Fluffy WangXian Oneshots Book...

By NebulusCharlie

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A collection of happy stories with our favourite couple, Wei Ying and Lan Zhan. More

Rocking Around The Christmas Tree
All The Stars Are Brighter
Crime & Chaos Part 1
Crime & Chaos Part 2
Crime & Chaos Part 3
Crime & Chaos Part 4
Crime & Chaos Part 5
Crime & Chaos Part 6
Crime & Chaos Part 7
In The Heat Of The Moment
A Piece Of Cake Part 1
A Piece Of Cake Part 2
A Piece Of Cake Part 3
A Piece Of Cake Part 4
A Piece Of Cake Part 5
A Piece Of Cake Part 6
A Piece Of Cake Part 7
Crumbs And A Little Bit Of Icing
Never Saw It Coming
Perfect Chemis-Tea
The Legend Of The Lady
Out Of Balance
All I Want
A Tick Tock Story
Nuts About You
Winner Takes All
The Beauty And Melancholy Between
Fancy Some Noodles?
The Voice of the Soul Part 1
The Voice of the Soul Part 2
The Voice of the Soul Part 3
The Voice of the Soul Part 4
The Voice of the Soul Part 5
The Voice of the Soul Part 6
The Voice of the Soul Part 7
The Voice of the Soul Part 8
The Voice of the Soul Part 9
The Voice of the Soul Part 10
The Voice of the Soul Part 11
The Voice of the Soul Part 12
The Voice of the Soul Part 13
The Voice of the Soul Part 14
To Strike A Match
Tied To The Ocean Part 1
Tied To The Ocean Part 2
Tied To The Ocean Part 3
Tied To The Ocean Part 4
Tied To The Ocean Part 5
Tied To The Ocean Part 6
Tied To The Ocean Part 7
Tied To The Ocean Part 8
Tied To The Ocean Part 9

Lost And Found

1K 86 167
By NebulusCharlie

From the moment he was born, Wei Ying captured the hearts of every person he met. As a baby, merely days old, he held onto his parents with both hands, charming them with his bright silver eyes and beautiful round rosy cheeks, his curly dark hair that morphed into unruly waves, a fluffy cloud on top of his head. His cute button nose would scrunch up adorably when he wanted them, and they willingly fell in love.

He loved to laugh and his mother loved to toss him up in the air, their home filled with warmth and happiness and the sound of their gorgeous baby boy giggling with helpless laughter. His chubby fat fingers would grasp her red ribbon and tug it until she gave in and gave it to him.

Their days were spent travelling when they could, until they decided to settle down in Yiling when Wei Ying was three years old. It was a small, growing town and it felt like the right place to begin their new life together.

They had a lucky escape once, narrowly avoiding a collision on the highway because Wei Ying seated in the back in his baby seat, had somehow managed to release his seat belt, and Wei Changze had to pull over so that Cangse Sanren could secure him again.

In the seconds that passed, a heavy Goods vehicle crashed into the bridge they would have been on and then, would have plunged to their deaths had their car been in front. As it was, Wei Changze had called the emergency services and pulled the driver to safety instead.

That day, they returned home shaken and traumatised at what a tragedy could have befallen their little family. Only Wei Ying carried on playing with his toy shapes, babbling nonsense. But there was a single moment when Cangse Sanren looked up and met his eyes, and there was a flash of recognition so bright, so fierce, that she blinked and then it was gone.

She told herself that it was only her imagination, that such a wealth of knowledge could never be real; XianXian was only three years old, after all. He was a regular baby, wasn't he?

He certainly appeared as such, playing with them, listening intently when they read to him at night and sleeping peacefully until the morning. Her little YingYing was a golden child, hardly ever crying except for that one time in the marketplace when he had a full-on tantrum about the little toy drum he'd seen at somebody's stall.

There were other instances too, when she suspected all was not as it appeared with her beautiful baby boy, but they were so scattered in amongst the days, weeks and years as he grew up, that she forgot all about them.


Wei Ying dreams.

His nights are just as active as his days, lost to the kaleidoscope of images bombarding him with an urgency he cannot explain. When he was younger, he couldn't remember his dreams at all. But his subconscious awakens when he's three years old, and after that, he does not forget a single one.

There are mountains, there are clouds, and there is music. In his mind's eye, he sees a red ribbon fluttering in the wind, all tangled up with a white one. He sees a guqin with a jade tassel, and he remembers a black flute with the red tassel, a jade lotus flower hanging from its centre on the end. But the most shocking image of all is a pair of golden eyes, so fiercely protective, shining with a limitless love.

He doesn't know who that person is. But in his heart of hearts, he knows that the person in his dreams is very important.

Then one day, when Wei Ying is six years old, he wakes up and begins to draw.

The previous night, he had dreamed of a little boy sitting in the frozen night, snow falling all around him as he waited outside a dark little cottage. He cried in his sleep, his mother told him later, and Wei Ying had tried to smile.

But drawing is so much better.

Wei Ying can throw himself into it, lost in the way his fingers move over the paper, how the charcoal coats his skin and reminds him of another place, just as dark. Here, he can bring life to his dreams and somehow convince himself that it's real.

He has a phenomenal skill, one that his parents can't believe if they weren't the ones to witness his talents in real time. He draws mountains and clouds, and fields full of bunnies. He draws lanterns and houses, and a sea of purple and pink lotus flowers. He draws breathtaking peonies, each delicate petal alight with a faint pinkish blush, and vivid, brilliant blue gentian flowers dancing in a soft breeze.

He fills books after books, and his mother saves every single one.

His artwork is applauded by experts and sold at the highest prices, and yet Wei Ying doesn't care. He draws and draws and draws, and when he's older, at age twelve, he begins to paint in earnest.

His dreams continue, and he realises that there's a pattern, that the boy in his dreams is growing up with him.

Wei Ying never tells anyone about his dreams. He never speaks about his inspiration, of the mountains lost in the mists, or the haunting melody that beats in tune with his heart. He keeps them all secret, hidden deep inside.

His father buys him a flute, a black dizi that they had seen in the window of a musical instrument shop, and Wei Ying teaches himself how to play it. He tries to remember the tune of the melody from his dreams, and writes down the notes in his head. His progress is slow but steady.

He learns the name of the little boy later, but as soon as he wakes, it escapes into his subconscious, and no matter how hard he tries to remember it, it disappears like a whisper in the wind.

The next day, Wei Ying begins his artwork with a piece of calligraphy. He focuses his mind and brings his senses together, and he makes a wish.

"Whoever you are, golden-eyed boy, I hope you can see this," he says aloud. "My name is Wei Ying." With bright strong strokes, he draws the characters for his name on blood red paper, and makes his wish again. In his heart of hearts, he knows it is a prayer.


"Wei Ying." Lan Zhan sits up in bed, chest heaving and his young, twelve year old heart beating at twice the normal speed.

As clear as day, Lan Zhan had just seen the boy sit down at his table and write his name on red paper. The dream was short compared to the others, but Lan Zhan usually slept deep and long, with no recollection of his nightly adventures in the morning.

His dreams began when he was six years old.

Sleeping had become a thing of the past, because once he and his brother retired to their rooms, the fights began. It would always start off slowly like the premonition of a storm. Low voices with angry tones crackled like lightning streaking across the dark skies, parting it with crashing thunder. Just like that, the shouting would get louder and inevitably then, something would break.

Lan Zhan would whimper and hide under his covers, and only moments later, feel his big brother climb into his bed and hug him from behind.

Sometimes, they fell asleep like that, but at others, they simply couldn't rest. One night, when it seemed as if more things were breaking downstairs, Lan Zhan made his mind up. XiChen tried to stop him, but Lan Zhan was determined. How could two people who must have loved each other before, be like this?

He runs down the stairs, tears streaming from his eyes and crashes into his mother, grabbing her legs.

XiChen follows behind, hanging on the doorframe and seeing the scene from outside the kitchen, neither here nor there.

Their Mama is poised, protecting her face while their dad is just about to throw their toaster at her. Broken glassware is strewn all across the kitchen floor, coating it with shards of deadly glass, and already, XiChen can see blood pooling at Lan Zhan's feet.

That had been a long night for everyone. It wasn't lost on everyone there, how they could have lost a family member in a heartbeat. Lan Zhan was taken to the ER and they had to do stitches on the soft skin of the soles of his feet, but he never cried once, simply staring forlornly at his parents. The medical staff were rightly concerned and the very real possibility of their children being taken away from them, made the adults grow up.

They signed up for couples' therapy, Qingheng-Jun admitted himself into a clean-up programme for alcoholics, and they all turned their lives around. It was hard for everyone, but slowly and surely, calm and peace began to grow.

That's when Lan Zhan began to dream.

There were mountains and clouds and at first, he thought nothing of it. They lived in Cloud Recesses after all; the whole area sat upon the highest mountains of Gusu, so he thought it was pretty normal. Hardly a day went past without the sunrise powering through the fine mists of early morning here.

He was a quiet child and he liked to read, and his mind was far more settled than other kids of the same age, and since he was far from being loquacious, no one thought his silences were unusual.

But his dreams were becoming more vivid, flashes of colour zigzagging through and an echoing delighted laughter, definitely not his own. People in white robes like it was some kind of a uniform, and always a person in front of him, long wavy raven-black hair flowing as he walked, a red ribbon flying out around him. Lan Zhan could never see his face but he simply knew that the boy was beautiful.

Haunting silver eyes, like the shifting sands of a desert at midnight, shimmering blue-grey under the pale light of the moon. Granite with liquid mercury flecks, sometimes flashing crimson. Lan Zhan was both frightened for the boy, and lost to him, an inexplicable need burning through his veins that he needed to keep the boy safe.

Lan Zhan would always try to catch him, and the boy remained elusive, just dancing out of his hands ever ready to snatch him.

Lan Zhan starts sleepwalking.

Almost every night, either his mother or father would find him at the front door as if he had been trying to get outside, and was unsure about how to navigate past the final barrier. Sometimes, he would stand there until the morning, eyes closed and fast asleep until someone found him and guided him back to his bed.

The family began locking their front door at night, and then they contacted their doctor. Many tests were performed, and Lan Zhan was admitted into therapy, but he never spoke and the doctor assessing him put it down to the past traumas of an unstable childhood.

The doctors recommended music therapy, and Lan Zhan took to it like a duck to water. He tried playing a variety of instruments but his true affection was stolen by the guqin and the piano. Lan Zhan practised every day and for long hours, and his teachers couldn't believe it. They hailed him a prodigy, a genius, a brand-new talent, and he began performing in concert halls all over the country.

But Lan Zhan had a secret.

In his dreams, there were many melodies, and he even picked up the names of a few, Inquiry and Rest, but there was one that refused to leave him. Haunting, achingly sad and yet at the same time uplifting and full of hope, Lan Zhan knew this was no ordinary tune. It echoed in the chambers of his heart and pulsed with every beat. Every time he heard that song in his dreams, he would wake to a wet pillow and crusty eyes, red from all of his tears.

He tried to remember the melody in the morning, but it was like trying to catch the wind in his hands, disappearing into his subconscious.

Lan Zhan began keeping a notepad on his bedside cabinet, and every morning, the first thing he did was write the notes that managed to stay with him.

This morning, he picks up his pen and writes: Wei Ying.


Wei Ying dreams of flying.

His dreams have taken a somewhat adventurous direction, and it's only when his mother sees him trying out some fighting stances, that they enrol him in Kung Fu classes.

Wei Ying thrives.

It becomes his new passion, and he learns new moves everyday. He likes it so much that weekly classes become daily, and his teachers invite him to visit their daochang* (*training studio) even on the weekends.

By the time Wei Ying hits fifteen, he's even helping to teach the baby fighters in their training. His teachers proudly nominate him for competitions and he wins every time. His parents joke that they'll need a bigger place to live, just to house his trophies.

Then comes the biggest challenge yet, a national martial arts competition with different martial arts celebrated, from Kung Fu, to Karate, to Muay Thai and even Tai Chi.

Wei Ying is super excited about it. He's only allowed to go because he's promised not to let his regular studying lax, and since he's always been an A+ student, this is no difficulty. The only thing he regrets is not getting enough time to paint. He keeps a sketchbook with him all the time now, and whenever he has to wait, he's always drawing or colouring his own artwork.

This particular book is dedicated to the golden eyes that feature at the end of his every dream. Wei Ying is surprised at himself, how he can pick apart every single emotion, every nuance of feeling that those eyes express, and his drawings have managed to encapsulate each one. He draws from memory, and is astounded at the connection and satisfaction he feels when he gets it just right.

It seems that Wei Ying is just waiting for most of his life. He waits to compete, he waits after every exam because he's done before anyone else, and he waits to fall asleep.

His parents have noticed that there's a theme to his art, and that one person features exclusively in his sketchbooks. They asked him once out of curiosity. Wei Ying, too embarrassed to tell them that he's been dreaming about this boy ever since he was young, for the past twelve years no less, tells them that it's a person from fan fiction, a character he grew attached to and cannot stop drawing for now.

They believe him.

It's at this major national competition that Wei Ying is sitting on a bench, dressed in his tracksuit with his Kung Fu uniform underneath, and sketching away as he usually does. There's a commotion and he's too slow to look up; too involved in what he's doing and another boy rushes past, knocking his book out of his hands and making it land face down on the ground.

He's too shocked at the abruptness of it, of having his pencil fall from his fingers.

Then suddenly, there's a whiff of a deeply beautiful fragrance, sandalwood, he thinks as he closes his eyes trying to remember why it is so important. Snatches of his dreams come back to him, but they rise and fall like confetti in the wind.

His sketchbook is closed and placed back into his hands, and Wei Ying briefly hears footsteps padding away.

He startles and looks up then, standing up and wanting to thank whoever it was, but the person is lost in the sea of competitors milling around and waiting to compete.

Wei Ying cannot explain it, but he has goosebumps all along his arms and legs, and his heart is beating thrice as fast.

Who was it? Who helped him just now?

It takes him a long time to calm down, and then he feels sad and he doesn't know why he's so disappointed. It's as if he missed a big chance, and yet he has no idea what it was.

Regardless, he wins his events in his category. But now celebrating it is the furthest thing on his mind.


Lan Zhan is drawn to Tai Chi. He likes the meditation aspect and the power he feels running through his body when channelling his breath to move through each pose, the structure of the forms and the fluidity that must be obtained through perseverance. The peaceful tranquillity that settles over him, both in body and mind is incomparable.

It's a way to balance out the chaos of his dreams when he can't make sense of them.

He becomes so good at it, his teachers enrol him in the national competition that he wasn't even aware of.

As with most things in his life, Lan Zhan goes along with it, feeling ambivalent about the whole contest.

That is, until he sees the list of competitors and there's a name that feels familiar to him. But Wei WuXian is different from Wei Ying, and Lan Zhan walks away from the noticeboard with a strange sort of emptiness.

How could it be that easy, he berates himself. He's only fifteen, as his parents and his brother keep telling him, too young to stay indoors and make no friends outside of his music and studying. Lan Zhan stays silent through their gentle prodding, but he wants to be bitchy and tell XiChen that he's making it up for both of them with no less than two boyfriends. But he's too polite to start a fight, and besides, it's none of his business who XiChen hangs out with, as long as he's happy.

Lan Zhan has his own frustration to deal with.

His dreams are laced with a sense of urgency, and he feels as if he has sand timers balanced on both of his shoulders, each grain passing through the narrow neck in the middle, a stark reminder that Lan Zhan hasn't found Wei Ying yet.

For, isn't that the point of all this? Isn't he supposed to find this mysterious person somehow? And where does he even start?

The thought of not being able to, of failing, is so much worse though. Lan Zhan made that mistake once before and the pain that shot through his body was so intense, he had to lie down. He hasn't let himself think about it since.

He doesn't understand it, this foreboding feeling as if his time is running out.

There are moments when he thinks he might have completed the melody from his dreams, but there's an undercurrent of a feeling that no matter how whole it is, that it's still unfinished, as if it needs something else. Perhaps an accompaniment. A complementary sound that rests upon the periphery of the tune itself and... Lan Zhan is growing increasingly restless.

That's why his Tai Chi practice helps to ground him.

He's looking forward to competing today, needing to channel his negative emotions into something positive, an easing away of them like burning wood for a fire.

He's on his way to that section of the grand Hall when he's jostled to the side by someone rushing past, clearly an ill-advised action, because there are far too many people here. The person stumbles and knocks past a young man with his head down, busily sketching away in his red book. Lan Zhan is momentarily happy for him, that in the midst of all this chaos, he has found his peace. But he frowns because it's destroyed by the idiot running past, making the artist's book fall to the ground.

Lan Zhan picks it up and gives it back, and for just a second, he smells the most amazing perfume. It's delicate and floral, and reminds him of lotus flowers dancing on the gentle surface of a lake.

It lights up all the happy places in his heart, but Lan Zhan is embarrassed by it and he's never been one to stand around waiting for thanks. He quickly moves away where his family is waiting for him.

The rest of the afternoon goes by in a blur, and as expected, Lan Zhan wins his category, bringing home another First prize for his mother.


When Wei Ying is seventeen years old, the dreams become darker.

They're filled with violence, pain and suffering, nothing concrete but it is the sense of all these feelings that begins to terrify him.

He sees a dark, dark place, one filled with corpses, zombies out of their minds, and there's a definite feeling of falling, as if gravity cannot hold him up any longer. It's the sense of being pushed off something, like skydiving without a parachute. Free falling without a soft landing.

On the nights of those dreams, Wei Ying often jerks awake, heart pounding in his ears and breath stuttering in his lungs. He's drenched in sweat but feeling so cold.

It's hard to go back to sleep after that, so he turns to his art instead.

These new pieces of his work are so much more intense. They're dark, shadow and light fighting for dominance on the canvas, and it heralds a different phase in his career. He's one of the top new talents in the art world, and galleries are competing to show off his skills.

Some of it is more obscure, hazy images suggesting a macabre tilt, and then deep red eyes hidden in dark, swirling mists whispering of power.

All of his paintings are dramatic and piercing, talked about in the highest echelons of society where only the rich and famous can afford him.

One time, Wei Ying has only vague recollections of his dream, but when he tries to get out of bed, his leg hurts enough for him to limp. Another morning, weeks later, he can hardly get out of bed. His back is so sore, Wei Ying is convinced he must have trained too much on the previous day.

The days pass by much the same after that.


Lan Zhan dreams of loneliness.

It starts off slowly with the images of people leaving him, a boy, the boy with the vivid red ribbon in his hair, walking away from him. A sense of loss becomes the parchment on which these dreams are drawn upon and the melody in his heart becomes a sad thing, a butterfly with torn wings unable to fly.

Fleeting images disturb his rest, enough to have his parents make him drink sleeping tonics in an attempt to help him. But they have a paralysing effect and Lan Zhan cannot escape from his mind.

In his dreams, he is always chasing after the boy with the beautiful smile.

He's never been able to see the whole of Wei Ying's face and yet there are glimpses of what he looks like; his lovely soft silver eyes as changeable as a summer storm, flashes of scarlet crimson now and then, that too familiar mop of hair tied up in a silky ponytail. His red ribbon haunts Lan Zhan, and now even when awake, if Lan Zhan sees anything red, he automatically thinks about Wei Ying.

His dreams leave a different kind of melancholy in his heart, and when he wakes, there's a deepening sadness, an uncontrollable urge to cry.

One day, he wakes up in terrible pain. It's concentrated in the lower half of his body where his dantien rests, but it hurts so badly that his parents take him to the ER. After a day of tests, the doctors reluctantly discharge him after being able to find nothing physically wrong with him.

Lan Zhan goes back home in so much pain, only mildly relieved by painkillers. This lasts for two days and one night.

He feels so alone in this; a wrenching kind of sadness that leaves him gasping for his next breath, and then it's a whole other reasoning to understand that these are not his feelings. These are broken parts of his soulmate.

Wei Ying.


Just after Wei Ying's twenty-first birthday, he's casually scrolling through his emails barely paying attention when one catches him unaware. The sender, a die-hard fan of his artwork has sent a photo attached with the message:

I just had to send you this! Don't you think they look the same? Have you ever been to Gusu University? You must have, though there's no mention in your bio.

Wei Ying immediately knows what they're talking about.

The photo is a double image; on the left is his painting of a mountain range barely visible under the skirting clouds drifting around their peaks, and on the right is definitely a photograph of the same.

But what is absolutely astounding is that both images are identical except for the colour of the sky. One is grey and the other is a pale blue like a watercolour sky, but that hardly matters when the size of the peaks, their arrangement and shape are identical to each other.

Wei Ying remains sitting down on his wheelie chair and pushes away from the desk, his eyes focused and staring in front of him.

The place is real.

It's called Gusu, and it's real.

He's so shocked that he doesn't even flinch when his father smacks his back playfully and asks him what he's up to.

Wei Changze rests his backside against Wei Ying's desk, facing him.

"What's up?" He's suddenly concerned.

Wei Ying is never this quiet, like he's shell-shocked.

"Look, Baba. Do you see a difference?" Wei Ying turns his laptop so that his father can see the screen properly.

"There isn't one..." his father says slowly.

"Right?" Wei Ying laughs weakly, rubbing a hand over his face, exhausted. "All this time, I've been painting that. It's a real place."

"It certainly looks like it."

"Can I go?"

"You want to? What am I saying, of course you do!" Wei Changze turns the laptop back towards him. "Why don't we all go? Make a day trip out of it?"

"Um...yeah, we can do that as well." Wei Ying doesn't meet his eyes. He's been bombarded by thoughts and ideas so wild, he's sure that his father won't let him leave the house, let alone go to Gusu if he finds out.

"As well? Why? What else were you thinking?"

"Well, it's a University."

"It is."

"And I'm sure I qualified for a scholarship there, as well." Wei Ying scrolls past the many other similar emails until he gets to the right one. He's had so many offers that they're coming out of his ears and his in-box is overflowing. Either related to his martial art success or his artwork, Wei Ying has been inundated with one offer after another, with the country's most prestigious schools of knowledge wooing him. "This one." They click on the link together.

Wei Changze kneels next to Wei Ying, and reads the introduction to the Cloud Recesses education programme, and it's extensive.

All expenses are paid for, plus Wei Ying would have his own apartment and studio if he went there to learn. There's also an option to share his experiences through a volunteer class where he can swap ideas with other like-minded students and build on more creativity.

The curriculum is easy enough for Wei Ying, but by this point, both of them know that he's already made up his mind.

"The house is going to be so quiet when you leave," Wei Changze says quietly. It's more of a musing.

"You guys can finally travel. I'm not a baby anymore," Wei Ying smiles as his dad ruffles his messy hair.

"Son, you will always be our baby," Wei Changze grins back unrepentantly. He bends to kiss the top of Wei Ying's head. "I'll let your mother know. Be prepared for tears, lots of them," he warns as he leaves the room.

Whose tears? Wei Ying thinks, clicking on the official pictures of Gusu University. He enlarges the image and stares at the clouds, only half believing this to be real.

Cloud Recesses exists.

And if that's real, then what else from his dreams is real? What about the beautiful boy with the golden eyes?

Wei Ying prays to whatever gods are out there: please, please, let him be real most of all.


XiChen is absolutely adamant that today, he's going to take his baby brother out for the weekend. It's a surprise, where he's planning on going, and he wants Lan Zhan to relax for a while.

It will be a total change, a break from whatever stress has gotten him in a choke-hold.


Lan Zhan's answer isn't surprising, but today, XiChen isn't going to accept it.

Today, he's brought the big guns in.

"A-Zhan...you rarely go out now. It's just a couple of days, and the fresh air will do you good. Plus, I hear the lotus flowers are still blooming in Yunmeng this time of year."

His mother is a clever lady.

"Lotus flowers?" Lan Zhan realises too late that he's fallen into their combined trap. Showing any kind of interest in what they're saying is as good as losing the battle.

"Besides, isn't today Orientation Day? Gusu will be full of families dropping off their students for their first term of studying," Qingheng-Jun says, striding in. He laughs openly at the face (grimace) Lan Zhan's making.

That's as good a reason to give in to XiChen's ambush.

"Then it's settled!" Madam Lan claps her hands excitedly. "I'll pack you boys a nice lunch and you can leave after breakfast. The first train out of Caiyi Town leaves at eight."

"I'll go find our portable energy packs," XiChen beams at the collaborative effort, and also leaves the room.

"A-Zhan, don't look so down. Will it really be as bad as you think?" Qingheng-Jun says kindly, patting his back. His deep voice is full of love and caring.

"Mn." Lan Zhan is feeling petulant after being ganged up on by his family.

His father just laughs, a quiet boisterous sound that Lan Zhan has come to love.


The train station in Caiyi Town is predictably packed, with far too many people and not enough sense, Lan Zhan thinks uncharitably, as they shuffle past the crowds of bodies in their way. It will be nice to get away from all the noise and chaos, his brain helpfully supplies, and Lan Zhan couldn't agree more.

It's a lovely autumn day with enough of a bite to the air to remind them that winter isn't far off. The maple and oak trees are as bright as torches with their red and gold leaves, one last celebration of colour before Gusu surrenders to its usual white mantle of snow in the coming months. The sun is shining, and Lan Zhan is following his brother into their carriage.

Lan Huan has bought them first class seats with their own compartment, and Lan Zhan is extremely glad when the door of it slides closed, muffling the sounds of the human beings on its other side. He turns to look out of the window and is only vaguely aware of the sound of crinkling paper, and then a lemon drop is placed in his hand.

Like this, the brothers do not need to talk.

They simply sit quietly, waiting for the train to leave and sucking on their sweet and sour treats in silence.

Lan Zhan can see the arriving train pulling away from the station.

"I always think of our lives like this," XiChen says thoughtfully.

"Mn?" Lan Zhan is listening, but his golden gaze lands on a rather tall family on the other side of the platform. They seem to be...arguing?

"Well, if we believe in reincarnation, then it's easy to compare that with being on a train platform. People get on the train and get off the train, and there will be many meetings, but ultimately, we all have to go." XiChen sighs quietly. "It's like-"

"Changing your clothes." Lan Zhan finishes for him.

"Mn. Exactly that." XiChen smiles and also looks out of the window. "We have a special student arriving today. One we're hoping will decide positively about joining our university. He's very important in the art world, and I believe, an asset to our reputation as the best schools in the current climate..."

Lan Zhan zones out, watching the family of three as they pick up three garishly red and black suitcases and set off for the exit. There was no accounting for taste, he thinks bitchily.

But then, a wild and wonderful laughter rings out, loud enough to pierce through the double glass of their window, and Lan Zhan is stunned by the bolt of incredulity. It's unrestrained and free, and as the family disappears into the throng of people, Lan Zhan stands up suddenly.

He knows that laughter.

He knows who it belongs to.

"Didi?" XiChen stands up too, but then there's a jolt of movement as their train chugs into life and pulls away from the platform.

It's excruciating to know that this train is taking him away from Wei Ying.

XiChen is looking at him warily, perhaps afraid that Lan Zhan has changed his mind and that disappointment is making his eyes a little darker.

Reluctantly, Lan Zhan sits down again, and he knows it's the right thing to do because XiChen's face clears and he begins to smile again, albeit cautiously.

"Is anything wrong ?" He inquires politely.

Lan Zhan smooths his face and shakes his head carefully.

"No. I just...I thought I saw someone, that's all."

"Oh, really? Who?" XiChen is immediately interested, which kills any joy Lan Zhan might have had in this topic.

"No one," Lan Zhan replies too quickly, and adamantly stares out of the window, firm in his resolve.

He knows that's the first time he's ever lied, and he's sorry for doing it. Sorry because, if that WAS Wei Ying, then he's not "No one", and secondly, XiChen has taken a lot of time and effort to plan these two days out for them, and it would be the epitome of bad manners not to appreciate that.

There's nothing he can do about the Wei Ying situation anyway, now that they are miles away from home, even if that was the person starring in his dreams since he was a child. So Lan Zhan makes himself a promise to the Universe: today, he will devote himself to his brother and this trip, and he will commit fully to it. In return, he hopes that when it's over, two days from now, all the powers of the Universe will hopefully reunite him with his soulmate.

Love is a strange thing, he realises sadly. It sneaks up upon the most unwary, like a lioness hunting her prey. It pounces with vigour, attacking with a lethal accuracy that leaves no survivor, and in the end, the victim must cede defeat.

And Lan Zhan has fallen in love with a mystery man, a beautiful, powerful boy whose heart is purer than the first snows of winter. A vibrant, electrifying man who might possibly be in Cloud Recesses right now. Belatedly, he remembers that he saw a red ribbon flying in the wind just now, back at the train station.


Yunmeng is a city so far apart from Gusu that it may as well be on another planet.

It's loud and brash in every aspect, and Lan Zhan feels personally assaulted.

Right from the get-go, stepping off the train onto the platform, they were attacked by sight and smell. Vendors cover every inch of spare space, yelling at the top of their voices about the wonderfulness of whatever they're selling, while little kids get under their feet and women shriek and shrill.

Stalls full of flowers of every colour imaginable line the narrow walkway, which wouldn't be as narrow if they were elsewhere, but Lan Zhan makes his face inexpressive. He learned long ago how to school his features into a mask of stoicism, and it has worked out remarkably so far.

Meat sizzles in open air pans, the heat from the cooking fires adding to the strong sunlight - that's another difference: the temperature is already sweltering, and it's still early morning yet. They are pushed from behind by the fallout of the emptying train, its passengers like herds of sheep eager to escape the confines of four walls. Frighteningly coloured food is heaped in open containers, resembling fresh lava from the way it still bubbles and froths.

It's a fight to get past all the sweaty bodies, even though the Twin Jade's of Gusu are at least a whole head taller than anybody else.

They're offered a plethora of snacks and all kinds of tea, and Lan Zhan is horrified when XiChen actually pays for two cups that are paid for swiftly.

It's peppermint tea and Lan Zhan hates to admit it, but it's quite refreshing.

Finally, they are outside and the air seems breathable in a compressed way, since the humidity is still the same.

XiChen gets them a cab and then they're on their way. So far, Lan Zhan hasn't asked where they're going yet, content enough to be a passenger, but as the city's tall buildings give way to fresh, green fields infinitely more pleasurable to look at, he becomes curious.

An hour later, they pull up outside the Lotus Pier resort.

"This whole area is owned by old friends of our father and uncle. Jiang Fengmian and his family have built this leisure park up from the ground. In addition to their famous lotus lakes, the namesake of their business, they've created a whole botanical paradise on the side. It's been heralded as a whole new ecosystem, just as important to the natural world as a rainforest." XiChen laughs at the little smile tugging on Lan Zhan's lips. "I thought we might as well do something you will enjoy, Didi."

"Thank you, Ge." Lan Zhan replies, and means it.

"Aside from the natural aspect, and don't get me wrong, there are caves and waterfalls aplenty to explore, nature hikes to spot rare birdlife, and guided tours, there's also a fun theme park."

Lan Zhan tries to be neutral about that.

"They have a nightly fireworks show, though these days, it's not the exploding kind. Everything is done via drones now. Eco-friendly," he mouths as they retrieve their backpacks. "We can return home on Sunday night, and you won't have to miss any classes."

"I would like that, Ge." And Lan Zhan finds that he IS glad.

Today will be a welcome respite from living in his head for so long. Mental fatigue has taken up a residence in his mind for so long that he doesn't even remember what it's like not to be thinking about his dreams, or the star of them. He is going to enjoy today and tomorrow.

"They even have a spa," XiChen says excitedly.

"Mn." That's the best Lan Zhan can do.


They buy tickets for a guided tour to one of the most famous landmarks of their country, the second tallest waterfall in the world, for tomorrow's trip.

Today, they check in to the resort and freshen up. It's now lunchtime, and they grab a quick bite to eat. They're both excited to go out and explore and so this meal is only to stave off the growing hunger. They will work up a good appetite this afternoon, wandering around the park.

They pick the intermediate trail because they're both fit enough and confident of their abilities. XiChen buys bottles of water and trail snacks and then they're on their way.

They have to start at the easy trail first; it is tarmac and their hiking shoes do that subtle bounce as they walk. There are a few bugs and mosquitoes, but they're well protected against insect bites.

Lan Zhan's mind finally calms as he breathes in the greenness in the air, wholesome and earthy. It's completely different from the dry and cold mountain air of Gusu, and it feels as though they are watering their own souls as they walk further into thickening trees.

The native trees are interspersed with the odd elephant palms, coconut palm trees and banana trees, along with the vast varieties of tropical plants. They spot wild squirrels foraging for nuts, playful chipmunks chasing each other amongst the branches, and a plethora of little creatures.

They discover a flower garden before they make their way back to the resort. Lan Zhan is drawn to the gift shop and he buys a selection of dried flowers preserved in lamination as bookmarks for their family as souvenirs. But the peony one...that one he wants to keep.

They forgo dinner in the end, choosing to dine on street food in the theme park. XiChen wants to go on the roller coasters, and after one ride, Lan Zhan refuses to go with him.

"I will wait here," he says, pointing at a bench. "Come and find me when you're done."

It is a lovely enough evening, and the stars are out in full force.

Lan Zhan leans back with a sigh, letting the exhaustion of the day bleed away from his limbs. He closes his eyes and settles himself, finding a rare kernel of peace. This is the first time he's been alone today, and he intends to treasure it.

But, his solitude doesn't last long.

He feels the weight of a person sitting down near him on the wooden bench, not right next to him, but close.

He hopes they don't want to chat.

"It's a nice evening."

It's a lady, and Lan Zhan has never been unnecessarily rude, so he opens his eyes and agrees.

She's pretty when she smiles, and if Lan Zhan had gotten any other kind of vibes from her, he would have gotten up and walked away from there. But she's almost...motherly. And thankfully, there's a thick golden band on the finger of her left hand.

"How long are you visiting?" She asks softly, her gaze lingering on a man and a child in a buggy not far away.

Her hand rests on the swell of her belly, and Lan Zhan feels even more safe. She's expecting a child.

He's happy for her as he answers.

"We're leaving tomorrow night. My brother wants to see the light show."

"Ah. It's spectacular, especially the Sunday night one. It's like starting the new week right, you know what I mean?"

"Or ending a bad week well," Lan Zhan murmurs.

She laughs, delighted.

"I must get back to my family, but while you're here, don't miss out on the lake garden. It's through that way." She points to a hidden gate behind a group of rowdy vendors. "And it's open," she whispers, standing up and groaning.

"A-Li, are you tired? Should we turn in?" The man with the buggy comes closer, watching as she puts a hand on her lower back.

"That's a good idea," she says, waving at Lan Zhan before they leave.

He watches the way the man tucks her under his arm, stealthily supporting her as they walk away. There's something Peacockish about him, but Lan Zhan's attention wanders to the mysterious gate, not far away.

He stands up and walks towards it before he can talk himself out of it.


The lake is breathtakingly beautiful. Moonlight dances upon the tiny ripples spreading across its surface and it feels like magic is in the air.

It's a sea of lotus flowers, pink, and purple and white, their heads bobbing gently in the warm breeze. There's another bench here, and Lan Zhan settles down to soak in the atmosphere.

There is something intrinsically relaxing about being surrounded by nature. The healthy and thriving plants give him a sense of peace and hope. Here, away from Cloud Recesses, this place is giving Lan Zhan space to breathe, to give himself time to understand himself.

The perfume in the air is worth it alone, heady and intoxicating. It reminds him of another person, and just like that, Lan Zhan is slammed into another dream.

By now, he can't tell if it really is another dream or worse, a memory.

"Lan Zhan! Catch me!"

He hears in that most familiar voice. Lan Zhan has heard it so often at night that he knows who it is. The voice calls out to him, and Lan Zhan stands up. He begins to walk in the direction of the sound, an easy laughter of delight fading away before it comes again, and Lan Zhan knows he's going the right way.

The sounds of the people he's left behind totally fade away now; all that's left is the song of the cicadas and eager frogs looking for a mate. He can hear them much clearer now that he is far away from others, settling into the quiet of the night.

Lan Zhan is all alone now as he stands under a willow tree. The branches are just low enough that if he jumped up, he could grasp it and pull himself onto the thick boughs. The wind whispers through the long grasses rustling under his feet.

He imagines a pair of lively, bright eyes as silver as the glow of the moonlight watching him back.

"Will you catch me?" The voice asks again.

Lan Zhan is overcome with a wave of tenderness, and he finds himself nodding. He sees two people from another lifetime so obviously in love. The one dressed in red and black leaps from his perch up in the tree, and his heart is in his mouth for the few seconds that it takes for him to fall into the waiting arms.

He's so relieved that they're both safe.

His feet begin to walk by themselves, finding a beaten track along the edges of the water. It leads to a wooden walkway, a bridged path that leads to another building. It looks like a temple, and just as Lan Zhan is walking forward to go inside, his head bursts into pain, and it's so sharp, so intense that he collapses.


Lan Zhan's eyes open slowly and he's shocked. He's sitting on the bench where XiChen left him, and since XiChen has returned, he's sitting next to him now, smiling gently. Gradually, the noise of his surroundings becomes louder.

"I didn't know you were so tired," he says kindly. "Shall we turn in for the night?"

Lan Zhan merely nods, still shocked at himself.

His head still hurts, but it is a residual, phantom throbbing. Had he gone walking at all, leaving this bench? He turns to look behind the stalls of the vendors and yes, the door is still there. He remembers walking through it...he must have, right? And what about the lake he had seen? All of it felt so real!

He couldn't have fallen asleep here...or did he?

Too tired to think about it, Lan Zhan stands up and follows his brother back to their rooms.


A lovely young man called Lan JingYi comes with the Wei family to show Wei Ying his apartment. He even collects an autograph from Wei Ying, who is far too busy trying to keep his parents in check. They're worse than a couple of teenagers on crack.

The apartment is fully furnished and modern, and Wei Ying looks around half-heartedly. He's usually so busy with his artwork and his martial arts practise that he already knows he's only going to be here to sleep. But still his parents insist on taking him grocery shopping.

Cloud Recesses is basically a whole town with different campuses all over its grounds depending on what you were here to study. The Music and Arts School is right next door to his apartment and Wei Ying wants to explore!

But by the time they've unpacked Wei Ying's clothes and sorted out his kitchen, it's late and they end up getting pizza as dinner.

Exploring will have to wait until tomorrow. Sundays are usually quieter, his parents assure him, so there'll be plenty of time to see everything by the end of the next day, when his parents will go back.

Sleep comes hard and fast, and for once, Wei Ying doesn't dream at all.

Sundays are usually relaxed in the Wei household, and so it's after eleven that the three of them emerge looking for food. They meet JingYi again, who brings them to the Cultivation Hut, a modern looking cafe with lots of interesting food choices.

"I heard the food here is pretty bland," Cangse Sanren says to him as they sit down to eat.

"Look, Mama, they have my favourite brand!" Wei Ying turns the bottle of chilli oil towards her so she can see it for herself.

"Oh, yeah! Rumours were, a long time ago, food in Cloud Recesses was medicinal soup and plain steamed vegetables. And you weren't allowed to eat more than three bowls of rice!" JingYi rolls his eyes playfully.

"No way! Then what's this? How did the change come about?" Wei Ying asks him as his parents go through the menu.

"It's absolutely true!" JingYi protests. "You can read all three thousand rules carved in stone near the library. It's a protected piece of Lan Clan history, so you're not allowed to go too close to it, but the rules are written out clearly. Shorthand to save space, but they're there." He leans forward and looks around surreptitiously before adding in a low voice, "Apparently, another thousand rules were added to the wall later, and they had to add another boulder to accommodate them."

"What? The three thousand weren't enough?" Wei Ying exclaims incredulously.

"Yeah, it's true. The Elders of that time added the extra rules because one of the heirs married someone who kept breaking them accidentally. Apparently, he was a chaotic mess who created situations that made the Elders think up more rules! I would have liked to meet him," JingYi says wistfully. "But, it's because of him that the chilli oil became a permanent fixture here." JingYi winks and saunters away.

"We should go and look at that wall," Wei Ying murmurs, lost in thought.

"Yeah, we totally should," Cangse Sanren cackles. "Maybe make some adjustments, if you know what I mean." She winks at her husband.

Food is ordered and Wei Ying takes his parents on a tour of the Music and Arts building, wanting to familiarise himself with the layout before his first day, which starts tomorrow.

They get roped into volunteering with helping set out chairs for the opening ceremony tomorrow morning, and then one of the professors recognises Wei Ying and draws him into a deep discussion about pigments and which paints were the best.

By the time they get free again, it's time for dinner and then Wei Ying must say goodbye to his parents; they have to reach Caiyi in order to catch the last train back home. They forbid him to come and drop them off, saying the picture of him waving all alone on the platform will make them too sad. So they hug and cry (only his dad) outside Wei Ying's apartment, and take their leave.


The whole week passes in a blur.

On Monday, after the opening ceremony which took up nearly the whole day, Wei Ying found himself being treated like a celebrity. Almost all the teachers and his fellow students had heard of him, and he was inundated with photo and autograph requests. By the end of the day, he felt drained enough to go and hide away in his bed with the covers thrown over his head.

Tuesday morning was slightly better.

His scholarship had stipulations dependent on Wei Ying teaching, and most of these were supposed to take place in the auditorium. But after the first lecture that he gave, feeling it to be too stale and boring, Wei Ying decided to hold it in one of the art rooms. He felt a hands-on approach would be more valuable where the practical side of his methods could be seen and understood far more easily than just talking about it.

The only trouble was, there were too many students, and not enough space.

He tried to make it fairer by having them take turns but it was disruptive and he lost his thread too many times for it to be helpful. But in terms of helping, he had many useful pointers and being able to show what he meant was exciting for both himself and those watching him.

It was unfortunate that his class had expanded so that some students had to stand outside the room.

Wednesday and Thursday went much the same way.

But when he tried to replicate it on Friday, his class was interrupted by another teacher, Su MinShan.

The gist of his complaint was that Wei WuXian's unorthodox way of teaching was wrong, and that there was no way this could be called a lecture.

"But the students are learning!" Wei Ying protested.

"It is not the way we do things here!" Su MinShan replied back angrily. "You will come with me while I report your conduct." He grabbed Wei Ying's wrist so hard, Wei Ying yelped, but he was already being yanked out of the art room.

It's only when they knock on the door of the administration office that Su MinShan lets go of him, and Wei Ying is cradling his wrist against his chest.

But then, when he looks up, he's staring into honey-coloured eyes watching him back in concern.

"Are you hurt?"

Gosh, he has a nice voice, too.

But Wei Ying is too shocked to respond. This man looks so much like the boy in his dreams, the young man that Wei Ying has fallen in lo- that Wei Ying really likes. He's too busy searching out the similarities between his guy and this one. That they're different people is clear in his mind, but Wei Ying just can't get over the shock of seeing him.

How can he be real?

"Mr. Wei, are you alright?" The man comes around to his side and helps him to the chair in front of the desk.

Wei Ying can't stop staring at him. He's so much like Dream Boy, but not, and it's that part which is jarring.

"He's just faking being hurt!" Su MinShan shouts angrily. "I didn't do anything!"

"My name is Lan XiChen," XiChen tells Wei Ying gently, ignoring the other man in the room for now. "Let me see your wrist."

Wei Ying lets him take his hand. He winces when XiChen accidentally presses on the tender skin.

"What is the meaning of this?" XiChen says, fury lacing his words.

"I didn't touch him!" Su MinShan yells, stepping back. "I brought him here to be disciplined! I've lost half my pupils because they'd rather be taught by him, and he doesn't even know how to give a lecture!" His face is red from his accusations, spittle flying from his mouth.

"Then why are there fingerprint shaped bruises on his wrist?" XiChen stands fully upright and calls security.

"It's not me!" Su MinShan yells, but now he looks scared.

When security comes in the form of two bulky guards, XiChen tells them to escort Su MinShan to the Director's office, where he will come after seeing to Mr. Wei. They are to remain with him until further direct orders from XiChen.

XiChen takes pictures of Wei Ying's wrist, carefully turning it this way and that and trying not to cause him further pain. His quiet questions ease Wei Ying into a new familiarity and by doing so, he finally understands what happened between Su MinShan and Wei Ying.

Wei Ying feels comfortable enough to explain what the problem is to XiChen. He tells him that when he tried to talk about art, he felt he wasn't getting his point across adequately, and when he started showing the students what he meant, it was so much better, and he could see immediate improvement in their work.

"I see. Please, leave it with me and I shall see what we can do. Other than this," XiChen gestured towards his wrist, "are you settling in alright? Any problems?"

"No, everything's great," Wei Ying enthuses, returning to his charming self. "I was itching to go see the wall that Lan JingYi told us about, and I really want to find the library, but I want to explore the views of the mountainside and waterfalls. That's why I came here."

"Yes, the Gusu landscape is famous in all the regions. I wondered about that." XiChen watches him thoughtfully. "When reviewing your application to join us, I looked through your portfolio and was astounded at the accuracy of your paintings. Are you sure you've never visited here before?"

Wei Ying laughs awkwardly.

"Yeah, this is my first time in Gusu."

"Well, I hope you enjoy your time here. But please, let me make one thing clear. Abuse is never tolerated, and I'm sorry that you're hurt because of a member of our staff. We were interested in sweeping you off your feet from the beginning, ever since our headhunters saw your work. I hope you know how blessed we feel because you chose to come and study here."

Wei Ying doesn't really know what to say now. He's extremely embarrassed because to him, his artwork came only from an intense desire to record his dreams - nothing else.

That reason feels far too private to share with someone he's just met though, so he smiles politely and stands up.

"Wait," XiChen says, also standing up. "I will escort you to the infirmary."

He doesn't take no for an answer.


On Saturday morning, Wei Ying wakes up cranky and sore. Any painkillers he had the night before have worn off and there's a sting of pain when he tries to move his wrist. The nurses in the infirmary have told him strictly no painting for at least a week if he wants it to heal quickly.

As it is, it's harder to pull his hair into his ribbon than usual, but he manages it anyway.

He's been meaning to explore for a whole week now, so today is as good a day as any, and since Wei Ying is up up, he's going to take advantage of the extra hours.

He packs a bottle of water and a few snacks in a backpack and then on a whim, grabs his black dizi and tucks it into his belt. Then he takes off after slipping his sneakers on.

He is armed with a map of the entire campus and he's surprised that it's so detailed and so huge. As the university is built on a mountain, the levels go up and up and up. There's nothing wrong with his legs, he thinks, and a morning walk will do him good.

He has a quick breakfast in the Cultivation Hut, really appreciating the chilli oil dumped into his congee, and several cups of coffee later, he declares himself ready to face the world.

There are signposts showing the way to the Wall of Discipline, and Wei Ying follows them.

Ever since he got here, he's been feeling more and more comfortable in Cloud Recesses. There's a familiarity that overwhelms him, increasing every day. It's present in every breath of mountain air he takes, in the structures of the older buildings and just the general area.

Today he realises that the feeling is like being home.


Saturday mornings are for spending time with family. Their Uncle Qiren comes over for breakfast with his wife, and it's only the six of them; Mama Lan, Qingheng-Jun, XiChen and Lan Zhan. They maintain the rule of not speaking while eating the main part of their breakfast, which this morning is sweet pears and hot congee, with jasmine tea, but everyone is more relaxed by the end.

XiChen tells them about the incident between Su MinShan and Wei WuXian. "Many students gave evidence against the older teacher, in support of Mr. Wei. I was surprised at how many of them like him so much already."

"There will be a disciplinary hearing," Uncle Qiren adds at the end. "If Wei WuXian wants to press charges, he can. Su MinShan will no longer be able to teach here, though."

Lan Zhan is upset about the whole thing, because the Lan University of Cloud Recesses prides itself on excellence; they must nip this in the bud and make sure no more bullying of this kind occurs. He hasn't met this new teacher/student yet, though he's filled with trepidation about it.

He hadn't been asked when the decision to accept Wei WuXian's application to join them was agreed upon, but even he can't believe someone so young could have anything useful to teach. XiChen has since urged him to check out his online profile, and his portfolio, but while Lan Zhan appreciates art, he hasn't got hours to spend looking at someone else's work.

Besides, it is rare that they will meet since Lan Zhan is always busy either studying or marking books, and any free time during the weekend is exactly that, free.

It's his down time, when he doesn't have any other obligations or meetings or discussions.

These past few years, he's been writing down with painstaking determination each and every single note that he's heard in his dreams. Today is the first time he will be able to play it in its entirety and he's looking forward to it.

Ever since the last weekend when he kept having surreal reminders of the past or his dreams, the one blending seamlessly into the other, he's felt off-kilter, just a bit sideways from normal. He keeps thinking that he's missed his chance to find Wei Ying but from tomorrow, he'll renew his efforts. He will walk around campus and see if he can find the boy with the red ribbon flying in his hair.

"Have you met Wei WuXian, Didi?" XiChen asks, just as they're all getting up.

With a jolt, Lan Zhan realises that breakfast is over and now he's free. He stands up too.

"No. I have not yet had the opportunity," he replies.

"Ah, well I hope you do. He's a remarkable man, full of new ideas and such. I'm looking forward to seeing what changes he'll bring about!" XiChen smiles at the thought.

Lan Zhan suffers a rare bout of jealousy as he shrugs noncommittally and bids a hasty exit.

XiChen's words ring in his ears and Lan Zhan feels irrationally angry.

His family has always been annoying like that, and he knows they mean well, but the constant encouragement to make new friends and to go out more just grates on his nerves.

He doesn't like going out, and he hates making small talk, and since it feels like a prerequisite for making friends, then that's a no-thank-you from him. He's perfectly fine as he is, with his music, his Tai Chi, and his dreams.

They are a comfort to him, and while he would be excited to meet Wei Ying in person, that particular event won't change anything in his life. He's happy, and he's going to stay that way.

He wants to stick his tongue out at his older brother, but that would be unseemly. And immature.

Lan Zhan does it anyway, stomping back to the Jingshi in a huff.

But once inside, he pauses.

Everything is exactly where it should be; he has a dresser, a bedside table, his bed and a wardrobe. There's an ensuite bathroom. That's all he needs.

Suddenly, he looks around and today, the four walls of his practice room make him feel claustrophobic. On a whim, he grabs WangJi, his precious guqin, and strides out again.

Maybe today is a day better spent outdoors.

Who needs friends when he has the bright blue sky? Who needs to socialise when the trees talk to him with all their rustling leaves?

Not Lan Zhan, that's who.

He's going to go to his favourite waterfall and play his music there. Where no one can disturb him. Especially not well-intentioned family members.


Wei Ying is staring at the Wall of Discipline and frowning. He read it once, giggled at a few of them, and then counted them. Twice.

Some of these rules are common sensical, stuff even toddlers know. Others were just extremely useless. Like, who cares if anyone had one extra bead hanging from their waist? And love all beings? That was a tough one! But do not grieve in excess? How could one say what was excessive? How is a person supposed to know that?

The Wall of Discipline stands tall, nearly twice his height, and it's made from the hardest type of stone darkened with age. Width wise, it is as broad as four men holding hands in a stretch. And then, as JingYi promised, there's a slightly smaller stone, also with those carvings. That must be the additional thousand rules.

But even if he thinks it's more rules than any sane person should adhere to, there's something comforting about the structural aspects of having this, a written list of the best a person could be. Guidelines to help when one was in doubt.

When his stomach rumbles, Wei Ying laughs out of embarrassment. He's spent too long here, standing opposite this wall and feeling some kind of weird kinship.

It's time to move on.

He pulls out one of the granola bars and finishes it in three bites. He empties half the water bottle and saves the rest as he continues onwards.

It's a lovely warm day now, despite the chill of the early morning. The sun warms the ground and the spaces in between, and this little bit of exertion feels good. The mountain air is fresh and sweet with the scent of pine, cool enough to make a balance with the heat of the day.

Wei Ying climbs further up a steep trail lined with ancient stone slabs, thinking about the people who would have placed them down in the very beginning, when the Lan Clan was stretching its legs for the first time.

It's so peaceful here, with birdsong for company and the fluttering leaves of fall making their own symphony. There's a kind of music hidden here, a natural bursting of energy that both purifies and re-energises him, leaving his body relaxed.

Late blooming wildflowers bob their dainty heads as he walks by, a cheerful splash of colours guiding his way. There's even a few butterflies flitting between the blooms, elegant and gracefully perching on delicate stems drinking the last of the summer's nectar. Fuzzy bees sway drunkenly between blossoms, laden with pollen.

Wei Ying loves this.

Just being here in the outdoors, paying attention to all the little details is just like meditating. It is a healing experience.

Wei Ying comes to a fork in the path and chooses left.

The path is even now rather than ascending, and it's a relief for his calves that have begun to protest. He's quite a ways away from the busy campus now. The trees are thicker, and despite being on either side of the path, they join together in the sky as if they're holding hands. It's a green canopy that covers Wei Ying now, sheltering him from the sun.

And then all of a sudden, he hears the babbling of a brook gushing over stones in its way, and a clearing spreads out in front of him.

There's a delightfully pretty bridge to cross over, and if he did, he could make his way over to the sea of blue gentian flowers. The cottage behind the garden looks familiar, and Wei Ying steps forward, trying to remember where he's seen it before.

It feels surreal, this whole experience, like stepping into one of his dreams. And then he realises that that's why this home is so familiar. He knows it because Dream Boy was here. He closes his eyes and thinks back to that wintry night, when Dream Boy was six years old and kneeling outside this very house.

Snow covering the ground and everything, such a cold night, and in the midst of it all, a little boy with large golden eyes kneeling there, waiting for someone to open the door.

Wei Ying blinks back tears and stumbles forward, his heart suddenly very heavy in his chest. He doesn't know if that was a punishment or not, or if the child was there out of choice, but it wasn't right.

The path continues further and Wei Ying is walking so fast, he almost misses the next thing of interest to come along.

There's a field of bunnies. They're soft and white, fluffier than clouds and they're hopping from place to place. There's no one here, and it's such a tranquil sight that Wei Ying has to take a picture.

He wonders whether he can go and pet them, and then decides that since there's no one here to stop him, he can pretty much do whatever he wants to. So he runs into the field and predictably, all the bunnies scarper. He chases them for a while, but now that he's lost their trust, there's no getting it back easily.

He gives up and carries on, picking up his backpack and slinging it over one shoulder. After a while, he hears a whooshing sound and treads more carefully, following the sounds of what must be a great body of water.

And then, he hears it.

First, he thinks his mind is playing tricks on him again. There's no way anybody else is up here, so far away from other humans. But the notes become clearer and wait! Wei Ying knows this song!

Someone is plucking the strings of a guqin.

He can't see the person playing yet, but this moment feels heavy with anticipation. He stops walking and pulls on his dizi. He's played this same tune again and again, practising it until he thought he had it down pat.

But now he realises that this song is a duet.

At the moment, each note being played is precise and correct, but it's as if the player is waiting for something...or someone.

His heart is thudding so loudly in his chest that Wei Ying thinks it might fall out, his breath coming faster and faster as he presses the cold metal to his lips. He waits it out, not knowing for certain, but somehow he's sure that the player will start again.

When he does, Wei Ying joins in.

This time, his dizi swirls around the structured notes complimenting each one like a gentle breeze rippling through the branches of a cherry tree. He knows this song! Wei Ying improvises some parts of it, like a dancer spinning away from his partner only to return to his arms once again. And in many ways, this song is just like a dance, a sparring of equal talents, a taking measure of each other. The push and pull of the rhythm, the ache behind the melody, and how it shines with a brightness that Wei Ying could never describe. He becomes a torch of feeling, even as his feet begin walking forwards at last.

This song is a calling, a yearning out loud for one's soulmate. From one soul to another.

Out of the shelter of the trees, Wei Ying walks to the maker of the music, the sound guiding him towards the one dressed in white, sitting cross-legged on the bench in front of him, and playing that last, final note. It hangs in the electrifying air between them, echoing and fading away.

When Dream Boy opens his eyes, they're as sharp and as golden as the sun, and just as intense. A pale, fiery amber with sparkling golden flecks, and an exact copy of all the drawings and paintings in Wei Ying's books.

"Wei Ying!" He says, startling to stand upright.

Wei Ying tucks his dizi back into his belt and runs towards him. Crashing into his chest, Lan Zhan catches him firmly, holding onto him tightly. There's a moment of blissful heaven, the priceless peace that envelopes them in the security that they've found each other, but it is short-lived.

They both pass out, taken back inside their own minds.


Search parties find them much later, and they're brought to the infirmary.

The doctors tried to separate them, but their hands are gripping each other so tightly, they all agree that it would be better to leave them as they are.

The families of both young men are summoned; the Lans are already there, anxious and pale-faced, expressions drawn and worried. The Weis are coming as soon as they can, but it will be late in the night before they reach Cloud Recesses.

They hold a vigil for the boys, and then take shifts when it becomes clear that they are not going to wake up any time soon.

When the Wei family enters, they're calm but worried, even after everything is explained to them. They take over watching the young men, promising to call the Lans as soon as anything changes.


Three days pass by.

The doctors attach IV bags to both young men, having pushed two beds together.

The strain on the families is immense, despite the reassurance of the health professionals that everything is alright with the patients. We'll, as normal as they can be.

"They will wake up on their own, when they're ready," becomes the mantra that is repeated far too many times.

On that third day, it's during the daytime that Cangse Sanren gets a good look at XiChen when he comes in to check on his brother, and she gasps.

She pulls out an older sketchbook of Wei Ying's, and shows it to them. All the pictures that Wei Ying drew, was fascinated with to the extent of wanting to immortalise the images like this, something more permanent than just living in his head.

Then the whole story comes out, and she has pictures in her phone that she shows the Lan family, telling them that there's no reasonable explanation how Wei Ying can have painted and drawn such accurate pictures because he's never been here before.

He's never seen Lan Zhan in real life before.

They're all busy poring over the photos and drawings when two voices call out to them from behind.

When the families turn around, Lan Zhan has pulled Wei Ying closer into the circle of his arms, and they are both wide awake, and smiling. Wei Ying even gives them a small wave.

The relief on the faces of everyone has them breaking into tears as the parents embrace their children.

"I believe you must be hungry. But after you've both eaten, and the doctors have checked you out, we want an explanation for..." He gestures between them, "this."

Lan Zhan's ears go red immediately, and Wei Ying hides his red face in Lan Zhan's neck, biting back a huge smile.

"Mn." Lan Zhan replies, with the smuggest of expressions.


It's sweet to watch them taking care of each other.

Someone had the bright idea of ordering takeout, and they ordered from two different places because Cangse Sanren knows her child well. There ends up being a veritable rainbow of food in front of them, and everyone eats, now that the major stress of uncertainty has gone away.

Lan Zhan frowns when Wei Ying winces because of his wrist, and totally takes over feeding him with chopsticks, wiping his mouth after each bite. With his good hand, Wei Ying lifts the cup of green tea to Lan Zhan's lips carefully watching him drink.

It might be bizarre to watch two practical strangers turn into whatever this is, but it's so endearing and lovely to see that no one complains.

However, the doctors arrive just as everyone finishes eating, and are adamant that rest is needed, for everybody.

"But we were so worried-" Madam Lan says, anxiously. "We just want to know that they're alright."

"One more day, well, night actually, won't make any difference. Come back tomorrow, after you all have rested, and we will discharge them. That's final." This doctor is particularly firm and immovable.

Goodbyes are said, hugs and kisses exchanged, and then finally the doctor wraps a compression bandage over Wei Ying's wrist. The nurse follows him out of the room, switching off the lights in a silent message of 'go to sleep now'.

There's a nightlight on, casting shadows around the room.

Lan Zhan opens his arms so that Wei Ying can snuggle closer as he yawns.

"I'm glad we don't have to explain anything to anyone right now," he murmurs, slowly tracing Lan Zhan's brow with hesitant fingers.

"Mn." The idea of talking THAT much makes him shudder involuntarily.

"Don't you think it's crazy, though? Everything that's happened to us?" Wei Ying smiles at the fiercely protective love he can see in Lan Zhan's eyes shining back at him.

"Mn. Perhaps that is why the Universe decided to help us along." Lan Zhan kisses his forehead when Wei Ying yawns again, smiling. "Sleep now, Sweetheart. I love you."

"As I love you, dear heart. See you tomorrow, my love."

"See you tomorrow."


Lan Zhan wakes up first.

There are stages to this joy, like a fawn learning to stand up on shaky legs and then discovering its own freedom in happy increments, and then bounding around on limitless energy as its mother looks on.

He slept peacefully, content in the knowledge that Wei Ying was there in his arms, where he belonged. That the search was over and they had found each other. It was mind-boggling.

No dreams haunted him, and he smiles now, feeling the warm weight of his beloved in his arms, head resting on his chest with cute little puffs of air from Wei Ying's breathing on his neck.

This is the best way to wake up, he decides.

He slides down a bit in bed so that he can see Wei Ying's face better. He's almost the same as how Lan Zhan has seen him in their dreams. His gorgeous eyes, closed now, hold the light of the stars within, bright and beautiful. They're huge in his lovely face, his thick lashes curling upon rosy, round cheeks. His cute button nose, scrunched up even now, deserves a kiss. And his lips? Lan Zhan has never been as fascinated with something like this before.

They're bow shaped and the top lip is slightly less fuller than his bottom lip, plush and soft-looking, and Lan Zhan wants to sink his teeth into it.

He's never felt like this before, this fullness of love, something so all-encompassing that he wonders now how he existed before it.

He knew he was gay; that was part and parcel of himself, and he had no problem with that. Just because he chose to do nothing with that information was exactly that: his choice. He'd never felt even a mild kind of like towards anyone, aside from his family. Anyone outside of it simply had to be tolerated, and that was that.

But this?

Wei Ying is on a whole other level.

Ever since Lan Zhan had his first dream, when he first saw Wei Ying as a child just like himself, the tentative friendship he felt quickly, morphed into romantic love much, much later, and Lan Zhan truly began to believe in the Lan curse, the whispered about fact that all the Lan men fell in love once, and that was it. The transition was so smooth, so natural that Lan Zhan didn't even think anything of it.

It was only when XiChen suggested he go to a party once, and Lan Zhan had asked why, that's when he realised he was already in love, because XiChen wanted him to find someone. But the position was already filled, in Lan Zhan's opinion. For him, it was, and always will be, Wei Ying or no one.

That Wei Ying was a figment of his imagination, no matter how strongly Lan Zhan felt otherwise, was the main reason why he had never said a word about his feelings. When asked, Lan Zhan always found a way to neatly sidestep the questions about his personal life, or he just walked away as if he hadn't heard anything in the first place. It had worked up until now.

But the thought of explaining any of this now to his worried family was exhausting.

What if they didn't understand? And worse, what if they didn't like Wei Ying? What will Lan Zhan do then?

The answer comes swiftly and is surprising in its simplicity. Lan Zhan will go with Wei Ying wherever he is.

"I can hear you thinking," Wei Ying yawns, "from over here." He opens one delicious eye and pins Lan Zhan with it. "What are you worrying about, all the way over there?"

It's an accusation as well as an inquiry.

This time, it's Wei Ying who unhesitatingly holds open his arms, and Lan Zhan goes willingly. He immediately feels better, his body sagging bonelessly against the welcoming warmth.

"Are you stressing about telling our parents?"

"Mn. I do not wish to go into details."

"Hmm. That's understandable. Neither do I. I feel like, like it's just for us, you know? Something private, not to be shared."

Lan Zhan hums his agreement. It's so nice to be understood like this.

"But they're gonna have questions. That's also understandable. I mean, if I was them, and my kid was like...like this," he gestures between them, "then I'd wanna know what the heck was happening, too."

Now that he's put it like that, it makes sense, easing the knot of tension that was slowly building in Lan Zhan's chest.

"But I also, I want to explore whatever this is. I feel like I know you, Lan Zhan. And I do, right? But I wanna learn about you, all about you in real life, if that makes sense."

"Mn. It does. I would like to make sure it's real. It doesn't count if it's only in my head."

"Yes! Exactly that!" Wei Ying exclaims, pleased.

There's a knock on the door and they look to find XiChen there, with a tray of takeaway cups and food.

"I know it's early," he says apologetically, "but McDonald's was the only place open right now. I thought you might be hungry, Didi. Mr. Wei," he adds a little uncomfortably. His tone is warm, though.

"Ge, it's good to see you," Lan Zhan says honestly.

He helps Wei Ying to sit up too, and then they're sort of presentable.

"Ma, and Ba?" He asks, as XiChen pulls their tables in front of them like last night.

"Oh, no doubt they'll be here very soon. I snuck out," he admits, with a teasing smile.

"Please, you can call me Wei Ying," Wei Ying adds, as soon as he can. "I think of my dad whenever anyone calls me Mr. Wei."

"Then please, when we are...not obligated by our profession, please call me XiChen-Ge. If that's alright," he smirks at his younger brother.

He's brought hot oatmeal and dried and fresh fruit already chopped that they add to their breakfast, and hot chocolate.

Lan Zhan pointedly ignores him.

"I guess I'm curious," XiChen continues, after they've dealt with the immediate pangs of hunger.

"About what? You can ask me anything!" Wei Ying chugs down his hot drink like a pro.

"Well, you have to admit, all of this is slightly concerning. Before a few days ago, my brother had no idea you even existed-"

"That's not true." Lan Zhan interrupts him, and then is equally embarrassed about that and his betraying ears, a deep, dark pink.

"It isn't? But Didi...you would have said something..." XiChen trails off, looking bewildered.

"I did not want to." Lan Zhan reaches for Wei Ying's hand, over the covers where XiChen can see them. "In the beginning, I didn't know what was happening. Sometimes, I couldn't even remember the whole dream, but I knew it was terribly important. That's why I started keeping a notebook by my bed, so I could write down everything I remembered right away."

"Oh! You did that, too?" Wei Ying gives him the brightest smile.

Lan Zhan forgets to answer, he's so smitten by it and him, all of Wei Ying. His own lips turn up slightly in response, and then he's startled by XiChen's gasp.

"You...don't usually smile like that, Didi," XiChen is saying.

But both of the people on the bed aren't paying any attention to him. It's as if they can't, not when they can look at each other instead. As if they are the only two people in the world.

"I wrote you a song," Lan Zhan says tenderly, cupping Wei Ying's cheek. He smiles more when Wei Ying leans into his palm like a cat, nodding solemnly.

"I know," he replies quietly, the force of his love shining brighter than anything else in the room. "That's why I gave you my name. I poured all of my wishes into that, sitting at my desk, and I got out the red-"

"Paper. And then you wrote out the characters with a traditional brush and ink. Calligraphy. I saw it in my dream." Lan Zhan has never been so proud of himself before. Happy that his connection with Wei Ying was so strong, IS so strong that he was able to see what Wei Ying wanted him to.

"I had trouble remembering your song, that's why I kept my notepad next to my pillow. I only finished learning it a few days ago, well, I suppose last week, now? And then, when you were playing out there, next to that waterfall, I realised it was supposed to be a duet."

"I made that song...in another lifetime. But I also didn't know that it had more parts, I suspected, but until you joined me in playing, I did not know. I always had the feeling that something was missing."

XiChen is listening to all this, completely bewildered and astounded. It doesn't make sense, it should NOT make sense, and yet...and yet, it does. He's watching them, both of them absolutely oblivious to his presence now, and they are totally immersed only in one another.

There's a noise behind him, and when he turns around, his mother has her arm around Cangse Sanren. Both women are also side hugging their husbands, with happy tears running down their faces.

Something wet slides down his cheek and XiChen lets out a surprised noise; it's a tear, oh, and he's also crying now.


They are kicked out of the infirmary most politely, and the Lans insist on everyone going back to their home.

The inevitable questions are asked, and both Lan Zhan and Wei Ying do their best to answer them.

They explain about their previous lives, and there are many. In each of them, the young men have mostly managed to find their way back to each other, but it is clear from their words that they met for the first time, thousands of years ago when cultivators used to walk upon these same grounds. And it is abundantly clearer, that it's that life which remains the most important to them.

They talk for most of the day, cooking meals together and spending time throughout the day.

"You know," Cangse Sanren says, after a lull in the conversation. "I always thought my A-Ying had something special, but that day, when we almost died, all of us, I really believe he saved us from that." She wipes a tear away at the memory.

"It's funny you saying that," Madam Lan tells them, after Cangse Sanren explained what she meant. "A-Zhan saved our marriage." She leans over to hold her husband's hand, smiling at him warmly. "I believe both of our boys saved us as well."

Uncle Qiren stands up with his wife, ready to go home. It's late enough that everyone stands up to leave, when Madam Lan intervenes because her son looks as if he's one step away from having a meltdown, with the way he's pulled Wei Ying to his side. Wei Ying also looks devastated at the thought of parting, so that's...something.

"What if both of you stay here, and our sons go to A-Ying's apartment? I bet they still have things they need to talk about."

Lan Zhan and Wei Ying both shoot her with grateful looks.

"Speaking of which, both of you have a week off work to sort yourselves out," Uncle Qiren says gruffly, though his eyes are wet.

"Thank you," they both bow gracefully.

And then it somehow turns into a race to see who can leave first.

Lan Zhan makes sure they win.


Back in Wei Ying's apartment, Lan Zhan looks around. He can't bear to separate himself from Wei Ying though, so he tugs him along, enjoying Wei Ying's giggles.

This is Wei Ying's home, though he's only been here a week.

But Lan Zhan is feeling a different type of hunger. He wants to know all of Wei Ying, inside and out, all the little quirks and habits that make up the whole of him. He pulls Wei Ying to the bookcase where his parents have artfully arranged lots of photographs, all framed in different colours.

The whole living room looks lived in and like a reflection of its inhabitant.

"Tell me about these," Lan Zhan encourages.

Wei Ying slips an arm around his waist and leans his head on Lan Zhan's shoulder. He tells him all about that skiing trip where his dad overestimated his skills and ended up breaking his leg, he tells Lan Zhan of his and his mother's failed attempts to bake his dad a birthday cake and the fire department had to be called. Some of his trophies are here too, and Lan Zhan happens to pick up the one from the National martial arts competition.

"You were here, too? Wait-" he remembers another name. "Wei WuXian..." Lan Zhan breathes out in a wonder. "I was there, too. For Tai Chi. And I think we missed each other there, as well," he says, thinking about the now familiar red ribbon, and the boy so engrossed in his artwork that he hadn't even looked up. "The red art book!"

"I...that was you! Wasn't it? Looking after me even when we didn't know each other." Wei Ying throws his arms around Lan Zhan's neck, hugging him tightly. "All this time...we could have been together!"

Lan Zhan can feel a wet warmth on his neck and he knows that Wei Ying is crying, fully overwhelmed by the day they've had. His arms tighten around the slim, shaking form of his beloved. He gently rocks them back and forth, rubbing Wei Ying's back in large soothing circles.

"We're here now," he says simply, because this is their truth.

Through countless difficulties, insurmountable odds, and the direst of circumstances, they have found each other again.

Lan Zhan brings them both to the couch where he sits down carefully. Just being here in Wei Ying's space makes him feel special. Something has settled deep inside his chest, a certain surety that they are meant to be together. That, if the Universe has conspired so desperately to bring them together, then Lan Zhan is going to do his best to make sure that Wei Ying is happy. The natural by-product of that system is that then, his own happiness is assured.

Wei Ying has melted against him, his ear resting upon Lan Zhan's chest over his heart. The steady beat of it is calming and soothing, a quiet balm over their hurts.

It's nice to listen to the little usually unnoticeable noises that every house makes, and this one is no different.

"I thought about you a lot," Wei Ying admits.

"Mn. Wei Ying was never far from my thoughts, either. I should have told you my name."

"I already called you Dream Boy in my head. But I was, I guess I still am, fascinated by you. We're going to have such a great time, aren't we? Discovering new things about us, because no one ever stays the same."

"That's true, however, I believe that some intrinsic, core traits remain the same. What if our personalities were based on a build up of our previous lives? Our experience has made me think deeply about reincarnation."

"I've thought about other things too." Wei Ying's face feels hot suddenly.

"Mn? Such as?"

"Well...ah, I'm just gonna come out and say it, okay?" Wei Ying takes a deep breath.

Lan Zhan tries really hard not to panic, because what could be this thing he's thought about, when it's making him so tense?

"I've never kissed anyone before." Wei Ying hugs him tighter, burrowing into his neck and now refusing to look at him.

"Neither have I." Lan Zhan confesses, resuming patting Wei Ying's back.

"No way!" Wei Ying leans back, disbelief upon his face. "When you look like that? I know we knew of each other...but like, didn't you want to experiment? Find out what it might be like?"

"No." The answer is immediate and firm. "I do not like most people, and the ones I do, it would be highly inappropriate to think about doing that with them."

"Oh." Wei Ying examines his face then, curious.

Lan Zhan thinks about how easy it is to parse his emotions, how unique and translatable each one appears as if they've known each other for years. Which is kind of true.

"I feel safe with Wei Ying," he says, like he's just discovered that. And he supposes that's correct.

"Oh, for me too." And then he swoops in, pressing his beautiful soft utterly kissable lips on top of Lan Zhan's lips.

It's better than nice.

It's really good.

Their noses bump a little, making Wei Ying giggle, and Lan Zhan huffs a bit out of amusement, then they angle their faces and try again, and this time it's so much better.

It's exciting and sweet, and makes Lan Zhan feel like he's flying. His hands have stopped moving about on Wei Ying's back now, and instead, there's a deep seated need to press him closer, taking over all of his instincts.

Wei Ying shoves his hands into Lan Zhan's hair and clutches him tighter, deepening the kiss by accident. Lan Zhan swipes his tongue over Wei Ying's bottom lip, and in an adventurous move, clamps down lightly with his teeth, eliciting a growl from Wei Ying's mouth as he plunges his tongue inside Lan Zhan's mouth.

They still, all movement suspended as they absorb the tiny shivers of fire consuming their veins and then this time, it's Lan Zhan who dives in.

He feels like a torch, burning up with need and desire and wanting to make sure Wei Ying is feeling all of this too.

When they part, Wei Ying takes the chance to hug him again.

"I'm so glad I was saving my first kiss for you," he whispers.

"Mn, me too."

This is just the first of many new experiences they will share together. As Lan Zhan wraps his arms around Wei Ying and holds him close, he thinks about the burgeoning joy that has lit up his insides like an unquenchable force deep within.

Together, they will learn everything there is to know about each other, they will go on dates together, and when they're ready, they will marry. One day, they will buy a house together and they will adopt children, if Wei Ying agrees.

Lan Zhan has the rest of their lives to find out together. He belongs to Wei Ying just as surely as Wei Ying belongs to him.




Dear Beautiful Readers,

This one is my longest one-shot yet at a whopping 16K. I'm kind of scared that it might be a bit boring and I'm really hoping it's not!

Let me know what you think!


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