", he answered back, leaning over Iida’s knee to be closer to her. Midoriya smiled and gently kissed him. Todoroki happily kissed her back, partially in Iida’s quickly crowding lap now too.

Bakugo watched for a moment before leaning forward to nip the girl’s ear, wanting his share of attention back. Midoriya gasped and shook her head.

"We should probably get off you two, poor Iida's lap must hurt from all of our weight", she huffed. Iida shook his head in response, still awake and alert but relaxed as he didn’t seem the slightest bit bothered. Bakugo raised a brow before ramming his shoulder hard into the bigger male’s the chest challengingly. Iida grunted from the unexpected impact; eyes open now as he shoved the ash blonde off his lap.

"And now you lost privileges", Iida deemed as Bakugo hit the floor with a soft thud. Midoriya laughed wholeheartedly gently patting Iida’s chest.

“Are you okay?", she smiled. Iida nodded, giving a soft smile back.

"I'm not hurt, it was just unexpected", he answered. Midoriya relaxed, leaning back against him now as Bakugo crawled right back into Iida’s lap with her, Iida giving a warning look.

“Careful now, I think you’re pushing' it Kacchan", she giggled. Bakugo rolled his eyes, leaning into her as he let himself relax. Iida shook his head as he leaned back once more.

Midoriya smiled softly, hugging the ash blonde close as she ran her fingers through Iida’s soft, silky blue hair, watching with deep satisfaction as the dark azure strands slid effortlessly through her fingers.

Bakugo closed his eyes contently, dozing off. Todoroki crawled the rest of the way into Iida’s lap, squeezing to make room as he rested his head on Midoriya’s. The girl smiled and leaned back into the elegant teen.

She loved this. The warmth and comfort she felt in the company of all three males. It made her feel safe and for a moment, she finally forgot about the night prior and the horrible things that have been happening to them as of late. For a moment, she was happy again.

Movement drew her attention away, her eyes falling onto the familiar silhouette lurking in the doorway with his watchful turquoise blue eyes.

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