Yours Through Deceits

By Anonymous_QueenDom

907 67 3

"He wanted revenge, but what did I ever do to you to deserve this cruelty?" Those words constantly rang in hi... More

Bonus Chapter
Twenty One
Twenty Two
Twenty Three
Twenty Four
Bonus Chapter
Twenty Five
Twenty Six
Twenty Seven
Twenty Eight
Bonus Chapter
Twenty Nine
Bonus Chapter
Thirty One
Bonus Chapter
Thirty Two
Thirty Three
Thirty Four
Bonus Chapter
Thirty Five
Thirty Six
Thirty Seven


21 2 0
By Anonymous_QueenDom

Trevor's POV;

~ Miles Group ~

"Mr. Miles, the new manager for the administration department started his work today. He's been briefed about the deal we're to seal with the Roths and is currently working on it." Daniel informed.

It's Monday, of course he'd have joined. If he's joined then he's to be briefed about the current projects the company's working on and once he's aware of what to do then he'd have to do it if he wants to keep the job, isn't it?

Then why am I receiving a report?

"That's not news Daniel, he's doing his job. Why'd you report it to me?" I asked while not taking my gaze of the files I was going through.

"It's because, we found that his father was acquainted with Eric." Daniel replied.

That had my attention. Eric, dad's friend and an equal partner in his business.

"Who...who was his father!?" I asked and sounded like the impatient child who couldn't wait to know the answer to his question.

"Alexander Grover."

Who's Alexander Grover? That name doesn't ring any bells. I gave it some more thought, but didn't find any use so I gave Daniel the orders.

"You know what to do." Daniel nodded and left.

I rubbed my temples and rested my head on the backrest of the chair. I really hoped that we wouldn't meet with a dead end following this Grover guy. Every time we found something related to uncle Eric, it'd lead us to a dead end and it was staring to get to me.

It was like someone destroyed all means through which one could contact his family. But if someone did, then the question is; why? And how was it possible for someone to go into hiding like this?

Where are you and your daughter, aunt Brittany? I sighed, pinching the space between my eyes.

I regretted not getting to know uncle Eric's daughter back when we were kids. All I remembered about her was that she was all smiles and had a very bubbly personality; the reason we never got close to her as we were all action being the boys that we were.

As we grew up, we got busy with studies and the increasing pressure that came with it. Her parents called her Red because of her pink tinged skin and that's the name we remember of her, if we'd known her real name, it'd have been easier to track her down. We don't even remember what she looked like, the last we saw her was when we were twelve.

I will find your family, uncle Eric and make sure they get their shares from the Miles Group. I will.

"Mr. Miles, may I enter?" A playful voice came from behind the door followed by a knock.

"Taylor, stop messing." I said in a voice similar to grumbling.

Hearing my tone of voice, Taylor immediately pushed the door open and entered in. Worry was written all over his face.

"What happened?" He strolled to my side and touched my forehead with the back of his hand.

"My health is fine." I gently brushed his hand away and gestured for him to sit.

When he was seated I told him what Daniel had informed me earlier and the thoughts I'd following that.

"You think that uncle Eric could've hired someone to keep his family safe after him?" He asked. "I mean, I think it's possible." I glared at him.

"That's the most ridiculous theory you could ever come up with, you know?" I shook my head.

"Why? Isn't it possible?" He frowned.

"Not even a bit, Tay. There're two reasons for me to say that. First of all, he was murdered and you think he'd have called someone to offer them a job of protecting his family while he was surrounded by men? And secondly, he held fifty percent of the shares in Miles Group which would all be his daughter's and wife's after his death. Why'd he make his family go into hiding knowing that those shares would change their lives for good? They wouldn't have to struggle to survive with those shares transferred to their names." I reasoned.

Taylor's expression changed as he processed what I'd said.

I knew he'd realised how silly he sounded when he suggested uncle Eric hiring someone to send his family into hiding after his death.

"It's a good thing I decided to let you take over the business, it'd have gone bankrupt in a month with me handling it. Man, it's all complicated!" I laughed at his remark.

Trust Taylor to make me laugh even in a moment like this.

"C'mon, you're not that bad yourself." I patted his shoulder.

It isn't something to be embarrassed about that he doesn't understand business sometimes. Because as I said, it's only sometimes, he's a smart guy. Smart enough to manage the company in my absence.

"I don't know, but at least that made you laugh." He smiled at me. "I know what else would change your mood." He smirked wickedly.


"Talk about Cheryll." I rolled my eyes at him.

"You know very well what the deal is all about, Tay. So don't dwell much on it." He laughed not taking me seriously, that made me glare at him. Then he went back to being serious.

"All right, all right, you and love are miles apart. It'd be like witnessing day and night at the same time and place if you ever fall in love." He ranted.

"Exactly." I agreed.

"How do you think the progress is so far?" He enquired.

"I think it's going pretty smooth." I replied.

"When will the next meet be?"

"Only on weekends hereafter, if Trevor Miles is seen often with a girl on weekdays, it'd draw suspicions." I cautioned.

"Right though."

"Help me with these now." I gave him some papers to review.

That would keep him occupied and he'd not question me more about a certain brunette with green eyes. Taylor took the papers from me and began working while I went through the records on the computer.

But my mind wandered off to Cheryll.

Curse you for bringing the topic up, Taylor!

I tried my best to not show anything on my face as I focused my gaze on the monitor.

From what I've observed about Cheryll, she's not afraid of anyone. At the mall, Maria who's familiar with us had stood frozen for a moment after the encounter, but Cheryll remained unfazed. She's also smart, she never makes a move without considering the consequences and worked with back up. She doesn't jump to conclusions either, instead chooses to analyse the situation.

"Here, these are done. You can sign them now." Taylor burst my bubble of thoughts.

"Huh? Oh yeah, thanks." I extended my arm to take the papers from him, but he retracted his hand.

"What's gotten into you?" He narrowed his eyes at me. "What were you thinking about?"

"Nothing, Tay. Give those papers now, I need to send them." I tried dodging the question.

"Don't Tay me, Trev. It's not good to think that much. You'll end up stressing yourself for nothing. Too much thinking is not worth it, it isn't worth your health." He placed the papers on the desk and stared at me.

What would I do without him?

"When did my little brother grow up to be this matured?" I smiled at him. "Come here." I lifted my arm up and he hugged me tightly.

"We lost dad, we don't want to lose you either; another head of our family Trev, take care of yourself." He mumbled against my left ear and it sounded so broken.

I pulled away from him and stroked his arms gently. He looked so sorrowful right now and that shattered me from the insides.

"Tay, I'm not going anywhere, all right? I promise I'll take care of myself, if not for me then, at least for you and for mom. Besides, my life is boring without you in it and lifeless without mom." Taylor snorted and soon took his leave.

After he left, I gave my earlier thoughts a thought again, but this time, along with Taylor's words. He was right, she isn't worth my health.

You're not worth it, Cheryll Smith. You're just a pawn in my game of chess.

Then I got busy with work and made sure there were no distractions. I packed my things at 7 pm to head home. But there was a knock on my office door before I could leave.

"Come in."

"Mr. Miles." Daniel entered in and closed the door as soon as he stepped inside.

"What's it, Daniel? Any news about Alexander Grover?" I asked giving it a guess, his behaviour just now could only mean that.

"Yes, Mr. Miles." And he began briefing me on that.

After hearing him out, I was so frustrated that I banged my fist on the desk, causing the pen stand to fall and the pens to roll down from the desk to the floor.

F*ck, another dead end!

I splashed cold water on my face before heading home.

Hope Taylor doesn't catch me.

~ Miles Manor ~

I quietly entered the house and tiptoed up to my room so that I could avoid Taylor, but luck wasn't with me. I bumped into him just outside my room.

"When did you come? I didn't hear you."

"Just now Tay," I sidestepped him to enter my room.

"Is that frustration I hear?" He asked.

Of course, I'm caught.

I sighed knowing that I can't keep it from him anymore.

"Daniel managed to dig up Alexander Grover's relationship with uncle Eric."


"Another dead end."

"What did he find, though?"

"Give me 15. We'll talk once I come down." Taylor nodded in understanding and let me freshen up.

I took a quick shower and put on a half sleeved white T-shirt, pairing it with grey sweatpants, then walked down to the living room. Taylor was already sitting on the couch, waiting for me while anxiously drumming his fingers on the armrest. He turned to look at me when he heard my footsteps.


"Impatient, aren't you?" I snorted.

"Trev." He gave me a stern look.

He's serious. So I quit playing too and sat down from across him.

"The man turned out to be uncle Eric's cousin. His maternal aunt's son. Their families were close until Alexander got married. His wife didn't like having people over every now and then so they slowly grew apart, but he would visit uncle Eric without his wife's knowledge. Some 7, 8 years later uncle Eric got married and since Alexander's own son was growing up and his responsibility towards his son grew too, his visits to uncle Eric were affected, so though he knows about aunt Brittany, he doesn't know much about their daughter. All he knew is what we know, him and his family remembers her by the name Red like we do." I leaned back and closed my eyes, taking a deep breath before opening them again.

"How can one leave behind everything they had and live an anonymous life?" Taylor pondered, staring ahead of him.

"It's like they don't want anybody to find them, Tay. I feel defeated every time I try to reach them. Normally, I've plenty of ideas on how to handle a situation, be it business, or family, but when it comes to aunt Brittany and her daughter, I don't know what to do, or where to go. I feel useless." I admitted.

It's true, that's how I'd been feeling ever since I started searching for them, but never told anyone. I didn't want to worry them, but I can no longer hold it. The people might see me as 'the Trevor Miles' and think highly of me because to them there's nothing that I can't do, but in reality I'm just a human like them. I've feelings and emotions too, I too get tired and lose my cool like others do. And sometimes, I need a shoulder to cry too, though my brother would definitely lend me his, I wouldn't accept. I cannot break in front of him, I've to stay strong for him.

I refuse to break in front of him.

I was so lost in the sea of emotions that I zoned out and was pulled back to reality only when a hand gently stroked my head. Taylor.

He was standing beside me and looking down at me with eyes full of empathy. His right hand was in my hair and left rested on my shoulder.

"Don't think much, go get some rest now." He whispered.

"Thank you, Tay." I grabbed his hand that was on my head and kissed the inside of it. Those simple words and actions of his brought so much comfort. "You're the best brother one could ever ask for." He grinned.

We walked upstairs together and he entered his room. I made sure he fell asleep before making my way to mine. I hopped onto the bed and fell asleep almost immediately.

The next few days went on like they always do. Work to home, home to work and repeat, along with the daily doses of stress and frustrations. Now it was already weekend and that meant it's time to meet the green eyed brunette.

It's a good thing that Maria has become good friends with Cheryll, if not it'd have been difficult for us to drag Cheryll into our circle, especially with Morgan around.

I'd just gotten out of the shower, dressed in fresh clothes when my phone beeped.

"Awake?" The text read. I rolled my eyes on seeing who the sender was.

Instead of replying, I walked out of my room and stood in front of the one on my left.

"Taylor, you weirdo, why'd you text when we're literally a knock away from each other?" I feigned annoyance and yelled from this side of the door.

He didn't say anything, but my phone did buzz in my hand.

"Isn't this how siblings annoy each other? Hehee ;-)"

"I'll show how else they annoy each other..."

I pushed the door open and entered in, my eyes scanning the room and I spotted Taylor standing behind his bed, leaning against the French window with a satisfactory grin plastered on his face.

"Now, now, I was just messing around like the little one of the family that I am."

"Uh, huh? Since you wanted to annoy your sibling, I'll show you how they react when they're annoyed."

"Trev, no." He moved away from the window and began backing away.

I grabbed the pillows from his bed and hurled towards him and we broke into a pillow fight. We hit each other with the pillows for 15 straight minutes and lay on the bed catching our breaths then burst out laughing.

"Dare annoy me hereafter." I said as he snorted.

"If only anyone from the company could see you like this. Imagine, the cold and indifferent Trevor Miles engaging in a pillow fight." Taylor chuckled.

I tilted my head to look at him lying beside me. He was staring back at me with a content smile on his lips. He'd done this on purpose because I was stressed and frustrated last night too.

I wondered who'd take care of me like he does after 6 more months. He's to fly to Australia and live with mom for some days as she's missing us and I cannot accompany him because of work. It's been a year since we last visited her in person.

I'll miss this idiot terribly.

"Forget about that aloof and arrogant moron. This with you right now, is your brother." I stroked his head gently. "Your Trev."


Author's Note:

Aww... Those two are adorable, aren't they? Anyways, this chapter, along with some digging up on the past for the plot building purpose, was to show how deep of a bond the brothers share and I hope I was able to deliver my thoughts.

I can't wait to write the next chapter in Cheryll's POV. It'll be a leap to some 3, 4 weeks from here and I promise that things will be escalating ;-)

Till then, read my other stories on Wattpad #Crowded Silence (completed) #Beauty The Beast (completed) #Holding On to Silence Until; You Came Along (ongoing)

Follow me here and on IG, link on my Wattpad profile, or simply type in anonymous_queendom

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Hope you enjoy :-)

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