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If there was one thing Jouno didn't want to do today, it would be going to a meeting at 7AM. It was a Monday morning, he was tired as hell, and he was expecting a relaxing start of week (Like that was ever going to happen). Until yesterday, Fukuchi randomly called him in the middle of the night and told him about some meeting they were having the next day. He wasn't exactly looking forward to this meeting, but he had to go since it was mandatory. He got up, ate breakfast, brushed his teeth, did his hair, got his uniform on, and headed to the Hunting Dogs military base. The group had a small dorm like area (This was annoying because he basically lived with his coworkers and none of them where normal) but it was a quick walk to the base, which was good since he was often tried before and after work. As he made his way to the meeting room, he said hi to a few random soldiers he didn't know and walked passed Fukuchi who said he was grabbing some papers before the meeting started. Finally, he made it to the meeting room where he overheard his colleagues talking, not like he wanted to, but due to his heightened senses, he could hear just about anything. He was about to pull the door open until he heard his vice commander shout.

"Just ask him out already!!!! It would make this so much easier!!" God, he didn't want to deal with this right now. But he was kind of curious about what she was talking about, so he continued listening. Did one of the Hunting Dogs like someone?

"No, I can't..." He heard Tecchou mumble. Tecchou liked someone?! That was surprising, he was basically incapable of showing any emotion, so hearing him harbor romantic feelings for someone caught him slightly off guard. He felt bad for whoever the brunette liked, considering he was a menace to society. He wouldn't be surprised if he ended up getting his heart broken due to his weirdness.

"Tecchou please!!! You've liked him for like years now!!! Just confess!!"

"Teruko maybe he's not ready."

"Tachihara you can't be talking."


"Whatever back to Tecchou issue, maybe you should flirt with him and see what happens!" He heard Teruko giggle a little.

"I don't know how to flirt."

"Ok, uhh maybe you should Google some pickup lines and use those to flirt with him" Teruko suggested, that was some of the worst advice he's ever heard. No one actually uses pickup lines to flirt with people.

"Or you can compliment him, what do you like about his physical appearance?" Tachihara asked.

"Well, I like his hair, it's very fluffy."

"How do you know it's fluffy?" He heard Teruko ask through a giggle.

"I touched it once."

"Uh that's kinda random and I'm not going to question it." Tachihara muttered awkwardly.

"Should I compliment him next time I see him?"

"Yes!!!" He heard Teruko basically yell.

"That's definitely not going to go wrong." Tachihara seemed to be the only person who had any sense in this situation.

"What if he doesn't like guys?" Tecchou asked.

"Oh please, he's super fruity, he's almost as fruity as you." Teruko replied giggling, Tachihara started laughing too.

"What do you mean by fruity, he's not a fruit?" This caused Tachihara and Teruko to laugh even harder. Jouno decided he couldn't listen to the rest of this conversation and pushed the door open. The second Jouno entered the room, he felt everyone's eyes on him. Plus, Teruko and Tachihara where obviously holding back giggles and Tecchou was standing there confused as always. What the heck was going on???

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