Rise of the Uzumaki

By SaintGreenz

7K 203 23

Naruto is reborn in JJK universe watch as he creates the uzumaki clan in this world. More

Chapter 1: One-Shot
Chapter 2: Rise of the Uzumaki Clan
Chapter 3: Heavenly Harem
Chapter 5: Battle of Shibuya
Chapter 6: Three Way Battle
Chapter 7: Tengen and Culling Games
Chapter 8: Battle In The Star Tomb Part 1
Chapter 9: Battle In The Star Tomb Part 2

Chapter 4: Maid Service

956 25 5
By SaintGreenz

A/N: This story is rated M for mature content and is not suitable for children.
Lemon In Chapter


Chapter 4: Maid Service

Zenin Household...

The first thing Naruto noticed when he, Mai, and Maki entered the Zenin clan compound was that, as his sister had said, it was a male-dominated clan. The female members' heads were bowed, and they wore modest kimonos but had nothing underneath.

From what Mai and Maki told him, they made the women wear them when a man came by, but usually the women would have to walk around naked even though sometimes they had to do it. But since they spent most of their time outside the clan, they hadn't been subjected to walking around naked much.

While the Male clan members walked around like they were God's gift to the earth, with a look of superiority on their faces, which Naruto wanted to wipe off, but he would wait until they attacked first; then all bets were off.

As the female Zenin clan member (or rather a zenin clan sex slave) led them to meet the clan head, Naruto's mind went back to the conversation he had with the sisters earlier that day.


"When we get to the Zenin clan compound, you have to promise me that you won't attack them unless they attack you first." Maki said to her new boyfriend.

"I wasn't planning on attacking those do-gooders anyway, but why don't you want me to attack them? I thought you would be the first one to tell me to eliminate them." Naruto said with a confused look.

"Yes, usually, I would want you to do as much damage as possible to the Zenin Clan, even destroying it. But this time is different." Maki stated. "You want to form a clan, and as such, you will have to get the favor of a few higher-ups. And the Zenin Clan is well-connected; therefore, you will have to learn to deal with them unless they overstep their boundaries."

"Don't beat the crap out of the abusers of my girlfriends," Naruto said confused. "I will try to be civil with them, but if they piss me off, all bets are off."

"Just try to behave, but if they piss us off, I'll join you in destroying them." Maki said with a savage grin.

"You know they're going to do everything in their power to make us attack first, so that we'll be labeled as rogue sorcerers." Mai stated, knowing what her clan had thought. "If you want to form that clan of yours, you will have to refrain from attacking them at least until they make a move against you first, and then it would be self-defense if you retaliate."

Flashback End...

The female servant led them to a door, before opening it. When she did, a sound of flesh slapping against flesh and a woman moaning in pleasure could be heard accompanied by a man's grunts.

Lemon Scene Ahead...

The female servant ushered the blonde and his two girlfriends inside, and Naruto was shocked to see a woman he assumed to be his future wives mother bent over a table, getting the shit fucked out of her by a man a little bit older than Maki and Mai.

The room stunk of sex and the woman had a fucked stupid look. They had been at it for a long time. Naruto heard a slap and saw the man hitting his girlfriend's mother on her ass cheek.

It seems he's enjoying her company, as he lets out a grunt before falling back into a chair. The man had cum and was panting, trying to catch his breath, from the angle Naruto is in, he can see that the man had been fucking the woman up the ass.

Another more muscular man came up to the sweaty woman and flipped her onto her back on the table, his hard cock slamming into the woman's pussy, making her moan loudly.

He didn't give the woman any time to breathe before he started fucking her with enough force to kill a regular woman. Naruto's senses picked up that the woman was using a reverse cursed technique to heal her body from the damage the man was inflicting on her.

Naruto looked at the woman's body; it was much younger-looking than he expected and seemed that her holes are tight, as if she were using a reverse curse technique to heal herself after all the time she been used by her clan. In this case that would explain how she was maintaining her youthful appearance.

Lemon Scene End...

The blonde Uzumaki glanced at Maki and Mai and saw that they looked stoic, with no emotion on their beautiful faces as they watched their mother being run through.

He supposed they were used to seeing this by now, so he just took their hands in his and gave them a gentle squeeze. The sisters didn't give a verbal response, but they squeezed his hand back.

"So our guest of honor has finally arrived," an old man was looked drunk said, from his appearance he must be Naobito Zenin the leader of this shitty clan.

"You are those two boyfriend. You don't look very strong for a special grade to me, especially if you choose those defects as your women." The man they first saw going at it with the sisters' mother said. He has blonde hair with green highlights; he must be Naoya, the sister's cousin.

"Disgusting! You two can't find a husband of your own, so you have to share one. You're a disgrace!" said an elderly man with black hair. Naruto suspects that the man dyes his hair to make himself look younger. He must be Mai and Maki's father, Ogi.

Naruto was tempted to just say "fuck it" and tear these bastards a new one, but Mai and Maki held his hand firmly, showing no emotions on their faces as they addressed their father.

"We can get a man of our own, but we chose to take the same man because he wishes to start his own clan and we are here to help him do so." Mai said, not feeling like being here longer than she had to be, so she got to the point why they were there. "We are here to let you know that we are marrying outside of the clan and will be taking our husband's name and joining his clan."

"What nonsense are you talking about? If you marry him, he'll have to join our clan since we're one of the three founding clans of the jujutsu society, and he is just a clanless sorcerer." Ogi exclaimed at his daughter, wishing he had killed them at birth because they always caused him trouble.

"Not really, since Naruto is a special-grade Sorcerer and he has the support of two other Special-grade Sorcerers, he would be able to start a clan with little opposition," Maki stated as she enjoyed seeing her father looking so flushed and she wished he would try something so she could get back at him for the years of abuse.

"Might makes right," Naobito Zenin said, getting a calculated look on his face for the first time since the three arrived. He couldn't say he disagreed with that logic.

"Whatever you bitches should have been neutered and passed around like your mother instead of going around spreading your legs like whores for anyone who would have defective sluts like you two," Naoya, the cousin of Mai and Maki, stated, looking at them with lust.

Naruto was seriously deciding in his head if he should just slaughter this entire clan of dicheads and become a rogue sorcerer instead of forminghis own clan, but Mai and especially Maki gripped his hands so tightly that they would have broken a normal human's hand ten times over.

"Sigh, look here, cock-sucking losers. We're here as a formality just to let you know that I'm going to marry Mai and Maki, and they're going to help me create a clan that will leave yours and all the others in the dust." Naruto stated in a bored tone, dropping the formalities and making everyone but the leader of the Zenin clan shout at him for his disrespect.

"How dare you speak to us like that in our own home," Naoya shouted, activating his curse technique.

"You bastard! I knew my daughters wouldn't be able to find a good man to bring before us." Ogi yelled as he drew his sword.

Naruto and his twin just sat there waiting for them to attack, but surprisingly, it was the clan leader who stopped them.

"Ogi, Naoya, don't move," Naobito ordered as he seemed completely sober at that moment.

"Why didn't you hear what that son of a bitch said? We have to teach him a lesson." Naoya shouted, but was quickly silenced by a look from Naobito.

"Calm down and take a better look at our guest," the Zenin clan head said, confusing both Ogi and Naoya.

Ogi looked at the blonde Uzumaki and used all his senses to try to see what Naobito did, and to his surprise, there was a shadowy figure wrapping itself around Naruto, it was glaring at him, and from the feel of its curse energy, it was a special-grade.

Now Ogi understood why his brother had stopped them from attacking. It was one thing to fight a single Special Grade, but two Special Grade beings at once in their clan compound might well be the end of them.

"I thought you two were going to attack," Naruto said evenly, not being at all worried.

Mai sighed as she knew that it was pointless trying to stop her blonde boyfriend when he liked this. Naruto was usually level-headed, but when those he cared about were threatened, he could be even more bloodthirsty than any curse spirit.

Mai looked at Maki and knew that she was all for spilling the blood of her fellow clan member, as her hatred of them for the years of abuse is no secret among those who know her.

"Let's all calm down and talk like adults," Mai said, trying to get everyone to stop looking like they were about to murder each other. However, Noaya, that idiot, had to open his mouth, even though Naobito looked like he wanted to strangle his son.

"Shut up, bitch, who do you think you're talking to me like that?" Naoya exclaimed in frustration as he felt he had been insulted by his cousins and their boyfriends, since they came here. "You whore belong on your back and knees servicing the clan."

"Is that what you think?" Maki said as she looked at Noaya like he was an insect. The son of Naobito felt even more infuriated and was almose foaming at the mouth. "Well, too bad we already have a boyfriend who has already ruined us. None of your little three-inch dicks can satisfy us."

"You whores, spreading your legs for the first person who shows interest in you, worthless harlots." Naoya said, face red from how Maki insulted his penis. "You mother seems to like my dick, bitch, and I'll fuck her stupid later for that comment."

"How about a wager?" Naobito's voice cut off all the banter. "We are at a stalemate. You can't attack us first because if you do, you would be labeled rogue sorcerers. So let Maki and Naoya have a match, and the winner gets one request from the loser."

"Fine, but let's make this a little bit more interesting. Since there are three of us, let's make it three requests." Naruto said. "And to make sure that everything is on the up and up, let's have a neutral party witness the match."

"Who would this neutral party be," the Zenin clan leader asked, and Naruto got a wide smile on his face before answering.

Fast Forward...

Naruto was in the Zenin clan training ground with Mai sitting on his right and the neutral party, i.e., Gojo, sitting on his left.

Naobito had an annoyed look on his face as he grumbled under his breath. The blonde could have sworn he heard the man curse both him and his Gojo, saying that they were a stain on jujutsu society.

Naruto and Gojo had amusing smiles on their faces as they watched the whole thing while Maki and Naoya squared off.

"So do you think Maki can defeat Noaya's curse technique, Projection Sorcery?" Gojo asked Naruto.

"Maki will win," Naruto stated without hesitation "after all she has been training with me since she lost all her curse energy and unlocked her heavenly restriction."

"So, do you want to know how I managed to separate Mai and Maki's souls so that they are no longer connected as twins?" Gojo said with a serious look on his face, but Naruto shrugged.

"It's best that you don't know," Naruto stated before looking to where Maki and Naoya were getting ready to fight it out. Goj� let the topic drop and he too looked at the match.

Mai didn't say anything because she was worried about her sister. It's true that they became stronger thanks to all the training Naruto gave them, but Maki hasn't fully unlocked the full potential of her heavenly restrictions yet. Meanwhile, Naoya has been perfecting his curse mark techniques, but it doesn't seem fair, but neither Mai nor Naruto seemed concerned, so she didn't voice any protests.

Maki vs Naoya...

Maki and Naoya squared off, They glared at each other with hatred in their eyes.

Maki remembered all the times Naoya used to bully her and abuse her during her childhood. Just because she was a girl and she wanted to become stronger without curse energy.

Naoya remembered Toji, the man with the same heavenly restriction as Maki. He was a beast. Toji was the first person Naoya ever feared.

"You ready to lose Maki?" Naoya said with a condescending look on his face.

"Are you going to just talk all day, or are we going to fight?" Maki replied with a bored look on her face.

"You got really cocky while away from the clan, Maki." Naoya said with an angry look on his face, "did you forget how I used to beat your ass when we had training matches together?"

"Sigh, are you just gonna go walk through memory lane or are we gonna fight, or what? I'm getting bored here." Maki said, looking deadly serious.

Naobito was selected as a referee for the match, with Gojo and Naruto present to ensure fair play.

Naobito got into the middle of the two opponents, raised his hand and declared the match to begin.

Naoya immediately used his speed, trying to get as close as possible to Maki so that he can use his Projection sorcery.

Maki, on the other hand, opened her arms wide as if trying to catch someone. She knew that Naoya's curse technique made him faster than her, but she was more durable so she could take all his hits until she could land a solid blow on him.

Naruto watched it all as Mai took all of Naoya's attacks and endured them while she slowly adapted to all of his movements. It was actually very amazing, and Gojo on the other side of him agreed.

Naruto watched as Naoya's curse technique froze Maki for a second before she could do anything. He then landed a devastating blow to her stomach, but to his surprise, Maki didn't even flinch. She had a body like steel.

Slowly but surely, Maki began to feel Naoya's movements, and she slowly began to adapt to each time he hit her. She would attack and almost land blows on him, until finally she landed a glancing blow on his face.

Naoya was in shock that Maki was able to land a blow on him even though it was a glancing one. His eyes was widened as he slowly began to see the image of Toji overlapping Maki's own.

"This can't be happening," Naoya murmured to himself, "She is nothing like that man."

Naobito was watching the match and he too was surprised at how much Maki has grown. She was like the second coming of Toji.

"I won't lose here. I won't lose to a failure like you, Maki." Naoya screamed in rage and frustration.

Naoya rushed forward with all his speed and broke the sound barrier as he charged toward Maki, not caring about the consequences as he kicked up a huge dust storm.

As Naoya rushed forward, Naruto could see a smirk on Maki's face as she somehow managed to follow all of his movements. It was actually quite amazing for someone without cursed energy, but then again her heavenly restriction gave her a superhuman body and senses.

Maki, seeing her cousin closing in on her, raised her fists in the air. As soon as he reached within striking distance, she brought her fists down straight into the inside of Naoya's head, knocking him onto his back, creating a huge crater.

All the men of the Zenin clan were in shock. One of the strongest sorcerers in their clan was defeated by the clan's failure and defection.

Naruto and Gojo both looked at Maki with pride, and the members of the Zenin Clan had expressions of amusement on their faces. Naruto could see that some of the female clan members respected Maki.

"How could this be? I must be dreaming. How could I have defeated Naoya?," Ogi said to himself in shock of what just happened in front of him.

"It seems that Maki has become much stronger," Naobito murmured to himself, still not believing that his son had been defeated with one blow.

"Well now, since this match is over, I think we should get to my requests," Naruto said with a wide grin on his face and a wicked look in his eyes.

Naobito groaned. He knew whatever the blonde was going to ask for was going to be a pain in fulfilling. But since he, the clan head of the Zenin Clan, had to keep his word. Especially with Gojo there as witness.

Fast Forward...

One of Naruto's three requests was that the Zenin clan built a home for him in Tokyo and Kyoto so he could commute between them.

His second wish was for Mai and Maki to be cut off from the Zenin clan so that they could marry into his clan, which he would create in the future.

His final request was for Maki and Mai's mother to be turned over to them. This request shocked everyone in the Zenin Clan, as they knew that the sisters had no real love for their mother, since she never really raised them or protected the growing up.

His request of the Zenin Clan leader wasn't all that bad so Naobito quickly agreed to all three of requests before the Blond changes mine and bankrupt their clans.

Naruto as a special grade sorcerer Can move around more freely than Mai or Maki. So in order for all of them to stay together, He had Maki transfer to Kyoto Jujutsu High School.

The house was a traditional Japanese-style house, very large and fully furnished. Maki and Mai's mother, whose name was actually Terra, was now living with them as their personal maid.

They had her dress in a skimpy maid outfit without panties, Terra is a very obedient and skilled woman when it comes to housework. She can cook like a professional chef and clean like a housekeeper.

The one thing that annoys Naruto most about Terra, however, is that she is a huge slut. She always accidentally dropped something and bent over to picking up in his presence, showing off her bare backside and freshly shaved pussy.

Naruto was more than willing to bend her over and plow her tight cunt loose. But the sisters, Maki and Mai, had told him that they wanted to wait until their mother broke first and begged to be taken before they let him plow her senseless.

Naruto knew that this was also about revenge on the sisters' part. They wanted their mother to suffer because of their childhood. Naruto knew that Terra had been having sex every day for almost 16 years. So now that she is without it, she must be going crazy.

Now that we knew that the woman was already broken, all he had to do was just wait for the right opportunity and she would bend over on any flat surface and service him.

Unofficial Uzumaki Clan Compound...

Kyoto [Night]....

Lemon Scene Ahead...

Maki was bounced up and down on Naruto's lap while groaning and moaning, her naked body shaking for all the blonde's thrusting, which showed off her wide hips, her large firm breasts, and her flushed face locked in a look of ecstasy.

"Fuck you're so big and hard in me," Maki moaned out as her wet pussy was filled with a second helping of the blonde's seed.

"And you feel so tight around me," Naruto said, sweat rolling down his face, with a look of concentration. He was trying hard not to cum.

Mai was on her side, naked, and had been freshly fucked. Her pussy leaked a combination of the fluids onto the bed.

Naruto had the first round of sex with Mai. He spent approximately two hours making her come her brains out. Now she is just relaxed and enjoying the afterglow.

Mai picked up a loud moan that seemed to come from the door, which was slightly cracked. But if she remembered correctly, Naruto had closed the door completely before they began their fun.

She looked to Naruto and Maki and they both seemed to pick up the sound too. They had a smirk on their faces that showed that they knew exactly what was happening. It seemed that Terra, the mother of Mai and Maki, was masturbating at their bedroom door.

Maki continued to bounce on Naruto's lap. The room filled with the sound of wet slapping and loud female moans.

Naruto feeling that his release was near, started to bounce Maki faster on his lap, taking her hips in his hands as he drove his hard cock in and out of her sloppy, wet pussy. Which was super tight, even now after he used it for so long.

The blonde Uzumaki took one of his girlfriend's now-fiancée's tit in his mouth and sucked on it while he continued to bounce her on his lap. She couldn't help but throw her head back and moan as her eyes rolled on the back of her head as she came.

Mai also heard a loud moan coming from outside, as the sound of wet liquid hitting the floor made her know that her mother had also come from the display of the blonde Uzumaki and her sister.

Terra was peeking through the open door as her fingers went in and out of her wet pussy. As she watched her daughters and their fiancé go at it like animals and heat.

The mother was surprised when the door to the bedroom suddenly burst open. An Naruto reached out and grabbed her and threw her onto the bed.

Terra gave a surprised sound when her daughter, Maki, ripped her clothes off, leaving her naked for her blonde's eyes to see all of her.

The twin's mother watched the blonde's cock mesmerize; it had to be at least ten inches long with a girth bigger than her wrists. She couldn't believe her daughters could take such a beast inside themselves.

The members of the Zenin clan looked diminutive compared to the blonde. At best, the largest she had ever been with was about 7 inches long and not particularly thick.

Terra said the blonde looked at her from her spot on the bed as he walked to the edge of it and immediately knew what he wanted. How could she not? She had spent the last 16 years of her life as the fuck toy of an entire clan.

As soon as the blonde sat on the bed, Terra inhaled his cock from head to toe, she gagged a little because she wasn't used to a cock that size, but she quickly adapted.

"Shit, you're a really good cocksucker," Naruto said as he placed his hand on the back of Terra's head, her body still on the bed while her face moved up and down as she sucked him clean of his daughter's juices.

Naruto ran his hand up and down her body, feeling her soft skin that felt much younger than her actual age. He grabbed her firm, yet soft breasts that had no sag on them, showing that she never breastfed Mai or Maki.

Terra's stomach was flat, showing no signs of ever having given birth. Her legs had no signs of aging, and the blonde let his hand roam between her legs as he slowly caressed her wet, swollen pussy lips.

Terra moaned around his cock as she enjoyed how the blonde was touching her cunt and how his finger went inside her pussy while playing with her erected clit.

Naruto suddenly pulled Terra off his cock and lifted her onto his lap, facing away from him so she could see her daughters, who were looking at her, as Naruto slowly sank his erected shaft into her.

The former wife of Ogi groaned as the head of Naruto's cock forced the entrance to her pussy open, inch by inch the blonde's shaft went in smoothly until he reached the seven-inch mark and he felt some resistance.

"Damn, you're tight for a slut," Naruto said as he started to force more of his cock into Terra, Mai and Maki watched as their mother's face turned red as she silently screamed as the blonde shaft entered her womb.

Naruto started bouncing Terra on his lap, enjoying the tight feeling of her wet yet snug pussy. Enjoying how he enters a womb every time he fully sheaths himself inside her.

For Terra, it felt both like heaven and hell. The blonde's shaft would always stretch her beyond her limits, She never had a dick that big before. But every time he enters her vagina, it gives her so much pain and pleasure that she feels like she's going to faint.

"Shit, harder you bastard, fuck me!" Terra screamed. Naruto was surprised by the outburst; since she been living with them, the woman had barely spoken. Mai and Maki told him that their mother was a woman of few words.

"Take this, you bitch! I hope you enjoy my Uzumaki cock," the blonde said as he started to really let her have it.

"I'm cumming already," Terra said as she felt her orgasm approaching but she was confused because this was the first time in a long time that she had come so quickly. She simply attributed it to the fact that the big blonde dick pushed all the right buttons inside her.

She was even more surprised when Mai and Maki mouths claimed her hard nipples, sucking them like babies, it made Terra's eyes roll back in her head from the sensation she was getting, her pussy being stretched out and her breasts being sucked on.

Terra let out a long, deep moan as her pussy juices sprayed out, and she fell forward onto the bed. As her daughter moved out of the way, Terra's pussy came off the blonde's cock with a wet pop.

There she was, trying to catch her breath, lying flat on her stomach. Terra felt the bed shift and before she knew it, the blonde had reentered her, making her moan loudly, both from pain and pleasure, as she was really sore right now.

Naruto was on top of Terra, his hips started to thrust, slapping against her ass every time he would push in, The blonde leaned down so his face was next to Terra's and claimed her lips in a deep, lewd kiss.

The blonde never stopped thrusting as he kissed Terra; his tongue entered her mouth and battled with her own. Soon he dominated her mouth and wet pussy with each of his thrusts.

Mai and Maki were watching as their mother got thoroughly dominated. It turned them on like nothing else. Their fingers were busy going in and out of the wet slits and pinching their hard nipples.

Naruto, seeing the sisters in a state of horniness while he continues to drill into their mother, realizes by the end of the night that his balls will be completely empty for the first time ever, thanks to the three former members of the Zenin Clan.

Lemon Scene End...

Naruto would like to think that he did a good thing by creating the Uzumaki clan with Maki and her sister. And now his mother is there, though she will not be able to give him any children. She is a skilled cook and she will clean the clan compound.

He watched the tree woman sleep naked as she was born. Maki stood on his right, Terra on his left, and Mai on his chest. Each had a satisfied look on their faces.

Naruto started to think about how he's going to make his clan one of the official clans of the jujutsu world. He would either have to eliminate one of the existing clans or get all three clans to acknowledge his clan as being their equal.

The blonde couldn't help but think it was troublesome to create a clan even though he was already a special-grade sorcerer, Naruto decided just to get some sleep and leave tomorrow's problem for another day. Soon, he joined the family of three in their sleeping world.

Chapter End...


A/N: Here is another chapter of ROTU, I hope you all enjoy it, also check out my [url=patreon.com/SaintGreenz]Pa-tre-on[/url] under username SaintGreenz for early access and exclusive content.

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