The Deepest Desire • A Odell...

By SZariahWritten

59.1K 3.3K 844

Erotic acts are instinctive; they fulfil a role in nature. The idea is familiar, but it is one that contains... More

Disclaimer/Character List
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12 (Part 1)
Chapter 12 (Part 2)
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26 (Part 1)
Chapter 26 (Part 2)
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Feels Like Vegas (Short)
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40 (Part 1)
Chapter 40 (Part 2)
Chapter 41
Chapter 42

Chapter 18

1.1K 65 17
By SZariahWritten

Avery's time in London with Omar flew by faster than she had anticipated, leaving her longing for more. The memories of their trip caused her cheeks to flush whenever she reminisced about them. As she returned to reality on Monday morning, a multitude of calls and emails clamored for her immediate attention.

"Since you're such a fan of weekends away in different cities, I figured you'd want to take me somewhere for my birthday?" Cassidy smiled sweetly over FaceTime, making her older sister roll her eyes as she sat at her desk, a hot cup of coffee in one hand and her phone in the other.

"Where?" Avery huffed as Cassidy's grin doubled in size. As the baby of the family, it went without saying that Cassidy was spoiled rotten by her parents and even more so by her older sister.

"I was thinking Aspen could be cute," Cassidy said as she twirled a lock of her hair around her finger. "Or maybe we could do a beach trip instead?"

Avery let out an exasperated sigh. "Cass, you know I literally came home days ago?"

Cassidy pouted, her lower lip sticking out in a classic move that always tugged at Avery's heartstrings. "But it's my birthday, Ave. Pleeease?"

Avery couldn't resist her little sister's puppy dog eyes. With a resigned smile, she said, "Fine, I'll see what I can do."

Cassidy squealed in delight, already planning her birthday adventure in her mind. Avery couldn't help but chuckle at her sister's enthusiasm as she ended the call.

Placing her phone down on her desk, Avery put her attention back on her emails as she sipped her coffee, the memories of her time in London with Omar still fresh in her mind.

Just as Avery found her groove, her phone began to ring on her desk, butterflies fluttering in her stomach as she saw Omar's name flashing on the screen. She quickly answered, eager to hear his voice again.

"Hey, Avery," Omar's smooth voice greeted her, causing her heart to skip a beat. "I can't stop thinking about our time in London. I wanted to hear your voice."

Avery's cheeks flushed at Omar's words, the memories of their time together flooding back in vivid detail. "Hey, Omar," she replied, trying to sound casual despite the butterflies in her stomach. "I can't stop thinking about it either. It feels like a dream now that I'm back to reality."

Omar chuckled softly on the other end of the line. "I know what you mean. We had a good time. I wish we could go back and do it all over again."

Avery found herself nodding in agreement, a wistful smile tugging at her lips. "I just got off the phone with Cassidy, she basically told me I'm taking her somewhere for her birthday weekend."

Omar laughed, the sound warm and inviting. "Well, looks like you have your hands full, does she have anywhere in mind?"

Avery chuckled, shaking her head at Cassidy's antics. "She's thinking Aspen or a beach trip. I guess I'll have to start planning another getaway already."

Omar's voice held a hint of mischief. "Well, if you like I'd be happy to charter a jet for you guys. Consider it my gift to her." Avery's heart skipped a beat at the suggestion, a smile playing on her lips.

"Are you trying to win me over?" Avery giggled.

"I already have," Omar said cockily.

Avery's heart fluttered at Omar's words, a warmth spreading through her chest. The thought of another trip, this time for Cassidy and the possibility of Omar's presence, excited her. She couldn't deny the growing feelings she had for him, and the idea of more time together was tempting.

"Okay, Mr. Smooth Talker," Avery teased, a playful tone in her voice. "I'll have to think about your generous offer."

Omar chuckled, the sound making Avery's cheeks flush even more. "Take your time, but just know I'm serious about it. I want to make sure Cassidy has a memorable birthday."

Avery felt a rush of gratitude towards Omar for his thoughtfulness. She knew Cassidy would be over the moon with such a grand gesture. The idea of another adventure, with Omar, filled her with excitement and anticipation.

As Avery hung up the call, she couldn't help but feel grateful for the unexpected turn her Monday morning had taken. The prospect of another getaway, with Omar's help, brought a new spark of joy and anticipation into her week.

Calling her younger sister back, Avery excitedly shared the news of Omar's generous offer to charter a jet for their birthday weekend getaway.

"Are you being for real?!" Cassidy squealed, making her older sister laugh at her reaction.

"Yes, he offered to charter a jet for you. Looks like you're in for an unforgettable birthday celebration," Avery replied, her voice filled with excitement.

Cassidy's eyes widened in disbelief. "A jet? Oh my gosh, this is going to be amazing! I can't wait to pack my bags."

"You haven't even decided on a destination," Avery laughed at her younger sister's excitement.

But Cassidy was already buzzing with ideas and possibilities, her mind racing with anticipation. The thought of jetting off to a luxurious destination for her birthday had her practically bouncing with excitement.

As the sisters began discussing potential locations and activities for their upcoming trip, Avery couldn't help but feel grateful for Omar's kind gesture. His willingness to go above and beyond for her spoke volumes.

"When I got off the phone with you I started looking at videos of Miami on TikTok and I think that could be a fun destination!" Cassidy exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

Avery smiled at her sister's enthusiasm, glad to see her so thrilled about the upcoming birthday getaway. "Miami sounds perfect! Start planning and make sure it's a birthday you'll never forget."

"I'm so excited!" Cassidy smiled. "Are you going to invite Chaney and Brooke?" She asked.

"I haven't spoken to Brooke since before I left for London," Avery revealed. She wanted to, but she also didn't feel like she should have been the one who reached out first.

Cassidy nodded understandingly. "I get it. But you guys have been friends forever, I doubt she'd turn down an invitation. Plus, it's a special occasion, she'll probably be thrilled to join us," Cassidy reassured her.

Avery thought about Cassidy's words and realized her sister was right. Brooke had been a constant in her life for years, and it was probably time to reach out and reconnect. With a determined nod, she made a mental note to give Brooke a call later that day.

As the excitement for the upcoming trip continued to build, Avery couldn't shake the feeling of gratitude towards Omar for his generous offer. The thought of spending more time with him, as well as creating new memories with her sister, filled her with a sense of warmth and happiness.

With plans for the birthday weekend getaway in motion and the anticipation growing, Avery couldn't help but feel grateful for the unexpected turn of events that Monday morning had brought. The prospect of new adventures and cherished moments with loved ones was a reminder of the joy that life's surprises could bring.

Come lunchtime Avery was beyond ready to call it a day, she had two cases that required her attention and both parties were unwavering in their stance on things.

She knew that she could come to an agreement beneficial for both, but it boiled down to finding the right compromise that would satisfy everyone involved. As she delved into the intricacies of the cases, her mind kept drifting back to the upcoming birthday trip with her sister and the potential involvement of Omar. The thought of a luxurious getaway and the chance to spend more time with him brought a smile to her face, providing a welcomed distraction from the work stress.

A knock on Avery's office door made her look up from the document she read, smiling as her eyes landed on her boss, she was surprised to see him standing there, as he rarely made visits to individual offices.

"Hey, Avery, do you have a moment?" he asked, his tone friendly yet with a hint of seriousness.

"Of course, Mr. Thompson. Please come in," Avery replied, gesturing for him to take a seat across from her desk.

As he settled into the chair, Mr. Thompson cleared his throat before speaking. "I wanted to discuss the upcoming merger project with you. Your expertise and attention to detail make you the perfect candidate to lead the negotiations."

Avery's eyes widened in surprise at the unexpected offer. Leading such a significant project. She quickly gathered her thoughts and followed Mr. Thompson to his office, her mind already buzzing with ideas and strategies for the upcoming negotiations.

As she walked into the room, she was greeted by the owner's son.

"Avery Morgan, this is Brandon Simmons son and future CEO of Simmons Enterprises. Avery, meet Brandon," Mr. Thompson introduced them.

Avery extended her hand with a warm smile, most pleasantly surprized by the man smiling down at her.

Brandon stood at around 6'7 and looked more like an athlete than a future CEO of a Law firm. His warm brown eyes and friendly smile put Avery at ease immediately.

"It's a pleasure to be working with you, Brandon." She smiled.

"The pleasure is all mine," Brandon replied, his voice deep and reassuring as his eyes washed over her, very much impressed with the woman before him.

She was absolutely stunning and judging by the way her boss went on about her, she was good at what she did. Smart and beautiful was always an alluring combination.

As they delved into the details of the merger project, Avery found herself impressed by Brandon's business acumen and forward-thinking approach. Their discussions flowed smoothly, and Avery couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement about the project and the potential collaboration with him.

As the meeting came to a close, Brandon stood up, extending his hand towards Avery. "I look forward to working closely with you on this project, Avery. I have a feeling we'll make a great team."

Avery smiled, shaking his hand firmly. "Likewise, Brandon. I think we're going to achieve great things together."

With a renewed sense of determination and excitement about the upcoming merger project, Avery returned to her office, her mind buzzing with ideas and plans. The unexpected turn of events that day, from the generous offer of a birthday getaway to the opportunity to lead a significant project, filled her with a sense of gratitude and anticipation for what the future held.

By the time 6 pm came, Avery was dressed and ready to leave her office. After starting her day at 6 am all she wanted was to head home and relax. She'd made arrangements with Chaney that she'd come over and they'd order takeout while they caught up with one another.

Omar's podcast had been released and Chaney was amused to say the least as she listened to the boxer shower her best friend in compliments.

As Avery made her way home, she couldn't help but feel a sense of contentment wash over her. The events of the day had been unexpected and exciting, from the offer of a luxurious birthday getaway to the opportunity to lead a significant project with Brandon. The thought of spending the evening with Chaney, catching up and listening to Omar's podcast, brought a smile to her face.

When she arrived, Chaney greeted her with a knowing smile, already queuing up the podcast on her phone. As they settled in with their takeout, the sound of Omar's voice filled the room, his words weaving a sense of warmth and familiarity around them.

Avery couldn't help but blush as she listened to the compliments he showered her with, feeling a mix of embarrassment and pleasure at the same time. Chaney's knowing glances and playful nudges only added to her flustered state, making the evening all the more enjoyable.

As the podcast came to an end, Chaney turned to Avery with a grin. "Looks like someone has a fan," she teased.

Avery rolled her eyes playfully. "Oh please, it's just Omar being Omar. We like each other, but neither of us are in a rush or want to force anything."

Chaney chuckled, shaking her head. "Girl bye, that man definitely wants you."

Avery's cheeks flushed at the thought, a mix of emotions swirling within her.

Avery wanted him too, but that didn't mean she was in a rush for a title or to even put a label on things. This far she enjoyed what they had.

A great communicative friendship, a strengthening bond and mind-blowing sex.

Chaney's eyes widened in surprise and excitement at Avery's invitation. "Miami for Cassidy's birthday? That sounds amazing! And a private jet? Count me in, girl!" she exclaimed, a wide grin spreading across her face.

Avery chuckled at Chaney's enthusiastic response, grateful for her friend's unwavering support and excitement for their upcoming adventure. The prospect of a trip to Miami with Cassidy and Chaney, along with the potential involvement of Omar, filled Avery with anticipation and joy.

As they continued to discuss the details of the trip, planning out potential activities and excursions, Avery couldn't help but feel grateful.

"Are you going to invite Brooke? The last time we spoke she didn't seem upset when I brought up y'all's disagreement."

Avery paused, considering Chaney's question about inviting Brooke. She knew it was time to reach out and reconnect with her longtime friend, especially considering the positive response she received from Chaney about the situation.

"You know what, you're right. I should definitely invite Brooke. It's been too long, and Cassidy's birthday trip would be the perfect opportunity to mend things," Avery replied, determination lacing her words.

Chaney nodded in agreement, a supportive smile on her face. "I think it's a great idea. Life's too short to hold onto grudges or misunderstandings. Reach out to her, and I'm sure she'll be thrilled to join us."

Feeling emboldened by Chaney's encouragement, Avery made a mental note to give Brooke a call the next day. The prospect of rekindling their friendship and potentially sharing in the excitement of the upcoming Miami trip filled her with hope and anticipation.

As the evening wound down, Avery and Chaney continued to chat and laugh, their friendship strengthened by the shared moments and the promise of new adventures on the horizon. With the warmth of friendship and the anticipation of what the future held, Avery felt grateful for the support and love that surrounded her.

"I met someone that might be cute for you, if he's single." Avery smirked knowingly as she thought about Brandon. "His dad owns a firm we're merging with and he's the heir to it."

Chaney's eyes widened in surprise at Avery's revelation, a mischievous grin forming on her lips. "Oh, really? You're playing matchmaker now, are you?" she teased, nudging Avery playfully.

Avery chuckled, a hint of excitement dancing in her eyes. "Well, he seems like a nice guy, and if he's single, who knows? Maybe a little business merger could lead to a personal one," she quipped, the idea of setting up her friend with Brandon sparking a sense of lighthearted fun.

Chaney laughed, the idea of a potential romantic connection through business dealings amusing her. "I'm always up for meeting new people. Who knows, maybe this merger project could lead to something unexpected and exciting," she replied, a twinkle of curiosity in her eyes.

"Is he cute?" Chaney asked.

"Yes, he's tall, handsome, light-skinned and he definitely gave me athlete vibes instead of being a future CEO." Avery explained.

"Hmm, keep me posted." Chaney hummed in approval of the description her best friend gave her.

As they continued to chat and speculate about the possibilities, the evening passed in a blur of laughter and companionship. The warmth of friendship and the promise of new beginnings filled the air, leaving Avery and Chaney with a sense of anticipation for what the future held, both personally and professionally.

As she settled into bed that night, Avery's mind buzzed with thoughts of the upcoming trip to Miami, the merger project with Brandon, and the potential for new connections to be made. The events of the day had been filled with surprises and excitement, leaving her feeling grateful for the opportunities that lay ahead.

With a contented smile on her face, Avery drifted off to sleep, her heart full of anticipation for the adventures and possibilities that the future held. The unexpected turns of the day had brought a newfound sense of joy and excitement, setting the stage for new beginnings and cherished moments to come.

This chapter was a filler and little look into Avery's life.

New character alert! Everyone say hey to Brandon. Any predictions for his character?

I love the friendship she has with Omar! They are definitely feeling each other.

Should Avery be the one to patch thing up with Brooke? What are your thoughts? 🤔

If there are any plots you'd like to see or you have any suggestions for the story, don't hesitate to let me know.

Thank you for reading my story! Don't forget to vote and comment!

Please remember this is an erotic novel and intended for a mature audience, there are explicit adult themes though out this book!

Thank you to everyone for reading! I hope you enjoyed this update. Please remember to vote and comment.

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