Treasures and Torments of Hea...

By SkylineAS

104 18 4

{WARNING: The following is a "My Hero Academia" fanfiction and contains mature content, mature language, sexu... More

{ Guide }
{ II }
{ III }
{ IV }
{ V }
{ VI }
{ VII }
{ VIII }
{ IX }
{ X }
{ XI }
{ XII }
{ XIII }
{ XIV }

{ I }

10 1 0
By SkylineAS

{ I:I }

The warm afternoon sky was a crystal-clear blue, clouds like fluffy white pillows and the golden sun a glowing halo in the diamond-like sky. Pink cherry blossom petals drifted from the Japanese cherry trees and the air carried a soft, sweet, rather pleasant smell. The glass exterior of the towering school for heroes reflected the colors of the coming autumn morning and the students it housed were brimming with excitement for the upcoming breaks. Izuku Midoriya smiled, the spry young teen with dark forest green hair skipping giddily down the walkway after her friends. She was stopped dead in her tracks though as she had caught sight of spikey ash blonde hair, the familiar, taller male teen stalking past with a scowl engraved into his face.   

Though she knew better, Midoriya smiled and sprinted after him. She jumped and wrapped her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist in a quick fashion.

"Kacchan!", she squealed in delight, constricting around him like a snake, refusing to let go of her childhood friend. Katsuki Bakugo grunted, startled and confused at first before quickly switching to irritable and aggressive as he spun around on his heel to slam the girl into the wall, jarring her loose as she fell to the jagged asphalt.  

 The fuck are you playing at, Deku?", the blonde male snapped as he turned to face her. He blinked, shocked to find the girl crying as she stared at the blood coating her dainty fingers. He hadn't meant to initially hurt her. Forgetting his own strength, the damn nerd was bleeding yet again.

"Why do you hate me so much, Kacchan...?", she cried, staring up at him with those big doe eyes, tears sparkling like crystals in her glassy green gaze. Bakugo stared back, his own crimson red glare blank. He didn't even get the chance to answer her before she took off, dashing back through the school doors into the main building. Bakugo debated following her but knew better. Scoffing at her dramatic exit, he turned and continued on his way, angry, as always.

Midoriya meanwhile, fled through the now empty halls. She paid no attention to the tilted heads and odd stares she got as she flew past, almost skidding into the doorframe as she bolted into one of the empty classrooms. Finding herself a darker corner, she sat down to cry. This was actually rather normal. Bakugo may have been her friend when they were children, but much had changed since then. Bakugo was different. Meaner, hateful, a bully towards her. She couldn't understand why. Midoriya on the contrary admired him to no end. To her, he was everything, the sun, moon and stars. She believed him when he said he would become one of the greatest heroes of all time. She only wished he'd be kinder. To see her like he did so long ago.

Midoriya was so lost in her mottled thoughts and mixed feelings that she didn't even hear the soft padding of steps as a tall, elegant figure slipped into the room she had bunkered down in. Following the sound of pitiful sobs to the far corner of the room by the window, they paused, standing a little ways away. Midoriya yelped when she suddenly noticed the shadow looming over her, quickly looking up to meet the male's heterochromic gaze.

T-Todoroki...?", the girl sniffled, relaxing as soon as she recognized the quiet teen. The male lowered himself to the ground, resting in a crouched position in front of her, the sun through the window casting him a warm glow, split colored bangs swaying daintily in front of his face, his voice smooth as glass when he spoke.

What happened...?", he asked, vague hints of concern in his never changing gentle tone. He was gazing at the blood being smeared against the wall from Midoriya's back. Midoriya lowered her gaze, quiet for a moment before she finally answered the regal teen.

"I fell... scraped my back against the wall...", she tried to be discreate, not really wanting to get into just how hopelessly pathetic she was. Todoroki didn't question her any further, nor did he turn away or point out how clumsy she was. Instead, the dainty male dropped down to his knees, opening his arms slightly for her.

Midoriya was surprised by this. The quiet male usually kept to himself and was awkward when it came to physical touch. She immediately threw herself at him, hugging him tightly. This felt so genuine, Midoriya was giddy, completely overjoyed by this.

Thank you, Todoroki", she cooed. Shoto Todoroki blinked in surprise before nodding, taking a moment to study her back before he pulled away.

We should get you to Recovery Girl...", he told her calmly. Midoriya frowned, the hug having ended too soon for her. She didn't argue though, allowing the elegant teen to lead the way down to the hospital wing of the school to fix her up. Though their time together was short that day, Midoriya had enjoyed it. When she wasn't chasing after Bakugo, Midoriya did find her gaze often drifting to Todoroki. The teen was rather mysterious. It fascinated her.

In the days that passed, Midoriya decided to keep away from the aggressive ash blonde she wanted to please so much for a while and in place of it, she spent her time with Todoroki. The male didn't seem to mind her company. He seemed to enjoy it as a matter of fact. They hung out together anytime they got the chance. He had the softest smile, it filled her with such joy the first time she saw it. She wanted him to smile like that more often. Longed for it. She didn't realize at first, but she started to find herself falling for him. Falling for him like she had Bakugo. She knew she shouldn't. She knew she couldn't have them both and she knew it was wrong to think like that but she couldn't stop herself from fawning over them in her dreams.

Karma was quick to bite though as she came back one night from a mini date with Todoroki. She had finally gathered the courage to ask him out to dinner. She felt they hit it off splendidly. The regal teen was at her side, walking her to her dorm when out of nowhere, Bakugo emerged from the shadow. He was fuming, curled fists crackling dangerously with glowing sparks as he stared down the taller male. Midoriya didn't understand at first. Before she knew it, Bakugo was charging forward, dangerous hands outstretched as he lunged at Todoroki, caving a hole into the opposing wall with the teen's body.

"Kacchan, stop!", Midoriya cried, panicking. Bakugo wouldn't stop. His jealousy had the better of him. He was so sick of watching Midoriya prance around with this upper class extra. She was his first. She always came running after him in the end. Bakugo wasn't going to just let her run off with this fucker after everything between them. Todoroki grunted in pain, hissing as he tossed the smaller male off him, quickly countering an explosive swing with a sheet of ice, blood beading in the fresh cut across his cheek.

Midoriya didn't know what to do, she felt powerless to stop the fight without hurting either one of them worse in the process. Instead, she tried to get in between them. Bakugo spun around to land another heated attack, crackling fingers scarcely missing Midoriya as they grazed her cheek. The ash blonde blinked, scoffing.

"Out of my way Deku", he growled, Todoroki slowly getting back to his feet, breathing fast and heavy.

"No!", Midoriya yelled, tears welling in her eyes as she stood as tall as she could. "I won't let you two fight like this!"

"Don't make me move you myself!", Bakugo snapped. Midoriya wouldn't budge, the girl trembling as she tried to hold her ground between the two males. Todoroki stared Bakugo down, ready to spring the moment the ash blonde even tried to touch her. The aggressive smaller male growled. Midoriya was scared.

Bakugo raised a hand and Todoroki came flying past the teen girl, slamming the blonde into the floor. He wasn't going let the explosive teen hurt her anymore. Bakugo recoiled in shock before lashing at the other teen, knocking him back enough to lunge forward and gain some ground and power. Midoriya teared up more. There seemed to be nothing she could do to stop this fight and she couldn't take it. She couldn't watch the two of them hurt each other like that.

The school was coming alive with alarm and confusion at the sound of the brawling students as Midoriya fled down the hall, bursting out the vast school doors and bolting for the nearest station. She needed her mother. She needed to get away from the tension and fighting

{ I:II }

After hiding herself away for nearly a whole week, Midoriya finally found the courage to come back to school. Her chest felt tight with apprehension as she neared the intimidating towers. She wanted to avoid Todoroki and Bakugo at all costs. The school itself was eerily quiet as she entered, the building's long shadow casting a dark chill over her. Nervous, Midoriya quickly pushed her way through the heavy iron doors, running as fast as she could to reach her dorm. As her awful luck found it, she ran face first into Todoroki, the male disoriented by the sudden collision as she fell to the ground from impact.

"Midoriya...?", Todoroki blinked, a dark bruise around his right eye. Midoriya ducked her head, the injury already making her feel guilty. The regal teen bet down, carefully helping her to her feet before gently hugging her. "I was worried... none of us knew where you went...". Midoriya froze, processing before just hugging him back, tears streaming down her face.

"I'm sorry... I'm sorry I made you two fight, and I'm sorry you got hurt...", she whimpered. Todoroki gently petted her head.

"We made amends... We won't fight anymore...", the elegant, battle worn teen answered. He wanted to reassure her. He wasn't sure if such truths would hold for long but for the time being, he could confidently say this. Both males after they finished fighting and ignoring each other made the truce just yesterday. For Midoriya's sake, they wanted to try and be better.

"You did...?", Midoriya sniffled. Todoroki nodded, raising his head as heavy footsteps approached, Bakugo making his way towards them. Midoriya flinched at how rough he looked as well, surprised when the ash blonde simply walked up and rested his head grumpily on hers. Todoroki gazed over the two of them before helping himself into Midoriya's dorm. Midoriya tilted her head curiously before following him inside, Bakugo not far behind her as the three of them settled onto her bed. It looked exactly how Midoriya left it.

Todoroki sat down on the other end of the bed, gazing at her again, they really did seem to have made amends. Midoriya attempted a small smile, finding a spot between the two to sit. Bakugo was staring off into space. It startled her when he suddenly started talking.

"So, do I get to know what the fuck is going on with you two assholes?", he asked gruffly. Midoriya flinched, rubbing her arm as she tried to come up with an answer. Surely, he knew and was just trying to pry the words out of her. She didn't want him to think she didn't love him, though. That'd be her lying to herself. It'd kill her. But on the other hand, she didn't want to let go of Todoroki. Biting her lip she thought a while longer before trying to speak.

"I love you both... Kacchan... I don't want just one or the other... you're both important to me...". That sounded pathetic, even in her own ears. Bakugo scoffed, shaking his head as he turned his simmering red gaze to her. She felt nervous again.

"Don't really like the idea of sharing...", the blonde rumbled. "But, since it's your dumb ass, I don't think I have a choice". Midoriya blinked before she smiled, hugging Bakugo happily.

"Oh, Kacchan!", she cooed. Todoroki watched the two of them. He felt really hot all the sudden and his ice quirk didn't seem to be helping in cooling him down. He pulled off his shirt, hoping for cooler air. It caught both Bakugo and Midoriya's attention.

Bakugo stared, irritated with Todoroki's seemingly boldness. Midoriya panicked a little at the aggressive glare, kissing Bakugou's nose softly to distract him. Bakugo blinked, letting her before he tore off his own top challengingly. Two could play that game. Midoriya couldn't help it as she giggled and stuck out her tongue, sitting up slightly as she rubbed her now bleeding shoulder. Todoroki was mildly confused but that didn't last long once his gaze fell on the girl's injury.

"Now, now, the both of you look very hot so no need to make it a challenge, Kacchan", the girl cooed playfully. The blood had caught both of their attention now though, killing the mood.

"Are you ok...?", Todoroki asked, wondering what had happened. Bakugo bristled, concern weaving in and out of his glare.

"Ah, I'm fineeee, don't worry about my shoulder", the girl waved dismissively, giving a wide smile before noticing the amount of blood on her hand. Bakugo scowled at it before turning his head away, unseen emotion flitting across his red gaze. Midoriya frowned and reached out to gently pull Bakugo in close by his face. "What's wrong?", she asked. The ash blonde blinked and shook his head, kissing her deeply out of the blue to try and distract her. It worked well, the girl kissing him deeply back as she cupped his face, smearing blood.

Todoroki watched them for a moment before trying to intervene, feeling left out. Picking on Bakugo, the larger male cleaned the smeared blood off the smaller male's cheek. Bakugo froze before pulling out of the kiss to snap his teeth at Todoroki. Midoriya giggled, looking between the two of them.

"Bold of you Shoto" she smiled, leaning into Bakugo. Todoroki shrugged.

"I expected completely different...", he answered honestly. Bakugo snorted rolling his eyes as he shoved the larger teen off the bed, going right back to kissing Midoriya, having had rather liked it. Todoroki blinked in confusion, landing flat on his back on the floor. He laid there for a moment before jumping back up on to the bed, giving a soft growl as he sank his teeth into the back of Bakugo's neck challengingly, assuming it expectable from what happened prior. Midoriya kissed Bakugo happily before her attention was drawn back to Todoroki.

"Oh my goodness!", she gasped. Bakugo's jaw dropped slightly in shock as he instinctively spun around, tossing the male to the side. Todoroki landed next to Midoriya with a soft fwump on the bed.

"Don't shove me off then...", Todoroki snorted, seeming to be rather having fun with this. Bakugo glowered at him for a moment before he bit Todoroki hard to get back at him, restraining the urge to fight. Todoroki gasped sharply, prying the ash blonde off before wrapping his arms around Midoriya, hiding against her. The ash blonde sat back triumphantly for a moment as he gazed over the two of them. Midoriya cuddled Todoroki and stared at Bakugo, her heart beating fast. Her gaze wasn't one of fear though, but rather one of curiosity and excitement as she stared into the unknown yawning before her in what may be to come. Bakugo's gaze seemed to glow as they stared deep into her soul. The spikey haired male made his move, holding a palm to Todoroki's chest to pin him and his shenanigans there while the blonde buried his teeth into the soft flesh of Midoriya's neck.

Midoriya squeaked, tilting her head as a small gasp escaped her lips. Todoroki gave a soft grunt at the pressure weighing in on his injuries. Midoriya fell anxious when she heard such sound, even more so as Bakugo kept putting his weight into it. Worried, the teen female wiggled off the bed, being sure to push Bakugo back to remind him of his strength as she stood, fixing her clothes.

"Kacchan you need to be careful with Shoto, he's still hurt", she reminded calmly.

"Tch... why?", Bakugo asked in confusion as he sat up. Todoroki laid where he was for a moment before kicking Bakugo hard in the chest, knocking him off the bed.

"Because I don't want you both getting hurt", Midoriya sighed, shaking her head as she walked around to Todoroki's side. Carefully getting back on the bed, she gently settled herself on top of the regal teen. She made herself comfortable sitting on his stomach as she crossed her arms. She hoped to make a point. Todoroki let out a soft "oof" from the new weight before giving a small, appreciative smile. What he could manage anyway.

"I'm fine really... you don't have to worry..."

"Are you sure about that? ", Midoriya asked disbelievingly, gazing at him with her arms crossed close to her chest. She was humming softly to herself as she studied the scars cutting jaggedly across his body for a moment.

"Pretty sure...?", Todoroki answered in confusion, lost in what the right answer was. Bakugo scoffed.

"You can't lie worth a shit, Icy-hot", the blonde teased.

"So, you have lied to me before Katsuki Bakugo?", Midoriya turned her gaze the ash blonde, a hand resting on Todoroki's chest to help keep her balance. Bakugo fell quiet, mouth hanging open as if to speak before it closed. He knew trouble came when Midoriya used his real, full name. Todoroki looked back and forth between the two of them in confusion, his hands laid softly on Midoriya's.

"I had my reasons...", Bakugo finally answered flatly.

"Did you now? You lied to me for what reasons you say?", her tone wasn't warm like it was before, it was now cold and harsh as her soft gaze had turned into a vicious glare. He raised his head and met her electric green gaze, his fiery crimson eyes as fierce as they always were but they filled with deep, conflicting emotion as well as he stood his ground, glowering at her. "You've lied to me, so answer me, my dear Kacchan. Why?", she prodded, a menacing grin appeared on her face as she stared Bakugo down for a reply. Her nails were starting to dig into Todoroki's chest from her growing frustration. Todoroki couldn't help wincing as he gazed at them, starting to feel uneasy from the tension and being caught in the middle. Bakugo refrained from reacting to her aggression as he said in a flat, steady tone.

"I've lied to you for years... Every "I hate you", every "You useless nerd", every "I wish you were dead"... Lies.. all of them... And you want to know why? Because I wanted to protect you from me!", Bakugo snapped. "Tch... and look how well that worked...", he added with a growl, clutching the edge of the bed. Midoriya blinked, processing what he just said before tears welled in her eyes. Her arms immediately found their way around Bakugo as she threw herself at him, hugging him as tight as she could. With her face buried against his chest Bakugo stared, shocked. In a split moment, he was closing his eyes, the male resting his head on top of Midoriya's as he sighed. Todoroki sat up, face briefly flitting with sadness for them before returning to his blank gaze.

"I want you to know I forgive you for everything you've ever said to me over all those years, just please don't say it again.... don't mean it... okay...?"

Bakugo nodded, kissing her head. Then her cheek. Then her neck. Before she knew it, she lost her clothes, wreathing and moaning softly in her bed. Such passion. A kind she never knew. It hurt at first but it felt so good. She wanted to make the most of it. She wanted it all. She could think of no where else she'd want to be other than right here in this bed with such stunning suitors.

{ I:III }

The morning that followed that grand night of love and lust was warm and welcoming, for when she woke, Midoriya was in the arms of two of her most favorite people. Bakugo was wide awake, Todoroki curled up against her back as his eyes slowly fluttered open from the blinding light. Midoriya smiled and gently ran her fingers through the sleepy male's hair and, having noticed her presence first, Bakugo gazed over at her, flicking her nose playfully.

"Hmph.." she huffed as she kept playing with Todoroki's hair before she suddenly froze upon hearing someone clear their throat. Bakugo and Todoroki were the first to react as they swung around defensively, bodies tense and eyes narrowed. Nervous, Midoriya looked to the doorway immediately, finding their sleep deprived, shaggy, black-haired teacher and a few of their own classmates at the entrance. Todoroki let himself relax, sitting up before slowly rising to his feet, bowing his head slightly.

"Sensei...", the elegant male acknowledged. Bakugo gently pushed Midoriya away from him and stood as well, his typical resting scowl engraved into his face. Midoriya crossed her arms not liking being shoved away like that, but she stood up nonetheless and walked over to the open window taking in the cool air. She decided to ignore the fact Aizawa was there.

"What are you doing here Eraser...?" Bakugo asked, a masking sharp edge in his voice. Aizawa yawned, seeming rather unenthusiastic as well. He more than likely already knew what was going on and just didn't care enough to address it. Instead, the teacher pointed to the two students that were behind him before just leaving entirely, making his way irritably back down the hall. Denki Kaminari and Momo Yaoyorozu both waved, Yoayorozu looking mildly concerned as her gaze followed their teacher's receding steps while Kaminari bore his usual halfwit smile. Todoroki looked from one student to the other, his expression one of lost pondering.

"I'm afraid I don't understand...", the duel-colored male admitted after an awkward moment of silence. Yaoyorozu gave a small, sheepish smile that fitted her apologetic look.

"The two of us thought something odd was going on here that shouldn't have been... But that doesn't really seem to be the case so I'm sorry for intruding on you...", she bowed, before fleeing after Aizawa. Todoroki only felt even more confused by the strange interaction. Bakugo tossed his head with an annoyed "Tch..." as he walked over and slammed the door shut in the electric blonde male's face.

"Kaminari was probably just spying like a perv." Izuku called out, almost casually as she leaned on the frame of the window. Todoroki tilted his head before he gave a curt nod, finding a spot next to her to sit. Bakugo rolled his eyes and found a chair to sit in, keeping up his unapproachable front. Midoriya looked to Todoroki and smiled. "I mean it's not the first time he has tried to peep in on me.. though, usually it's with Mineta." Bakugo whipped around fast, a growl in his throat. He looked nearly ready to lose his shit then and there.

"He. What?", the aggressive ash blonde snapped, quivering from sudden, consuming rage. Midoriya flinched and fidgeted with her fingers, starting to feel nervous again as she always did whenever the male raised his voice.

"Twice... him and Mineta were peeping in on me when getting dressed... once after a shower and the second when I was putting on my hero suit...", Midoriya hesitantly explained. Bakugo stared at her then slowly turned his blood-colored gaze to the door, dangerous little sparks crackling from his heated palms. Midoriya tilted her head before she crossed her arms, hiding a small smirk from the sweet taste of justice playing out before her as she shouted.

"Better start running' Denki Kaminari!" She didn't think the scrawny teen was still standing behind the door, so it surprised her when fleeing footsteps heeded her warning as Bakugo threw the door wide open, dashing after the other student like a predator its prey. Todoroki got to him first though, the taller male driving the golden blonde into the ground with ease. Kaminari cried out in fear and tried to crawl away, nearly crying at this point. Crouching down, Bakugo stared, his blazing crimson gaze seeing right through Kaminari's. There was a dark bloody intent behind those haunting scarlet eyes. Midoriya watched from a distance.

"Wanna tell me what you saw..."? Bakugo asked calmly, palms cracking rapidly now. Kaminari struggled to speak, his voice catching in his throat, squeaking and breaking with terror.

"E-everything..", he wheezed, hoping the truth would save him from the angry males towering over him.

"Yeah...?" , Bakugo crooned, his deadly hands drawing closer to Kaminari's face, a slow, unnerving grin spreading across his face. "Did ya like it...?". Kaminari swallowed hard, sweat pouring as he tried a lie this time.

"N-no I s-swear, I swear!", the blonde cried.

"Hmm... pity..." Bakugo frowned, his hand closing over the smaller male's face, Todoroki's icy grip holding Kaminari's head in place by the base of his neck. "Cuz it'll be the last time you ever see it..", Bakugo snarled.

"N-no wait! O-okay I did enjoy it! Just don't hurt me-", the male was cut off as his face was blown clean off. Flesh bubbled and baked in the heat and smoke rose into the air, Kaminari's blood curdling scream rang like a sirens cry in the hollow space as thick, steaming red pools gathered on the floor and sprayed the crisp white walls. Todoroki held their victim there, face blank. Midoriya looked away, trembling as she covered her nose and mouth. Kaminari's agonized howling never ceased as he wreathed, rolling onto his back. It wasn't long before students rushed up the stairs to see what was going on. Bakugo slowly let go of the mangled carnage that was barely clinging to the skull, flicking steaming fluid and blood from his fingertips. Todoroki gazed up at the coming stampede, slamming Kaminari's head into the ground one last time before rising to his feet.

Midoriya held her stomach as she stared at the convulsing, faceless teen on the floor before flinching at the sound of their class president's voice rising over the noise. Todoroki was the first to move, picking Midoriya up and disappearing behind the door to his dorm, locking out the commotion. Midoriya instinctively grabbed onto the larger male, hiding her face against him as he sat her down on his bed, holding her close.

"I'm sorry... we got carried away.....", he apologized softly, sounding genuinely sorry for scaring her like that. Midoriya shook her head.

"Oh, it's completely fine Shoto darling, it was surprisingly fun to watch but the after math did make my stomach turn", she rambled, still lost in how she felt about just occurred.

"Oh, are you ok...?" Todoroki asked, still mildly concerned. "Maybe you should lay down....",

"I'm fine Shoto, but I will lay down for you, I'm a little lightheaded anyway", the green haired girl answered, and taking it more as an invitation, she gladly laid back down on the bed. Todoroki gazed at her for a moment before deciding to lay down with her. He seemed to be a bit more at ease. Midoriya couldn't help a smile, happily winding her arms around him for a snuggle. "I hope Kacchan is doing okay"

"I'm sure he's fine...", Todoroki answered, yawning as he closed his eyes.

"I hope so..", Midoriya mused, thinking to herself. It startled the girl when the door was suddenly kicked open after a couple hours, both her and Todoroki's heads snapping up to find Bakugo striding in. Midoriya grinned, jumping up and rushing over to the ash blonde. There was no escaping her giant hug. Bakugo patted her back a little as Todoroki then asked.

"What happened..?". Bakugo gave a sly grin.

"Completely blind, possible brain damage... And a lovely scar". Midoriya giggled a little at the male's remark and nuzzled him happily.

"How lovely", she cooed.

{ I:IV }

In the ensuing months, Midoriya found herself feeling rather at peace with herself and the world. Bakugo and Todoroki were finally getting along for the time being and most importantly, they both loved and cared deeply about her. She was doing well in school and was striving to be the hero she used to only dream and wish of. She felt as if things couldn't be more perfect.

Besides her randomly occurring illness that is. She couldn't understand what was wrong as the nausea came and went on a whim. One moment she was fine and then the next she was sick to her stomach. It was bizarre.

One lazy afternoon she was met yet again with the urge to vomit, quickly rushing to the nearest restroom. She didn't even realize she was being followed until she had finished and was met by a gentle heterochomic gaze upon opening the door to exit the bathroom. Todoroki bore a faint worried expression, tone soft with unease as he spoke.

"Are you okay...?", he asked. Midoriya quickly threw on a warm smile, attempting to lead him off his trail of concern for her well-being. She hated being the center of worry for the people she cared about.

"Of, course! Why wouldn't I be?", the green haired girl answered. Todoroki raised a brow, seeming to already know her better than that as he followed her to her dorm. Had she been that obvious?

"Midoriya...", Todoroki called to her softly, beckoning the truth from her like a like a lost dog with a treat. Midoriya sighed, rubbing her arm as she sat down on her bed.

"Okay, so I haven't felt the greatest the past several weeks... but I'm sure it's nothing!", she smiled. Todoroki tilted his head, not seeming all that convinced.

"Maybe you should see a doctor about it... ", he answered, finding a seat next to her as he studied her thoroughly, seeming to be browsing for possible answers.

"Several weeks is a long time to be sick like that..."

"Maybe...", Midoriya mused, lying down with her arms on her stomach as she gazed at the ceiling. "You don't have to worry about me you know-"

"Several weeks... A few months...?", Todoroki asked at of the blue, unintentionally cutting her off with his own thought process, completely indulged. He wasn't going to let her reason him out of it. There seemed to be an odd nervous edge gathering in his voice too.

"Ah..? Yeah, why?", she asked, raising her head to get a better look at him. His duel-colored gaze was wide eyed, like he saw a ghost. Midoriya was starting to get frustrated as well as worried. What was he thinking? Why could she never tell? Todoroki was hesitant, words catching in his throat as his eyes dropped to the floor.

"Midoriya...", the regal male called her full attention, managing a steady tone but not so much as a lick of eye contact. "What if it's something... like..."

"Like what? Ya think I'm pregnant?", Midoriya joked, desperate for a lighter mood. The remark had the complete opposite effect, Todoroki finally turning his gaze to her, emotion flickering like a candle's lolling flame. Midoriya blinked, speechless as she sat up, hugging the blanket.

"Well... I wouldn't mind that... I don't really see the issue...", Midoriya mumbled softly, feeling slightly sick. Todoroki stared at her, face blank. She became more nervous, chest tight.

"If... you're ok with it....", Todoroki answered slowly before their attention turned to the ash blonde coming into the room. The smaller male looked between the two of them in confusion, wondering what he'd just missed.

"The hell you guys talking about?" Bakugo barked, demanding an answer through a long yawn. Midoriya flinched and turned her gaze from both of them. Feeling bad, she rose to go for a walk. Bakugo was really confused now as he tilted his head at her, Todoroki's head hanging as he spaced out staring at the floor. Bakugo decided he'd deal with him later as he took off after Midoriya, the girl rubbing her stomach as she muttered to herself. She maintained fast, long strides as she walked around the school. But it wasn't long before Bakugo caught up with her, grabbing her by the shoulder.

"Oi!", he barked for her attention before dropping his voice to a tad softer tone. "What the hell just happened?" Midoriya flinched, pausing before turning to look at him with a small smile. She kept rubbing her stomach subconsciously for comfort, her thoughts and feelings a mess. She could hardly form a sentence. Bakugo tilted his head at her, "Ya sick...?"

"Erm... No... I'm fine, just.. worried about something Shoto said...", she finally answered.

"... and that is?", Bakugo coaxed on, needing more to go off of then just that.

"I might be pregnant..." she muttered, gaze falling. Bakugo's eyes widened, the male caught completely off guard as he stared at her stomach for a moment.

"Oh....", he blinked, speechless.

"D-don't worry about it though! Ummm it won't be yours and Shoto's issue!" She stuttered, talking way too fast before she rushed off. She didn't get far though, Bakugo catching her shoulder again.

"The fuck you mean?", he growled as he pulled her back to him. "The problem's all of ours for one, dumbass", the blonde scoffed, gaze oddly soft even though his tone wasn't. "Besides, we don't know if you are for sure yet, right? Figure that shit out first before you start panicking. We can plan from there." Midoriya flinched, practically habit now but she nodded nonetheless.

" I guess if you say so Kacchan..", she answered meekly. Bakugo nodded curtly and with that they waited the long extra three weeks. Bakugo and Todoroki both paced around, anxiously waiting for results. Bakugo was the calmest of the two shockingly. Midoriya stared for a long time at the positive test in hand. She almost dropped it with how bad she was shaking as she took a deep breath before tossing used test and making her way out to the waiting pair of teens. Bakugo jumped up, eager for an answer as he trotted over to her. Todoroki finally quit pacing and looked to her anxiously.

"It's positive...", Midoriya relayed, her voice soft and quiet as she gazed at them for reactions. Bakugo exhaled deep and slowly, closing his eyes as he ran his hand through his spikey ash blonde hair. Todoroki dropped his head in shame, split colored bangs concealing his face from view. Midoriya frowned and looked away, hurt as she mumbled. "It's fine... don't worry about it, it will be my issue not your guy's problem..". Bakugo shook his head irritably.

"Me and Icyhot already talked about it Deku...", he cut in assertively. "Y'aint raising the kid by yourself". Todoroki nodded be bit in agreement from the background, bringing his gaze back to her eyes.

"... it'll be tough... but... we'll get through it....", the elegant teen added quietly. Midoriya shook her head and crossed her arms as she spoke, tears coming to her eyes as she stared at Bakugo.

"Your dad, Kacchan... was the filler for mine's absence in my life... I want and believe I can trust that you'll stay around...". Bakugo stared at her, deep feeling and devotion hidden in his crimson red gaze. Todoroki watched from afar, still uneasy about the situation from all his experiences growing up. He wanted nothing like that for this kid. "Shoto you don't have to be a part of this... I can see you're uneasiness about this...", Midoriya said softly as she walked up to Bakugo, embracing him into a tight hug. Todoroki shook his head.

"No... I want to be a part of this... it's just... there's some things I still need to work through....", the elegant teen answered.

"No, you don't have to be till you're ready... just don't worry about it Shoto", she wouldn't look at him, nuzzling Bakugo in hopes to find comfort in him from her and Todoroki's unease. Todoroki, desperate for her to let him at least try, strode over to her and wrapped his arms tightly around her from behind. He wanted to provide comfort. Midoriya tensed up slightly. She felt horrible that Todoroki was going through this, and she could tell he was struggling to even wrap his head around the idea of being a dad. It was some time before she had let herself calm down, relaxing as she took a few deep breaths in. Bakugo gazed over them, holding her for a bit longer before he let go. Todoroki took her hand, catching her gaze.

"Please don't push me away....", he pleaded. Midoriya looked at his hand, trembling a little as tears fell from her cheeks. She said nothing, she only brought his hand to her cheek and nuzzled it. Todoroki rubbed her cheek with his thumb. It pained him to see her cry. Bakugo watched for a moment before he walked away, without a word. Midoriya merely leaned into Todoroki's touch, her tears soaking his hand. "Please don't cry...", the regal teen cooed softly as he pulled her close. He then gently rubbed her belly and rested his head on top of hers, hoping it would calm her. Midoriya hugged him tightly, almost immediately as she placed a hand on his.

"Shoto you're saying that to the biggest crybaby in the world...", she huffed, sniffling. He gave a small smile. Midoriya smiled warmly back, giggling a little at her own remark before she was cut off by a knock on the door, their attention drawn to the familiar class president with engine calves standing in the hall with a sharp, puzzled expression.

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