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Jouno could barely remember the plane ride that was a good thing by the way. He spent the entire time ether half asleep or asleep, he could say it was a pretty good experience, he got his well-deserved rest and Tecchou barley bothered him the entire flight. Before he knew it, he was at the hotel with Tecchou. The hotel reeked of rich people and businessmen; he could smell their awful cologne and perfume; he could also tell the hotel was very fancy since it smelled so clean. Tecchou was getting the key for their room, while Jouno was listening to the people talking in the hotel, no sign of the businessmen yet. The two were giving names of a few of the businessmen, and some other basic information like what they look like (though that was for Tecchou), the name of their business, what they did for work, they were even able to find their hotel room (which was apparently on one of the higher floors, Jouno didn't remember exactly what number). He heard Tecchou walk up to him, he held up what he assumed to be the key, obviously Jouno couldn't see it because he was blind.

"Wow that looks really cool." He spat in a sarcastic tone.

Tecchou seemed to realize what Jouno was talking about and quickly put his hand down. Jouno assumed he was a little embarrassed, which served him right.

"Our room is on the same floor as the businessmen, I guess Teruko wanted our rooms to be close." He stated.

"What floor is it?"


"Well, that's a little inconvenient." Jouno frowned.

"Why do you say that?"

"It'll take us long to get down the elevator."

"Well, we'll be farther from the ground, so, your ears won't be bothered as much."  Tecchou said with a slight smile.

"Why do you say that?"

"Well, the city probably has lots of cars and people, if your closer to the ground you would be able to hear it more. I'm sure that would bother your ears."

Jouno turned his head away, "............I guess, why do you even care?"

"Well, I don't like to see you hurt or overwhelmed it makes me worried." Tecchou responded in a monotoned voice. Jouno's cheeks flushed slightly, why would he be worried?? It's not his fault Jouno has sensitive ears, he shouldn't even care in the first place.

"Whatever." Jouno turned away, "Can we go to our room now??"

"Yeah sure." Tecchou grabbed Jounos wrist and started dragging him towards the elevator.

"Hey get off me!!" Jouno yanked his wrist away from Tecchou's hand.

"Oh, sorry I just wanted to lead you to the elevator."

Jouno snarled at him. "Idiot"

The pair walked into the elevator, there was no one else in there probably because it was like 7PM, but from what Jouno could hear the hotel seemed relatively quiet. Maybe he would be able to get some decent sleep tonight, he heard Tecchou click what he assumed to be the 31st button and felt the elevator descended upwards.


The hotel room was the definition of average, there a couch which Jouno found decently comfortable, a TV in front of the couch, a small kitchen that wasn't really anything special, a small bathroom with a very tiny shower and horrible smelling shampoo (luckily Jouno brought his own), a balcony with some chairs (and what Tecchou described to him to be a few of the city) and of course the one bed they would have to share, which Jouno tried his best to ignore. He recalled Tecchou glancing at him when they first walked in, probably expecting him to complain or yell about the bed, but instead he decided to pay no mind to it. The two started unpacking their things, they didn't have to bring much, just some clothes, a few weapons, other necessities, etc. As Jouno pulled various of items out of his bag, his fingers brushed against an unfamiliar fabric. Jouno was very confused and pulled it out of his bag. The fabric felt nice and very smooth, he guessed it was something very high quality. As he continued to inspect it, he felt what he assumed to be pants, a jacket, some type of button down, and a tie. What would he need a suit for? Also did someone go snooping in his suitcase? Since it was near the bottom that means the person must have taken everything out, placed the suit in, then put everything back in the correct spots and who has the time to do all of that?? When did this even happen, when he was sleeping??

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