Reincarnated in The Boys (Ado...

By wolfdagger11609

5.8K 224 80

Y/n L/n was a soldier who died to a spine injury. now God has decided to let him be reincarnated as Alex Merc... More

The Boys

Blacklight vs Homelander

1.3K 46 33
By wolfdagger11609

Y/n Pov

Tonight I show this place what I'm made of. Well I'm made of the Blacklight virus but that is besides the point honestly. Tonight is the night Starlight's aka Annie unveiling is happening so why not fuck up the deep whilst I'm at it. Currently I'm at Vought tower, waiting for it all to start. I'm disguised as a normal bystander in a Homelander shirt. It looks absolutely horrible. The dude has everything and deserves none of it.

Madelyn: Ladies and Gentlemen it is without a doubt a good year to be in the superhero business. Our net income is up over 14%. Our latest GMEN world War has grossed shy of 1.7 billion world wide and this fall we break new ground for our newest theme park outside of Paris. The branding opportunities are nearly endless but you know that's not what this is about because job one is supporting, managing, advertising the brave heroes who put themselves in harms way each and everyday for us. Lets take a look.

She the plays on the screen a video of the Seven. I quickly flipped of A-Train, Homelander and Deep when they are shown because why not, there morons.

Madelyn: i have a very exciting surprise for you all. Both a member of the Seven and Lord of the Seven Seas. Live in person. The Deep!

Then Mr Gross Gills walked out onto the stage. People cheered for him not knowing he was actually a corrupt scumbag. I can't wait to kill him.

Deep: thank you, thank you everybody. After a long and distinguished career with the Seven. My good friend Lamplighter has retired. Lets give him a big thank you, what do you say?

The crowd cheered so I did as well to blend in and not get any looks from the staff.

Deep: but now as we turn towards the future id like to introduce someone very special and I for one, can't wait to work with her. Please welcome, Starlight.

By can't wait to work with he means rape. Like what wouldn't he do to a women? Starlight then proceeds to walk on. After some time I saw Deep and Starlight go into the Vought Tower so I snuck out of the crowed and slowly changed my clothes back to normal. Madelyn saw me so I gave her a red eye glare.

Madelyn: he's back, call security.

Before anyone could respond I ran up Vought Tower and crashed through the Sevens meeting room where Deep and Starlight are. Deep has his pants around his ankles. The sight makes me internally ill.

Deep: what the?

Y/n: hello fishy

I left hooked him, ending him to the ground before grabbing him by the throat.

Y/n: you vulture.

Deep: (choking a bit) who the fuck are you?

Y/n: the guy who's gonna teach you a lesson.

Deep: (none choking) the fuck did I do to you? If this was about me stopping that heroine rig then that was nothing personal.

Y/n: you think that's what this is about? No. I'm here because you can't seem to stop forcing yourself onto young women you fuck. You were literally about to force young Starlight to suck you off or you'd kick her off the Seven.

Deep: bull shit. Even so where's your proof?

Y/n: oh do I not.

I pull out my phone from my pocket and play the video. What makes this worse for him is that it has audio. This is entertainment.

Y/n: you feel strong now, Gross Gill.

Deep: you fucker. If this gets out im done.

Y/n: well then I guess your gonna start doing a lot of stuff for me.

Deep: what do you want?

Y/n: first of all, you'll leave her and every women alone or ill gut you like a fucking trout.

Deep: fine

I smile and let go of his throat.

Y/n: and for god's sake man. Pull your pants up.

As soon as he pulled them up I kicked him in the face. Knocking his bitch ass out.

Y/n: woo that was a rush.

I turned back to Starlight who looked shocked and surprisingly hadn't stepped in when I was choking Deep.

Y/n: here's some advice, most supes are corrupt as fuck Annie.

Starlight: how do you know my name?

Y/n: im a really good hunter. So just don't do anything the rest of these fucks do and I'll not harm you or your family. Understood?

All she got in was a quick nod as she was still in shock at how I could possibly know her name. Four Vought guards suddenly rushed through the door and into the room armed with guns. They aimed them at me. I put my fists in a fighting stance but right before they say anything another voice enters the room.

???: alright gentlemen lets not get our pants in a twist. I've got this.

So the owner of the voice is king of the smug assholes. The one character that i hate but can't kill yet so I will hate him some more. Its Homelander.

Homelander: so your the first person to break into Vought Tower and by the looks of things take out the Deep. I gotta say I'm a little impressed. You doing every criminals wet dream. So what about you just give up and come here quick and quietly and I make your death, quick and painlessm

This is my chance to say something cool. Don't mess it up. I have one shot.

Y/n: im going to feed you your own heart.

Then four seconds of silence was broken by the laughing of Homelander.

Homelander: oh shit that was a great li---

I didn't let him finished. I just rushed at him, a small shockwave that knocked the Vought Guards and Starlight to the ground. I hot homelander in the shoulder and he hit the back of the wall making it crack. Before he had time to regain his focus on the situation I kept hitting him with jabs and hooks to the face. Occasionally his eyes would start to glow but I carried on until his nose started to bleed. The I threw him across the room.

Y/n: pathetic.

He got back up and charged at me, forcing us both out the window. I grabbed onto the side of the tower whilst he flew. I turned my hands into claws.

He tried to lazer me but I jumped at him and smashed his chest. Tearing his suit up and leaving four little but deep cuts.

Homelander: oh you fucker.

He charged at me again but before he could get closer I changed to hammer fist and I upper cut him.

(Both hands)

I then jumped back on Vought Tower and ran up it to the roof where Homelander was. He was furious.

Homelander: you. Who the fuck do you think you are!?

Y/n: the man who's gonna kill you for what you did to Rebecca Butcher.

Homelander: Butcher? Did William put you up to this?!

Y/n: no. I just feel like killing a you man child.

I turn my hands back to claws and started shredding him. Eventually I turn my hand back to a hammer and hit him again. Giving him a black eye before landing a hit in the crotch causing him to pass put of pain. Then a i hear a sound and turn to see a news chopper.

Y/n: hello New York. I am Blacklight. I'm the man who will be fixing this world. No more bad guys. Just those who deserve to live. I AM THE FATHER OF THIS NEW WORLD.

Shortly after I am hit yet again by gun fire from a military like Helicopter. I realize its a Vought Chopper.

Y/n: you wanna play games? Here catch.

I throw a massive vent at the chopper and it crashed into the propeller. Taking it down to the ground...... in the middle of the tower. Then it proceeds to explode and shake the tower some more. At this point I saw a lot of civilians on the floor so I just jumped onto another building and just ran until I found some discreet place to transform and go home.

Y/n: holy shit. I just won a fight against Homelander. Okay just keep calm. Holy hell did I actually just say that on live TV. I'd fix the world. For a second I sounded like Alex Mercer but no im not that fucked up.

3rd person view

One hour after the attack on Vought ended the news went wild catching the attention of a certain man.

Billy: what a cunt.

At Vought Tower fire trucks and all sorts are everywhere. Trying to minimize the damage done to the tower. As Vought Doctors take Homelander and the Deep.

Maeve: does anyone actually knows what happened?

A-Train: Homelander got this shit kicked out of him

Translucent: by it seems, another supe.

Starlight was shocked. Not only was she almost sexually assaulted but she also got to see the first "supervillain" in Vought's History on her first day.
A few of the Vought Scientists managed to get a bit of the attackers blood and had it sent for research. Stan Edger on one hand was pissed that not only had the tower been destroyed but also that the public won't look at Vought knowing their best hero got kicked the shit out off. However he was also intrigued because the attacker's powers weren't anything Compound V could make or wad capable of making.

Thank you all for reading another chapter of this. Thank you for all the votes, reading list adds and just reading ingeneral. It really means a lot to me that you guys do that. Anyway thanks for reading and have a good day. Bye.

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