Burn Them All - Male Reader X...

By Calamity-boi

51.8K 1.7K 723

In a desperate attempt to prove himself to his father, Y/N ends up being enrolled into the Royal Fire Academy... More

Training: Start!
Meeting New Friends.
Training: Montage!
Mental Decline.
Surprise Attack.
Trade Off/On The Trail.
Breaking Down.
The Fall Of Ba Sing Se.
To The Beach!
Catching Up.
Old Friends.

The Boiling Rock.

1.8K 84 28
By Calamity-boi



Azula: "Stop doing that! You look like an idiot."

Y/N: "What?? What did I do wrong this time??"

Y/N rubs the back of his head as he glares at Azula. This is pretty much exactly what her 'training' has been the past two weeks. She'd sit in silence while he struggles, then when he finally does something that could be taken as progress....she just degrades him for it.

Azula: "Stop waving your arms like you're in a play. You don't need to be so dramatic."

Y/N: "Wha-but you did it!"

Azula: "Yes, ONCE. And it was cooler when I did it. You...you just look stupid."

Y/N groans and Azula walks around him, a disapproving look on her face.

Azula: "Now, try and get it right this time. Separate them."

Y/N huffs before taking a deep breath and closing his eyes, focusing on his body. He then exhales as he feels a strange feeling coursing through him, like his entire body was thrown off balance. This...never happened before.

Azula: "Good. We're finally getting somewhere...raise your hand."

Y/N does as he's instructed, though he still has no idea what EXACTLY he's doing.

Azula: "...Your form is terrible but it doesn't matter. Now...I need you to focus. Because if you mess this up, you could do anything from blowing your arm off to creating a smoke cloud."

Y/N: "Those are two vastly different outcomes-"

Azula: "Focus. You can feel it, right? Your body feels like it's...not right? Like something inside you doesn't belong? That's the result of separating your negative and positive energy. Your body is no longer in its natural balance. Soon, those energies are going to rush into each other in an attempt to force your body back into it's normal state."

Y/N: "And you couldn't have said this beforehand???"

Azula: "I could have...but I didn't. Now...when you feel that happen, and I do mean, the INSTANT you feel that happen...guide those energies up your arm and out your fingers. Very important, OUT of your fingers. Don't let it sit on your fingertips, or they WILL explode."

Y/N give Azula a 'what the fuck is wrong with you?!' look before taking a slightly shaky breath. The moment he feels his body start to recover from it's 'imbalance', he thrusts his arm forward, and...



Y/N completely obliterates one of the trees in the courtyard and immediately starts to laugh.

Y/N: "He....heheh....HAHAHAHAHAH! YES!"

Azula: "Well...I'm impressed. I didn't expect you to get that on the first try. You can practice it on your own from here."

Ty Lee and Mai peek their heads through a neaby door.

Ty Lee: "What was that??"

Mai: "You're doing something stupid again, aren't you."

Y/N: "Wha-No! I'm just....learning how to create lightning in an...area... surrounded by highly flammable-okay. Okay, yeah I get what you mean, that is pretty stupid."

Ty Lee: "Oh...so that's what that big BOOM was!....did you do it?"

Azula: "Surprisingly, yes. I was expecting it to blow up in his face."

Y/N: "Wait, what??"

Azula: "Because of your past, I didn't think you'd be capable of finding balance within yourself, but...I suppose I was wrong. There's a first for everything, isn't there?"

Y/N: "....You've definitely been wrong before."

Azula: "But you can't prove that, can you?"

Y/N narrows his eyes while Azula just stands there, looking at him as if she'd won something. Mai and Ty Lee look at each other with slightly confused expressions.

Mai: "...You two are acting weird."

Ty Lee: "Yeah! Like...really...really weird."

Y/N: "What? What are you talking about?"

Ty Lee: "I don't know...usually you'd be arguing or something."

Azula: "You say that like we argue all the time. We can tolerate each other...occasionally."

Mai: "Well, yeah, but this...this is more like you're actually friends. It's...odd."

Y/N: "Hm... y'know what, now that you say it like that....it's almost like Azula ca-"

Azula: "I will have you executed if you finish that sentence."

Y/N: "Noted."

Ty Lee laughs at the two while Mai give them a small smile...only for it to fade a few seconds later. Ever since Zuko left during the invasion, Mai has been rather....gloomy. Not just regular Mai gloomy, but actually depressing gloomy.

Y/N: "You still thinking about Zuko?"

Mai: "Wow. What could have given you such an idea? Are you psychic?"

Y/N: "....Bit unnecessary, but I'll let that slide. Look...you can't-"

Mai: "Stop. I don't need a pep talk. I'm just angry."

Azula see Mai's expression and comes up with an idea that might help....for better or for worse.

Azula: "Then why not go see him?"

Mai: "...What? Why would I want to see a traitor?"

Azula: "Because you're obviously hung up about him. I can't say I understand, but maybe you'll feel better if you tell him."

Mai: "Tell him what? That what he did was selfish and stupid and-"

Azula: "Yes. All of that. Look...you know he's at The Boiling Rock."

Y/N: "Wait, Zuko's at the-"

Azula: "Shut up, not finished. I have business there, so why not just come with me? It's as simple as that."

Mai: "....Fine."

Ty Lee: "Oh, oh! Can I come?"

Azula: "I was going to take you anyway."

The three look to Y/N, and he immediately sighs.

Y/N: "I really don't want to...but I don't want to be alone in this damn castle, so what choice do I have?"

Ty Lee: "Yay!"

Mai: "....I can already tell this is a mistake."

Ty Lee: "Cheer up, Mai! We're going on a trip~!"

Y/N chuckles at Ty Lee's excitement. Despite the fact that they're going to a maximum security prison, she still finds some way to make it sound fun. Then a thought comes to Y/N.

Y/N: "....Wait a second...what business? This is the first time you've mentioned it."

Azula: "Oh, that....I think it's better if you find out. We'll leave in a few days. Take that time to get ready."

Azula smiles before walking away, leaving the other three confused...but that didn't last long, as Y/N shrugged his shoulders before taking out his journal and flipping to the pages with the dragon drawings, pacing back and forth as he looks at them.

Mai: "You're still trying to do those? Haven't you tried that for like, three weeks now?"

Ty Lee: "Actually I think it was more than that..."

Y/N sighs and stops pacing, looking up from his journal.

Y/N: "I've tried almost everything I can...but I still have one more idea. Only...it requires another firebender."

Ty Lee: "Ooo~!....what does that mean?"

Y/N: "You remember when you looked at them before, and you said it looked like a dance?"

Ty Lee: "Mhm...why?"

Y/N: "I... noticed something during the invasion. I used Azula's fire to make a-okay, that parts less important, basically...I noticed that when I manipulate someone ELSE'S fire...I don't need to same movements as usual."

Mai: "So...what you're saying is that this dragon...was showing you a defensive technique to use against other firebenders?"

Y/N: "Well...maybe. But that's probably not quite what it meant."

Mai: "Then what did it mean?"

Y/N: "I....have no idea, I'm still figuring that out."

Mai rolls her eyes and walks away, leaving Ty Lee and Y/N alone.

Ty Lee: ".....Hi!"

Y/N: "Hello? You sound weirdly...excited? Like more than usual?"

Ty Lee: "Are you free right now?"

Y/N: "I...yes, technically. Why?"

Ty Lee: "Wanna walk together? I don't have anything to do right now!"

Y/N chuckles and rolls his eyes.

Y/N: "....Sure. Why not?"

Ty Lee: "Yes!"

Ty Lee throws her arms into the air in celebration, forgetting she was using them to lean against the window, causing her to fall out of it...which didn't matter, as she just flipped and landed on her feet, to which Y/N responded to with a light clap.

The two walked throughout the palace, enjoying each other's company and talking about random passing topics.

Ty Lee: "So...what types of weapons are you best with? I know you used a dagger a lot, so that has to be one of them...but what are the others?"

Y/N: "Hm....that's a good question, actually. Believe it or not, a dagger isn't my best weapon. It was just best for...my occupation."

Ty Lee: "Really? I didn't expect that...what is your best then?"

Y/N: "Hm....staves, glaives, pretty much any well balanced pole arm."

Ty Lee: "Oh! Can you show me?"

Y/N: "Not at the moment, but if you're really that interested...I don't know, maybe I can have Azula work something out. I need a new weapon anyway, now that I can't really use my dagger."

Ty Lee: "Right...I...actually wanted to ask you about that.."

Y/N: "About my dagger?"

Ty Lee: "N-no, not that...It's just...I've noticed you've been spending a lot of time with Azula recently.."

Y/N: "Yeah. What abou-"

Y/N stops walking and stifles a laugh as a small blush spreads across Ty Lee's face.

Ty Lee: "...Wait, that came out wrong!"

Y/N: "...Are you jealous of Azula?"

Ty Lee: "N-no! Well...not...I'm not jealous, I'm just curious!"

Y/N: "Uh huh...sure you are."

Ty Lee: "I'm not, really! I-I promise I was just curious!"

Y/N: "Curious about what, Ty?"

Ty Lee freezes and tries to think of an excuse, while Y/N smiles, knowing he has her trapped.

But just before he can force an answer out of her...


Azula walks up to the two, with a rather tall man following close behind her. His incredibly arrogant demeanor makes Y/N scowl. Azula sends Y/N a look, which he responds to by rolling his eyes and dropping to one knee, looking at the ground.

Azula: "I nearly forgot to introduce you to Jade. He's a blacksmith...or more accurately, weaponsmith."

Y/N: "And a noble, by the looks of it. I thought your type was above that sort of work."

Jade scoffs at Y/N, annoyed by his snarky tone.

Jade: "The son of a tyrant, speaking such a way while kneeling to the princess who owns his life...I imagine your father would be rather disappointed, would he not?"

Azula: "Silence, both of you. Y/N, you are to give Jade the requirements for a weapon of your choosing. Jade, you are to follow his specifications without question. I trust you know what would happen if you were to sabotage it?"

Jade: "Of course. Even if it's for someone of...questionable background, I take pride in the weaponry I create."

Azula: "Good. Y/N?"

Y/N: "...Fine. I'll give my requests to the pompous di-"

Azula: "I didn't ask for a snarky comment, I asked if you would cooperate."

Y/N sighs and raises his head slightly, glaring at Jade.

Y/N: "Yes, Az-"

Azula sends him another glare.

Y/N: "...Princess."

Azula: "Good. You're dismissed, both of you."

Azula walks away, and Jade rolls his eyes at Y/N before walking past him. Y/N rises to his feet, and Ty Lee looks down the hall at Azula, confused.

Ty Lee: "Uhm...what was that?"

Y/N: "Azula's condition. I'm to bow to her when if the presence of someone important."

Ty Lee: "Well, yes...but what about...What I mean is, why did you look so irritated...? I thought you didn't hate nobles anymore.."

Y/N: "I said I'd stop trying to push revenge for my parents. That doesn't mean I just stopped hating nobles. That arrogant demeanor and pompous voice still piss me off."

Ty Lee frowns slightly as she sees Y/N's smile drop.

Ty Lee: "Hey...just forget about him, alright? Let's...uh...let's go do something fun! This'll probably be our last time in the palace for a while, so why not do some things we haven't done yet?"

Y/N sighs and looks away, contemplating if he should outright refuse Ty Lee's offer. Ty Lee gently holds his hand with a smile on her face.

Ty Lee: "Pleeeeeease? I promise it'll take your mind off of it!"

Y/N glances over at Ty Lee before closing his eyes. A few seconds later his lips form a small smile.

Y/N: "You're a terrible influence on me, you know that?"

Ty Lee: "Maybe...but I got you to smile~!"

Y/N: "Yeah, yeah...now are gonna have fun or not?"

Ty Lee wastes no time as soon as Y/N says that, dragging him down the palace hallway in search of something fun for them to do.

"Oh! What about that?"

"Ty...I don't wear jewelry."

"But you could! And you wear that necklace, don't you?"

"....That doesn't count."

"Pleeeeeease? It'd look so good on you! And we could get matching pairs!"

After finding out that the castle was practically useless in terms of fun, Ty Lee decides it would be a good idea to drag Y/N into the capital with her, where the two were now looking at jewelry. Ty Lee was trying to get Y/N to try on a bracelet.

Ty Lee: "Come on! Just try it!"

Y/N sighs as he looks at the extremely determined look on Ty Lee's face. He knew he couldn't outright refuse, because of he did, it'd probably end up making her sad...and he hates seeing that, so he decides on a compromise.

Y/N: "Okay...I can't do bracelet. It would get broken too easily. I can't do a ring, either, for obvious reasons...so how about this...one necklace. Just ONE. I promise to go with whatever you choose. Deal?"

Ty Lee shakes her head.

Y/N: "Seriously? You really what me to choose the bracelet that badly?"

Ty Lee nods her head, beaming with excitement.

Y/N: "...Even though it will probably get broken the moment I get into a fight?"

Ty Lee: "If it does, we can get another one! Please? Please please please please-"

Y/N: "Okay, okay! Just...call down, please? I'll wear the damn bracelet."

Y/N holds his hands out for Ty Lee to put the bracelet on him. Once she does, she holds her arm out as well, waiting for Y/N to do the same.

Once they both had their matching bracelets, Ty Lee could barely sit still, practically bouncing up and down while she paid for the bracelets. Meanwhile, Y/N just looked at his wrist, a small smile spreading across his face as he rolls his eyes.

As he goes to put his hand back down, Ty Lee locks her finger with his, holding both their hands up to show the matching bracelets side by side, which caused Y/N to get slightly embarrassed, as the two were still in public.

But after seeing how happy it made Ty Lee...it stopped bothering him as much. The embarrassment was worth it, just for that smile.

A few days later, and it was finally time. The Boiling Rock. Y/N had arrived early due to not being able to sleep the previous night...he didn't know why, but every fiber of his being hated this place. He'd never even been there, but for some reason...he despised it. The faint glowing of Minerva's necklace wasn't helping either. In fact it was rather distracting.

His mood was soon lightened as he feels a pair arms wrap around him. Especially since he already knew who it was.

Y/N: "Hello, Ty."

Ty Lee gasps and looks up at him with a smile

Ty Lee: "You didn't push me away this time~!"

Y/N looks away to hide the smile on his face while he lets Ty Lee have her fun. It doesn't take long for Mai and Azula to show up as well...with a visitor.

On a transport ship, Y/N sees Azula smirking at Chen, who seemed rather...depressed. Azula then leaves the transport and meets up with the rest, leaving Y/N with a few questions.

Y/N: "...Why does Chen look like that?"

Azula: "Oh, you mean like she's lost all meaning in her life? I finally got her to talk about her associates. Now we know everyone who was involved in your attempted murder, and I only had to threaten her family to get it. Who would have thought it would be that simple?"

Y/N: "Azula, I already told you-"

Azula: "Yes, you did. And frankly, I don't care. YOU being in danger means WE'RE in danger. It's best that we know everything we can so we can get rid of the problem."

Y/N: "That 'problem' has already been solved, Azula!"

Azula: "Listen. If you want to willingly turn your back on your attackers, the people who tried to kill you...then by all means, go ahead. Just don't be surprised when they stab you in the back. However...I'M not waiting for that to happen to ME."

Y/N: "....Where is she going."

Azula: "I was going to just have her executed. Or do it myself, now that I consider the option...but I know that would make you all pissy, so I'm having her sent to the Boiling Rock. Previous War Minister Qin is to be executed immediately, however. My father was...less than pleased to hear of his involvement."

Y/N: "And you're just going to let that happen, aren't you?"

Azula: "Of course. Whom my father chooses to eliminate isn't my business. Why should I care for a traitor?"

Y/N rolls his eyes at Azula's nonchalant reaction.

Y/N: "....Fine. Just tell me we're not taking another damn boat...?"

Azula: "Actually, we aren't this time. We're taking a War Balloon. It's faster, effective, and not on the water, so we won't have to deal with you throwing up."

Y/N: "Good. Lead the way."

Mai and Ty Lee share a small glance, both slightly concerned from Y/N and Azula's conversation.

Azula: "I will. But first..."

Azula snaps her fingers, and Jade arrives at her side a fews seconds later with a red cloth in his hands. He hands it to Y/N with a slightly disapproving look on his face. Y/N takes it and lets the cloth fall onto his other hand, revealing a custom made staff.

Jade: "Do try not to taint it with your...less than competent hands."

Y/N: "....I'm not in the mood to put up with a pompous di-"

Azula: "Y/N. Kneel."

Y/N: "No. I'm not doing-"

Azula sends Y/N a harsh glare, to which he responds by glaring back before kneeling.

Azula: "Good."

Jade: "Refreshing to see you have this one under control-"

Azula: "I never told you that you could speak, Jade. I told you to give him the weapon and leave. Disobey another order, and you'll have to speak to my father."

Jade apologizes with a bow before walking away. Azula scoffs and looks down to Y/N.

Azula: "You can stand now."

Y/N stand up, keeping his silence as he glares at Azula once again.

Azula: "Oh, get over it. So what, you have to kneel whenever I ask. Would you rather I do as my father did and make you kill someone instead?"

Y/N continues to glare.

Azula: "Exactly. So suck up your pride, and do what I tell you."

Azula walks away, seemingly leading to the War Balloon they were supposed to be traveling in, leaving Y/N with Mai and Ty Lee.

Ty Lee: "That was....scary."

Mai: "What happened between you two? You were fine a few days ago-"

Y/N: "Can we just shut up and walk."

Y/N walks past the two and they share another worried glance before following after him.

After only a few hours of silence, the four arrive at the Boiling Rock...at least, the outside of it.

Ty Lee: "Why did we stop here?"

Azula: "War Balloon's can't enter the Boiling Rock because of the steam. We'll need to go up using those."

Azula point to a long set of stairs built into the outer wall of thw Boiling Rock, leading to what looks like a gondola, which is currently transporting prisoners.

Y/N sees the stairs and rolls his eyes before walking over to the bottom of them.

Y/N: "See you at the top."

Y/N uses the cloth his new staff was wrapped in to tie it to his back, before taking a deep breath and jumping with all of his strength, a large ball of flames bursting from under him, which propels him high enough to reach halfway up the stairs. Then, instead of walking the rest of the way, he just does the same thing over again, now sitting at the top as he waits for the other three.

After a long eight minutes, the other three reach the top and find Y/N waiting for them.

Azula: "I see you're still pissy over this morning."

Y/N: "What gave you that idea? I just didn't feel like walking."

Azula: "....Sure. Let's go then. Up."

Azula speaks into light and slightly insulting tone as she tells Y/N to stand. Y/N stands up and scoffs.

Y/N: "I'm not a child. You don't have treat me like one."

Azula: "Then why are you acting like one?"

Y/N: "I'M acting like a child? Didn't you just threaten someone with your father a few hours ago? Can't handle problems on your own?"

Azula: "Yes, I can't solve a lot of problems without my father's influence. Your point? Last I checked, you're the one who kneels at my command."

Y/N rolls his eyes and walks ahead, putting a small smile on Azula's face.

Ty Lee: "Hey...don't you think that's a bit harsh...?"

Mai: "I know you fight sometimes, but this feels...a lot more hostile."

Azula: "You say that as if I want to fight with him."

Mai: "If you don't want to fight with him, then just don't. It's that simple."

Azula: "If I don't remain strict, he's going to think he doesn't need to listen to me. That's how his type works. I can't control him if-"

Mai: "Then maybe stop trying to control him and, just a thought, treat him like a FRIEND?"

Mai scowls and walks away, leaving Ty Lee to look down at the ground while Azula turns to her.

Azula: "Are you going to talk back to me as well?"

Ty Lee: "N-No! I just...I don't like it when everyone's angry..."

Mai: "I'm going to go see Zuko. We need to talk."

Y/N: "Good luck with that."

Mai walks off, and Azula's sees the Warden walk into a cell with an angry look on his face.

Azula: "Hm. That looks like fun."

Azula starts walking over to the cell while Ty Lee gives Y/N's hand a subtle squeeze, to which he responds to with a slightly annoyed side eye and a smile. He pats Ty Lee on the head before following Azula.

"That was just a coincidence!"

Warden: "LIAR-"

"Uh....sir...? There's...someone here to see you..."


The Warden turns around to find Azula standing in the door with Y/N and Ty Lee slightly behind her.

Azula: "I did."

Warden: "P-Princess Azula!"

The Warden and the two guards in the corners immediately drop to their knees and bow while Azula looks down at them with a blank expression.

In the middle of the room was a prisoner strapped to a chair. His head was practically bright red, as if he'd just been upside down for several minutes.

Warden: "I-it is an honor to welcome you into the Fire Nation's most exemplary prison! I...didn't realize you were coming..."

Seeing the three grown men grovel put a smile on Azula's face. She looks up from the slightly trembling Warden and sees the prisoner.

Azula: "Who is this?"

Warden: "He's a guard that was involved in a recent and feeble escape attempt..."

"It wasn't me!"

The Warden stands up and puts his finger in the prisoners face.

Warden: "Shut it, you!"

Azula rolls her eyes at the Warden's uselessness.

Azula: "You're wasting your time. That's not one of them."

Warden: "Wha....but....how do you know?"

Azula: "....Because I'm a people person."

Azula walks out of the room and Y/N snorts before laughing as he and Ty Lee follow once again.

Y/N: "I think you're the furthest one can get to being qualified as a 'people person'."

The three walk through the prison for a bit before they hear a distant alarm.

Y/N: "...This prison has multiple sections, right?"

Azula: "Yes."

Y/N: "...And I assume they don't have drills to test the alarms?"

Azula: "Your point?"

Y/N: "I think there's a-"


Y/N: ".....UUUUUUGH."

Azula: "Well....I think that's our cue. Y/N, into the yard. Ty Lee...find Mai."

Y/N: "Yeah, yeah...I'm on it."

Y/N lazily steps onto a nearby window sill and uses his firebending to melt through the bars covering it before looking down into the yard...until something else catches his eye.

Y/N: "...There's a small group of prisoners heading for the gondola. They have the Warden."

Azula scoffs and walks the other direction, seemingly going to stop them.

Ty Lee: "Wait...wasn't he just...but a few minutes ago-"

Y/N: "Bye!"

Y/N winks at Ty Lee before dropping from the window, using his bending to stop himself from becoming a pancake...would've been a weird way for this story to end.

Seeing the densely packed riot on the way to the gondola, Y/N smiles before taking his staff off of his back, giving it a twirl.

"Time to see how good you actually are, Jade."

Y/N starts walking through the crowd, and it doesn't take long before a guard mistakes him for a prisoner and tries to attack him.

The guard shoots a fireball at Y/N...which was a terrible idea as he immediately moves to the side and whacks the guard in his leg, causing him to kneel. The moment he does, Y/N brings his knee up and slams it into the guards helmet, causing him to fly back and hit the ground unconscious.

The moment the guard goes down, a set of prisoners try to hit him from behind, but Y/N hits one on the head with his staff and trips the other, separating the two.

One of the men stumble slightly as he watches his friend try to get up from the floor, only for Y/N to push him back down with his foot.

Y/N: "Well? Come on. I'm waiting."

The prisoner growls before shooting two fireballs at Y/N, but he just hits them with his staff before rushing him and pushing one end of the staff onto his stomach before twirling it and hitting his side twice.

The moment the prisoner stumbles and holds his stomach, Y/N whacks him on the side of his head and kicks him in the chest, sending him crashing into multiple people throughout the crowd.

Y/N dashes through the opening he'd just made, ducking and dodging any stray punches, kicks, or even people as he runs through the crowd.

Once he reaches the end, he jumps off some poor guys head and grabs onto one of the yard's railings. He hops on top of it and puts his staff on his back before looking over at the gondola and seeing Zuko, with a few others, running towards it while fighting a few guards. He takes a deep breath, fire gathering under his feet as he prepares to jump.

Y/N grits his teeth and jumps off the railing as hard as he could, launching himself across the prison yard in a ball of fire and smoke as he sees a few of them get on the gondola.

One in particular, a girl with short brown hair, seemed to be rushing them on as Zuko dealt with the guards.

???: "Everyone, quick! Get-"

The girl sees a white flash to her side and ducks, watching Y/N fly past her before he lands on the ground, sliding several feet and nearly falling off the railing as he stops himself.

He hops up to his feet and huffs before he and Zuko lock eyes.

Y/N: "Do we really want to do this?"

Zuko: "No....but I don't think either of us have a choice in the matter."

The two have a small stand off, with Zuko preparing to make the first move...until the girl from before takes it instead, attempting to kick Y/N in the face, but he dodged at the last second.

Sokka: "Suki!"

Sokka tries to leave the gondola, but an older man pulls him back as Suki gives Y/N a death stare. Zuko tries to pull the lever to move the gondola, but Y/N shoots a fireball in front of him.

Suki steps forward and throws a punch at Y/N's face, and he pushes it to the side before throwing a punch of his own. Suki steps to the side, kicking the back of Y/N's knee and causing him to kneel for a second, which was more than enough time for Zuko to hit him with a fireball, sending him to the ground.

Suki tries to subdue him, but Y/N rolls to the side and kicks Suki's knee, ignoring her grunt of pain as he hops to his feet and kicks her in the face.

Zuko attempts to provide support by throwing a few fireballs at Y/N, but he moves them to the side before throwing two of his own, which Zuko counters with a small burst of flames.

Realizing Zuko just temporarily blinded himself, Y/N steps forward to attack him, but Suki grabs his hood and pulls him back before punching him in the face.

Y/N stumbles back a bit before spitting out a bit of blood from his mouth.

Y/N: "Okay....if you won't fight fair..."

Y/N steps forward and throws a punch at Suki's face again, which she goes to block...only for Y/N to grab her arms and headbutt her, causing her to stumble back. Zuko shoots another fireball to cover up the opening, but Y/N redirects it with his hand and puts a wall of fire between him, Suki, and Zuko.

Suki finds her footing and tries to kick Y/N in the chest. Y/N blocks it with his arms and pushes against her foot, nearly causing her to lose her balance.

Taking his opportunity, he winds both of his arms back and throws a double fist punch, stopping jump in front of her chest and sending her flying into the gondola with a blast of fire. Suki hits the wall of the gondola and falls to the floor wheezing.

The wall of fire dissipates, and Zuko jumps through it. The moment he touches the ground, he sidekicks just in front of Y/N, shooting a fireball at his face. Y/N ducks under it at the last second and hits a few pressure points in Zuko's arm, causing it to go limp.

Zuko grunts and holds his arm. Y/N steps forward and brings his fist back, only for Sokka to charge into him and send him to the ground.

Zuko gets up and goes for the lever, turning it the moment Sokka steps onto the gondola, sending it back up the wires.

Y/N grunts and sits up, holding his head. Zuko sees this and starts kicking the lever as Y/N stands up.

Y/N shakes his head and regains his focus, but Zuko steps back and kicks the lever with all his might, breaking it and forcing the gondola to keep moving.

Zuko and Y/N lock eyes again, and Y/N winds his hand back. Zuko turns and runs toward the gondola as Y/N shoots a bright white fireball at his back. Zuko leaps off the railing, his arms outstretched towards the gondola.

Right as it looks like he's about to fall, Sokka reaches out the window and grabs his hand, swinging him to the side as the fireball shoots past him. Zuko sighs and Sokka pulls him up, while Y/N huffs and exhales.

Azula and Ty Lee arrive a second later, and Azula scoffs.

Azula: "You couldn't hold them for literally another second?"

Y/N: "I don't remember asking for sass, Azula."

Azula: "And I don't remember you being such a failure...oh well. I'll just deal with it myself then."

Azula snatches the cuffs off of one of the guards while Ty Lee hops onto the gondola's wires, giving Y/N a look before running along the wire. Y/N groans before following her.

Azula jumps off the edge and uses a stream of fire to propel herself up to the wire. Once she reaches it, she clamps the cuff onto it and shoots herself forward with a another stream of fire. Meanwhile, Ty Lee looks to Y/N as the two run.

Ty Lee: "Um....a...are you okay...?"

Y/N: "Physically, or...?"

Ty Lee: "Both!"

Y/N: "Yes. I'm just...pissed off. Azula's not helping either. But I'll get over it."

The three reach the to of the gondola, and both Ty Lee and Y/N jump to the other side, greeted by Suki.

Y/N: "Hey....Silkie? Sucky?"

Suki glares at Y/N, and he just smirks back as Azula lands in front of Sokka and Zuko. Azula immediately sweeps her leg across the roof, sending a wave of fire towards the two. Zuko counters with a small pillar, splitting Azula's blue flames in two.

Y/N: "Let's see how you like it."

Suki drops into a stance and Ty Lee steps forward, the two wasting no time trading blows. After a few seconds, Ty Lee flips off the edge, confusing Suki for a second...only for Y/N to come from the side and chop her throat, taking her attention.

Ty Lee goes through the gondola and comes up from the other side, kicking Suki in her hip, making her wince slightly as she steps back a bit.

Y/N takes Ty Lee's hand, causing a confused blush to spread across her face. But it quickly disappears as Y/N pulls her towards him and ducks, which she responds to by leaping off his back and catching Suki off guard as she jumps over her, putting her in-between the two.

Suki focuses her attention to Ty Lee, narrowly dodging to the side as she sees her attempt to chi block her from behind. The moment Suki tries to retaliate, Y/N kicks her in the same spot Ty Lee did before, making her stumble as he stretches his hand towards Ty Lee.

Ty Lee takes his hand and Y/N pulls her closer, spinning her around and switching their places, allowing Ty Lee to send another kick towards Suki, which she barely manages to block before everyone has to moves to the side to dodge a stray fireball from Azula.

Suddenly, everyone hear a voice from inside the gondola as The Warden leans out the window.


The older man from before pulls him back in and covers his mouth, and the guards immediately begin cutting the line. Y/N smirks at Suki and rushes her, throwing two jabs.

Suki blocks the first and narrowly dodges the second, countering with a hook. Y/N leans back and Ty Lee comes from the side, striking one of Suki's pressure points with her knuckle, causing her arm to go numb.

Suki tries to kick Ty Lee, but Y/N kicks her leg off course before punching her stomach and shoving her. Ty Lee runs up and Y/N leans down, allowing Ty Lee to jump over him and strike Suki's leg.

Suki throws a punch at Ty Lee, which she tries to block, only for her to feint it kick her side. Ty Lee stumbles a bit before the gondola comes to a sharp halt, causing her to lose her balance.

Ty Lee nearly falls off the side, but Y/N quickly shoots a fireball at Suki before grabbing Ty Lee's hand and pulling her back on. Suki dodges the fireball and quickly finds her own footing, glaring at the two in front of her.

Ty Lee jumps onto the latch at the top of the gondola, looking down to Azula.


Azula looks back and sees two guards sawing at the wire, and begins frantically looking for a solution.

Y/N spots Zuko helping Sokka up from the side, and then he spots Suki running up to Azula while she's distracted. He disregards Zuko and dashes after Suki, bringing his hand back and shooting an extremely small bolt of fire at the back of her knee, causing her to fall with a slight cry of pain.

Azula finds her solution and looks to Ty Lee, then to Y/N.

Azula: "I think it's time to leave!"

Azula smiles before jumping up and flying off to the other gondola in a burst of flames. Ty Lee and Y/N quickly follow, each landing next to Azula as she glares at Zuko.

Azula: "Goodbye....Zuko."

Y/N sighs and looks over at the guards cutting the line....just to see them pinned to the wall. The other guards were all busy being quickly dispatched by Mai.

Y/N: "Oh you've gotta be fucking kidding me."

Azula: "What is she doing?!"

Y/N: "Saving Zuko, apparently-"

Azula: "Yes, idiot, I CAN SEE THAT!"

Y/N sighs and sits down on the roof of the gondola. Azula glares at him.

Azula: "What are you doing??"

Y/N: "I'm done. Not doing it anymore."

The gondola reaches the ground and Mai suddenly stops fighting, allowing a guard to subdue her. Azula, Ty Lee, and Y/N all get off the roof, and Azula immediately grabs Y/N by his collar, pointing at the gondola Zuko and the others were in as it's nearly reached the top of the wall.

Azula: "Shoot it down."

Y/N looks at her and tilts his head, his eyes narrowing.

Y/N: "....Excuse me?"

Ty Lee: "Azula-"


Azula shoves Y/N towards the railing, and he brings his hand up, pointing his fingers at the gondola as small bits of lightning start to shoot from his fingers....until her suddenly puts his hand down.

Y/N: "No."

Azula: "Are you serious? fine, I'll do it myself!"

Azula stomps forward, lightning gathering it her fingertips. She shoots her hand forward and Y/N immediately smacks it out of the way, causing a bolt of lightning to strike the wall.

Y/N: "You need to calm down."

Azula: "Need I remind you who exactly you're defying?? I saved your life!"

Azula turns to Y/N as she sees Zuko and the other get off the gondola on the other side, her eyes wide and her fists clenched.

Ty Lee: "P-please, just calm down...let's just...talk. Please...?"

Azula's glare turns to Mai and the two guards holding her, which only seems to make her angrier.

Azula: ".....Leave."

The two guards immediately let go of Mai and walk away.

Azula: "....I never expected this from you...either of you."

Y/N angrily steps forward as he goes to talk, but Ty Lee quickly steps in front of him. She gently shakes her head, but Y/N just continues to glare.

Azula: "...See....the thing I don't understand is why. Why would you do it?? You KNOW the consequences."

Azula now speaks to and ONLY to Mai, acting as if Y/N doesn't exist, which just angers him even more.

Mai: "I guess you just don't know people as much as you think you do...you miscalculated. I love Zuko...more than I fear you."


Azula brings her hand up and Mai takes one of her knives from her sleeve. But the moment Azula goes to firebend, Ty Lee panics and hits two of Azula's pressure points in her arm and back, causing her body to drop.

Mai and Y/N look at Ty Lee with wide eyes. Ty Lee runs to Mai and tries to get her to run, but the two are quickly surrounded by guards. Azula grunts as she weakly stands up.

Azula: "You....you TRAITORS!"

Two of the guards quickly cuff Ty Lee and Mai, while Y/N's breathing begins to escalate.

Azula: "Fools...you're both...FOOLS!"

Guard 1: "Wh-what should we do with them...?"

Azula: "I want them to rot. Put them where I'll NEVER have to see their faces again! Let's them waste away like the-"

Azula's cut off as she narrowly dodges a blinding white flame. She turns to Y/N and grits her teeth.

Azula: "Of course...why wouldn't I expect you to join them???"

Y/N: "Oh, no....I don't care about that. Joining them in a cell, I mean..."

Azula: "So what?? You think it's time to play the hero?? The one who saves everyone?!"

Several guards turn to Y/N and drop into a stance. He doesn't even acknowledge them.

Y/N: "Wrong again, Azula-"


Y/N: "See...that's the thing, Azula. Before...maybe I might have. But now...now, I don't see you as someone worth bowing to."

Azula gives Y/N a smile and chuckles.

Azula: "...You think you're clever? You think you can just...Say no? Fine. If you won't bow to me...."

Azula looks up and takes a deep breath.

Azula: "....Then you're no longer useful. No one touch him."

The guards look at each other confused, but eventually back away from Y/N.

Ty Lee: "W-wait, please don't-"

The guards begin to pull Ty Lee and Mai away, but Azula puts up her hand.

Azula: "No. I didn't tell you to leave yet."

Azula and Y/N lock eyes, before they each slowly drop into a stance, glaring at the person they once considered a friend.

Azula: "An Agni Kai....the only proper way to put down an arrogant traitor."

Ty Lee begins to thrash and wiggle, but two of the guards holding her put her to the ground.

Ty Lee: "Azula....Y/N....."

Neither of the two pay Ty Lee any attention as they focus on each other. Neither make the first move, afraid that doing so would confirm their thoughts. As angry as they might be...they were still friends.

Maybe this could still be solved? Maybe they could still be friends?....no. That opportunity has passed.

Azula shoots a ball of blue flames, and Y/N immediately counters with an axe kick, sending a wave of white flames towards Azula, completely decimating her fireball.

Azula brings her hands together and pushes them outward, fanning the flames away with her own before throwing two more fireballs, both of which were dodged. But she didn't stop, throwing out attack after attack.

Every fireball even faster than the last on. And everytime, Y/N either dodged it or sent it back.

Azula closes the distance and hits Y/N in the chest with a fireball, before kicking his leg to make him kneel. The moment he falls to one knee, Azula throws her hands forward, releasing a large stream of fire directly in front of Y/N, which he barely manages to hold off by putting his hands together and bending Azula's fire off to the sides.

After a brief struggle, Y/N takes a deep breath and blows into the flames, a torrent of flames shooting from his mouth and straight through Azula's, just barely missing her head as her backs away.

Y/N wastes no time in going on the offensive, throwing a quick jab to Azula's stomach. The moment it connects, he spins around and throws all of his strength into an overhand. Azula goes to block, but her eyes widen as she blown back by a burst of flames.

She quickly finds her footing, noticing she's standing on the narrow stone bridge that connects the gondola's control platform to the prison. Any step to the side dodge puts both her and Y/N in immediately danger.

Y/N takes another deep breath and throws a roundhouse kick, sending a wave of fire towards Azula. Using it to mask the rest, he does a front kick, side kick, and axe kick, sending two fire balls and a thin wave of fire resembling a slash towards Azula.

Azula quickly disperses the wave, and barely dodges the two fireballs, only to be sent flying from the slash. She quickly gets on her feet and growls.

Azula retaliates, sweeping the ground with her leg and covering the ground with a large burst of flames, forcing him to jump. While mid air, Azula puts two fingers together and shoots a small blue flames at Y/N's chest, sending him to the ground as he grunts.

Not giving him time to recover, she copies what he did before and does an axe kick with all of her strength, hitting him with a slash of blue flames and sending him flying.

Y/N hits the ground with a loud thud and winces. He slowly gets up, trying to catch his breath as he sees Azula walking up to him from the bridge.

Y/N looks up with his eyes closed, his hand reaching into her shirt and grasping Minerva's necklace. He gives it a herd squeeze before opening his eyes and looking back to Azula, only to be hit in the chest by a blue flame.

Y/N slowly stands back up, his eyes growing dull as he looks at Azula. He needs to take this seriously....with the intent to kill.

Y/N lets go of the necklace, taking his hand out of his shirt and slouching. Azula sends another ball of fire towards him, only for Y/N to take it under his hand, spin, and use his other hand to turn it into a slash, sending it right back to Azula.

Azula's eyes widen and she quickly blocks it, wincing as it burns through her sleeves. By the time she puts her arms down, Y/N was already in front of her.

Y/N punches Azula in the stomach and hits her with a fireball in the process. Azula jumps back and shoots two fireballs towards him. Y/N takes a deep breath, calming himself.

Y/N closes his eyes and takes the fireballs under his hands before clenching his fists and spinning, taking the fire with him.

He takes a step forward, opening his palms and flicking his hand, sending a sharp bolt of fire at Azula, which hits her shoulder.

He spins again, taking the fire with him once more and using his momentum to shoot two more sharp bolts of fire at Azula, both of which were dodged.

Y/N takes another step, guiding the blue flame with his hand as it stretches, turning from blue to white. The flame gracefully follows Y/N hands as he spins once again, forming a thin ring around him as Azula throws two more fireballs.

Y/N gently takes the fireballs and spreads them out, causing them to merge with the ring of white flames. Taking a small breath, he swipes his hand over the ring, shooting a flaming disc towards Azula.

Azula ducks under it and grows angry, shooting four more fireballs...only for Y/N to gently take them into his ring, barely moving from his spot. He throws a palm smile and a jab, hitting Azula with a burst of fire, knocking her arms away. Soon after, a spiraling flame hits her chest, sending her to the ground.

Y/N takes another breath and takes a portion of the ring into his hand, tossing it through the air as he begins to walk towards Azula.

He throws three quick bolts towards her, each hit her chest, sending her tumbling as she tries to get up.

She crawls on the floor, wheezing with a scowl on her face with her eyes wide, Y/N shifts his foot forward as he walks towards her, sending a wave of fire across the floor and hitting her once again.

Azula grows even angrier and screams at the top of her lungs before shooting both of her hands forward, knocking Y/N off the edge with a burst of blue flames.

Right as she thought she'd won....a loud echoes from below, and shoots up next to her, his eyes still closed as the ring comes to a halt.

The moment his feet touch the ground, he brings his hand down, and the ball of fire he tossed up earlier comes flying down, striking Azula in her chest and once again knocking the wind out of her.

Y/N takes the ring around him and molds it into a small ball. He takes one more step towards Azula puts his foot on her chest, looking down at her. He raises the ball of flames, fully intending on ending this duel.....


Y/N's eyes shoot open and the flames dissipate as he hears Ty Le's voice. He looks down at Azula. Her breathing was heavy, her hair was a mess...and tears started to fall from her eyes. Tears that...broke him.

Y/N lets his hand down and takes his foot off of Azula's chest, letting her breathe a bit better. His eyes widen slightly and he backs up before turning around and making his way back to Ty Lee and Mai, looking down at his burned hands as he does. His eyes lock onto the bracelet Ty Lee gave him.

Y/N looks up and sees Ty Lee's eyes widen, and she opens her mouth to shout...and then he felt a sharp burning pain in his back, following by they loud boom of thunder.

Y/N's vision blurs as he stumbles. He barely manages to make out Ty Lee's face as he begins to fall over...she looked devastated. Tears falling from her eyes as she desperately tries to stand despite the guards keeping her down....it made him sad. He wanted to comfort her...to watch her smile again...

Suddenly, his vision goes black. And he falls off the side of the bridge, plummeting to the ground below.

(8570 Words)

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