Lay Your Head On Me | Heesun

By astridpage

198 21 110

Sunoo knew he could come off as aloof and unfriendly, but who cares about that anyway? He was all about chasi... More

That Journalist
Back To Square One

Inside Out

45 6 31
By astridpage

Pyeongchang-dong, Seoul, South Korea.

Heeseung was not sure how long he'd been looking at his phone screen but considering that he'd been sitting in the living room for almost thirty minutes now, it made him irritated. Seeing that nothing caught his interest, he sighed heavily and pressed the lock button on the right side of his phone before putting it on the coffee table in front.

"Where the hell is he? He said he's gonna be here in ten minutes."

This morning, he received a call from his manager, Seungcheol ㅡprecisely an hour ago ㅡjust to get ready for a morning schedule, which Heeseung did not bother to know about.

Of course, it was a daily occurrence since he started his career, and receiving a call from his manager was a form of reminder for him not to be late or simply to get himself out of his bed.

But guess who's the one being late now?

"I should have slept a bit longer," he muttered, leaning his body further on the comfortable couch.

Impatience. That was the right word to describe him, and Heeseung admitted that.

Reaching for his phone, this time he would make sure that his frustrated whining could make the said manager arrive quickly. But, just as he was about to search for the contact, the phone screen showed an incoming call from the latter – Seungcheol hyung.

Without waiting any longer, Heeseung slid the answer button.

"Hyung~" he whined. "Where are you? It's been half an hour already!" And now he couldn't hide his frustration.

"I'm really sorry, Heeseung-ah."

Seungcheol's voice on the other side sounded very apologetic, and Heeseung could see the face that the older guy was making right now. 

Wait, what was that? 

Did he just hear his three group members' voices in the background?

"Wait, am I hearing Soobin hyung, Nicholas and Maki's voices there?"

"Yeah," Seungcheol answered with a tired sigh.

"And why are those three with you? Isn't Sangyeon hyung supposed to get them to the studio today?"

"Well, something came up with Taesan this morning, so they went to the hospital earlier. I really forgot to inform you about this. So that's why I went to their places first before going to yours."

"Wait, what happened to Taesan?" Heeseung now felt uneasy when one of his group members was mentioned. And the word hospital did not sit right with him at all.

"He had an upset stomach, but everything is fine. He got his medication already and might be late for the morning shoot."

"I see... Then, is Wonwoo hyung there too?" The face of his other group's manager came to mindㅡa calm and quiet-looking 'hyung' that always so gentle but strict when needed.

"Of course! Do you think I can handle the four of you alone?"

Heeseung laughed upon hearing that. What's so hard about handling him and the rest of his group members?

"Is that a sign of early retirement, hyung?" he teased.

"Right. I think I've been with y'all too long already. Once Inside Out disbands, I'll retire too."

Heeseung was a member of a Korean boyband called 'INSIDE OUT'. The band consisted of five members, including Soobin, Nicholas, Taesan, and Maki. They had been active in the industry for eight years, having debuted under the management of PRISM Entertainment.

Despite the challenges that come with being in a boyband, the five of them managed to establish a successful career in the industry. Their exceptional discography, songwriting and performing skills, as well as their proficiency in playing musical instruments, had earned them a good reputation in the industry. 

Heeseung and his bandmates were known for their passion and dedication towards music, which was evident in the quality of their work. They had a loyal fanbase who appreciated their unique sound and style. Overall, they were a talented and hardworking group who had made a mark in the Korean music industry.

Also, their stunning appearance was out of this world! No one else could even compare. Just picture their tall stature and handsome faces as they performed their songs on stage with their instruments... It was truly a heavenly sight, wasn't it?

Seungcheol had been a part of Inside Out since its inception, whereas Wonwoo and Sangyeon joined the team two years after the group's debut to primarily manage the other four members' solo schedules. However, this did not affect the fact that all three managers were co-managing Inside Out. The trio would participate in the group's schedules for the entire day.

It used to be simple for the five members of Inside Out to meet up since they all lived in the same dorm. However, things changed when they decided to live independently. Now, in order to meet up for the group schedule, Wonwoo or Sangyeon would gather the other four members and take them to the agreed location. Seungcheol was assigned the task of picking up Heeseung from his place, which was the farthest from everyone else.

"Alright, we'll talk about this retirement plan later. For now, just get here quickly before I go back to sleep–"

"Don't you dare! I'll whack your head if you do so."

"Then get here quick!"

"Can't you be patient for once?" Seungcheol sighed. "And who asks you to move to Pyeongchang out of many places in Seoul?"

"I don't get why it's a big deal for me to live in Pyeongchang." Heeseung felt offended whenever Seungcheol brought up this topic. The truth was that the house he lived in was inherited from his late grandfather. As a dutiful grandson who happened to be his grandfather's favourite, Heeseung just fulfilled his late grandfather's will to take care of the house. "Besides, it's super quiet and peaceful here, it helps me write even better stuff," he added.

"Alright, alright. Keep your temper aside. I'll be there in another fifteen minutes. You better keep your eyes awake."

With that being said, Heeseung couldn't help but wait for another fifteen minutes to come. He hated waiting so much because his patience level wasn't as good as anyone else. But lately, he's been learning a few things on how to control his temper. Since he's always the centre of public attention, letting his coolness aside might bring more damage to his image.

Heeseung got up from the couch and headed to the kitchen, grabbing a bottle of water from the fridge, before walking back to the living room to get his phone. He scrolled down to the Naver site to check on any news that was worth reading or checking for any recent scandal that dragged his name into another weird mess.

But the first headline that caught his attention from the trending list was the news from Daily Korea.

"Idol 'K' bully scandal's truth revealed?" he said to himself, a little bit shocked by the title he read.

Heeseung clicked on the article immediately and read the whole thing attentively. Looking at how most media outlets tend to discuss things according to the 'bias' trend, after reading it, Heeseung thought this article was completely different.

Truthfully, this issue has been the hottest topic among netizens online these days.

Though Heeseung had not gone through the whole story yet, he heard a few 'this' and 'that' happening from his friends in the industry. Plus, he did not even know this 'Idol K' in person, so he could not say much.

And being 'that' one controversial celebrity, Heeseung could relate to himself in some ways. Sometimes people did not know or care about the real thing and sided with what they thought was right, and some would believe everything that the media wrote. So, it was no use in explaining the whole thing because, at the end of the day, it was always the 'smart' netizen who was going to judge the whole matter.

Of course, he found that fact to be a total bullshit.

Considering a celebrity was also an ordinary human, it would not make them perfect in every way. And being human means their feeling and emotions were valid.

"Hmm ... interesting. Who is this journalist? He really got that courage and nerve to write this."

Having spent a decade in the industry, Heeseung has come across a multitude of journalists with diverse personalities and companies they worked for. He could say that each journalist had a unique approach to discussions, which he found quite fascinating. However, this article he just read really sparked a sense of curiosity in Heeseung, as he wondered about the journalist's background and where they came from.

Have they met before? Or could he be a rookie? But if it came from Daily Korea ... it was impossible for a rookie journalist to write such a thing. Plus, Daily Korea was famous for being the douchebag among the existing media outlets in South Korea.

"Kim Sunoo...." he uttered the name in amusement. 


"And that's it! That will be the last one for today!" said the photographer in a satisfying tone. "Thank you for your hard work, everyone!"

With that being said, the five Inside Out members immediately bowed and thanked every staff that had been working hard in the studio that day with a smile and gratitude manner. They kept bowing until they left the studio, heading to the dressing room where their managers were already waiting with a few staff from their company.

"Wah, I'm so tired," Maki groaned as he sat down on the dressing chair.

"You've been sitting the whole photoshoot how can you be so tired?" Soobin remarked, sipping his iced hazelnut americano while snickering at Maki through the mirror.

"Did I talk to you?"

And Soobin just mimicked Maki's face mockingly, which made the younger scowl annoyingly.

"You're so annoying."

"You too," said Soobin.

Heeseung and the other two on the other side could only laugh, watching his oldest and youngest members bickering as if it was normal to see off-camera.

"Guys, stop it before Seungcheol hyung nags." But Taesan's comment was unheard by those two because the next thing they knew Seungcheol came in the room and glared at them ㅡ looking so done as usual.

"I only left you for a few minutes and you're bickering again?" Seungcheol scolded disapprovingly, and his posture made him look like a dad of two toddlers.

"He starts it first!" Both Soobin and Maki said, hands pointing at one another.

"You liarㅡ"

"OK, that's enough Maki." Seungcheol immediately cut Maki before he could finish his word.

"But hyung!" The younger whining, a pout visible on his face.

Maki could only glare at Soobin while the latter stuck his tongue out at him. But he stopped immediately when Seungcheol pulled and twisted his ear.

"OK, OK! I'll stop now, hyung!" cried Soobin. "Hyung~ I'm sorry!"

Heeseung and the others laughed at the scene. That was the funniest thing to watch at least once a day. Well, can you imagine the leader and oldest member of Inside Out got his punishment from his manager? Who would not find that hilarious? Even the stylists were laughing at that.

"As the oldest member and leader of the group you should show a good example to the others, not igniting fight," said Seungcheol seriously.

Also, if there was someone who always made Seungcheol lose his patience, that person would be Soobin and Maki. And this was not the first time Seungcheol had done that to either one of them.

Since Wonwoo and Sangyeon (sometimes) were 'too' nice to give them punishment, Seungcheol on the other hand would not hesitate at all. Plus, this action was fully supported by their CEO too.

Maybe in other people's eyes, this looked like a form of abuse. However, to everyone who had worked with them, they knew that's just how they bonded.

"Are you really sorry?" Sangyeon asked.

Soobin nodded while showing his sad bunny eyes at the older male.

"Apologize to Maki now."

"Alright, I willㅡack! Hyung, that's hurt!"


As much as he disliked the command, Soobin still turned to the younger male and apologised. "I'm sorry."

"Are you guys really an adult? Because you look no better than my nephews." Seungcheol finally let go of Soobin's ear and sighed. "Anyway, just get everything done quickly and wait at the entrance, alright? Wonwoo is on his way here."

As per Seungcheol's instructions, they left the dressing room after changing their outfits. Fortunately, Wonwoo was punctual and they were able to walk out of the entrance where the company's car was already waiting for them. This saved them from being potentially photographed by any unwanted fansite cameras.

After making sure the five of them entered the car, Seungcheol being the last one behind them closed the car door securely and walked to the front seat.

"Do we have any schedule left today, Seungcheol hyung?" Nicholas added as he untangled his wired earphones. He was seated next to Maki and Taesan in the middle row, while Heeseung and Soobin at the back seat.

Seungcheol faced him and replied, "No. That was the last one. But Taesan and Maki have an early radio schedule tomorrow."

"That's a relief," Nicholas sighed contently. He could have more sleeping time tomorrow morning.

"I'm hungry," said Maki tiredly.

"Tsk. You think everyone isn't?" Soobin retorted.

Maki was too tired to reply to the leader, rolling his eyes instead and ignoring Soobin's words due to the earlier fight.

"What do you guys wanna eat?" Wonwoo glanced at the rear-view mirror again. "If you guys are tired, we can do a take-out at the nearby restaurant," he continued suggestively.

"Hmm, I think the latter would be good, Wonwoo hyung," Taesan replied. "I don't think I would eat much."

"Right, how's your stomach, Taesan-ah?" Heeseung questioned. His voice was gentle and caring whenever he talked to his younger members.

"It's getting better, Heeseung hyung." Taesan turned his head around and smiled assuringly. "Maybe I ate something weird yesterday. That's why."

"That's why you shouldn't try those trending foods you see on the internet," said Nicholas.

"The review is nice, so why not?"

"Then next time you get to ER again don't blame on the food," Soobin cut in.

"Anyway, where's Sangyeon hyung though?" Heeseung asked, changing the topic. "I only saw him earlier when he sent Taesan in the studio."

Wonwoo and Seungcheol gave each other a quick look, and the Inside Out members immediately frowned at the sight. Something was up, they could sense it, and the once chill vibe in the room suddenly turned awkward.

"What's with that look?" Soobin pointed out. "Did something happen?"

Seungcheol cleared his throat. "Well, nothing serious."

"But it didn't sound like that at all," said Maki, matter of factly.

A long sigh was heard from the two managers. But, before Wonwoo or Seungcheol could utter the next sentence, Heeseung for some reason could read the room instantly. Was it because of him?


"What is it this time?" Heeseung asked tiredly. "More dating scandals?"

Upon hearing that, Maki immediately searched for Heeseung's name on the Naver site. And just like they predicted, it was indeed a dating scandal.

"Heeseung hyung," Maki started, eyes still glued to the article he was reading. "They said you're in a relationship with Jimin noona."

Heeseung didn't know how he should react to this news, and all he could do was groan in frustration. "Fuck these people," he muttered under his breath.

Still in disbelief, both Taesan and Nicholas squished closer to Maki, peeking at the younger's phone.

Nicholas was checking out the article on Maki's phone when he suddenly asked, "When was this even posted?" He then scrolled back to the top of the page and saw that it was published just a few hours ago, right in the middle of their photoshoot. "Geez, how do they even come up with this stuff?" he muttered, clearly surprised.

"Ridiculous people as always," commented Soobin in annoyance. As a leader, he knew how much negative impact these rumours had on Heeseung. And that's not only involving his career and public image but also his life in general. "We should just sue them for damaging public image."

"I did nothing, and they still put my name in the spotlight." Heeseung laughed grimly. "Last time I was 'dating' that actress, and now it's Jimin noona? Who could be my next potential partner? I mean, they should at least name some valid persons to be my partner."

Truthfully, Heeseung had lost count of how many dating scandals he'd been into, and what's funny, none of the rumour was true. This doesn't only tarnish his image but think of the impact that may affect the other receiving party too. Sometimes, those people he'd been rumoured with had never crossed paths with him at all.

Wasn't that just ridiculous?

On top of thatㅡ

"And I don't even date girls." 


Author's Note: 

Hi~ I hope you're liking it so far. I am aware that I have other ongoing stories on the tab, but I just feel like publishing something like this in a while skskks because heesun is striving a lot these days!

Oh, I hope you like this made-up band of mine xD And FYI the characters here are all aged up (considering their 8 years of career experience). So, you'll find most of them are in their twenties  (Heeseung here is 28).  I hope that explains a lot. 

Anyway, have a great day ahead! ^^

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