Denial won't get you very far

Lunare1234567 द्वारा

681 5 10

Tecchou and Jouno have to do a mission in the U.S. and there very gay Featuring Teruko and Tachihara with the... अधिक



114 1 1
Lunare1234567 द्वारा

Jouno could barely remember the plane ride that was a good thing by the way. He spent the entire time ether half asleep or asleep, he could say it was a pretty good experience, he got his well-deserved rest and Tecchou barley bothered him the entire flight. Before he knew it, he was at the hotel with Tecchou. The hotel reeked of rich people and businessmen; he could smell their awful cologne and perfume; he could also tell the hotel was very fancy since it smelled so clean. Tecchou was getting the key for their room, while Jouno was listening to the people talking in the hotel, no sign of the businessmen yet. The two were giving names of a few of the businessmen, and some other basic information like what they look like (though that was for Tecchou), the name of their business, what they did for work, they were even able to find their hotel room (which was apparently on one of the higher floors, Jouno didn't remember exactly what number). He heard Tecchou walk up to him, he held up what he assumed to be the key, obviously Jouno couldn't see it because he was blind.

"Wow that looks really cool." He spat in a sarcastic tone.

Tecchou seemed to realize what Jouno was talking about and quickly put his hand down. Jouno assumed he was a little embarrassed, which served him right.

"Our room is on the same floor as the businessmen, I guess Teruko wanted our rooms to be close." He stated.

"What floor is it?"


"Well, that's a little inconvenient." Jouno frowned.

"Why do you say that?"

"It'll take us long to get down the elevator."

"Well, we'll be farther from the ground, so, your ears won't be bothered as much."  Tecchou said with a slight smile.

"Why do you say that?"

"Well, the city probably has lots of cars and people, if your closer to the ground you would be able to hear it more. I'm sure that would bother your ears."

Jouno turned his head away, "............I guess, why do you even care?"

"Well, I don't like to see you hurt or overwhelmed it makes me worried." Tecchou responded in a monotoned voice. Jouno's cheeks flushed slightly, why would he be worried?? It's not his fault Jouno has sensitive ears, he shouldn't even care in the first place.

"Whatever." Jouno turned away, "Can we go to our room now??"

"Yeah sure." Tecchou grabbed Jounos wrist and started dragging him towards the elevator.

"Hey get off me!!" Jouno yanked his wrist away from Tecchou's hand.

"Oh, sorry I just wanted to lead you to the elevator."

Jouno snarled at him. "Idiot"

The pair walked into the elevator, there was no one else in there probably because it was like 7PM, but from what Jouno could hear the hotel seemed relatively quiet. Maybe he would be able to get some decent sleep tonight, he heard Tecchou click what he assumed to be the 31st button and felt the elevator descended upwards.


The hotel room was the definition of average, there a couch which Jouno found decently comfortable, a TV in front of the couch, a small kitchen that wasn't really anything special, a small bathroom with a very tiny shower and horrible smelling shampoo (luckily Jouno brought his own), a balcony with some chairs (and what Tecchou described to him to be a few of the city) and of course the one bed they would have to share, which Jouno tried his best to ignore. He recalled Tecchou glancing at him when they first walked in, probably expecting him to complain or yell about the bed, but instead he decided to pay no mind to it. The two started unpacking their things, they didn't have to bring much, just some clothes, a few weapons, other necessities, etc. As Jouno pulled various of items out of his bag, his fingers brushed against an unfamiliar fabric. Jouno was very confused and pulled it out of his bag. The fabric felt nice and very smooth, he guessed it was something very high quality. As he continued to inspect it, he felt what he assumed to be pants, a jacket, some type of button down, and a tie. What would he need a suit for? Also did someone go snooping in his suitcase? Since it was near the bottom that means the person must have taken everything out, placed the suit in, then put everything back in the correct spots and who has the time to do all of that?? When did this even happen, when he was sleeping??


Tecchou looked over, "Yeah?"

"What's this for? I don't remember packing it." He held up what he presumed to be a suit.

"Oh, it's a suit, it's for the party that the businessmen are hosting. Teruko said we should dress up."

"How did it get into my suitcase??"

"I don't know, Teruko probably put it in there, I have one too."

"Ok? Can you tell me what it looks like?"

"It's black with a dark red tie, mines dark red with a black tie. So, where sort of matching."


Jouno finished unpacked all his things and concluded Tecchou was done too. It was probably late, since he couldn't sense any light coming from the window. He was also kinda tired so he decided it would be best if he went to sleep, unfortunately that meant he would have to tackle the issue he's been avoiding this entire time. How were him and Tecchou going to share the bed without it being weird? He should probably start thinking of something soon, luckily, he had a few ideas in mind.

"Tecchou I'm tired let's go to bed." He commanded.

"Uh ok."

"I'm gonna change in the bathroom, I'll be back."


The white-haired boy felt around his suitcase for his pajamas, he ended up pulling out a t shirt and some shorts which he thought would make do. He stood up and headed to the bathroom, as he was in there changing, he could hear small movements from the hotel room but nothing major. He decided to use this time to properly think out what he wanted to do about the whole bed situation. There was of course the obvious option of forcing Tecchou to sleep on the floor, however, that meant he would have to convince Tecchou to not lay in the bed, and he knew he could be stubborn so this could end up wasting his time. Tecchou, and as much as he hated to admit it, was physically stronger than him, so he could easily overpower him if they got into some fight about the bed, so at that point the first option was basically out of the picture. Then there was the second option, which was shoving a pillow between the two and calling it a night, of course this would make it less awkward, plus there was a smaller risk that the two would touch one and other. Unfortunately for him, he wasn't sure how much pillows where on the bed, if there was only two then this wouldn't be a possible solution. The final option was to just stay as far as possible from Tecchou, which was probably what he was going to have to do if there weren't enough pillows (Would it be awkward as hell though? Yes). Jouno stood there basically zoned out for a good 3 minutes, until he heard a knock on the bathroom door.

"Hey Jouno, are you ok? You've been in there for a while."

Jouno sighed, "Yeah I'm fine go away, I'll be out in a sec." He heard Tecchou walk away after that. He let out another annoyed sigh, let's see how this goes. He finally left the bathroom and headed back to the hotel room. He could hear Tecchou's heartbeat, signaling he was on the couch, (Jouno had no idea what the brunette was doing but he honestly didn't care). He ignored him and sat on the bed, it was okish the mattress was kinda hard, but the pillows, which he felt out to be three of, weren't too bad. He grabbed one of the pillows and placed it in the middle for whenever Tecchou was done on the couch, he decided to take the spot farthest from the window, he didn't want to be awake all-night listening to the sounds of birds or airplanes. Jouno grabbed a book (a braille book) that he packed and decided to read until he felt sleepier. Tecchou texted away on his phone, while he read.


Tecchou: Why did you make a group chat?

Teruko: So, we can give you dating advice.

Tachihara: Why do I have to be part of this?????

Teruko: Because >:)


Tecchou: No, I don't think he's so happy about it though.

Teruko: NOOOOOOO I wanted to piss him off since he was rude to me after the meeting!!!!

Tachihara: Bro Teruko.

Teruko: Shush Tachi.

Tecchou: Are you sure the one bed is necessary?

Teruko: Yeah.

Tecchou: Well, I kinda have an issue with it....

Teruko: What??

Tecchou: Well, I have this sort of tendency to cuddle things when I fall asleep....

Tachihara.........I don't think that's a thing.


Tachihara: Facts

Teruko: You're not in this conversation.


Teruko: Meh.

Tecchou: Guys what if I accidently cuddle Jouno??

Tachihara: Accidently?

Teruko: He'll probably like it.

Tecchou: He didn't like when I touched his head at the airport :(

Teruko: He's just a bitch.

Tachihara: What happened at the airport????

Tecchou: Jouno didn't like the noise, so I tried to comfort him, but he got mad.

Tachihara: Ohh alr.

Tecchou: Seriously for a second what should I do about my problem?

Teruko: Pretend to cuddle Jouno in your sleep and then say you did it on accident.

Tecchou: I don't want to touch him without consent.

Teruko: Oh yeah good point.

Tachihara: Again, Teruko maybe he isn't ready to say or do anything yet.

Teruko: He's liked Jouno longer than you've been in this group.

Tachihara: Taking everything back.

Tecchou: I googled some pickup lines on google, like you guys suggested yesterday.

Tachihara: You did....

Teruko: Did you find any good ones?

Tecchou: Are you WIFI because I feel a connection.



Tachihara: You should come up with your own pickup lines.

Tecchou: I have some of my own.

Teruko: SAY THEM!!!!!!

Tecchou: Are you an ant because I could study you for hours.

Teruko: SAY THAT TOO HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tachihara: Yeah, tell him before you go to sleep.

Tecchou: Are you sure?

Teruko: 100%

Tecchou: Ok thank you guys.


Tecchou: Bye

Tachihara: Bye


Tecchou: Wait what about the bed issue.

Tecchou: Guys?


Jouno finished up his chapter and placed his book on the desk, he was definitely sleepier now. He heard Tecchou get off the couch and start changing into what he assumed to be his pajamas. He heard clothing fall onto the floor; however, he didn't hear him walk over to the closet, which was strange, but Jouno didn't question it. While he was blind, he found it a little odd that Tecchou was changing right in front of him, he couldn't see but still. Also why was he just throwing his clothing on the floor?? Was he not aware that Jouno could easily trip on it? He continued to listen, as Tecchou kicked his clothing away haphazardly, he felt himself get irritated, they've only been here for few hours and Tecchou was already trashing the room. Before he could get his mouth open to scold him, he heard Tecchou get on the floor, Jouno was now even more confused, what was he doing?

"Tecchou what are you doing??"

"My nightly workout?"

"Your what....?"

"My nightly workout, I work out before I go to bed."

"I'm trying to sleep??"


"Whatever just don't be loud." Jouno sighed.


Thirty minutes later Tecchou finished his nightly workout and started padding towards there bed, the second he got close Jouno's noise was flooded with the smell of sweat. If Tecchou thought Jouno was letting him into the bed he was hugely mistaken, he heard Tecchou grab the blanket and pull it off the sheet. Holy shit he actually thinks he's sleeping here smelling this bad? Jouno was honestly surprised he didn't smell him from across the room.

"Tecchou go take a shower."


"You smell like shit, and I'm not going to be able to sleep." Tecchou lifted his arm up and sniffed.

"I think I smell fine."

Jouno sighed "Just shower please."

Tecchou nodded and walked off, Jouno waited until he heard the bathroom door shut. That was easy now he'll be able to sleep peacefully without dying. Tecchou came out after five minutes (Who the hell takes a five minute shower), but he didn't smell as bad as he did before, it would be bearable for the night. Tecchou crawled in next to him and laid down, there was an awkward moment of silence before the brunette quickly snatched the pillow that was being used as their "boarder". Why was he moving the pillow?? Did he not realize he was using it to keep them apart??

"Hey what are you doing with that?" He sat up.

"Oh, I need to cuddle with it."

Jouno sat there for a second, what the hell was Tecchou talking about?? "You need to what...?

"I need to cuddle with something to fall asleep."

"That's dumb and doesn't even make sense, you just don't want there to be a pillow between us."

He heard Tecchou tilt his head in confusion, "What do you mean?"

"Never mind just put it back."



"I already said why."

"Well, I don't care, the pillow has to be in the middle."

"Why do we need a pillow in the middle?" Was Tecchou stupid or something??

"So, we don't touch each other when we sleep, obviously."

"But I want to cuddle with the pillow, if I don't, I won't be able to fall asleep."

Jouno felt himself get agitated; he decided that forcefully taking the pillow from him was the only option. He sat still in silence for a second so Tecchou would lower his guard, he seemed a little confused, and kept glancing at the white-haired boy. Before he could say anything, Jouno suddenly surged to his left grabbed the pillow and attempted to rip it from Tecchou's grasp. However, Tecchou reacted quickly and tightened his grip on the pillow, Jouno started to punch Tecchous arms to get him to let go, anything to get this goddamn pillow back. One of his punches missed Tecchous arm and instead hit him on the chest, where Jouno expected to feel some type of shirt he instead felt bare skin, he quickly pulled his hand away and looked at Tecchou with disgust.

"Tecchou why aren't you wearing shirt???"

"I like to sleep in my underwear."

"................" Jouno snarled at him, "Please don't tell me you're just wearing underwear right now."

"Well, I want to be comfortable...."

Jouno's face burned red, he quickly turned away and moved to the corner of the bed, "You can keep the pillow."

He heard Tecchou's muscles move into a slight smile, "Ok thanks."

Jouno laid there in disgust, did Tecchou have no human decency? Why would he lay in their shared bed in nothing but his underwear??? Did he not realize how weird that was?? Jouno decided not to question it, he needed rest and didn't want to be up all-night thinking about.... Well, Tecchou or whatever, so he tried to relax his body and focus on something else, perhaps the air conditioning (that was really loud for some reason), would lull him to sleep.


Jouno furrowed his eyebrows, "What Tecchou."

"Are you an ant because I can study you for hours."


Jouno felt himself internally cringe (and blush slightly), that was so bad it wasn't even funny....... Wait, did Tecchou just flirt with him?!!! It was official, this was the worst trip ever and sharing a room with Tecchou was the worst thing to ever happen to him. Teruko probably told him to say that or something, didn't she realize that Tecchous "feelings" would pass after a while??? Tecchou didn't like him, he was just confused, he didn't flirt with Jouno because he truly likes him, he flirted with him because he thinks he likes him. It's Tecchou's problem he likes someone who doesn't like him back if he ends up heartbroken that's his fault. Jouno doesn't even know why he's thinking so deep into this??  Tecchou made a stupid comment, he should just continue with his life.

"That was bad." He muttered.

"Oh ok, I'll try to think of a better one tomorrow."

Jouno's face turned a darker shade of red, "W-whatever, just go to sleep...."

"Ok good night."

"Night...." Jouno rubbed his blushing face, he hoped Tecchou couldn't see it in the dark. Damn it! Why was Tecchou acting so casual about this??? The sharing of the bed, the stuff at the airport, the shitty pickup line?? He was so calm about it; it was driving him up a wall!! Jouno smushed his face into his pillow, why couldn't he stop thinking about him? Why couldn't he move on with his life? Why did his mind keep holding him back? He hated how Tecchou made him feel so distracted, he wasn't satisfied with his head right now. He should just sleep it off and worry about it tomorrow.... No that's what he's been doing this entire time, putting it off, even though deep down inside he knows how negatively it's affecting him. He didn't know why he felt so unsatisfied, but he didn't have time to think about it....

Jouno rolled onto his side, he had a mission to focus on, he could worry about his own problems another day.

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