
By fariha2908

22.7K 1.4K 251

Arnav and akash are best friends from high school and Shyam join them in college, trio are best friends , khu... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
story on video
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
New story
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22 (last episode)
New story
story idea

chapter 18.

629 54 14
By fariha2908

Chapter 18

As Khushi rushed into the police station, her heart raced with anxiety. She spotted Arnav sitting in the lockup, looking both confused and distressed. Hurriedly, she approached the bars separating them, desperate to offer him some solace.

“Arnav, what’s going on? Are you okay?” Khushi called out, reaching through the bars to grasp his hand.
“Trust me, i didn’t do anything.. when i reach he was...”
Before Arnav could respond, a stern-looking police officer stepped in between them, blocking her from getting any closer. “Miss, I’m sorry, but you can’t talk to the suspect right now. We’re in the middle of an investigation.”

“But he’s innocent, I know it! Please, just let me talk to him for a moment,” Khushi pleaded, her eyes filled with tears.

“Miss, we understand your concern, but we have to follow proper protocol,” the officer replied firmly.

Feeling helpless, Khushi reluctantly withdrew from the lockup. She vowed to herself that she would do whatever it took to prove Arnav’s innocence, even if it meant challenging the authorities themselves. With a determined look in her eyes, she left the police station, ready to fight for the man she loved.

Khushi stood outside the police station, her heart pounding with worry for Arnav. She took a deep breath and reached for her phone, dialing Shyam’s number, hoping he could help her bail Arnav out. The phone rang, but there was no answer. She tried again, but Shyam was still unavailable. Frustration and panic welled up inside her as she realized that her brother, Akash, was also unreachable.both akash and Shyam are out of town...her mind is totally shut with all this.

Feeling a surge of helplessness, Khushi gazed at the imposing police building, her mind racing with concern for Arnav. She knew she had to act fast to help him, but with no one to turn to, she felt a deep sense of isolation.

As she pocketed her phone, a determined glint sparked in Khushi’s eyes. She straightened her shoulders and steeled herself, refusing to give in to the despair that threatened to overwhelm her. With a resolute expression, she marched back inside the police station, determined to find a way to help Arnav on her own.she again bring out her phone..

As Arnav sat in the cold, dimly-lit police station, an overwhelming sense of defeat washed over him, and now it seemed like his entire world was falling apart. He leaned back against the hard, uncomfortable bench and closed his eyes, trying to make sense of everything that had happened.

Suddenly, the sound of the heavy creaking door being pushed open jolted him out of his thoughts. He looked up to see khushi ‘sfather, Shashi, walking into the room, with a stern expression on his face. Behind him, stood the family lawyer, Mr multani, the magistrate

“Arnav,” Shashi’s voice was firm, yet filled with concern. “We’ve come to get you out of here.”

Arnav was taken aback by his father’s sudden appearance. He hadn’t expected Shashi to come to his rescue. “sir, I don’t want to involve you in this mess,” Arnav muttered, feeling a surge of shame for having disappointed.

The lawyer stepped forward, handing Arnav the release papers. “We have everything sorted out. Let’s get you out of here,” he said with a reassuring smile.

Police get the cilps from the hotels..
Constable: sir, check this footage..we collect this from near building of the hotel..That murder is the one who comes out of the room through balcony..

The police check on..but could not saw his face.
Police officer : release arnav singh raizaada..
Arnav sign the papers while police is getting some clues for murder.

“Thank you sir, what you had done for me today” arnav thanked Shashi.
“Say thanks to khushi, she is the one who inform me about you.and then i called my college friend who is megiste, but   how you involved in this
Arnav thought khushi feels it’s high time to tell about their affair to all.as now they are clear about the relationship.first it was all physical and intimacy.but now it’s emotional bond.
Khushi about to tell when arnav speak out
Arnav: khushi meet me today and told me about her ex boyfriend Ranveer and he is having some problems and all.
I went to hotel for checking out the venue for our annual party.you told me to select best hotel for it.
I went to that hotel and thought to talk with it but the dead body, i became panic...

Shashi: take care of yourself..
Come khushi.

Khushi couldn’t tell anything.she follow shashi while assured arnav.
Khushi paced back and forth in her bedroom, her thoughts consumed by the events of the day. The arrest of Arnav had shaken her to the core. She knew that he was innocent, and yet the accusations against him had sent her spiraling into a state of distress.

As she tried to reason with the chaos in her mind, her phone rang. It was arnav.
“are you sleeping?”first thing Arnav asked.
“I’m at outside your house..”khushi is surprised she went to the balcony and find arnav really there.
Khushi: you didn’t went to home..
Arnav:Nothing feels good, I just want to be near you..

Khushi get touched with his voice which is evident of his distress.
Arnav climb the balcony and stood Infront of her.khushi hug her tightly and give kissed on his forehead.
Khushi: you really don’t know how much sacred i was.
Saying that she kissed on his lips, both fall on the bed.they broke the kiss.arnav is above on khushi.
He was totally in distress and hide himself in khushi embrace.
Khushi smiles and carries his hair.
Khushi: arnav,i know you are facing so much problem..But
She realises there are no response.
She checked on and finds arnav sleeping in her embrace.
She feels so happy getting him in his embrace.she may have clossy moment with Arnav but this is peace..
She smiled.

she  touched the delicate silver bracelet, the one he had gifted her on their last day in Goa. A rush of bittersweet memories flooded her mind as she traced the intricate pattern of the bracelet. The sound of the crashing waves, the warmth of the setting sun, and his infectious laughter filled her thoughts, and a soft smile tugged at the corners of her lips.

She closed her eyes, letting the moments from that day wash over her, feeling the connection that still lingered with the bracelet. It was a bittersweet reminder of a time they had shared, and she couldn’t help but wonder if he ever thought of that day as fondly as she did. As she fastened the bracelet around her wrist, she made a silent promise to herself to hold onto the memories, even as she moved forward with her life
The sun hung low in the sky, casting a golden hue over the sprawling beach as the waves gently lapped at the shore. They strolled hand in hand, their laughter mingling with the sound of the ocean. The air was filled with the scent of salt and coconut, and the carefree atmosphere of Goa surrounded them.

As the evening drew closer, they found themselves in a quaint little market, where vibrant stalls displayed an array of local handicrafts. His eyes sparkled with excitement as he spotted a display of handmade silver jewelry. Without hesitation, he guided her to the stall, his eyes lingering on a dainty silver bracelet with intricate designs.

“I think this would look beautiful on you,” he said, a warm smile gracing his lips as he pointed at the bracelet. She couldn’t help but smile at his thoughtful gesture, and her heart swelled with warmth as he gently clasped it around her wrist. The cool metal against her skin felt like a tangible connection to the moment they shared.
Flashback end.
As she fingered the bracelet in the present, the memory played in her mind like a cherished movie reel, and she marveled at the way time had woven that day into the fabric of her being. It was a reminder of the carefree joy they had experienced together, and the bracelet represented a piece of that happiness that continued to live on within her.

After 1 month,

Arnav took a deep breath as he approached the grand entrance of the wedding house, his footsteps heavy with the weight of his emotions. The vibrant lights and the joyful sounds of the wedding festivities couldn’t lift the heaviness that settled in his heart. He steeled himself and entered the bustling venue, the colorful decorations and joyful atmosphere clashing with the turmoil in his mind.

As he navigated through the lively crowd, every step felt like a battle against the palpable tension in the air. Unbeknownst to him, the celebration marked the impending union of his beloved Khushi and his best friend, Shyam. Akash, Khushi’s brother, approached him with a warm smile, oblivious to the anguish Arnav was silently enduring.

“Arnav, it’s great to see you here. I need your help with something important,” Akash said, his eyes reflecting genuine trust in his friend.

Arnav fought to compose himself amid the turmoil that threatened to consume him. He masked his inner turmoil behind a practiced smile, nodding in response to Akash’s request for help.

“Of course, I’ll do anything I can to make Khushi’s day special,” Arnav affirmed, although his heart ached at the mere thought of Khushi marrying another.

As Akash led him deeper into the revelry, Arnav caught a glimpse of Khushi

Amidst the cheerful celebration, Arnav’s thoughts were consumed by the imminent loss of his beloved, and he resolved to make an effort to be present for the joyous occasion, concealing the emotional turmoil that threatened to overwhelm him.

Precap:what happened in this one month?

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