On The Trail We Blaze

By Bee_Vomit_Queen

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Before we start
Chapter 1 - A Map
Chapter 2 - Escaping The Ship
Chapter 3 - LAND!!!
Chapter 4 - Blazing A Trail
Chapter 5 - The Handsome Thief And El Dorado
Chapter 7 - It's Tough To Be A God
Chapter 8 - Good And Bad Tributes
Chapter 9 - The Beauty Of The City
Chapter 10 - This Is How The Gods Play Ball
Chapter 11 - Last Days In The City
Chapter 12 - Should I Stay?
Chapter 13 - Stone Jaguar
Chapter 14 - Friends Never Say Good-Bye
Chapter 15 - Time For Something New

Chapter 6 - Deal

2.6K 111 56
By Bee_Vomit_Queen

It took them all quite a while to climb up all those steps. And, after a while, the guys were growing tired, eventually starting to crawl up rather than walk. The chief and Tzekel-Kan, however, didn't even break a sweat, making it to the top of the temple with ease.

They turned to check on the "Gods", who quickly stood and acted like the climb had not been a challenge at all to them. They stood nobly, allowing themselves to be admired. (Y/N) was the only one who did not need to pretend, as she took the smart option of using Altivo to get her to the top, much to Miguel and Tulio's grief - as she had also refused to share the steed.

She hopped off Altivo as the chief and priest both opened some curtains, gesturing for the trio to enter. The temple was very fitting. It looked cozy yet also contained a few luxuries for them to enjoy. Not bad accommodations for a couple of con artists/thieves.

"To commemorate your arrival, I propose a reverent ceremony at dawn." Tzekel-Kan suggested to them.

The chief then added, "Ah, then perhaps I could prepare a glorious feast for you tonight."

Tzekel-Kan glared sourly but, trying to be civil, he instead asked the trio, "Which would you prefer?"

They each stared at one another before (Y/N) shyly suggested, "Both?"



"Both." They all agreed.

"Both is good." (Y/N) confirmed.

The men both nodded, pleased by the group's answers as they bowed and left, with both giving one final, "My lords and lady."

They shut the curtains, giving the "Gods" some privacy before halting at the top of the stairs. Tzekel-Kan smiled, pleased with how everything turned out, glancing teasingly over to the chief.

"And so dawns the Age of the Jaguar." He chuckled. "Happy new year."

The chief rolled his eyes, while Tzekel-Kan descended. He was unamused by the priest's chipper and rather uncivil demeanour, but began to step down as well, not bothering to deal with the insufferable man further.


Back inside the temple, the trio looked around in complete awe, giant smiles on their faces.

Miguel was happy to be in a glorious temple, surrounded by cool things and quite pleased with the turn to their great journey. Tulio was just delighted to be surrounded by so much gold and riches, more than he had ever seen in his entire life. And (Y/N) was just thankful not to be killed and she couldn't deny that she was happy with how everything had worked out for them.

They glanced at each other, grinning from ear-to-ear as Miguel teased, "Hey."

"Hey, hey." Tulio teased back.

(Y/N) couldn't hold it in and began to laugh in pure delight, causing the guys to join her. They were beyond thrilled, and their joy had no bounds at this point, only seeming to grow by the second. Even Altivo neighed happily and joined them in their merriment.

"Tulio. Tulio, they actually think we're Gods." Miguel chuckled as he made the dark-haired man face him.

"It's an entire city of suckers!" He laughed.

(Y/N) rolled her eyes at them, glad they were optimistic about the whole thing but even she was more worried about getting caught rather than scoring big. Her main goal was for them to just keep it up long enough to get some gold and get out before they were all caught.

But it seemed luck wasn't on their side, her eyes widening in horror when she noticed the thief from before, glancing at her and the boys, having just heard the whole conversation.

"Um, guys..." (Y/N) called out, smiling tightly, and hoping more than anything that he really didn't hear all that.

But, neither of her friends noticed, as Tulio without care stated, "We just have to keep this up long enough to load up on the gold and the get the hell out of here!"

(Y/N) frowned, watching as the man smiled teasingly at her. If, by even the slimmest of chances, he hadn't heard them before, he certainly knew the plan now.

"We'll be living like kings. Oh, and a queen." Miguel added, neither noticing the man.

Meanwhile, said man watched on with amusement as the guys rattled on while (Y/N) dug her head in her hands out of embarrassment.

"Miguel, (Y/N), and Tulio!" The dark-haired man proclaimed.

"Tulio, (Y/N), and Miguel!" The blond man joined.

(Y/N) stared at them with tired eyes, also heavily contemplating just leaving them to be slaughtered as she sadly mumbled, "Mighty, powerful and utterly foolish Gods."

"What?" The men questioned, turning to her only to see the thief standing right beside her.

He smiled, giving them a teasing, finger-wiggling wave as he greeted, "Hello."

They each screamed upon seeing him, jumping up on a throne-like chair in fear while (Y/N) walked over to Altivo, preparing to jump on him and run, hopefully before the man could inform the city of their lies and treachery. But, to her surprise, he laughed at the guys' reactions as he made his way in front of them.

Tulio, having not yet realized they had been caught, tried to command, "Depart, mortal, before we strike you with a lightning bolt."

The man paid him no mind, examining a golden statue, humming sweetly to himself. (Y/N) was taken aback by how calm he was and how he hadn't immediately run off to rat them out. And, though a little suspicious, she slowly made her way over to the guys, watching as the guy ignored their threats.

"Beware the wrath of the Gods! Begone! Ck-ck!" Miguel warned, forming claws with his hands, and trying to make menacing clicking sounds.

(Y/N) gave him an unamused stare, wondering how long it would take them before they realized the whole "God" thing didn't work on him.

It seemed the man would spell it out for them as he smugly smiled, sassily placing a hand on his hip, as he advised, "Save it for the high priest, pal. You're gonna need it."

"Ck-ck!" Miguel tried once more to threateningly click but it was no use.

"Miguel, it's not working." (Y/N) pleaded up at him.


"Miguel, we've been caught."

The man waved it off, casually stating, "Oh, no. Don't worry about me, guys. 'My only wish is to serve the Gods'. Remember?" He then turned to (Y/N), sending her a flirty wink, making her (E/C) eyes widen. "Oh, and thanks for 'sending me a vision', Goddess."

"How?" Tulio questioned, while (Y/N) blushed at the man's teasing nature.

"Well, if you guys want the gold, then you don't want to get caught, right? You're going to need my help?"

The boys rolled their eyes while (Y/N) just focused on his graceful movements as he made his way towards the group.

Miguel scoffed and asked, "What makes you think we need your help?"

The man gave them an unamused look as he held up one hand, mimicking the claw-like gesture Miguel had done mere seconds ago, as he mocked, "'Ck-ck', are you serious?"

"I... What... We..."

"You have to admit, that was stupid even for you." (Y/N) blurted, making him gasp with betrayal.

"So, he's usually like this?" The man jokingly asked her.

"You won't believe the stories I could tell. But, back to the situation at hand, you can really help us?"

"Of course." He stated confidently, flicking his long, luxurious locks with pride.

As the guys watched the interaction, Tulio was already growing annoyed by the man, and somewhat displeased with his obvious favouritism towards (Y/N) - and whatever else he may have been thinking about her. Miguel, on the other hand, watched on with interest and wanted to see where this all went.

But they pushed their feelings aside and at least decided to give him a chance to explain.

"Okay. So, uh, who are you?" Miguel asked.

"Yeah, uh, what's your angle?" Tulio added in.

"No angle. I want in."

"In?" Tulio questioned.

"On the scam."

The boys chuckled, trying to play it off, as Tulio questioned, "There's no scam. Why would you- "

"Oh, for Pete's sake!" (Y/N) groaned out. "He already knows. Deal with it and let's hear him out. And please get down from that chair!"

Tulio sighed, as did Miguel, as the two stepped off the throne. They knew she was right. Tulio just hoped he wouldn't have to deal with the Mayan man further.

"Why?" Tulio instead asked.

"So, I can get out."

"I thought he just said he wanted in?" Miguel questioned in confusion.

"He wants in so he can get out." (Y/N) explained.

"Aha! Got it... Why?"

The man just chuckled, folding his arms as he asked, "Think you're the only ones who dream of better things? Of adventure?"

"Of something more?" (Y/N) asked and he smiled at her excited tone.

"Exactly, Goddess. You've got your reasons and I've got mine. Let's not make it personal, okay? It's just business."


She didn't know why, but his mention of keeping things on a business-only level kind of stung. She was so interested in him. He was different, in a way she couldn't fully explain, but she knew she wanted to get to know him better. And it soured her mood when he obviously did not feel the same way.

Though, if she had just kept her gaze on him, instead of looking down in disappointment, she would have noticed as he watched her expression fall...and how he wished he could have altered his words.

Trying to fix his mistake, he smiled at (Y/N), playfully flicking his finger over her (S/C) cheek, as he said, "So..."

He walked past her and wrapped his arms around the guys, as if he had been best friends with them for years.

"When you guys are ready to go back to wherever you came from, I'm going with you."

Tulio laughed right in the Mayan man's face, almost immediately pulling his arm off him. Miguel chuckled as well, though in a softer manner, doing the same. They had heard the little thief out and he honestly did not give them enough to want him on their side, much to Tulio's delight.

"No! Don't think so."

The man narrowed his eyes at the male duo, slightly irritated with their dismissive attitudes. He glanced over to (Y/N), who watched him with a saddened gaze. It was apparent she wouldn't have an easy time convincing them to bring the young man in on the scam.

But he had one last trick up his sleeve.

"All right. Fine."

He walked past them, pushing both men out of his way and making them cough in surprise, seeming to give up.

"After all, I'm sure you know the proper rituals for blessing a tribute, the holiest days on the calendar," He paused, quickly turning back around as he added, "Oh, and of course you know all about Xibalba."

He gave them all smug glances, winking teasingly at (Y/N), making her blush once more. She covered her cheeks as he chuckled and waved them off.

"Okay? Good luck. See you at the execution."

Though they knew he probably wouldn't rat them out, even though they had turned him down, it was apparent that their lack of knowledge would get them found out eventually.

"Wait!" (Y/N) called out before he could leave.

The guys gazed at her in shock as Tulio spluttered, "W-W-What are you doing?"

"Guys, it's a small price to pay in order to not lose our heads. If we want to live long enough to escape with as much gold as we can, we need his help."

Though Tulio wanted to argue, especially since he didn't want his friend and some random guy getting involved with one another, he knew he couldn't.

This was different for Miguel, as he didn't really seem to mind. He wasn't used to bringing in others into their scams, it had always been just the three of them. But, if it's what they had to do, then he was prepared to let him into the group.

The two men glanced at the Mayan, who stared back at them expectantly. They sighed as they all walked over to him, (Y/N) practically skipping her way over in excitement.

"Deal?" The man asked, holding his hand out for them to shake.


(Y/N) attempted to shake on it but her hand was quickly seized by Tulio.

"Not yet!" He stated. "Let's just see how this works out."

"Uh-huh. Well, then I suppose that means you'll want these back?"

He held out Tulio's dice, the exact pair that had landed them in so much trouble. His blue eyes widened in surprise as he felt around in his pockets while Miguel looked on in amazement.

Glaring, Tulio grabbed the set back and incredulously asked, "How'd you get those?"

"Where was he keeping them?" Miguel asked instead. The man did only have a long loincloth for clothing.

(Y/N) curiously looked to his waist, then further down. It seemed the only spot he could put them. Miguel quickly covered her eyes, much to her confusion and shock. Even though he didn't mind her attraction for the man, he was not about to allow her to see...that!

Tulio glared at Chel, as if he had somehow hypnotised the girl to look that way. He only shrugged, with a pleased smile on his face, as he stated, "Call me, Chel, your new partner."

"Hi." (Y/N) greeted sweetly, finally able to remove Miguel's hand from her eyes.

She finally knew his name. It was different from any name she had heard back in Spain. And she loved it to no end.

Tulio was quick to add, "Uh, that's partner-in-training."

Chel ignored him, as well as the glare, as he rushed behind them to grab something. It was made apparent as he threw clothes at the guys. Tulio was given something in green with hints of blue while Miguel got purple clothes with hints of red. And, of course, golden accents and jewellery.

They both gazed at the outfits in confusion as Chel handed them matching feathered headpieces and excitedly explained, "Now, put these on. Your public's waiting."

While the boys figured out how they were supposed to wear the clothes they were given, Chel grabbed onto (Y/N)'s hand, making her smile at the contact.

"Come over this way." He led her to a stone chest, removing the top and handed over her own outfit. "They never expected a Goddess, but they have clothes ready for whatever God showed up. Tzekel-Kan is one heck of a devoted follower."

She gazed down at the brightly coloured beading that made up her skirt, fascinated by the detail and how lovely it was. They didn't have anything like this back in Spain. And, she couldn't help but find it more beautiful than the dresses of flamenco dancers.

"It's gorgeous..." She gasped out in awe.

Chel chuckled at her as he softly stated, "You must get ready too, Goddess."

He walked off as the boys began to take off their shirts but halted their movements as they saw Chel, sitting by the door, watching as (Y/N) gazed at her lovely outfit and began to slip off the (S/F/C) sash that was around her waist. She then reached over to pull off her shirt.

Before Chel could see anymore, the guys cleared their throats, moving his attention over to them. Along with (Y/N)'s.

"Do you mind?" Tulio asked in irritation.

"No." Chel casually responded.

The woman chuckled at his answer, making his dark brown eyes move back to her. He grinned, loving the sweet melody that was her laugh, as he gazed back at the guys. It was then that he noticed Tulio's deadly glare, and even Miguel was a little annoyed – he may have not minded their flirting but that was still his best friend, heck, she was practically like a younger sister.

Chel decided then that it wasn't the time to test the limits of this partnership.

"Oh! Oh! Oh!" He winced as he got off his seat and made his way out. "Right. Excuse me."

He was about to close the curtain but not before looking past the guys' angered faces and right at (Y/N). She smiled over to him, giving him a small, teasing wave as she disappeared behind a changing screen made up of wood.

"Bye." He quickly added, just for her, as he finally left.

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