F.I.S.T. Foreign Intelligence...

By devoncruz23

2.5K 497 90

The world is seemingly at peace on the surface, beneath that are the operations committed by militaries acros... More

1: Burning Sword
2: Big Ben & London bridge
3: F.I.S.T.
4: First Day Of Training
5: Getting Information
6: Extraction
7: Meet the Dr
8: France I
9: France II
10: France III
11: Aftermath of France
12: French Operators
13: Intel
14: Crashing The Party
15: Ambush
16: The Past
17: Old Friend
18: Assault on Transport
19: Tel Aviv Aftermath
20: Operation Desert Arrow
21: Operation Ocean Spear
22: Back Home
23: Heart and Minds
24: Information for Free
25: Dead end
26: Summer Blade
27: Bonds
28: Just a Conversation
29: Punch for a Favor
30: Prepping for Mexico
31: The Devil You Know
32: Welcome To Mexico
33: Motorcyclist
34: The Next Step
35: Reynosa
36: Answers
37: Getting Mendoza
38: A Night In Puebla
39: What We Want
40: Diablo Muerto
41: Back On Track
42: Northern Trident
43: First Come, First served
44: Operation Rapid Thunder
45: Quick Violence
46: A Loss
47: Hades
48: A Gift
49: Evac gone Hot
50: Stealth, Attack, Survive
51: Plan Of Retaliation
52: Canada's Finest
53: Operation Bitter Venom
54: Wolf's Complications
55: A Normal Day
56: Back In Action
57: Trident's Fang
58: Interception
59: Operation Winter Shield
60: Operation Burning Hammer
61: A Well Earned Victory
62: A break
63: Stake Out
64: The General's Son

65: Parabellum & Epilogue

16 6 0
By devoncruz23

July 2nd 2022
Louisiana USA
4:55 PM

In a nice and quiet neighborhood of Louisiana is a man in his mid fifties driving truck pulling up a driveway. He gets out and unlocks the front door and enters with wide eyes seeing a man sitting on one of the leather recliners.

Man: "John? The hell are you doing here?"

John: "Hey Frank, just wanted to pay a visit, your wife is upstairs taking a shower." He says as Frank does hear the shower running upstairs.

Frank: "Drink?" He asks moving towards the kitchen

John: "I'm good." He says as he draws his 1911 and aims at Frank who stops in his tracks. "Get on the couch Frank, slowly."

Frank: "John... The hell are you doing?" He growls out but is cautious in his movements.

John motions him to sit as Frank sighs but complies with his demands.

John: "Remove your weapons." He orders as Frank again complies having no other options setting the sidearm and knife on the coffee table.

John takes the weapons away and sits back down in recliner keeping his sidearm on frank who tries to speak.

John: "I know what you did Frank, I know all about your relationship with Aegis Dynamics and the Black Dogs." He says as Frank sighs knowing he's screwed.

Frank: "Lemme guess... Dallas told you where my boy could be found?"

John: "Yep, why'd you do it? How'd you manage to even get to this point?"

Frank: "The how is pretty easy actually, you have any idea how many people hold extreme nationalist beliefs? Make those kind of people promises or even appeal to them and they'll join if it means their beliefs can become true." He points out as John maintains his stare at Frank.

Frank: "and then they tell their friends about it and you get the idea."

John: "I guessed your recruitment strategy, how long have you planned this?"

Frank: "Two years after Al-Shayatin really blew up, NATO's handling of the situation was as usual God awful. It took a children's hospital in LA being blown for them to act."

John: "For God's sake, yes cause NATO's ineptitude justifies murdering and harming civilians... You even killed your own men!"

Frank: "And I hate that I had to do it John! But if there's any consolation... NATO did the right thing."

John tilts his head asking what he means by that.

Frank: "Well my men reported fighting against special forces of multiple nationalities and definitely didn't match any known units. Russo the Italian ambassador confirmed your unit's existence when you tried taking Enzo the first time."

John: "Hold on a damn minute, you did all this just so my unit could be formed? Why?"

Frank: "Cause the world as it is now can't handle terrorism that's well funded and trained like an army, my Black Dogs are proof of that and with Dallas now likely running the show? He'll make the Black Dogs even more dangerous."

John is beside himself as he did not expect any of this.

Frank: "But there'll be more, I just hope you and your team will be capable of fighting what comes next and... I know this won't mean jack shit to him but... Tell Obertyner I'm sorry." He says holding his hands out telling him to slap the cuffs on him.

John turns Frank around applying the cuffs on him and escorts him outside where the FBI are waiting. John hands  Frank over to the FBI but instead of relief, he feels like there's now more questions than answers.

*One week later.*

John is currently in his office watching the news with Owen talking about Frank and everything about him being the leader of the Black Dogs.

Owen: "Hmph like this is the last we've seen of the dogs."

John: "They don't know what we know Owen, it's better that way. I assume you and Ivelisse will be leaving soon, how do you think your parents will react?"

Owen: "I don't know which is a first, Montana ain't exactly the place you'd find Hispanic people but I hope my folks are understanding."

John: "Well I wish you the best... Oh also take this." Handing Owen a letter which he looks through as his body language shifts a bit and looks towards John perplexed. "It's just a precaution Owen, go on get going."

Owen pockets the letter taking his leave as John sits in his seat rocking back and forth deep in thought. He's snapped out of this by a knock on his door which opens up as he grows a big smile.

John: "Girls!" He exclaims hugging Kate and his daughter Naomi. "Normally I hate surprises but this I don't mind."

Kate: "You thank Naomi here, she wanted to ambush you." She jokes as Naomi looks around the room.

Naomi: "This is your office? It's surprisingly clean and professional looking." She teases as John crosses his arms in annoyance.

John: "So how is uni? Anyone giving you any trouble?"

Naomi puts both hands on her hips at the protective dad coming out.

Naomi: "Of course not Dad, I did take another thing from you other than the self defense and gun skills."

John: "and that is?"

Naomi: "Looking like someone who doesn't take anyone's shit."

Kate: "Language young lady, anything interesting happen?"

Naomi paces around the room finding a picture of her dad and uncle JJ back in their Marine Days. John and Kate look at each other as this is rare behavior from their daughter.

Naomi: "I got something strange in the mail the other day." She says handing over a birthday card. "And I know for a fact it was none of you."

Jack looks it over as it's a relatively simple birthday card as it reads.

Birthday Letter: "I hope you're doing well little Tex, I know it's been a long ass time but I assure you I'm not dead, heard you got into uni, proud of ya. Now if you give this to your dad, John? I'm alive and well mostly but please don't try to find me or follow my trail if you find it."

John's hands tremble a bit recognizing the handwriting as it's clearly from JJ.

John: "Damn it JJ..." He sighs out as Kate gently grasps his hand. "I'm glad to know JJ is alive but..."

Kate: "You hate the fact that he's hiding."

John: "Yeah..."

Naomi: "Who knows dad? Maybe Uncle JJ is doing something that requires him to be alone." She says leaning next to her father.

John has thought of that possibility but it bugs him that JJ doesn't want him to help in whatever it is he's doing.

Kate: "But why don't we take this time to act as an actual family?" She asks pulling John and Naomi along.

*Chicago IL USA*

Michael at the moment is on the phone with Eitan as Fuyuko is seated on a couch looking out at the city of Chicago.

Michael: "Your kid got into a fight? Why?"

Eitan: "Apparently a boy called me and my wife good for nothing killers and thieves... Then Jr decked him afterwards... Part of me is proud my boy can throw a hook but at the same time I find it concerning but how's Chicago?"

Michael:"It's going well, Fuyu isn't sure what to think but she likes the pizza so that's something."

Eitan laughs in amusement while leaning the sink.

Eitan: "Right well, say hello to your old man for me will ya?"

Michael: "Will do Eitan, see ya." He says hanging up as Fuyuko is going through the channels and stops on the baseball channel. "I didn't know you liked baseball."

Fuyuko: "It's arguably Japan's most popular sport." She replies when there's a knock on the door.

Michael opens up seeing his saba.

Michael: "Hey old man." He says hugging him who returns it.

Saba: "Hey Mike, so where's the lady you told me about?"

Michael leads him inside as Fuyuko stands up as his Saba glances at Michael.

Saba: "She's way too good looking for ya... Fuyuko right? It's good to meet you."

Fuyuko: "Likewise, what has Mike ya?"

Saba: "All positive I promise, as a matter of fact? He speaks about ya like a... God what's the word? A simp?"

Michael facepalms but Fuyuko finds this hilarious nearly dying of laughter.

Michael: "Okay can we not please?" He asks as Saba takes a seat on the couch as Michael and Fuyuko sit down as well.

Saba: "So what are your plans?"

Michael and Fuyuko exchange looks since they've briefly discussed it.

Michael: "Well marriage and kids are on the table."

Saba nods as Fuyuko fiddles with her hands.

Fuyuko: "That actually reminds me, I got an announcement to make."

Michael and Saba look towards Fuyuko as she stands before them with a excited smile on her face. Fuyuko pulls out a pregnancy as Michael touches his head putting two and two together.

Michael: "We're having a kid? Already?" He asks in surprise but is ecstatic deep down.

Fuyuko: "Found out yesterday." She says as Michael stands up hugging her earning a yelp out of her.

Saba shakes his head but is proud deep down at the fact he's gonna have great grandkids.


Ebenezer is in bed resting with Laura reading a book with her legs crossed. Ebenezer grunts out from the pain in his back which Laura notices.

Laura: "Want me to get the doctor?"

Ebenezer: "I'll be fine... At least I can take solace in the fact the Black Dogs are at the moment defeated." He points out.

Laura: "How you feeling though?" She asks closing her book.

Ebenezer: "better than I felt a week ago but I still feel like shit."

Laura chuckles somewhat as Ebenezer stares at the ceiling thinking of his late wife and his son.

Laura: "If you don't mind, how old is your son?"

Ebenezer: "He'll be 18 by the end of the year, this is his conscription year for the IDF so I hope he does well, gets his four years done and gets out."

Laura nods saying that her daughter is 27 and has a job in law Enforcement. Eben asks how old Laura was when she had her.

Laura: "I was sixteen when I had her but I don't regret it."

Ebenezer nods getting the sentiment and notices the book asking about it.

Laura: "Oh this? It's just a romance novel, nothing special. Why? You wanna read it?"

Ebenezer: "Honestly I'm down to read anything about this point." He replies as Laura chuckles in amusement as she searches her pack and hands Eben a book as he looks through the synopsis. "A smutty romance novel? When I said I'd be down for anything?I didn't mean anything."

Laura just gives an amused grin and opens up her book.

Laura: "Beggars can't be choosers Eben, enjoy." She says covering her smirk with the book.

Ebenezer shakes his head though he is glad Laura is keeping him company since he is enjoying her presence.

*Lancaster England*

Lincoln is in the passenger seat with Serena driving as they're gonna see Noah but Lincoln is on the phone with Daniel at the moment.

Lincoln: "I still can't believe you're hooking up with the Dr kid." He chuckles to himself as Serena shakes her head.

Daniel: "Neither can I but I'm not gonna regret it, you meet up with your lad yet?"

Lincoln: "We're close, but Dan? I'm glad you found someone."

Daniel: "So am I LT, alright I gotta go... Alice is gonna introduce me to her parents, wish me luck."

Lincoln acknowledges this hanging up and pockets his phone with some difficulty as his arm is still in a sling.

Serena: "So Daniel and Dr Wong? That's a relationship I didn't at all expect."

Lincoln nods pointing towards the home as Serena pulls in as they see Noah sitting on the porch shooting up to his feet.

Noah: "Mum! Dad!" He says rushing down hugging Serena who does the same. "I'm soo glad you two are okay."

Lincoln hugs Noah gently as Serena smiles seeing this as Lance steps out greeting his brother.

Lance: "You look like shit bruv." He says jokingly hitting Lincoln's shoulders.

Lincoln: "Yeah yeah it's real hilarious Lance."

Lance: "Ah Serena, long time no see, glad to see you're okay."

Serena: "Thank you... May we come inside?"

Lance nods leading them inside as Lincoln is welcomed by his nieces Ellen and Ashley hugging him.

Lincoln: "Ah hey you two, you got soo big." He says kneeling and ruffles their heads of hair.

Ellen: "You okay Uncle Lincoln?"

Lincoln: "Ah I'll be fine, I've had worse. Your dad can prove that." He jokes getting back up greeting his brother's wife.

Serena sits down looking at some family pictures as some have a young Lincoln. Lincoln motions to Lance they should talk in private.

The two head into the kitchen and are before each other.

Lincoln: "I imagine you got questions, about serena."

Lance: "Yeah... You two together again or something?"

Lincoln nods confirming this as Lance looks rather surprised by this which he asks about.

Lance: "Nothing just... It's surprising given the history between you two."

Lincoln: "You're telling me but it's not gonna be a problem is it?"

Lance: "Linc? You're a grown ass man, if you think Serena's the one then so be it."

Lincoln hums hearing this and looks to Serena talking with Noah. Lincoln sits next to them as Noah looks between the two and gets the message with a huge grin of relief forming.


Mustafa is in his home in bed with his wife Aysun as both are awake.

Aysun: "So... Are you finally gonna retire?" She asks caressing Mustafa's chest as he faces her gently caressing her cheek.

Mustafa: "I want to, god do I want to."

Aysun: "What is it this time? Those mercs are defeated aren't they?"

Mustafa takes a deep breath and sits on the edge of the bed as his wife scoots closer to him.

Mustafa: "For now yes but there's still... Al Shayatin and other threats, the unit needs me." As he feels Aysun rubbing his back.

Aysun: "I need you, Ayaz needs you. He's a strong boy but... All this time away from you? It's... Starting to affect him now." She says as Mustafa sighs as this hurts for him to hear.

Mustafa: "Look... Let me continue this work until we get Al-Shayatin okay? Then I'll retire for good." He says looking towards his wife.

Aysun doesn't like this one bit fearing that this may be the one time where the Mustafa will die and expresses this to him.

Mustafa: "I'm not gonna die, I've been through some crazy shit hon and I'm still here aren't I?" He asks as Aysun looks down with a heavy sigh.

Aysun: "Okay Mustafa... But this is the last time, you understand?" She asks as Mustafa nods promising her. "Good now come here." She says pulling him into a kiss.

*Detroit Michigan USA*

On the rooftop of an apartment is a man crawling away due to being shot in the leg. He grits his teeth till he's kicked in the ribs making him roll over on his back favoring his ribs.

Man: "Ahh! You son of a bitch JJ! I was a goddamn idiot thinking Al-Shayatin could kill you."

JJ is slowly approaching with a suppressed P320 sporting a red dot in hand. He has short faded brown hair and a beard with specks of gray in it.

JJ: "And a rogue Wraith at that, where is he?" He asks kneeling down as the man tries spitting at him which doesn't go far much less hit. "Alright other leg it is then."

JJ then shoots the man in the other knee twice as he yells out like a banshee. JJ scoffs and punts him in the face getting him flat on his stomach.

JJ places his knee against the man's spine and holds onto his arm.

JJ: "Where is he!? Tell me or I'm gonna snap this arm in two!" He threatens as the man grits his teeth saying that he can't. JJ bends the arm back snapping it with ease as the man again yells out favoring his now broken arm.

JJ gets up and kneels before him gazing at him with his blue eyes.

JJ: "Last chance asshole or I'll be the last person you ever see and believe me man, you don't want that." He says brandishing his sidearm.

The man quakes with fear of his life finally giving in.

Man: "Last I knew? He was down in Ohio, i don't know why... He's not exactly forthcoming about what he does, that's all I know."

JJ shakes his head holstering his sidearm, he grabs the man by his collar and drags him to the edge of the building and threatens to throw him off.

JJ: "Lemme make myself very clear asshole, I shouldn't be entertaining the very idea of letting you go but I'm feeling nice tonight so here is what's gonna happen... I'm gonna let you go and you're gonna forget this ever happened, if certain US or Turkish government officials hear that I'm alive and they send people after me? I'll come back here and finish the job."

JJ soon headbutts the man and throws him away from the edge and begins taking his leave.

JJ: "Time for a road trip to Ohio... You better be ready asshole." He mutters to himself knowing the path he's on is only gonna get bloodier.

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